#your choice on Steve's current state
acowardinmordor · 6 months
The magic of bedtime angst thoughts brings you:
Eddie is still in a coma when the mob comes after him a week after getting mostly eaten by bats. It's not completely unexpected, so Nancy and Hopper were already working with Owens to get Eddie out of there, somewhere safer until the government can actually get a cover story in place. Not done yet though.
When Eddie wakes up in an ultra secret medical wing of some mysterious government building, his uncle, with butterfly bandages on his face and his arm in a cast, tells him about it. The mob came after him. Got past the pissant police protection. Wayne and the others protected him. The government got him out. Broad strokes. Eddie doesn't really want to hear details, fresh from a coma, about how the town tried to murder him, so he lets it be for now.
Recovering from getting mostly eaten takes time and energy, and its two weeks before he sees any of the others. So its two weeks before he finds out that Wayne wasn't the only one who got beat to shit for the crime of trying to keep Eddie alive. They arrive without warning and Eddie realizes what it means when he sees them. Robin has a broken leg and ribs, and a pair of black eyes. Dustin busted his wrist pounding on the door where he and the others got locked for safety. Nancy is bruised and limping, and somber. Max and Lucas' injuries are only from Vecna. But Steve? He doesn't show up at all.
When he finally asks, he desperately hopes that Steve is just being a douche, doesn't like him, is mad that Eddie tried to be cute, that Steve is waiting in a car to bring the others home.
He isn't.
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poguesofthebau · 1 year
summary: steve wants nothing more than to ask you out. however, constantly being under the eyes of nancy, robin, dustin, and the rest of the kids makes it nearly impossible for him. read part two here :)
word count: 6.8k pairing: steve harrington x fem!henderson!reader
"you know, i've been hearing a lot of boo-hooing from you. you, steve harrington, who has the perfect solution to all your problems right in front of your face."
steve scoffed, rolling his eyes at his friend as he tossed a stack of returned films into a bin behind the counter. he internally grimaced as he thought about the fact that he'd be emptying that same bin back onto the shelves tomorrow morning, likely whilst having that same conversation with robin, both more or less against his will. "don't start with this again, robin."
"i'm not the one who started it! you did, with your gushy, lovey-dovey, pining, bedroom eyes every time you look at y/n!" her hands flailed around her as she spoke, dramatizing her words in that way only robin could. "seriously, i don't know how she hasn't caught on yet. because, of course that's not the only way you make your feelings totally obvious. every time you see her-- whenever your lives aren't in immediate danger, i mean-- she's the only person in the room you actually outwardly enjoy speaking to. you randomly bring her up in every other conversation. you call her sweetheart without even thinking about it. and don't think i don't realize that half the time you're at dustin's house it's for her. not to mention you haven't gone on a date in months, and not because you can't get one! it's like--" robin scoffed, a mixture of realization, amusement, and astonishment-- "it's like you've found the girl you've been looking for, but you're too chicken to actually ask her out!"
"first of all, the sweetheart thing? yeah-- that was one, maybe two times. second of all, there are only so many girls in hawkins. how do you know there's not a deficit of girls nearby that i haven't already dated?" robin tried to interject, knowing that his second reason was total bullshit, but steve raised his voice as he continued, preventing her from speaking. "anddd third of all! the rest of that can all be justified by the fact that y/n is my friend!"
"friend schmend. the two of you are going to end up together, i can feel it. mark my words, harrington!"
"i'll mark them if you stop repeating them," steve grumbled, returning to the task at hand as robin hummed in satisfaction.
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"so there's really nothing going on? like... nothing, nothing?"
steve's day was becoming a miserable cycle. first it was robin. now it was nancy. he was beginning to consider going home and hiding from his remaining obligations for the day, but lucas was starting five in the basketball game that night, so he really had no choice. so there he was in the hawkins high gym, grimacing as his ex grilled him about the girl he was in love with. moreover, steve had thought he was secretly in love. apparently he hadn't been doing too great a job of keeping things under wraps. so not only was he going to have to spend another night with all of his friends pretending he wasn't in love with you, but he also had to listen to them as they threw it in his face that he was.
so, yes, steve was miserable.
"nothing is going on, nancy," steve stated flatly, eyes scanning the area near the entrance. he knew that if you showed up, she would quit it (nancy was one of the few of the bunch who at least halted her interrogations when you were around to potentially overhear). robin was a section over in the gym bleachers, clad in her band uniform and gripping her instrument, too focused on vickie's presence beside her to notice steve and nancy sitting so close-by. although he was currently missing the constant subject changes throughout conversations with robin, he was glad she was too distracted to join nancy in harassing him. mike was standing on the sidelines with lucas while he stretched, the boys laughing at something a grinning lucas had said. the rest of you had yet to arrive. in other words, there was nothing stopping nancy from taking her turn to question him about his nonexistent relationship with you. he was trapped.
he was also saving the seat to his right for you, fully prepared to face the repercussions of that choice if someone realized it too soon. regardless, he was praying you showed up before anyone else so he could avoid having to literally fight over the empty foot of space on the bench. regardless of where you ended up sitting, steve just wanted you there. he wanted to be near you, and to hear you laugh at dustin's silly basketball jokes, and to watch your expression shift from suspenseful to proud any time lucas shot and scored. he knew you'd turn to him and grin for no reason at some point, like you always did. he would be stunned by how effortlessly beautiful you were, but he'd just blush and grin back without a second thought. you'd make him happy in the ways that mattered. he could never be miserable with you there.
"okay, well... do you want something to be going on?"
steve turned to nancy at that, brows ruffling as he eyed her. "what do you mean? nance, have you been talking to robin? because, seriously, she's nuts. like, out of her mind--"
"no, no, no," nancy interrupted. her hair swirled around her head as she shook it, further emphasizing her answer. "i haven't been talking to robin. i've just noticed the two of you spending more time together than usual, and... you would make sense together. i mean, she makes you happy, and you make her happy. it's pretty easy to see that much."
steve paused at that, eyes flickering to the door one more time before carefully selecting his next words. his tone was less harsh this time, having a better understanding now of what nancy had been trying to do. she was encouraging him. "we're just friends, nance. you're right about her making me happy, but we're just friends."
nancy started to respond, offering him some hopeful nonsense about giving it a little bit of time, but steve was no longer paying her any attention. his eyes had finally found what they'd been searching for, and the sound of his heart thudding in his chest suddenly drowned out nancy's voice. you were there, and you looked perfect. your outfit was nothing special, really-- he'd seen you wear the same thing plenty of times before-- but steve still felt a wave of awe wash over him when he caught sight of you, a smile creeping onto his face. you hadn't noticed him yet, your eyes beginning to search the crowd before suddenly turning to look at max, who'd walked into the gym with you. you laughed at something she said, presumably a snide comment about the jocks or the antsy crowd or whatever else max was unimpressed by upon arrival, and steve's breath hitched in his throat at the amused expression on your face. a second later, though, you found him in the crowd. your eyebrows raised when the two of you made eye contact, and your hand reflexively shot up to wave at the shaggy-haired boy. he returned the gesture, abruptly snapping out of his y/n-induced trance. when he glanced back at nancy, she had a smug, knowing look on her face, clearly entertained, but said nothing.
"hey there," you said, dropping into the empty spot that steve had been so ready to fight someone over. mike had parted ways with lucas and joined you and max on your walk to the bleachers, and they seated themselves in front of you as you greeted steve and nancy.
"hey, y/n. how's it going?" his tone was calm and balanced as he spoke to you, concentrating hard on remaining as nonchalant toward you as he would the others. he had to play it cool; nancy was watching.
you let out a puff of air, chuckling a little at the question. "as good as it could go, i guess. dustin's feeling particularly unruly today, so it's been an interesting afternoon. but little brother can't dish out anything i can't handle, so let there be basketball!"
he smiled at that, a laugh passing his lips as he fell into conversation with you. this was what he'd needed all day. just a simple, uninterrupted five minutes talking to you. "where is the little demon? no way he's missing this game when he told me i had to be here."
"bathroom. he was too busy torturing me with science facts to pee before we left the house to pick max up, and then he was too 'immobilized by the need to urinate' that he couldn't get out of the car and use max's bathroom. i don't think i've ever seen him move as fast as he did getting out of the car after i parked outside-- dusty boy had to go."
"maybe that's his karma," steve suggested, prompting laughter from both of you. "huge ego, tiny bladder."
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a few minutes later, dustin was emerging from the hallways. he suspiciously squinted at steve as he walked in, having recently noticed that his best friend had been paying his big sister a lot of attention in the last few weeks. he had tried his hardest to remain calm about the situation, but he was already panicking. what was he supposed to do if steve dated you, somehow fucked it up, and you ended up hating him? how would dustin's relationship with steve fare if he broke your heart?
at the same time, though, he wanted you both to be happy-- or to at least get the chance to be happy. in fact, he would love for you to be happy with each other. two of the people he loved the most in the world ending up together seemed poetic in ways that dustin couldn't find the wording for. the best analogy he could come up with was a comparison to peanut butter and jelly, but he knew that was too cliche to voice. so he didn't mention anything, not you and steve or peanut butter and jelly, and just sat back and watched. some days he watched optimistically. maybe after today they'll realize they're perfect for each other. other days, he watched like a hawk, a childish urge to kick steve in the groin for looking at his sister like that festering inside him. i'm going to knock him out. i'm going to give him two black eyes-- that'll teach him a lesson. but he never did anything. just watched and waited.
in the last few weeks, watching without commenting had gotten more difficult than dustin ever expected. one advantage to being your brother and steve's best friend was that he noticed things some of the others might not. he saw steve taking extra long strides to make it to the door first, opening it for you as you continued rambling about some meaningless topic, any time the two of you were walking through a threshold together. he saw your eyes roll the slightest bit when steve mentioned a girl he'd gone on a date with a few months back. he saw steve waiting in his car to make sure you got inside alright after he dropped you off-- something he never did for dustin. he saw you smoothing down your hair before getting out of the car to sit besides steve at the basketball game. he saw how the two of you saw each other.
so instead of continuing to give steve dirty looks as he approached, dustin sucked in a breath of air, forced himself to change perspectives, and made some adjustments to his facial expression.
when he finished glaring at steve, his eyes locked with nancy, who returned eye contact and gave him a sympathetic smile. she understood being protective of your sibling, and she knew what the fear of losing steve felt like. but she also had a strong feeling that things would turn out going well for all three of you; at this point, your quickly-blooming relationship with steve had been a long time coming. of course, she couldn't communicate all of that knowledge through two seconds of eye contact, but dustin at least saw that she understood.
"hellooo, people!" dustin grinned at you, steve, and nancy as he seated himself between mike, whom he amicably bumped shoulders with, and max, whom he wiggled his eyebrows at. each of you acknowledged his arrival just before a whistle blew. lucas and four of his teammates made their way onto the court, and dustin felt a wave of relief upon having something else to focus on. "let's watch some basketball!"
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"you did amazing, lucas!"
"oh, yeah! super graceful out there, just like i taught you. way to make me proud, kid."
you snorted, lightly whacking steve for somehow finding a way to make lucas's success about himself. "very humble, harrington."
nancy, mike, dustin and max followed close behind you and steve, congratulating lucas on the team’s win as they stepped up beside you. the game had ended 20 minutes ago, with hawkins securing the win. lucas had been granted some time to hit the showers and say his goodbyes to his teammates before meeting back up with the rest of you by the gymnasium doors. the school was far from empty, a plethora of people still lingering around the gym and in the parking lot, and the bustling seemed to comfort you all.
“okay, who's getting a ride home from me?” the kids began chattering over one another in response, and the only way you deciphered their chorus of answers was by mentally noting whether they'd pointed at you or steve. you'd chauffeured dustin and max on your way, and nancy, mike, and lucas had carpooled with steve, but lucas was now planning on riding home with you (assuredly to spend more time with max). in the bustle of the conversation, you heard mike say he'd left his bike at lucas's house the day before, meaning he'd be joining whoever lucas left with so he could get his usual mode of transportation back. this left steve riding with nancy, and you dropping off mike, lucas and max on your way home with dustin.
steve was still hyper-focused on behaving normally, resisting the urge to look at you with what robin had described as his "gushy, lovey-dovey, pining, bedroom eyes" too frequently. at this point in the night, he was regressing to the sullen mood that he'd begun that day with. he knew that he'd have to part ways with you within a few minutes, and that was enough to ruin his night. because of that, he didn't really care who he had to drive home, or that nancy would be his only passenger, or how your mood change entirely when you realized that nancy would be his only passenger.
you knew you should've held it together better. unbeknownst to steve, the kids had been on your back, too. dustin would quiz you about your day whenever you spent ample time away from him, prying until you coughed up every detail of any time you'd spent alone with steve. there had been one evening a few weeks earlier when max and lucas were on their way to use the pool at steve's house, and they'd seen your car pulling out of steve's driveway as they turned onto his street. dustin wasn't with you. the next day, max showed up at your doorstep to accuse you of being in a secret relationship with your friend. you thought you’d convinced her otherwise at first, but three weeks later she told you she was still waiting for the day you two “finally came clean.” nancy told you she’d overheard mike telling el over the phone that you and steve “still haven’t gotten together,” which then led to a very awkward conversation between you and nancy about how she wouldn't mind if you wanted to get with steve despite their history.
you knew what it felt like to be scrutinized in the exact same ways steve was, and you were just as antsy as him when they were around to observe.
you should’ve held it together better. but you slipped.
“okay, great. you and me, nance. all ready? let’s hit the road.” he dropped his hands onto her shoulders, beginning to steer her toward the exit when he was halted by your reaction.
what did you do in response to steve’s urgency to leave with nancy? you scoffed.
for a split second, you thought maybe, maybe, no one heard it.
unfortunately for you, everyone heard it. (admittedly, it was sort of loud. arguably more of a guffaw than a scoff.) steve froze, his hands falling from nancy's frame as he twisted back around to quizzically look at the source of the noise. the others followed suit, all peering at you before exchanging their own encoded glances with each other.
so... maybe 'slip' was an understatement. maybe you completely threw yourself under the bus, let the cat out of the bag, spilled the beans, all of it. totally exposed yourself. if they had an inkling before, they had proof now.
after a moment of tense silence passed over the group, steve looked at you, surprised and unnerved by the noise you'd made. he opened his mouth to ask if you were okay, but you were already moving on, turning to speak to dustin. “let’s go, little man. round up our passengers for me.” and you spun on your heel and walked out of the high school.
as you walked out, dustin immediately turned to steve, his finger extended until it was a mere inch away from steve’s face. “you,” he said threateningly. “you idiot! you absolute goddamn imbecile! son of a bitch!”
as dustin threw halfhearted insults at the older boy, the kids behind him groaned in mortification. “steveeeee,” max complained. “you’re better than this!”
lucas snickered, looking at max as he gestured to steve. “what makes you think he’s better than this? look at him! he has no clue what he’s done!”
“oh, he knows what he’s done,” dustin grumbled. “he’s done something to upset my sister. and for that, i might have to kill him.”
steve was just beginning to defend himself when robin came bounding down the halls, a duffel bag slung over her arm and an unknowing grin on her face. “hey! i’m so glad i caught you before you left! what are the odds you could give your old friend, coworker, fellow monster-slaying warrior robin a ride home?”
she tried to further explain the circumstances that led to her losing her original ride, but she was cut off by the kids' roars. they spoke over one another, and all at once robin heard, “oh, thank god!” “perfect timing!” “you’re a little late.” “jesus christ!”
her expression shifted to confusion, finally sensing that she was out of the loop on something. she looked to steve and nancy, opening her mouth to question the strong reaction from the younger crowd when steve cut her off. “yeah, i can give you a ride. c’mon, we were just leaving.” he looked pointedly at the kids as he made the latter claim, swaying them to keep their mouths shut for the remaining three minutes that they’d be together.
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it was a fifteen minute ride from the school to max's house. the redhead was sitting in the passenger seat of your car, subtly glancing over at you every few moments as the three boys bickered in the back seat. she hadn't said anything since you started driving, but the backseat occupants had been whispering essentially the entire time. you had turned on the car radio when the awkward silence and coughing became too much to bear (which, to be precise, was within two minutes of the ride), and they'd immediately began to quietly theorize behind you.
during the last five minutes of the ride, the whispering intensified noticeably. you still couldn't make out their exact words, but all three of them had raised their volumes enough that you could decipher which voice was which. you'd had just about enough of their poor attempts to hide the fact that they were talking about you, and you were just about to give them a piece of your mind. before you reached your tipping point, however, max cleared her throat and spoke to you in her own low voice. "robin ended up going with steve and nancy, by the way," she muttered, mentally noting the muscles in your jaw slightly relax when you processed what she said. you threw her a grateful look, letting out a barely-noticeable sigh of relief. max paused, gauging your mood before adding something else. "you know he likes you, right?"
your eyes moved to the rear view mirror, peering at the boys' reflections to confirm that they were still preoccupied with their own conversation before responding quietly. "i know."
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steve knew from the moment he opened his eyes the next day that it was going to be another day from hell. he groaned aloud when his alarm clock woke him up, his nose scrunching as he slammed an open palm on top of the machine to silence it. when his bedroom reverted to a state of heavy silence, steve tossed the same hand over his face, mentally recapping the events of the previous day as he prepared to get out of bed. "and you didn't go after her," he grumbled to himself, tossing the comforter off his body and shifting into a sitting position on the side of the bed. "god damn moron didn't go after her."
yesterday he'd had to listen to the girls-- his peers, people his own age-- question his relationship with you without any concrete evidence. today, he was going to have to fight for his life against dustin for ruining your night, disappointing you, not finally confessing his feelings for you instead of trying to run off with nancy, and whatever else dustin felt like drudging up in the midst of the singular discrepancy. worst of all, steve felt like he deserved it. he felt like shit for making you feel anything other than adored and appreciated, and he had already spent plenty of time beating himself up over it when he got home the night before.
no matter how he felt, he couldn't shake the anxiety he felt over you being upset with him. granted, he wasn't even sure that you still were upset with him-- maybe this only seemed like a big deal in the moment, and he was actually already forgiven-- but the uncertainty was enough to make his stomach flip a few times whenever he considered the possibility.
he knew he had to talk to you as soon as he could. he had a shift at the video store that morning, which was why his obnoxious alarm had sounded so much earlier than he would've preferred, but the next thing on his agenda for the day would be to find you and apologize-- grovel, if necessary, until he was sure you weren't harboring any hard feelings toward him. he'd probably have to hear a lot of commentary from everyone else before he got to talk to you, but he doubted anyone could be much harder on him than he was already being with himself. so he threw on his work uniform, blocking out a memory of the time you told him he looked "magnificent" in that green vest, and hopped in the car. just a few hours and he could talk to you.
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it took the kids longer to show up than steve expected. half of him thought dustin might be standing at the front desk with his arms folded across his chest when steve walked through the door. but no, they didn't get there until three hours into his shift. he'd already restocked the shelves, rung out a handful of customers, and taken his thirty-minute lunch break by the time he heard the bustle of the 4 freshmen entering. the first coherent thing he heard was lucas's whisper, asking, "do you see him anywhere?" he popped his head above the shelf he'd been reorganizing in an attempt to pass the time, throwing the group a hesitant smile as they spotted him in the far corner of the store. when he joined them in the open area beside the register, steve opened his mouth to greet them only to be immediately cut off by dustin.
"have you talked to her?" he drilled, a stern tone behind his voice to match the demanding look in his eye.
"no," steve replied hesitantly, not sure of whether or not the boy was planning on allowing him to elaborate further. his eyes darted around the small crowd before him, taking in max's curious gaze and the amused expressions lucas and mike wore before flickering back to dustin. the curly-haired boy was glaring at him expectantly, and steve rushed to fill the silence before dustin could yell at him again. "i was planning on going over to see her after my shift."
dustin squinted at steve, inspecting his face for any sign that he might've been lying. he found no evidence of falsehood, nodding slowly as he mentally lined up his next set of questions. as dustin was thinking, max piped up. "do you feel remorse? i mean, do you fully grasp the depth of what you did?"
"hey, i'm asking the questions here," dustin said pointedly to max. he blinked a few times, then turned back to steve. "well, answer her!"
steve stuttered a bit as he responded, surprised by the question despite how prepared for this confrontation he'd thought he was. "uh, i-- what-- well, yeah, i feel remorse, but it's not like i did it on purpose. it was-- i didn't mean to make her upset."
"you were drooling over nancy! literally rushing to get out of there when the only thing motivating you was the idea of being alone in a car with your ex-girlfriend! literally!"
"okay, when you put it like that, it sounds really bad," steve admitted dubiously, wincing at the reminder that you probably thought he had feelings for nancy again. "but that wasn't actually what was going on!"
dustin didn't seem to care what steve had to say to defend himself, simply moving on to address his second issue. "and not just that, but you've also been stringing her along for months now, acting all flirty and romantic and obsessed with her, basically going on dates all the time, and then denying that anything is going on between you two!"
"that is not true," steve contested.
"dude, that's kinda true," lucas interjected.
at the exact same time, mike added, "yeah, you definitely do all that stuff."
"we don't go on dates! we hang out! y/n would tell you the same thing-- because we're friends, and nobody is stringing anybody along."
"that doesn't explain why she got so upset at you wanting to spend time alone with nancy, though," max remarked. steve groaned at this, growing tired of talking in circles yet again about his relationship with you. max's eyebrows raised at the older boy, eyes slightly widening in a combination of false innocence and genuine interest. "i'm just saying."
"exactly! if nothing's going on with you, why is she so worried about you and nancy? and--"
"okay, fine!" suddenly steve was interrupting dustin, and all eyes were now expectantly trained on his noticeably fed-up expression. "you're right! i have feelings for your sister, and i'm pretty sure she has feelings for me too, but i haven't been able to ask her out properly yet because i have a bunch of people watching my every move and asking me questions about her and us at all times! so maybe if you would all stop breathing down my neck, then i would be able to figure out a way to ask her out without seeming like a total creep!”
silence fell over the group, all of them stunned that steve had finally confessed the truth. the kids hadn't thought steve would give his big secret up that easily, and even steve himself had intended to keep his emotions under wraps for a while longer. he at least wanted to tell you about how he felt before he told dustin. but, clearly, that was no longer an option.
just as it began to set in steve's mind that he'd just confessed his true feelings to dustin, max, lucas, and mike, the front door swung open and another person stepped foot in the store.
it was you.
"uh, hi everyone," you chuckled nervously when you walked in. you held a vhs tape in your left hand, the other holding the strap of your bag to secure it on your shoulder. the tension in the air was immediately apparent to you; it wasn't often that these kids were stunned into silence, so you recognized the expressions well. no one flinched to respond when you walked in, but they seemed caught when they saw you. steve, on the other hand, was visibly clenching his jaw and avoiding eye contact with the others. he was unmistakably distraught, and the tight-lipped smile he threw you as you entered did nothing to convince you otherwise.
you took a few steps toward them, just about to blatantly ask what you'd walked into when max spoke up. "hi y/n," she stepped in front of the others as she spoke, meeting you halfway between their position and yours. a second after she greeted you, her mouth moved again, releasing no sound. you made out what she mouthed clear as day: steve is mad. her eyes held a sort of amazed-but-apprehensive look, and it clicked in your mind what must've happened. dustin. max assumed you'd caught on then, subtly sending you another hint. "returning a movie?"
"yeah," you said, feigning a smile as your eyes flickered behind the girl. dustin had now snapped out of his stunned silence, obviously observing closely as you made your next move. mike and lucas seemed to be on alert, both glancing between you, dustin, and steve to see how the situation would unfold. "steve, you wanna help me out over here?" you nodded toward the counter in the center of the room, walking backwards in the direction as you gestured.
"uh, yeah," steve said, clearing his throat when he realized how low his tone was. "sure, i gotcha."
the two of you made your way to the register, steve's back to the kids as he stood across the counter from you. your eyes shifted to your little brother as you placed the vhs tape on the counter, watching as he took a step forward only to be physically stopped by max. words were exchanged between the two, and dustin gave the back of steve's head one final intense glare before moving to the opposite side of the store and fixating his eyes on a random shelf of films. thank you, max, you thought gratefully.
when you looked back at steve, he seemed to be lost in thought, already in the process of marking your latest rental as returned. you gave yourself a few seconds to just look at him. you could tell he hadn't brushed his hair when he woke up that morning because the hair on the left side of his head was flattened out in comparison to the rest. the first button on his vest was secured to the second buttonhole, something you would've laughed at on most other days. his eyes were the same brown as always, but the distracted expression behind them made you slightly uneasy. soon enough, your few seconds to admire the older boy had expired, and it was time for you to force him into a conversation. "so," you started, earning a glance and raise of the brow from him. "how's the shift going? running the show solo?"
he chuckled, shaking his head at your small talk. "yup, it's all me this morning. and, of course, i was running a smooth operation until the fiends showed up."
you shot him a pitiful smile. "i'm sorry about them. i told dustin to leave it alone, but he's--"
"obsessed with protecting you?" you nodded, and steve chuckled again. "yeah, i know. he always has been, and he always will be. i don't blame him. it's just-- agh, it's a lot sometimes, i guess." you could feel him thawing out as you fell into conversation, gradually easing back up after facing the turmoil that was your little brother. steve's mind seemed to shift then, almost as if he'd had a lightbulb moment within. "hey, you know, i'm sorry about last night, by the way. i didn't mean for it to seem like i was trying to get away from you, or get alone with nancy, or anything like that, because none of that is the case."
"you don't have to apologize, steve. i'm sure you've already had a hard enough time explaining yourself to dustin; you don't need to explain anything to me on top of that."
"no, no, i do, though," he insisted. as you talked, the vhs you'd entered with was resting beneath steve's palm, having long-since been forgotten. he turned his body to fully face you as he spoke this time, and you took a split second of that transitional time to mentally note the way his hand engulfed the tape. you almost lost all focus in that moment, already starting to thinking about steve's hands, warm and big and firm, instead of his relationship with nancy or your brother's pestering or anything else. but when he spoke again, the tone of his voice had changed, and all of your attention was drawn back to the conversation. "it's been months of everyone else demanding an explanation for you and me spending so much time together, and the least i could do is actually give you an explanation."
"trust me, i get it. they give me a lot of shit too, for pretty much anything that involves you."
"anything and everything. like, if dustin sees me wave at you when i pick him up from your house, it's all i hear about for twenty minutes. any time max hears that you and i spend any time together she has to clarify whether or not it was a date. even nancy and robin do it. i mean, when we left the gym last night the two of them went back and forth the entire ride on what i could do to get you to forgive me. i honestly don't remember the last time i went a whole 24 hours without someone asking about you, or mentioning us, or calling me out on something. it’s just so frustrating. i mean, i spend months striking out with every dud of a girl i talk to, and then i waste a few more months with a bunch of chicks who i know aren't worth my time, and then i finally realized that there's this perfect girl right in front of me, and i can’t work up the courage to do anything about it because of the pressure from our friends and her little brother? kind of pathetic, if you ask me."
"the perfect girl, you say?" you smirked at him, his face flushing a little when you locked eyes.
"i-- yeah, the perfect girl." he smiled a little as he looked at you, feeling his own mood shift from anxious and overwhelmed to hopeful and optimistic.
"i don't know about perfect. maybe she's kinda cute, but perfect? seems like a bit of a stretch."
"no, i mean, i get that it's hard to believe and everything, but she's a total catch. she's drop-dead gorgeous, obviously, but she's also smart, and determined, and so caring. like, i don't think there's anything this girl wouldn't do to protect the people she loves. seriously, i've never met a girl like her before, and i'm pretty positive i never will again. she's pretty much one of a kind. yeah, she's perfect."
the nonchalant tone of his voice as he spoke confirmed to you that steve had calmed down after his interaction with dustin. more than that, you were shocked by the things he'd said. as you'd said to max the night before, you knew steve liked you. it wasn't like he did some superb job of hiding it from you or anyone else; everyone knew that steve harrington didn't waste his time hanging out with one girl for months if he wasn't actually interested in her. in all honesty, though, you hadn't thought it was as much of a true emotional attraction as a combination of loneliness and sexual tension. his never having made a move before was what you'd considered confirmation of that theory; he didn't actually care enough to risk his friendship with dustin, so he just left it alone. regardless of all the logic you'd used to justify your relationship with steve, here he was confessing that he had all sorts of feelings about you.
without noticing, you'd gone completely silent during your moment of realization. steve was looking at you with anticipation and a little fear, smiling nervously as he said, "sorry, was that too much?"
you laughed, shaking your head. "no, that wasn't too much. it's just kind of insane, you know? i mean, if you told me sophomore year that king steve would be calling me 'the perfect girl' one day, i would've laughed in your face. but here we are."
"here we are," steve repeated with a smile. "for the record, though, king steve is dead and gone. god, i hated that guy." he rolled his eyes as he spoke then, cringing at the memory of who he used to be.
"yeah, i can't really disagree with that. king steve was a dick. but i'm glad you're the steve that took over for him."
"well, this steve would really love it if you'd give him a chance. i might do dumb shit sometimes, but it's just because i get so in my head about what people think. but when it comes to you, i'm sick of worrying about what everyone else will say. i just--" he leaned forward, both elbows resting on the counter between you, and locked eyes with you as he spoke again. "will you go out with me?"
you could've sworn someone was holding a lighter to each of your cheeks in that moment. whether it was because of how hard you were blushing or how hard you were smiling, you weren't sure, but you could feel the heat spread across your face as you answered. you leaned forward as you spoke, too, placing your hands on top of his where they rested on the counter. "i would love nothing more, steve."
"jesus christ," steve breathed, letting his head hang low as he exhaled a chuckle and hid his face from you. when he lifted his head again, his face was just as pink as yours. "i didn't know if i would ever get the opportunity to ask you uninterrupted. even then, i didn't know if you'd even say yes!"
you squeezed his hands in yours, laughing at his confession. "obviously i said yes. what girl could say no to that hair?" you reached up and tugged gently on the hair atop his head, laughing when his nose scrunched in response.
steve grabbed the hand that had been in his hair as you dropped it back down, feeling another wave of relief and adoration wash over him. "i would come around the counter and kiss you, but your little brother is definitely still watching us."
you snorted at that, nodding. "you're totally right. and, unfortunately, the only way to get him to leave here is to take him with me when i go. so, instead of kissing me now, you can wait until later tonight when you pick me up to go out."
steve laughed, letting your hands slip out of his as you pulled away and started walking toward your brother and his friends. "i'll pick you up at 7?" he called after you.
"i'll be ready by 6:30," you shot back with a smile. then you moved a few feet across the store to find dustin, lucas, mike, and max huddled behind a shelf of vhs tapes, obviously struggling to eavesdrop on your conversation with steve. you fought back a laugh at the sight of them, cramped and clueless, before announcing, "anyone who wants to know what's going on with me and steve, leave the store now and you'll get your answers."
steve had never seen those four fools move so quick, and before he knew it, they were outside. he shot you one last lovesick grin as you waved goodbye to him with a smile. "see you at 6:30."
maybe today wasn't such a day from hell, after all.
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wroteclassicaly · 2 years
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Warnings: Language, smut, NSFW goodness, vaginal fingering, finger sucking, & Steve comes in his pants.
A/N: Well, this wouldn’t leave me alone, the dash was horny for Steve too, and my mind spiraled. *Eddie Munson voice* @pastel-pillows & @dr-aculaaa — this is for you! ;-)
You couldn’t stop the way your legs began to shake, calves tense, thighs jiggling from the jostle you accompanied yourself with, toes of your sneakers dipped into the green carpeting and digging in, only to bounce seconds later. You swear you can hear your heartbeat rushing in your ears, bursting the drums, echoing your sinful sentiments, a choir of nasty little devils whispering encouragement into your ears, their sharp teeth sucking at your lobe. It all started with watching Steve rearrange his trunk this morning before you rode with him to work at the store. He’d pulled out his nail slayed weapon, twirling it like it weighed nothing and he did it for a living. You went doe eyed, becoming dizzy and dumb.
Robin had rolled her eyes, following shortly behind for her own ride. “So glad I’m not straight.” She was forever onto you.
And the duration towards Family Video wasn’t any better. With the ping pong weather of the Midwest, you’d all had your windows down and it kept blowing Steve’s unruly mane, resulting in crunching leather, twisting upon by his clenched fingers as they shifted to raise, his wrist tendons flexing beneath a rolled Henley, his digits pushing back the tendrils that had mounted his forehead. With a slow morning, it gave you three some time to unwrap new snacks to restock the front counter with. Only… that packing tape was always tough and you left the letter opener in the back (you could never find it, really), so Steve came to the rescue. He’d fetched his keys from the employee lockers, bringing them into the front with one announcement: the metal ring swinging along his defined pointer finger. With a freshly manicured nail bed and a calloused padding around the digit’s tip, you were all but salivating.
Praying made everything worse for your state, and you’d resigned to indulging in every waking fantasy as you watched Steve roll his sleeves up until they crested over his forearms and rested around his elbows, giving you VIP access to each and every tendon, vein, freckle, mole, and muscle that the limbs possessed, complete with his signature watch wrapped around his left wrist. Robin had backed away and busied herself further towards the front, not wanting to be smothered by your increasingly unstable pheromones. You thought that maybe asking Steve for help instead of watching him grit his pearly whites or lick his tongue out over that dark stubble beginning to work its way into his flesh, circling his mouth in the most luscious ways, all because the tape was being stubborn against his keys — wasn’t a smart choice. He had refused with a smile, leaning over the cardboard and giving you a direct eyeline down the collar of his shirt, curly chest hair peeking back at you. On your way around the counter after nearly collapsing, Robin had poked her finger into her mouth and mimicked a gag, rolling her eyes at your middle finger return.
And that leads you to your current continued predicament, the slutty saga trotting along. Steve makes a noise of eager mirth and that goofy grin of triumph washes over his features, his fingers tucking into the packaging and flipping the lids, curling.
You choke on your own spit, a deep breath coming out choppy. You immediately warm with embarrassment and maneuver your way through the stale air towards the restrooms. You’re barely inside a stall before Steve comes in behind you, halfway in the doorway, hand tightened knuckle-white around the silver handle, little denim jeans strapped to his thick thigh that is raised slightly, his Nike sneaker toe pointed into the floor to hold his place. You watch his arm prop, his brows cinch in confusion.
“Honey? Everything alright?”
If you speak it’ll all vomit out in a pornographic moan, so you can merely shake your head. Steve immediately reacts and joins your proximity, nearly caging your airspace in, his cologne draping around you like a fucking winter coat. Your eyelids flutter closed, your body stepping back, then in. This is ridiculous. It’s not like you two haven’t fooled around before, on nights where the action was slow and the adrenaline ran high.
He always said you could talk to him, ask him for and about — anything. It’s a comical slow motion when his hand raises, veins defined and running alongside his creamy skin that will tan in the coming Spring, it never fails to. He seems to feed off of your look, patience his new virtue. You permit his thumbpad to stroke a shred of hair to tuck it behind your ear, causing your nipples to harden in your bra’s confines.
“Steve…” And his breath hitches, because even underneath the sickly fluorescent lighting he can see your dilated pupils.
“Oh.” His own voice has gone rasp, scattered. But there’s a battering jealousy that gnaws at his abdomen, fanning its green flames into his esophagus. He could choke on the bile that someone else might have caused your pent up responses.
It’s like he knows what you’re going to say before you do, but he encourages, stroking ever so softly along your cheekbone now. “What do you need?”
You mewl and sway into him, chests brushing, lips parched when they peel apart. You can practically taste his cinnamon breath spray on your tongue. “Need to touch myself.” You settle for a more hands off approach, not wanting to push, especially at work and with your shared best-friend thirty feet away.
Steve, however, he surprises you. He purses his plush lips into a plop, sclera glazed over with honey hot arousal. “Yeah? You think I can watch you do it? It’s been so long since you’ve let me see you between your legs, baby.”
It didn’t matter anymore if you were thinking about someone else, because you’re going to be thinking of him now — only, just. He wants to make sure.
You’re almost warning him, but when your jaw drops and your tongue is present, his thumb glides along your skin and presses inside and over the wet muscle. Steve has never seen you react so strongly, your left hand reaching out and fisting into his shirt, bunching it and yanking him into the stall with you, kicking it shut, his back falling upon the cool, doodle littered metal. He hisses, a fuck being spat into the air. You’re trembling into your ragged breathing, vest rippling with the waves of your heaving breasts. You look at him from beneath your lashes, fluttering, sucking with purpose on his thumb.
His cock swells instantly, straining uncomfortably against the zipper of his light blue Levi’s. It hits him then, what you have wanted. Or rather, who. He feels a possessive pull that’s stronger than gravity, polluting every bit of air that enters his lungs. His arm wraps around your lower back and his forearm jostles a chill down your spine.
You make room and claw your vest off, letting the cheap polyester hit the tile floor, helping yourself to his arm around you, bending to having his palm splay along your tailbone, caressing, moving upwards seconds later. Your hand untangles from the now wrinkled fabric of his shirt and moves to your jeans, pushing and twisting, getting them to a place where they drift down your hips and pool around your knees. Your panties are next, so sticky and hot between your thighs that it strings from you to glistening fabric, Steve’s mouth watering.
“Dammit, honey. How long have you been like this for?”
You’re panting, whimpering, his light kneading in your tense muscles, finding him eventually cupping your neck with a heavy and large palm, fingers tickling your jugular. Your pulse is thumping sporadically beneath his touch, he notes with fascination.
“All day.” You reveal. “Because of you and these.” You say full out, tongue lolling out and licking another one of his fingers into your mouth — salty and all Steve.
Those carmel colored brows, they rise into a question. You nod once more. “Please?”
Steve dips in, drops his wrist to nudge the meat of your thighs further apart, and he swipes a finger through the soaked seam of you, collecting what he can, rubbing along the rim of muscle that keeps your beautiful inside from him — pushing it when you begin to shake and plead. Your whispering praises and thank yous, ready to worship at the temple of Steve Harrington. He adds a third finger to your mouth and thrusts, wiggling them along the wetness, marveling at how it pools in the creases where your lips meet your cheeks.
“Like that?” He draws out a gruff groan, tossed about by the electric force and your perfect lips closing around his fingers, sucking him like it’s his dick and the world is about to end.
You give him that look, and that familiar adrenaline finds its way to the surface and screams, taking you and Steve within its clutches. He’s smirking at your mumbling around him, a pathetic but purely diabolical sight. He’s so hard it hurts to move, knees bumping yours, and your body pliant and fucking yourself on his hand, your lips spread apart and scattering your cream across his palm each time you push back down against him, arching to help nudge his fingers into a deeper crook. You grip his wrist bone and tap, tracing those veins, and you finalize by digging your nails into his forearm. He retaliates and holds on the back of your tongue, making you sputter and choke, spit dribbling out and squishing around his knuckles.
“Yeah, gag on it. Fuck, you’re about to cum already, do you feel it?”
And you do come, seconds later, licking and biting at Steve’s fingers, squeezing his arm and practically humping his hand until it subsides. Your head is spinning when you touch back to planet earth, Steve shaking and folding in on you, his sticky fingers falling from your pussy, the softest noise coming out of his throat and barreling past his lips.
“Holy shit…” you look right at his crotch in time to see the denim darken with his load.
He finds your neck and kisses, returning cute and shyly, his own hand leaving your mouth, pruned and sated.
“I can’t believe I just got off in my pants. Christ, honey. You’re fucking ridiculous today.”
Steve-speak. All dopey and cheesy, uncaring that he busted like a horny teenager. But you didn’t care either, so he didn’t feel the need to be ashamed.
Whilst he helps you readjust your clothing, a shrill voice sounds from the other side of the room.
“You better wash your hands,” Robin yells.
You’re sheepish, wincing, but Steve… he winks at you and slides his still—wet fingers into his mouth, making a nice show of cleaning them, looking proud once he finishes, responding with a vocal, “They’re clean, doofus.” And he leans in towards you, an afterthought, your noses brushing, as he whispers lowly, “Just gotta run home and change my pants now.”
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just-dreaming-marvel · 2 months
Caught In A Web ~ 22
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,216ish
Summary: You wake up.
Notes: Surprise! I have been on a writing high with this story and decided I needed to quickly jump on and update! Spoilers: the slight angst is going to continue for a few chapters.
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A hand holding yours was the first thing you noticed as you began to come to. It was rough and familiar, making you want to smile. But you were too tired for that. Your eyes were unwilling to open, and your ears could faintly hear the world around you. What you knew is that plenty of people were in the room with you, almost overwhelmingly so. You grunted as you tried to wake up more.
“Hey…” a familiar voice sounded, almost far away. “It’s okay, honey… take your time.” A groan slipped through your lips again. “I’m right here… you’re safe…” A kiss pressed to your hand. “I’m not leaving your side.”
“Ton—Tony…” You barely got out.
“It’s me, honey. It’s me.”
Finally, your eyes let you open them. You were thankful that the lights weren’t too bright, allowing your eyes to fall on Tony immediately. You pressed out a smile.
“You’re okay,” you rasped.
Tony couldn’t help but chuckle, tears pooling in his eyes. “I’m okay? You’re okay.”
“What—“ you cleared your throat, “What happened?”
“There was poison on the blade Rumlow used,” Bucky stepped in and explained. “Shuri created the antidote.”
You looked around and found the Princess, “thank you.”
“Of course,” she replied with a nod.
Your eyes continued to look over the crowd of people in the room. Everyone seemed to be here. Everyone but— “Where’s Bruce?”
“He’s out in the fields,” Natasha answered. “He’s the Hulk still. I tried to bring him back multiple times.”
“I’ve got to help him—“ You quickly tried to sit up, only to be pushed back down by Tony.
“You’re still waking up. Bruce can wait,” he told you.
“No.” You tried to wave him off. “It’s been too long. I told him I’d help him.” Looking around, you could tell that everyone was weary of letting you go. “Bruce is scared that he may not come back. It’s been too long.”
“Okay, okay, sweetheart,” Tony said, trying to calm you. “We’ll get you out there to him.”
Tony shouldn’t have been pushing you in the wheelchair, as he was still recovering, but he refused to let anyone else do it. You tried to refuse the wheelchair, but the looks you received from Bucky and Tony made you realize you didn’t have a choice. The Team had come with you to where the Border tribe had last spotted the Hulk. They were coming in case something went wrong. But you knew the Hulk now; he was your friend, just like Bruce was. 
The Hulk came into view along the tree line. It was clear by the area around him that he hadn’t been in the best of moods. The Team spread out as Tony continued to push you closer to the Hulk.
“Hey, big guy!” You called out as soon as you felt like he could hear you.
The Hulk spun around, almost like he didn’t think he’d ever hear your voice again. He was quick but gentle to come to you. Everyone was in awe at the sight. Not even Natasha could do what you were currently doing.
“Hey, big guy,” you repeated softer once he was closer. The Hulk sat before you, and you could tell he was worried. “I’m sorry I scared you. But I’m all right.” You reached out your hand. “See for yourself.” The Hulk was skeptical at first but slowly reached out his very large hand. You set your hand in the center of his palm, smiling up at him. “I’m all right.”
The Hulk grunted and groaned, quickly taking a few steps back. You could tell it was an internal struggle—the Hulk versus Bruce Banner. The Team watched carefully as the Hulk began to shrink and turn back into Bruce. Eventually, Bruce was lying naked in the field. Steve was quick to run up a blanket he had brought and threw it on top of Bruce. The man sat up, blinking quickly as he looked around. His eyes eventually found you and filled with relief.
“You’re okay?” Bruce asked.
“I’m okay,” you stated. “The big guy saved me as soon as the quinjet began to fall. Even helped rescue Tony.”
“Sure did,” Tony affirmed. 
“Thank you,” Bruce said, looking at you.
“I told you I’d bring you back,” you said.
“You’ve got to teach me your trick,” Natasha said as she came up to help Bruce.
You gave her a smile and a nod, knowing that Natasha and Bruce shared some feelings there but didn’t know exactly how to act upon them. Leaning back into the wheelchair, Tony’s hand came to rest on your shoulder. He gave it a slight squeeze as your hand came up to rest upon his. Your head tilted up to look at him.
“Can we go home?” You requested softly.
Tony smiled as he leaned down to kiss you. “Whatever you want.”
You arrived at the Tower at sunset. Everyone went their separate ways, whether that was home or to their own floors in the Tower. Tony, still pushing you in a wheelchair despite your lack of need, took you to your floor. 
“Do you want me to—“
“Stay, please,” you interrupted Tony, more desperate than you intended to.
“Of course.” He kissed the top of your head.
Tony pushed you to your bed, picked you up, and set you in the bed. He quickly lay beside you, hurrying to the bed's other side. As soon as he pulled you into his chest, tears began to slide down your cheeks. You were exhausted and completely overwhelmed by what had happened. 
Tony continued down the path of guilt as soon as he felt your tears hit his shirt. He was blaming himself for going on that mission, for the quinjet failing, for you having to rescue him, for Rumlow hurting you. He was taking the blame for everything that had happened to you in the last week and a half.
The two of you lay there in complete silence, not knowing where to start if you were to talk. Eventually, you fell asleep, but Tony was unable to. When he knew that you were asleep, he slipped out of bed and snuck into the lab. Tony immediately began working on a new suit for you. Your last one didn’t protect you enough, and that was his fault. He needed to do whatever he could to stop that from happening again.
You woke up with a shout, breathing erratically as you sat up. Sweat and tears were streaming down your body. You reached over to touch Tony to ground you, except you couldn’t feel him. Looking over, you saw that Tony wasn’t there. It hurt to know that he didn’t spend the whole night with you. You failed to notice how your breathing was becoming labored, your heartbeat still wild. Heated tears streamed down your cheeks. Laying back down, you curled up in a ball and began choking on sobs.
“Tony?” Bruce was surprised to see Tony already up in the lab. He hadn’t done that much since you moved in. “I’m surprised to see you up. I thought you’d be glued to Y/N’s side.”
“Couldn’t sleep,” Tony muttered, still working on your suit.
Bruce studied Tony for a moment. He knew the signs; he had lived through them before. He was feeling guilty about what had happened to you.
“It’s not your fault, Tony.”
Tony scoffed.
“Don’t go down this path.”
“I’m already down it, buddy.”
“Excuse the interruption, Boss and Dr. Banner,” FRIDAY said. “I have noted signs of distress in Miss Y/N’s room and believe she needs assistance.”
Tony was out the door before his AI could finish, with Bruce rushing behind him. The elevator was moving slower than Tony would have liked, and he almost jumped out a few floors early to run up the stairs. When the elevator stopped on your floor, Tony and Bruce were out before the doors fully opened. Bruce followed Tony to your bedroom, where they found you struggling for breath and sobbing. Tony was at your side in an instant while Bruce went to look for a medkit. 
“Honey, I’m here, I’m here,” Tony tried to soothe. You didn’t register that he was even there. “Y/N.” He tried to move you but quickly realized that your skin was sticky and pulled away before he could get stuck. “Sweetheart, can you hear me?”
You were completely in your own world. Your breathing and heartbeat were loudly competing in your ears while your hot tears continued to stream down your face. Tony was beginning to grow more concerned.
“Sweetheart, please!” Your eyes suddenly fluttered back, and you lost consciousness. “Y/N!” Tony grabbed you, not caring about how your skin was reacting. 
“I’ve got an oxygen mask!” Bruce rushed in with a medkit and oxygen tank. He quickly came over and put it over your mouth.
“Y/N, honey, please…” Tony started crying. “Wake up.”
“It seems like Miss Y/N had a very serious panic attack,” the AI responded. “She’s lost consciousness, and it may take a while for her to wake.”
“I should have been here,” Tony whispered, beating himself up. “I shouldn’t have left… I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry.” His head fell to rest on yours. “I won’t leave your side again, I promise… just wake up.”
Bruce watched with immense concern and sadness at the scene in front of him. You were passed out in Tony’s arms, oxygen mask over your mouth and nose. Tony was crying, a rare sight, and rocking you back and forth. Bruce knew that neither of you were doing all right. Quietly slipping out of the room, Bruce headed for the elevator.
“FRIDAY, wake the Team and have them meet me in the conference room,” he told the AI.
“Already done,” FRIDAY replied.
“Y/N’s stats?”
“Miss Y/N is evening out."
“Good. Keep me updated on Tony and Y/N.”
“Will do.”
“How can we help?” Steve asked after Bruce had updated everyone on the situation.
“Therapy,” Sam answered. “We get a therapist here, full-time for everyone. Maybe even two.”
“No more missions for Stark and Y/N,” Bucky added. “No more training either.”
“I’ll contact Happy and have him get someone to cover Tony’s work at Stark Industries,” Clint said.
“We need to ensure everything is taken care of,” said Steve. “And be ready to jump in wherever and whenever we are needed.”
“Dr. Banner,” FRIDAY interrupted, “I have an update.”
“Go ahead,” Bruce said.
“Miss Y/N is conscious, and Mr. Stark is taking care of her.”
You knew something had happened by the way Tony was holding you. It was awkward, and you could tell Tony’s hands had gotten stuck on your skin. There was a mask over your mouth and nose, bringing you oxygen. Blinking up at Tony, you noticed that his eyes were red and there were trails of tears down his cheeks. He looked relieved when your eyes met his.
“Hey, there, sweetheart,” his voice was rough. “You scared me.”
“You weren’t there…” you mumbled, mask still on. “You weren’t there…” There you went, breaking Tony’s heart further. “I woke up… you weren’t there…” You were still panting, which is why you kept the oxygen on you.
“I’m so sorry, honey,” tears began to well back up in Tony’s eyes. “I’m so sorry.”
“Where… why…?”
“I couldn’t sleep and didn’t want to wake you, so I was in the lab.”
“All night?”
Tony felt a familiar pit build in his stomach. One that he hadn’t felt in a long time. His escapes to the lab were one of the main issues that Pepper and he fought about. She absolutely hated when he did that and he was thinking you were about to share that same sentiment. 
“Yes,” he finally answered, preparing for the worst.
“I wish you would have woken me… I would have joined you…”
Tony was in shock. You would never cease to amaze him. “Really?”
“Of course… don’t leave next time… okay?”
Tony nodded and kissed your head. “Okay… I’m so sorry that I wasn’t there for you. Was it a nightmare?” You nodded, swallowing down some emotion. “I should have been here… I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have left.”
“It’s alright,” you reached up and pulled off the mask. “Just don’t leave again, okay?”
“Never,” he shook his head. “Never.” 
Tony leaned down and kissed you. You welcomed his lips and used your hands to hold his head close to yours. Quickly, you realized that Tony’s hands were moving from your arms. You pulled away and looked over.
“Tony… are you stuck to me?”
“Your skin was reacting to the panic attack.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be. I don’t mind being stuck to you. I’ll have Bruce come up and help us without hurting you.”
You nodded, still feeling bad that you could lose control of your sticky skin. Tony could tell what was going on in your mind and leaned in to kiss you again. You melted into him despite knowing that he was trying to distract you.
“I love you,” he whispered against your lips.
You couldn’t help but smile at his words. “I love you too.”
next chapter >
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urdepressedslut · 1 year
You could never hurt me
♡ Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader, Platonic!Sam Wilson x Fem!Reader, Platonic!Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
♡ Summary: Bucky realizes what he’s done to you after an episode, and starts to doubt if he deserves to be with you.
♡ Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of choking
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It was fair to say that shit had hit the fan, the sliver of calm that was held before… ripped away.
Somehow Bucky was triggered into The Winter Soldier, allowing many to see how he was in action up close. Much to Bucky's dismay, nobody trusted him even more now. Besides his close friends that is, which sadly wasn't many.
The trio, Sam, Steve and (Y/n) had tried their best to subdue the soldier, but were easily outmatched.
Sam walked away with a sore back, some bruises here and there, while Steve was able to come out of the tussle without many marks himself. (Y/n) on the other hand, had some pretty bad bruising circling her neck. She felt fine physically, having taken worse damage at some other time in her life. Though emotionally she felt torn, knowing that Bucky wasn't in control, but she knew that wouldn't stop him from punishing himself.
Able to seclude them four away from prying eyes, the trio waited for Bucky to wake. Steve and (Y/n) was hoping that it would be their Bucky that would eventually stir, and not the soldier.
"How you doing?" Steve asked her from her sitting spot, a good distance away from Bucky's hunched over form.
"Not too bad... I've had worse." She answered, wincing at the discomfort from speaking.
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" He asked with a 'Really?' look.
"Guess not. Sorry... I just..." She paused, exhaling painfully, "He's been through so much, he can't seem to catch a break."
"I know." He said solemnly, focusing his gaze to a spot on the floor by her shoes.
"With everyone looking for him, now we got Tony added into the search squad."
"You really think he won't help us out?" Steve asked, making (Y/n) scoff from her spot on the floor.
"It feels unfair to ask him for help... Knowing what you know." She told him, giving him a disappointed look.
Steve looked into her eyes now surprised, having not known that she was aware. He opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't find an appropriate response.
"Its not fair Rogers... After everything he's done for us? It's not your choice, he deserves to know." She stated, giving Steve a look of disapproval.
"I know, okay?" Steve finally spoke, running his hand through his disheveled hair.
"Hey Cap!" Sam shouted from his spot near Bucky, grabbing both him and hers attention, halting their current conversation.
Both making their way over, she stood behind the boys, watching Bucky cautiously.
Bucky let out a groan of discomfort, trying to sit upright, noticing his metal armed pinned. He glances around taking in the weary looks on the men's faces, while he notices (Y/n) hiding.
"Which Bucky am I talking to?" Steve asked, not willing to take any chances.
Bucky thought hard for a moment before speaking.
"Your mom's name was Sarah," He pauses, "You used to wear newspapers in your shoes." He lightly chuckles, causing Steve to smile in relief.
"You can't read that in a museum." Steve stated.
"Just like that we're supposed to be cool?" Sam asked him.
"Sam..." (Y/n) warned, slowly stepping out from behind Steve.
"What? A guy can't be too careful." Sam told her, receiving a glare.
"Enough Sam..." She locked eyes with Bucky, "It wasn't him."
Bucky suddenly focused his gaze on her neck, wincing at the apparent hand-shaped bruise forming.
"I did that." He stated, not needing anyone to confirm for him, he was a monster.
"Buck, it wasn't you. That doctor triggered you." She told him, trying to convince him.
"But I still did it." He retorted, watching the frown form on her face.
"No, because I know you... Bucky would never hurt me." She told him.
"Doll I..." Bucky started, but stopped himself from giving her a lousy apology.
"Can you guys release his arm and give us a minute?" She asked the two.
"(Y/n) I don't think tha—"
"Please." She begged, keeping her eyes locked with Bucky's shame filled orbs.
The two nodded in agreement, releasing his arm and giving them privacy.
"Your heads bleeding, let me see." She told him.
Bucky knew he didn't deserve her kindness, but he couldn't find it in him to push her away, he craved her touch.
"Really, I'm okay." He tried to convince her, even though he was far from it.
"You've never been able to lie to me... So don't try it now." She spoke, her voice shaking just barely.
"Doll, I'm so sorry I..." He choked up, "I never wanted this to happen, my worst nightmare has come true."
Her hands held the sides of his face, smearing away the escaping tear. Rubbing her thumbs up and down, she watched the quiver in his lip slow.
"The only way you could ever hurt me, is if you left me." She cooed, feeling both his arms wrap around her sides, pulling her slightly closer in need of comfort.
"I'm supposed to protect you. I can't protect you from myself. We can't... You shouldn't be with me." His voice went to a whisper by the end, the words feeling bitter rolling off is tongue.
"I'm sorry Buck, but you're not allowed to make that decision for me. I'm always gonna stay." She spoke strongly, no more shakiness in her voice.
He went to respond, but choked on a sob. He truly didn't deserve her, and he still couldn't comprehend that after everything, she still wanted him. Leaning forward he snuggled his face in the crook of her neck. Taking in her comforting scent, he was home.
"I love you baby... I love you so much." She promised, hearing his sobs die down, his breathing slowing.
Lifting his face so that his was inches from hers, he gazed into her eyes adoringly. His eyes danced down to her lips, then met her orbs again.
"I love you (Y/n)... I don't deserve you." He whispered.
He closed the space between them, capturing her lips in a devoted kiss. He let his metal arm pull her onto his lap, letting his flesh fingers tangle themselves into her hair. They could taste their shared breath, feeling the light thump of their heartbeats against each others lips.
Pulling away from him for air, she held his face in front of hers, letting their foreheads connect. Bucky closed his eyes in content, letting their breaths warm each other.
"You deserve everything." She whispered.
A/N: im so protective of bucky, he deserves to be happy 🥺 pls feel free to send in requests 🤍
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luna-rainbow · 1 year
Hello, hello, long rant incoming
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When I reposted this on AO3, I had intentionally minimised tagging and summary because I wanted to archive it rather than attract readers. I didn’t even tag it Steve/Bucky because there just wasn’t enough mention of Bucky in it. Importantly, P*ggy was not tagged.
The user calls themselves “Rebuttal” and their only work is another essay rebutting someone else’s post on Civil War, which they had to post separately because I guess the OP blocked them. So we have a serial offender with too much time on their hands going around to directly suck the joy out of other people’s fandom experience.
They begin with this:
Although I don't particularly care for Steve's ending, this essay does not offer support for a different one.
*Inhales* Honey, can you please Google analytical essay and narrative essay before you unload your drivel on other people? This "essay" is a fic - while there's some character analysis, the emotive language should be sufficient clue that the focus is the story. It’s like reading The Fifth Elephant then writing to Sir Pratchett to argue his “essay on Discworld” is factually incorrect because it offers no support for the idea that the Earth is flat.
Steve is self-sufficient. He is not shown as requiring Bucky as foundational to his being. (…) We do know Steve was willing and expecting to go it alone after Sarah's death and that he is fully confident in his own abilities; he can "do this all day." Bucky's offer at the apartment earns a small smile, not a great overcoming.
I enjoyed how you, at multiple points in your essay, pick at certain turns of (evocative) phrasing while ignoring actual canon mentions. Explain why you deliberately omitted my mention of the canon phrase "Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky". Sure, Sarah was Steve's touchstone, but Steve's words clearly indicated that upon Sarah's death, that touchstone role shifted to Bucky.
Steve's "I can do this all day" is said a total of 4 times during all the movies. Each time he says it to a bully (one time he specifically says it to protect Bucky), and never in relation to his emotional turmoil. Also just, factually, he never references "I can do this all day" when Sarah dies can you be real for a sec.
It's mighty rich of you to say a grieving person who had JUST BURIED HIS SOLE LIVING RELATIVE that a) "he is willing to do it alone" - I can guarantee no one who has lost their sole beloved family member feels "willing" in that situation; and b) downplaying the smile that took all of Steve's energy to muster. All I can conclude is you know nothing of grief. (And since you love the word "disservice" so much - your interpretation of the scene is a fucking disservice to CEvans' acting.)
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Steve's choice to go to war has nothing to do with Bucky. Steve has tried five times to enlist and stated his reasons, which have nothing to do with Bucky and everything to do with not liking bullies.
Because, you know, saying “I want to join the 107th cos I’m gay for my best friend” is going to go down real well in the 1940s military *snerks*
Can you get your head out of your ass for one minute and consider that people make decisions based on multiple factors? By acknowledging that Bucky is an important factor in Steve wanting to join the war DOES NOT MINIMISE STEVE'S MORAL COMMITMENT TO FIGHT BULLIES.
Steve is also not aghast at hearing Bucky's assignment. - Back this up.
Bucky does not believe in pre-serum Steve as much as pre-serum Steve believes in himself. - Right. *In Bucky’s tired voice* Because simply ~*♫~believing in yourself~*♫~ is going to stop you getting killed. This is a fucking war, not a back alley. Do you know the death rate for US soldiers in WW2? 1 in 40. For perspective, the death rate from coronavirus is currently sitting at 1 in 70.
Whether Bucky went to war or not, Steve wanted to go. - Again, back your ass-umptions up.
Steve was told Bucky was dead. He was going to try to rescue the rest of the 107th. Again, to suggest that Steve's courageous act is about Bucky is a disservice to Steve.
So not only do you remember fuck all about the movie where it doesn’t involve your fave, you apparently remember fuck all about the scenes where YOUR FAVE APPEARS.
P*ggy: “What do you plan to do, walk to Austria?” Steve: “If that’s what it takes.” P*ggy: “You heard the Colonel. Your friend is most likely dead.” Steve: “You don’t know that.”
Also, Steve wanting to rescue his best friend is a "disservice" to his character? Condolences to your friends and your character, I guess.
It is strange to ignore Steve's interactions with people other Bucky. Okay here we go, we’re finally getting to why this steaming trash heap landed in my inbox. It's Peggy who - I knew it. I fucking knew it. Of course it came from someone who likes Miss I-need-to-make-everything-about-me - appreciated pre-serum Steve at the flagpole - Oh you mean the appreciation she showed by not uttering a single word to him?
Peggy and Erskine supported pre-serum Steve's drive to do his part when Bucky did not. It seems truer to say that they more likely "kept Steve afloat" during his basic training, of which Bucky had no part.
Hold on. *walks off to cackle* *walks back, wheezing*. P*ggy kept Steve afloat? Miss-never-said-a-single-word-to-Steve-P*ggy, “supported” Steve during his basic training??
Again, I urge you to actually watch CATFA, where *checks notes* your fave has her biggest movie role. AFTER STEVE FINISHES BASIC TRAINING, the two of them sit in a car and exchange the infamous lines:
P*ggy: “You have no idea how to talk to a woman, do you?” Steve: “I think this is the longest conversation I’ve had with one.”
They have, by their own admission, not had a conversation before this, so which bull’s ass did you pull the “P*ggy kept Steve afloat during his basic training” shit out of?
There is nothing in the scenes to suggest he finds it a great miracle. The whole assumption of Steve's reaction seems to be a Bucky-centric projection rather than Steve-centric.
No, honey, I think you are just blinded by your Bucky hate. You looked at a scene where 2 characters (including your fave) claimed that Bucky is no longer alive, and Steve himself said, "I thought you were dead" - and Bucky was, against all odds and expectations of at least 3 different characters, found alive...and said, NAH NAH NAH NAH there's nothing here! There's nothing~here~to~suggest~it's a miracle.
Honestly I think you're the one living in a different plane of projection.
When Steve awakens in the future, his line to Fury is "I had a date." With Peggy, not Bucky.
Pfft he said “I had a date”, not "I had a date with P*ggy". So your interpretation is just as invalid.
And just, realistically, do you really think Steve is deluded enough to expect he’d wake up in time for a dance? And...do you really think Steve is desperate enough that he'd go for a woman who blasted him with live rounds for locking lips with another woman? When in your own words you said he hates bullies?
We do not know what Steve thought as he died, so saying he is content with death is not supported.
How about this -- "we do not know what Steve thought as he died, so saying he is not content with death is not supported". It’s my conjecture against yours and you’ve come onto my turf to be a presumptuous prick.
He has Peggy and Natasha. To ignore these two relationships seems to do a disservice to both characters.
Ah yes, the great relationship with P*ggy, who in 5 minutes of her screen time is characterised by: 1) mocking Steve as “dramatic” when he asks for guidance, and 2) her florid delirium in which he had to pull the emotional labour to placate her, and 3) her being grateful that she's led a great life without Steve.
If oldwoman!P*ggy was such an important relationship to Steve, he wouldn't have lamented to Natasha that "it's not easy finding someone with shared experience".
If there is any lesson Steve should learn in the modern day, it is that Steve sacrifices and Bucky leaves. Once involuntarily with the Snap, but twice voluntarily.
WHO THE FUCK HURT YOU AND MESSED UP YOUR BRAIN. I don't know how you can look at those scenes and pretend that the sole victim is Steve.
(Actually I can, because it's a common refrain from certain shit!stans who can't deal with the idea of Bucky being morally good)
Bucky sacrificed his own freedom and lived time in order to protect other people from getting hurt. And Bucky being involuntarily "Snapped" only counts as "Steve's sacrifice"?? The one who actually dies/gets Snapped isn't making a sacrifice? My gods the logic in this one is strong. (Also by referring to Bucky's death as Steve's sacrifice you have inadvertently acknowledged just how important Bucky is to him but I guess that flew over your head like the rest of this story)
It also ignores that Steve lived five years without all of those people. He had accepted the loss and changed into someone they would never truly know or understand.
Do you hear yourself…
Steve lived TWELVE YEARS WITHOUT YOUNG P*GGY. He had ACCEPTED THE LOSS (although, in my mind, it's really no big loss) and BOTH OF THEM HAD CHANGED INTO COMPLETELY UNRECOGNISABLE PEOPLE, not to mention they never truly knew or understood each other to begin with. So if your logic is that Steve has changed too much in 5 years to be around his old friends, why the fuck would he want to be around a woman he last saw 12 years ago and who he knew got an entire happy married life with another man. Eww.
I mean if NTR is your kink that's fine but no need to flaunt that on my turf.
The fun thing about fandom is that canon is open to different interpretations. You could read the tavern scene to say P*ggy is inviting Steve to be her right partner, just as I could point out that Steve’s pointed silence is a resounding rejection of that invitation.
But there is incorrect fandom etiquette, and that’s when you stomp into an innocuous narrative musing and start a ship war.
And I beg of you to learn another word from "disservice".
(The whole pile of horse shit for anyone needing to have their blood boiled)
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jqmalikhsgib · 2 months
six years ago you were forced into a car, bags packed, crying because you wouldn’t be able to tell the man you loved you were carrying his child.
seventeen year old you had been so in love with nineteen year old eddie munson. he was the perfect man in your eyes. you knew if your parents found out you’d been dating eddie, they’d have a fit!
your parents raised you in a conservative household. they taught you how to be a lady. you dressed conservatively, studied every night, forced to be the perfect woman. they had even set you up to marry. your life was already set for you to be a housewife.
for so long you thought being a real woman was about. that is until you met eddie. he was the one that taught you their was more to life than what your parents taught you. eddie brought out the color in your life.
six months into your relationship you knew he was the one for you. you wasted no time giving yourself to him. that resulted in teen pregnancy. the first person you wanted to tell was eddie.
your parents were worried about you for a while. they started snooping in your room. when they found an positive pregnancy test in your bathroom, they were livid! you had no choice but to tell them the whole truth.
they packed all of their bags and decided to move away from hawkins. you didn’t get the chance to tell eddie about your pregnancy, nor tell him goodbye. you were devastated and heartbroken.
they shipped you off to some camp where teenage pregnant girls hide away from society while they wait to give birth to their child. you had no idea they still had these camps in this day and time.
when you gave birth your parents decided to adopt your beautiful baby girl and raise her as their own. they planned on going back to hawkins but knew people would put two and two together if they just suddenly appeared.
for two years you had to pretend like your daughter was your sister. you couldn’t stand lying to your child! she had every right to know who her mom really was.
you finally had enough when they wouldn’t allow your two year old to be a cheerful happy baby, forcing her to put back clothes because it brought ‘too much attention’
that night you called your nana and she was shocked to say the least. she picked the both of you up, you stayed with her for the next two years until you saved enough money to move back to hawkins.
you weren’t ashamed of yourself, let alone of your daughter. she was your entire world.
“thank you for helping me move back home nance.” you smiled at the girl who was your best friend before moving.
“of course! stevie and i miss you around here.”
“steve? i thought—”
“we both went to college and the long distance wasn’t working for him anymore. he broke things off because he met a girl there. steve and i reconnected right after.”
you hum understandably. “how’s that going?”
“great! i guess you haven’t noticed.” nancy turned and that’s when you spotted a tiny baby bump.
“oh wow! congratulations, nance!” you hug her carefully.
nancy laughs. “it’s our third.” she states.
“three?! god, i can barely handle one.”
nancy frowns.
you didn’t really mention you had a daughter of your own. you didn’t exactly know how to tell someone that when you haven’t spoken to them in over six years. you only just ran into her because she lives across the street from you.
“yeah—i have a kid of my own actually.”
“oh, wow! how old?”
“she’s gonna be six in two months. she’s really excited.”
“what’s her name?”
“kali may.”
“is she—” nancy asked.
you simply nod your head. nancy put her hands over her heart sadly. she simply hugs you gently.
when she pulls away you wipe your tears. “where is she now?”
“she won’t be here until tomorrow. she’s staying with my nana, currently. i wanted everything to be set up and done when she gets here. it’s her first time having a room to herself.” you state.
“i wanna see photos!”
you laugh as you bring her inside your home. you dig through a box labeled “kali munson’
“you gave her his last name?”
“i wanted him to be apart of her life despite not physically being there. i had to go through the legal process of changing her whole name but, it was worth it.”
nancy didn’t ask. she’d wait until you were ready to explained that to her. once you find some old photos of her, you showed nancy.
nancy awes at every single photo. from when kali was a baby to her five year old frame.
“god, you can just tell she’s sassy just like her father!”
you hum. “she’s definitely eddie’s kid! she loves heavy metal. her favorite band is dio. oh, and she loves dungeon and dragons! she still doesn’t understand the game just yet, but i showed her the series when she was just three. she’s obsessed with it! all she ever ask is to watch dungeon and dragons.”
nancy giggles.
the two of you remain silent for a little while before you finally spoke once more.
“my parents found the pregnancy test in my room,” you start. nancy puts the photos down. she gives you her whole divided attention.
“they asked me if it was real or some sick joke. when i told them i was actually pregnant, my mom cried her eyes out. my father yelled at me. he called me all different kinds of names, slut, whore, tramp, you name it. he said i was a disgrace to this family,” thinking back to that day brought back all the pain. your eyes began to water.
“after my father was done yelling, my mom asked the big question. who’s the father of my child. i froze up. i wasn’t ashamed of eddie, i was afraid what my father would do once he found out. my silence only made them think i was sleeping around. i told them it was eddie and my father went ballistic. he called my baby a cultist freak. i had never spoken to my parents the way i did that night. i told them they were controlling, manipulative, selfish assholes and id run away to eddie. that was my moms final straw. she never laid a hand on me until that night. next thing i know, im forced to pack my bags, move to a different state, and was sent to some camp for pregnant teens. i gave birth to my daughter there, my parents legally adopted her, and named her angel rose yln. she was raised to be my sister for two years. i couldn’t take it anymore so i called my grandmother, told her everything, and she came to pick us up. i changed her name to something i knew eddie would love, worked too many jobs to count, and bought this house. i want my baby girl to know her father. i want eddie and i—i want eddie and i to try and rekindle. i never stopped loving him nance.”
nancy cried with you as you finished your heartbreaking story. both you and eddie have been through a lot. she knew once you found out everything that happened to eddie, this will only break your heart even more. she hoped the two of you could work things out.
nancy is glad you’re back. truth is, eddie hasn’t been the same since you left. and after almost dying, the town turning against him, and his having ptsd over the last five years, she knew you both needed one another. maybe this will bring back the old playful eddie.
nancy grabs your hand. “he never stopped loving you either.” she whispers truthfully. you nod and hug her once more.
the two of you ended up giggling. “now, let’s get this place put together for you baby girl tomorrow, yeah?! im gonna go get steve and robin to help. they’ll be so happy to see you!” nancy was out the door before you could protest.
it felt like you never left.
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the event of season 4 did in fact happen but eddie did not die because i said so!!!!
the year you left was one year before the events of s4 (1985)
kali was born june 6th 1986
the year currently is 1992
yn: 23
eddie: 25
kali: 5 almost 6
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anonymityisfunwriter · 3 months
The Twin Flame - Invisible String (CACW Version)
"Time, mystical time, cuttin' me open, then healin' me fine. Were there clues I didn't see? And isn't it just so pretty to think, all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?"
Pairing: Sunshine!Reader x Grumpy!Bucky Barnes The Twin Flame Chapter List | The Grumpy x Sunshine Universe
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"They don't offer visas for weapons of mass destruction!" Tony booms.
"And what about-"
"Oh no," Tony incredulously chuckles, cutting off Steve's question before he can even finish it. "You can't put that on me. If Pinkie wants to go galavant around with you and Sam, that's her choice. I offered to keep her safe in the Compound."
"That's not safety, that's internment."
"It's more than you or Sam can offer," Tony refutes. "But neither of you will stop and think about the consequences, will you? The consequences that neither of you will pay, but she sure as hell will."
"So you'd lock her up before Ross even gets the chance to?"
"And you'd send her to a life on the run," Tony retorts. "All because you can't get off your high horse."
"This isn't about me. Do you understand what you're asking here? She signs, she will never make another decision for herself. She will never get to be a person. Ever."
"And she won't get to do your bidding anymore?"
"Jesus, Tony." Steve frustratedly shakes his head. "She can think for herself."
"But she's not!" Tony booms. "She's doing what you and Sam want her to."
"Have you ever thought that maybe she never wanted to sign? Maybe she doesn't like the idea of being an asset! You know, every time I think you're seeing this the right way-"
"She is a ward of the state, Steve! Do you get that? And you're giving Ross everything he needs to keep her locked up for life!"
"She trusts you, Tony, she considers you a friend. And you're asking her to sign her life away."
"I'm trying to give her a life. A real life. A family. Everything she's every wanted and then some."
"You just don't get it, Tony," Steve whispers, pain coating every single syllable. "A gold cage is still a cage."
"For the record, this is not staying out of it," Nat scolds as the guard uncuffs you.
"What?" you dramatically scoff. "This was just one big misunderstanding."
She looks at you with pursed lips and an unimpressed expression. "Really? So what are you doing in Berlin?"
"Sightseeing," you automatically respond, proud at yourself for the effortless way the lie fell off your lips. 
"Mhm... and what exactly did you go see?" You falter for the shortest of moments. Your shoulders slump in defeat, knowing she's already caught you in the lie. She shakes her head with a chuckle, "Make sure you prepare the lie ahead of time for future reference."
She starts guiding you down to a hall where Tony and Steve are currently waiting for you. "Care to explain why Sam dragged you all the way to Berlin?"
"You know why," you breathe. 
She remorsefully sighs. "I get Ross freaked him out, but getting arrested is certainly not helping your case. Don't give Ross any more reason to force your hand."
You rub at your tender wrists, "Well, we didn't plan on getting arrested!"
"Could those cuffs even hold you?" she quietly jokes.
"No," you chuckle. "I was just being nice."
The smile leaves her face as she scans the corridor for listening ears. Her voice drops to a quiet murmur. "What do you stand to gain from this?"
"Steve, Tony, they'll be fine. They'll come out of this unscathed, but you don't. You don't win here. You won't win like this. You don't get out of this free - Steve and Tony can."
Her words hit you like a punch to the gut. You knew she didn't approve, but you never thought she'd be this upset at you refusing to be a bystander. "Nat..."
"You won't come unscathed," she emphasizes in a low, warning tone. "Believe me. This could cost you everything."
"I just want to do what's right. If we lose, we lose together, remember?"
"For once, think of yourself. Think of what will happen to you." She gives your shoulder a comforting squeeze. "Just don't let them back you into a corner, okay? Don't let them make you a villain in this story." 
"Okay," you promise. 
"You okay?"
"I'm not the one that got pushed down an elevator shaft," you quip. 
"Why'd you go after-" Steve starts, a concerned look painting his face. 
"I think you're right, Steve," you blurt.
"Right about?"
"He hesitated. Your friend, I don't - I don't know, but he hesitated."
"Hold on, hold on, just walk me through exactly what happened," Steve prompts.
You nod, taking a large gulp of air. "I was just down the hallway with Nat when the power went down, and I saw him tackle Sam down. He pushed you down the elevator, Nat went one way. And I know I'm supposed to be staying out of it, but I followed him."
"His arm, it's made of vibranium like your shield. He heard me coming from behind him, I sort of grabbed his arm. I swear I wasn't trying to shove him that hard, but he fell down some stairs, his head hit one of the steps so I went to make sure I didn't, you know?" you insinuate with a wince. Steve nods, waiting for you to continue. "But when I went to look, he sorta popped back up. Steve, he could've killed me right there. I know that he could've, but he didn't. He just watched me for a second, and then he took off again."
"He hesitated," Steve murmurs under his breath.
"I know what he did to Nick, Steve," you remorsefully mumble. "I wouldn't be saying anything that I didn't really believe."
"And what do you believe?" Steve gently asks.
"He just, he looked..." you falter, fumbling for an accurate portrayal of a moment that was so fleeting and yet carried so much weight. Steve catches your eye again, silently urging you on. "He looked trapped."
"Want to tell me what the hell that was about?" Tony furiously questions as he strides into the room.
You already had the inkling that Tony saw your actions, or more accurately, your inaction earlier. You just hoped that he would've taken that as you being scared in the face of the Winter Soldier, but from the tone of his words you know that he knows there was more happening. You immediately begin apologizing profusely, "I'm so sorry, Tony. I guess I just - I hesitated-"
"No, I saw you. On the staircase, you had him and you let him go, and I want to know why!" Tony demands, his voice seething with rage.
"Tony," Steve chides, a little taken aback by Tony's vitriol that had never been directed at you.
"I already told you -" you start.
"You're a terrible liar, you know that? How about you try the truth this time!?"
"Tony," Steve admonishes once again.
Your eyes remain downcast as you finally admit what ran through your mind as the Winter Soldier stood in front of you while you did nothing to capture him. "He's a person, Tony. Just a person."
Tony scoffs, throwing his hands up. "Of course, leave it to you to try to find the humanity in the Winter Soldier. He killed Nick Fury. He killed the person who rescued you! Did you forget that? Better question, what happened to staying out of it?"
"I know, I know, but I think-"
"That's the thing, you didn't think!" Tony snaps. "Do you even realize what you just did? All that talking to Ross, making a case for you, all of it gone. You just proved to Ross today that you're a loose cannon."
"I'm sorry, Tony. I - I just I looked at him, right in his eyes and -"
"Oh, that's great, really great! I'll be sure to tell Ross you spared the guy because you thought he had pretty eyes."
And while you and Tony both knew you weren't talking about the color of his eyes, and though you most certainly weren't going to admit that to Tony, you were captivated by the vastness carried in his eyes.
For those few short seconds, you were mesmerized by what you swore upon every star that you saw. It was like there was an entirely different person trapped, begging and pleading for help as he was drowning in the depths of those ocean blue eyes. 
"That's enough, Tony," Steve curtly warns for the last time. "You're asking her to apologize for having mercy."
"Mercy?" Tony incredulously repeats. "That's mercy? Mercy is sending him to a psychiatric facility instead of a Wakandan prison. Not letting him go!"
"I didn't-"
"But you did!" Tony angrily exclaims. "And if anyone else gets hurt, that's on you two."
"I guess it was time to get off my ass," Wanda replies.
"Well, it was about time," you quip.
Wanda playfully gasps as you emerge from the backseat of the car. "I can't believe it. Sam finally let you out to play."
"Ha-ha," you sarcastically chortle. "But wrong, because Sam doesn't even want me here."
"No, I don't." Sam shoots you a halfhearted glare. "And you know exactly why."
"I couldn't just let you guys have all the fun." You step around Sam, taking a few steps forward. You stand in front of Wanda for a moment, throwing your arms around her in the next.
"I missed you," she murmurs.
"Being grounded in the Compound not all it's cracked up to be?"
"Like being handcuffed to Sam is any better," she scoffs.
"Missed you too."
"So what's her deal?" Bucky asks Steve, nudging his head in your direction.
"Her deal?" Steve chuckles, quirking an eyebrow at him. "Single, if that's what you mean."
"Funny," Bucky scoffs, rolling his eyes at Steve. "What's she doing here?"
"What are any of us doing here?" Steve questions, a slight huff of laughter as he watches you and Sam share some incredibly long, elaborate secret handshake.
"Are you done being a smart ass?" Bucky impatiently prompts.
"Alright, alright," Steve acquiesces. "It's Sam mostly. At least that's what I think, you didn't hear that from me."
Steve shrugs. "Her story is... complicated."
"Ha," Bucky grunts in clear disbelief.
"I would argue as complicated as yours," Steve continues.
"Should I be insulted?"
"No," Steve assures, his voice a light laughter at Bucky's defensiveness. "She was a SHIELD asset. Best thing they ever stumbled on. Person in captivity. Clean slate. She just never quite fit the mold. 'Specially not with Sam watching out for her."
"Sam was her handler?" Bucky guesses.
"From what I know, yes. Even now, where she goes, he goes. He goes, she goes."
"Doesn't sound that complicated to me. So they're together?"
"No, not in the slightest," Steve barks out a laugh. Steve's mouth remorsefully twists, trying to determine how much of your story he was at liberty to divulge without your permission, "SHIELD wanted things from her, had this idea of what she should be. It was unnerving, watching them try to take advantage of a person that didn't understand this world."
"Born and bred. Didn't see the light of day for the first 25 years of her life."
"But she's so...?" Bucky trails off, the four of you still waiting in the parking lot for the rest of your ragtag team.
"I know," Steve snickers, fondly smiling at you. "She's tough. Didn't matter what SHIELD through at her, she never folded."
"And now?"
"I don't know," Steve winces, shaking his head. "It's not really my story to tell."
Bucky snorts. "Who am I gonna tell?"
"Is there a reason you're this interested?"
"There's a reason you're deflecting," Bucky counters.
"It's complicated," Steve repeats. "SHIELD owned her. Like really owned her."
"But SHIELD fell... so she's free?"
"Sam doesn't think so. He won't admit it, but he's scared. How do you argue the freedom of a person that no one knows exists? A person that no one has ever considered a person?" And that statement really strikes a chord with Bucky - because isn't that exactly what Steve is doing for him? Isn't that exactly what he's been for 70 years? "SHIELD's gone, but what's stopping the government from staking their claim? She's not a citizen, of anywhere, no home, nothing. A ward of the state, really. Sam thinks that they're gonna come for her. He wants to keep her out of the fight, but he's not letting her out of his sight any time soon. It's how she ended up here in Berlin."
"And what do you think?"
"I think that she's here to do what's right."
"You think they'll come for her?"
Steve's mouth quickly opens, only to shut again. He waits for a moment, clearly thinking his answer through. "I don't know."
Before Bucky can probe any more, an announcement rings out. For a moment, the playful reunion between you, Wanda, Sam, and Clint comes to a halt. Now was the time for a fight.
"They're evacuating the airport."
"As much as I hate to admit it, if we're going to win this one, some of us are going to have to lose."
Sam looks at you, a pleading expression on his face. You know he's asking you to make a quiet escape, to leave while you still have the chance. He also knows you won't do that, you've never been one to stand aside when you could help. 
You offer him a crooked smile and a languid shrug, letting him know you're ready and willing to accept the consequences of your actions today. Whatever they would end up being for you.
"They're headed for the Quinjet," Tony informs Rhodey.
Before he can take off to stop Steve and Bucky, you catch the foot of Tony's suit, pulling the metal suit back to the ground against all the force of his propellers to keep him grounded.
"What the-?" he starts, his sarcastic tone dropping when he sees you standing there, maintaining an invisible grip on him. He deeply breathes, "Sam really just can't keep you out of it, can he?"
"I don't want to fight you, Tony," you implore.
"You don't know what you're doing. There's nothing that hasn't been done that can't be fixed, but you're about to cross a line, Pinkie."
"Then don't draw one. We don't have to do this, we don't have to pick sides."
He gestures to you, pinning him to the ground, "A little too late for that, don't you think?"
"I'm not choosing anything."
"What? You think because he's easy on the eyes he's not a cold-blooded murderer? Because he flashed you a smile, he won't kill you the first chance he gets?"
You wince at the coldness of Tony's words. "I just want to do what's right. That's all I want."
He scoffs, "By protecting a murder? Or because you only listen to Sam says?"
You suck in a breath, desperately not trying to take personal offense to Tony's words. You know they come from a place of hurt, that your friend wouldn't say these things about you. "You know how this ends for me, Tony. You know what they'll do."
"No one's going to hand you over to Ross. We can protect you!"
The corner of your mouth lifts in a sad, remorseful smile, "I've heard that one before."
You flinch as the sounds of Wanda's screams, and Tony looks over to the hangar just in time to see Steve and Bucky make it past the collapsing flight tower.
"Let me go, Pinkie. Now," he demands. You wordlessly shake your head, your lips remorsefully pulling in. He slowly raises his arm, aiming one of his shooters directly at you. "Please don't make me do this."
You both watch as the Quinjet takes off. He sucks in a sharp, angry breath. You see the bright blue light charging as the cannon remains locked on you, you quietly offer, "I'm sorry, Tony."
A loud mechanical whirring emanates from the device. "Me too."
The moment those words left your mouth, Sam's head snapped over his shoulder just in time to see the person you both called a friend raise his canon and take the shot.
He still remembers what was running through his head as Tony took aim at you: there was no way you were going to actually let him shoot you, you wouldn't do that, you were going to jump out of the way, you were going to realize that your life meant more than winning this stupid battle for this stupid civil war.
"What are you doing?" Sam frantically speaks into the comms device, trying to reach you before it's too late, "This is not the plan. I repeat, this is not the plan."
But it was clear to Sam that you were both too far gone to hear anything anyone else was saying. Tony too angry. And you too willing to give yourself up as the sacrificial lamb.
It happened so fast, yet the moment seemed to last a lifetime. 
The blow sending you hurling back, your body skid against the pavement, only for your head to smack against the ground with a sickening crack. It seemed like the moment stopped everyone, he could almost hear the collective gasps from his team mates. It seemed like everyone watched in abject horror. No one could believe it. No one could believe that this is what had become of your team, your found family.
He remembered trying to convince himself that you were just going to pop back up, that you would stand up and bellow an assurance to your team that you were okay.
None of those things happened.
Before he knew it, he was diving to dodge a blast from Vision, one that sends Rhodey hurling to the ground. 
It was all a blur, scrambling across the airfield to make it to you. And what he found would forever imprinted in his memory. He found you all alone, sprawled out on the pavement, unmoving.
"Oh God," he quietly gasps, awkwardly landing on the ground. He barely lands on his feet, too focused on making sure you were okay.
"Hey, hey, you have to get up now," he frantically nudges you, scooping you up in his arms. Completely unresponsive, your head slumps back. He taps at your cheeks, shaking you as hard as he can, still no response. He raises his two fingers to check your pulse, and relief only incrementally comes when he feels your pulse still beating underneath his fingertips. "Please, you have to get up. Come on, please, get up." 
He removes his head from the back of your head, only to find his hand now covered in your blood. 
"Help, we need help over here!" he screams, pleading with whoever would listen. "Please, please, please, we need help!"
Help never came.
Instead, he had to helplessly watch as your unconscious body is thrown with the rest of Team Cap onto an armored truck to haul you away to the Raft. 
"Don't touch her. Don't you touch her!" he screams as they tear your unmoving body from him.
Then, he watches them throw you on the floor of the truck like you aren't an actual human being.
For that split second, he hates Tony Stark.
For that split second, he hates Bucky Barnes.
For that split second, he hates Steve Rogers.
He hates everything and everyone that brought you that close to death.
"How's Rhodes?" Sam asks, feeling Tony's gaze on the back of his head from across the glass barrier.
"Flying him to Columbia Medical tomorrow so... Fingers crossed." Tony stops speaking, taking a moment to choose his next words very carefully, "What do you need? They feed you yet?"
Donning a full prisoner's uniform, Sam turns around with an incredulous chuckle,"You're the good cop now?"
"I'm just the guy who needs to know where Steve went."
Sam angrily crosses his arms. "Well, you're gonna have to go get a bad cop because you're gonna have to go Mark Fuhrman on my ass to get anything out of me. Or, you know, just shoot me down, you're good at that."
“I knew it wouldn’t,” Tony stops, even as the words leave his mouth he hears how vile they sound. He still says them anyway, “I knew it wouldn’t actually kill her.”
Clint loudly guffaws from across the room, "You hear that? He didn't think it would kill her when he shot her point blank. Stark friendship at its kindest!"
Sam bitterly snorts, shaking his head at Tony, “Do you hear yourself? You shot a supposed friend down. You shot her. And now she’s somewhere in this God forsaken prison.”
“Maybe you should’ve thought about that before you kept dragging her into your fights!" Tony seethes. "Can't fight your own battles so she’ll do it for you, right, Sam? You talk about SHIELD, about Ross, when you’re no better, you’ll exploit her without a second thought. She trusts you without a second thought and you take advantage at every turn. Don’t blame me. Blame yourselves.”
"Anything to not blame yourself, right?" Sam counters, schooling his expression to hide the sting of Tony's words.
Tony's words hit him in his most vulnerable spot, so hard that it feels like he can't breathe. Because no matter how much Sam doesn't want the words to ring true, he can't shake off the sense that Tony is right, that you're only on the Raft, chained up and alone, because of him.
"I just knocked the A out of AV. We got about 30 seconds before they realize it's not their equipment. I was wrong, Sam. That's clear to me." Tony flashes him a small holographic screen, an image of an unconscious man in a suit strewn on the ground, "Just look, because that is the guy that was supposed to interrogate Barnes. Clearly I made a mistake, Sam. I was wrong. Now tell me where Steve is."
Sam scoffs, shaking his head. "No."
"She's all alone right now, if you didn't already know that. Might do some good to have a visitor, can't be that hard to convince Ross to let me see her."
The thing was Sam already knew you were somewhere in this prison. All alone. He could still see the panic in your eyes when they separated you and Wanda from the rest of them. He tried to hold onto the foolish hope that maybe they decided to have an iota of humanity and not separate the two of you.
He also knew that it wouldn't really matter. They could've thrown you in the cell right beside him, but still there was nothing anyone could have said, could have done to prepare you for the feeling of being locked up all over again.
Even worse, because the guards paid them no mind, he had no way to find out anything about your whereabouts, if you were okay or not, he knew nothing.
Sam tried a diplomatic approach at first, simply asking the guard if you were alright, how you were holding up.
Then, Clint tried demands. Threatening to kill the guards the second they got out of here unless they told them how you and Wanda were doing.
Scott tried to appease, to joke and appeal to their sense of humanity.
None of it worked.
A snort of disbelief leaves Sam's mouth. "You're gonna bargain with my friend's life? That's a new low for you, Tony."
Tony grits his teeth, sneering, "She was my friend too." 
"Was, operative word."
"Did she say that or do you speak for her now, Sam?"
"No, you do a good enough job of that on your own," Sam counters, though he has more than half a mind to tell Tony where Steve is just to find out if you were okay.
"15 seconds, Sam. Choose."
Sam just can't stop picturing it. You in a cell, all alone. God knows they weren't kind to you before, now there was nothing stopping General Ross from laying all the pressure he possibly could to force you back into line. He almost can't believe the words as they leave his mouth, "You go, you go alone and as a friend."
"Done," Tony agrees.
Escorted by three guards, Tony slowly approaches your cell. The glass makes it feel more like a zoo than a maximum security prison. But, he figures, that's what you are to them. Nothing more than a pawn. Tony does his best to ignore the guards intensifying glare as he approaches the cell.
He sees your face dejectedly slumped against the cell wall, balled up in the corner closest to him. He looks up at you in horror. Your face is grey, sunken in, like the life and soul had been sucked from you. "Pinkie?"
It's only when he calls for you that you even noticed your visitor. Recognition lights up your face. You look up at him with the best smile you can muster, "Hey, Tony."
His heart breaks a little bit, your smile is lifeless and lacks any real conviction, he knows you're only doing it so he doesn't feel like an even bigger asshole. "How are you holding up?"
"I've been better," you slur, finally managing to hold your head up off the wall. "How... how are you?"
It's not just your marred, garbled speech that alarms him, but he notices an IV running out of your straight-jacket. You can't reach the IV cart from where you're chained up in the corner of your cell, but he can see the IV bag filled with a yellow-ish liquid that continuously drips down into the tube leading up into your arm.
"Pinkie?" Tony calls again, this time slightly louder. "What is that?"
You tiredly exhale. You blankly stare at him for a moment like you don't understand what he's asking. It takes several long moments for the words to process, "My fault. I freaked when they put me in here...Sedating me helped."
A few things pop into his head immediately.
First,  between the way they were keeping you and Wanda, he feels completely and absolutely sick to his stomach. They treated you both like weapons and nothing more. It disgusts him. 
Second, he knows how claustrophobic you are. He can only imagine the panic that must have coursed through your veins when they threw you in here all alone. He imagines all the control you once had gone in a split second.
Third, he knows it can't be healthy to keep an adult so heavily sedated for this long. This is not good for you. Not in the slightest. 
"That explains why you're the only one speaking to me," he remarks.
"You're my friend, Tony." Your breathing is so slow that it freaks him out. "Know you're just..."
"Just?" he prompts, hoping you'll remind him what all of this is for, hoping you'll remind him what was worth turning his back on all his friends. 
"You're a good person, Tony, always been a good friend..."
"A good friend that gets his friends locked up," he sarcastically murmurs, more to himself than to you. "I'm not a good friend, Pinkie. And I'm so sorry-"
He looks back up at you to find your eyes slid shut, breathing shallow.
"Time's up, Stark," General Ross barks. "Consider us even, and consider this your last courtesy."
Tony never did find out if you heard his apology.
"What if she doesn't wake up, Steve? They kept her sedated the entire time we were there," Sam worriedly rambles, the feeling of carrying your limp body in his arms as Steve lead you to freedom still fresh in his mind. "Her head, it was bleeding so much, so, so much."
"Head wounds bleed a lot, Sam," Steve assures him. "She's tough, she's a fighter."
"You weren't there, Steve," Sam counters, a bit more bite in his voice than he intends. "You didn't see it."
Steve rests a hand on Sam's shoulder, offering a comforting squeeze, "I'm sorry, Sam. Truly."
Sam squeezes his eyes shut, reminding himself that if you wouldn't blame Steve, he certainly didn't have any right to. "Don't apologize, it's not your fault - it's just-"
"You're worried," Steve finishes.
"She's just lying there, Steve. It's been hours."
There was nothing, barely a twitch of your fingers even though you'd been lying there for hours. He made Wanda recount exactly what had happened before they separated the two of you already several times.
According to Wanda, after they separated the two of you from the group, they didn't want to risk keeping the two of you together either.
You'd held it together as they forced you into a straitjacket. Even as they chained your hands and feet together. They'd put that large black, electrical collar around your neck with minimal resistance from you.
After that, you and Wanda were separated.
Your breaking point came when they lead you to your cell. You panicked, spiraled so quickly that their solution was to jab a sedative in your neck.
She knew things had gone wrong when she heard your screams echo and reverberate down the hall. You, at the very end, her at the complete opposite end. And still, the screams sent chills down her spine.
But worse than any of that, her blood went cold when it all went silent, when there were no screams, no labored breaths. Just a boon chilling silence.
A few hours later, the sedative wore off, but the panic did not. The guards were genuinely worried about what you might be able to do if you lost control, so constant sedating was their failsafe.
"She'll be okay, Sam."
It's quiet after that. No one speak, only the low hum of an engine rumbling fills the silence. Sam remains by your side, fussing over you as the jet takes them to God knows where.
There is no warning as you snap back into consciousness. You sharply gasp, sitting up in one quick, fluid motion. The jet rattles, violently swaying as your chest heaves and your eyes try to figure out where you are. 
"Whoa!" Sam exclaims.
"Where are- What- What is going-"
"Easy, easy, just take a breath, we're okay. We're alright."
"We - we were on the Raft. I was-" you hyperventilate.
"You're safe, we're all out now," Sam consoles you. "We're safe."
You look around to the other solemn faces aboard the jet. Sam, Clint, Wanda, Scott, you're all out. "How?"
"Well..." Sam starts.
"I guess that would be me," a familiar voice pipes in from behind you.
Your head whips around to see Steve standing at the helm of the jet. "Steve?"
"Hey, Sunshine," he warmly greets.
The Twin Flame Chapter List The Grumpy x Sunshine Universe Bucky Barnes Masterlist
As always, let me know what you think! Reblogs and comments are always appreciated! 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez @ludicbouquetfromearth @matchat3a @famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff @valoraxx @blue786sworld @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @geminigengar @ansaturn @ecolle @lexhalstead3 @ybflkmj @mediocre-daydreams@shanye1112 @thegirlnextdoorssister @toomanyfanficsbruh @moonlightreader649 @breathtaking-cynthia @mirikusashes @beans-and-toast @niyahcoca @katiechikin @elxvrr @antiheroxsblog @infamouslyclumsy @krissydclayton93 @buckysbarne @deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic @whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy @matchat3a @weallhaveadestiny @mostlymarvelgirl @honeydew3064 @michealharrypotter @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @withyoutilltheendoftheline @the-photo-hoe @rae-nna @sarachabeans1@double-shot-of-tequila @spookyparadisesheep @lunaalovesyouu @daisy-loves-bucky@roseproseposts @theoraekenslover@king814318 @maybesomedaytho @carlie-babes99 @sunshinechikin @as-white-as-snow-love @melala1030 @badasswlthafatass @armystay89 @multiversefanfics @cherrysscinema @breathlesspieceofdeath @ravenn-darkholme @bxckybxrnes24
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hitlikehammers · 8 months
hitlikehammers' Hobbit-Birthday Fic-Giving Fest
So you know how Hobbits celebrate their birthdays by giving gifts, rather than receiving them?
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wherein YOU prompt ME to write stuff, and to clarify from the outset: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE FOLLOWING ME TO PARTICIPATE. Did you find this at random? Via reblog? Just kinda want a fic but don’t want my babble regularly on your feed? I. DO. NOT. CARE. This is my birthday month (well, soon) and I want to be giving and gregarious and generous and generally positive about writing little gifts so: prompt anyway.
✨ You have THREE (3) choices for prompting
CONCEPT PROMPTS: basically Ao3 tags, or close enough—pick one, give me a little direction if you don’t want me to just write ~anything~, and then you’re all set SONG PROMPTS: pick a song, ideally also pick a lyric from the song, and if you want to give me some short direction for it go ahead; these are the largely-random choice of Spotify on shuffle; it got kinda moody and angsty on me and picked songs I was never huge into and some from legitimately years ago but: the algorithm prevails DIALOGUE PROMPTS: either inspiration or to be included in the fic, I cannot guarantee either way but if you have a STRONG PREFERENCE, you should point that out; and again, if you want to provide a couple words of direction: do so
✨ if I am already writing you a gift fic for something else: THIS IS DIFFERENT (also shorter so even MORE DIFFERENT)—ask again if you want to, you’re more than welcome, honestly it’s more a gift for me because…hobbity-birthday 
✨ you have to MESSAGE/ASK ME or COMMENT ON THIS POST with your prompt because I am going to miss it if you reblog or tag or whatever-other-means-of-telling-me that is not a message/ask/comment, and that would be v sad ✨ I will only be writing ONE FIC PER PROMPT, so if you like one? Grab it. If I haven't had time to edit the list (which is likely because timezones and my work schedule) and they get duplicated, I'll reach out to the second claimer for a new prompt.
✨ if you’re not okay with NSWF content, you need to state that in the prompting message; I’m not saying you’re going get NSFW stuff, but if you’re absolutely against it, gotta flag that in advance 
✨ because someone asked: if you want to attach one of these to one of my existing fics/‘verses, include that because that’s usually super fun and there are only maybe two fics I wouldn’t try to follow up with a tiny thing on request
✨ the default ship right now is my most currently active one: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson. If you want to prompt a ship that is not Steddie, note that and check if I’m familiar with it here, or take your chances; I’ll message you if it’s not something I write
SO: pick one of the prompt lists above and send it my way so I can start writing you words.
so...y'know. Prompt me. It's my BIRTHDAY 🎉
also if you hate links have all the prompts, here: below
CONCEPT PROMPTS: pick one, a provide a little direction with 2-3 words, up to a sentence
Merperson/Siren AU
Wrong Number/Wrong Blind Date AU
Baked Goods (as in: prompt me with a pastry you’d like to be eating rn)
Secret Relationship 
Royalty AU
Established Relationship 
Dark AU
Near-Death Experience
Missed Connection AU 
Cocktails (as in: prompt me with how your mixologist knows you)
Pre-Season 4
Domestic Fluff
Vampire AU
Famous AU
Presumed Dead/Emotional Reunions 
Soulmate AU
First Times
Warm Drinks (as in: prompt me using what you order from your barista)
Magic AU
Meet Cute/Ugly
Angels/Demons AU
SONG PROMPTS: pick a song, ideally a lyric FROM the song and a word or two for context of your intended prompting
Never Tear Us Apart—INXS
I Will Wait—Mumford & Sons
Any Other World—MIKA
The Days Of The Phoenix—A.F.I.
Manhattan Skyline—a-ha
Jilted Lovers & Broken Hearts—Brandon Flowers
Why Can’t This Be Love—Van Halen
The Navesink Banks—Gaslight Anthem
Holocene—Bon Iver
Wicked Campaign—Modest Mouse
Follow—Brandi Carlile 
Jesus Christ—Brand New
Little Talks—Of Monsters and Men
Clever Meals—Tegan and Sara
Will Anybody Ever Love Me?—Sufjan Stevens
A Light On In The Dark—Darlingside
To Build A Home—The Cinematic Orchestra
sever the blight—hemlocke springs
These Things—She Wants Revenge 
The Light Behind Your Eyes—My Chemical Romance
Come Undone—Duran Duran
Song For Zula—Phosphorescent 
Last Words of a Shooting Star—Mitski
This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)—Talking Heads
Fake Empire—The National
A Dustland Fairytale—The Killers
Fast Car—Tracy Chapman  
At The Bottom Of Everything—Bright Eyes
The Trapeze Swinger—Iron & Wine
QUOTE PROMPTS: pick one, and if you have a context, I’ll take up to 3 words as direction
“That’s… not what that means.” 
”They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and that's true.”
“Now, I’m not going to deny that I was aware of your beauty. But the point is, this has nothing to do with your beauty. As I got to know you, I began to realise that beauty was the least of your qualities. I became fascinated by your goodness. I was drawn in by it.”
“I’ve never felt this way before.” 
”So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard, and we're gonna have to work at this every day."
“What are you doing?”
“I cannot let you burn me up, nor can I resist you. No mere human can stand in a fire and not be consumed.”
“I assume I deserve this, but can you tell me why you want to kill me this time?”
”We aren't here to make things perfect."
“You meant the world to me. I should have protected you.” 
"You're the first boy I ever kissed... and I want you to be the last."
“What? Like it’s hard?”
“Every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own: in pain and sickness it would still be dear.”
“Who did this to you?” 
“I want to tell you with my remaining strength that I love you. I always have. I'll drift next to you every day as a ghost just to be with you. Even if I was banished to the darkest place, my love will keep me from being a lonely spirit."
“You here to finish me off, sweetheart?”
”When I first saw you, I felt like I knew you, and I couldn't stop seeing my life with you, and building a family together. One that isn't stuck in the pain of the past. It's very pretty."
“You’re worth so much more than me.” 
“I’ve never had a moment’s doubt. I love you. I believe in you completely. You are my dearest one.”
“This isn’t going to end well.” 
"Truth is, sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it."
“Please! You have to let me make this right.” 
“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”
“You’re a monster.”
“You and I, it’s as though we have been taught to kiss in heaven and sent down to earth together, to see if we know what we were taught.”
“You don’t want this.” 
“You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love--I love--I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.”
“Why did you lie?”
”I don't want to sound foolish, but remember love is what brought you here. And if you've trusted love this far, don't panic now. Trust it all the way." 
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artiststarme · 2 years
Oblivious Eddie
This is kind of the opposite of @ladykailitha's current story. It turned out a lot longer than I anticipated lol. Featuring the screaming match that you guys voted on! I hope you guys like it and please share your thoughts in the comments!
Steve was at his wit’s end. Things were now back to normal in the summer after the supernatural happenings of the Upside Down in the spring. The older teens had graduated from high school (Eddie included), the younger kids were off at camp or work or rehab respectively, and Steve was working his usual shift at Family Video. 
He was alone today since Keith was out of town on vacation and Robin was touring the campus at Indiana State. He was bored out of his mind. The entire day, he’d had a mere four customers with plenty of time to rewind the returned tapes, organize the shelves in a way Robin would hate, and take a variety of magazine quizzes. He now knew that his spirit animal was a golden retriever, Tom Cruise would date him for his personality, and that his zodiac sign would find fortune in the next month. 
However, if something interesting didn’t happen in the next ten minutes, he was going to do something drastic like pull his hair out or something. As the minutes ticked on, he started getting worried. Steve prided himself on being a man of his word and he made a decision which meant he had to stick to it. But did it count if it was a thought to himself? Would he have to pull his hair out by the clump to prove a point to his own brain? Maybe he-
His spiral was cut off by the jingle of the door’s bell. Steve let out a sigh of relief, “Welcome to Family Video, is there anythi- Eddie! Hey man, what’s up?”
Eddie had gotten a part-time job at Thatcher Tire and was trying to bring in some money from work of the legal variety. He said it was time to make money like an honest man and develop the good habits of the working class. Steve thinks that Hopper threatened him about the drug dealing and Eddie had no choice but to abide by his rules because he was the one who cleared his name in the media and with the cops. Either way, Eddie should be at work but instead he was walking straight towards Steve with a swish to his hips. 
“Heya Big Boy, guess what.”
“What?” Steve asked in curiosity. He didn’t know what would make Eddie so happy but his face was nearly splitting with the force of his beaming grin. 
“I got a call from a concert venue in Indy and they want Corroded Coffin to perform! They said that my notoriety from Spring Break could work as publicity and bring in more people. They want us to play this weekend!” Eddie was practically jumping up and down in excitement. 
Steve hopped the counter in order to envelop Eddie in a hug, “congratulations man! What did the kids say? Are they excited for you too?”
Eddie pulled back slightly, just enough to place his hand on Steve’s shoulder and look him in the eye whilst pulling a strand of hair from its position stuck in his mouth. “The kids? I don’t know, I came directly here to tell you.”
The comment in Eddie’s earnest tone caused butterflies to flutter in Steve’s stomach. He wanted to tell him first? That’s so sweet. Then he shook his head, it wasn’t sweet. It was just a dude telling his bro some exciting news. That’s all. 
“They’re going to be thrilled, Eds! You’re going to do great, I wish I could see it.” 
“That’s kinda why I’m here. Would you, Steve Harrington, do me the honor of watching me perform the most metal concert ever in a dingy venue in Indy this weekend? I’ll be honest with you, I’m a little nervous and having you there would make me really happy.” Eddie looked at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes he could muster, trying to persuade Steve to go. And honestly, he didn’t even have to. As soon as he had told Steve about the gig, his mind started thinking over blackmail he could use to get Keith to cover his shift. 
But, as he looked into Eddie’s pleading eyes and pouty lips, all he could think about was how much he wanted to kiss him. Which… what the fuck?! Steve wasn’t gay, he liked boobies! He still liked boobies! But now he thinks he liked the picture of Tom Cruise in the magazine from earlier and maybe Matthew Broderick on the movie poster over there and definitely Eddie, fuck. Steve needed to have a mental breakdown, STAT. 
“Fine, yes, I would be honored to go with you. Now, get out of here and tell the kids. They’re going to be thrilled,” Steve said as quickly and nonchalantly as he could muster in the face of his fast-approaching sexuality crisis. 
“Yay! Thanks Stevie, I swear you’re going to love it. I’ll see you tomorrow for movies and beer at mine, right?” Eddie asked over his shoulder while walking to the door. 
Steve felt like he was being strangled as he watched Eddie’s ass walking away, “yep, I’ll be there. See you later, Alligator!”
The second Eddie’s van drove out of the lot, Steve was rushing to lock the door and turn the closed sign. He needed to have a breakdown in peace. He slid down the wall of the disgusting Family Video bathroom and let the pent up sobs explode out of him. He knew he was freaking out over nothing but he couldn’t help it. It felt like in the few minutes it took for Steve to realize he liked guys, his entire world had changed. He was an outsider now, a queer, a freak. Deep down, he knew there was nothing wrong with being gay. Love is love. But why him?
Honestly, this wasn’t the worst thing he’d gone through. Yeah, he couldn’t be open with his love for another dude without being targeted which sucked. But he fought literal monsters with a bat and came out of it relatively unscathed. So this obviously wasn’t the end of the world. 
Steve tried to think of what Robin would say in this moment but couldn’t come up with anything. He felt a rush of irrational anger at her because of it. Why did she choose to tour a college campus now? She was already planning on leaving him behind and now she missed his crisis when she was supposed to be there with him? Ridiculous, some platonic soulmate she was. 
After another several minutes of freaking out, he started to calm down. This wasn’t an awful thing despite his initial thoughts. He knew Eddie was gay after one two many beers and a miniature freak out on Eddie’s part. And he knew his friends should be okay with it. And Eddie was amazing, they went through the same things, and they’ve bonded over their matching bat scars. Looking back, maybe that’s why Steve hasn’t been able to get a girlfriend in months… because he like-likes Eddie!
A plan started to form in Steve’s mind. He was going to woo Eddie and show him what it would be like to have the full ‘Steve Harrington Dating Experience’. He’d flirt, take him on dates, the whole shebang. And when Eddie inevitably fell for him, they could be boyfriends. With the plan in mind and the crisis averted, Steve left the bathroom, opened the door to the shop, and continued plotting for the rest of his shift. 
This would be a piece of cake. 
This was much harder than Steve had originally anticipated. He did not consider how utterly unobservant Eddie was or how oblivious Eddie would be to his affections. Steve had been flirting with this fucking guy for a month now and he was no closer to making him his boyfriend. 
He’d started smooth the night after his breakdown when he and Eddie watched movies and smoked weed in his trailer. Steve had given Eddie a compliment on his outfit, brought beers, and rested his arm on his shoulder during one of the scarier movies. What did Eddie do? Nothing! Steve thought he might’ve seen the barest hint of a blush when he wrapped his arm around him but it was gone before he could check to make sure. So he vowed to spend more quality time with him to be more obvious. 
The next time was at Eddie’s concert. Steve drove Eddie’s van with Eddie and the rest of the van the entire way to Indy. During the drive. They kept up conversation about metal music, summer plans, and the kids. At one point of the drive, Steve straight up grabbed Eddie’s hand and intertwined their fingers. Eddie didn’t even break his train of thought and continued speaking, rubbing his thumb along Steve’s knuckles. Steve couldn’t even focus on listening as if Eddie’s thumb rubbing circles didn’t make Steve want to stick his fingers in his mouth. Physical touch was also not affecting his guy. 
He tried words of affirmation next and those didn’t work either. His flirts initially started small. He would compliment Eddie’s clothes, his hair, or the things he liked. Then they escalated to comment on his character, his personality, and ‘how adorable he was’. Yesterday, Steve literally told him that his ass looked great in his black jeans but would look better out of them. That statement made Eddie’s jaw drop and he let out a loud guffaw before continuing his conversation like Steve hadn’t just implied that he wanted to see his bare ass. Son of a bitch. 
He was trying out acts of service when Eddie called him out. Steve had been doing the dishes at the Munson trailer while he waited for Eddie’s shift to end when he came in. And he came in hot. He slammed the door behind him and waved his hands around in flailing outrage. 
“Harrington, what the actual fuck! What are you even doing? You’re so fucking confusing!” He screamed as he saw Steve scrubbing at a stain on a white cutting board. 
Steve whipped around to look at him and narrowed his eyes. He was the confusing one? He’d been flirting with this dumbass nearly every day for a month and getting nowhere. “I’m confusing? That’s rich coming from you.”
Eddie blinked in shock before his lips pulled back in a snarl. “First of all, nothing about me is rich. Second of all, yes it’s you that’s confusing! You’ve been fucking flirting with me for weeks and no you’re doing my uncle’s dishes! That’s confusing.”
“Why is it confusing? I’m doing the dishes because you weren’t home yet and I needed something to do. I’m flirting with you because I like you. What’s confusing?” Steve was legitimately confused at this line of questioning and he really didn’t understand why Eddie was yelling. 
“You like me? Newsflash- you’re straight. You’re the straightest person that I have ever met. I don’t know why you keep flirting with me or what angle you’re trying to play here but I’m not interested in being your experiment, Harrington.” Eddie yelled at him, his finger pointing at Steve accusingly before moving to hug himself in self-comfort.   
Steve saw his discomfort but elected to act defensively and yell back at him. “I’m not straight, I never said I was and you never asked! I like both and it’s really shitty of you to try and tell me who I like when you have no idea what’s going on!”
Eddie opened his mouth to talk but Steve plowed on, “your whole schtick is nonconformity and sticking it to the fucking man but you draw the line at me liking guys and girls? Maybe I don’t like you as much as I thought I did. You’re obviously just as rude and judgmental as everyone else. And you’re welcome for the dishes, fucker.”
Eddie grabbed his arms as he went to move past. “Harrington, Steve, Stevie. I’m sorry, please just listen to me. Steve!”
Steve jerked his head to the side to glare at him. “What?”
“Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you or not be appreciative of you washing our fucking dishes. I just, I didn’t know you liked both and I was losing my mind the past few weeks because I couldn’t figure out if you were flirting with me or if it was just you being a good friend or if you were playing a prank or something. I’m sorry and I do appreciate you,” Eddie was biting his lips nervously and his hand was still wrapped around Steve’s upper arm. He looked earnest and like he genuinely regretted his actions. 
Steve sighed, “I’m sorry too, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable-”
“I’m not uncomfortable! I was just really confused and I didn’t know what was happening. But uh, I like you too.”
Steve’s eyes met Eddie’s. “You do?”
“Hell yeah, man. You were my gay awakening in middle school. That’s why I’ve been so frustrated this past month. I didn’t know if I was imagining it or if I actually had a shot,” Eddie chuckled. 
Steve stepped closer to him and put his hand on the back of Eddie’s neck. “You definitely have a shot.”
And then, Steve pulled Eddie’s face closer to his own and their lips smashed in a kiss. Eddie groaned as their teeth gnashed in the bruising kiss. When they finally pulled apart, they pressed their foreheads together and breathed in the same air. Steve whispered, “you were my gay awakening too.”
Eddie’s answering cackles were so loud, Max came over to tell them to shut the hell up. She got a free front-row seat to their liplock and let out a scream so high-pitched that the window glass quivered before running back to her trailer. On the bright side, they wouldn’t have to come out to the kids.
@doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes @pyrohonk
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Who we are - Part four
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AN: And I’m squealing with the final week of @buckybarnesevents HBS and the last little vignette for this story. Find the previous part of the story here.
All my love and thanks to @metalbvcky for helping with this set of stories.
If you would like to be added to my tag list, click here.
Moodboard by me and dividers by @firefly-graphics
Likes are loved, Reblogs are golden.
Master List | HBS Master List
Challenges and Bingos: HBS week 13 - Free week - Optional Prompt of “M” - Masturbation.
Summary: They hadn’t planned on having a phone sex when they’d started their call, Bucky sitting criss-cross applesauce on the bed, but as soon as he’d mentioned how much he was missing Steve, his dom had replied “Oh really?” using the voice and Bucky had started to sink. Steve had obviously picked up on that straight away and asked if Bucky wanted to show how much he’d missed him. Ten minutes later and here they were, Steve edging and teasing Bucky from almost three thousand miles away.
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Relationship: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 1.4k
CW: Modern A/U, Shrinkyclinks, PWP, D/S relationship, Daddy kink, Dom Steve Rogers, Sub Bucky Barnes, Phone/Video Sex, remote controlled Sex Toys, Masturbation, Edging
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Bucky’s eyes rolled back in his head as he let the pleasure suffuse his body. It was more the surprise that was doing it for him - the surprise that he was feeling this good even though Steve wasn’t in the room. Wasn’t even in the state. Currently his boyfriend was on the other side of the country, three whole time zones away and therefore couldn’t lay a hand on him.
However, what Steve could do was video chat with him and talk to him in his deep sultry voice and get him so riled up with words that Bucky could almost imagine that his boyfriend had somehow teleported back to his side.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Keep those strokes slow and sweet. We don’t want this to be over too soon.”
“Yes. Daddy.” Bucky panted as he tried to focus on doing what he’d been told - slowing his lubed up hand and stroking all the way from root to tip before starting the return journey. His laptop was set up on a chair at the end of the bed, the camera broadcasting to Steve the way he was lying on the bed, upper body partially propped by pillows and his legs splayed and bent at the knees. Which also meant that Steve could clearly see the vibrating plug stretching out Bucky’s hole - a plug that was controlled via an app installed on Steve’s phone.
They hadn’t planned on having a phone sex when they’d started their call, Bucky sitting criss-cross applesauce on the bed, but as soon as he’d mentioned how much he was missing Steve, his dom had replied “Oh really?” using the voice and Bucky had started to sink. Steve had obviously picked up on that straight away and asked if Bucky wanted to show how much he’d missed him. Ten minutes later and here they were, Steve edging and teasing Bucky from almost three thousand miles away.
Bucky let out a mix of a squeak and a moan, as the vibration of the plug intensified. “Da-daddy!”
“Hold it, baby. You can’t come yet. I haven’t got my fill of what you look like yet.”
Which was code for ‘you aren’t looking wrecked enough’, because although Bucky was naked, his hair dishevelled and a sheen of sweat covering his body, he wasn’t yet throwing his head back and forth and his muscles tensing and trembling with the effort of not coming. 
“And play with your nipples for me. That’s it. Don’t stop stroking though.” Steve’s voice was so soft - so caring - but also so domineering and Bucky had no choice but to do what he’d asked. With his left hand he pinched and rolled one of his small brown nubs and let out a whimper as the three points of stimulation threatened to overwhelm him. He carried on though, playing with each of his sensitive nipples in turn, while still carefully stroking his cock.
As Steve praised him, his voice smooth as butter, Bucky moaned and twitched atop the coverlet, his toes curling and his muscles clamping down on the plug inside him. He could feel his orgasm building and as it did he wasn’t sure that he’d actually be able to hold it off.
“I’m too close, Daddy,” he cried out. “Please! I can’t…”
Immediately the vibrations lessened, allowing him a modicum of relief, or at least the chance to get himself better under control so he didn’t disappoint his Dom.
“Thank you for telling me, Buck. You’re such a good boy for me, putting on such a sweet show. Can you keep going for me? What’s your colour?”
“Green, Daddy!”
“Then keep going, sweetheart. Let me see how beautiful you are.”
Bucky pulled his lower lip between his teeth and continued to pleasure himself. After a few minutes the vibrations increased again, and then even more a few minutes after that, until once again he had to ask Steve for a reprieve. 
By the time that Bucky had managed to stave off his orgasm for the fourth time he was definitely wrecked. Sweat rolled down his body in rivulets and his cock was lubed up with the copious amounts of pre-cum that had escaped from his tip. He wasn’t sure how much more he’d be able to take of this perfect, wonderful torture. The vibrations were once again at their lowest, but he could feel his prostate throbbing inside him, swollen from the stimulation and the need to come. Added to the mix was the way his head felt as though his brain had been replaced with cotton wool - his thoughts all foggy as he tried hard to listen to all the instructions given to him. However, Steve’s next words broke through the miasma like a shaft of sunlight after the rain.
“You’ve done so well for me, Buck, so this next time is it. You can come for me when you get there, alright?”
“Thankyouthankyouthankyou,” he garbled, his mind now cleared enough that he could focus on the fact that the ultimate pleasure was now within reach.
“You’ve still got to work for it, baby. I’m gonna turn the plug back up two more times. You think you can manage that?”
“I c-can, Daddy. I know I can.”
“Okay, sweet thing. Here we go again.”
The upping of vibrations seemed different to Bucky this time, probably caused by a combination of exhilaration and desperation. His body felt like a live wire, burning with need and want, and when Steve raised the level again, his toes curled and his back arched.
“D-daddy! Oh! OH!”
“Yes, let go for me. Let it all go.”
Bucky came.
And came.
His vision went spotty and his head spun as he dragged in breath after breath and his cock spurted out rope after rope of cum. “Daddydaddydaddy.” He couldn’t even begin to describe how he was feeling - there weren’t words for it. Eventually though, the waves of pleasure subsided and the world rushed back in. He was glad that at some point Steve had turned the vibrations off. And speaking of Steve, Bucky turned his attention to his laptop and his boyfriend’s voice.
“Oh, sweetheart. Fuck! Can’t wait to get home and do that in person.”
Bucky couldn’t draw his eyes away from the image of Steve on the screen - naked and flushed - but on top of that, he could hear the salacious sounds of Steve stripping his cock and the hitch in his breath as he neared his own peak.
“Wish I could taste you, Daddy,” Bucky murmured, his body still feeling entirely boneless.
“You will,” Steve panted. “Shit! I’m coming, baby. I’m coming.” A long drawn out moan sounded through the speakers and Bucky smiled as he imagined being by Steve’s side, kissing him and touching him. Another shiver of pleasure at the thought shook his body.
“Still miss you, Daddy,” Bucky said after a moment's silence.
“I miss you too, baby,” Steve replied. “Are you alright to go get yourself quickly cleaned up yet?”
Bucky screwed his face up as he realised how much cum covered his right hand and his abdomen and he reached out for the box of tissues on the nightstand. “Yeah, as long as my legs hold, I'm definitely up for a date with a wash-cloth.” Steve chuckled and Bucky couldn’t hold back his smile as he did a cursory wipe to get the worst of it off.
“Well you do you and I’ll do me…”
“Didn’t we just do that?” Bucky couldn’t help but interject with a giggle.
Steve laughed again but carried on. “And then you can move your computer back next to you and we can chat until it’s time for you to go to sleep. We got distracted before I got the chance to tell you about how the campaign here in LA is actually going.”
“It was a good distraction, though,” Bucky said with a cheeky grin.
“The best,” Steve agreed, “But go wash up, because I now have a hankering to see you all cosied up and sleepy.”
“Only three more days until you get it again in person.”
“I can’t wait.”
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Tag list: @km-ffluv, @wheezy-stucky, @kmc1989, @kombatfather1796
@christywrites, @alexakeyloveloki, @doasyoudesireandlive, @galactusdevourerofworlds,
@crayongirl-linz, @mightstill, @nicoline1998enilocin, @starrkermarvel,
@king814318, @scram1326
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kittythelitter · 2 years
CW: Chrissy's mom. Specifically being body shamey and ableist. Also characters being pressured into a relationship they don't want to be in.
Okay but ST season 4 AU where everyone lives, including Chrissy and Jason. Like, Vecna breaks his victims and traps his victims in their own minds instead of killing them so he can feed off their life forces or whatever and Chrissy is found in the trailer broken and covered in upsidedown goop but still alive so everyone's like. This is some weird supernatural bullshit. And Jason still leads a witch-hunt.
After it all, Chrissy is awake and recovering and she breaks up with Jason for being the worst. And her mom is like. You're legally an adult, you chased away a good man, because you're bed bound for now you lost your cheerleading scholarship and the only thing that makes you worth anything. You can't even get a job in your current state. You need a man. If you let me set you up with a rich eligible bachelor and don't fuck it up, we will pay your hospital bills, maybe even college.
Meanwhile Steve is a hero, and is a publicity asset for the Harringtons, and for the first time since he graduated high school has some kind of value to his parents. He's being celebrated, and if they set him up with one of their business partner's kids they can curry favor. More so if it's the poor injured Cunningham girl who is beloved and lauded by the town for being victims of the bizarre serial killer, Henry Creel.
(Ignore the goo and the vines and the crack in the ground that used to be main street there was a serial killer and an earthquake and they were totally unrelated.)
So Steve and Chrissy are both being pressured by their parents into a relationship that even conceptually makes them uncomfortable. But she can't back out without starting adulthood in a wheelchair in crippling debt. And while Steve could probably survive being disowned and his parents' ire his abandonment issues and desperate people pleaser tendencies make him not want to piss off his parents, disappoint the Cunninghams, or hurt Chrissy's feelings.
So they go on a lot of very uncomfortable dates. And they kind of get along. And Steve breaks down and full on Robin word vomits that she's great and he's sure she'll find a great guy but he really doesn't want to upset their parents or hurt her feelings- but he really really doesn't feel that way about her- and it's not because she's in a wheelchair or anything- one of his kids is in a wheelchair- well not his kid- there's these kids he babysits- that's not the point- he's really really sorry, but he kind has a crush on someone else, and he can't keep pretending to date her to make other people happy, and he's really sorry. And she's like. Holy shit.
And he just broke down so she feels comfortable explaining her situation and he, overwhelmed by his protector instincts, agrees to keep up the appearance of dating until her hospital bills are paid and she can make her own choices about what she wants.
So they keep doing public dates and stuff. But outside of that, he invites her to meet his friends, cause she lost a lot of hers in everything. She's been really lonely, and she's very sweet and kind of dorky so she gets along with everyone.
And Steve told Robin everything because she's Robin, but not everyone else because he didn't want to get into his parents bullshit or expose Chrissy's baggage so they're all nice to her and get along but they're a little weird about it because that's Chrissy Cunningham. And Steve's dating her???
Also Robin is weird around her because hot girl, but everyone thinks she's jealous which is a weird dynamic. Chrissy thinks Robin is Steve's crush and keeps talking Steve up to Robin and talking about how Robin's great and how close she and Steve are and how nice that is. And it's very awkward.
Eddie is insanely jealous and he knows that Robin's a lesbian so he's like. Oh she has a crush on her best friend's straight girlfriend. That sucks. And he also hates that he can't hate Chrissy, because she's so fucking nice and sweet to him.
(Nancy, Jon and Argyle are all on varying levels of knowing something is up but are staying out of it because they are too stoned to parse what specifically is happening or too stubborn to admit that they made some wrong assumptions.)
(the kids don't care much beyond being glad that Steve wasn't flirting with every age appropriate girl he crossed paths with anymore)
And then Chrissy figures out that a) whoops she has a crush on her fake boyfriend's best friend (Robin). b) Steve and Eddie are in love. And c) Eddie thinks she and Steve are for real. So Chrissy tries to explain to Eddie that their relationship is fake without spilling Steve's baggage, and mentions that she doesn't even like Steve like that she actually likes Robin.
Through some miscommunication Eddie now thinks Steve is unknowingly Chrissy's beard. And he doesn't want to out Chrissy but he's a little upset that she's using his crush totally platonic guy friend this way.
Meanwhile Chrissy tries to team up with Robin to get Steve and Eddie together. Because Robin clearly loves Steve and Eddie and wants them to be happy even if she hates Chrissy for some reason. (Again Robin doesn't hate Chrissy she's just super awkward).
Boundless shenanigans ensue.
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We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes (Affinity Series)
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Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader x Alpha!Steve
Wordcount: 3990
You celebrate your first Halloween together as a mated pack.
Gratuitous Smut, Smut, Shameless Smut, Halloween Costumes, Porn With Plot, Voyeurism, Pole Dancing, Lapdance, Lap Sex, Threesome, Double Penetration, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Steve Rogers, Alpha Bucky Barnes, Mating Bond, Mating Bites
Hello Heathens! It's time for some sexy Halloween shenanigans with our favorite pack! Happy Reading!
Bannner by @cafekitsune Divider by @firefly-graphics
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Another year, another Halloween bash thrown by Tony at the compound. This year you had the added benefit of not one but two Alpha’s on your arm. Not to mention the lovely claim marks decorating your collarbone.
You couldn't be happier that the boys went along with your costume choices for the night. Preening over how sinfully handsome your Alpha’s looked. Both of them grew their hair out for the event. “Anything for our sweet little Omega.” They both stated upon your request. 
Bucky looked otherworldly dressed as a vampire, devilish fanged smirk and all. The contacts you purchased him turning his steel gaze, cold as ice. The subtle clenched jaw was even working in his favor.
Steve was almost unrecognizable. His blonde shaggy locks dyed brown and a full thick beard covered the lower half of his face. A couple well placed bloody cuts, dirtied up, torn clothing and a set of top and bottom fangs completed the werewolf ensemble. 
Then there was you. Dressed as Queen Akasha herself, sans the neck piece. You wanted to show off your claims, not hide them. It took some serious convincing and time on your knees for your Alphas to agree to let you wear the barely there costume. Based on the looks the three of you were receiving as you made your way through the crowd outside, it was well worth it. 
“I need a fucking drink. All these eyes on you are making me twitchy.” Bucky grounds out.
“Oh Sarg, they aren’t all on me.” You stop, turning your back to Steve as you face him, running your fingers down his Adam's apple. “I can practically see knees weakening watching your tall, dark, mysterious frame walk by.” 
You place a kiss to his chin and pivot to look up at Steve. “And you my dear Captain. You’re perplexing them all. Who knew America’s Golden boy could look so unruly.” You nip his Adam’s apple and head towards the bar inside, to gain some much needed warmth.
“I want to be angry, but for the life of me, I can’t think straight when she looks like that.” Steve states.
“Fucking little vixen.” Bucky shakes his head. “C’mon Stevie. Best not leave her alone too long. Trouble loves to follow her round.”
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Drinks had been partaken, conversations shared and the party was starting to wind down. Only the team and those closest to them remain, congregating in the common room. As a joke, or maybe not, Tony had a stripper pole placed in the middle of the couches. 
The girls were curious as to your excitement at seeing the pole and you divulged that you used to choreograph for your sex worker friends for extra cash. “Plus it's a great workout in general. You really should give it a try.”
“You can’t tell us something like that and then not show us.” Wanda blurts out.
“I have to agree.” Nat nods along. “What level of routine were you choreographing for your friends? How do we know you’re not just trying to impress us with your words?”
With the rum still slightly running through your veins you had no qualms about educating them on your skills on the pole. “I know your goading me to get a free show but I really can’t back down from a challenge.” You smile devilishly. “Go ahead and take a seat, bring the men over too if you wish.”
“Oh I’m so game for this.” Maria exclaims, grabbing Wanda’s hand and pulling her toward the couches, currently occupied by Bruce, Clint, and Sam.
“Where’s the smoke?” Clint asks as the women take their seats.
“We’re about to get a lesson on how to work a stripper pole.” Nat explains.
“Yo!” Clint yells to Tony, Thor, Steve and Bucky at the bar. “We’re about to have some entertainment of the sexy variety. You might want to make your way over here.”
They all shrug and head over to the couches. Your Alpha’s noticing that you are not among the women sat waiting. A haunting beat begins playing as they spot you sauntering towards the pole. Almost recreating Akasha’s walk from the film. 
“Is she about to pole dance to Forsaken from Queen of the Damned, dressed as Queen of the Damned?” Sam questions.
“I have no idea what this Queen of the Damned is but I am most enjoying where this is going.” Thor imparts. “Once again Barnes, and not to now exclude you Rogers, I am very impressed by your Omega.”
“Shush. We’re trying to enjoy the show.” Nat hushes them. 
Unbeknownst to the team you could do this routine in you sleep. It’s one of your favorite go to's when your feeling yourself and need a little outlet. And yes you have taught your two best friends this routine for when they need to hit the pole as a side hustle. You even taught a class using a variation of this routine to bored housewives.
You can't help the way your body caresses and moves around the pole. As always the beat takes over you, turning you into a siren of the flesh. You're flawlessly doing sunwheels, corkscrews, and ballerina spins. Intermingled with inverted splits, a cross knee layback, and secretary sits. You’re sure to show off a bit of floor work as you perform an assisted shoulder stand down onto all fours, whipping your hair around as you sit back on your heels. You smile smugly at the girls' slack jawed faces before continuing on. 
Your boys are transfixed by how you have captivated the attention of everyone in the room. The prideful Alphas can’t help the satisfaction they feel knowing that you’re all theirs. Brazenly showing their marks to the world. They may have to put a pole up at home, make a whole naughty playroom for your enjoyment.
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“Another!” Thor proclaims as you land on your feet and bow to the small applause of your super friends. 
“I always knew there was something you were hiding. That sweet face, so unassuming. No typical Omega could handle having one supersoldier Alpha, let alone two. Let me guess, you're proficient in lap dances as well?” A tipsy Tony inquires.
“But of course.” You smile mischievously at your Alphas. “Friday. Dim the lights and play Unholy by Sam Smith and Kim Petras.”
You confidently strut over to stand between Bucky’s legs as the lights lower and the song begins. Your hips bounce to the beat, sinking low, using his powerful thighs for balance, leaning forward into a body roll, pulling back until you're upright. 
You slowly lift your left leg into a standing leg extension, holding it for a moment before releasing it and straddling both of Alphas thighs with a cheeky giggle. You grab onto their shoulders, throwing your head back and quickly whipping your hair back and forth. Snapping back forward and throwing your hips up and back, bending over for all to see. 
You eye your Captain, as you spin on your heels, swaying your hips side you side you back up into his lap. You roll your body against his, running your right hand up the back of his neck, weaving your fingers in his silky locks and gently pulling as you grind your ass against the growing bulge in his jeans. 
“You’re playing a dangerous game, Omega.” He growls in your ear.
“Shhh, Captain. Just enjoy your dance, Alpha.” You tease.
“You're lucky you’re already mine, doll. Doing this with everyone watching, testing our patience.” He nips behind your ear. “Risky business. Making your Alpha’s want you so badly. Just look at Bucky.”
You turn your head, still working Steve over, as your eyes lock with the dilated pupils of Bucky's. You lick your lips and swallow as you feel your slick begin to soak through your thong.  
You feel Steve inhale, as Bucky’s nostrils flare, both clearly scenting your arousal. “Everyone out.” Bucky growls to the room.
“Excuse me, this is my compound.” Tony snaps back.
Ignoring him, your Alpha continues on. “You all have 30 secs to get the fuck out before your stuck watching Steve and I take our Omega apart.”
“I would quite enjoy viewing you ravage such an enticing Omega as I am not allowed to partake per your Midgardian customs.” Thor declares. “A shame really.”
You turn over to straddle Steve’s lap, continuing to dance, lost in the combined scent of your Alpha’s. “I don’t even think these two would notice right now.” Tony quips. 
Bucky leans in, gripping your chin. “That right ‘mega? You getting floaty already?” You subtly nod your head. “Want me to kick everyone out or do you want them to truly see who you belong to?”
“Depends on who’s staying.” You whisper out.
“Apparently just Thor and Tony” He quickly scans the room. “Everyone else seems to have found their way somewhere else.”
“Probably to go work out all the sexual tension you guys have been putting out.” Tony snarks.
“Most certainly. I saw Natasha practically dragging Bruce behind her.” Thor agrees with a chuckle.
You look up to see the room clear of everyone but the Demi God and the Billionaire Playboy. “What do you think Captain? An audience of two, okay with you?”
He nuzzles into your neck. “I don’t care either way. I just really need to have you squirming on my cock.”
“I need a verbal yes or no, Alpha.” You respond. “I’m not about to have you get all possessive and violent because someone other than Bucky is getting turned on watching you split me open.”
You feel the growl emanating from his chest deep in your core as he leans back and looks you in the eye. “Yes, Omega. They can watch how good you take my cock.”  
“You heard the man.” Bucky addresses the two men. “Don’t take this opportunity for granted.”
Zoning in on the Alpha you’re sat upon, you lean forward, running your hands through his shaggy hair, kissing him deeply. You're granted the taste of the whiskey and Asgaurdian liquor he’s been sipping throughout the night on his tongue. The scent of him around you combined with his current taste has you grinding your slick soaked thong all over the font of his pants. Making quite the mess. 
A devilish smile appears on his bearded face as he wraps his fist in your hair and pulls your head back. Forcing you to look him in the eyes. "Unzip my pants and pull me out." He quietly commands.
Without hesitation you undo his pants and pull out his thick length. Subconsciously licking your lips at the sight of his precum already leaking out of the tip. 
“Pull that flimsy piece of fabric to the side and sit on my cock, Omega." Eyes glazed over, hindbrain kicking in at the order you lift yourself up enough to pull your thong to the side, exposing your leaking slit. You place his tip at your entrance, sliding down onto his thickness, filling yourself up inch by inch. 
Hand still in your hair he pulls you down into a heated kiss, tilting his hips up as your pelvis’ meet, getting as deep as he can. Pulling away, he wraps a hand around your throat, groaning as you involuntarily clench around him. "Now be a good girl and hold on to my shoulders." 
Once your hands are securely placed, Steve begins to piston his hips up into you. Practically using your body like his own personal ‘rutlight’. You start to bounce along with him, meeting in the middle with a grind of your hips. 
His hand tightens around your throat, the sweet pressure muffling your screams as you notice cool metal fingers trail along your spine. "That's it Omega. Look so pretty taking your Alpha’s cock.” Bucky whispers in your ear. “Fuck. I bet you're squeezing his dick real good, huh, baby girl?"
You can feel yourself ready to explode, his words adding fuel to the fire. You feel more than see, his flesh hand traveling down your torso, stopping at your mound. He takes the opportunity to play with your clit, rubbing tight little circles against the sensitive nub. You bite your lip from the overwhelming sensations of being surrounded by your Alpha’s, right on the knife edge of control, rapidly hurtling towards the cliff of your climax. Not to mention the fact that you have an audience, witnessing your destruction. 
"Oh baby you're so close. Can feel your sweet little pussy trying to pop my knot.” Steve grits out. “Gonna cum all over my fat cock?" 
You moan and nod your head yes, lost in a haze of lust. "I can’t hear you, Omega. Use your words. Do. You. Want. To. Cum. On. Your. Alphas. Cock?" He punctuates with his thrusts.
"YES! Please, Alpha. Want to cum all over your cock. Want to make a mess just for you." You manage to whimper out.  
Bucky groans, nipping your shoulder. "There's our sweet ‘mega. Always so good for her Alphas." He increases the pressure and speed on your clit. Making your grind against Steve all the more. 
"Now! Cum for us right now, Omega. I want to feel this little tight pussy of yours clamping down on my dick like a vice." Steve commands, setting off your orgasm. Throwing your head back, you let out a deep guttural moan, writhing on his dick, as you ride out the climax.
Unwilling to knot you and have you stuck on this couch for who knows how long, but still needing to remind the room who you belong to, Steve removes his hand from your throat. Within seconds each Alpha has latched on to their respective marks and bit down, freshening up their claims.
Like the turning of a switch, you melt into Steve, losing yourself to the lovely feeling of Omegaspace. Floating in a haze of pheromones, enveloped in the safety of your Alpha’s arms. You could care less who was left in the room other than Steve and Bucky. 
“You can put your tongues back in your mouths now boys.” Steve addresses the awestruck duo frozen to their seats. “Thank goodness you didn't pull your dicks out at least.”
“I was tempted to.” Tony blurts out.
“If I had, I would not have been able to refrain myself from trying to partake in the festivities.” Thor confesses. 
“Been there.” Steve agrees with a chuckle. “Anyway, have fun getting rid of those, boys. We’re going to go knot our sweet little omega til she passes out. See ya in the morning.”
“You’re staying here?” Tony asks.
“There is no way in hell I can last til we get to our place before I knot her properly.” Bucky growls out. “So yeah, we're staying in our apartment here. That a problem?”
“Not at all. I'll have Friday double the soundproofing and warn Sam.” He squeaks out.
“Thanks Tony.” Steve responds, scooping you up and walking down the hall to the apartment they keep on the compound.
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You're undressed and placed down on what you know to be Steve’s king sized bed, based on the scent wafting up from the sheets. You sense them on either side of you as you burrow your nose in the pillow beneath your head.
“Feeling good, Omega?” Bucky asks.
“Mmmhmm” You nod your head in response, opening up our eyes and catching the steel grays to your right.
“Need more? Or are you good for the night?” Steve queries.
“More. I know you both didn’t come.” You quirk a brow at them. “Can’t have that.”
“That right ‘mega?” Bucky teases.
“Yup.” You pop the ‘p’ for emphasis.
“Okay.” He caresses your chin. “Can’t disappoint our sweet little Omega now can we. What do you have in mind, babygirl?”
“I want to ride my Captain while you fuck my ass from behind Sarge.” You calmly state.
The supersoldiers let out simultaneous growls at your request. 
“I want to be stuffed full. Need you both to use me for your pleasure. Please.” You can’t help but pout as you plead for what you want.
Bucky runs his metal thumb across your bottom lip. “No need to pout, sweet ‘mega. You’ll get what you want. Stevie, toss me the lube I know you keep stocked in your nightstand. You heard what she wants. Let her ride you some more while I prep that glorious ass.”
You smile triumphantly as you throw a leg over Steve’s naked waist. Somehow you just now realized that you’re all undressed, naked flesh on full display. You tease his turgid length, re-coating him in the fresh slick leaking from your cunt until you feel the vibration of his growl against your thighs as he stills your hips with one of his massive hands. With the other, he grabs his dick, teasing your clit with the tip, pulling a whine from you that is cut short as he lines up and thrusts, sinking his cock deep inside you. 
Your head falls back and your spine arches as you push yourself up and undulate your hips, burying him even deeper. Your Alpha’s following your every move, entranced by the way you swivel and bounce, losing yourself in the ebb and flow of your own little private show being put on for their eyes only. 
Worked up and ready to be inside you himself, Bucky, having sufficiently lubed up his cock, climbs between Steve’s spread legs. Placing a hand to the middle of your spine he kisses up your throat until he reaches your ear.
“Be a good Omega and lean forward for me so I can join in on the fun. You don't look stuffed enough yet.” The cool palm in the middle of your back helps push you down until you're laying flush against Steve’s chest.
He then proceeds to run his lube covered fingers along your stretched out lips, gathering the slick that continues to pour out of you with one hand as the other grabs a cheek and spreads you out, exposing your puckered little hole. Running his coated fingers around your hole teasingly, slowly adding more pressure until he is able to get the first one, then two fingers inside you. Opening you up little by little, as you gently roll your hips back and forth, grinding down on the Alpha beneath you.
“You’re doing so good for me ‘mega. Gonna add another finger. Open you up a bit further so you can take me nice and deep. Want you to focus on how good my fingers feel.” Bucky instructs you.
He works his third finger into you and proceeds to scissor them all and open you up further until you can take them with ease and are a whimpering mess. As he pulls them out, you whine at the feeling of emptiness left behind. 
He grabs a cheek in each hand and spreads you out, signaling Steve to still your hips. Lining himself up he breaches your tight little hole. “Relax, ‘mega. Take a deep breath for me.”
You do as you're told and on your exhale your tight ring of muscle relaxes, allowing Bucky to sink right in. “Fuck. So tight. How ya feeling, Omega?”
“Full.” You moan out. 
“Good.” Bucky grits out.
That is the last thing you are able to comprehend, as they begin to pull out and thrust into you, never leaving you empty. As one retreats the other pushes in, playing you like a well strung violin. Pulling moans, whimpers and orgasms from you like notes on a page. Creating a sinful melody to feed their carnivorous appetites.
You can feel the haze of overwhelming pleasure start to take over your body. Your senses are so keyed up and overloaded, that it doesn't take long before you are crying out and clenching down on the cocks lodged inside you as you crest over the edge into a blissful climax. Head buried in Steve’s chest as tears begin to flow from your eyes at the overpowering ecstasy. 
“That’s it, Omega. Love it when you squeeze me so tight, trying to make me pop my knot, lock me in place.” He lifts your head from his chest and places a tender kiss to your forehead as they slow their thrusts, allowing you a moment of reprieve. 
He wipes a stray tear away with his thumb. “How are you feeling?” 
You’re just coherent enough to get out a few words. “So good. Need more. Want your knots.”
“I couldn't dream of denying her anything right now.” Bucky states.
Your pussy and ass squeeze around your Alphas, as you imagine being filled with their hot cum, causing them to start to lose their rhythm. Pounding into you erratically as they chase their own highs. 
“Fuck. That’s it ‘mega.” Steve grunts out. “Take my cock. I’m so fucking close. Gonna pop my knot and paint your insides white. Gonna lock you to me as you take every drop.” 
As Steve’s words hit your ears, you instinctively squeeze around Bucky, setting off a frenzied pace in the Alpha as they race to the finish line. 
“Fuck Steve, you make her clench around me like that again and her pussy wont be the only thing getting filled.” Bucky groans out.
Having them talk about filling you up like you're not even in the room is the spark that lights the match on the fire that is your impending orgasm. You detonate in a blaze of pleasure, almost blacking out from the sheer force of it, taking both of them along with you.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” Bucky loses it first, hips stuttering until they still, popped knot resting against the outside of your ring of muscle as he groans and empties his balls into your abused little hole. Gripping your ass cheeks so hard you're sure he left bruises behind.
As he slowly pulls out his still hard member, your hole clenching trying to pull him back in, Steve lifts his hips and lodges himself deeper into your cunt. He pulls you into an intense kiss just as his knot pops, making good on his promise, as he shoots rope after rope of his seed deep into your womb, coating your walls white, triggering a minor orgasm of your own. “Can’t get enough of filling you up. Especially when it sets you off again like that. Come on, ‘mega, milk your Alpha dry.”
He grips your hips, grinding your clit along his pelvis until you come one last time for him, biting down on his shoulder as you undulate against his chest. 
You feel cool metal and warm flesh dance along your spine as you come down from your final high. Removing your head from the crook of Steve’s you turn to look upon the satisfied face of your head Alpha.
“Hey there sweet Omega.” You smile at the softness in the rough Alpha’s voice. “You did so good, baby. Made your Alpha’s feel amazing.” 
You preen at the praise, cuddling closer to Steve’s chest. “So so good. Go ahead and rest, doll. You’ve earned it.” He whispers in your ear.
You’re starting to drift off, listening to your Alpha’s speak around you.
“You know, last year, I knew you had her locked on your knot while we watched Scream.” Steve confesses. “Even though you were trying to be quiet, I heard you going at it before I came out. Might have even gotten off to it so I wasnt coming into the room hot.” He chuckles.
“Steven!” You jolt upright, to smack him on this peck.
“You dirty fucking dog. Just couldn't help yourself could you?” Bucky shakes his head. “Bet that wasn't the last time you jerked it to us.”
“That night wasn't even the first.” He replies with a shit eating grin as he pulls you back down, locking you in his arms. “Certainly won't be the last.”
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t-lostinworlds · 2 years
omg some hurt comfort with any of the five characters (it’s your choice) and " hey... you've been crying. " i’d eat it up i tell ya
A/N: okay, so i went with bucky bc ngl i'm currently fawning over him right now. so this is the first ever bucky fic i've posted so pls be nice sksksk. also, another love confession made it into this one sksk. hope you like it @annab-nana !! <3
bucky barnes x avenger!fem!reader | wc: 2k…blurb she said | best friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, canon typical trauma of being a hero™️ | prompt in bold!
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The early hours in the compound's gym had always brought some sort of peace. It was empty and quiet, undisturbed.
Although it was a false sense of quietness if it came in the form of raw knuckles hitting worn-down leather, the faint song of crickets, the chains rattling on the ceiling, and the deep harsh breaths that accompanied each jab and left hook, a kick and a blowing right hand, another punch that had your already split skin stinging at the impact.
Because inside your head was anything but peaceful.
With narrowed eyes and gritted teeth, you twisted on your heel and swung behind you, only for your fist to be caught midair.
You knew it was a conscious decision on his part, always careful and wary about his own superhuman strength, doubled down around you. But still, you were thankful enough that Bucky blocked your punch with his calloused and warm palm. Because if it were cold and silver, you would've fractured your entire hand.
If the punching bag hadn't done that already.
"I told you not to sneak up on me," you stated lowly, chest heaving.
"I didn't." Bucky raised a brow. "I called your name twice."
You didn't hear him. Too distracted by your rage and guilt paired with the audibly loud abuse you'd inflicted on the punching bag.
Bucky looked at your fist, still enclosed in his much larger hand and frowned.
"Where are your gloves?"
"Didn't feel like wearing any." You shrugged, pulling your hand away and shaking it off nonchalantly as if your knuckles weren't already swollen.
Bucky glanced to where your blood had colored his skin.
You turned towards the bag, flexing your fingers to get back into it only for a whole mass of muscles and super soldier serum to block your way.
"That's enough," he said firmly, but the concern in his eyes was unmistakable.
With clenched fists and a sharp glare, you gritted, "Nobody tells me what to do, Barnes."
"You're hurting yourself."
"I don't fucking care."
"I do."
That crumbled your resolve a little—only a little, since anger and grief were still boiling rampant in your veins.
"Out of my way. James."
"Fine!" you growled, pushing at his chest, frustration misplaced. "Fight me then!"
Bucky's tall stature remained unfazed, eyes carefully roaming your features before they softened.
"Hey…" he whispered, fingertips akin to feathers as he caressed your glistening cheeks. The lines were too carefully drawn for them to be sweat. "You've been crying."
You didn't know if it was his touch, his voice, his cerulean eyes, staring at you with such softness and care or everything all at once. But it drained the adrenaline out of your body, taking with it your heart as it fell on the floor.
Your exhaustion came in a sweeping wave as your lips trembled, your body slumping forward, falling into Bucky's already open arms.
He pulled you into his chest with a sigh, "Come on. Let's take care of those hands before they get infected."
The silence that hung between you and Bucky as he cleaned your wounds wasn't deafening, but it also wasn't comfortable.
You didn't know how much of it he knew, the reason for the gnawing guilt that made sleep evade you like the plague. 
"Steve won't tell me what happened on the mission, and I'm not going to force you to talk if you don't want to," he said as if he read your mind. After wrapping both your hands with the bandage, he carefully held it in his, a barely there squeeze as he tried to meet your eyes. "But I'm here, doll."
Like a dam that gave way to too much pressure, too many cracks in the foundation, you broke.
Bucky sighed as he scooped you into his arms, your legs draped over his thighs as means to keep you closer, shielded, safe.
You gripped the fabric of his shirt, tight fists resting on his back as you buried your face into his neck, tears staining his skin.
He gently rocked you as a means of comfort, hands rubbing circles on your back, one warm, one cold as he pressed his lips against your temple. But he didn't say anything. He simply waited, already knowing that you'd talk to him when you were ready.
It made it so much easier to do so, knowing that he was always all ears during moments you needed him to be.
"T-There's a little girl…during the rescue mission," you whispered, voice shaky, though with the kiss on your forehead, you knew he heard. "She's ten, got separated from her parents during the commotion and–she's very chatty, feisty, said she could take out the bad guys once she gets big enough but she never let go of my hand as we made our way back to the Helicarrier," you chuckled softly, smile falling as buried your face further into his chest.
Bucky wrapped one arm around your shoulder, the other on your waist, holding you close with a reassuring squeeze.
"Then t–there was an explosion and I—" you choked back a sob. "We got separated and when I found her again she was just gaining consciousness b–but then the concrete behind her started to collapse and I-I ran to her as fast as I could—God I just wanted to grab her so it wouldn't fall on her. I didn't care if it ended up being me but I just…" You lifted your head to look at Bucky with teary eyes, voice broken, bottom lip trembling. "I wasn't fast enough."
He frowned, hands cupping your face, thumbs brushing away as much of your tears as he could.
You shook your head with a choked sob, eyes squeezing shut. "H-Her scream, Buck…I-I can't get it out of my head.
"Steve had to come and h-help lift the debris and I just—I just watched. N-Now, she's in a coma and the doctors said s-she might not walk again or-or wake up and it's all my fault."
"Hey, no, it's not, doll," Bucky protested determinedly. "You did what you could."
"But it wasn't enough," you sniffled, gaze falling on your lap in shame. "I-I felt so helpless w-watching her get carried on a stretcher. It felt like whatever I do, it will never be enough because if I couldn't save her then…how can I save anyone else?"
"You've done more than enough," Bucky argued vehemently. "You've saved a lot of people's lives and not just civilians. You've saved lives at the expense of your own. That bullet you took for Nat when she was down and defenseless, the way you dragged Sam out of the enemy fire even though you've rendered yourself vulnerable.
"I mean, think about what you've done for me alone. The sleep you've lost just to be there for me when things get rough, the patience and care you have for me, just— " Bucky took a breath. "Think about all the things you've done for a man who frankly doesn't deserve any of it."
Your eyes snapped up to meet his. "You do, Buck, I—"
"My point is," he hummed, holding your face in his hands, the deep blue of his irises coated with sincerity. "You've saved me in more ways than I could ever imagine, Y/N, not just out there on the field, but by being there for me too. I can't thank you enough for it.
"And when that little girl wakes up, she's going to be forever grateful that you saved her life. Because you did, despite everything else, you did save her."
"B-But what if it happens again?" you whispered worriedly. "And t-this time, it would be worse."
"There's this kid from Brooklyn, smart but a pain in my ass sometimes, a bit patriotic, self-sacrificial, and who I trust and care about. I think you know him," Bucky said, tapping your nose, making your lips quirk slightly with the softest chuckle. He smiled proudly at that. "Kid said something about this job, and how we try to save as many people as we can. But, we can't always save everybody—"
"And if we can't find a way to live with it, maybe nobody gets saved," you finished, smiling sadly. "I heard that speech, too."
Bucky nodded. "You make such a huge difference in the field that when you're not out there, people are going to notice. You bring the best out of the team, doll. You bring the best out of me," he paused, taking your hands in his. "But, there's also nothing wrong with being on the bench for a little while. Because I think it's also time for you to be selfish for once, put yourself first."
"I just—I don't think I can trust myself again. I'm not a hero, Buck, not after what happened," you admitted, voice dejected as that barbed-wired guilt curled around your heart. "I mean, hell, I don't have superpowers. If I had, s-she would've been fine."
"So, there's also this girl," Bucky started, thumb caressing your cheek, smile soft as he held your gaze, "who's definitely one of the bravest people I know, smart and a smartass, kind, sweet, selfless. She cares so deeply for other people that sometimes, she forgets to care for herself. And she has impeccable taste in music and tv shows." He winked before his face softened. "She told me, our past mistakes don't define who we are, but what we do about it, does. And she's right, she always is. I should listen to her more often."
You chuckled softly, shaking your head at him throwing your own words back at you.
"But then she'd argue how it wasn't even my mistake to begin with, that it was HYDRA, it wasn't my fault. She's so stubborn about it, willing to fight who thinks otherwise, hell, she'd even fight me on it sometimes and I…" he took a breath, gaze never leaving yours as he said, "I love her for it."
"Bucky…" you whispered, eyes glossing but for a different reason this time.
"I thought after…everything, I wouldn't be able to feel those emotions again, too messed up, too broken. I mean, how could I when I barely even like myself? But you changed that, Y/N. Not only did you make me believe I can love again, but you also made me want to learn to give myself that kindness, too," he said, lips curved into that precious smile only you got the pleasure of seeing. "If you don't think that's some kind of superpower on its own, then how about the way you care so much for other people? It inspires the team—it inspires me to do the best I can to save everyone. You don't need some kind of superhuman strength or magical abilities to be an important member of the team because you're the heart of it. And that's powerful enough."
"I think I made you watch too many romcoms," you chuckled tearily, pressing your forehead against his, heart warm and aching as you looked at the man who'd stolen your heart without much effort involved.
It was just easy with Bucky.
He laughed, "Maybe. But it's a good manual on how to get the girl. My manual is a little bit outdated nowadays," he joked, nudging the tip of his nose with yours, a nervous glint in his eyes. "I'm not sure if it's working yet, though."
You tilted your head with a giggle and pressed your lips on his. You felt his whole body relax, a sigh tickling your cheek as he cupped the nape of your neck, head tilting to pull you that much closer. Coolness wrapped around your waist, one that was welcomed—needed, even, as you snaked your arms around his broad shoulders.
It was careful yet sweet, simple but laced with all the emotions your words could never justify—gratitude, longing, adoration, love.
"You've always had me, Bucky," you whispered once you pulled away.
There was a shyness in his eyes, tongue darting out as if to savor the taste of your lips for one more moment, as he asked, so softly, "Can you…can you say it?"
"I love you," you said without hesitation, fingers tracing his jaw. "All of you."
Bucky responded by pulling you back in for another kiss, one that assured you that, even though this job wasn't easy, you both would be alright.
As long as you have each other to lean on.
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⤷ t's february frolicking celebration
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© t-lostinworlds, 2023 ✘ I do NOT give any permission to repost, translate, & use any of my works (writings, gifs, dividers, etc.) on any platform, with credit or otherwise. Please respect that. Thank you.
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eds6ngel · 1 year
Spinoff request!!! Had an idea for the first time (r) goes over to steves place and Alena keeps asking if shes her mommy now and stuff
i love this!! thank you so much for requesting! i hope you enjoy the direction i took with this ♡
warnings: dad!steve. singledad!steve. 90s!au. fem!reader. swearing. kissing. allusions to sex. pet names. alena gets angry. angst. hurt. fluff. comfort. happy ending!! [2.7k].
author's note: just a quick one! i currently have five asks for this series in my inbox. i have a specific order i want to tackle them based on the ideas, so i'm sorry if you requested earlier but get a fic later!!
full 'when i kissed the teacher' masterlist.
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Steve had planned this out with you for a while now. You were gonna spend the night at his for the first time. He wasn’t necessarily hoping for anything to happen, just sharing a bed with you would be perfect, but if it did, he would rock your world.
He was getting Alena ready to be dropped at Robin and Vickie’s when suddenly the phone began to ring. He plops her on the kitchen counter, grabbing the phone from its hook on the wall, and speaking into the receiver, “Hello?”
“Hey, dingus!” Of course, it was Robin. “Um, slight change of plan. Work have asked me to emergency cover for someone and Vickie has her meeting today. I know it’s short notice, but unless you want to drop off Alena with your girlfriend later, I’m afraid we can’t have her until at least 7pm.”
“Shit,” he curses quietly. What was he gonna do? The two of you had been planning this for weeks, both extremely nervous for the what the night potentially entailed. And if he had his daughter to look after, especially with his daughter’s ex-teacher coming over, it was going to make things really awkward. But, it seemed as if he had no other choice. No babysitter would take Alena overnight, and Nancy and Jonathan have a newborn to look after. He guesses Alena would just have to be there with him. “Okay, yeah… That’s fine, Robin. I’ll just look after her myself.”
He can hear her let out a sigh of relief down the phone, “Okay, thank God, because I did try and explain to them that I had to babysit my friend’s daughter and they kept going on and on about how desperate they were and how they were so short-staffed and—”
“Robs, I got her. It’s okay,” he reassures her, the girl going on another one of her familiar rambles that happened when she was nervous.
“Okay, good, great! Amazing! Yeah, I— Yeah, you got her, great! Okay… I have to go.”
Steve chuckles, “Okay Robin, see you later. Tell Vickie I said to wish her luck with her meeting.”
“I will! Okay, bye!”
Steve doesn’t even get a chance to respond as the phone is dropped at Robin’s end, shaking his head as he puts his back on the stand. God, she was such a character.
“Was that Auntie Robin?” Alena sweetly asks, holding out her arms, Steve hoisting her up onto his hip.
“It was pumpkin, I’m afraid she can’t look after you today,” he frowns.
“So, where am I going when Y/N is here?”
“Well…” he boops her nose, making her giggle, “That’s the thing. You aren’t going anywhere.”
She scrunches up her face in confusion as Steve explains further, “You are going to be staying right here.”
Her face lights up, her feet kicking against his hipbone as she beams, “I get to see Y/N?”
He plops her down on the floor, taking her coat back off and hanging it on the hook by the front door, “Uh huh. You get to see Y/N.”
And like the excitable child she is, she begins running around the house, yelling “Yay!” arms held out as if she was flying.
Steve picks her up underneath his arm, making his daughter scream in delight as he ruffles her hair. He puts her down, grabbing onto her shoulders and stating, “But, since Y/N is our guest, we have to be respectful, okay? That means calming down, no running around like you just did, and keeping the house clean. You need to be a good girl, do you understand?”
She nods, putting her hands behind her back, making herself look nice and polite, “Yes, daddy.”
“Good girl,” he smiles, “Now, why don’t you go and clean up your room before Y/N comes? Maybe she’d like to potentially see your room?”
She jumps up and down, shouting “Yes!” as Steve raises an eyebrow. She quickly cottons on, landing herself softly on her two feet and mumbling, “Okay,” before quietly trotting off down the hall.
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Steve is in his room making himself look presentable, Alena sat on the floor by the coffee table drawing away when the doorbell rings, signalling your arrival.
Before Steve can get the chance to rush into the living room, the door swings open, Alena smiling in front of you, waving and yelling, “Hi!” despite being only a couple inches away.
“Hello honey, how are you?” you smile back.
“Good! Daddy’s in his room. He said he wants to make himself look perfect for you.” God, kids… They were so brutally honest.
“Oh, did he now? Well, shall I be the judge of that?” you ask her, the little girl nodding as you walk into the Harrington’s house, Alena closing the door behind you, perhaps a little too forcefully for your liking. But, you weren’t her mom, that wasn’t your decision to make.
Steve appears from his bedroom in a sage green sweater, black sweatpants to match as he runs up to you, grabbing your face and planting a kiss to your cheek, “I am so sorry. I was going to get it, but,” he signals to his daughter.
“It’s okay,” you softly reply, “A little birdie told me that you were making yourself perfect in there.”
You look down at Alena and raise your eyebrows, her giggling as Steve fumbles over his words, scratching the back of his neck, “I— Uh… I was just, you know… Getting ready and stuff…”
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug as you whisper back, “I think you look gorgeous.”
The two of you pull back, Steve signalling to your body with his hand, “Uh, thanks! But, you… I mean, you look stunning. Not that you don’t always look stunning, because you do, just today you look… extra stunning.”
What’s funny about Steve’s compliment was that you were as underdressed as he was. A plain black t-shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers, all paired with some gold hoop earrings is how simple your outfit was today. But, sometimes looking lazier was ten times more attractive than looking put-together.
You giggle at his words, “Thank you.”
He points behind him, “I was gonna get started on dinner. I know you like pasta. I’m not the most brilliant cook in the world, so will pasta and normal sauce be okay? Sorry, it’s not too fancy or anything.”
“Steve, I’m happy with anything,” you reassure him, “Do you want any help at all?”
“Oh, god no. No, no, no,” the words tumble out of his mouth, “You’re the guest. Please relax, honestly.”
You chuckle, smiling at his nervousness, “Got it. Guess I’ll spend some time with this sweetpea,” you say, ruffling Alena’s hair, something you seemed to have subconsciously picked up from Steve.
“Of course!” he replies, “And sorry she’s here. Robin had to fill in for someone at work and wouldn’t be done until after you arrived, so I said it would be easier for her to just stay here with us. I probably should’ve checked with you first, but—”
You shut him up with a quick peck on the lips, Alena bouncing behind you, her enjoying any sort of romantic affection between the two of you. After all, she was the one to tell you Steve loved you in the first place. “Steve, it’s fine. We’re gonna have a great time, aren’t we peanut?”
She nods eagerly, grabbing your hand and tugging, Steve scolding her softly, “Hey, what did I say about being calm?”
“Oh Steve, please, she’s fine honestly,” you say, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. You turn to Alena, leaning down to her height and saying, “I saw you had a little creation coming along over there. You wanna show me?”
“Yes!” she shouts, sprinting over to the coffee table, Steve having to yell at her, “No running, Alena!” You follow her, turning your head to laugh at Steve, him shaking his head and playfully rolling his eyes, heading to the kitchen to begin creating his beautiful pasta dish.
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“Who are you drawing now, sweetpea?”
Alena had already completed two figures, one more whilst you were there, them both easily identifiable as her and Steve. She had drawn herself to be wearing her favourite purple dress, Steve in a yellow sweater and black sweatpants.
“Um…” she says, a nervousness present in her voice, “I was thinking of drawing you. B-Because you love daddy, and you kiss daddy and now you are staying here with us. It’s like what mommies do. So… are you like, my new mommy?”
Her words hit deep within you. You and Steve had only been officially dating a mere two months, you finally telling Alena your first name just over a month ago. But, she was also seven years old, and her knowledge of the family unit was lacking, understandably. She linked up all the facts in her head and combined it with her knowledge of the role of a mother. And what’s disappointing is, you were the closest person to a mother figure she had ever gotten in her life.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, “Um… I’m not honey, no. At least not for the moment, okay? I’m more of just… your daddy’s girlfriend for the time being. Is that okay?”
She scrunches up her face, “But… Lilly at school has a mommy and a daddy and they are both boyfriend and girlfriend. Why aren’t you the same?”
You remember teaching Lilly yourself, and Alena’s statement was correct. However, Lilly’s mom was her biological mom, making her the legal guardian of her daughter. It wasn’t just a placeholder name as it would be with you, Lilly’s mom is etched into her daughter’s DNA.
“Baby… I haven’t been with your daddy long enough yet, okay? Lilly’s mom and dad have been together for years,” you explain to the girl, “Maybe when me and daddy have been together longer, then I can become your mommy.”
She huffs, taking a crayon and ruining her image, scribbling all over the face of you that she drew. She stands up, storming off to her bedroom, Steve leaning back from where the pasta was boiling in the pan and asking, “Hey, what’s going on pumpkin?”
You sigh out, Steve looking over to you and mouthing, “She okay?”
You get up yourself, walking over to Steve and asking, “Can I talk to you a second?”
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“It’s just… I didn’t want to outright say ‘yes’ as I haven’t even asked you yet. I know we’ve only been together two months, but I don’t want her to start holding that title for me, and then something happens to us, which I hope to God it doesn’t, I’m suddenly not her mom anymore and it messes the whole thing up. Do you see where I’m coming from, my love?”
He takes in every word you say, listening to your entire ramble from start to finish, “Yeah, I understand, and… I agree.” He sighs, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, “How do we explain this to her in a way she understands?”
You both contemplate for a second, before an idea pops into your head, “She really enjoys nicknames, right? Like, you give her pumpkin, sweetpea, toothache, all of them.”
“Well, how about I give her a replacement nickname instead of ‘mom?’” you suggest, “Something like… ‘mubba?’ I know, it sounds kind of stupid—”
“I don’t think it sounds stupid,” Steve interrupts you, “I kind of like it.”
You sigh out in relief, “I was just thinking, I call you ‘bubba’ in an affectionate way, right? So I took the start of ‘mom’ and combined it with ‘bubba.’ I think her issue is calling me by my first name. It makes me sound just like another random person. She wants some sort of title to call me, but, I don’t think we’re on the level of using ‘mom’ yet.”
“I think that’s a great idea actually,” Steve agrees with you, “Mubba it is.”
You nod, “Okay. You wanna go talk to her or do you want me to do it?”
“How about we both do it?”
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Although Alena’s door was wide open, you still decided to be polite, delicately knocking on the wooden frame, “Can I come in princess?”
She keeps her back turned, sharply letting out a “No.”
Steve decides to speak up from behind you, “Lena, we want to talk to you, okay?” However, when she doesn’t answer, Steve sternly says, “Alena.”
She huffs, spinning herself around and looking at the pair of you. You both kneel down in front of her, you taking her smaller hand in your larger one, “Look, I understand how frustrating it is I can’t be your mom yet, okay? These things take time, we can’t just decide when they happen… Like, when you told daddy you wanted to be older, but you couldn’t, right?”
She nods in understanding, still avoiding your gaze, “Well, it’s the same with me being your mom. I can’t just suddenly become your mom, I have to wait a while for that to happen, okay?”
“But,” Steve carries on your joint plan, “We do have something you can call Y/N in the meantime.”
She looks up at you when her dad mentions this, slightly squeezing your hand as you explain, “Well, since you can’t call me ‘mom’ yet, I thought we could use a different word. How about you call me ‘mubba?’”
“Mubba?” she questions.
You smile brightly at her, “Yeah. It’s sort of like a pre-mom word. You can call me ‘mubba’ for now, and then one day in the future, when I can become your mom, you can start calling me ‘mom.’ Does that sound good for you, sweetpea?”
She nods, smiling a little as she shyly says, “Mubba… I’m hungry.”
You laugh a little as Steve snorts beside you, “Makes the two of us baby.” You turn to Steve, teasing him as you joke, “Gosh, daddy chef, what’s taking so long?”
He holds his hands up in defense, stretching up from his kneeling position, kissing both you and Alena on the head, “Okay, okay. Daddy chef will continue his fabulous meal.” He begins to walk out of the room, stopping at the entryway to point at the two of you, “My girls better like it,” before exiting to head back to the kitchen.
“You wanna create a new drawing?” you ask Alena, quirking your eyebrow with a smirk on your face.
She nods eagerly, jumping off her bed and running back out to the coffee table. Thank God seven year olds were easy to cheer up.
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After many hours of food and TV, you and Steve had put Alena to bed, turning in for the night yourselves. You were currently cuddled up to Steve’s side, hand laying comfortably on his chest as his arm lay above your head.
“Can’t believe how quickly you solved that issue earlier. You better be sticking around for the long run because damn… That was good parenting right there,” he compliments you, keeping his voice low, careful not to wake his daughter.
You shake your head, smiling and blushing a little, “That’s the teacher instincts coming through.”
“No, that wasn’t a teacher thing beautiful, I’m sure of it. That was full mom mode.”
Before you can think of a response, Steve cups your face in his hands, “When the day comes, and this is totally under your control, but I think you’d be an amazing mom to Alena.”
You bite your lip as you look into your boyfriend’s eyes, “I think I’d like that someday too, yeah.”
Steve grunts as he reaches behind him to turn off the glowing lamp, snuggling up to you and kissing your forehead, closing his eyes as he whispers, “Goodnight, future mom.”
“Goodnight, wonderful dad.”
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i hope you enjoyed!! ♡
taglist: @livsters @bakugouswh0r3 @nix-rose @ihatepeanutss @cats00089 @suitelif3 @clincallyonline17 @crowssixof @starkeylover @eris-rose-86 @frostandflamesfanfic
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captnvbarnes · 8 months
➼ 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬𝑹’𝑺 𝑩𝑰𝑵𝑫 (17+) 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒆
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theme — a marvel zombie au!
pairings — bucky barnes x fem!reader, steve rogers x fem!reader
warnings — marriage troubles, slight fluff, training, slight angst
summary — the outbreak had happened as quick as the first bite. one, then two, then 1/3 of the population became 2/3’s. before any of the avengers could comprehend this threat, it overcame them with new york’s rising population becoming undead. bucky is your protector, not by choice but by chance he was there just in time to save you. you two flew the compound, leaving the life you knew. leaving your husband to rot. as you two grapple what this new world has become, everything became too much. the world depended on you guys to save them, but how could you save anyone now? and when the blood runs and the nights become colder, who will save you?
Unbeknownst to the entire compound, the United States Eastern coast has became initially exposed to its impending demise.
The spread began in the north of Maine,  at 2:13 am, September 27th.
Sun dripped into your windows as the birds chirped and sang their songs. You could feel the rising warmth kiss your skin, your eyes crinkle before widening at the blaring noise of your alarm.
6 am.
"Steeeeve..." You grumble out, tossing your covers over your eyes and tossing the other way.
The alarm's blaring noise answered you instead.
"STEEEEVE!" You yell out again, wavering your hand blindly to swat at the annoying piece of scrap on your bedside table.
The alarm's annoyance continued.
"Ugh.." You submit, tossing your cover over and cutting the box's voice short before it could continue its belligerence.
You sit up, yawning and stretching your arms outward. You blink and let your eyes adjust to the sun's colors, greeting you unwarranted.
You turn and find your husband's spot... empty. It's neatly folded as-well. You scan the room, looking for a trace to as where any sign of Steve could've placed. Nothing in sight.
You get up, tidying your bed to twin with Steve's side. You slide into your slippers and grab your morning robe that hanged on a door rack of your closest which you draggingly coated yourself into. You noticed Steve's was still there. You round the bed, noting Steve's slippers were placed beside a wall, not in front of the bed as he set them before he slept.
He must've started the day without you already.
You roll your eyes. You get he likes a fresh start to the day, but you love the mornings you awake with him together especially.
Figuring the previous, you grab your clothes for the day and bathing supplies. Can't trust leaving your soaps in the community showers after Captain Marvel took a visit and was curious to what each Earth product was the best for her hair. Although she is currently off planet, it became a better idea to keep things in each other's room after using.
You walk down the halls, yawning and stretching. You pass Wanda just before she re-enters her room, already completed with her shower. "Morning Y/N!" you hear her greet, and you say the same to her in kind, a little more tired, before following with another yawn. "Morning Wanda."
You soon enter the community showers, the woman's and men divided but placed across each other. You hear some men inside, and know everyone is now starting their day if they haven't already.
"Morning sunshine." You look and see Natasha, wearing her morning robe and dampening her hair with a towel before wrapping it on her head. "Morning Natty" you say, giving her a half ass smile. "What time did you go to bed?" She chuckles. "Late. Maybe around 2?" You reply, approaching one of the covered showers and turning the nozzle to warm it up.
You hear Nat playfully pout. "Why so late babe?" You feel for the water, checking its temp. "Steve kept tossing and turning." You say.
Causality of being married to a former man in the army. No biggie, you're used to it and it's not the worst thing in the world.
"Ah, yeah that happens. Barnes did it a lot when we were together for a bit. But then again so did I some nights.." She trails off. Her and Barnes had dated a few years ago, but parted for differences and that they were better as friends. No hard feelings. Nat then met Bruce and since then they've been stable for about 3 years.
You felt the water become the right temp, nodding to Nat's words but signaling her that you needed to waken the fuck up and let the water rush over you. You entered the shower, closing the curtain and began undressing leaving everything on a bench inside the area. Stark made sure to have it be spacious and with storage. Though you're convinced it was Pepper's touch.
"Have you seen Steve? He wasn't with me when I awoke." You asked, setting your ring alongside your clothes, looking at it for a brief second as it sat. "Yeah, he went on a run with Wilson earlier, like... an hour ago?" She estimated, slightly muffled sounding as she began brushing her teeth.
You nodded, beginning your routine and lathering yourself in this new body wash that Stark sponsored and they wouldn't stop sending him merchandise. At least it smelled nice and lathered all bubbly.
You heard from the outside of your shower the sink run, clothes rustle, a zip of jeans and soon blow drying.
You thought on how Steve, as of late, would begin his mornings without you. Actually... for the past few months. It felt special when you guys woke up together, greeting each other with morning kisses and snuggling for a little bit too long before risking being late on morning training and breakfast. Not to mention, you two have been going on separate missions as well. There's been a slowly increasing distance, but nothing you would dare be vocal on as you diminished it to 'just nothing too serious to worry on'.
"Hey babe, I'm done with myself. I'll be in the kitchen with the others, Steve and Sam should be back from their run soon." You hear Nat yell. "Thanks Nat, will do!" You respond, snapping out of your thoughts and slowly beginning to wrap up.
You turned the nozzle, grabbing your towel and drying yourself. There was a light layer of steam, the sun brightening the rooms more now.
You dressed yourself in your casual attire, adorning your ring last. You fiddled with it, twisting it with your right index and thumb.
Surely, Steve wasn't slipping from you, right?
Or... you weren't from him?
No, you wouldn't. You love Steve. He's your husband. Till death do you part.
You brushed your teeth and washed your face, cleansing it and patting it dry with your hand towel. You did your makeup after, then finally brushing out your hair before pulling it back, leaving some strands to frame your face.
You grab the remainder of your belongings and open the to door leave. As you do so, you hear the men's bathroom door open opposite of you.
It's Buck. His hair is damp and some parts wet. He wears a Henley that's clings onto his body a bit too well. You try to not take note of how well it highlights his muscles throughly.
"Oh, hey Y/N, morning." He greets, monotonously but still positive somewhat. "Morning Buck" You say, looking over his face. He recently shaved so he looks more cleaned up.
You two walk out of the bathroom area together towards the bedding suites. "You didn't join Steve for his run today?" You ask. Usually Steve and Buck do everything together. "Nah, just didn't.. feel up to it. Plus I had a mess to clean up." He says, gesturing to his jaw. You chuckle slightly to it, it was kinda getting out of control. "It looked somewhat fine before, but I get it." You say. He notices you trail off, looking more ahead downward. "You ok?" He asks, stopping to a halt and facing you. "Yeah, I'm good Buck. Just.." you trail off.
You stop and think to yourself. You don't want to bother your husband's best friend with marriage issues. Doesn't feel the most appropriate. Plus, you never like to talk down about Steve or any sort of negative way, especially when it could just be nothing.
"Just kind of hungry. I went to bed late too so I'm extra tired." You salvage, giving him a reassuring smile which he copies. You two continue your walk. "Well we got raiding drills later, so better be on your a-game for that soldier." He chuckles, before nodding towards his door which you two came upon. It’s the door next to you and Steve's room. Of course they were paired to be set up right next to each other's quarters. "Ha, so totally looking forward to that." You sarcastically say, him slightly chuckling before you two both enter your respected rooms.
You drop off your dirty clothes into the laundry shoot, setting down your bathing supplies and unplugging your phone from your charger.
1 message from 'Hubby', 5:45 am.
[Hey, out on a run with Sam. Be back around 7.]
You clear the notification off your screen and check the time. 6:53 am. He should be back soon.
You put your phone into your pocket, heading towards the door before closing it shut and heading towards the kitchen.
You hear the commotion before you see it, heading down the stairs and the smell of bacon instantly hitting you. Yum.
"So he said, 'you fucker!'" you hear Clint say, mimicking a foreign accent. "And I said, 'but I barely know her!'" he laughs at his own dad joke, you not initially hearing the first part of the joke but you know it was corny as any of his other jokes. And so does everyone, as you hear some disappointed groans follow from it. 
You see Bruce frying eggs and bacon, Nat preparing toast and jam for herself, Tony nursing a cup of coffee lowly talking to Bruce beside him, Clint rambling about his jokes sitting at the head of the table, and Wanda delved into her Sokovian poetry book on the couch. 
Tony's the first to notice you. "Hey sleeping beauty, thanks for joining us for comedy hour, don't expect much though, it's a bit outdated." He whips, Clint sending him an offended shocked look. "Hey my jokes are funny!" He retorts. "Sure pal, and I'm a blessed virgin nun." Tony quips back, some low laughter from the other teammates following. Everyone greets you with a morning as well as you make yourself more settled into the room.
You fix yourself your favorite mug, nudging Tony to the side with a small hip bump and grabbing the coffee pot nearby. He scoffs jokingly and makes his way towards a head chair at the opposite end of Clint.
"Morning Y/N, how do you like your eggs?" You hear Bruce warmly ask. He's always so sweet. He took up cooking, and it's calmed him a lot. "Scrambled today, and some bacon if you don't mind." You smile at him, he smiles back and nods his head. You stir your cream and sugar together.
As you clink the spoon on your mug, you hear the compound doors open followed by rumbling laughter. Steve and Sam are back from their run.
You feel as though you're supposed to be more warmly about your husband returning, but find yourself being only pleasantly happy. Why weren't you as ecstatic like before? Is it because you realized the distance?
"Hey guys, welcome back, how was the 10k mile run?" Tony jokes, Steve rolls his eyes but chuckles. He wipes his forehead. He doesn't look to you yet.
Why didn't he look at you first?
"Was quite the warm up, Sam barely caught up with me." Steve said, gesturing to Sam who was clearly delighted to be back from the morning cardio. He had a sheen of sweat over his face. "You cheated you old man.." he heaved, hands on both his knees to stabilize his breathing.
At the same time, Bucky made his way down the steps. You looked and caught his eye first. He smiled at you, and you returned the gesture and hoisted up your cup as an hello.
Steve finally took notice of you and smiled. "Hey honey, morning." He greeted, making his way to you before kissing you quickly. Luckily with his super soldier capabilities, he doesn't sweat. At least not after a run he'd consider easy work. You smiled into the kiss, lightly ghosting your fingers over his jaw. "Morning handsome."
Bucky watches the display of affection. It's cute. He's happy for his best friend. He found himself a very good beautiful woman. Steve's deserved this life, especially after everything. You're Steve's girl, and Bucky will always protect you on the field as a courtesy to his best friend.
"Eggs are done!" Bruce calls. "I get first dibs, mine!" Tony says, pushing past everyone to secure his plate first.
11:43 am.
Morning training is a brutal start of the day. It goes over swiftly, standard drills and procedures. Tony made a holographic simulation, that way it's easier to track each member's stats and determine their strong and weak points as well as pushing past the boundaries of what is physically possible. Which is somewhat good, because technically none of you guys should be possible, yet here you are. It prepares all of you guys for how to handle future opponents you've yet to encounter. For the chance of impossibility..
You sparred with Steve only a handful of times, but often spar against other people to not let the marriage influence any pulled punches. Today, your sparring partners were Clint and Bucky.
Clint was defense based. He had trained with S.H.I.E.L.D longer than you did when it was still active. He knocks you down only a few times, but more so you over come him. He's proud of you regardless, as he was one of the people who recommended you for the spot on the team. He wasn't that much older than you, but you remember him from the academy days when he was a fresh graduate and you were a shining young prodigy.
Bucky was offense based. You were vigilante with your defense, coming in strong with offense, but Bucky always had the upper hand due to longer experience than most people in the room.
"You need to aim high but strike low. Throw them off, take them by surprise. Always use the element of surprise to your advantage." He advised, you two in a walking rotating circle. You went for a fake out punch with your right hand, him raising his hands instantly before you swipe your left foot under him and watch him fall. "Like that? Feels like a cheap shot." You retort, you both chuckle but you help him up. "Cheap, but works at times. I let you do that by the way. Be more aggressive this time." He chuckles, and you two continue the routine.
Steve watches as you train with his best friend. He watches your every move. When the others don't train you, Steve tries to personally train you himself on what he knows. But different builds require different tactics. He hasn't trained you in a while, he realizes.
He then takes note. He hasn't really set aside a whole lot of time with you. He feels a slight disconnect, but he blames it for his soldier core. And he's sure you understand, right?
"Capper, you gonna stop drooling over your lady or focus back?" Nat quips. Steve shyly smiles. "Can't resist looking at her." He plays off his thoughts, and continues his training with Nat.
1:12 pm.
Lunch gets delayed till then, mostly everyone having cut training quits before then to eat while you focused more and trained a bit longer. Your thoughts run back to you and Steve as you attack a punching bag. You recall endless mornings waking up alone, how your soothing doesn't help him slept as well as it did, how he no longer looked for you first any time he entered a room. How he—
"Doll, we don't need Stark asking both of us for a new punching bag out of our paychecks." Steve's voice breaks your focus and you stop. You hold the bag to a halt and wipe the sweat off your forehead with your boxing glove. You turn and see Steve, hands on hips and a smug smirk plastered on his handsome face. The face that once upon a time charmed America and your heart.
You sigh, giving your best smile to him. Maybe you are just overthinking everything. You guys are Avengers, of course you guys can be caught up in this kind of line of work.
"I'm sure he wouldn't notice the dent in his wallet." You say, taking off your gloves as Steve approaches you. He kisses you lightly again, quick and brisk. You became accustomed to the chaste kisses. Though you missed the ones filled with passion and ones that felt like he was kissing you for air. "No, he definitely wouldn't but he'd notice out of spite for us." He retorts, rising a small chuckle from you.
He holds your frame and you place your now bare hands onto his broad chest. You take notice he's in his uniform. You weren't notified there was a mission today? Usually Steve lets you know weeks in advance.
"Why are you in uniform?" You question him, giving him a puzzled tense look. He reads your expression and drops his shoulders. "Emergency mission. Fury informed us that there has been this kind of outbreak in Central America. It's taken over governments in a day." He explains. You become more confused. "Why weren't we aware of this? Governments, like plural?" You ask, kinda huffing but surprised by the lack of knowledge of this. "Because hun.." a look of worry paints his face. Rarely he's this concerned over a mission. "It happened just two days ago. In just a couple days, multiple countries fell." He explains, and the worry on his face then dresses your own. "But-" "With the Sokovia Accords, international issues have been restricted. Until now. But they're being limited with it as an ultimatum." He reads your mind and answers the question you were about to ask. It explains a bit, yet nothing at all. Sure you heard some minor things on international plagues, but there has been so many new diseases in the last decade that you didn't think much of this one.
"Wait... what do you mean by limited?" You ask, and as if on cue, Nat, Wanda, and Tony stand themselves at the entrance of the training room.
The gears slowly start to form in your head. "They only want a few of us to go check it out. Fury was told that only me, The Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, and Ironman were requested by the UN." Steve says, and you feel your heart sink.
"No no Steve, I'm coming with you-" "Darling you can't.." Steve's heart breaks hearing your plea. "Steve no!" You scream at him, holding onto his uniform before he grapples his hold on you a bit tighter to shake you out of it. "Y/N!" You feel teary eyed. You felt wrong to have doubt his love and question the distance between you two. Although it was warranted and fair, it seemed so little now.
Something like this sounds dangerous. And you wouldn't be there to have his back?
"Please look... it'll only be a few days mission, a week tops. The UN don't want us there, so I'm sure they're gonna want us back as soon as possible." He reassured, though it did little to calm you. "I'm sure this is just an inside terrorist organization. They probably orchestrated this to all happen at once." He continues. You blink back your tears, trying to hear him out and make reason of it all.
Bucky, who was a few rooms down, had heard the commotion and came forward to it. He saw his fellow team members at the door, heading towards Nat for an explanation which she shortly gave to him. After, he looked to you and Steve, watching the scene unfold with everyone else.
"I'll be back soon doll. That's a promise." Steve says with a smile and caresses your cheek softly. You try to melt into his touch, but there's a million things going on in your head at the moment. You can't find comfort, there isn't enough comfort for what you're trying to process. But maybe he is right. Maybe it is just a situation where it's another power hungry turf war, and maybe you were just overthinking everything from earlier. All these maybes.
He lifts your chin with his fingers, looking for a knowing comfort in your eyes. That look where you know and believe in him. Your eyes dart before meeting his. He sees uncertainty. He doesn't know what to think of it, and just tries to reason to himself that you're worried for him as a wife and concerned.
You numbly nod, a soft "Okay" leaving your lips.
"Hate to break up this lover's bid farewell moment, but Cap were on a time schedule." Tony chirps, Nat instantly jabbing him in his stomach for his nonchalance. "Ow Nat." "Read. The. Room." she grits through her teeth, as Tony soothes his stomach slightly.
You two look to the group at the entrance, nodding before turning to each other again. "I love you Y/N. I'll be back. Promise." Steve says, holding up your hand and kissing it. You feel the heaviness in your heart and in your words, unsure and unaware for what will follow after this. "I love you too Steve." You return, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him. He hugs you tight and returns the kiss, savoring it and giving more passion into it than he has of late. He's certain it wouldn't be his last, as surely, he'd return in a few days.
He parts from the kiss first, caressing your cheek again with his hand and kissing your forehead before leaving and heading towards the entrance with everyone else.
He approaches Bucky, who with the newfound information, understands his need to go but still is worried for his best friend. "If anything happens here Buck..." Steve starts off, placing one hand on Bucky's shoulder. "Protect her, no matter the cost. No matter what you do, look after her." He says, entrusting Bucky to look after you. Bucky looks at you, who has Nat now comforting you. Bucky looks back at Steve, nodding his head. "I'll protect her. No matter what." Bucky promised. Steve believes it, if not, knows it. He thinks it won't come to that, but as a safety measure, he has to know you're taken care of. You are the most precious thing in the world to him. Whatever it means that you're safe and good, that's what matters to him. He knows you'll be good in Bucky's care.
The two best friends hug, and Nat rejoins the group and they begin their trek towards their locker rooms to prepare.
They leave in the Quinjet at 2:25 pm.
It had been a couple hours since Steve had left. Communication had cut off about an hour into their departure, the signal not reaching far enough. If needed, you could contact him through the emergency line, but there was no reason to extort through those extremes.
You resorted yourself to you and Steve's bedroom, looking through old pictures of you two and little keepsakes you guys kept for years, nursing a glass of wine; this being your 4th full glass. There was a heavy pang in your chest for how you felt earlier. And as unjustified you felt for having felt that, you couldn't shake it off. You look at the pictures of your wedding day and the reception. His smile is so wide and bright, his eyes so filled with adoration. You wonder when was the last time he full on genuinely did that with 100% of him.
Placing your wine on your bedside table, you wrap up this box and begin to place it back on the top of your closet shelf where it was, when then, you notice something you never saw before. There's a metal glint in the far back of it. You saw it for a brief second, but knew it was there. You're tipsy, maybe a little bit more than you want to admit, but certainly not that drunk yet.
On slightly wavering feet, you grab a stool from your vanity. You place it in front of the closet, standing in it and nearly falling before stabilizing yourself. You're eye to eye with the top shelf, and realize you never actually saw what it looked like up here, only Steve did. And there was never a need to, it was for old memories and scrapbooks, but you two haven't looked at those in ages.
You extend your hand, wobbling slightly but still finding an unsure balance. You grab what you were looking for, and take it out.
Your heart sinks to your chest as you recognize what it was.
A compass.
You don't need to open it to know who was in it. A rush of emotions overcome you.
He had told he threw it out the first week you guys began your relationship, which was over 4 years ago now. And to make matters worse..
There wasn't a spec of dust on it compared to everything else up there.
*Knock. Knock.*
The sudden noise throws you off and you lose balance and fall off the stool, a big thud ringing through the room. "Y/N?! You ok??" You hear Bucky call out from behind the door, but it's ignored as you groan from the pain of the harsh landing.
"I'm coming in." You hear Buck say. You tried to protest, not wanting him to see you in this state, but the door begins to open already. Dammit, you forgot to unlock it when you entered; probably too overwhelmed with everything to notice.
Bucky enters and notices you on the floor and instantly rushes to you, noticing the stool, open closet, and nearby wine and puts it together in his head. "Doll what are you doing to yourself?" he asks softly, hoisting you up and sitting you down.  You try to fight it though, but the moment you stand back up the sharp pain in your back shoots through you. You collapse again, this time accidentally knocking over the wine causing it to land on your sheets and onto the floor. "Hey hey! Take it easy, you probably landed on that stool when you fell." Bucky says, sitting you back down, this time you relent. "Now, tell me what happened?" He asks more soothingly, holding onto your back and hand. You hiccup, and sniff. "I wass looking through our photos and was sad..." you jumble together. "He looked sooo happy here James." You say. Bucky is slightly taken back by the use of his first name, but he doesn't express it. You never call him James.
You smiled at the picture but frowned after. "Buuut he don't seem that happy anymore with mee.." you mutter, starting to get weepy eyed. Bucky frowns, it aches him to see you sad. "Well I'm sure he does Y/N, it's just been a stressful time." Bucky suggests, but genuinely, he has no clue why Steve has been distant. He noticed it slightly, but didn't bother to much to look into it as it wasn't his business to get into. "Oh yeah...?" You trail off, blindly looking with one hand for what you dropped. "Then whasss thiss?" You say, holding up the compass to Buck.
Bucky instantly is taken back. He frowns immediately at the sight. He knows that compass, hell anyone in America knows that compass. It's Peggy's compass.
He thought Steve had gotten rid of that long ago.
"When I found it, no dust. Not a spec! Poof, nothing, nada" you ramble, dropping the compass in his hand and feeling the alcohol warm your cheeks.
Bucky, still in shock, feels a big disappointment in his best friend. He shouldn't still have this. He's upset at Steve, not more so of personal, but he's upset for you. Steve should've gotten rid of that a long time ago, and if what you say is true, why doesn't it have any dust on it whatsoever?
Bucky, getting out of his own head, looks over to you who has your knees tucked and your arms holding them close to your chest. His heart melts, and he's hurt by it. Anyone but you should be this sad.
"Doll, look I can't tell you why he has it still. I thought he didn't have it either. But..." Bucky contemplated his next words. Steve is his best friend, and although Steve is wrong for this and Bucky will bring this up next time he saw him, you're still Steve's wife. And Bucky would never want to bad mouth Steve to his wife.
"...but, I know he does love you." Bucky reassured. You didn't lift your head up, and Bucky wanted you to know what he said was true. He lifted your head with his metal hand, cupping your cheek softly to meet his gaze. Meeting your teary eyes, he felt a pang in his heart. A feeling he couldn't describe, but as quick as it came, as quick as it was gone.
"He loves you Y/N. And he wouldn't trade you for the world." He said, and though he tried his most genuine and sincerest, it didn't seem to ease you completely. He sighed, giving you an unsure look before glancing around the place. Your bed was soaked with wine, and the glass that had fallen off and broke on the floor, luckily not near both of you.
You definitely can't stay here in your drunken state.
Usually he'd call in Natasha for this kind of help, but she was out and as well as the next best option, Wanda.
"Buckkk..." He glanced back down at you and kneeled down. "Yes doll?" He answered, watching you grovel and lean into him. It took him off guard, but he didn't want to push you off. "I'm tired. I don't want to be awakey right now. I juss don't wanna think bout this" you slurred. He nodded his head. Thinking of what he could do, but remembering that Steve told him to make sure you're protected.
He thought of an idea, and thought it would work, at least for right now.
"Hey doll, would you be ok sleeping in my room for tonight?" He asked carefully. It was better than the couch downstairs. There was no guest rooms at the compound up for availability, and Wanda's and Nat's room were left locked after their departure. He figured he could sleep on the floor like how he used to. That way he's there keeping an eye on you.
You numbly nod, and try to stand but still on wobbly knees. Bucky catches you, and wraps one of your hands around his shoulder and tucks his hand around your back. He helps carry you to his room which is luckily right next door. He holds the door open for both of you, turning on the light and closing the door after. He picks you up fully, you hiccuping but slowly letting the fatigue subdue you. He lists his covers and places you on the center of the mattress, taking off your shoes carefully and setting them against the bed.  He places the sheet over you, and you snuggle yourself in.
He sighs as he worries for you. He never saw you like this before. But he's content he's keeping his promise to Steve, who he is still upset for about the compass. Steve had lied to everyone about it. And Bucky always treated Steve with honesty.
Bucky quietly grabbed his clothes from his drawer for his nightly shower. As he opened the door, he heard you softly call out. "Thanksss Buckk." He gave a small smile and turned to you. Your eyes were closed and you were half turned away from him. "Of course doll. Sleep well, I'll be back soon." He said, you humming softly as a response before snuggling yourself more into the bed.
It smelled like wood musk and eucalyptus. A very strong masculine smell. But it was warm, and may it be you being drunk, it felt like the softest mattress in the world.
Bucky closed the door and made his way to the showers. He was alone in the big room, undressing himself inside one of the showers, taking everything off but his dog tags and folding everything neatly. He turned on the shower, letting the cold water wash over him. He felt worried for you, and already worried for Steve despite the small aggression lingering.
Bucky never heard of no terrorist group that could take over entire governments in a singular day. It just... wasn't possible. He would've known about it. It struck him as wrong... but it was late and he didn't want to think on it longer than needed, wanting to get back to you and make sure you were ok.
He wraps up and dries himself, eventually dressing in grey sweats and a black beater.
He comes back to his room and settles himself down on the floor with a spare blanket and pillow. 
He eventually falls asleep around 11:17 pm.
New York's first contact happens at 3:36 am, September 28th.
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@buckystevelove @frombkjar
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