antlionstudiosold · 11 years
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The last of the Chapter One exercises I'll be doing for now (maybe I'll return to the others or redo some of these later for more practice).
The basic premise was "have a friend come up with weird phrases or situations, then draw them."  Here are the resulting comics based on Nick's titles:
Carnival of the Dead, Robot in a Diner, and Space Campfire.  He cackled with glee at each one, though I think we both like Carnival best, haha.
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antlionstudiosold · 11 years
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Exercise 7. Choice of Image II
Can you draw an unoccupied room with enough detail that a friend can tell you at least ten meaningful things about the kind of person that lives there, just by looking at your drawing?"
(What can you guys tell about the occupant of the room?)
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antlionstudiosold · 11 years
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"Exercise 4. Choice of Frame
Buy the latest comic by your favorite creator.  Don't look inside, but instead get a comic-savvy friend to copy just the panel borders from a few pages and write a short description of what's going on in each panel.  Try to guess how your favorite creator composed each panel and draw a rough version inside the borders.  Then take a look at the printed comic and compare your rough version to the real thing."
It should be noted that Nick and I share a sort of telepathic link: he thinks/speaks it, I somehow "see"/draw it.  We've seen it in action for years now; it's uncanny.
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antlionstudiosold · 11 years
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So instead of random doodles, I'll be doing "homework" assignments from Scott McCloud's Making Comics.  Today/night was Chapter 1: Writing with Pictures.
"Exercise 6. Choice of Image
Test your visual memory.  Try making simple drawings of five complex objects from memory.  Then find the real thing or check the web for photos.  Study the differences.  Then draw the same items again from memory and see if you can capture them more effectively.
Although drawing from memory isn't as necessary today as it was from my generation (you can pretty much find a photo of anything online), practicing it can help isolate the most important structural details of subjects that can jog your reader's memory without overloading them with unnecessary details."
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antlionstudiosold · 11 years
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Day Tres of random doodles.  Not quite sure what to do tomorrow…  Maybe some fast, simple gesture drawings, get a better grip on transforming realistic anatomy into a stylized comic equivalent.
Spoilers regarding my comic: skull eye in bottom left and "oh crap" set in bottom right.
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antlionstudiosold · 11 years
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Day 2 of Ian Drawing Random Crap.
Feet it was.  Eyes tomorrow.
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antlionstudiosold · 11 years
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I've been trying to figure out how to pull myself out of this art funk lately.  Haven't really done anything recently, but I have been rereading Scott McCloud's legendary Comics trilogy to jog my memory (it's been years since I read them).  I think maybe it wasn't the tools that were the problem, but the hands holding them.  So I walked down to the art store next to my apartment complex and, after no less than 30 minutes of browsing, purchased the nicest sketchpad and pen set I could find.  80-lb paper and four pens ranging from Superfine to Brush.  I've been reading some of Bryan Lee O'Malley's work (Scott Pilgrim, Lost at Sea) and taking pointers from his art style; I always found it so inviting and charming.  Lots of smooth brush strokes varying in width.  I noticed that the lower hands on tonight's practice sheet (particularly the one holding a pencil) even bears a slight resemblance to the work of Art Spiegelman (Maus) with the really hard use of pitch-black shadows and rough lines.  More daily sketchbook fodder to come!  I think I'll do feet tomorrow… or eyes.  I do love me some eyes.
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antlionstudiosold · 11 years
This week, we pull out some creepy games you REALLY may never have heard of. Come discuss this topic in the forums! Follow the download/purchase links to play these games: Memories of a Broken Dimension, Castle Doctrine, I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream, No One Has To Die, Starseed Pilgrim, OFF, Pathologic, Song of Saya (Saya no Uta), Outlast
Dan, you had me at "written by the guy who wrote Madoka Magica."
Song of Saya.
I must play this game.
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antlionstudiosold · 11 years
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To Summon a Drone - Ian "Kotsuso" Jobe
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antlionstudiosold · 11 years
Put down your X's and Y's, folks!  Or don't.  Multi-tasking's cool too.
Anyway, celebrating the glorious month of October with my main Tumblr's 666th post.  Gonna doodle daemons and rock out to some heavy metal.  Consider this a sneak-peek at the webcomic I'm working on :3  Also, feel free to spam me with questions either on this blog or my personal one (preferably ones pertaining to my art projects, but pretty much anything's fair game; anime, music, gaming, etc.)
Let's rock!
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antlionstudiosold · 11 years
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Livestream tonight, folks.  Don't forget!
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antlionstudiosold · 11 years
Spooky Livestream!
So my personal tumblr is currently sitting at 664 posts.  This being October, I thought it would only be appropriate if I did something eerie for my 666th post (with the 665th being a Livestream reminder).  So tomorrow (Saturday; "later today" if you wanna be technical), I'll be posting a link and starting up.  I'm thinking maybe starting at midnight?  Since it'll cross over to Sunday, which is the 13th (my favorite number).
Anywho, gonna be drawing some daemonic character art for that super-hush-hush webcomic I started working on this summer.  I'll be jamming out to some rock and metal while I work, of course: Sleep, Ghost, Electric Wizard, High on Fire, Queens of the Stone Age, Mastodon, Black Tusk, Red Fang.  Whatever I can dig up that's creepy or grungy enough to fit the occasion >:3
So yeah, spread the word, make some popcorn, and prep your eardrums for a Halloween hammering!  Be there, or be square.
- Ian out
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antlionstudiosold · 11 years
Antlion Studios on Livestream. - Watch live streaming Internet TV. Broadcast your own live streaming videos, like Antlion Studios in Widescreen HD. Livestream, Be There.
After no less than an hour of fucking with Livestream, the channel is up and live! :D  I'll be doodling random crap for the evening, probably into the wee hours because I'm maaaaaaad! (and have a horrible sleep cycle as mentioned numerous times before).  Probably gonna start with some Pokemon doodles and maybe some other crap.  Come join the party!
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antlionstudiosold · 11 years
Giant monsters and tremendous havoc brought to you by master authors Larry Correia, James Lovegrove, Peter Clines, and many, many more!
One more post for this before it ends! Less than 3 days to go, and only 200 bucks away from the final stretch goal: an original art piece for backers of $25 and above by legendary Hugo Award-winning sci-fi and horror artist BOB EGGLETON!
We got this, guys! Nick's out of town visiting family for the weekend, so let's give him something to flip out about! T-minus 66 hours! Go, go, go!
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antlionstudiosold · 11 years
Long Overdue Update
Been quite some time since I posted something.  Things have been kinda hellish with job hunting; running on fumes in the cash department (thank christ I don't have a car) and all kinds of stress.  My sleep cycle's totally whack and I've been feeling a general lack of motivation and inspiration.
But something hit me this morning: I'm still learning things.  Nothing is beneath me, be that a crappy job or a seemingly simple programming exercise.  Even general art techniques, because there is always room to keep improving.  In terms of real-world experience, I'm pretty much rock-bottom.  But that just means that every step from here is up.
(Submitting some more job apps today; hopefully I'll have some significant art progress to post within a day or so.  Cheers, guys.)
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antlionstudiosold · 11 years
Giant monsters and tremendous havoc brought to you by master authors Larry Correia, James Lovegrove, Peter Clines, and many, many more!
Holy freaking hell, how could I possibly forget to share this?
My roommate, collaborator, co-founder, and friend, Nick Sharps, is heading a kaiju-themed anthology project.  They recently got funded, but they've still got some kickass stretch goals, one already reached (interior artwork, baby!)  There's three more authors to bring aboard, and tons of sweet tier rewards.  Recently added, plushies!
Go nuts, people!
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antlionstudiosold · 11 years
If you’re born in 90s, I am sure that you have witnessed the glorious age of the pixel art. It exists on the old-school gaming platform, mobile phone and other digital devices. It’s one of the greatest technological inventions that dominate the digital world for several years, and now it ... Continue reading »
Some rad pixel art tutorials.  Shame Project Copa's just not right for the isometric style, because damn, I'm taking a liking to it.
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