#zachary h.
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clownsuu · 2 years ago
I give you an
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Also I stole this ask just so I can post this fuggin weirdo I made smhh (I raise from the dead just to post an oc again LMAOAOAOAO)
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Hopefully this will be my last one in a long while I can live with 7 fuggin wh characters HHFHFUDJSNKSSJ- well- technically 8 if you include Betsy-
But to keep it (somewhat) short and sweet- my loser- a ye ol Milkman- Zachary Milksop (chronically lactose intolerant) and Betsy (a lil mascot moo sentient puppet)
Another character made almost spur in the moment again (like Mari) though thankfully not another bUG, but just some average human smhh. He’s a really simple guy, a loser, is as interesting as normal milk— he’s just the ye ol milkman who delivers you that gud shid smhh— enjoyer of the finer things in life (lunchables). A lil flirty and charming (in possibly the cringiest way possible) however he doesn’t really seem to pick up anyone besides the local cows that constantly harass him (and eats his pants). He enjoys watching them though, from v e r y m u c h afar——
hes just kinda, “that guy”
Also Betsy- a very sweet woman! She always greets everyone and has the friendliest extroverted personality ever! Always the type to bring (albeit tiny) gifts for her favorite neighbors and always leads when talking to anyone. Not like she would allow Zach to say anything anyway, she hates his polyester guts (and only him smhh)
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jjinpang · 11 months ago
Is it okay if I ask why you add an "S" to Zack's name? Is it a nickname of sorts that you came up with? I'm sorry if this is rude to ask.
not at all rude!
short answer: habit!
long answer:
In japanese his name is 「ザックス」 romanized it'd be "zakkusu" with a distinct S/X sound at the end. For a pretty long time it was officially spelled "Zax". This is a super duper personal preference thing but I didn't like the spelling even at the time and spelled it "Zacks" instead.
Later Zacks' localized name became "Zack" losing the S/X sound. I felt this made his name a completely different name altogether and stubbornly decided to keep calling him Zacks. (been spelling it wrong long enough anyway lol) In Japanese his name has not changed at all and is still 「ザックス」 with the S/X sound at the end.
It's something I'm doing by myself and I totally get it if it seems weird.
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vitalphenomena · 1 month ago
@id1eyouth // zachary said: ❝  hey asshole,  shut the fuck up or i’ll make you shut up.  ❞
But maybe this is why they should stick to gay bars. Maybe this is why they shouldn't go out with each other at all anymore. I'll be your wingman, baby! Yeah, right.
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"Zachary, stop it. He didn't even say anything."
The man's arm wraps around Spirit, his hand settling over the front of her hip. She seems not to even notice the possessive content, seems oblivious to the way the man looks at Zachary expectantly. You can fuck off now, blondie, the look says.
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jadiixmuln · 1 year ago
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5 minute pocketcat + his other european rpgmaker horror game cat friends...
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angelkeitai · 5 months ago
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didanagy · 1 year ago
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ROAD TO AVONLEA (1990-1996)
created by kevin sullivan
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thegreatgoddessnamedbees · 2 years ago
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gatomont · 2 years ago
I didn't expect to be making another post about Tighnari for a while, however, they replaced his voice actor finally. Don't get me wrong, Zachary Gordon is a good voice actor and he's trying his best. But I have one question, where is the sass in the voice lines? Tighnari always seemed like the type to be mean in a caring way. Especially in his voice line about the Aranara. But I don't hear any sort of sass in the new voice. To me it sounds like them trying to pass Tighnari off as a shy nerd now, which just doesn't fit with the past events and stories we've seen him in while playing the game.
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dorothylarouge · 4 months ago
US Presidents as Dril Tweets
George Washington: another day volunteering at the betsy ross museum. everyone keeps asking me if they can fuck the flag. buddy, they wont even let me fuck it
John Adams: "ah boo hoo hoo i want to post Foul comments to content leaders" Fat Chance, Dimwit. I will annihilate you under bulwark of the Law and God.
Thomas Jefferson: Q: If your post was proven by a counsil of wise men to be racist, or bullshit, would you bar it from the record? A: I do not delete my posts
James Madison: (sniffing a crumpled up one dollar bill i found on the floor of a dog kennel) ah.. thats greenbacks baby
James Monroe: for decades i have traversed the unforgiving mountains and rivers of south america, hoping to catch a glimpse of the fabled "ass downloader"
John Quincy Adams: "This Whole Thing Smacks Of Gender," i holler as i overturn my uncle's barbeque grill and turn the 4th of July into the 4th of Shit
Andrew Jackson: handing Faves over to my enemies is FRAUD !! base, contemptible FRAUD!
Martin Van Buren: Food $200
Data $150
Rent $800
Candles $3,600
Utility $150
someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying
William Henry Harrison: (spends all of 7 seconds skimming some blog posts) yep. just as i knew all along. having pnuamonia is good
John Tyler: fuck "jokes". everything i tweet is real. raw insight without the horse shit. no, i will NOT follow trolls. twitter dot com. i live for this
James K. Polk: thhere is no such thing as charisma, and art is fake. the only metrics by which we must determine the worth of a man are Strength and Wisdom
Zachary Taylor: the doctor reveals my blood pressure is 420 over 69. i hoot & holler outta the building while a bunch of losers tell me that im dying
Millard Fillmore: trying to heal..... please donate to my go fund me... $10 will make me less racist... $100 will make me extremely less racist...thank you...
Franklin Pierce: blocked. blocked. blocked. youre all blocked. none of you are free of sin
James Buchanan: #NationalGirlfriendDay please cherish your gal's.. in honor of us, the single Boys who must sacrifice all companionship to #CarryTheBrand...
Abraham Lincoln: unloading an entire belt of ammo at me with a minigun or some such device will now get you "Blocked"
Andrew Johnson: who the fuck is scraeming "LOG OFF" at my house. show yourself, coward. i will never log off
Ulysses S. Grant: i regret being tasked the emotional burden of maintaining the final bastion of morality and Nice manners in this endless ocean of human SHIT
Rutherford B. Hayes: using the toilet when i hear Our national anthem start to play. i do what i must. i stand tall in complete agony; as shit runs down my leg,
James A. Garfield: too much truth in such little time. feeling the heat cominh down to silence me... signing off........ for now
Chester A. Arthur: i WILL wise the fuck up. i WILL super charge my content for 2017. i WILL get blue check mark
Grover Cleveland: the way i see it, people who come on here and submit content that is not up to par, could possibly be considered the "Villains" of this site
Benjamin Harrison: i help every body, im not racist, i keep myself nice, and when i ask for a single re-tweet in return i am told to fuck off, fuck myself, etc
William McKinley: boy oh boy do i love purchasing large amounnts of Fool's Gold. wait a minute... fools gold fucking sucks. this stuff is no good..!! Fuck !!!
William H. Taft: ah.. the perfect Souffle! cant wait to dig in to t(*EVERY PIPE IN MY HOUSE EXPLODES AT THE SAME TIME, COVERING ME IN SHIT AND BOILING WATER*
Woodrow Wilson: the conflicted supersoldier stares over the horizon as he smokes a cigarette. "war is the most fucked up thing ever." he takes a sip of beer
Warren G. Harding: somebody please Bribe me
Calvin Coolidge: aggressively joyless oaf hhere. painfully obnoxious respect demander checkign in. extremely dim witted frowning man looking for pals
Herbert Hoover: it is really quite astonishing that I have yet to win The Lottery, given how good I am at selecting six numbers and saying them out loud
Franklin D. Roosevelt: ive never heard of this “europe” but it sounds like a big bunch of shit to me
Harry Truman: everybody wants to be the guy to write the tweet that solves racism once and for all because it would look good as hell on a resume
Dwight D. Eisenhower: my "F*&k It!! Let's Go Golfin" t-shirt maintains a tenacious stranglehold on my life. after 1,125 days of Golf my body is twisted, deformed
John F. Kennedy: when you do sutuff like... shoot my jaw clean off of my face with a sniper rifle, it mostly reflects poorly on your self
Lyndon B. Johnson: incredibly handsome , charismatic famous boy credited with ending income inequality after saying that slumlords should be called "dumblords"
Richard Nixon: i attribute the complete failure of my brand to the actions of detractors, oor my “trolls”, as it were, as well as my own constant fuckups
Gerald Ford: shutting computer down until the shitty moods & attitudes can fuck off., if you need me ill be on my other computer, sititng 60° to my right
Jimmy Carter: i warnned you all that bad things would happen if you kept letting your wives wear jeans. AND NOW LOOK! the damn gas prices are up again
Ronald Reagan: spend a lot of time thinking about how sometimes even war criminals can be heroes sometimes... Dont like it? Click the unfollow buttobn
George H.W. Bush: just thought off an idea i believe to be bad ass. lets find the address of the leader of isis, and mail him/ her pieces of our SHIT
Bill Clinton: were at the point now, that when i offer to impregnate my girl followers, people assume my motives are sexual. disgusting, grow the fuck up,
George W. Bush: friday night gathering up together a big pile of things i like to respect (flags, crucifixes ,etc) and just roll around in it ,give kisses,
Barack Obama: my IQ has increased 10 points ever since i stopped tollerating people mucking about, on the time line
Donald Trump: THERAPIST: your problem is, that youre perfect, and everyone is jealous of your good posts, and that makes you rightfully upset.
ME: I agree
Joe Biden: I will shut the fuck up , IF , it will restore the Harmony. I will get on my knees like a dog and make that sacrifice, for the sake of Calm
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discardead · 29 days ago
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Disclaimer: Religious theme below + Long post ahead!
Vampire & Angel Prince themed NPT ···· Requested by @princefrail
taglist ·· ✦ ·· @phantasyze @lvrlady @destinationyaoricentre @floraeth @princefrail @starrylitte @hauntina @murd3rh0rnetss
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Names ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ Bat. Bats. Batsy. Batty. Battie. Battimpire. Battympira. Battimpyra. Battypire. Battius. Batisse. Chiroptera. Chiero. Chiroptire. Chiropett. Chiropette. Chiropyre. Chyropire. Vambite. Vampier. Vampiresth. Vampierre. Vampeia. Vamprius. Vampior. Vamprina. Vampriess. Vampith. Vampriel. Vampred. Vamprise. Vampriest. Fang. Fangs. Fangyr. Fangsire. Fangire. Sanguine. Sanguneia. Sangiene. Sangius. Sangsel. Sangrione. Sangriel. Bloodyse. Bloodise. Bloodire. Bloodyre. Bloodesth. Bloodith. Bloodithe. Bloodesse. Bloodirse. Bloodius. Bloodime. Hemoin. Hemoine. Hemoisth. Hemoius. Hemoie. Hemolisth. Imortal. Imortell. Imorthel. Imortisse. Immortice. Imorthius. Imorthor. Imorthar. Sanquette. Sanquett. Sanquesth. Halo. Haelo. Haloisse. Halyre. Haloine. Haloina. Halious. Halomie. Halyure. Haloette. Haloetta. Haloesth. Haloisthe. Etheralo. Puryne. Purithy. Purityse. Saint. Serafine. Sainthly. Saintrel. Angelette. Angelisth. Angiesth. Angelie. Angelyn. Angelisse. Angeluett. Angeluise. Angelie. Angellise. Angeiré. Royalisth. Royalisse. Luxurine. Luxira. Vareign. Chivareign. Alistovar. Chivalryse. Honorie. Echo. Lucius. Lucian. Lucien. Victor. Viktor. Vincent. Vince. Thorn. Thorne. Damien. Damian. Mikael. Noir. Silas. Gabriel. Alucard. Dorian. Rook. Asher. Marcus. Augustus. Maximus. Remus. Cassius. Thorne. Raven. Vesper. Lestat. Andrei. Angela. Angelina. Angeline. Angie. Angelo. Angelou. Angelos. Angelus. Constantin. Michael. Evangeline. Engel. Sol. Lucifer. Aurelius. Caelum. Evander. Ethel. Zachary. Holden. Lionel. Alexander. Baxter. Charles. Julian. Rainer. Rainus. Reinier. Friedrich. Ludwig. Heinrich. Wilhelm. Leopold. Maximilian. Otto. Albrecht. Lorenz.
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Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ roy/royal. royal/royalty. pri/pris. pri/prince. prin/prince. prin/prinz. hei/heir. hei/heim. shei/heir. theiy/theim. crow/crown. re/reign. ti/tiara. co/cor/coronet. high/highness. hon/honor. honor/honorable. cou/court. line/lineage. coron/coronation. coro/coron. coro/coronation. pal/palace. nob/noble. aristo/aristocratic. imper/imperial. cre/crest. lavi/lavish. la/lavish. lav/lavish. chiva/chivalrous. digni/dignified. comm/command. carri/carriage. reg/regal. rega/regal. maje/majesty. wea/wealth. sh👑/h👑r. h👑/h👑m. th👑y/th👑m.
Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ va/vamp. vam/vamp. vamp/vamps. vamp/vampy. vampy/vampys. vamp/vampire. vamp/vampiric. pi/pire. pir/pirism. va/vam. vam/vamp. vamp/vamps. vae/vaer. vae/vaem. vei/veir. vei/veim. vie/vier. vie/viem. vey/vem. ve/ver. vi/vir. ve/vem. vi/vim. viy/vim. blo/blood. bloo/blood. blood/bloody. blood/bloodlust. he/hem. hem/hemo. red/reds. re/red. crim/crimson. crims/crimson. sang/sanguine. sa/sar. sae/saem. sae/saer. sey/sem. vei/vein. vein/veins. bi/bite. bite/mark. fan/fang. fang/fangs. fe/fer. fie/fier. his/hiss. hiss/hisses. dev/devour. devo/devour. devou/devour. consu/consume. pier/pierce. fea/feast. su/suck. suc/suck. thi/thirst. que/quench. drai/drain. drain/drains. quen/quench. si/sip. sip/sips. li/lick. lic/lick. dri/drip. drip/drips. ba/bat. bat/bats. chi/chiro. chiro/chiroptera. ec/echo. e/echo. ec/echo. ech/echo. echo/echoes. ni/night. ny/nyr. ny/nym. nie/niem. nei/neir. noc/nocturnal. noctu/nocturnal. mo/moon. moo/moon. moon/moons. cof/coffin. coff/coffin. coe/coffin. co/cofs. cof/coffs. drac/dracu. dracu/Dracula. gor/gore. go/gore. gore/gorey. ki/kill. kill/kills. kir/kirs. ki/kir. carn/carnage. carna/carnage. imm/immortal. imor/immortal. unde/undead. undea/undead. und/undead. h♰/h♰m. sh♰/h♰r. th♰y/th♰m.
Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ hy/hyr. hy/hym. hea/heaven. heav/heaven. hav/haven. haven/havens. holy/holys. hol/holy. sky/skys. abov/above. above/aboves. asce/ascend. ascen/ascend. desce/descend. descen/descend. eth/ether. ether/ethereal. eth/ethyr. wi/wing. win/wing. wing/wings. wie/wier. wie/wiem. halo/halos. hae/halo. ha/halo. ae/haer. hae/haem. aur/aura. go/gold. gol/gold, gold/golds. gold/golden. li/light. div/divine. divi/divine. divi/divinity. bless/blessing. bles/bless. bless/blesses. hop/hope. choi/choir. cho/choir. pu/pure. pure/purity. puri/purity. shi/shine. pray/prays. pray/prayer. ae/aer. ae/aem. ang/angel. ae/angel. doe/dove. dove/doves. sai/saint. sain/saint. saint/saints. che/cher. cher/cherub. cherub/cherubic. se/ser. sera/seraph. ser/seraph. seraph/seraphim. thro/throne. throe/throne. opha/ophanim. domi/dominion. domin/dominion. vir/virtue. virt/virtue. virtu/virtue. pow/power. power/powers. princi/principality. principal/principality. arch/archangel, archae/archangel. arch/archs. arch/archas. archa/archas. arch/arches. mess/messenger. messen/messenger. sae/sacred. sacre/sacred. fai/faith. chali/chalice. cha/chalice. h✦/h✦m. sh✦/h✦r. th✦y/th✦m. hie/hier. hie/hiem. sie/siem. sie/sier.
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Titles ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ The Angelic one / [noun]. Prn* angelism. The Revered Angel. Prn* who's revered (by the people / [noun]). Prn* who comes from Above. The Descension of this Angel. The Descension of [noun / name]. Prn* who hails from Heaven / Above. The God's Messenger. This Sacred being. Prn* who remains Sacred. Prn* who was Blessed. The [noun] of Blessing. Prn* holy message. The Angel in the Choir. The Greatest among the Angels. Prn* who's born blessed. Prn* by the Choir. Prn* who brings Blessing. The Light of your Days. Prn* purity. The Purified being / [noun]. The Chosen one by God. Prn* who answers Prayers. The Angel's Holy Light. Prn* holiness. Prn* who remains Untainted. Prn* Golden Halo. Prn* [color] Halo. Prn* who clears Worries. Prn* Wings (of Comfort). Prn* Vampirism. The [noun] at Night. This Nocturnal [noun] / being. The Fanged One. Prn* Fangs. Prn* bloodthirst. The Bloodthirsty [noun]. Prn* unquenchable Thirst. Prn* who seeks Blood. Prn* who yearns to Feast. Prn* Bitten marks. The Vampire on the Hunt. Prn* Bat form. The Vampire out for a Feast. Prn* who wants to Devour. Prn* who laps up Blood. The Vampire in need for Blood. Prn* who feeds on Blood. The Bloodsucking Angel. The Angel turned Vampire. The Angel of Vampirism. The Vampire as an Angel. The Angelic Vampirism. The Angel who feasts on Blood. The Blood-hungry Angel. The Angel's / Vampire's / Prince's Court. The Court of this Prince. The Court of [noun]. Prn* in the Palace. Prn* who's treated as Royalty. The [noun] hailed from the Palace. Prn* with Royal Blood. The Crowned [noun]. The Prince's Throne. Prn* who's next in Line. The Next Ruler. The Heir to the Throne. The Prince among the Angels / Vampires. The Prince who feeds on Blood. The Princely Vampire. The Prince at Night. The Prince who ascends from Heaven. Prn* who was born a Royal. The Blessed Prince. The Prince with vampirism.
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glam0urgh0ull · 3 months ago
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Bro had to sneak their OC in 😂😂😂
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scribesofcalamity · 5 months ago
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Hey GW2 community! One of our own is in need of some help after losing everything to Hurricane Helene.
If you’ve been lurking around the community,especially on Instagram,you have probably seen Calisianna’s beautiful screen edits of the game. She’s a lovely person who puts her heart and soul into creating for the community. After fighting rising water to help to evacuate their elderly neighbors from their apartment complex,she and her husband were able to make it out with their cats. However,they have lost so much-their home,her husband's job,and for Cali as a disabled creator, it’s going to be a long road to rebuilding their lives. The above photos are of their apartment complex and neighborhood in the aftermath.
Her step-son has kindly created a go-fund me to help support them. (I received this directly from Cali and have donated myself)
You can find Calisianna’s Insta here.
Please share this around,and if you donate any amount,please DM me with a screenshot of your donation, and I will draw you a lil bust sketch of your character. (Gw2,DND,original OC! Open to anything) Let’s help Cali out where we can so she can eventually continue sharing her wonderful adventures in Tyria 💖
(This post was made with Cali's explicit permission!💙)
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vitalphenomena · 1 month ago
@id1eyouth // zachary said: ❝  yours.  ❞
HARRIS, SNAKELIKE, THINKS HE HAS THE ABILITY TO HYPNOTIZE HIS PREY. Even when he hasn't literally tested this theory out on Zachary, Zachary falls for him spectacularly.
Harris looks down at the blonde, grinning lazily. He can tell Zachary isn't used to having to tilt his head up to maintain eye contact with somebody.
"That's what I fuckin' thought. So who the fuck were you talkin' to?" His leg slots between Zachary's thighs, their hips pressed together.
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abby118 · 6 months ago
Behind the scenes & interviews
A response to this post. Of course, these are not all of them, there are many, but it's a list. I will probably update this later.
Thor 1 behind the scenes: ‣making of Thor (20:02 min) ‣(8:07 min) ‣modern legend featurette (5:17 min) ‣Frost Giants featurette (5:58 min) ‣Mjölnir featurette (6:36 min) ‣bts pt. 1 (5:13 min) ‣bts pt. 2 (5:15 min) ‣Tom Hiddleston's b-roll (1:00 min) ‣Tom Hiddleston with Mjölnir (0:16 min) ‣trailer (2:26 min) / X The Avengers behind the scenes: ‣TA Thor featurette (12:05 min) ‣behind the scenes (14:39 min) ‣behind the scenes (15:09 min) ‣behind the scenes Chris H. Chris E. (10:26 min) ‣assembling the ultimate team (8:06 min) ‣gag reel (4:05 min) ‣trailer (2:04 min) ‣second screen: Loki cell (0:19 min) ‣second screen: Loki (0:18 min) ‣TH & ChrE fight practice (0:41 min) Thor The Dark World behind the scenes: ‣making of/bts pt. 1 (5:01 min) ‣making of/bts pt. 2 (5:13 min) ‣Dark Elves featurette (6:56 min) ‣Tom Hiddleston b-roll (2:40 min) ‣Chris Hemsworth b-roll (4:01 min) ‣Zachari Levi b-roll (0:32 min) ‣bts (14:43 min) / X (15:02 min) ‣beyond realms featurette (1:30 min) ‣villains featurette (6:53 min) ‣VFX breakdown (4:15 min) ‣Tv spot (0:31 min) ‣Blu-ray disc menu (3:57 min) ‣ending credits (2:05 min) ‣making of TDW score (4:43 min) / live (2:37 min) / X (6:36 min) ‣trailer (2:31 min) ‣bloopers/making of (4:10 min) ‣the lost and unused clips of TDW (10:21 min) ‣TDW previsualisation effects-design (2:48 min)
Interviews & misc.: ‣Thor 1 int. (14:49 min) ‣Thor 1 press conference (37:49 min) ‣Kenneth Branagh casting int. (7:17 min) ‣Anthony Hopkins T1 (2:40 min) ‣ChH & NP T1 int. (4:19 min) ‣Tom Hiddleston Thor 1 int. (6:57 min) ‣Tom Hiddleston Thor 1 int. (2:33 min) ‣Jamie Alexander & Tom Hiddleston Thor 1 int. (10:54 min) ‣Tom Hiddleston The Avengers on set int. (3:36 min) ‣Tom Hiddleston The Avengers int. (2:18 min) ‣Tom HIddleston The Avengers int. (7:44 min) ‣Tom Hiddleston The Avengers int. pt. 1 (12:10 min), pt. 2 (12:39 min) ‣The Avengers movie panel (43:03 min) ‣The Avengers press conference (23:10 min) ‣Tom Hiddleston Q&A pt. 1 (24:10 min), pt. 2 (30:47 min) ‣disney channel TDW int. (1:15 min) ‣TDW Chris Hemsworth on set int. (4:33 min) ‣TDW Tom Hiddleston on set int. (6:29 min) ‣TDW premiere press conference (27:30 min) ‣TDW ChH, TH int. (6:15 min) ‣TDW int. about Loki (1:24 min) ‣TDW Tom Hiddleston int. (7:50 min) ‣TDW Tom Hiddleston int. (5:45 min) ‣TDW uncle Vili int. (11:49 min) ‣TDW int. TH, AT, KF (33:28 min) ‣SDCC (4:07 min) / SDCC featurette (4:51 min) / TH interview (13:34 min) ‣Tom Hiddleston & Zac Levi "Conversations for a Cause" (1:08:53) ‣Tom Hiddleston int. pt. 1 (5:02 min), pt. 2 (7:39 min), pt. 3 (4:49 min) ‣Tom Hiddleston on working with KB & ChH (9:15 min) ‣Thor & Loki panel from Philadelphia 2016 (44:05 min) (list of filmed deleted scenes)
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salemoleander · 2 years ago
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Limited Life Webweave // sources under readmore
What is a webweave? Previous art: Third Life | Void Falling | Attempt 33 | Martyn
Pt. 1: Non-threatening feminist boy / @teanne ◆ Excerpt from Why We Tell Stories / Lisel Mueller via @fourteen-lines ◆ Emerald clock ◆ Digging Your Own Grave / @thatsbelievable ◆ a place i will go to this summer / @eliasericson ◆ Sand timer ◆ All have the same 24 hours tweet ◆ Invent my own family / @mountainqoats ◆ Shield #3 Brooch / Sergey Jivetin ◆ Osgood / @candiedspit ◆ Untitled (posted 2.18.23) / @petersolarz
Pt. 2: As I Walked Out One Evening / W. H. Auden ◆ I Know Not, I Know Not / Takashi Murakami via @zegalba ◆ Wouldn't It Be Nice article title / Ben Mathis-Lilley via @tikkunolamorgtfo ◆ Should You Remind Them About It? / @thatsbelievable ◆ In case of happy ending / cécile via @visual-poetry ◆ Fallout New Vegas alert ◆ [walking into a surprise party] tweet / @JUNlPER ◆ Seasonal bows / @eyanin ◆ Aerial attack / @catcrumb ◆ Vibe Check poll / @borgevino ◆ i can kill ppl textpost / @sharkyz ◆ Matchbox / @trxnspxrxnts ◆ Drawing, Stag and Hounds / William Hunt Diederich ◆ I had a dream comic / @deep-dark-fears ◆ Untitled (posted 2.4.23) / @petersolarz
Pt. 3: But the creature that wants to kill you / @keydekyie ◆ spill blood repetition texpost / @duckdotcom ◆ Everybody Dies soup / @snailspng ◆ Every Teenagers #1 / @everyteenager4free (deactivated) ◆ Statue Grave of Jane Margyl / @horrorlesbians ◆ Broken Hourglass ◆ Beautiful Island / Zachary Schomburg via @exitwound ◆ mr. cat is finally out of jail comic / @alisonzai ◆ Excerpt from End-times at an Italian restaurant / @ryebreadgf ◆ Church Birdcage ◆ Can't trust anybody Caution Sign / @secondimpact ◆ (covered in blood) textpost / @darthsenatorpalpatinecreampie ◆ Excerpt from Broken Hierarchies: Poems 1952-2012 / Geoffrey Hill via @heteroglossia ◆ A Softer World #264 comic / e horne + j corneau ◆ Pocketwatch ◆ Gut Feeling / @anatolknotek ◆ blue eyes art / @escuerzoresucitado ◆ Untitled (posted 2.8.23) / @petersolarz
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as-is-above-so-below · 2 years ago
Cardigan - John Price x F!Teacher!Reader
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Part 1: It Starts In A Bar
summary: your friends take you out to a local pub when you would much rather be grading assignments. a/n: hello! big surprise, me writing for john price! I don't know how long this will be, but I definitely have a general idea of where I want this to go. I hope y'all like it!
thank you @lethalchiralium for dragging me into the clubhouse kicking and screaming LMAO << Previous | Next >>
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Why did they pick this place again?
Ah, right. “It’s a hometown pub, a staple to the community,” they said. That was clear from the couple dozen men and women, ranging from middle-aged to elderly, scattered about, and a few younger folks peppered into the crowd. It wasn’t run down by any means, just…a dive. You mindlessly picked at the peanuts and pretzels in little bowls, elbows perched on the edge of the sticky table, for hours. You chatted and occasionally laughed at the stories they shared about their homeroom students and the shenanigans the other grades got up to. You’d been teaching year thirteen for a while, students taking their A-levels in history. 
It was supposed to be a quiet evening, spent with a stack of papers to grade, surrounded by glowing candles scattered around your apartment accompanied by soft white string lights stretched across the ceiling. Instead, your friends somehow managed to drag you out of your cozy home to a dark dive in town. You loved them dearly (really, you did), but you had a routine. Your ideal Friday night wasn’t in a damp bar.
Your kids could be challenging at times in their late teens. They occasionally cause trouble, known for getting into fights, interrupting class, or bringing drama into the classroom. Nevertheless, you’d never had a set of students that was more than you could handle. They turned their work in on time and were always nosy about your personal life, which – much to their chagrin – was uneventful. Your love life was stale, to put it nicely. And your friends tried everything in their power to set you up on dates, every single one striking out miserably. It didn’t feel natural to meet some guy at a restaurant for a blind date.
One of them talked about themselves the entire time, barely letting you get a word in. The next ordered about three more drinks than you and a meal that cost twice as much as yours but demanded you split the cost of the date. You were all for splitting the bill but on the first date? Not a good impression.
The rest were uninteresting and immemorable.
“Seriously? You haven’t been on a date since – Oh, what was his name again?”
“Zachary,” you pointed out, taking a long sip of your drink. “You should know; you set up the date.”
“I know, I know. I didn’t realize he was such a bore one-on-one.”
“Thanks for that, by the way. Loved talking to myself for two hours.”
You all laughed at the memory, starting to finish drinks and gather belongings. “Let’s get to the next spot to find you a man!”
Bar hopping was the absolute last thing you wanted to do, but you knew better than to resist. It would all be over much faster if you just went along. Your companions were much quicker on their exit, considering the nearly-full drink that you felt like you just bought, and they were already moving on to the next dig. You threw the rest of your drink back, flinching as the big gulp of alcohol burned down your throat, and hurried to catch up with them. You took one of their outstretched hands, giggling as they just about pulled you into the circle exiting the pub–
“Excuse me, miss!” a deep voice called out. You’re not sure why, but you turned, feeling like the man was calling out to you. Your assumption turned out to be correct, and a tall, dark-haired man with a beard and a soft smile approached you. “Sorry, you left this.”
He held your cardigan to you. You must have abandoned it in your haste.
“Oh! Thank you so much. That’s kind of you,” you said, taking the garment back and draping it over your forearm. “I’d forget my head if it weren’t attached,” you added, tapping your temple with a soft chuckle.
“Quite alright.” Behind you, an elbow nudged your spine; you barely caught yourself from making a face and snapping at whichever acquaintance decided to egg you on. “I’d offer to buy you a drink, but it seems you’re heading out.”
He certainly was handsome. His beard was well-groomed, just like his hair. It looked like he went to a barber fairly recently. He even dressed well, in a cream, ribbed polo tucked loosely into his jeans. Dark chest hair peeked out where the top two buttons were undone. It was an enticing offer…
“Um, yeah, but….” You looked over your shoulder and met expectant glances. Some looked like they were about to bust apart at the seams with glee, which made you roll your eyes. Clearly, you wouldn’t be missed. “I could hang for a little while longer.”
The man's smile grew, and his stance shifted to open a path toward the bar. “Are you sure? Y’don’t have to,” he amended, his hands in his pockets. His energy was warm and soft but still masculine. He held a confidence that not many people carried, at least not the men you’d been on dates with recently. And the Liverpool accent? Maybe things were starting to look up.
“No, no, I honestly need another drink.” You flashed your teeth back to him, folding your arms over your chest with your sweater in hand.
“In that case, after you.”
Before taking his arm, you realized you’d yet to even ask for his name. “Thank you…?”
“John.” John’s right hand hovered before you and he flashed his bright teeth. His hands were clean, nails neatly trimmed. Although, one nail bed was bruised.
Man, he’s pretty for a grown man.
“Y/N,” you replied with an easy grin. He kept a steady hold on your gaze, carefully examining the bright twinkle they held. You didn’t know it, but John had just returned from a long mission. One that had left him yearning for a shower, a haircut, and somebody to come home to. He’d never had anything to look forward to and stay alive for; no affection or comfort after a rough assignment, no one to care for and spoil.
And he wanted that.
“A surname to that, John?” you asked, sliding your hand through the loop he created with his elbow. Holy shit, he was strong. Your hand rested on the soft but well-built muscle of his bicep. You figured he must have a labor-intensive job, or he goes to the gym frequently. John didn’t seem like the type to spend hours at the gym in his spare time, so you went with the first option. You’d keep that in mind when making small talk later.
“John Price.”
“Very regal name.”
John scoffed but laughed nonetheless. “That’s the first time I’ve heard that.”
John couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You were unbelievably bubbly, especially for interacting with a stranger who only gave back your forgotten cardigan. He’d been watching you from his spot at the bar, laughing with your friends but zoning out every once in a while. He was no stranger to giving himself a mental break, particularly in a hectic environment like a packed bar on a cool, Friday evening.
“I’ll call you when I need a ride!”
You and John watched the giggly group exit the pub, happily waving as they piled into a cab. You waved back with your free hand, your other palm still pressed against his warm skin. They didn’t embarrass you too badly, thank god. You met John’s eyes, a dark color twinkling with mischief.
“Your friends seem chipper.”
“I’m so sorry. They’re just happy to see me talking to a man.” 
“Oh? Is that right?” he chuckled, nodding to your previously held table. John broke away briefly to retrieve his unfinished drink and denim jacket from the bar.
You followed his lead back to the booth, attempting to keep control of the flush you felt beginning to heat your cheeks. “They’ve set me up on many an unfortunate date. Not saying I don’t get along fine on my own, but–”
“It’s rough out there?” he finished, sliding into the cushioned seat across from you. When you nodded in return, John smirked. “Believe me. I get it. My career makes it difficult to find time for much of anything.”
“Yeah, well, I have sixteen kids.”
The man sputtered, choking on what looked to be an old-fashioned. Possibly a bad joke, but it was such a great opportunity; you were feeling frisky, and you couldn’t help the giggles that erupted following his reaction. “I teach history for year thirteen.”
“Oh, thank Christ.” John wiped the cocktail off his lip with the back of his hand, shaking his head at your laughter. “You had me going there. Five minutes into our date, and I’ve made a mess of myself.”
You quirked a brow. “So this is a date?”
“Isn’t it?”
“Well, I would consider it light conversation. Getting to know each other.”
“That’s a date.”
“Mmm, I’d say it’s more casual than that.”
“I’m not looking for casual, love.”
You paused, examining his calm demeanor. He didn’t seem cocky, but honest, a welcome change to the pattern you’d observed over the last few months. None of your dates had been so bold as to know what they want and make their intentions clear. Especially not so quickly. It was refreshing.
“Me neither.”
You both sat in peace, pausing your conversation for the waitress. You ordered another drink, as promised, and folded your hands on the tabletop, fingers laced. “So, what do you do, John?” you asked, tapping your thumbs together.
“I’m in the military.”
You paused, expectantly waiting for him to continue, only to be met with silence.
“Care to elaborate?”
He tutted once with his tongue pressed against the back of his teeth. “I would love to, but I can’t.”
Interesting. Normally, resistance like that would be a red flag. On the other hand, his job could be “classified” or whatever is said in the movies. No alarms went off in your mind; your intuition told you that John was trustworthy, so you let it go. The pretty brunette dropped your new drink off and another for John.
“I can tell you that I’m a Captain.”
“So you have pretend kids too?”
His eyes crinkled at the corners as he hummed, swirling the whiskey in his glass. A slight tinge of the citrus notes from the expressed orange peel wafted across the table. John’s laugh was distinctive, chesty and rumbly, inviting. “Of course. Mine are bigger, though, I’m sure.”
“Oh? They’re not scrawny little soldiers?”
“No. One’s almost two meters tall.”
“Jesus. How many?”
“Five. Gaz, Ghost, Soap, Alex, and Farah.”
“Well, I for one can’t wait to meet them.”
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You fussed with your hair for about the thousandth time in your bathroom mirror and huffed when it wouldn’t settle right. John was to meet you in about fifteen minutes. Knowing him, that meant he would be buzzing up to your apartment any second. You’d been on a few dates and knew his date habits pretty well. If you’re not fifteen minutes early, you’re late. You had been out to dinner, grabbed coffee once or twice; you even grabbed an ice cream. So, it was a surprise when John suggested a trip to the museum. It didn’t seem like his thing, but you weren’t about to turn down a trip to the history exhibit.
As you expected, a familiar BZZT BZZT reverberated through your flat, signaling his arrival. The first time he picked you up, you let him into the building without using the intercom. You tried explaining that the speaker broke and your landlord had yet to fix it (shocker), but John wouldn’t hear it. You could have been letting in a random creep pressing buttons until some tenant unlocked the door. He insisted on creating a little system, so you would know it was him downstairs and not a kidnapper. From then on, he always rang the bell twice.
You gave up on your hair, switched the light off, and paged him in. Your unit was on the first floor (which wasn’t ideal), so it only took John a few seconds to reach your door. When you heard a knock at your door, you peered through the peephole (as promised) before unlocking the deadbolt, revealing a very well-dressed captain. John’s hair was a bit shaggy, but it suited him well. Your heart fluttered helplessly at the bright smile that appeared when he laid eyes on you, his gaze obviously taking in the sight before him.
It was a weeknight, and you didn’t have time to change between school and your usual errands. You threw a plaid skirt, thigh-high socks, and loose sweater together; just a sliver of skin showed between the top of your socks and hem of your skirt. You felt underdressed compared to John, but there wasn’t much you could do about it. 
“Hi,” he said, leaning to kiss your cheek. “You look lovely.”
“Same to you. You always clean up well.”
“If you saw the state I’m usually in at work – you’d understand why.”
John kept a watchful eye to make sure you turned both locks for your door before guiding you outside to a waiting taxi with a hand on the small of your back. He held the door to your building and the car open for you. The drive was short, but the weather was starting to catch a bit of a chill, and you didn’t want to walk too far.
Ever the gentleman, the captain followed closely behind you up the steps to the gallery. Even if he weren’t perceptive, with years of experience reading people, he could tell you were excited to be there; however, he wasn’t so experienced in the ‘romance’ department. John honestly couldn’t even remember the last time he visited any museum, let alone a dedicated history exhibition. But when he suggested it and assured you that he would have a good time, he was only being partially truthful. Secretly, the man just wanted an excuse to listen to you talk. What better place to bring you than an exhibit where he knew you would talk his ear off for hours?
You slowly worked your way through each exhibit, explaining some pieces you recognized and their significance to the period; at displays you weren’t familiar with, you both quietly hovered closer to the title cards, reading through the description. While that kind of date wasn’t John’s usual cup of tea, he was glad he planned it; it helped him figure out how to slow the fuck down and try to be normal outside of a military setting or a pub.
His breath nearly stuttered every time you laid a gentle hand on his arm and drew his attention to the next section, beaming as you animately but quietly pointed out the tiny details in a Renaissance painting hung on the wall. The man couldn’t help but stare at how your lips curved at every syllable, wide eyes glued on the intricate scene portrayed. John hadn’t spoken much so far aside from the occasional affirmation that he was listening; he was very much in his head, unsure if you were excited to be there with him or just excited to be there. But, standing in front of the big painting, you went quiet. You met his gaze, and his lips pulled into a lopsided grin, which you returned before you both shifted back to the artwork. It was peaceful, absorbing the atmosphere and just existing together. Suddenly, John was jolted out of his reverie by the feeling of something brushing the side of his palm. 
You were itching to hold his hand all night but were too nervous to take that leap. What if he rejected you? That wasn’t likely after so many dates, but still. Your nerves got the better of you for the better half of the self-guided tour. Regardless, you had managed to work up the courage, cautiously grazing your pinky against his wrist and hand before wrapping it around his. You didn’t look away from the illustration, but he did, moving to you, then down to your hands.
He simply stared for a moment, surprised but positively giddy at the same time. Surely enough, John took your hand in his, interlocking your fingers and leaning just a bit closer to you. He could stand there forever, basking in your warmth and energy, the sound of your voice sinking into his every thought–
“Oh no,” you said, breaking the silence. You looked up at him worried, wrinkles forming between your brows. “I-I’m sorry. I was teaching again.”
He immediately gave you a reassuring squeeze, thumb brushing over your knuckles. “Don’t be. I like hearing you talk.” Jesus, did he have a way with words. He liked hearing you talk? With that accent, he could spew nonsense, and it would still draw you in. But hearing John Price give you compliments and praise? Flattery? You were a goner. “Tell me more about the next one?”
As if he could get any more fucking perfect.
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