#yuta ichimura
stuff-diary · 4 months
Teasing Master Takagi-san
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Teasing Master Takagi-san (2024, Japan)
Director: Rikiya Imaizumi
Writers: Rikiya Imaizumi & Tomoki Kanazawa (based on the manga by Sōichirō Yamamoto)
This is the cutest, sweetest thing ever! It really manages to capture the awkwardness of that weird moment in life, when you're neither a little kid anymore nor a teenager yet. The directing, the writing and the cinematography are all top-notch, but the real reason Teasing Master Takagi-san works so perfectly well is its two leads. I have no doubt Rui Tsukishima and Soya Kurokawa will become huge stars in the Japanese film/tv industry; I've known since Monster that he would have a bright future, but she's also a huge discovery. There's something so natural and genuine about their performances, to the point I wondered if some of the scenes were improvised, and that is hard to achieve for actors of any age. Also, I can't wait to see the sequel with the adult version of the characters, since they will be played by two of my favorite Japanese stars, Mei Nagano and Fumiya Takahashi.
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winterdecember96 · 3 days
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chibimyumi · 3 years
Hey I hope you're doing well!
Have you watched Furukawa Yuta's Mozart live stream? And if you have watched it could you you make a little review if you have time?
Thank you for answering
【Related post: "Mozart!" 2021 Live Stream】
Dear Anon,
Yes I did watch the Furuzart Live Stream! As said before, I am actually no big fan of "Mozart!" as a show, but I was ecstatic about Furukawa's reprise as Mozart because it'd be such a milestone for him. Last time in 2018 Furukawa underperformed according to himself and critics, so 2021 was his "redemption arc" for him, so to say. And boy he did!
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In 2018 a main criticism about Furuzart was that his voice had no power, no volume, in 2018. Furukawa also admitted that as the musical prodigy W.A. Mozart himself, he could not afford to miss any note. One of Furukawa's weaknesses is his singing, so he underwent a new Spartan training back in 2018 just for this role. He even learnt playing the piano within a few weeks, just to do Mozart justice.
But in the end... well yes, he did hit all the notes... but he basically whispered most of his songs, and often he was so hyper focused on just singing the notes right, his emotional range varied between: "mildly nervously happy" to "extremely nervous". This time however, Furukawa shared in the press conference that for the first time he feels enjoyment in showing off his skills, rather than just anxiety.
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This time round, Furukawa has improved his vocal range significantly, and singing high pitches comes with convincible ease now. The high transitions are smooth, and the belting/shouts are powerful! 
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Mozart is a very child-like character. He is spontaneous, and has this tremendous talent and energy his human body fails to contain. In 2021, Furukawa really excellently managed to show how Mozart is just always bursting with unkempt passion, but has no outlet.
Mozart is employed by very high ranking people, so he always has to watch his manners. He however, is also strongly of the opinion that none of the nobles deserve his respect. It is amazing to see how Furuzart is always being in a state of: "I know I have to be polite, I will try a BIT, but you don't deserve any more than this much effort 👌" Honestly, this look of him wearing his locks with that... powdered situation on his head is the PERFECT representation of what Furuzart is. Even when sticking to the rules everything is just wrong.
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When Mozart was fired for example, he had a small moment of: "dude, you're firing MOI? (ÒAÓ)" But then very quickly he realised that he was finally free, and his proclamation of freedom was the most genuine glee I've ever seen on stage.
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Mozart's life is of course not a walk though the park, however... and very soon tragedy after tragedy strikes him. The moment the shit starts hitting the show though, Furukawa's Mozart is best described using just one word: "devastating".
During the special curtain call of the Final Performance, Director Koike Shuichiro was really emotional, and said that while in the spectators seats he was struck by how hyper detailed Furukawa’s acting was. Koike said: “It might be arrogant, but I think for once it is alright to say how proud I am of our work. I have always known Furukawa Yuta for his attention for detail, but today I learned just how precise, how detailed his acting can go. Now I’m a bit angry with him though. Why didn’t you show me this during the rehearsals?”
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Furukawa has always had this incredible skill of devastating his audience with something so...complex, so subtle, and yet overwhelmingly heart-breaking to the audience. I think in Mozart we really see the full extent of Furukawa's skills. Especially because Mozart is so child-like, you just can’t help but feel like you want to protect him.
The “world of adults” was so bitter and unforgiving, and Furuzart really showed how he was trying so hard to compute everything... but was given no space to explore anything. (Honestly... isn’t that all of us right now?)
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Though I still find “Mozart!” as a production flawed in many aspects, the piques are phenomenal piques. I think with the newly edited version of “Mozart!” 2021, the show is more coherent than before, however. I think “Mozart!” really is a coming-of-age-failed story. In Furukawa’s words:
The Grand Musicals written by Kunze and Levay are cultural markers in the Japanese theatre world, and they are known for the empowering female leads. Mozart however, I think is the only male lead among the Kunze & Levay productions? I feel tremendously honoured to be allowed this one role. Mozart is known only for his greatness, but this musical shows that no greatness is ever simple. Behind greatness is always just a human being. For me, I think the question this production asks is: “What is talent?” Is talent something that resides in the body, or the soul?   - Furukawa.
Other cast
Mozart is really 80% of the show; once he shows up, he hardly ever gets off stage again. This means that the side characters REALLY need to shine in order not to be forgotten.
Constanze - Mozart’s Wife
In 2018, the Constanzes were pretty badly received by the public. From left to right are Kinoshita Haruka, Hirano Aya and Ikuta Erika. Out of the three, only Hirano’s Constanze was what the show and TOHO’s reputation promised. Kinoshita and Ikuta were both described as: “they sing well, but they’re little girls trying on mommy’s high heels”, one of the harshest criticisms in public domains in Japan I have seen.
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In 2021, Constanze was played by just Kinoshita, and I was very worried that the only reason she’d be there in the Imperial Theatre again was because she’s pretty.
Then I watched the show, and to my pleasant surprise there was significant improvement!! Kinoshita spoke and sang in a much lower and stable voice, she wasn’t forcing it, and she did have a little bit of zest this role demands. She is still not the power-house of a Constanze as Hirano and Sonim were in 2014, but Kinoshita was honestly not bad. I would still not have cast her myself, but that level of growth was incredibly enjoyable for me to watch.
During the Final Performance curtain call, Director Koike even stepped forward to say he was shocked to see how much better she had gotten.
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Leopold Mozart - Mozart’s Father
Ichimura Masachika has played Mozart’s father for many years, and every time he manages to amaze me.
I think “Mozart!” does a great job at showing what fatherhood can entail: “everything awful to awesome.” Mozart’s father is unambiguously a loving father who is deeply invested in his children’s wellbeing and talents... but he is human nevertheless. He loves his son but also hurts him. Sometimes as a father he makes decisions he thinks is best for Wolfgang, but “the best” might not always be fun, “the best” might not be Wolfgang’s best, or “the best” might be “Wolfgang’s best” but not “Wolfgang in this world’s best.” Leopold is not a super big character, but I think in the glimpses we do get of him, he has portrayed the difficulty of parenthood, and the trickiness of “love and protection” better than many other portrayals of parents.
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Nannerl Mozart - Mozart’s Sister
Nannerl was played by an absolute nightingale Kazune Miou, and she was just suchhhhhhh a blessing. What also does help I admit, is that she is not Hanafusa Mari. Kazune was amazing in her own right, but ESPECIALLY juxtaposed against Hanafusa, she was a blessing.
Kazune really manages the range between young girl to ripe adult woman very well, and this immense true love she has for her brother is just heart-warming to see. With Hanafusa it was just obvious that a 50 year old was trying to play an 18 year old who is actually 8 years on the inside. As rambled in detail in this post, my hatred for Hanafusa’s acting style is that she only has two modes: Whiny toddler girl, or whiny victim woman.
Kazune however, really managed to capture the many complexities of Nannerl’s character. How she is just unconditionally loving towards her brother, but also can’t help but be sad that the greater attention for “the miracle child” came at her expense.
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Prince-Archbischop Colloredo - Mozart’s Boss.
Colloredo was played by Yamaguchi Yuichiro. Erm...... Yamaguchi is a great person, he is SOOO kind..........but everything about his singing and acting style just rubs me the wrong way... I always think his acting an unfortunate mix between a slapstick-comedy banana and a pompous opera ghost... ermmmm......... sorry, not for me.
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Click here for the official PV.
And click here for the subtitled curtain call of the first day performance.
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ohmakeit · 4 years
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Hayato Hoshikawa Hanai Yuzuru Yosuke Sato Mami Yabu Kenichi Ichimura Hazumu Jo Ryoto Maeda Sasaki Kaoru
Namika Hamasaki Masayuki Uetani
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angel-kyousuke · 7 years
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It’s Ryo’s Birthday today. So I decided to share Tozakaru Neverland (back again after it had been deleted) and Dansui! Pool Sides all 8 episodes. Please read and find the link under the cut
Do not re-upload it onto any streaming websites (ANY!). My files are on google drive, it’s available to stream and download already. So PLEASE !!!
Do not share the link without permission. 
Dansui ! Pool Sides
Cast : Matsuda Ryo   as  Shuhei Sakaki Miyazaki Shuto   as  Daiki Shinozuka Anzai Shintaro  as  Reo Fujikawa Akazawa Tomoru   as  Harumi Koganei Sato Hisanori  as  Yuta Taki Ozawa Ren    as  Mitsuki Taira Kuroba Mario   as  Takashi Nishina Ryousuke Ikeoka   as  Kazutora Hirano Keisuke Kaminaga    as  Danieru Harada Hirose  Tomoki   as  Ryoya Kawasaki
Additional Cast Members: Kyohei Saito  as  Masaki Ichimura Ryuichi Ohura  as  Shinichiro Hanyu Yuudai Nasuda  as  Eisuke Murakami Morooka Moro  as  Kunio Isomura Keisuke Sakurai  as  Jiro Takaura Kaisei Kamimura  as  Shintaro Mori
Click here
Butai “ Tozakaru Neverland “
Cast : Matsuda Ryo as Peter Pan Yata Yusuke as A Boy Yokota Miki as Wendy Nihei Takuya as Rufio (the lost child) Anogawa Aki as Echo (the lost child) Seiya Konishi as Tootles (the lost child) Kodama Kuniko as Tiger Lily
Click here
***Nothing harder than saving the money to spend for these stuffs. So if there are people who kindly share these with you please kindly follow the very simple rules as well. That would be lovely. Thank you :) &Enjoy!!!
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keisano-artwork · 4 years
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「Hoppong Magazine #1」 Special Feature “Education”  挿絵  2020.03
一つの拠点に縛られず、各地を移動しながら柔軟に生活する生き方“アドレスホッパー”。そんな次世代のライフスタイルを社会浸透させていくことをミッションに活動するAddress Hopper Inc.(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役:市橋正太郎)が、その思想やカルチャーを深掘りし、暮らしの中での「移動」のあり方を様々な社会のテーマと共に検証し、世界に向けて問いかけていくメディアとして、雑誌 『Hopping Magazine』 を創刊しました。 僕はその冊子の中の「教育」特集と、定額制住居サービスHafHの広告ページの挿絵を担当させていただきました。
HOPPING MAGAZINE #1 - MOVE TO LEARN Publisher/Creative Director - ICHIHASHI SHOTARO Head of Editorial - NAGAHATA HIROAKI Editor - ICHIMURA KOJIRO Art Direction & Design - ICHINOSE YUTA
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chibimyumi · 5 years
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Furukawa was invited as special guest to the radio show RadioiNEWS (12/11/2019) wherein he broadcasted live.
The broadcast was 45 minutes long, so I cannot possibly write everything down here, but allow me to share a few highlights with you!
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Response to Fan Messages
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✬ Extreme Happiness ✬
Q: “Mr. Furukawa, I am incredibly happy to learn you shall reprise your role as Der Tod in ‘Elisabeth 2020′, and I really want to share this happiness. But I am all alone at home, and my husband does not watch any musicals. My daughter who became your fan after ‘Kuroshitsuji’ also can’t find any place at school to let out her happiness. Mr. Furukawa, how do you express your feelings when you are incredibly happy? Or are you the type not to express it?”
Furu: “Ah, right. When I am incredibly happy I try to create a personal space and scream.”
All: *Burst into laughter*
Furu: “For example, nowadays I tend to go into my car and scream in happiness (laughs), so I’d like to ask you to try screaming in a car too.”
✬ Kuroba Mario ✬
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Host: “Mr. Kuroba Mario who was announced as member of the new cast today also sent in a voice message!”
Kuroba: “Dear listeners of RADIOiNEWS, and Mr. Yuta, good evening. I am Kuroba Mario. Mr. Yuta, thank you so much taking such perfect care of me during ‘Romeo & Juliette’, I really admire you very much. Ah, that just slipped out of my mouth.
I know it is a bit sudden, but I have become very health oriented. So, Mr.Yuta, you’re super thin, aren’t you? You are thin and pale, I am very worried about you.”
Furu: “Eh!?”
Hosts: *Burst of laughter*
Kuroba: “Mr. Yuta, could you please share what you... do... for your health? Please do your best on the live broadcast! That was Kuroba Mario.”
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Furu: “He admires me and therefore he is worried about me, that is quite refreshing. I must say I am a bit shocked.”
Host: *Burst of laughter* “What is the bond you share between you, and how did you meet?”
Furu: “We met during ‘Romeo & Juliette’ wherein he was my co-star. He is also my junior for the musical ‘Prince of Tennis’, but we did not share any productions together, so ‘Romeo & Juliette’ really was our first.
Also, he is such a good boi, and incredibly incredibly handsome. But he never relies on his good looks to achieve things. He is also a very ambitious type of person; he is very young and yet so ambitious, it is very rare. He is my junior, but I look up to him very much.
Well... that said, I also caused him to worry about me (laughs), so I am not sure it’s my place to talk here. But I believe I might be even more health oriented than Mario. I do everything from taking my supplements to drinking Aojiru before meals. Ah, and nose gargling, I nose gargle every day. I stretch before going to bed, as well as taking care of my throat. So please don’t worry about me. But thank you so much for worrying about me. Thank you.”
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Economy & Politics
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Basic Income Policy
Furukawa went political here! I did not expect it! ÓÒ
He said that he usually listens to political and economic debates in bed, because that tends to make him very sleepy. But once the topic of Basic Income Policy popped up, and it prompted him to think about this issue.
In Japan, members of the government as well as many people claim that this policy cannot be introduced in Japan, but Furukawa wonders why.
Furu: “I don’t quite get why such a basic thing is considered impossible by people. Japan admires Western countries to a certain extent and seems to want to imitate them. However, it appears that the thing Japan admires is the language (’Basic Income Policy’ in Japanese is the English term itself). Of course if nobody wants to act, this policy stays this ‘dream’ the government calls it.
So, we have other countries that did us the courtesy of testing the No-Basic-Income Policy, and it did not quite work. I wonder why Japan must test it for itself.”
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Q&A Game!
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Now Furukawa was invited to play the Q&A game, where he is given 1 minute to respond to as many questions as possible.
Your hobby? Furu: “Piano.”
Special Skill? Furu: “Dancing.”
Who do you especially admire? Furu: “People who can do things I cannot.”
Expensive things or extravagance you spent money on Furu: “Eeh... an expensive steak and a wallet.”
Your secret? Furu: “I cannot say.”
What type of woman do you like? Furu: “Erm... a person who does not get angry”
What would you tell past-you? Furu: “You. W-work harder!”
A bad habit you keep doing Furu: “T-t-touching my hair?”
What embarrassed you lately? Furu: “I am usually embarrassed when I get praised.”
Your favourite space at home Furu: “My couch”
Though sudden, please say something nice to your listeners Furu: “........ Dom... dun... ah, don’t push yourself so hard...” (You tell yourself to work harder, and tell others not to push themselves? ....you Disney Princess...)
Your best cooking Furu: “I heated the sausages.” (Son... that’s not ‘cooking’.)
The highlight of your fashion today Furu: “The floof in... in... that I misjudged what combines well with what...”
A job you’d like to try Furu: “Eh... a photoshoot abroad.”
Furu: “I am so sorry, I was just hopeless (laughs).”
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After Talk (Parts)
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Piano 🎹
Host: “So your hobby is playing the piano? Have you been playing since childhood?”
Furu: “Ah no, I started learning the piano for my role as Mozart (2018). The opportunity to play the piano also popped up lately, so I’ve been studying it.”
Host: “I assume you are really good.”
Furu: “Oh no, I am absolutely hopeless at it. I am painfully aware of the difficulty of playing the piano.”
Host: “You spoke about admiring people who can do things you cannot.”
Furu: “Yes, people have many talents, and I just cannot help but admire people who can do things I cannot. Lately I have come to really admire my piano instructor. It is something I struggle with so much, and yet my teacher can play the piano like it’s nothing.
Likewise I also admire Mr. Ichimura Masachika who took care of me during ‘Mozart!’. I really admire his spirit towards work, and how he’s so mindful of everything around him.”
Expensive Steak 🥩
Host: “Alright, Mr. Furukawa, I am sorry, but you said that the expensive thing you spent money on lately was an e-e-expensive steak?”
Furu: “Y-yeah, it was a bit expensive? Well, it was actually a normal steak, steak is just expensive. But I just had to answer something, so the steak and the wallet was what popped up in my mind first.”
Host: (Laughs) “You had a steak in a restaurant, I assume? Or did you make it yourself?” (No Mr. Host; Furukawa SOAKED his own steak in warm water. He wouldn’t know what cooking is if it bit him in his behind.)
Furu: “Ah, no, I went to my favourite steak place that uses a point-card system. I frequented that place in the past, and I spent... one or... no, two years to accumulate a whopping 17000 points. But last time I went, a year had already passed, and my points were reset to zero...”
Hosts: *Screech in pain* “What a shame!!”
Furu: “Is it normal that points get reset if you don’t come for a year?”
Host: “Well, it’s a system that wants you to keep coming, right.”
Furu: “I guess I learned the hard way, I will never forget this anymore.”
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chibimyumi · 5 years
Hi I have a question I saw Yuta in a drama called shinsengumi peacemaker 2010 as Ichimura Tetsunosuke i was wondering if you could tell me more about this drama and about his character in the drama Thank you for answering this question
Dear Anon,
I am sorry, I never saw that drama, so I can’t tell you anything about it.
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