acalorietoomuch · 2 months
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acalorietoomuch · 2 months
First i have to go to a birthday party, and then im going to korn with my step dad.
Im soooo excited for korn, but yk what it means? Mcdonalds before and after. That's kind of tradition here, to eat fast food before and after a concert. Especially when its a "long" drive (1½-3 hours)
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acalorietoomuch · 2 months
My fav bonespo/deathspo/thinspo>>>
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acalorietoomuch · 2 months
I dont understand, i, i gained weight. Like. ALOT. Im 58 kg now, i used to be 53. How the fuck did this happen?
Im having a full blown panick attack over here how the fuck, i ate barely and i excercised sm.
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acalorietoomuch · 2 months
Working out bcuz ur mad/hurt as hell<<<<
(The working out part is gud but the reason why is js :c )
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acalorietoomuch · 2 months
I made a new rule for myself
I can eat between 0-1200 calories every day
Except if i eat over 200, i need to do a sit up for every calorie i ate (for example i ate 645 calories today, so i need to do 645 sit ups)
It sounds crazy, but its very possible. Determination. Patience.
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acalorietoomuch · 2 months
Wish i lost weight as fast as i lost control.
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acalorietoomuch · 2 months
My bf literally asked me for a boyd check💀 im living ya'lls dream out here, ive a bf who keeps me accountable apperantly
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acalorietoomuch · 2 months
I feel so fucking fat ive been crying in the camping showers for abt half an hour i hate myself sm why am i so fucking fat🥲🥲
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acalorietoomuch · 2 months
Tysm🥹 coming from someone with a "healthy" weight who really struggles with eating but isnt sure if i have ana <3
reminder: even if you aren't technically 4n4, your dis0rdered e4ting is still valid, your strvggles are still valid
you don't have to be vnderwe'ght to strvggle with e4ting. you can be 0verwe'ght and still feel s'ck and d'zzy from not e4ting. you can be 0verwe'ght and fa'nt from not e4ting.
you can be a healthy we'ght and not quite have 4n4, but still strvggle with e4ting. you're valid.
you can have a different type of 3d but you're still valid.
4n0rex'a isn't the only 3d. hence why this is called "3dblr" and not "4n4blr", or at least not in all cases
if you're 0verwe'ght and strvggle with e4ting enough, you're valid. if you're 0verwe'ght and strvggle with overe4ting, you're valid.
if you're a healthy we'ght and strvggle with e4ting enough, you're valid. if you're a healthy we'ght and strvggle with overe4ting, you're valid.
if you're vnderwe'ght and strvggle with e4ting enough, you're valid. if you're vnderwe'ght and strvggle with overe4ting, you're valid.
yes i typed almost the same sentence over and over because you all deserve representation and validation and comfort.
to everyone strvggling, i hope you have a better day today 🫶💗
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acalorietoomuch · 2 months
My bf said:"i eat normally and even i can count my ribs without touching them :/"
Like bro shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. SHUT UP!!!!!
Thanks for the meanspo ig.
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acalorietoomuch · 2 months
My bf just revealed to me hed has ednos....
Idk how to deal with this i cant i hate this day im just going to kms
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acalorietoomuch · 2 months
My boyfriend always like squeezes in my thigh or upper arm and says "SQUISH! :3" and its like meant to be so cute and he honestly means it so sweet
But it makes me so insecure. Like, is there so much fat there that you can actually squeeze it?!?!?!
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acalorietoomuch · 2 months
One day I'm her, and one day I'm her
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acalorietoomuch · 2 months
Being the only skinny person in a really fat/obese household<><><><><><<>><<><<<<>>>><<< (idk how to feel abt it)
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acalorietoomuch · 2 months
My bf told his parents i have an eating disorder.I am SO fucked. Fucking hell.
And to make it worse, my best friend who always helped me with my ed like constantly, just ghosted me.
Guess this means im not sick enough.
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acalorietoomuch · 2 months
Rn im on a camping and like THERE IS NO FAST FOOD and SOOOO many physical activities!! its like fat loss camp for me AAAARGGFKEHRJSIFH
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