hellcheerweek · 15 hours
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One month until the 13 Days of Hellcheer event kicks off on October 19th! Are you all excited?? 🎃
We know there were some questions about exactly when the event is being held next month, so we made another calendar with the days of the week/month with the prompts listed:
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We can't wait to celebrate with all of you in just a few weeks! 👻
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hellcheerweek · 5 days
Hi! I hope this isn't silly, but I'm a little confused about the dates for the prompts. You said the week starts Oct 19 but the prompts are numbered 1-13. I keep thinking it starts Oct 1 😅 can you post a more specific prompt list with the proper dates? Thanks!
October 19th - Day 1
October 20th - Day 2
October 21st - Day 3
October 22nd - Day 4
October 23rd - Day 5
October 24th - Day 6
October 25th - Day 7
October 26th - Day 8
October 27th - Day 9
October 28th - Day 10
October 29th - Day 11
October 30th - Day 12
October 31st - Day 13
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hellcheerweek · 18 days
The idea behind the prompts for Hellcheer Week this year is that there is a mix of romantic, spooky and one word prompts for each of the 13 days of Hellcheer 🎃
What prompts are you most excited to create for? And which creations are you most excited to see?
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hellcheerweek · 24 days
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Kindred Freaks! It’s that time again ❤️‍🔥
We are excited to present an extra special extended #HellcheerWeek event for 2024.
13 Days of Hellcheer is 13 days of prompts, polls and activities, leading up to Halloween! 🎃
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Each day has 3 different prompts which you should use as inspiration for your hellcheer creations! Make sure to let us know which prompt inspired your work when you share it.
When you post, tag us @hellcheerweek and/or use the hashtags #hellcheerweek #hellcheerweek2024 so we can share your entries.
If you see art you like, fic you enjoy, etc. kindly let the creator know their work is appreciated via kudos, comments, & sharing.
Have fun: fanfic, edits, playlists, fanart, all creative works are encouraged! We look forward to seeing all you come up with!
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We look forward to celebrating our third annual hellcheer week with all of you! 👹📣
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hellcheerweek · 1 month
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Keep an eye out for the full announcement and prompt list for this year's Hellcheer Week!!! 👹📣
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hellcheerweek · 11 months
Kindred Freaks, thanks for participating and sharing! With another successful year down, we’re already looking toward next year’s event. We would kindly ask that you submit suggestions for prompts you’d be interested in seeing: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1AHKxCI1aZQyR1mqmcMlOTXfJ-rs-h03vl_ZA8K_tjtU/viewform?pli=1&pli=1&edit_requested=true
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hellcheerweek · 11 months
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Chapter 19 of 19
After almost dying in Eddie Munson's trailer Chrissy decided something in her life had to change. If she was going to recover from her eating disorder before it killed her, then she needed to fix her life of enablers, and trashing her reputation seemed like the way to go. If Eddie Munson and the Hellfire club was the fastest way to ruin her popularity, then all the better. Eddie helped her once, maybe he'd do it again.
Please go enjoy, I'm so happy to have it all posted. And since it's @hellcheerweek please enjoy a rundown of all the prompts it hits:
Freak: Crux of the fic, Chapter 2 onwards to the end.
Hideout: Chapter 11
Yearning: Up until Chapter 8 this is all Chrissy yearning babyyyy (and being oblivious that Eddie is doing the same back at her)
Runaway: Chapter 12
Warning though that this fic is heavily about eating disorder recovery, so while it is recovery focused if that content is triggering to you please use care in deciding to read. There are detailed warnings in the authors notes.
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hellcheerweek · 11 months
Eddie “The Freak” Munson was now truly a failure, despite leaving Hawkins. Between drug trafficking, a non-existent music career and nightclubs with the most different women, he finally seems to have found someone as “freak” as him. And maybe it was precisely this reunion that the two weirdos needed to make their lives less strange.
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@hellcheerweek #hellcheerwerk2023
I've had this idea for a while now and decided to put it into practice for this year's HellCheer Week. The plot is inspired by Roxanne from The Police
Sorry for the delay, but this theme should have come out on the first day of the hellcheer week with the theme "Freak"
For colleagues who don't speak Portuguese, using the browser's translator is a good option. Sorry, but I didn't have time to make a minimally acceptable translation into English.
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hellcheerweek · 11 months
Feels Like I’ve Been There Before
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Hello lovelies!! 🥰 So I am a little late for the “Do-Over” prompt but I really enjoyed writing this. @hellcheerweek Thanks so much for hosting Hellcheer Appreciation week!! I’m so happy I was able to participate.
Summary: Chrissy wakes up from a nightmare in class with visions/memories of when she was Vecnaed.
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Chrissy Cunningham x Eddie Munson
Word Count: ~1800
Warnings: Implied character death and resurrection by time travel
A/N: The title and lyrics are taken from “Deja Vu” by Iron Maiden. I do not own these characters. Some of the dialogue is taken from Stranger Things, Season 4, Episode 1. This is loosely based on canon and is a fix-it fic because I love Happy Ever Afters. The ending is open, and I will definitely add this to my WIP list.
Likes, kudos, comments, and reblogs are always welcome!!
Hope you enjoy!
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🎶 ‘Cause you know this has happened before, And you know that this moment in time is for real, And you know when you feel Deja vu. 🎶 ~Deja Vu, Iron Maiden
Tick. . .Tock. . .Tick. . .Tock. . .
“Chrissy, wake up!”
Wide, scared eyes searched her face, his terror rising with whatever he saw in her eyes. Cool, calloused fingertips skimmed across her cheeks and neck before strong hands gripped her shoulders. She knew he was doing his best to be gentle as he tried to shake her from the trance. He screamed as she became weightless, her stomach dropping the way it does when she is on the Ferris Wheel.
Tick. . .Tock. . .Tick. . .Tock. . .
“Chrissy? Chrissy, wake up!”
Tick. . .Tock. . .Tick. . .Tock. . .
Her body was on fire. Shoots of heat raced through her limbs as her arms and legs twisted and turned. Cracks echoed through the air, cutting through his shrieks. She tried to scream, but her voice was heard only in the OTHER place with the Burned Man. For just a moment she saw both: icy blue eyes staring out from the scorched, impassive face and panicked, brown eyes blinking rapidly as tears streamed down pale cheeks.
Tick. . .Tock. . .Tick. . .Tock. . .
“Chrissy, wake up!”
Cool, calloused fingertips grazed her cheeks, oh so gentle, before a strong hand gripped her shoulder, and she was shaken firmly. She leaned into the softer touch. Her trembling hand reached out, and her fingers curled around his to stop his shaking. The metal of his rings were cool against the heat of her skin.
“Get your hands off of her, Freak!” a voice snarled at her side. She cowered away from the voice, a whimper escaping from her lips.
“Fuck off, Carver!” his voice was low and tinged with anger. “She grabbed me. And you are scaring her more!”
“Mr. Munson and Mr. Carver,” a stern voice cut through, high-pitched and wavering. “Now is not the time. Mr. Carver, please give Ms. Cunningham and Mr. Munson some space.”
Tick. . .Tock. . .Tick. . .Tock
HIS fingers were so hot on her face, his palm hovering just above her nose. A smoky, sweet, putrid scent invaded her nostrils. However, her excruciating pain overshadowed the smell. Somehow, the chimes and ticking hands of that damn grandfather clock cut through everything, overpowering even the Burned Man’s voice. The chimes became even louder as the ticks and tocks of another clock layered over the sounds of the grandfather clock.
Chrissy threw herself back in her chair with a gasp. Her heart skipped beats as she took in the entirety of the classroom. Everything was too much. The light was too bright and piercing as the sharp pang of a migraine began. The air was too thick with the scents of bubblegum, hairspray, cheap perfume, and teenage sweat, all so stifling she nearly choked. The ticks from that infernal clock echoed and kept beat to the pounding in her head. And the people were too close. She was surrounded by other students. Jason knelt in front of her desk. His blue eyes seemed concerned, but they reminded her so much of the Burned Man, she began to tremble. He tried to touch her knee, but she jerked back from him, shaking her head rapidly. Mrs. O’Donnell stood just behind him, her arms crossed to hide shaking hands, the tremors in her fingers giving her away.
Chrissy breathed hard, trying to quell the rise of bile, willing herself not to vomit in front of her classmates. She could feel sweat trickling down her back and the clamminess along her skin. One hand gripped her desk, her knuckles white with the exertion. The other was held between two large cool hands. Her fingers twitched in surprise as she recognized the silver rings. He squeezed gently and then carefully stroked her hand. Her gaze rose and met the wide, worried gaze of Eddie Munson, Hawkins’ resident metalhead and self-proclaimed King of the Freaks. Normally, he was energy personified with fidgeting fingers, jittery arms and legs, and always a word or a song on his lips. This was the stillest she had ever seen him.
“Chrissy?” he asked, his voice so low only she could hear.
“Chrissy, wake up!”
She could see the terror in his face in the OTHER place juxtaposed over the concern in his features now. Prior to now and to the OTHER, their interactions in high school had been pleasant, but minimal. He was always polite and sweet with her whenever their paths crossed. And in the year they sat next to each other in Mrs. O’Donnell’s American Government class, they exchanged a few words here and there, but he tended to stay clear of her due to the watchful glare of her boyfriend Jason. He seemed determined to pass the course this year and had been mostly studious in class.
Speaking of Jason, she glanced his way and caught the rigidness in his stance, the tightness in his jaw, and the rage slowly building in his eyes as he stared at the way Eddie held her hand. She was surprised to feel her own annoyance and anger bubbling to the surface. She took a breath to dispel it and ignored him when he attempted to catch her eye.
“I need to go to the nurse,” she spoke to their teacher, her voice surprisingly strong despite the trembling of her limbs.
Mrs. O’Donnell immediately answered, “Yes, of course, dear. Gather your things. We are almost at the end of the period. Would you like an escort?”
She reluctantly pulled her hand away from Eddie’s and packed her bookbag. From the corner of her eye, she watched him turn and settle back in his seat quietly, blending into the background as much as he could. Not meeting anyone’s gaze, she rose and said, “Yes. I need Eddie to take me.”
She ignored the gasps and murmurs of the other students as Eddie gave her a Who me? look. She nodded and mouthed the word, “Please.”
“Chrissy?” Jason asked, dismay and anger in his voice.
“Not now, Jason,” she snapped, her head pounding harder.
Jason turned to Mrs. O’Donnell, who directed her attention to Eddie. She said, “Mr. Munson, please gather your belongings and escort Ms. Cunningham to the nurse’s office. Could you wait with her until she is seen?”
Wide-eyed and confused, Eddie replied, “Yes, ma’am.” He packed his notebook and pen before he rose and bowed slightly to Chrissy and held out his arm. “M’lady?” his lips quirked in a small smile she couldn’t help but return.
“Thanks, Eddie,” she murmured. She walked around the back of her desk to avoid Jason and took Eddie’s arm. Her smiled widened when he insisted on holding her bag for her, swinging it over his shoulder with his own.
Jason scoffed behind her, “Chrissy, are you serious?”
She ignored him and allowed Eddie to walk her to the front of the room. She spared a last glance at the clock before he pushed the door open and led her outside.
Jason called out, “Can I come by later?”
“No!” she called out without a glance.
His words faded as the door shut behind them. Silence. No more heavy stares, murmured judgements, outraged boyfriends, or ticking clocks. She didn’t realize how shallow she had been breathing until she could finally take a breath that filled her lungs completely. She exhaled shakily and inhaled another lungful of air, not willing to speak again until breath and heart were back under control. The pounding in her head ceased as she focused on the sounds of their shoes squeaking along the floors and how solid his arm was beneath her hand. He wore a leather jacket over a well-loved Metallica t-shirt. She snuck a glance to his face and found him already staring at her, incredulity and anxiety etched along his features.
“That was pretty crazy back there,” he flipped a thumb behind them, his long curls swishing with his gesture.
“What happened?” she asked.
“You fell asleep in class, but you began to like. . .whimper and cry,” he said, his words coming out slowly. “Then you screamed. I’ve never seen Mrs. O’Donnell move so quickly.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “And ummm…I’m not sure if anyone heard but you were talking to me. In your sleep.”
Chrissy hummed an acknowledgment, ambling slowly down the hallway with him towards the Nurse’s office. They were close. “What did I say?”
“You said my name once or twice and then you asked if I found it.” He shrugged. “You didn’t say what it was though.”
“Something stronger than weed,” she said, catching his eye. She suppressed a smile when his cheeks turned pink. “You picked me up after the game and took me back to your place.” She couldn’t hide the smile as his cheeks grew even pinker.
“Oh.” His fingers twitched a bit, and she knew he was trying not to grab a piece of his hair to hide his face.
“Your place is so warm,” she murmured. “Like lived in. And you and your uncle have an obsession with mugs. I bet Garfield is your favorite right?”
He stilled, both moving to a stop just outside the Nurse’s office. The brown in his eyes turned a darker shade, almost black as he eyed her.
“How do you know that?”
Chrissy didn’t answer right away. Instead, she examined the tension along his jaw. His arm had gone rigid beneath her hand. She could feel the suspicion rolling off of him even through his many layers.
“You ever feel like you’re losing your mind, Eddie?” She looked at him expectantly, already knowing how he will answer.
He took his time answering. His eyes roving her face for any sign of deception or trickery. Finding only her earnestness, he huffed a laugh.
“Um, you know, just on a daily basis.”
He raised his brows when her smile widened, and she began to steer him away from the office. “More so today. Where are you taking me? I didn’t have abduction on my dance card today, sweetheart.”
She laughed as she led him towards one of the side exits. “I thought you only called your guitar that.”
She caught the shock on his face before she slammed the door open. Crisp spring air hit them as they were surrounded by the scent of trees and early blooming flowers. The school bell chose that time to ring.
“How…how do you know that? How do you know any of this?” His feet tripped as she pulled him quickly to the forest behind the school.
“We should talk, Eddie.”
She looked around trying to find the path he showed her in some OTHER time.
“Yea, we do.”
His eyes were impossibly wider. She thought they must be the prettiest shade of brown she ever saw. Every thought and emotion shining through. Right at that moment, they were confused and shocked, with a glimmer of curiosity that she was banking on to keep him still long enough so she could explain.
“I know a place,” he said.
“I know you do.” She slid her hand along his arm and wrist and interlinked her fingers with his. “Lead the way, Eds.”
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hellcheerweek · 11 months
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Chapter 19 of 19
After almost dying in Eddie Munson's trailer Chrissy decided something in her life had to change. If she was going to recover from her eating disorder before it killed her, then she needed to fix her life of enablers, and trashing her reputation seemed like the way to go. If Eddie Munson and the Hellfire club was the fastest way to ruin her popularity, then all the better. Eddie helped her once, maybe he'd do it again.
Please go enjoy, I'm so happy to have it all posted. And since it's @hellcheerweek please enjoy a rundown of all the prompts it hits:
Freak: Crux of the fic, Chapter 2 onwards to the end.
Hideout: Chapter 11
Yearning: Up until Chapter 8 this is all Chrissy yearning babyyyy (and being oblivious that Eddie is doing the same back at her)
Runaway: Chapter 12
Warning though that this fic is heavily about eating disorder recovery, so while it is recovery focused if that content is triggering to you please use care in deciding to read. There are detailed warnings in the authors notes.
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hellcheerweek · 11 months
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Destined for an alternate dimension...
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hellcheerweek · 11 months
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When I want to run away, I drive off in my car But whichever way I go, I come back to the place you are - "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel
Chrissy and Eddie channeling Diane and Lloyd from Say Anything for the HellCheer Week prompt "RUNAWAY".
Mood music: In Your Eyes - Peter Gabriel
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hellcheerweek · 11 months
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Offer Me Your Hunger
Chapter 1/2: Winter Berry
A Hellcheer Little Red Riding Hood AU
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: None
Relationships: Chrissy Cunningham/Eddie Munson
Characters: Chrissy Cunningham, Eddie Munson, Jason Carver
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale, Alternate Universe - Little Red Riding Hood, Fairy Tale Elements, Historical Fantasy, Chrissy Cunningham Cheats on Jason Carver, like sort of, Arranged Marriage, First Time, Sexual Awakening, Dirty Talk, Forest Sex, Outdoor Sex, Oral Sex, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Explicit Sexual Content, Power Imbalance
For Hellcheerweek 2023 day 7: Runaway
Don't speak to anyone. Don't leave the path. Even the youngest child knows these two simple rules for surviving the Darkwood. Chrissy Cunningham is a good girl, sweet and obedient, but she's never been as afraid of the wood as everyone else. And so, as she dons her new red cloak and sets out to visit her sick grandmother, she finds herself seduced by an unfamiliar voice from the trees. That night she dreams of him, and she knows that her days as a frightened little rabbit are coming to an end. It's time to show her teeth.
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hellcheerweek · 11 months
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The final day! The theme is RUNAWAY. Please use the hashtag #hellcheerweek2023 and make sure to mention us @hellcheerweek so we can share your work.
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hellcheerweek · 11 months
Yearning prompt fill for Hellcheer week 💖
12k, Explicit, nothing too major but mind the tags
Chrissy Cunningham dates the people she's supposed to, never getting the ones she really wants. What she wants is Eddie Munson, and it's worse than ever and impossible to get over. So when a chance to be around him comes up, she grabs it and gets more than she could have ever hoped for.
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hellcheerweek · 11 months
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hellcheerweek · 11 months
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Just 2 angels with different aesthetics 😇🖤
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