dntouchwillexplode · 18 minutes
Yall know that new Jubilee vid where Charlie Kick (a conservative man) argues with liberals? Well, I agreed with most of the things the ppl said against him, but then Charlie asked if “trans women” r women and of courseeeee the liberals said yes and a guy was the one who got to argue about it.
Charile asked the guy “What is a woman, do you think anyone can become a woman?” The guy said yes and then “described” a woman.
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So, stereotypes.
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dntouchwillexplode · 3 hours
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dntouchwillexplode · 23 hours
Why is my little brother becoming the type of man I hate? Misogynistic, fatphobic, homophobic, racist
Is so sad that the little kid I used to love has turned into this, and that it is an universal experience for every older sister.
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dntouchwillexplode · 23 hours
I never in my life wanted to victim blame or come across like I’m victim blaming but if you are a young woman, men will want to hurt you. And they will have full intentions to hurt you. The older guy at your job who invites you out drinking, probably has bad intentions. If you’re drunk with a bloke or even sober and he offers for you to come to his hotel room or back to his house, probably doesn’t have any intention of tucking you into bed and letting you sleep. Your boyfriend who siphons money from you because he’s ’going through a rough patch or is in between work’ is knowingly and purposefully taking advantage and hurting you. Please arm yourself with this knowledge and avoid putting yourselves into these positions. Because when you do get hurt the people who want to victim blame will and you could end up even more hurt.
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dntouchwillexplode · 1 day
“You r a sexist! Not every man is a rapist! 😡” More than the 98% of rapes and SA are committed by men. Maybe is not every man but is always a man, and not every bee stings but you are still scared that it’ll sting you. Also, I dont care if you consider me a sexist. You call me a sexist because I tell the truth about men’s abusive behavior.
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dntouchwillexplode · 2 days
after World War 2, soviet female soldiers were not met with respect.
while male soldiers that were coming back were praised, women used to hide their medals and kept their own victories as secrets. they were not only seen as lesser beings, women that fought in the military were called "frontline dolls". post-war society considered them used. families estranged them.
women that fought for their country, risked their lives, came back disabled were not important to the society anymore. they were raped, they had things thrown at them, they were laughed at. no man wanted to marry them, and nothing was as dehumanasing towards women as not being considered "marriage material" -- they basically lost all of their worth to male society.
to our knowledge, there was close to 1 million of women on the frontlines. they fought just as hard only to lose their lives either in combat, or back home. most of their names were lost and never remembered again.
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dntouchwillexplode · 5 days
They hate it when you serve unapologetic angry feminist
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dntouchwillexplode · 7 days
“Well, men suffer too, we r SA’d too, we r killed too, also stop saying ALL men” can you shut up? Yes, we know they r also SA’d, but have u thought maybe who SAs them the most? who commit most of the SA? “W-well, I was SA’d by a woman n the other women who knew didnt do anything abt it!!!!” K im sorry then and I hope you recover from that, but how many times do I have to repeat that the gender that SA’s the most is men? Do I have time to scream to your face? Show you the statistics again?
Yes, men r killed too but again, by WHO? And most importantly, are they killed just bc they were born a man? WRONG! They r killed for other reasons. Women r killed just for being a woman or for simply saying “no”.
I literally said MOST men, anyway why do you care if I just say men? You say “women only blah blah blah”. Also, I will stop saying all men the day women stop suffering.
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dntouchwillexplode · 7 days
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dntouchwillexplode · 7 days
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dntouchwillexplode · 7 days
hey guys, did you know that uhhhhh
referring to radfems alongside terrorist groups like incels or the kkk despite there never being a radical feminist terrorist or even support for terrorism within radical feminism is a conscious manipulation effort aimed at getting you to believe women talking is literally the same as men commiting mass acts of violence so that violence against radfems appears justified?
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dntouchwillexplode · 8 days
I read a reply on twitterX that really stuck with me. When someone asked MaryCateDelvey why she makes fun/calls out trans women not trans men. She said “I have sympathy for self hating women but not for creepy men” (can’t remember the exact reply).
Exactly. Even if a woman is furious at radical feminism and biological reality I will have endless sympathy and empathy (I was in that position once upon a time).
I empathise the feeling of being forced into a societal role of what it means to be female. To be objectified, to be violated. To be told that boys will be boys. To be taught (I was raised Christian) that I was responsible for male urges and needed to hide bra straps, nipples, breasts.
To save the poor boys and men from learning that I menstruate. Hiding pads in my sleeves when grabbing them from my locker. Males will make all the fart shit piss jokes but as soon as menstruation is brought up they are squeamish and disgusted. I thought I was the chewed up gum. The ripped off ductape. Losing its adhesive every time it was on somebody new.
From medical misogyny and gaslighting. From body image to makeup to cosmetic surgery to pregnancy to birth.
I wanted to escape too. When facing down the barrel of a patriarchy full of cruelty and subjugation. Of course I wanted to choose something I believed would free me from it.
It’s not that simple for people in Afghanistan. It’s not that simple for women and girls living in countries under Islamic regime. It’s not that simple for women and girls who are Mormon, Amish, Fundamental Christians, Muslim. For women and children who are trafficked and sold as a service to sick sick men.
They can’t identify out of their oppression. So why could I? Well the truth is no matter what. I couldn’t. I could lessen the blow somewhat because I was fortunate enough to leave Christianity and reject feeling ashamed of my female body. I couldn’t identify out of the assaults. I couldn’t identify out of being objectified. I couldn’t identify out of being a spectacle for being same-sex attracted and showing affection to another girl in high school.
I have empathy and compassion for girls with rapid onset gender dysphoria. I have empathy and compassion for the women and girls who think that transitioning will make them heterosexual.
I have not an ounce of compassion, sympathy or care for autogynephelic men. For pornsick men. For men who think they are more of a woman than a female person. For men shoehorning their way into feminism under the guise of “trans misogyny”. I will not ignore all of the times the thing that “never happens”, HAPPENS.
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dntouchwillexplode · 8 days
biggest repost
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dntouchwillexplode · 9 days
girlies I have a question. apparently my makeup (yes i wear it even tho im a radfem, im not proud, i already made a post abt this) makes me look NOT my age and various ppl have already told me I look an age im not lol.
So, according to these pics, how old do u think I am/how old do I look ?
EDIT since someone already got triggered that I was “compliment fishing” n said I’m not a radfem: I know exactly that makeup is a product from capitalism and the patriarchy, and I HATE that! I wear it bc I’ve always been the “weird overweight girl” and I obviously noticed how pretty girl were treated so differently (especially from boys and adults) so in seventh grade I started using makeup to “make myself pretty” (even tho I actually love my bare face, I think its cute) and I definitely noticed how I got treated better, at least this school year the most [bc I wear lots of it (+im also new to this school)] even tho I’ve got a resting “bitch” face (thats what my family tells me) some girls who r very very pretty have talked to me first, boys look at me too. Its a fucking hour makeup routine and I’m so tired of it, I hate it. I literally get nervous if I dont go out w it.
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dntouchwillexplode · 9 days
"Porn is bad because (something that happens because of lack of sex education)" is such a frustrating and common opinion tbh
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dntouchwillexplode · 9 days
my two sense on trans ideology as someone with sex dysphoria :O
ヘ(^_^ヘ) ヘ(^o^ヘ) ヘ(^_^ヘ) ヘ(^o^ヘ) ヘ(^_^)/
trans ideology is a direct attack on women, gay people, gender nonconformity, and children. the fundamental beliefs of trans ideology/“trans rights activism” are antithetical to basic human truths (such as women are adult human females, and homosexuality is exclusive same-sex attraction). it’s such an incredibly unappealing ideology that I cannot fathom being able to support it without feeling the least bit guilty about the bs I’m spreading.
and now because of this regressive ideology, we have a good portion of young gay people thinking they’re “bigots” for not being attracted to the opposite sex— women in prisons having to share an already traumatizing space with MALE RAPISTS because TRA’s have proposed legislation to make that happen— literally every single-sex space that feminists have fought for women to be able to occupy has an open door policy for males (regardless of if they call themselves women or not) due to similar legislation being enforced— male fetishists pressuring lesbians into liking their dicks (literally conversion therapy)— gender nonconforming lesbians/gays being groomed by TRA’s on the internet into believing they are somehow men/women (another form of conversion therapy)— and many many more pitfalls that I won’t be able to get into too much or else this post will be a decade long. but here’s a list!— funding big pharma, enforcing sexual stereotypes and gender, supporting the misogynistic and racist cosmetic industry, mass chemical castration of gender noncomforming children in the name of “gender affirming care,” doing everything in their power to the destroy the public’s perception on the LGB, so much medical malpractice against women (any male doctor that has destroyed a woman’s genitalia through gender affirming “bottom surgery” should be shot in the back of the head), politicizing language (“misgendering” someone is considered a crime in multiple places around the world), as well as warping language to fit their ideology without any empathy for how it affects the vast majority of society (“birthing person,” “non-man loving non-man,” “uterus haver,” etc)

It affects literally every facet of life, and none of it is good.
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dntouchwillexplode · 9 days
men always putting themselves first 😒
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Truck comes first and if there is any money left over the kids may eat. - Modern Consumer Patriarchy
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