girlsurvive · 20 minutes
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𓈒ིུ˖†⃨⃰ ⊱🦇 ⊰༏ྀ ... @mikaels0n-elijah liked for a starter !! setting: under an almost busted streetlight in the middle of the night.
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"Look," Jessie sighs, lazy hand rising to file through fiery red locks. SHE DIDNT EVEN KNOW WHY SHE WAS SPENDING TIME TRYING TO CLEAR HER NAME, the other already had his mind made up from the moment he saw blood on Jessie's knees. "I don't know what you're accusin' me of, but I didn't do shit." A lie, but this was annoying, so she wants to put a stop to it.
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girlsurvive · 1 hour
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𓈒ིུ˖†⃨⃰ ⊱🦇 ⊰༏ྀ ... @milleroptimism liked for a starter !! setting: a coffee shop at two in the morning
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THE DIM LIGHT MAKES FOR A COZY AMBIANCE WITHIN THE COFFEE SHOP, the night was still young for the young vampire despite the rest of the town already shutting off their lights and tucking themselves into bed. Jessie was bored, and she wanted something to do other than just kicking her feet and waiting for something to happen at the bar. "What is there t'do around here for night owls?"
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girlsurvive · 2 hours
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𓈒ིུ˖†⃨⃰ ⊱🦇 ⊰༏ྀ ... @saburaito liked for a starter !! setting: sabu's very scary vampire mansion.
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"I didn't mean to, I - I swear I was tryin' t'be careful. Fuck, are you mad at me?" HER MOUTH IS STAINED RED, eyes to match as she clutches the severed head in her lap. She didn't mean to lose control, not when her boss was SO close to getting these men on his side. Jessie smoothes over the man's hair, bloody tears falling on the forehead of the deceased as she sniffles quietly. "It won't happen again." a pause. "Please don't be mad."
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girlsurvive · 3 hours
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TRUST ISNT SOMETHING THAT JESSIE GIVES OUT IN BULK, it's something earned. Something developed over time, worked at throughout different obstacles and trials to become something stronger. Jessie's trust is bolted tight, loyal at her core and willing to go down screaming for those she cares about, but that fear of throwing it forward is what keeps her wired to the ground. Oliver's reaching for her and it feels sour, feels like her stomach is going to churn and twist until it breaks apart from the rest of her body. Oliver's words go in one ear and out the other just as any hint of affections he might be pushing.
"I don't play games." The redhead says simply, watching as his fingers brush over her skin, skin warm to the touch but she doesn't hide away. Jessie's gaze burns like the pad of his fingers as she meets his motions, her own hand zipping upwards to grasp his. "Games are for people who don't know what they want and want the other t'prove themselves worthy of affections." Jessie's lips part, raising his arm up to press a kiss to the inside of his wrist before dropping it.
"I don't trust anybody."
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conversely, his eyes swim. he admires the sight of her, stretches of skin and thin fabrics that leave little to the imagination — less so when oliver's committed the whole of her to memory. she who takes him amidst conflict, who succumbs inevitably to desire (the realms of which bleed over into disgust). even with the judgment, the suspicious bite of her words, he takes his tender time marvelling — the bulk of his thoughts idle and muted. "why?" a humming thought, one lazily catching up as oliver's baby blues flicker over, his lustful gaze to her stern. "does it have to be a game? — are you playing?" they sit upon the same raft after all; something makeshift and paint-chipped with prying and dangerous water at their ankles. they never bothered to clean up their schematics — leaping head first into deep ocean. now they risk drowning. oliver lifts a hand to the small of her wrist, skimming it with fiddling fingers. "you can trust me."
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girlsurvive · 4 hours
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𓈒ིུ˖†⃨⃰ ⊱🦇 ⊰༏ྀ — @softkillins ... liked for a starter !! ft: kiara . setting : restaurant !!
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THERES SOMETHING COMFORTING ABOUT BEING IN THE KITCHEN EVEN IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOURE DOING. The redhead rocks on her heels, eying the pots and pans in front of her as she moves vegetables from one pan to another. Cooking isn't her expertise, she's still a novice compared to baked goods, but since she'll be around for awhile, there was no harm in expanding her resume and list of skills she can possess whilst wandering the streets. That, and this restaurant is open twenty four hours and Jessie can work the graveyard shift if she so desires.
"I'm still a beginner, most of my experience is with pies. I'm still workin' on fryin' chicken, so you'll have t'forgive me."
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girlsurvive · 4 hours
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THERES A SHOCK FROM HIS TOUCH AGAINST HER WRIST, but she lets him handle her with care. Too drunk to really notice really anything that he was talking about, all Jessie decides to say is "Oh," breathless and filled with curiosity about why he wasn't having fun. "I'd be havin' more fun if there weren't so many people an' I was out dancin'." People don't dance at these kind of parties, Jessie noticed. It was mostly just drinking and standing around, sometimes standing around with someone's tongue down your throat. The rich people she was used to seeing throughout her whole childhood haven't changed even with growing up.
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Oliver always goes for the wrist, she notices. Even in their uncomfortable states, they find each other like magnets. "Do you wanna go for a walk then? I can try t'sober up before climbin' the stairs back to my bedroom." There's a small snicker, shifting her weight to the other foot as Jessie grins, the quietness of where they are now kicks in slower than if she hadn't been drinking.
"Or d'ya wanna sit on my bed and read with me." More like read to her with how her attention span is already leaving. "What do you say, darlin'?"
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far as they go, the liveliness of the event echoes from the distance — the catton influence and social standing apparent in its beauty, in its raucous joy. meanwhile, oliver is small and slowed and incapable of weaving a singularly drunk jessie on his own. turning on his heel, he faces her with a hovering grip. "i'm not having fun at the party." an admittance less humiliating when kept from it. then, with a guiding thumb stroking the inside of her wrist, oliver prompts, "are you?" it's presumptuous, but he assumes not, hence the press of his fingers, still held to the small of her wrist. they can have their own fun, whisk in their own entertainment, and if this too, fails, perhaps they'll be granted a moment of apologetic guilt. oliver wouldn't mind that either. "you've drunk a lot anyway."
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girlsurvive · 8 hours
need more plots where jess is scary and the villain bc while she's charming and cutesy she's actually incredibly violent when she wants to be
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girlsurvive · 8 hours
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have not mentioned jessie's horse in awhile because i'm reworking it with her vampire-ness but he's still here
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girlsurvive · 9 hours
i made about 1000 icons a month ago and spent hours doing it and suddenly i have no desire to use them at all . crazy how life happens
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girlsurvive · 10 hours
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girlsurvive · 10 hours
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LEANING AGAINST THE COUNTER, Jessie's smirk rises on her lips quickly. "Good job. Keep focusin'. Down to the individual ingredients. The measurements." It's a skill that Jessie's perfected with the bonus of her heightened senses, the ability to taste even the slightest of changes to a single recipe from bite to bite. Her tastebuds are sharper than her eyesight, but being a vampire, she'll take what she can get.
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"Been tryin' to perfect it for awhile, but yeah, it's my own recipe. Haven't found anybody like us t'taste it an' see what I can fix." The woman's palms are squished against her cheeks as she observes him, rosy cheeks making their grand appearance. "Other than my boss, but who needs their boss t'judge their cookin'." A scrunch to her nose, shaking her head before she's gazing up at Stefan again. "The blood's from bloodbags. I didn't put much in it 'cause it would take away from the rest. Figured that it could help with cravings."
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"Alright, alright, but if I eat the whole thing that's on you," he replied cheekily, gazing down at the confection. He picked up a fork and slowly, dramatically (while maintaining eye contact) sunk it into his slice. He brought it to his lips, and closed his eyes (yes, he's making this a whole thing), before beginning to chew.
Blood, obviously. But beyond that, she had insisted. "Tangy...but that's lemons or something, right? Not sour exactly, just a little bit of freshness that cuts through the sweet." Not that the sweet was bad. Stefan rarely spent this much time thinking about how his food tasted, and he opened his eyes after a moment to look at her. "It's delicious. Your recipe?"
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girlsurvive · 10 hours
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outfit-ically and hair-ifically accurate jess
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girlsurvive · 11 hours
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THE REST OF THE WORLD BRINGS UNCERTAINTIES. A widened scope that the woman hadn't considered exploring from the confines of her childhood bedroom or the hidden floorboards of a church that her maker had forced her into. Jessie's only thoughts have been death for so long, that her actual death and rebirth only has given her more to see, more to do. Jessie doesn't know what to do with the world in her hands, so she thinks smaller. New Orleans. Even that seems too big for her.
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Emerald stare clouds over with quiet nostalgia from Lestat's statement, the feel of comfort washing over her as quickly as the feeling of mourning. The feeling of loneliness still hanging heavily on the aura to both of them.
"I'd like t'see the city." She says again, head tilting to let herself look at him for a little bit longer, tone laced with the intent to extend a caring and gentle hand. One too soft for two monsters, but just fine for two people mourning. "Would you wanna come with me? I'll even let you pick what we eat."
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"Hm." Fondness fills a thoughtful hum, grey eyes lidded close to welcome the image of a long lost face and piercing ferocious emerald jewels glittering beneath the set of a furrowed brow. How could he forget the likeness of Adonis when it is carved into his very soul?
Fondness fills his gaze when his eyes open again at last.
"The cuisine." A tease. Their own little joke. When the humor leaves him, it leaves his voice. "Memories. She became my home and with her I will stay. Oh I am sure she will usher me out the door when my time has come but for now... She is all I wish to know. Stay a while, she will welcome you too and, I think in time, you will fall as deeply in love as I have. You have all the time you could ever desire now to see the rest of the world."
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girlsurvive · 23 hours
does your muse prefer receiving more practical or fun gifts?
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Jessie likes practical gifts if she knows that the person got her the gift spent more on her, but fun gifts if they're not expensive. She likes the thought put into the gift and if it's representative of something she likes/enjoys/subconsciously might need. If it seems like there's no thought into if she'd like the gift, for example getting her a candle that she has expressed no interest in, or buying her candy with nuts (not considerate that she's allergic to nuts) it makes her feel like she was just a task on their to do list in a way. Jessie likes handmade gifts or things made for her specifically if she has a choice in the matter.
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girlsurvive · 1 day
is there anywhere on your muse’s body they want to be touched most?
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Jessie wants to be touched everywhere, honestly. She's a very touchy and needy person when it comes to physical contact, and a lot of times it seems like she's crawling into the other's skin when next to someone. She does wish that she can be touched more gently around her neck area, wrist, or her spine, but that's from being thrown around a lot or being bitten/choked.
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girlsurvive · 1 day
22, 30, 32 !
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22. does your muse tend to take on a more dominant or submissive role in the relationship, or does it vary based on circumstance?
Jess has a dominant personality and the way she presents herself, but the way she is in relationships is kinda submissive because she gives up the need to control everything if she trusts a person enough. Not even just sexually, jessie is more open to going with the flow and not being the leader when she's in love because she values the other person and their opinions and desires. I would say it's more circumstance based depending on what the other person needs really so she'll place herself where she's needed .
30. would your muse ever be in an open/non-exclusive relationship? would it make them insecure, or would they be open to trying it?
jessie has flings often but she wouldn't call it a relationship when it's happening. she's a little too romantic to want to keep a situationship going and would want the actual relationship if she has genuine romantic feelings towards someone. open relationships give her the ick because she's very committed to her partners and wouldn't want to see that LOL. not to say things can't happen that way, but she doesn't like feeling second place if she can help it
32. does your muse have an ideal "type"?
she doesn't, if she finds you hot or genuine she just does. jessie doesn't compare any of her past partners to each other because they're vastly different and jessie loves who she loves.
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girlsurvive · 1 day
9. is your muse monogamous or polyamorous? would they be interested in a polyamorous relationship?
it's kind of difficult to answer this because it's on a case by case basis. i think in order to have a poly relationship, jessie needs to feel secure in a relationship with both of them enough to believe that she's not second best or needing to prove herself in relationships. this is difficult with one person let alone two or more due to insecurities and jealousy, but i do think she's capable of doing it though. i wouldn't say she's strictly monogamous or not monogamous at all, id say she's somewhere in the middle.
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