#younger yasu vibes!!
arigatonamuse · 1 year
A3! OCs - Relationships
aight here's another one
gets along well with Massu (if "vibing in the same space without interacting much but enjoying it" counts as getting along)
likes reading with Muku and talking about what they've both read
literally cannot escape being Banri's kouhai, first at Hana High and then at Amabi (it's even worse since they're technically majoring in the same thing), he's very intimidated by him
once he gets into Veludo Arts, he starts trusting Kazu a lot, he likes working around him and is slowly learning about how he can trust him
finds Guy's presence comforting and goes to him whenever there's something he can't understand about people
Clubs/Link Skill Groups: Shoujo Manga Club
she really admires Chikage and Hiso both, and she holds Chikage as a role model (it goes as well as you'd imagine)
adores Yuki and often consults him about clothes, sometimes they quietly work together, sometimes she just listens to him rant , sometimes they bitch together
likes being around Sakuya, even if she can't completely open up to him, she feels like she won't be judged around him, she'd kill for him (whether that's an exaggeration is up for interpretation)
often talks to Taichi about girls and trends when she needs to de-stress
Clubs/Link Skill Groups: Lone Wolves + Sweet Tooths
good friends with Banri, but never leave the two of them on their own (they'll either get into a nasty fight or get into trouble together)
classmates + study buddies with Tsuzuru
Juza's senpai (no i will never live down the fact that Juza is canonically studying literature in uni)
Stray cat lover with Sumi, Hiso and Muku,
Enjoys Kazu's presence a lot, he helps them get out of their shell very naturally
They get along really well with Tetsuro and Akashi, they work very well as a team even with little to no verbal communication
Clubs/Link Skill Groups: Spicy Food Society
Ex-delinquent buddies with Omi; he knows Omi's healed more than he has, but he still feels like he has to take care of him and help him
Looks up to Sakyo because he thinks he's put together, and he can see how much he cares for everyone at the company (also they share their incapacity to DO SOMETHING TO FURTHER THE RS WITH THE ONE THEY LOVE smh)
He often talks to Homare about poetry and their fave authors (also sometimes shares what he's written with him)
feels paternalistic towards a lot of the younger actors, but mostly Massu and Tenma
Clubs/Link Skill Groups: Ex-gangsters + Artistes
since she hasn't become that close to the company, she doesn't have many relationships but
She's really really thankful towards Izumi for taking care of Yasu
Looks up to Sakyo and hopes one day she can have the guts to show up and face what she gave up on life like he did
Occasionally talks to Kazu and Juza, looks up to them as big siblings, and is very thankful for Kazu looking out for Yasu at uni
Tsuzuru and Juza's (and Castel's) professor, so it's awkward for those two whenever he stops by Mankai
Azuma's drinking buddy + former occasional client
Finds Citron really fun and interesting, loves to hear his stories
Homare and this man vibe together like they've known each other their whole lives, they have conversations than only the two of them can follow, absolute best friends, also huge appreciators of the arts together
He actually knew Tadoru before Mankai formed, they're casual friends
Clubs/Link Skill Groups: Literary Club + Frequent Flyers
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0nl0n · 1 year
I'm finally continuing with the PvZ designs
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Yasu AKA Peashooter and the boba lover:0
He has a carefree personality, and maybe kinda child-like. I headcanon the Pea family are famous influencers/streamers so everywhere they go, their fans are just.... yk. Despising that, Yasu is one of the character that has the most fans (please send him help) and because of that, the Pea family has to move household 3 times 💀💀
Yasu is taller than Haku (Snow Pea) so he is sometimes humiliated because of his half-brother's height (and also, HAKU LEAKED DESIGN XD)
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Sora AKA Sunflower!! She is the second oldest of the Flower family. She may be a healer but she's strong and is capable of supporting the front-line (I was watching SpyxFamily and Demon Slayer while drawing her).
You can tell her personalities based on the vibe you get from her. She is headcanoned to have a bad singing voice but Yasu is always the one who support her (NOT A SHIP).
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The Cherry Bomb twins- Kaen and En!!!! Their designs gave me headaches. They are Jalapeno's younger brothers but they doesn't get along really well (they even hate him). Really hot-headed, they will even argue to prove their points or insult others really bad.
When they are mad or extra crazy-mad, they will mercilessly attacks any zombies they found and even destroy a whole area (RUN, ZOMBIES RUN!!!). However, Yasu is the one who they didn't trust the most, mainly because of his friendly personality. They even said that Yasu's friendliness caught them off-guard and they almost feel like Yasu is faking his kindness to them and treating them like kids.
Wakai's redesign is being made but I haven't finalize it yet (maybe next time)
omg a fellow boba lover :D
I'll send help for yasu
yasu tall lol (he a tall king 👑)
Phrases that kids today won't understand:
"There's a zombie on your lawn ~ 😎🌻"
Healer buff gal! :] (omg my 2 favourite animes :0)
and sora, you slay queen 👑
Oh god the anger issued twins 😧
they look so cool in thier lil hoodies! (Fr like I want them gimme-)
zombies:oh shi.... NO THESE 2 KILLING MACHINES 😨😨😨
yasu is just a silly lil guy! No need to be skeptical of him you 2 : D
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hitheryon · 3 years
Can we have a undercut and Katsuki hc and like could you make them skater boys💙💙
Oh, wow, not me answering asks twelve years late - never that! Okay, but for real, I’ve lowkey been thinking about a Skater Katsucrew AU for awhile now. I’m probably never gonna write something for it, at least not now, what with my busy as fuck schedule, but!! It makes me happy to rant about, so I’ll guess I’ll just do that dkfjhdjsk
Okay, so!! Kariage’s your classic skateboarder. He made his first one out of old scrap wood and bought his first real one years later after he fell in love and decided to save up for one. He’s got a bunch of scars from falling and the rough edges of his homemade board scratching him. He’s really into doing complicated tricks, mostly to impress Katsuki, but mostly enjoys how learning and rehearsing his moves will take him out of his own head for a few hours. It’s relaxing to him.
Yasushi is a longboarder. He’s knows a few tricks, but mostly prefers cruising - especially down empty roads or on his way home from school, where there’s not that much foot traffic. He learned because he got jealous of Kariage’s interest in skateboarding when they were kids, but made the switch to the more casual board after a bad fall.
Mito’s a biker. Solidly built with thick tires and a more filled out frame, her bike looks like a mainstream dirt bike, but that’s mostly because she built it to withstand some pretty harsh crashes. She doesn’t know too many tricks, mostly because her bike’s too big for doing most of them without her screwing up or falling, but she loves having races with anyone who’ll go against her.
Henshuu has a scooter. She’s not that interested in using it for tricks or to try to impress people, and she is fully aware that riding on it makes people think she’s younger than she is, especially combined with her stature and baby face. However, she loves how easy it is to cruise on it for hours and to get places fairly quick - plus, it also serves as a perfect opportunity to hit someone’s ankles when they’re being annoying.
Katsuki has inline skates. This may be surprising to most people, since he so much looks like someone who’d use some other sort of wheels, but it actually fits him best. He doesn’t like riding bikes or scooters because it requires the use of hands and he prefers to keep his free, and having his wheels firmly attached to shoes that can’t come off with ease makes it effortless to do tricks and seamless moves without a second thought.
Seika’s a rollerskater. She’s a very clumsy person by nature, so having the four wheels set in two rows instead of one helps her maintain her balance easier. She loves doing competitive roller derby, often serving as her team’s jammer since she’s the fastest and most flexible on account of her small size, and it’s not rare to see her practicing evasive maneuvers and racing her friends to get better.
Hifue is a figure skater. She’s got that fancy feel, y’know? I don’t know, but the vibe of her dressed in fancy silk and sequins, spinning and dancing and moving like she is so in tune with her body, effortlessly like she was made for it - it’s perfect. Figure skating for her is not simply a skill to master or a way to make people ooh and ahh, it’s a way of life to her, something so ingrained that being off the ice feels foreign.
Anyways!! In this AU, I’m imagining that the squad starts off split up. You’ve got Kari’s gang: him and Yasu and Mito, just a bunch of bad kids on boards and a bike. They’re known as those kids who practically live at the skate park, and you can’t live around their neighborhood without seeing them cruising the empty streets at night laughing at the top of their lungs at least once.
Then, comes Katsuki’s crew. It’s odd, seeing him and Seika and Henshuu together - they don’t really fit as well as most people think friends should: Katsuki’s loud and brash, Seika’s shy and sweet, and Henshuu’s bold and sly. But Katsuki and Seika’s similar styles and Henshuu’s incessant butting in brought them together as friends.
The two group collide when Katsuki decides to skate at the slightly derelict park that Kariage frequents. Immediately, Kariage is intrigued by Katsuki, who slouches with a hand on his hip, barely reaching Kari’s shoulder because of the one row skates he wears, scrunching his nose at the sight of the board that rests against Kariage’s hip. Immediately, Katsuki wants to leave, not wanting to associate with wannabe skater kids, but Seika and Henshuu are already so enamored with Mito, and now he can’t leave.
Things go on, and eventually the kids start hanging out more and more, especially after Kariage quite frankly shocked Katsuki with his skateboarding skills - not that he’d admit it or anything, but Kari can see the twitch of Katsuki’s eyebrows and the light in his eyes and he smirks because Katsuki’s not as slick as he thinks, trying to hide his amazement.
Then, Seika, ever the sweetheart, brings in a new member - Hifue, who’s stiff and slightly uncomfortable, who slowly relaxes and who eventually becomes best friends with the crew, who takes note of the risks her friends take when riding and incorporates more daring flips and tricks into her routine and becomes even better at her sport than she ever thought, now that she has friends who inspire her to step outside the box and think freely.
Plus!! Just thinking of little baby Kanji, trying out skateboarding with her brother holding her hand and the whole crew cheering the first time she manages to land and flip - it’s gonna make my heart explode from the sheer cuteness.
Just,,, Katsucrew on Wheels AU,,, pls.
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daeva-agas · 4 years
Today’s shitpost: Samurai actor dreamcast
See, I don’t actually know that many actors so I don’t usually like to do this. I maybe only genuinely recognize two or three, the rest I just Google “top actors” and pick somebody that looks more or less appropriate from the list D:
Tea Whisk Nobukatsu: Tamayama Tetsuji
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I first saw him as Kagetora in Tenchijin... He’s definitely much younger there, but he doesn’t look that much different now anyway. Like, I saw this, and I immediately went Yes Please
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Nobutada: Mikami Kensei
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He was a side character in a mystery/crime show I saw, but when I searched his name this was the photo that I first saw and I like his eyes. 
Nobutaka: Nishikido Ryo
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One of the “random Google search” results TBH. The only vibe I have in mind is “kinda like Hasegawa as Akechi in Kirin, but more stiff/serious-looking” 
Nobunaga: Still looking. Though, I wouldn’t mind Iseya Yusuke doing it again, he’s A+ in samurai makeup, I swear
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^ As Heki Daizen, but you could’ve told me this is Nobu and I would’ve believed you
Kitamura Kazuki also looks like a viable option
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Hideyoshi: Also still looking. BUT... as a semi-joking option, I propose Kimura Takuya :P
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His “pretty boy” look doesn’t age into a very dignified old man face, and I think he kind of looks a bit weird these days. I feel like he could be a Hideyoshi. 
Ieyasu: Takenouchi Yutaka
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... Because... He just somehow reminds me of the “my life sucks” Mikatagahara portrait of Ieyasu. The one where Yasu’s not a fat tanuki ball yet. 
Hidenaga: Tamaki Hiroshi?
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I always have the headcanon that Hidenaga is less funny-looking than Hideyoshi, LOL... Hide just had bad luck with the genes.
A bit ??? on this, but I think Hira Takehiro can be Shibata. His Sakon look is A++, I think if he had a thicker beard he’d be a decent Shibata. 
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Mitsunari: Mizushima Hiro/Kubota Masataka
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More random Google search results. I dunno, it’s the eyes, I think? They remind me of the historical Mitsunari portrait. They have slanted eyebrows and eyes, he basically looks like this >:| 
Also ??? but I wouldn’t mind Itou Hideaki as Toshiie or one of Nobunaga’s brothers. Maybe Nobukane? I dunno. Only because he’s from Gifu :’D
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I’m even more blank with girls, uuughh... But I think Amami Yuki can be a great Nouhime
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Gotoku: Kuriyama Chiaki
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Maybe she doesn’t look like this anymore, IDK, but she has this sort of “edgy” look that I like.
And... that’s it, I feel so lame LEL 
I still need Akechi, Matsu and Nene... and a better option for Toshiie, I guess. Itou Hideaki is not really vibing it with me, but I just think it’s not a bad option. The rest is totally free game, I don’t particularly mind. 
Bonus WTF: Sanada Hiroyuki as Masayuki? He’s already a Sanada anyway... Well, not in the same timeline/space as the other guys above. He’s way older than the guy I had as Ieyasu, and based on my knowledge my brain just refuses to accept that XD
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polar-stars · 5 years
(Lea’s) Shokugeki Next Gen - Masterpost Version 2
I’m bored and achieved nothing today, I need to do at least one productive thing
A quick run-down of my Next Gen kids, because why not? If anyone asks me about them I can point to it ;w; It won’t be the most informative post ever but it’s really just a simple introduction. In case it sparks your interest, feel free to inquire about these kids.
I also have a tag on my blog that’s dedicated to them -> https://polar-stars.tumblr.com/tagged/Shokugeki-no-Kimiko-Stuffz
As well as an entire fanfic, which is still in the starters (It will be long. Be very afraid honestly, because I, for the most part, have no idea what I am doing) -> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11912834/1/Shokugeki-no-Kimiko
Also: There might be some unusual ships in here. I’m sorry if your fave ship doesn’t happen to be included. It really comes down to personal preference ovo;; But please be respecting! I am as well. 
Anyways, let’s get into this:
115th Generation (the Prime-Focus)
Kimiko Yukihira
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DoB: 27th of June I Daughter of Soma Yukihira and Erina Nakiri | Loves Playing Cards & Grocery Shopping | Dislikes Materialism & Being Called “Kimiko-Sama”
An friendly and optimistic young aspiring chef entering Totsuki as a transfer student in her first year of highschool. Was taught the so-called Yukihira-Style and is therefore known for her creativity. Greatest aim is to create a dish in which her mom can find no fault in. 
Hiroshi Aldini-Tadokoro
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DoB: 25th of May I Son of Isami Aldini and Megumi Tadokoro | Loves Plushies & Fishing | Dislikes Cigarette Smoke & Dark Humor
A shy but practically angelic guy from Tohoku. Looks out for others a lot, which also shows in his cooking. Very well-versed in both Japanese cooking as well as Italian cooking. Often falls into the shadow of his much bolder cousin, but doesn’t make any attempts to get out of said shadow.
Kaori Hayama
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DoB: 17th of February I Daughter of Akira Hayama and Hisako Arato | Loves Gardening & Pastel Colors | Dislikes Mess & Snails
The current valedictorian of the 115th Generation, who more than often gets a sort of nobility attributed to her by the rest of the students. Known as the “Gatekeeper to the Fountain of Eternal Youth” or “Youth Preserver” for short, as her medicinal cooking is famous for energizing it’s customers. Has her goal firmly set on the top of Totsuki and has no interest in socializing whatsoever.
Mika Aldini
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DoB: 9th of August I Daughter of Takumi Aldini and Ikumi Mito | Loves Dancing & Romance Movies | Dislikes Rain & Gardening
A fiery, bold girl from Tuscany, who appeared in Totsuki as a transfer student in her second year of middle school. Specialised in Italian Food as well as the usage of Meat. Up to any kind off challenge thrown her way.
Lola Nakiri
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DoB: 17th of November I Daughter of Ryo Kurokiba and Alice Nakiri | Loves  Limousines & Heavy Metal | Dislikes The Color Pink & Being Bored
The daughter of the headmistress who’s certain she can do whatever she wants. Well-versed in the usage of Seafood and utilization of Molecular Gastronomy, but known for putting more focus on the Seafood-aspect of her dishes. Teases everyone and anyone with no mercy.
Mona Nakiri
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DoB: 17th of November I Daughter of Ryo Kurokiba and Alice Nakiri | Loves  Techno Music & RomComs | Dislikes Hot Weather & Rap/HipHop
The other daughter of the headmistress who’s much more quieter and reserved than her twin-sister. Known for making use of seafood fairly well, but her true passion lies in Molecular Gastronomy. Just wants friends but is actually very socially awkward.
Takayuki Hojo
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DoB: 6th of September I Son of Terunori Kuga and Miyoko Hojo | Loves Fireworks & Pudding | Dislikes Operas & Complete Silence
The grouchy, easy-to-trigger little brother of the president of the Chinese RS. Being part of the RS himself, Takayuki also specializes in Chinese cuisine mainly having his focus on Sichuan Food. Absolutely hates commentary on his shortness. 
Kazuo Mimasaka
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DoB: 9th of March I Son of Subaru Mimasaka and Nao Sadatsuka | Loves Every Romance Cliche Out There & His Camera  | Dislikes Mika’s Fanclub & Aggressive Dogs Barking
A very eccentric member of the 115th Generation who easily scares people with his mere presence. Truth be told, he’s completely harmless. Traces other people’s work but adds his personal spin on it by working in foul-smelling ingredients. Has a massive crush on Mika Aldini and is a hopeless romantic. 
Yasu Ibusaki
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DoB: 2nd of March I Son of Shun Ibusaki and Ryoko Sakaki | Loves Forest Walks & Adzuki Bean Paste | Dislikes Gossiping & Tight Clothes
A peaceful and friendly young man, whose gentleness often gives off a big-brother-vibe to many. Knows a lot about Fermenting and produces his own Sake, I mean Rice Juice. His true passion is in the art of smoking however. Much more competitive than he lets on. 
Chieko Marui
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DoB: 5th of December I Daughter of Zenji Marui and Yuki Yoshino | Loves  Chess & Matcha | Dislikes Metal Music & Irresponsibility
A highly intelligent girl and the ace of the Enomoto-Seminar that focuses on literacy-research about cooking. Incorporates said research excellently into her dishes while additionally having a talent for Wild Game, even taking interest in breeding. Known fairly well for loud complains and long rants, usually referring to her dormmates. 
Hideyoshi Kawashima
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DoB: 19th of August I Son of Shoji Sato and Urara Kawashima | Loves Himself & Parties (in Chieko’s room)  | Dislikes Broken Mirrors & Studying
The overly arrogant emcee who’s known to host a bunch of events on Totsuki. Through and through an attention-whore who does has a fair share of admires though, being honest. Spends all of this time where he is not loudly praising himself with bickering either with Daisuke or Chieko.
Daisuke Aoki
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DoB: 26th of October I Son of Daigo Aoki and Yua Sasaki | Loves Retro Stuff (mostly 70s and 80s) & His Guitar  | Dislikes Horror Movies & Dangerous Animals
A soft-spoken and shy emcee who hosts Shokugekis and other sort off events on Totsuki. Much more friendly than his childhood-friend Hideyoshi, but overlooked regardless most of the time. Bickers a ton with Hideyoshi.
Emi Kusunoki
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DoB: 25th of July I Daughter of Rentaro Kusunoki & Mea Yanai | Loves Saunas & The Smell of Gasoline  | Dislikes Still Being Without a Boyfriend & Libraries
An often brash young girl who’s also known as the major Gossip Girl on Totsuki, that loves to hear and share all kinds of rumors around. Specializes in Heating. Wishes for a boyfriend with a motorcycle.
Itsuki Kumai
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DoB: 10th of March I Son of Shigemichi Kumai and Rui Kofuru | Loves Self-Deprecative Humor & Edgy Rock Bands  | Dislikes Colorful Clothes & Phone Ringing
Very silent but also awfully pessimistic. Itsuki has a large talents with vegetables and herbs, as he tries to cook as vegetarian as Totsuki’s tasks allow him to. Additionally he has large knowledge around the cuisine of North-Africa. Forgot how to smile long ago. 
114th Generation (The 2nd Years who constantly argue for the most part)
Hiraku Yukihira
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DoB: 13th of April I Son of Soma Yukihira and Erina Nakiri | Loves All Thing Decadent & Squid | Dislikes Laundry & Elite 10 Paperwork
Ever since entering Totsuki as a transfer student a year ago, Hiraku quickly worked himself upwards as one of the most, if not the most, admired chef of the school. His sensitive sense of taste, the so-called “Tongue Blessed by Angels” or “Holy Tongue” for short gives him a great advantage at cooking. He’s awfully unorganized however and much of a dense airhead.
Akio Hayama
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DoB: 26th of February I Son of Akira Hayama and Hisako Arato | Loves Clipboards & Traveling to the Middle East  | Dislikes Stains & Organizing Hiraku’s Fanmail
Hiraku’s loyal and diligent secretary, who does not seem to mind just how chaotic Hiraku can be sometimes. Inherited his father’s sense of smell and is therefore outstandingly talented in the usage of spices and creating fragrant dishes. Very friendly but also easily nervous. 
Suzume Hojo
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DoB: 11th of April I Daughter of Terunori Kuga and Miyoko Hojo | Loves  Memes & Fans | Dislikes Sitting Still & Sexism
The bouncy, energetic president of the Chinese RS. Therefore of course specializes in Chinese Cuisine. Much of a laid-back jokester but does look out for the younger students and takes certain matters fairly serious. Shouldn’t be underestimated. 
Shigeo Eizan
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DoB: 29th of November I Son of Etsuya Eizan and Nene Kinokuni | Loves His Smartphone & Jazz Music | Dislikes Slow or No Internet & Suzume’s Jokes
A materialistic, cold-hearted young man who’s already involved in consulting-work despite the young age. His cooking relies on his intensive knowledge on the chemical components in his ingredients and how to utilize them. Is incredibly intelligent and fairly good at tricking people into trusting him. 
Ai Kabutoyama
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DoB: 25th of January | Daughter of Tetsuji Kabutoyama | Loves Violin Music & Butterflies | Dislikes Loud Noises & Movies Without A Happy Ending
A very silent and distant young girl, who barely ever talks to anyone but wears an almost constant miserable expression. Specialized in utilizing Skewers. Friendly but insanely Short-Cut whenever she does speak.
Beatrice Shiratsu 
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DoB: 9th of July I Daughter of Julio Shiratsu | Loves Posing & Making Lists | Dislikes Video Games & Bad DJs
A girl that can often be rather extravagant but all-things-considered she’s very open and rather sweet. Specializes in Italian Cuisine. Loves partying and is very occupied with savoring the life of a teenager as long as she can.
113th Generation (The Third Years, where most of the classmates have been removed already)
Noboru Shinomiya
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DoB: 29th of April I Son of Kojiro Shinomiya and Hinako Inui | Loves Painting Landscapes & Autumn | Dislikes Unreliableness & Getting Bothered on his Day-Offs
Noboru is a serious young man who values organization, structure and a good environment. Gets easily annoyed when such things are not provided. Shows great talent in both Japanese cuisine and French cuisine and feels greatly torn between the two. Wants relaxation. 
Kiyoko Saito
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DoB: 21st of February I Daughter of Somei Saito and Momo Akanegakubo | Loves Shopping & Kimonos | Dislikes Untidiness & Disrespect from younger Students
Kiyoko is a proper but spoiled young lady who’s friendly as long as she receives the respect she thinks she deserves. She’s specialized in Japanese Sweets, but does know how to make Western desserts as well plus Sushi of course. Very fashionable and has a booming Instagram. 
Masashi Eizan
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DoB: 13th of May I Son of Etsuya Eizan and Nene Kinokuni | Loves Classical Japanese Music & Kiyoko’s Daifuku | Dislikes Everything He Considers Indecent & Being told to rely too much on his Father and his little Brother Shigeo
Masashi is overly serious and strongly values rules and customs. Considers himself superior than practically everyone on Totsuki, save for Noboru and Kiyoko. Specializes in Traditional Japanese Cuisine and is known for an extraordinary talent with Soba. Has a very short temper. 
Ran Mimasaka
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DoB: 1st of June I Daughter of Subaru Mimasaka | Loves Her Motorcycle & Her Laptop | Dislikes Bullying & Not Being Active For Too Long
Ran is a calm, friendly girl but also slightly witty young woman. She utilizes foul-smelling ingredients for her dishes. Ran is also often perceived to be the “most normal” one of the Mimasaka-sibling. In actuality, she’s excellent at fishing and gaining information and is incredibly informed about basically every person walking Totsuki. 
116th (The 3rd Years of Middle School)
Moe Saito
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DoB: 20th of December I Daughter of Somei Saito and Momo Akanegakubo | Loves Balletts & Bears (primarily Pandas) | Dislikes People She Doesn't Know Touching Her Ribbon & Ripped Jeans
Moe is very stoic and barely ever truly emotes. Should she ever actually smile, its a sign of her being beyond happy. She’s a Sushi-Chef whose main gimmick it is to make the Sushi as cute as possible. Also has a great talent for Bentos and while it’s not her main focus, she does know how to make desserts. Speaks dryly but also very bluntly. 
118th (The 1st Years of Middle School)
Kei Eizan
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DoB: 5th of July I Son of Etsuya Eizan & Nene Kinokuni | Loves Video Games & Tigers | Dislikes Ties & The Scent of Coffee 
Kei often has troubles with making a good first impressions as he’s rather grouchy or even aggressive at points and also makes usage of a very foul language. Not to mention the reputation attached to his surname. He does have a good heart however and an actual sense for justice, which shows in his friendship with the frequently bullied Ayano Mimasaka who he befriends and would protect at all costs. 
Ayano Mimasaka
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DoB: 30th of October I Daughter of Subaru Mimasaka & Nao Sadatsuka | Loves Lewis Carroll’s “Alice In Wonderland” & Sewing | Dislikes People Pulling her Braids & Physics Class
Ayano is a fairly eccentric but innocent, little girl who just happens to have a number of a bit more outlandish interests as well as a creepy laugh and the tendency to pop out of nowhere. She got heavily bullied in her life already just because many consider her weird and scary. 
Not on Totsuki (because they’re too young yet)
Nino and Maja Aldini-Tadokoro (Twin-children of Isami and Megumi, little siblings of Hiroshi, Future part of the 119th Generation)
Takahiro Marui (Son of Zenji and Yuki, little brother of Chieko, Future part of the 119th Generation)
Kasumi Ibusaki (Daughter of Shun and Ryoko, little sister of Yasu, Future part of the 120th Generation)
Yoshiko Saito (Daughter of Somei and Momo, little sister of Kiyoko and Moe, Future part of the 120th Generation)
Not on Totsuki (for reasons I can’t get into now because it would be Spoilers for the Fanfic)
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Yuu Tsukasa (left), Shouhei Tsukasa (right) and Tsubame Tsukasa (middle) - Children of Eishi Tsukasa and Rindou Kobayashi
Thank you for listening ;w; !
It’s still not complete...haha but we’re getting somewhere
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futuresightcd · 5 years
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The Indigo League - Johto Gym Leaders
Bugsy // Tsukushi :
Just how much Bugsy knows about Bug-Type pokémon astonishes Matsuba. Most times, it feels like the kid knows more about his type speciality than he does his own. Matsuba views Bugsy as a younger brother, and typically does what he can to make official league work loads a little lesser for the young blood.
Bugsy’s Scyther and Matsuba’s Haunter Yasu get along very well. They seem content to use each other as moving targets to train certain attacks.
Matsuba has the gym leader listed as ‘little beetle’ in his pokégear/phone.
Falkner // Hayato :
Hailing from a town as old fashioned as Ecruteak, Matsuba finds quite a lot of comfort in Falkner’s company. They’re close, in fact, to the point Matsuba will break his abstinence from physical encounter with him. It isn’t uncommon to find them walking arm and arm, or using one another as support if sat near each other.
Matsuba has had feelings for Falkner for longer than he can remember. They’re well hidden, however. He isn’t bold enough to tell the other Gym Leader & wouldn’t risk losing their platonic relationship over it if rejected.
Falkner, alongside Agatha and Sabrina, is one of the few who know the extent of some of the disturbing visions Matsuba’s had. He’s also one of the few that could without hesitation, list off the mystic’s favorites, && vice versa.
Every year, for Falkner’s birthday, Matsuba makes wagashi as his primary gift. It’s tradition. Though the flavor is always a surprise.
Whitney // Akane :
He will never speak the words aloud, but Whitney terrifies him. Not in the sense one is afraid of the dark, a ghost, clowns or cramped spaces. It’s her unpredictable, loud and chaotic personality that makes him very, very nervous. While generally able to save face, a talent long practiced, he’s always a little tense around her. Matsuba wasn’t always like this, but after something happened, he’s never gone back.
Matsuba sits as far away from Whitney as possible at league meetings.
He’s 100% guilty of watching his phone ring when it’s her caller ID.
He won’t talk about it.
Chuck // Shijima :
There are many mixed emotions when it comes to Chuck. As a trainer, and fellow Gym Leader, there’s a certain level of respect. Though outside of work, Matsuba is fairly judgemental. Watching the man’s wife wait on him, and for him, so often always makes him a bit peeved. Unfortunately, he’s not the type to poke his nose in other people’s business.
Chuck clapped Mat on the back so hard once, it knocked the wind out of him. Matsuba was sputtering for air for a solid three minutes.
At one of the annual league holiday parties, Matsuba had a little too much to drink and challenged Chuck to an arm wrestling match. He lost. Obviously. The lead up however, was the highlight of the year.
Jasmine // Mikan :
The young woman’s compassion for pokémon and people despite her type specialization is Matsuba’s favorite thing about her. Her dedication to the Ampharos responsible for making sure the lighthouse stays lit is something he deeply admires. That and her general quiet vibe really helps balance out the Johto League’s personalities. ( A lot )
He knows it’s not that funny anymore, but he sends her pictures of anything related to oranges. Often captioned with “Jasmine, is that you??”
Two trips have been made to the light house, because she swore up and down that there was something wrong. That it was ‘haunted,’ both times it was just an electrical problem.
Pryce // Yanagi :
Pryce has every ounce of respect that Agatha has from Matsuba. The sheer amount of time that the old man has been a gym leader was enough, but after learning that he stands under a waterfall even to this day? To meditate? Mat can’t fathom he’ll be anything like that past 50.
Pryce has thwacked Matsuba upside the head with his cane three times. Only one of those times did Mat actually deserve it.
As a kid, going to League meetings with his father, Matsuba used to ask Pryce for stories all the time. Usually he was just given Pryce’s Seel’s pokéball and told to go play. The few stories he did get, he still remembers.
Clair // Ibuki :
Matsuba has immense respect for Clair. Not only does she have a fierce elegance in her every day life, the pristine control on the battlefield always leaves him in awe. Blackthorne City is a ways away, but his visits to see the dragon tamer are more for advice and consultation than anything. As someone with ancestry heavy on her shoulders as well, he trusts her perspective.
Clair is one of the first people he calls when he doesn’t know what to do. She’s also one of the only people he tolerates laughing at him for how much he worries. 
They’ve exchanged good luck tokens, at least twice. Matsuba wears his as a bracelet; leather braided into a circle, with a Dragonair scale as a charm. The kanji for “peace” is carved into it.
thanks for coming to my ted talk :*
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
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shellsan · 5 years
To Be Written
Ghost Hunt
Concept: A continuation of the original one-shot/prologue.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 50-100k
Unnamed Fairytale AU
Concept: This will be a Cinderella-esk AU where Mai is Cinderella and the Davis twins are the handsome princes.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 50-100k
Concept: Meraki (v.) To do something with soul, creativity or love; to put something of yourself into your work. This something I've been wanting to write for years but recently I've been unable to shake from my head so I’ve started planning it out properly. The basic idea is that after Naru goes back to England, Mai takes up singing and becomes a star big enough to go over to England. It's been done a couple times in this fandom but I want to put my own spin on the trope.
Progress: 200 Words Written; Planning progress 15%
Predicted Wordcount: 30-70k
Hyper-graphic Catharsis
Concept: Unlike the above trope, this fic focuses on Mai as a song writer, as opposed to a solo artist. Basically, Mai starts writing songs based on the psychic dreams that she keeps having even after Naru is gone. Bou-san finds them and says that they fit the vibe his band is going for and asks to use them. They end up hitting it big time and make it overseas where they see Naru and Lin again. The “where” for where they end up in a little up in the end and this one is really in the early early stages.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 10%
Predicted Wordcount: 20-60k
Concept: Nepenthe (n.) Something that makes you forget grief or suffering. What if Yasu and Mai's families were family friends and so when her mother passed away, she was taken in by Yasu's family. How would they go about meeting Naru and the rest of SPR? This thought came about when I was thinking about how much I adore the concept of Mai and Yasu as best friends and I thought about how I can see his mother doting on Mai, his younger best friend who had no-one else to rely on.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 20%
Predicted Wordcount: 20-60k
Concept: Eccedentesiast (n.) Someone who hides pain behind a smile. Mai's father was a killer. Some of her earliest memories are of watching people enter her home and never seeing them leave. When a case begins to get too close for Mai's comfort how will she react? Will she trust the team with the information on her past that no-one else knows or will she keep on pretending.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 20-40k
Concept: What if Mai was fluent in English? Just how much more would she have noticed about Naru and Lin because of their carelessness in thinking she wouldn't understand what they were saying?
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 20-60k
Concept: Idea born from a tumblr post; a little girl who grows up thinking all doors are automatic but actually she’s haunted by a really polite ghost
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 5-15k
Library Adventures
Concept: Idea born from a tumblr post; Mai and Naru meet in this theatre turned bookstore - Naru’s secretly investigating the ghost under the radar with a team (since it’s not the type of place where you can just “stop” for any period of time) and Mai is an exchange student of something who he keeps bumping into? Maybe she even makes friends with the ghost haunting this place and doesn’t realise it?
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning Progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 30-60k
Cemetery Nights
Concept: Adapted from a tumblr post; I can just see Mai needing to make money, so she braves the cemetery and works hard. Meanwhile this ghost hunting team is called in and her boss forgot to let her know, so now she’s stuck in their ‘base’ confused as hell about these 'terrifying and dangerous spirits’ that she hasn’t encountered “and I’ve been working here for a month!”
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 20-40k
Haunted Hotel (Or Love Hotel?)
Concept: Idea born from a tumblr post; The team are off to investigate another location – this time a  hotel. The twist? The hauntings of this hotel has its patron on their way to see the ghosts (and an alarming number of them are hoping to do more than just see them).
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 10-20k
Messages from Afar
Concept: When Mai starts highschool, she starts having her "dreams". She has no idea what they are, and honestly they freak her out, so she reads up about how to deal with that and finds out that writing things down can sometimes help with that sort of thing. So, she starts recording them in the form of stories on blogs. At some point, Naru stumbles across them and recognises that, oddly enough, some of those dreams would fit as perfect pieces of information he's never uncovered in some past cases, and upon noting the dates, realises they fit into his timeline perfectly. So he get's curious and reaches out to speak with her about where her ideas come from, and tries to subtly find out more. Meanwhile, Mai is just curious about this internet (friend?) man she's met that seems very smart, very irritating, and super intriguing.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 20%
Predicted Wordcount: 30-50k
Concept: A ghost hunt adaptation of the Barbie movie: A Princess Charm School that takes some elements and adds new ones for a twist.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning Progress 15%
Predicted Wordcount: 20-40k
Calling you... what?
Concept: A continuation of Rescue.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 1-5k
Playing The Game
Concept: A continuation of the original one-shot.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 10-20k
Who's Beneath Who?
Concept: A continuation of the original one-shot.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 10-20k
Highest Bidder
Concept: A continuation of the original one-shot.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 10-20k
Shots Fired
Concept: Idea born from a tumblr post; The Chief of Police is married to a Mob Boss, and they have to keep “just failing” to catch each other. When one of them hits the other in a shootout, it’s followed with “Oh I’m never going to hear the end of this…”
“So how was your day at work?” “YOU FUCKING SHOT ME! THAT WAS MY DAY AT WORK!”
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 10-20k
Concept: A continuation of the original one-shot.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 10-30k
Concept: A continuation of the original one-shot.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 10-20k
Concept: A continuation of the original one-shot.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 5-10k
Concept: A continuation of the original one-shot.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 50-60k
Effects of Magical Deals
Concept: A continuation of the end of Death.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 5-15k
Danger; The Other Standpoint.
Concept: Danger from Bucky's perspective.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 2-5k
Born of Another Tribe
Concept: What if Tony's mother was an honorary Wakandan, found when she was young and raised there until the day that she left to explore her original homeland, raising Tony with the knowledge that he too was born of his mother's clan and welcome on Wakandan soil, though he'd never been? How much would Tony's life change? Would he still follow the same path of life or would things change in ways that no-one could ever imagine?
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 20-60k
Cosmic Adventures
Concept: I'm actually thinking of turning this one into a series and basing each one-shot on a different character. Basically the idea is that when Tony was 20, he had a major breakthrough in space travel and created his very own ship that he used to begin travelling the universe. It will be completely AU from the original MCU and will focus on watching him go through different planets and make allies along the way that he wouldn't have if he'd stayed on Earth.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 5-10k per instalment in the series
Raised in Knowhere
Concept: Tony was taken by accident by a group of skrulls when they escaped from Earth at a young age. Unsure what to do, but kind beings that they are, they took him in and raised him like their own. Join him as he travels the universe with different knowledge, ready to make new friends.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 20-40k
One Piece
Concept: Eudaimonia (n.) The contented happy state that we feel when we travel. I've been reading a lot of One Piece fanfiction lately and I've always been fond of the ASL Whitebeard trope and its various forms. But there's a distinct lack of Papa Shanks instead of Whitebeard so I thought about this; What if Shanks took Luffy with him after all?
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 50-100k
Concept: Monachopsis (n.) a subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place. Ever wonder what things look like from the perspective of an outsider looking in on Mustang's command from a military point of view? Particularly in the case of Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist and his many insubordinate moments that seem to be passed off without question within Mustang's place of work. Join the temporary members of Mustang's team as they quickly learn that just because Edward Elric can do it - it doesn't mean they can. 'Just what makes him so special anyway?'
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 10-20k
Concept: Orenda (n.) A mystical force present in all people that empowers them to effect the world, or to affect changes in their own lives. What if Ed is actually really good at diplomacy and had been doing things behind the scenes to help but Amestris at peace with the other countries during his time away? What happens when he ends up the centre of peace talks between Amestris, Xing, Creta, Drachma and Aeurgo as they try to bring about an age of peace? And how will Mustang, Fuhrer of Amestris, and his loyal team react to the sudden appearance of Ed after nearly four years - and in a setting of politics no less!
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 50%
Predicted Wordcount: 40-80k
Concept: When Mustang's team starts holding a weekly game of poker to "increase camaraderie", the team find themselves amazed at just how bad the older Elric seems to be at the game. At least, until they found themselves penniless when a stroke of luck hits him and he manages to win a detrimental round. However after four months of a weekly poker night and the fifth time this happens, they start to wonder... Just a crack style idea i've had in my mind. I don't often plan out One-shots but I though that this could be something fun for a change of pace and I can definitely see Ed doing this and when they figure out he's been playing them this whole time, he can express his disappointment at how long it took, pointing out that the was a genius and probability was hardly Aeurogian alchemy.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 10%
Predicted Wordcount: 5-10k
Concept: Ed goes away to a foreign country and comes back wearing a completely new style of clothing. Turns out that while away a clan adopted him and gifted him their wears so he had no choice but to use them (because he wasn't completely cold heart okay?).
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 5-15k
Concept: A continuation of the end of Disaster.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 1-5k
Concept: Apoplectic (adj.) Overcome with rage; furious. When the newest squires joins Camelot, they find themselves watching the interactions between Prince Arthur and his manservant and decide that in order to earn the favour of their Prince, they would make his life more difficult. After all, the Prince hates his insolent manservant... right? Things do not go as he plans however.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 10-20k
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polar-stars · 5 years
Yasu 1. 13,15,21,24,44,46,48,49 Mika1,7,8,13,15,21,24,44,46 please :)
Sure ! 
Thanks for asking ^^
1. What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about?
Yasu sometimes does get called “Big Brother Yasu” by a few younger members of Polar Star Dormitory, since he does has this big-brotherish vibe to him. He doesn’t really mind, 
Hideyoshi sometimes calls him “Prince Charming” when he notices that Yasu seems to grow quite popular with some girls. It’s a bit of a jokingly but also slightly grudging kind off thing. Yasu just always “....stop” whenever he calls him that. 
13. How many siblings does your OC and what is his/her relationship with them?
Yasu has one little sister whose name is Kasumi. Their relationship is mostly a good one. Yasu cares a lot about his little sister and tries to look out for her. Kasumi thinks her brother is someone easy to talk to and she enjoys spending time with him. 
Yasu is actually a bit worried about how sheltered Kasumi can be and how her bluntness and gruffness scares people away. Sometimes, much like Ryoko, he tries to advise her to maybe be a bit more friendly. Kasumi on the other side, can’t help but to feel like she’s stuck in Yasu’s shadow times to times and also that aside from her father every family member favors Yasu and his friendliness over her. 
There is a bit of tension but overall they love each other still!
15. What was your OC’s childhood like?
Pretty normal and nice for the most part. He admittedly grew up with a bit more fortune than most normal people, since his parents do earn quite some money but it’s not like he grew up in the typical high-society life. Actually, he never really asked his parents for much. He also never had many friends but due to Shun and Ryoko remaining close to Yuki and Zenji, he always had a friend in Chieko who he met quite a lot. 
Due to his parents being involved in the culinary industry he got introduced to cooking at a rather young age. They lived near the woods and Shun would early on take his son to wood-chopping quite a lot. And while doing so, he would explain a lot about smoking, which Yasu always found very interesting. His mother introduced him to fermentation a bit later but still it’s something that interested him as well. 
When a bit older he would sometimes help out in the restaurant that his parents share with Chieko’s. 
So yeah, for the most part it was peaceful. 
21. Who are your OC’s closest relatives?
His parents and his sisters + his grandparents, mostly. He’s a bit closer to Ryoko’s family overall by the way. 
24. Who are the people your OC dislikes/hates?
He starts to hold more and more grudges for Hiraku the more his feelings for Mika grow. 
He also can’t stand Shigeo Eizan, but we established that already. He generally finds him a despicable person, but adding to that, the way how Shigeo basically attempts to bewitch Chieko makes him sick and he just wants to keep Chieko as far away from Shigeo as possible. 
He generally tends to dislike people who constantly have to cause troubles and conflict for no real reason or who spread stupid rumors around (e.g. Emi). 
44. What are some things that greatly upset your OC?
If he makes it truly clear that he wants to be alone, he’s gonna be real bitter with you on the inside when you still insist to push him to attend some social gathering. 
He also doesn't like when people force him to cook with fermentation products not made from his mother’s business at all. 
46. If your OC has them, what are some regrets s/he has?
Haha. We’ll get to that. 
48. What are some of your OC’s vices?
He can get insanely jealous and it clouds his judgement greatly when he does get this immensely jealous. 
He also tends to shut all of this into him, not really trying to solve problems but just hoping they will go away on their own.
Also he tends to be a bit too overprotective for his own good and sometimes the person he is this protective over just tends to feel more trapped and/or like Yasu thinks they’d not be able to handle on their own.  (we’ll get to it)
49. If your OC experienced trauma, what was it?
He kinda......will I think?
I dunno if it’s really trauma but something awfully unpleasant will occur for him later on (stay tuned)
1. What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about?
His father adoringly calls her “principessa” which is “princess” in Italian. He calls he that since the day she’s born, since she is his....little princess. 
Isami calls her “stella”, which is Italian for “star”. It refers to Mika’s blonde hair, according to him and the first time he called her that was when she was around 4. And she loved it. 
Lola will later on, nickname her “Vesuv”. It refers to Mika’s temper as well as the fact that she’s Quarter-Italian since Vesuv is like a volcano in Italy. Occasionally a few other’s will also call her that and Mika is not very pleased. 
Takayuki sometimes calls her “Blondie” for obvious reasons. Him and Mika don’t get a long all-too well although Takayuki holds back a lot of the stuff he’d want to say for Mika’s sake. However sometimes they do bicker and in one of these “Blondie” gets brought up.
Chieko calls her “Mika-cchi”, from the day on since the two have ever first interacted due to Chieko’s excitement to finally have another girl in the dorm
7. Does your OC have any markings, such as a birthmark or a scar?
She has a birthmark on her lower back. 
8. How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?
Mika talks pretty bold and usually also rather loudly. There and there it does sound pretty aggressive. But I still feel there would be some sort off elegance to it if that makes sense and she would probably sound a little, little bit more mature in voice than Kimiko would. 
She talks pretty casually, featuring quite a few swear words but she’s not awfully potty-mouthed and can also hold swears back when she wants. 
13. How many siblings does your OC and what is his/her relationship with them?
Mika is an only child, she has no siblings. 
15. What was your OC’s childhood like?
Much like Kimiko she grew up close to a kitchen and thanks to Takumi she also began cooking at a rather young age in the restaurant’s kitchen. Unlike Kimiko, her’s was a bit more closer to high-society though. She generally was spoiled a lot by her parents and also got to see a lot of nice places from a young age on. 
Despite growing up in Italy, she always felt connection to Japan and also grew up bilingual with Ikumi talking Japanese at home mostly. Due to how close Isami and Takumi remained she often got to meet her uncle, aunt and cousins from Japan and feels close to them as well. 
There’s nothing really notable besides that in her childhood but she had a good one surely !
21. Who are your OC’s closest relatives?
Next to her parents, she defiantly feels very close to the family of her uncle Isami. 
Also Takumi’s and Isami’s parents. 
24. Who are the people your OC dislikes/hates?
Emi would be one. Takayuki is also someone who goes on her nerves. She also feels slight dislike for Kaori.
44. What are some things that greatly upset your OC?
Any insults towards her family won’t be tolerated by her.
Also her crush sometimes upsets her. It will all become much more complicated in the future but even now competing for Hiraku is not an easy thing and sometimes it stings when 2nd year girls brag how  no one has a chance with him since they’re around. She’s generally insecure about her romance side and she gets upset secretly if someone is making fun of romance cliches and all the other things she enjoys. 
46. If your OC has them, what are some regrets s/he has?
We’ll get to that (rather soon actually)
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