ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 2 days
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You wonder for a while through a mysterious area...
You wonder where you have found yourself, what is this place, and how can you leave.
In the midst of the dense fog you stumble upon a lonley tombstone. A tombstone in which had three flaming blue candles placed before it.
Your curiosity leads you to investigate the tombstone further. You realize it has some writing- though most of it seems to be faded. That's when you notice a word still fully intact. Spooky...
You begin to feel dizzy soon after you come across the grave. You collapse to your knees- Feeling an immense weight pulling at your every bone.
You glance to the ground then back to the tombstone. When your eyes meet it, you see a number engraved, that you did not once see before.
The number ten...
Ten what, you keep thinking to yourself. Your mind races while your body on the other hand begins to shut down. You soon feel no control of your limbs that weigh you to the Earth. Soon enough however, you feel your eyes flutter shut. Darkness then consumes your mind.
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ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 5 days
ogre-n-partner Shinji walks up to the pair looking at the zoura with excitement Oh cool a zoura! Reminds me of my teammate Syn back home. Anyway, do you two have any plans for the festival? There are plenty of games and food for you to choose from!
"Actually we don't have any exact plans- See we actually got here late because our one year anniversary was last week, and so we uh.. We were so busy with just enjoying that- we completely had no idea on how to find this place... So right now we're just checking around and getting acquainted with everything."
Karma then leans over Trix's shoulder to speak.
"If you have any activities for foods that you recommend- Wed love to hear! We want to make the modt of the time we have left here."
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ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 5 days
A mysterious letter has appeared!
“Hello friend! You've been invited to this year's Mask Festival! The event takes place at Kokochiyoi Village, the largest village in Kitakami! Come join us for food, games, fireworks, and of course-”
Oh? Halfway through the letter, the handwriting changes.
“Hello there!! It's me, Kenji! Aya really wanted me to invite some of her friends to the festival this year, so I thought I'd send you an official invitation! I also made you a couple masks with the help of a close family friend! If you're a feral or anthro, wearing them'll give you a gijinka form! Don't worry- you won't actually turn into one! It's just an illusion that only works on the villagers, so they won't freak out when they see you. If you'd like to bring a different mask but still want the illusion powers, just take the bells off the masks and onto your own!
Aya, me, and my husbands all hope to see you soon!”
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Trix and Karma shortly before entering the mask festival, the two put on their Kimono's.
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Trix decided to wear her stylish Night out Kimono while Karma decided to wear his glacial Kimono.
The two then each put on a zorua mask. Trix decides to wear the Huisuian zorua mask whole Karma wears the regular zorua mask.
The illusion then consumes the two as they transform into human appearences. They waltz into the festival. Their faces completely hidden by their masks. Their hands and legs were also completely covered by long stockings and their longer sleeves.
"I knew wearing these black sandals would look alright, hun~ You should really trust my fashion senses more often."
"Sweetie I don't think so. Let's remember who made the outfits in the first place alright?"
The two then laughed, simply holding eachother's hand as they check out the festival.
[Trix and Karma are now open for asks]
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ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 5 days
(Ask-Eden)Etoile@Marcy: the mew pops up from somewhere and sees the wooper from afar. Their eyes squint as they see the wooper chatter to others. Curiously they float over, looking down at the child with a friendly smile. “Hello little one! I do hope you’re doing well.” The mew cocks their head slightly “I was wondering, are you able to speak like me? Or are you more comfortable wooping about?” The mews tail tip twitches “Not that there is anything wrong with how you speak, I’m just curious! :3”
As Bronx is telling off the Absol a few feet away- Marcy gets acquainted with Etoile.
Marcy seems to cheer up a bit somewhat as the Mew floats closer to her.
"Oop oopa oop. Oop oop oopa... Oopa oop opa?..."
Marcy waits for a response from the Mew- But sees once again a mon cannot understand her. Marcy sits herself back down on the ground.
"Aww Marcy," A mysterious voice says.
Marcy attentions perks as she sees a zorua pop out behind her. Another mew then appears to be with the zorua.
The zorua would give Marcy a little hug before releasing her. Marcy however did not want the zorua and mew to leave.
"Sorry Marcy, Karma and I have somewhere we got to get to love."
"But we'll play with ya when we get back, alright?"
The two then leave the scene almost immediately. Leaving Marcy by herself again.
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ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 15 days
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Lots of cameos! I will list who they belong to under the read more :3!!
From top to bottom, left to right:
darealstupidcake on Deviantart - Eevee
Sizzel241 on Deviantart - Breaker the Flareon
@ricecookerregigigas - Mr. Donuts the Gengar
@saywha413 - Anubis the Lucario
TheVioletRoseDragon1 on Deviantart - Lillie the Sylveon
@owlfacenightkit - Leaf the Mega Sceptile
@graythegreyt - Flying Star the Pikachu
@haycoat-art - Zach the Zorua
@toastorman - Scott the Rockruff
@rjprincenz - Prince the Ditto
Lucky-Vulpine on Deviantart - Zaro the Sneasel
@ask-a-wooper-n-mew - Marcy the wooper
@askmisfitsneasels - Acatc the Sneasel
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ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 22 days
*Destino approaches Marcy with the clear intention to annoy.*
Destino: Oh no. A child. Some of the worst creatures I've ever had to lay my eyes on. I find you incredibly disgusting. Like, the worst part about children like you is that you don't do anything. I can't use you to perform any tasks for me. Can't use you to make me food. You're utterly useless. Is your parent proud of you? Because I don't know if I ever could be.
Bronx let's our a low growl st Destino- They are furious upon hearing the Absol's words- and hazing into their smug face.
"No one talks to Marmie like that bucko! You apologize to her right now- or else things are about to gwt real serious here pal!"
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ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 22 days
While Athena was on her quest of a lifetime with Anew, Marcy on the other hand was having her own adventure with Bronx...
Brinx and Marcy lay together in an opened spaced room. The room very fancy, palace liek you could say.
It appears the two are putting together a puzzle if the sorts. Bronx seemed the ever more interested to finish it of course.
"Bronx, got another one Marmie! Only looks about seven pieces left to go."
Bronx turns their attention to Marcy, who seemed to be quite upset. Bronx schooches over to Marcy trying to cheer her up.
"Marmie~ What's wrong? Bronx is here for ya Marmie. Whatever is bothering you..."
Marcy is unresponsive...
Maybe you coukd help cheer her up?
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ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 24 days
Athena would reach put her paw back to Anew.
"Ill.. Be sure that your the first to know anything.. And if I need anything I will- Oh my Arceus... I forgot all about Gigi!"
(@sendinganew ) Anew was floating through the wilderness, enjoying the views of nature they never got in the void. It was pleasant and calming, however their peaceful mindset was shattered upon seeing a pink shape at the bottom of a tree. Grinning, their curiosity quickly overwrote their caution as they landed in a branch of the tree and looked down at Athena. “Well if it isn’t the mystery mew! I assume you still won’t share your story so I’ll ask a different question. Why rest out here? You look quiet frazzled so I wouldn’t expect the elements to help. Though why you are in this condition is yet another question.”
Athena snapped. Finally she had escaped from a doom party where she had to wear clothing and socialize- Only to find herself trapped by pestering Anew...
"Aren't you a charmer- Now if you don't mind- Buzz off! Sure the elements won't do me mcu favor, but peace and quiet can! The last thing I need right now is something else to add to my long adoring pile of stress! The last thing I need to see at all is YOU.."
Athena would try and rest her eyes- Hoping Anew soon go away.
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ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 28 days
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ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 1 month
Anew was right, and Athena knew it. No matter how much she wanted to blame herself- No matter how much she wished to stay stuck in the past- Anew was right. Right, about it all....
Athena uncurled herself from her ball like position. Tears still formed in her eyes, ever so slightly as she spoke.
"Anew... Thank you. Your words alone are helping me greatly."
(@sendinganew ) Anew was floating through the wilderness, enjoying the views of nature they never got in the void. It was pleasant and calming, however their peaceful mindset was shattered upon seeing a pink shape at the bottom of a tree. Grinning, their curiosity quickly overwrote their caution as they landed in a branch of the tree and looked down at Athena. “Well if it isn’t the mystery mew! I assume you still won’t share your story so I’ll ask a different question. Why rest out here? You look quiet frazzled so I wouldn’t expect the elements to help. Though why you are in this condition is yet another question.”
Athena snapped. Finally she had escaped from a doom party where she had to wear clothing and socialize- Only to find herself trapped by pestering Anew...
"Aren't you a charmer- Now if you don't mind- Buzz off! Sure the elements won't do me mcu favor, but peace and quiet can! The last thing I need right now is something else to add to my long adoring pile of stress! The last thing I need to see at all is YOU.."
Athena would try and rest her eyes- Hoping Anew soon go away.
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ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 1 month
Eeveelution Adopts!
Adopts for UFO on my TH! ^^
Vaporeon is taken!
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ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 1 month
Moght as well for Monday hehe :>
⚠ TRADE OFFER [Munday Edition] ⚠
[ Based on ask prompts by @/aro-pokeverse, @/book-of-legends, @/eveeonaarts, @/the-sleepysiren, @/ask-the-royal-absol, @/xavizde3 and @/arven-sada-turo ]
Send... -> And Receive...
Send 📝 -> And receive random lore bits about the blog's setting. Will be mostly limited to things that aren't crucial to the story.
Send 🎲 -> And I'll reveal a random character of this universe. But only if they have a ref!
Send 🔮 -> And receive a glimpse of things to come. Could be a small bit of writing, even just a single sentence or phrase, a sketch, or a hint shown via emoji(s) or a meme.
Send 🧩 + my character -> And receive random trivia about that character, if any exists. Mostly limited to the main cast!
Send 🎵 + music of your choice -> And I'll talk about the impressions it gives me if I haven't heard it before, and see if it fits any of my characters.
Send 💌 + your character + my character -> And I'll see what relationship the two might have. Can be familial, platonic, queerplatonic, or even romantic. If they have met at least once, expect a bit of extra info about how the character currently percieves them. Mostly limited to the main cast!
Send ⏳️ + a prediction/ headcanon -> And I'll tell you on a scale of 1 to 11 how accurate this is.
Send 🪞 + my character + a what-if of your choice -> And I'll see how differently they turn out in this alternate timeline. Main cast only!
Regular munday questions will also be available. You can ask the mun the following, including but not limited to:
What inspires me!
The content I consume! [Ask me about the games I play, the shows I watch, etc...]
The food I like! [Am a picky eater. Please don't make fun of my diet.]
Other things about this blog!
[ Do you accept? :3c ]
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ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 1 month
Athena's expression dimmed as thoughts began to rekindle in her mind. How Entity was somewhat right... How Athena was a monster, how she was merciless in the past... Athena however did not want to keep Anew in the dark. After everything they have been through, and still have yet to go through- Anew needed to know the real Athena...
Athena took a big breath.
"It was ago... My brother and sister had been on their own for a few months at that point- Leaving me alone, all by myself. Well not completely alone. I had, Pyro... At the time- he was my everything, and I was his. But anywho- I became restless and needed something to do. Something to help with the raging fury that lied within me because of my father... And at the time, my brother and I were close to one another. So he took me to where he had started to 'work'. ArrowHead. An organization just like any other... Wanting to dominate the world, one pokemon at a time... Back then, I didn't care for my fellow pokemon like I do now... I did the jobs they asked, just as I was told. Entity was right about one thing. I was cruel- and I never showed mercy. That was... Until, she was born. Keade... When she hatched- Everything changed. Everything felt different. Not only on the clock- But with Pyro too... He began to question about my job more, and more each day... And everyday I would lie."
Athena paused for a moment. Subtle tears can be seen forming in her eyes. Though she still kept speaking.
"Until... One day, I came home. I could feel just fron walking in something was off. Keade was alright- She was fast asleep, but Pyro.. He wasn't there. He left me, with only but a note of why... He wrote in his little note that he found out about what I was doing- What U was supporting... How he couldn't bare to watch as I 'destroyed Arceus Legacy' or whatever junk... Back then, I was heartbroken- Shattered to pieces. Now I realize how foolish I was... Not him..."
Athena couldn't take it anymore. She didn't hold back any tears, or really any emotions at all.
"That next day then at work... My task- Was to eliminate, well... Pyro... I thought, and I thought hard. But no matter what I woukd try to say to myself I would always come back to Jen thing and knew thing only. That he left me, and that he left Keade. So, without another lick of thought. I went through with my task. Not feeling a single ounce if guilt or anything else. All I felt was joy... But- It didn't last for long obviously. A few minutes after, instead of heading to base- I ran away. I went to my what was first home, took Keade and flew far far away from it all... Hoping that I would never have to see them again.. Thats not the end however.. Remember, how I told you how they took Keade from me, right... Well... What I said was half true. Yes indeed they took Keade from me- But I knew they were taking her. I let her go alone knowing they would take her."
Athena would then chrk herself into a small ball. Yet her tail would flicker vigorously back and forth.
"At that moment- I didn't want to move. No matter how much I wanted to, I just couldn't."
Athena stopped speaking.
"The memory hurt too much... To keep her around... To keep that wrong mistake, I made, alive in my mind..."
(@sendinganew ) Anew was floating through the wilderness, enjoying the views of nature they never got in the void. It was pleasant and calming, however their peaceful mindset was shattered upon seeing a pink shape at the bottom of a tree. Grinning, their curiosity quickly overwrote their caution as they landed in a branch of the tree and looked down at Athena. “Well if it isn’t the mystery mew! I assume you still won’t share your story so I’ll ask a different question. Why rest out here? You look quiet frazzled so I wouldn’t expect the elements to help. Though why you are in this condition is yet another question.”
Athena snapped. Finally she had escaped from a doom party where she had to wear clothing and socialize- Only to find herself trapped by pestering Anew...
"Aren't you a charmer- Now if you don't mind- Buzz off! Sure the elements won't do me mcu favor, but peace and quiet can! The last thing I need right now is something else to add to my long adoring pile of stress! The last thing I need to see at all is YOU.."
Athena would try and rest her eyes- Hoping Anew soon go away.
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ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 1 month
yall I swear this one has to do with the lore for this blog & another pokeask blog of mine that might make your mind blow later on down the road 👀
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[ You find yourself lost within a mysterious forest, where no pokemon seem to inhabit the area... Amongst your searches, something off in distance between two similar looking trees catches your eye. It appears to be a necklace, or amulet looking object. Your curiosity compels you to know more about the strange object. ]
-> What shall your next move be?
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ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 1 month
An au where Athena can understand Marcy but Marcy can’t understand her?
In this Au- Marcy is a lonesome Closdire who works on her old family farm.
In this Au, Athena is a babytwo who has been stealing Marcy's berries for the last few months.
In this Au, pkm under the age of 100 can't be understood by mons over the age of 100- Or intol they become 100 themselves.
Marcy traps Athena, and decides to take her in.
Despite the lack of communication- Marcy and Athena learn to understand eacnother in other ways besides physically speaking.
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ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 2 months
OTA - Pastel Pokemon Adopts!
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Mainly Looking For: Customs, USD (Cashapp only), animated/digital art! ^^
Here is Toyhouse Post!
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ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 2 months
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Walking across the tundra you come across what seems to be two people playing in the freezing snow. As you approach the older one notices you, whipping around and oh! It seems your eyes were playing tricks on you as you stare at a sealeo. Do you speak to her?
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