#your claire is spot on so i couldn't resist!
stitching-in-time · 23 days
Voyager rewatch s4 ep19: The Killing Game pt 2
It's 1940s WWII holodeck adventures part 2! The fun continues as the American soldiers join the Resistance fighters in the picturesque French village of St. Clair (aka holodeck one).
Janeway and Seven attempt to access and disable the crew's neural interfaces to the holodeck before their Hirogen captors find out, while the Americans find their way to the nightclub where the Resistance is hiding out. This leads to the unbearably cute reveal that Tom and B'Elanna's holocharacters, Bobby and Brigitte, are each other's long lost loves. When they're told to go work together, we're treated to an absolutely lovely scene of the two of them reminiscing about their romance before the war. Robbie and Roxann both fit the old Hollywood movie character types they're playing here to a T- they both have that vibe even as Tom and B'Elanna, so it's so much fun to let them totally play into it here, especially with the mutual pining their holocharacters have going on. I know I give the writers a hard time a lot, but I honestly couldn't have invented anything better if they'd asked me personally what AU fanfiction I'd love to stick Tom and B'Elanna in. His wholesome, earnest American soldier boy and her beautiful, worldly, tough dame with a soft spot for him are just so spot on. And when he pulls up that chair?? and sits eagerly leaning over the back of it, hanging on her every word?? looking at her, with her pouty red lips and her big brown eyes, like she's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen??? Ughhh I melt into a puddle of feels!! I have no ability to be normal about this subplot, I've been shipper trash for them since I was a kid, I can't help it!!
Anyway, Janeway and Seven return at this point, having been unable to disconnect anyone else. But they have a plan they need help with, and they play along with their 1940s personas so the others don't get suspicious. Janeway convinces Chakotay to come help her, and they use the hole in the holodeck wall to sneak into the ship. Chakotay, even while mind controlled, still seems taken with Janeway, calling her a good leader and a 'gung ho gal' (which Janeway seems to find amusing.) They find a way to disconnect the crew on the holodeck, which happens just as they're having a shoot out with the nazis, who take them prisoner. We get an explanation that B'Elanna's character's pregnancy is a holographic projection, which was a clever way to let B'Elanna have more to do in the story without the hindrance of having to hide Roxann's real-life pregnancy. (And lol at Tom reacting exactly the same way his 1940s character would when the German officer insults B'Elanna- dude, he's a hologram, he's not a real guy! He didn't really have an affair with her, it's not a real baby, you don't have to punch the pretend nazi for insulting your girl, especially when he's got a gun, and holodeck safety is off! But I'm a sucker for old-timey tropes like a guy defending the honor of his lady love, so I'll give him a pass for being reckless, because it's kinda romantic actually.)
Meanwhile, Janeway is injured and brought to the Hirogen leader, and tries to reason with him to let her crew go. He eventually agrees, but his second in command defies him when he finds out. The second Hirogen chases her through the ship, but Harry manages to set a countdown to overload the holo emitters. The crew on the holodeck are about to be shot by the holo-nazis, but the Doctor and Neelix lead a charge of Klingon warriors from the other holodeck simulation, and they hold them off long enough for the emitters to overload and delete all of the holocharacters. (The Doctor has some memorable and funny one-liners in this one too.)
Janeway gifts the remaining defeated Hirogen with holographic technology before they leave, in the hope that more of them can find a way to use it for their hunts, instead of hunting down real people. They don't commit, but they accept the gift, leaving a sliver of hope that they'll create a less violent future for themselves.
Tl;dr: A fun, exciting episode, that has action, drama, comedy, romance, and little featured moments for all of the main cast. There's a little bit of everything, all very well packaged together. One of my favorite Voyager stories, for sure!
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tveitertotwrites · 2 years
Hi there! Was there an item Claire and Ethan bought for their baby that became special because the other parent chose it. Like, not something they bought because they would need it but because they saw it and wanted them to have/wear. 🥹
Hi anon! thank you for your question!
So since they have four kids I am only going to do one thing per kid.
Oliver's Item
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Claire was the one to find these and think that they were adorable.
She also had a pair already so after picking these up, she bought a pair in Ethan's size so they all could match
They did this with their other kids too but it started with Oliver since he's the oldest.
When Claire showed them to Ethan when she got home, she only showed him the shoes she bought for him, which he was confused by because Claire knows he doesn't wear converse.
Then she pulled out these shoes and he fell in love with the idea of their little family having matching sneakers.
Sienna's Item
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Ethan found these at the store the day after Claire told him she was pregnant.
When he saw these, he immediately knew that they were having a girl so he had to pick them up.
When he came home with them, Claire shook her head as she thought that he would be wrong about them having a girl.
And he was right.
Addison's Item
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The day after the ultrasound where they found out that Addison was a girl, they went shopping for more supplies.
Claire just happened to walk by the baby section (she totally didn't sneak when Ethan wasn't looking) and found this and thought it was adorable
Ethan ended up finding her with the overalls and wanted to tell her to put them back since they had enough things but couldn't because both of them can't resist spoiling their children every once in a while (while still disciplining properly when needed)
When Addison is big enough to fit in them, he realizes what Claire was thinking about when she saw them
He then proceeds to make any outfit combo he can with the overalls.
Naveen's Item
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Ethan went shopping one day with Sienna and Addison and they stopped by the toy section because Ethan can't say no to his kids.
He ended up spotting this while the girls looked at the dolls that were near it.
He picked it up and had to hide it from the girls (since he knew that they would think it's for them)
When he got home and showed Claire, she immediately fell in love with it
She fell in love with it even more once Naveen was bon and had it with him at all times until he was about 2 and a half.
And that's everything.
Any other questions?
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
a place called home
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© credits to the author, i found it on google. if you own it, send me a message to add your @.
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
Request by @dora-wolfram-blog: Hi <3 so happy to see your requests are open! How about ex Avenger reader who can manipulate the forces of nature and she comes to help Sam? (Idk maybe calling fish from the sea so his family can sell and earn enough money for the boat?) There she meets Bucky who she briefly met after endgame and they get to know each other? Domestic stuff is my weak spot so thank you so much luv u <3
word count: 1.206 words.
warnings/tags: none. bucky being a gentleman and sam a pain in the ass as always.
author notes: none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
Join the tag list here.
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Saying that Bucky and you were friends wasn’t something exactly. You fought together a couple of times before you retired from superhero life. Like many of them, the war had finished and you chose calm over being a private agent. More or less like the ex-soldier, with the difference that he went to New York and you didn’t be able to find a home until Sam made you a call. He was quite the opposite of Bucky for you, connecting since the very first second you met. After he told you about his sister’s financial trouble, he offered you a roof to sleep under in exchange for your powers to control the tide and promote the movement of fish stocks. Of course, it was a hit, and you finally found peace in Delacroix. A celebration was inevitable, it was part of Wilsons’ DNA, but you weren’t expecting Bucky to show up with Sam; although he told you in your last call that they were working together. Or something like that.
As soon as your eyes laid on him among the crowd, you knew he had changed after more than six months without seeing each other. You couldn't help but feel happy for Bucky when you saw him smiling for the first time. He had a beautiful and innocent smile, seeming like a new man. Renovated, with want to live, enjoying playing with kids and talking to old men about war stories.
You had placed your back against an oak column, away from the crowd but close enough to check on everyone, in case they need help with anything. A beer was resting against your lips, doubting on continuing drinking, lost in your thoughts. There was something about Bucky going from one side to another, laughing unworried, that had fully captivated your attention. You weren't able to stop looking at him, chuckling when you saw one of Sam's nieces putting a magnet with the form of a crab on his left arm.
“I have that teen-in-love's face on camera”.
You frowned at Redwing some inches away from your face. As a response, you tried to slap it down. But your friend was faster than you controlling that thing.
“He looks good, uh?”
“Oh, shut up…” You replied by clicking your tongue and rolling your eyes, having a sip from your drink to put your eyes away to the sea.
“He asked if you'd be here… Just saying”.
“Shut up, Samuel!” You implored, rubbing the bridge of your nose.
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As the night went on and the guests started to leave, Sarah asked you to take Jim and Jody home while she stayed there cleaning with his brother about the business. You were exhausted too, and she noticed it. And after saying your goodbyes, you headed to the parking where your car was stationed, carrying the younger Wilson onto your arms —peacefully sleeping— as his big brother was yawning loudly. At that point, you realized that it was going to be a tough mission to put them in the car.
“Wait! Lemme help”.
The male voice coming from behind you made you turn around and before you could react, Bucky was taking Jody from your arms to his. You smirked softly in response, looking for the key in the right pocket of your jacket to unlock the car. The soldier tucked the younger in the back seat, placing the belt around him as Jim occupied the other side of the SUV.
“It's been good to see you”. You said after closing the door, staying outside in front of him.
“Same”. He replied, not knowing what else to say.
Puckering your lips and clapping the key on your palm, you nodded with your chin, feeling the nerves running through your veins. “Good night, Bucky”.
“Good night, (Y/N)”.
You gave him your back, sighing inappreciably, to open the pilot's place and came in.
“He— Hey, wait”.
“Sam told me… you were tired. I might give you a ride back home. I can wait for him there”. The offering made you glance towards him, already sitting in your car but with a leg rest on the ground. “If you want, I mean…”
Of course he did (...). That son of a bitch had the audacity to push you onto the other. You bit your inner cheek, landing your eyes on the wheel. Yes, you were tired. You woke up at five to sail with Sarah, then you organized the party and cooked for it. You hadn't had a single second of rest during the whole day. And Sam took advantage of it, feeling like he was some kind of Cupido. And you had to recognize that it was also very considerate coming from Bucky.
“I'd appreciate it… actually”. You ended up agreeing, stepping out to give him the keys and ceding your seat.
The ride was silent between the two of you, hearing some quiet indie music playing on the radio while you fought against your brain to stay awake. Luckily, it didn't take him too long to reach Sarah's house —although you were barely keeping your eyes open at this point. Again, he helped you with the kids, walking indoors and following you to their respective rooms. You tucked Jim and Jody on their beds, making sure they were comfy before placing a kiss on their foreheads and wishing them a good night. Bucky had rested his back against the wall, in front of the elder’s room, just waiting for you. And you could swear that you saw him briefly smirking because of the tenderness in your actions.
After closing the last door, you waved your head to urge him to follow you downstairs to the living room. With an exhausted sigh escaping your lips, you let your body fall on the sofa, curling on a side of it to give Bucky some space. You couldn’t help but yawn, turning on the TV by using the control remote.
“It’s good to have a home to come back”.
“Yeah… After all the shitty situations we’ve been through… We deserved a rest, don’t you think?” You replied grabbing a cushion from the floor, using it as a pillow over the armrest. “Sorry, I… I’m deadly tired…”
“Come here, that will hurt when you wake up”.
Bucky didn’t hesitate on beckoning to his arms, taking off his boots heel against heel to place both legs over the coffee table. You didn’t resist, knowing it would be comfier by his way. Sitting up, you lied to the opposite side, being wrapped instantly and snuggled against his warm body. Shameless, you rest your head on his right forearm, practically laying over his lap. But you felt good. You felt like it was a good reward after a long day, rolling down your eyelids and focusing on the caresses in your hair you didn’t know you needed.
For a moment, your mind wandered and fantasized about this last hour being part of your real life. Putting your kids to sleep and then cuddle with your husband till falling asleep. Smell Bucky’s strong and edgy scent. Your hands scratching his back. His fingertips stroking your scalp. Your legs laced (...)
Oh, God, Sam. What did you do?
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feedback is appreciated, please, leave a comment to let me know if you liked it.
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ficsforeren · 2 years
Okay. Now you have to bear with me and my rambling. I just finished three of your works and it's time for Claire's reviews!!
First of all I've finished The Last Song (and I'm so sorry for being this late but uni is killing me and I have 7 exams in a row this semester). I-I-I-I- I don't know what to say. Eren is SO FUCKING CUTE AND ADORABLE AND OH-GOD-I-WANNA-HUG-HIM-AND-COMFORT-HIM-ABLE. I'm not such a romantic person but this story.... God this story was one of the best things I've ever read. I wanna tell you just this: this Saturday I went to the Romics (it's like a Comic-con but just in Rome) and during the trip back home on the train I read the epilogue. My best friend had to hug me for how much I was crying. Eren deserves so much from this world. So I immediately started to read In Another Life and finished like.... an hour ago? (8.50 pm here) GOD WHAT A RELIEFE. It's so cute and sweet and he's ALIVE, WHAT YOU WANT MORE??? I can't wait to see some slice of life of those two cute little (even if they're grown adult, idc alright??) pests. And their two pests, too. I couldn't resist the temptation to read Fallen Angels right after. I won't lie, I voted for the PokkoPiku foursome because I have a soft spot for those two. But now I’m so grateful that the Eren x Reader x Armin won instead! That was so hot and Armin... Oh Armin. I swear, I never read anything related to him because he's to innocent and I usually read for Levi, Jean and Eren, sometimes Reiner, but YOU. YOU FUCKING EVIL GENIUS. You made me drool over him!!!
I'm gonna read Shadow Kiss, Our Little Secret and Controlled now because I just realised how far behind I am with your fics and I can't allow this, you're just so good. So expect another review soon (I hope, University just pleace spare me!).
PS. I want to thank you again for all the kind words you said to me and for going through my ramblings because seriously, I can't stop repeating what an amazing human being you are and how much I admire you. I hope I can consider you my friend because of your kindness. You helped me a lot with the awful period I'm going through. I'm kind of preparing a sort of a gift for you, I hope to be able finish it soon. I hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable Take care!!
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WHY ARE YOU NICE TO ME LAKSDJFLKASDJFKLASJDF THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THE LAST SONG!!! I'm so glad you liked it, and I'm sorry that I made you cry 😭😭😭 but yes, rest assure baby, he's alive and well and he's happy with his little family ❤️❤️❤️
SO GLAD YOU LIKED FALLEN ANGELS TOO!!! armin is so so so cute but he can be sexy too if he needs to hehe rockstar eren was such a daddy in that fic i loved writing that one. well, you've already gotten that pokopiku erenyn foursome in Blissful Ignorance (even if it's just a glimpse) i hope that makes you happy ❤️
BABYYY PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME!!! You don't need to read everything but I'm very grateful that you want to. I hope you're doing well with college. I'm sending you a lot of good prayers and positive vibes to get you through everything!
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anxiouspotatorants · 3 years
HOLD UP!!! You immediately had me at the "Twilight AU but Rory is the vampire" here 👀👀👀👀. Color me intrigued AND inspired.
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Ok so first off, the 'reveal' conversation. The COMEDY potential!! Just Jess being overall nervous but also pretty curious to know about what Rory as a vampire is like, whereas Rory is trying pretty hard to make him be more afraid and to hopefully get him to run away screaming so she can have some reason to tackle him, but this guy just isn't budging!
The shiny skin reveal! Like first off, THIS CAN'T BE THE SAME WITH EDWARD BECAUSE RORY'S NOT PLANNING ON STRIPPING IN FRONT OF JESS HERE (no matter how much she might like him despite her better judgement). Imagine the complete lack of suspense when she just uncovers her arm and shows Jess how it sparkles into the sunlight.
Rory: This is the skin of a killer, Jess!!
Jess: Wow, didn't know murderers had a continuous discount at Claire's for silvery glitter.
Rory: 😒
JESS WITH THE ICONIC GOOGLE SEARCH. THE DREAMS ABOUT RORY COMING IN WITH THE FULL DRACULA GETUP, MENACINGLY LEANING IN TO BITE HIM AS HE TAKES HIS "Paint me like one of your french girls" pose. Jess waking up from it not knowing whether he's scared or has just figured out a new kink for himself.
Jess dodging all of Rory's attempts to get him to stop wanting to see her by just coming in and asking her all of these questions while they're in the middle of the recess crowd in school. Rory giving up after the fourth attempt and answering all of his questions in a hushed tone.
Jess: So you can read people's minds?
Rory: Yes, except for yours. I still haven't figured out why though.
Jess: Huh, maybe Liz's all-round smoking diet during her pregnancy had its benefits after all.
Rory: Jess!!
I'm not sure whether I'd want Rory to be an older vampire like Edward or a more newly-made one, and in this case Lorelai is potentially still human but knows about Rory's condition despite Rory trying to keep her in the dark about it when she first turned. They still haven't found a way to break it to Richard and Emily though, despite their various brainstorming sessions over it.
Lorelai: We could get them drunk and just announce it to them!
Rory: Wonderful, and they'll accept their formerly estranged granddaughter as an undead creature.
Lorelai: Hey, you only asked how we should tell them, you never asked about how they'd handle it.
Jess just straight-up asking if she would eat the bullies in the high-school. Rory vehemently replying that no, she doesn't eat people, she just drinks the blood, but if he must know,......yes she drank from Chuck Presby once because she was angry and hungry and his blood almost tasted like Gatorade, so she's refrained from trying out the other bullies' blood. No, Chuck doesn't know what happened, he just thinks some girl went a bit too far with her hickey.
Jess and Rory talking to each other late at night and organizing a "studying" session where they just end up watching various B-movies, and sometimes Jess ends up falling asleep on the other side of the couch while Rory looks on at him and look, she's not being creepy here, she's just sitting on her side admiring this insane boy who still hasn't woken up one morning and decided that being friends with a vampire girl isn't in fact one of the smartest choices he could make in his life, and she can't help but like him because of that, ok? Also she really needs to hear more of his thoughts on some of the other American classics, it's imperative.
Rory ending up protecting Jess from an ongoing car that almost hits him instead of the whole "other vampire craves his blood" storyline but Jess ends up spraining his arm when he fell to the ground and Rory just feels guilty that she couldn't have saved him in a better way and tries to avoid him after that. Unfortunately she can't because this dumbass is walking along her trail in the nearby woods with his arm in a sling and goddamn it Jess, you're scaring away the deer!!
Yes. A thousand times yes. To all of this. The comedy. The pining. The Google search idea and elder Gilmore announcement. Yes to it all. But may I raise you some alternatives/more ideas:
In the books the sparkling looks more like the vampires are on fire. So when Rory reveals some skin in the sunlight, Jess is like «Shit, stop doing that do you have a death wish?!» and Rory just gives him a shit eating grin and waves her arm in and out of the sunlight. Also what if she doesn’t strip but takes of her sweater to reveal a t-shirt and Jess has a momentary heart attack thinking a vampire was about to flash him? All this being said the Claire’s silvery glitter scene is too good to replace ;-;
There just has to be a point while they’re close friends that Rory tries to impress/scare Jess by pulling him over her shoulders and carrying him while she speed runs. But when she tries to say something badass or seductive she has a brain fart and the only thing that comes out is: «Hold on tight... spidermonkey.» Jess doesn’t get to react before she runs, and when she’s finished the first thing he does is puke (apparently it’s hard to get used to that running according to SMeyer). Rory: «Oh no I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have done it, it was stupid and now you’re hurt and-»
Jess: «Spidermonkey???»
Rory: «oh, you’re fine.»
Rory: «I’ll just leave you here for the bears,» and walks away.
I’m not sure what her vampire origin story should be. It could be all the Gilmores are vampires and they bite each other at a certain age after procreating (and the eldest Lorelai decided to be an asshole and bite Rory early) or it could just be Rory like you said. In that case maybe Christopher became one and bit Rory because he wants her and Lorelai and him to be one big happy family of the night? But Lorelai refused and Rory protected her? Or maybe it was a stranger who passed by Stars Hollow?
Jess questions Rory’s humanity not after being saved by a car crash (pre friendship that is, I still think your idea should come in afterwards) but because he consistently skips school and on a sunny day («How can I lock myself in a stuffy dusty dark room on a day like this, uncle Luke?») he comes upon Rory hunting and eating a dear. That and/or she saves him from the swan. And because it’s Rory and she’s a clumsy new-born she saves him by speeding over and suckerpunching the swan so hard it does an action movie sweep miles into the forest.
Rory’s cover for sunny days in Stars Hollow is that she’s staying at Chilton longer for an assignment, or in the case of her still going to ST High it’s visiting their library for resources. Because she hates missing school, that cover is usually true, and she just refuses to go into any spot with sunlight:
Rory: «I have this skin condition, I have sun allergy»
Madeleine or Louise: «That’s not a thing is it»
Paris: «It is [starts infodumping]»
She usually locks herself in the darkest corner of the library and speeding away in a flash at closing time before anyone can spot her.
Rory has lost count of the amount of times Jess has dared her to drink from him. She refuses because she’s scared if hurting a friend:«What if I taste your blood and it’s so good I can’t stop? Like it tastes like heroin or ecstasy or coffee?» Jess usually counters with either «If you could resist Chuck Presby you can resist me» or «What makes you think I’d taste so good, huh?» Rory always ends up thinking she would have a blush right now if she was still human.
Jess wants to be a vampire too because hey what else does he have a chance at doing in life? But Rory refuses because she sees the potential in him and what he can be, and doesn’t want to take his chance at a good and normal life away from him. But at some point they get into a dangerous situation where Jess’ only options are death or vampyrism and Rory finally gives in. Also this is our AU and we get to decide which Twilight vampire-rules apply and in this AU vampires age mentally (it’s a bullshit excuse SMeyer and you know it).
This one depends on the origin but hey it’s an idea: While Rory was still a new new-born, her and Lorelai locked themselves up in the crap shack for a full week watching all the vampire movies they could in search of information that could help them. Rory decided to do empirical experiments too, and had garlic food, got a cross close to her, wore silver and stabbed her arm a wooden stake. The garlic food (like all food now sadly) tasted crap but didn’t kill her, nor did any of the rest. The wooden stake hurt but it healed fast.
Rory gets both Lorelai and Jess to order insane amounts of food just to watch them eat it because she misses the taste and needs to live vicariously through their tastebuds. In the AU where both Gilmore girls are vampires, they order so much food because they have no idea what the normal amount is (chaotic vampire Gilmores for the win).
Also I did not realize how well Bella and Edward’s powers fit Rory and Jess? Like of course Rory would be a mind reader and of course Jess’ thing would be an all-encompassing shield. Sometime when he’s still human and «bugging» Rory she poses the theory that maybe his head is just empty and doesn’t have any interesting ideas. Jess pretends to be hurt (okay he’s a little hurt but he’d never tell her that) and Rory immediately falls into apologetic mode.
Rory wants to go to prom because it’s a human teenage activity she refuses to miss before starts figuring out what to make out of her vampire life. Jess isn’t hyped for it but promises to get tickets. They end up both going as vampires because that altercation happens a week or so before. Jess struggles with not eating everyone in sight but he sticks close to Rory and they leave without a single drop of blood on their hands.
Also Luke as Charlie! Paying attention to the beat attacks and being the only one who noticed that Rory doesn’t actually eat the food on her plate anymore (her mom eats her own plate then switches it with Rory’s) and when Rory and Jess reveal the secret he momentarily closes down and has to take a fishing trip to process everything. But he comes back a ride or die wanting to protect the poor kids.
I also feel like there should be multiple moments where one is insanely attracted to the other and questions this attraction strongly. Like Rory crushing on Jess and wondering if it’s bloodthirst or just the last remains of her human teenage hormones. And Jess being full on into Rory while still acknowledging the fact that it could be some vampire seduction powers, but what the hell does he care? There’s a cute undead bookworm right there and if he has to go he doesn’t mind dying to be a pretty girl’s lunch meal.
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anoutlandishfanfic · 7 years
Chapter 12 - When the Bough Breaks
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The premise: What if Claire had conceived on her wedding night?
You can find previous chapters here.
October 8th, 1734; near Leoch
“What was that?”
Geillis paused a moment before responding, “It’s nothing but the wind, Claire.”
“No, listen,” I urged. In a moment, the sound came again. It was weaker this time, almost imperceptible, but my blood ran cold as I realized what it was.
It was a baby.
Dropping my basket, I plunged into the underbrush in the general direction of the infant’s cry.
“That’s a faerie hill!” Geillis hissed as she pulled me back towards the path, her eyes wide.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“That baby is no human child, it’s a changeling,” she impatiently explained, “When the faeries steal a human child away, they leave one of their own in it’s place. You know it’s a changeling because it doesna thrive and grow,”
I pried her fingers from my arm and turned away, “That’s just superstitious nonsense!”
“Claire!” she spun me back around to face her, “If you leave a changeling overnight in such a place, they’ll return the child they’ve stolen!”
“But they won’t because it’s not a changeling, it’s a sick child, and it might not very well survive a night out in the open,” I spat. “I have to go!”
“You go yourself, then, and good luck to you!” She dismissed me with a wave of her hand and disappeared into the fog.
The plaintive wail was closer now, pulling me ever onward and upward by my heart strings. It was a steep climb and the forest floor was slippery with wet leaves and mud. I struggled to find traction, grabbing onto branches and rocks in a desperate attempt to reach the abandoned child.
I burst into the clearing atop the hill and spotted the foundling nestled in the crook of large branch, laying completely still.
“Oh God,” I choked, my hands shaking as I gently lifted the tiny bundle from its resting place. The infant’s eyelids flickered and my heart soared as I realized it was still alive, then clattered to a stop as I took in its sunken eyes and deathly pallor.
The babe lay limp in my arms, making no effort to curl into my body for warmth or nourishment. It made a choking, wheezing sound as it fought to take another breath and I eased into an upright position against my chest, the crown of its downy head brushing my chin. I gently rubbed its back as I slowly bounced, swaying side to side. My tears mingled with the rain and an icy chill settled upon me. I clung to the baby, willing it to breathe, to fight to stay alive.
Oh, God.
There was nothing I could do. For all of my medical training, I was absolutely powerless to save this poor, helpless child. I couldn’t staunch the blood flow of a wound. I couldn’t give the relief of a salve or herbal tonic. I could do nothing but sit and wait as the baby’s life drained away.
“I’m sorry,” I sobbed as I slid to the ground, pulling my knees up as close as the baby in my arms and the growing swell of new life within me would allow, “I'm so sorry.”
Hunching over, I rocked back and forth, back and forth, back and forth until everything went numb. The forest around me faded away into a solid white fog. I couldn’t feel my hands, my feet; just the baby’s cold, clammy skin against mine. I couldn’t hear the sound of the rain on the leaves or the wind in the trees, the only sound that could reach me was the death rattle of the baby’s lungs.
Time stood still in the interminable silence between the baby’s breaths, each pause longer than the last.
Shifting the baby in my arms, I hummed the only lullaby I knew, my mother’s favorite song.
Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside.
My fingers memorized the curves of it’s tiny ear, the perfect arch of it’s brows.
Oh, I do like to be beside the sea.
I cupped the baby’s tiny head in my palm and placed a kiss on it’s button nose as it quietly slipped away to be forever held in the arms of the angels.
Jamie’s voice floated thru the fog, a glowing beacon guiding me to a safe harbor. The mist surrounding me lifted for a moment, and I raised my head in time to watch him enter the clearing.
“I was too late,” I whispered as he sank to the ground before me.
“Aye, mo nighean donn,” he murmured, taking my face in his hands.
“I came up here… and the baby… was still alive, but… I couldn’t… I couldn't…” Understanding filled his eyes without my having to finish the sentence. His hands were warm as he brushed away my tears. “They just left it out here to die, Jamie!”
“Aye, I ken.”
He was silent for a time before bringing one hand to rest on the lifeless bundle in my arms. I could see the battle of emotions playing out in his eyes, echoing the war in my own heart. Sorrow, outrage, and terror fought to take control, but it was a quiet sort of resolve that won out in the end.
“You have a kind heart, but you’ve no idea what you’re dealing with.”
Jamie backed away slightly, offering out his arms.
I tore my eyes away from him to look down at the baby once more. I knew I would have to leave it here and, yet, I also knew I couldn’t bear to do so. The child had already been left alone in the forest once. How could I possibly abandon it for a second time?
“Thig, mo ghràidh, come,” he coaxed, sliding his hands beneath the baby.
I resisted only for a moment before I caught sight of his face.
Tears welled in the fathomless blue depths of his eyes as he took the child into his arms, cradling it with a reverent tenderness. His lips formed a wordless supplication to the heavens as he stood, hesitating slightly before placing the baby back into its place in the shelter of the tree.
Crossing himself, he turned and knelt beside me.
“‘Tis dangerous to be out here alone, Sassenach.”
I pulled away from him, “Don’t tell me you believe in faeries and changelings and all that!”
“This is no’ about what I believe. These people… they’ve never been more than a day’s walk from where they were born, aye? They hear no more of the world than what Father Bain tells them in the kirk of a Sunday...” Jamie took my hands in his, brushing them against his lips as he continued, his voice breaking.  “Now for the parents of that child… it might comfort them a bit to think that ‘tis the changeling that died... and to think of their own child happy and well, living forever with the faeries.”
A strangled cry escaped my lips as I buried my face in the front of his coat, pleading, “Take me home?”
My body was shaking uncontrollably from cold and shock by the time we reached Leoch. I was wet to the skin, my thick outer garments were sodden with the frigid rain of a Scottish September. Jamie swung down from the horse, guiding my frozen limbs to do the same. I collapsed into him the moment my feet hit the ground and he lifted me into his arms with ease.
He moved thru the winding passageways and staircases that led to our chamber at remarkable speed, somehow unhindered by inquiring castle folk. Not only that, but he had us both devoid of wet clothing and wrapped in furs and blankets on the bed before I could even register what was going on.
“Your skin’s like ice, mo nighean donn!” Concern washed over Jamie’s face as I stared up at him, unable to form the words to describe the icy numbness I felt.
Jamie hovered above me, methodically messaging the life back into my limbs. My eyes shut of their own accord as his hands roamed my body, melting me with the heat of his devotion. The dense haze that had disappeared on the ride home was threatening to return once more. Fighting against it, I slowly lifted my hand, searching, reaching for him.
“Come… here…” I murmured, my lips feeling heavy and clumsy.
Ignoring my hand entirely, Jamie gathered me into his arms instead. He was so incredibly warm. I pressed my cheek against his chest, letting the reverberating echo of his heartbeat ground me.
All is well.
All is well.
All is well.
I blinked heavily once, twice as I tried to bring the room around me into focus.
“Do that again,” he breathlessly requested.
I was more than willing to oblige, but hadn't the foggiest idea of what I'd done, “Do what?”
“Move your eyelashes slow like tha’,” he cupped the back of my head in his hand as he explained, his thumb absently stroking my hairline. “Ye feel like a wee butterfly spreading its wings.”
Smiling lazily, I did so.
“Is that what ye mean, mo chridhe? Does it feel like that when the bairns move inside ye?”
“A little,” I whispered as the memory of the sensation flooded me with a feeling of warm euphoria, “but it's different somehow.”
He pulled my hips tighter against him, the now discernible swell of my womb pressing into his abdomen. I tilted my head back to see his face and he kissed me. The last vestiges of frozen terror melted away as I lay in my husbands embrace, our children safely nestled between us.
All is well.
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