froyo009 · 9 months
Tips on how to purge
Can someone please tell me how to purge I just binged to so bad I really need the info
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froyo009 · 10 months
dejo algunas dietas que estuve guardando, tienen distinta duración, distinto tipo de restricción y hasta distintas reglas, pueden usarlas para acompañar con algún buen calendario de ejercicio más o menos intenso según el nivel de restricción para que el plan les salga genial y se adapten bien 🤍
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froyo009 · 10 months
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More ig
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froyo009 · 10 months
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I want to try this. I think the quick progress will help get me more motivated? I can’t find the original poster though. :•(
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froyo009 · 10 months
All made by me
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froyo009 · 10 months
crunchy low cal meringue cookies ✨☁️
calories in whole recipe: 40 cal
calories in one small meringue: 0.3 cal
This is one of my favorite recipes of all time! I always make these meringues when im craving for something crunchy or sweet, and these are also super easy to make! One batch makes around 115 small meringues.
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you will also need:
- electric hand mixer
- spatula or spoon
- piping bag and piping nozzle
1. pre heat the oven to 110°c (230°f)
1. mix the egg whites with a electric mixer until just when they start to foam
2. add the lemon juice and mix until the mixture starts to become really foamy and fluffy
3. start adding the sweetner 1 tsp at time and whisk at the same time.
4. Add the vanilla, and mix. The mixture is ready when it starts to form peaks, like this:
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5. transfer the meringue batter into a piping bag with a spatula, and start piping the meringues on the parchment paper. You can make either small meringues (there will be around 115) , or medium ones (there will be around 45). Here I made small meringues.
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6. bake for 45min-1h depending on the size of the meringues, and how crunchy you want them to be.
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froyo009 · 10 months
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froyo009 · 10 months
₊˚ପ⊹ want to burn a quick 100cals?
→ 40 jumping jacks
→ 30 crunches
→ 20 squats
→ 10 pushups
repeat 3x
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froyo009 · 11 months
It's okay to go crazy
This illness might kill me somehow in some way
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froyo009 · 1 year
i need help can someone tell me how to purge im always scared but i think i can now
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froyo009 · 1 year
I wanna scream I feel nothing I cant even explain it its so weird I feel like my body was dipped in ice I cant feel only anger
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froyo009 · 1 year
i tried to pierce my belly button last night i couldnt do it i was to scared it hurt alot
but most of all i ate so much ive been eating alot i cant stop
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froyo009 · 1 year
I feel dumb
I'm scared that I'm gonna hurt someone and that my post are gonna make even more ill and even scar or kill them I my ed is not bad i just wanna look like those girls on tv and be able to go to the beach .
I'm so scared someone will be hurt so badly because of me I hate this I just wanna share my feelings won't this go away.
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froyo009 · 1 year
today i feel better
I started my diet again just had an apple I'm gonna see my family on Saturday that's why I'm doing this so I can wear my low waisted jeans
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froyo009 · 1 year
I need someone
dose anyone wanna be friends with me that struggles with an ed
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froyo009 · 1 year
more poems
as your tears fall into my hands I drink from your eyes in hopes this spell will make you love again.
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froyo009 · 1 year
some of my old poems
I wanna live in a lighthouse far from land were humans don't live and only the ocean knows who I am
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