blurd-blue 3 months
I got the Heghog a friend.
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blurd-blue 3 months
Happy April fools day Tumblr.
Enjoy All your boops!
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blurd-blue 4 months
Sth Headcanon that's been eating at my brain:
Deaf/Hearing-impaired, Miles "Tails" Prower.
My friend mentioned in passing how being around Sonic for years and likely being more than too close to his fair amount of sonic booms, Tails' Eardrums should be in shambles.
It's been a month since he said that and I can't stop thinking about it. It makes so much sense to me and now I wanna put it in all my stories.
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blurd-blue 4 months
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Enjoy my Unfinished Line art of a Sketch I didn't finish because I got lazy.
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blurd-blue 5 months
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Happy Valentine's Day to All my fellow Singles who can't pull anyone.
And Happy 4th Anniversary to The First Sonic The Hedgehog Movie.
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blurd-blue 5 months
This is the Last Thing in my Photos
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I'd Rather Not.
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ok I was tagged by @princessmikaa and @ozais-lobotomist so thank you both
I've deleted most of my fictional people images in my camera roll but I have like a million edits of them so. this is the most recent download
[via @/ giyuunxv on tiktok]
could never pass up mitsuri馃馃馃
tagging @erisenyo @boygirldykefag @0-im-doorsexual-0 @scrimblyscrorblo @just-a-dinomask @transboyzuko @mikhnovskykinnie @fanfic-gremlin-ft-trauma @ anyone else who wants to!!
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blurd-blue 5 months
Yo... That Knuckles Series trailer tho.
Really, excited.
Real talk though I'm about two seconds away from exploding.
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blurd-blue 5 months
I did it. I put as many mainline games characters as I could think of on a wheel and here are the swap results.
Blaze 芦禄 Rouge
Tails 芦禄 Sonic (Basic but wasn't expecting it)
Silver 芦禄 Infinite
Espio 芦禄 Metal Sonic
Cream 芦禄 Amy
Big 芦禄 Vector
Shadow 芦禄 Knuckles
Eggman 芦禄 Charmy Bee
This is Hilarious to me and I will be trying my best to write it, but please, I'm begging you, someone draw this. This is So funny.
Tails is the main character and Charmy is the Main Antagonist, that's all I need for a fun fic.
Ok, here me out, this idea isn't wholly original, but it just came to me.
Sonic AU idea: it's a Swap AU, but all of the Characters are swapped at complete random. Like just put a bunch of them on a wheel, spin it twice, whatever two characters it lands on, you swap. I need someone to make this, it has so much potential to be either so interesting to absolutely nonsensical.
On second thought, I'll just do it.
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blurd-blue 5 months
Ok, here me out, this idea isn't wholly original, but it just came to me.
Sonic AU idea: it's a Swap AU, but all of the Characters are swapped at complete random. Like just put a bunch of them on a wheel, spin it twice, whatever two characters it lands on, you swap. I need someone to make this, it has so much potential to be either so interesting to absolutely nonsensical.
On second thought, I'll just do it.
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blurd-blue 5 months
This is Missing something...
22 grams of LSD
ok guys. lets make a normal sandwich that is normal and not diseasious
i will start
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blurd-blue 5 months
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Thinking About It.
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blurd-blue 5 months
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He longs for the return of his Edgy Hedgy.
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blurd-blue 5 months
I feel like Tumblr is the only place I can post some shit like this and have anyone like it.
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Poor Sonk
All Alonk
He Sad
No Shad
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blurd-blue 5 months
I fucking hate being, An Artist, a Sonic Fan, and A Perfectionist, all at the same time.
Because I can never draw any of the characters, since everything is always off, and always wrong to me, I can never do it, and it never looks good. It always looks like the art of someone who has no idea what the fuck they're doing, and to be fair, I kinda don't. But I've been doing art for almost a decade and It bothers me That I can't draw One Blue Hedgehog.
Every time I put my pen on a paper/screen I fuck up every step, The Eyes, the Quills, The Body, the Fuckin Muzzle.
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blurd-blue 5 months
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Poor Sonk
All Alonk
He Sad
No Shad
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blurd-blue 5 months
Tragic things have happened to me recently.
I've lost a lot
But most importantly....
Who am I gonna display next to sonic now?
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blurd-blue 5 months
Ok, just a quick post to share a realization I just had (Probably gonna regret this later).
I accidentally Ended up headcanoning nearly the entire robotnik family that we know of, (Wether biological or not) as Autistic. And I have no idea how it happened.
It started with Eggman, and Shadow, it was simple, it made sense. Then for reasons I don't even remember, I Started headcanoning it for Gerald Robotnik. The. Because of a fanfic I read and, through a few posts here on Tumblr, It's spread the Sage.
And fun fact, I also Headcanon Silver As Autistic, which on it's own seems unrelated, until you learn that I Headcanon Shadow and Silver being related.
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