#you're the debug command to the code of my heart;saeyoung & mariah
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mythvoiced · 3 years ago
𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇   𝐎𝐑   𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒 (I feel like we already know the answer to Mariah 😂 but she’d like to hear it for herself :3c)
@intergalacticxmisfits | SMASH OR PASS
The chuckle that vibrates in his throat continues to do so for a while, as if he doesn’t know whether to swallow it back down or push it past his lips entirely. Instead he keeps shaking slightly, eyes clouded behind the reflection of his glasses, as his thoughts continue to pray for salvation from this overly embarrassing situation.
He doesn’t have the nonchalance to simply confidently sputter his most genuine response, nor does he have the will to flat out lie. He’s not foreign to lying, that’s true, but this is Mariah. And it’s not as if she doesn’t already know, and it’s not as if he hasn’t approached her with questions insinuated in his eyes that might fit into this context, as if their kisses hadn’t gotten a sliver more passionate than what he’d show at RFA parties.
That does not mean, though, that he’s so willing to voice any given thoughts or admissions of realisations they’re long past. Even those few phone calls with her standing in the same room as him and that hide and seek, game of tag he still thinks about to this day, that had been a stuttering mess and he most certainly doesn’t intend repeating such a scenario.
Funnily enough, it’s almost as if, the closer they get, the more difficult it becomes to admit things. These types of things. Mostly because they gain in detail and attention. He lurches forward in his seat suddenly, pushing the chair out from underneath him, and hauling ass for the closest door, turning into a blur of limbs, only mere seconds after his fingers had quickly and aggressively typed something onto one of his several keyboards.
Just as the door smashes shut behind him, the black screen shows only the letters S M A S H glowing in bright neon green.
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mythvoiced · 4 years ago
-. @intergalacticxmisfits​ | plotted starter!
Talk about an event.
Honestly, he shouldn’t have expected any less. Whenever Mariah Chung got her hands on something and declared her plans for something, it would get done. She possesses will-power of the likes he can’t even dream to achieve, determination that has even brought them this far and a fire in her heart so bright, so warm, and yet, so gentle all the same, that he wonders how he’s managed to breathe next to her for this long.
Or rather, how she keeps returning to his side, when he sometimes feels to be the hand hovering over her flames, threatening to snuff them out.
But enough of that. He isn’t here to give fuel to the thousands of pessimistic thoughts constantly swirling in his head, ready to attack his forefront if he isn’t careful enough. He hasn’t had to pay them mind in quite a while no, engulfed by the life that Mariah was gifting him with, and all the times he’s looked into her face and thought to himself that this was indeed a life worth living, a world worth staying in, if it meant encountering angels like her.
An angel looking like a princess at the moment.
Because that’s what he should be focusing on: fixing the intricate scarf tied around his throat, plucking at the sleeves of his velvet jacket, Saeyoung has only one goal in mind, finding the princess to match his prince outfit. He doesn’t remember who had the original idea of suggesting a costume party for the next RFA, but somehow the chat had settled onto that suggestion easily enough, and as such, the ballroom looked as if visited by people from far away, and most likely imagined, places.
But as intriguing as they may be, none of them intrigue him like...
“Oh, your highness~” he says, exaggerated as always as he makes sure to bow as low as he can, hand behind his back, the other outstretched to Mariah stood before him, awaiting her palm in his.
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“Thank you for inviting such a humble and absolutely serious and incredible man such as myself - who is most certainly not hiding cat food in his pockets right now - to your grand castle and this wonderful ball~ However shall I repay such a grace?”
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mythvoiced · 4 years ago
⭐️ (any or all pairings whatever you’d like!)
@intergalacticxmisfits | — for each “⭐️” i get, i’ll write a headcanon about our muses.
Any... or... all you say? <w< Guess I must... settle for one of these options <W< Of course, brotps included ♥ AND please absolutely tell me if you do not agree with any of these, I need to hear your thoughts ♥
-. Mariah & Saeyoung There’s so much to work with in the terms of both canon info and all the awesome stuff you did/do for Mariah, so I shall try to come up with something New, something that might potentially open new doors for even more of that sweet, sweet headcanoning >:3 I think Mariah and Saeyoung might be a couple who does anniversaries and notes down special things. I don’t mean too classic things like ‘our 100th day’ or the likes (although, absolutely welcoming those too) but rather simply things that were so important to them when they happened that the tradition to remember it in some way just kind of became a thing on itself. Without real planning, without real strategising or perhaps even officially discussing it, they remember and sort of ‘celebrate’, in their own way, the Big Things, like their first party as a couple, or the date of their first official casual domestic date, or the first time they call each other ‘honey’ or ‘sweetheart’, the first time they cook together and eat in their own home, all these things, that are some gigantic and some a little smaller and perhaps more private as a result. I simply feel like these two really cherish what they have and the other and can’t help but want to cherish it as often as they can.
-. Minjae & Hyeongjong Lots of camping trips. Minjae loves space & Hyeongjong loves bugs, it’s honestly the ideal hang-out session whenever they’re in the same place at the same time and neither of their schedules can’t be arranged to fit in this Bro Moment. They can pack their favourite snacks - all the guilty pleasures - and find a hill, maybe even take the time to drive out into the countryside, where light pollution isn’t as strong, and they can see the sky better. They stop to watch ants work hard and then check what constellations they can see from the spot they’d chosen. And every time Minjae comes back from an adventure, the first time they get together is a dinner under the stars, so that Minjae can point at the sky and show him where he’s been.
-. Minjae & Yoshino Yoshino loves Minjae dearly and she’s extremely proud of her student but, let’s face it, she’s probably not the best of teachers out there. With how often she gets distracted by innocent statements he may make or fun adventures she spontaneously thought of, he probably hasn’t learnt too much from her. But she still wants him to learn. So here the idea: Sudden Lesson Break! Yoshino would absolutely take Minjae on a trip across all of Tokyo, outside of Tokyo, honestly, anywhere her train ticket will take her, and anywhere she actually has something to recount. So they’re bound to cross many depictions of Japanese folklore, creatures of all kind and imagery of famous tales, and here is the rule that generates from that: every time either Minjae or Yoshino sees something she hasn’t told him about, whoever gets to it first, might call Lesson Break and Yoshino will on the spot give him an impromptu - usually biased - lesson of whatever they’re facing. And the second time they see it or something like it, it’s Mini Exam Break, where she’ll be asking him what he remembers. Maybe this way, she might actually do her job!
-. Kailee & Hoon Kailee lives a dangerous life, and Hoon has made the oath to treat the ones simple bandages and painkillers won’t heal. They both see their fair share of violence and I doubt either of them are particularly fond of the sight. But what they are *winkwonk* fond of, is the other. So, whenever they manage to step over that tiny line that might still be holding either of them back, they could perhaps start having casual movie nights date, moments where they can both relax from the stressful lives they’re living, and there’s only one condition: no blood, no death. May they rest their eyes from such sore sights at least when they’re together.
-. Theo & Patrick/Fenris Mature people require mature get-togethers, although that isn’t really a necessity, it seems to be the sort of meetings that these two prefer. After living existences that haunt them to this day, put extra weight onto their bones and make their steps feel heavier at times, I can imagine that these two, besides enjoying such things individually, like settings that are mayhaps a little calmer. We’ve seen them both enjoy museums, for example. So how about... a park bench? It’s not much, I know, but perhaps it’s near a lake, where people usually stop to talk and feed ducks and don’t mind the others around them too much. It’s a little chilly in winter but absolutely stunning no matter the season, it’s open with nothing suffocating, and no one stops to care and notice them, demand something from them. Perhaps they’re used to meeting up there whenever the mood for a little chat strikes, and perhaps they take turns in buying their favourite teas and coffees on the way there, where they can be and exchange a few words.
-. En’nala & Yoshino Two stars burn in different galaxies, yet they vibrate and shine in manners so similar, that perhaps some might wonder if there is such a thing as intergalactic family, where you’re not bound by blood, but by the way the universe sparkles in you. En’nala and Yoshino have a bound that doesn’t need words, they can tell the mischief and the thrill from simple glances, follow along with plans spoken without uttering sentences, and just play off one another’s ideas as if trained to do so for years. But no. They’re just bright souls who laugh alike, and as such, when one thinks A, the other jumps in instantly with B.
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mythvoiced · 4 years ago
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@intergalacticxmisfits | “Saeyoungie~” Mariah taps his shoulder as he’s working away at his computer, only for him to turn and be met with a chocolate coated biscuit stick pinched one end between her teeth as she wiggles it, beckoning him to take the other.
If there is one thing Saeyoung would pride himself with, it’s the fact that he doesn’t seem to mind making a fool out of himself too much. Certainly, there have been moments in which he’d wished he could just turn all his devices off and hide in his bunker house combo just to escape the emotional repercussions of something he’d said.
Or an impulsive phone call he’d made.
Or even those slip-ups that had his heart pushed so suddenly into Mariah’s hands that he does still sometimes wonder how she could just sit there and hear him ramble on without wanting to make a run for it.
But right now, it doesn’t bother as he goes positively cross-eyed when he turns in response to the gentle tap on his shoulder. The gesture itself revelead the person behind it istantly - Mary Vanderwood would have never and if it would have turned out to be Robodog he would have been forced to set a count for ‘too many Ph.D Peppers’ if he began seeing stuff like that - and of course the voice as unmistakable so Saeyoung barely hesitates to actually face the one person he’s always happy to and wanting to see, responding to a voice he secretly puts above any choir.
But the proximity of the thingy floating between them was a little hard on the eyes.
It takes him a few blinks and almost accidentally seeing the end of the stick hit against one of the lenses of his glasses before he manages to put it together.
His lips part as he giggles, showcasing just the kind of grin he seems to reserve solely for moments like this, not because the Japanese game delights him in any particular way. It’s not very sunny outside, he has more work to catch up on than he’d like to admit and tonight his company would probably be the very screen he’d turned away from just now.
But none of that matters, because Mariah is here. Because he looks past the chocolate between them and directly into her eyes and the world finally stands still. There’s none of that strange void-like bubble wrapped around him, that sometimes makes him feel like he’s floating through life rather than living it, past all his friends and away from them.
But every time he gets to look at Mariah like this, he feels grounded and the world feels stable again.
So he grins and waggles his eyebrows. “A duel, I see. Well, you have chosen a worthy opponent, I might humbly say. I am known in the lands as one of the most fierce and feared pokki chewers this side of the planet has ever seen! Prepare yourself, Miss Mariah,” he spins his chair around so he’s fully focused on her, and inches closer to take his end of the biscuit.
“This will be a difficult battle.”
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mythvoiced · 5 years ago
@intergalacticxmisfits​ | DATE  ME (Saeyoung and Mariah’s official first date?? :D) ROMANTIC FIRSTS.
He hates nerves. The incessant wringing of his hands, the sweat that won’t refuse to stop gathering in his palms, the jiggling of his leg, the stepping from one foot to the other. The heart palpitations and the constriction of his lungs, and the way everything any other member of the RFA has said to him has sent him into a fit of near-hysterical giggles.
He hates nerves. And yet, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Not because he’s as masochistically inclined as some of the other organisers may think he is, but because the source of his nerves is worth every jitter and ever nail that keeps getting shorter with his excessive chewing on it. The sweat on his palms is only rivalled by the one on his nape, and maybe it’s a bit too hot to be wearing this jacket specifically, but it’s not as if Saeyoung owns a lot of nice clothes - that aren’t part of his Mary Wanderwood cosplay, that is, and he can hardly wear those to a date.
And... ah... there it is. That’s what this is all about. A date. Or rather, the date.
It’s the first time he and Mariah meet outside of RFA related business and away from any imminent danger. They could call it ‘hanging out’, maybe that would ease Saeyoung’s heart, but he knows that’s not what this is, and he knows she knows this as well.
They could make it pass as such, just two friends who agreed to meet at the gates of an amusement park to then venture inside and spend the day together. But for that, Mariah’s hand fits too nicely into his own, and her lips are too soft for him to look away from, her hair falls too perfectly over her shoulders, and her eyes glisten too brightly under the stars, and-
“Argh!” Saeyoung reaches up, shoving his hands into his aggressively red hair, shaking his head and ruffling the locks up in the process. God, this is nerve-wracking! Because yes, this is a date.
And it’s their first.
And Saeyoung just really doesn’t want to mess it up.
He’s got plans for hand-holding, and pictures. Winning her things at stands or learning what her favourite rides are. Sharing cotton candy and maybe taking a bit too long inside a photo booth. Everything he’s ever seen couples do, in the dozens of animes and dramas he spent the last couple week obsessively getting through - a certain maid was not pleased to find him sitting there, weeping softly into his Honey Budda Chips as the finale of Healer played on his screen.
And it’s nerve-wracking.
His hands drop at his sides, vanish into the pockets of his jeans as he begins to kick gently at a pebble in front of the tip of his sneaker, desperately resisting the urge to check his phone yet again, for the time, for a message, anything that could maybe prepare him for-
But when he lifts his head and recognises her silhouette slowly approaching, he realises nothing could have prepared him for the sight of her. All thoughts die on the way to his tongue and as she stops before him, Saeyoung can only stare. Because she’s beautiful, obviously when is she not?
But also because she came. And suddenly, as he looks into her eyes and sees the patience and understanding he fell for what feels aeons ago, his nerves ease. He’ll be alright.
They will be.
“Wohoho,” he exclaims, fixing his glasses as he makes a show of examining her appearance from every angle. “It seems like a princess, nay, a queen has decided to bless Lotte World with her presence today!”
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He bows before her, curls falling into his face, before he lifts his head and extends a hand for her to place hers in. “Would her majesty perhaps give me the honour of inviting her on a day full of fun times and unhealthy food?”
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mythvoiced · 5 years ago
-. drabble for @intergalacticxmisfits
The waiting is the worst part.
If you’d told him a few years ago that he’d ever spend half a day sitting there, stressed and worried out of his mind, he’d have believed you before you’d even finished the sentence, before promptly denying his ever being capable of any emotion beyond absolute crackhead energy.
Had you told him, though, specified, that the reason he’d be chewing his nails ‘til he bled and tapping his heel into the ground, is the love of his life blessing him with their second child just behind the closed door he’s facing, he would have most likely laughed until his lungs burst.
The mere notion of finding love in the first place had always been such a foreign, unreachable concept. Love isn’t something that was made for people like him, who leave those few he’d ever loved behind, to pursue fortune and a safe life, all the while trying to pretend he can’t hear the sound of the wheels of the bus screeching, as it comes to a halt in front of the brother he’d thrown under it.
It’s not something he’d ever thought he’d deserve and frankly, he still doubts that. But even less he allows himself the luxury of hoping there might be a situation or a person out there, who could prove him wrong, teach him that love was something worth fighting for, and maybe a battle he too would be allowed to join one day.
He hadn’t had many disappointments because he’d locked his heart away, so that wasn’t what he was afraid of. He was of a change of heart on a lover’s part, because he’d most likely let them go with the understanding of someone who’d do the same was he locked by himself. And most importantly he was afraid of life having its way with Saeyoung in all the ways he’d come to see as reasonable punishment to the person he had become.
Then Mariah burst into his life and suddenly he’d been forced to hold onto his beliefs for dear life, dig his fingers into them until they’d bleed, all because a farmer girl with a kind heart and strong will had decided to test them all, by simply deciding he was worth her time.
And oh how he’d fought back. He’d joint the battle of love, but rather than for it, he was fighting against it with every weapon he had, every dirty little trick he could think of. But no matter how often he’d throw her back, no matter how often he’d pull his blade out and hold it to her throat, she’d always stand up again, taller and prouder, and not an ounce of mercy in her dark eyes.
Saeyoung was lost to her power before the battle had even properly begun. And to say he lost would be an understatement. And also not quite accurate.
Because he may have lost that battle, wounded on his knees with wetness running down his cheeks he couldn’t have called blood even if he’d tried to pretend harder than before, but the hand that had appeared before his stinging eyes, and her patient smile awaiting him as he looked up... He feels like he’s won the war.
So he stopped fighting and surrendered, and it was like for the first time in forever, someone had turned the light on in a pitch-black and empty room. No longer was he sitting there in the darkness, wallowing in self-pity and the whispers of past decisions. No, now the other fighting party had screwed a light-bulb tighter and begun illuminating the room little by little.
The corners are still dark and sometimes it’s easier to hide behind empty shelves than walk under that stream of light again, but he’s getting there.
And she’s there. Mariah is there, she keeps smiling at him, she allows him to hold her hand, she’d said yes when he’d asked for it officially, she’d been overjoyed to announce Livvy’s arrival and pet his head whenever he’d short-circuited and failed at picking between crying and laughing every time he’d rest his hand on her stomach and feel the little life growing inside it make itself known; and now she was in there, crowded by medical staff, doing the most and the hardest to assure their second child’s arrival.
And Saeyoung can’t even begin to comprehend how she’s willing to do all this, to love him for who and what he is, despite what he’d done and what mistakes he might undoubtedly make in the future again.
And he can’t even begin to find ways to thank her for that, to show her his love, show his gratitude for the chance he’s been given, make her understand that half of his worships are for her, and the other turned into thanks to the higher power that put her in his path.
Running his hands furiously through his hair, as he’d done often enough now that the already curly apple-red tangles had begun to stick out in every direction, Saeyoung tries to stop his leg from moving so anxiously when he suddenly feels a gentle touch on the very knee he’s trying to calm.
He lifts his head, fixing his glasses that had begun slipping off his nose, and stares down. A pair of gold-brown, bronze almost, eyes stare up at him, framed by hair almost an exact copy of his that had begun to grow long enough that they now rested on her shoulders. Her little mouth is shaping a small ‘o’, her eyebrows raised high on her forehead, and her tiny hand a gentle weigh.
And suddenly nothing matters. None of the worries, none of the scares. Sure, he won’t stop chewing his nails over-night, he won’t sleep well or longer than a few hours as often as he should, and he’ll spend way too much time nurturing and giving the guilt in his heart a reason to exist.
But then he takes Olivia in his arms and sets her down in his lap, holding her in place as she, readily distracted, pulls the glasses off his nose and begins turning them over in her hands, and he realises, it just doesn’t matter. He’ll have fingerprints to clean off the lenses later, but it doesn’t matter.
It doesn’t matter. Because everything will be alright in the end.
And the best he can do is sit out there, wait, and continue to put the effort in cherishing the miracles Mariah keeps blessing him with.
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mythvoiced · 5 years ago
@intergalacticxmisfits​ | “Saeyoungie~” Mariah coos as she holds up her hand, palm up and awaiting his chin like the viral trend couples have been doing.
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No siren in this or any other universe could come close with their alluring call, to the effect Mariah calling his name has on Saeyoung. The only circumstances under which he’d fail to whip his head around would be those were whatever was playing in his headphones was too loud for him to hear her voice break through it.
But even that is unlikely for, ever since Mariah and he had begun sharing the same living space, be it while playing games or actually working for once, he’s taken it as a habit to always keep one headphone slightly pushed off his ear. And thank God he does so, otherwise, he would have missed the golden opportunity that had just presented itself.
Wide golden eyes turn away from the screen they’d been staring almost non-stop at for the past however many hours, blinking curiously as he stops the chewing on one of the gummy worms his entire diet had consisted in, at least for the amount of time he’s been up and nearly glued to his keyboard.
It doesn’t take him more than a few seconds before he’s pushing his headphones entirely off his head - only for them to hang around his neck as they usually do - and jump out of his chair. The thing nearly topples over as one of his feet gets stuck in it, but he extricates it before he face-plants and hops the few steps left to reach the love of his life.
His lips turn up, the shape they form awfully akin to a cat’s, as he gently rests his chin on her open and forever comforting palm. His eyes close and he looks at ease, all that was missing was either the purring of a cat or the wagging of a tail to draw the point home as to how relaxed and happy he is to crouch in that stance. “Saeyoungie is here~”
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mythvoiced · 5 years ago
@intergalacticxmisfits​ - 💬 (SPILL THE TEA!) — send 💬 and my muse will say what they really think about yours.
Saeyoung > Mariah
“What?! It’s no secret what I really think about my wife, my beloved, the love of my life, the brightest star in my night-sky, my spaceship spouse and companion, my adored and beautiful pig wrestler.”
Apple red curls continue to bounce as he joins his hands in front of himself, continuing his dramatic delivery of monikers and titles, one after the other, that he truly believes in, even if his exaggerated relaying might make it seem otherwise. But then he stops, the energy fading from his shoulders as they slump, a sigh slipping past the lips that had been showcasing a dorky grin, moments prior. His hands sink.
“I love her. She’s, she’s so ridiculously smart. And strong. And she’s the bravest person I know, maybe even the bravest in the entire world. She never looks scared, even when she is. And she won’t ever give up on anyone. She didn’t even give up on me, even though I gave her no reason to keep fighting for me. For us. Hell, God knows I gave her plenty of reasons to walk away, but she never did. She saw through me, and all my bullshit, and stuck around despite it. At first, I thought she was just stubborn.”
He shrugs, a fond smile playing at his lips now. “But now I know. She is stubborn. And the best human in the world.”
Others below the cut.
Hyeongjong > Minjae
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“He’s my best friend, obviously.” The statement is delivered like an affirmation one would be a fool to even think of second-guessing. He doesn’t even look up as he says it, as if it is a truth so deeply ingrained in the very reality of the universe that neither eye contact nor intensity is needed to bring the point across. Soulmates, platonic ones included, are pre-written by whoever wrote the stars into the sky.
Why would you second-guess something like that?
He looks up to smile, instead, from corner to corner, bright and delighted. “He’s a genius. A prodigy maybe, even, although I wouldn’t know because I didn’t know him as a child. But he’s so incredibly smart. Smarter than anybody else I know. His knowledge about the universe is almost like the universe itself, never-ending! But that’s not all!”
He lifts a finger, as if to maintain attention. “It’s not even the half of it, and I could be talking about his brain for hours, but there’s another very important thing I need to mention: his heart. Not the thinker organ, but Minjae’s is as well developed as the one in his skull. He’s there for others, almost unconditionally. Not really unconditionally, but if he thinks you’re a good person, he’ll probably try to take the moon from the sky for you. And you know what’s craziest? He’s probably gonna succeed at it too. All in all, he’s incredible, he’s our generation’s Einstein! And as kind as Mother Theresa. Imagine that.”
Fenris > Theo
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“I don’t like to share my thoughts, let alone those I withhold of other people.” It’s a charmingly kind way to put it, tilted head, gentle tone, look in his eyes resembling that of an uncle or perhaps the father he’ll never be, trying to explain why he might relent today, but definitely won’t the next time he’ll be asked to play this game.
It’s the kind of giving in that happens with little to no malice, a resignation that is only a bit of play pretend, the ‘alright, you can have the cookie, but just this once’. It’s a great contrast to the beast he used to be. And he does, in part, believe, it is also thanks to people like Theo, living the example he has unknowingly lived by.
“Besides, I find it rude to speak of her in her absence. So I shall only say this: history is written by those who fired the gun, not by those left crippled by the bullet in their leg. Theodora walks with a metaphorical limp through life, given to her by I’m assuming a difficult past I have no further information on. She’s intent to continue using that very leg to deliver her blows, digging around in that bullet wound, believing to be deserving of punishment for deeds I’m, once again, assuming where caused by life simply... making her believe it is all she was made to do. Yet she continues to rise, continues to learn how to accept people holding her elbow or clutches offered to her. She is strength and she is resilience, and every time she feels she falls, she’s taken another step towards victory.”
He blinks. “Quite admirable, don’t you think?”
Hoon > Kailee
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“There’s nothing much to say here, I believe.” Ever the reserved, Hoon only ever seems to roll up his sleeves to wash his hands before surgery, and never to reveal the strongly beating heart so stubbornly refusing to rest on his palm.
Even for those, or rather the one, who’d managed to make his heart beat hard enough that he’d failed to continue to neglect he possesses one in the first place, buried deep beneath the layer of ice he himself had covered it with, almost like a soft blanket of refusal, of pushes being made to avoid being pushed first.
In Kang Hoon’s eyes, his heart doesn’t belong anywhere but in the dark and cold hole, he’d shoved it back into, where it was safe. Or rather, where he was safe from it. “I don’t... I guess there’s a lot I don’t know about her. A lot of... There’s a lot. No matter how much I know, there’s always more. More I’d like to know. More I don’t want to know. More I’m afraid to know. But no matter what it is, as long as it’s hers, I don’t think I’ll be able to turn my back on it.”
Yoshino > Minjae
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“He’s the best space guy I know!” She throws her hands in the air, as if trying to grab the sun from the sky and gift it to the one she thinks would deserve it most. For her, Minjae is perhaps the closest thing to the sun itself that she might be able to find in a single person.
Warm and welcoming and there even when you can’t see it, blinding in its brightness, always providing, always ready to help, somehow within her he... “He’s also kind of like summer,” she puts her finger to her chin, pensive. “He’s warm and super fun, he reminds me of fireflies when he looks at the stars, because I look at fireflies like he looks at stars... I wonder if he’ll agree to catch some with me. And the sky is always brightest in summer which obviously reminds me of him, because the sky is basically space and space is basically Minjae! It’s like, his friendliness and his heart, are as large as the universe itself! Which is pretty large, he’s told me so.”
She folds her hands behind her back. “I’m glad we’re friends. I really am. He’s always got my back. And I always want to have his! I think anyone who’s his friend should consider themselves lucky to be. He’s the greatest friend to have.”
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mythvoiced · 5 years ago
-. @intergalacticxmisfits | moved!
The grin that spreads across his features is wide and maniacal enough to split his face in half, the upper containing his twinkling eyes gazing at her from behind those characteristic golden-rimmed glasses of his, and the lower starting on a lower lip more than willing to ‘dare’, how’d she’d put it.
If one were to look at him now, they might see all the evil he genuinely believes himself capable of. Or, much more likely, they’d see a young man with just the kind of malicious intent woven into his words that is typical of a five-year-old about to sneak a slug into a fellow kindergarteners back-bag.
But even that expression seems to fade suddenly before he can lower himself further and actually present that wicked grin of that wicked man to her. It’s the gulp that precedes her voice, the rosy taint of her cheeks, that wipe away that mischief off his lips, to leave behind only the parted surprise of someone who’s plan backfired on them. Because sure, he might have been out to tease her, but sadly, he forgot to consider one really important, really thwarting factor into his half-assed planning.
The way she can so easily, with a smile, with a flick of her hair, with a word dropped into his lap, command his every mood and turn any teasing against him. Talk about that beast Zen is always mentioning, huh. Maybe he is right after all.
Without warning, he climbs down from the couch and crouches down next to it instead, searching her features but not quite meeting her eyes. There’s a pout on his lips and just the faintest of colour on his cheeks as if his skin there was attempting to match the crown of redness overshadowing the rest of his features as he lowers his head and scratches at the red spot there, in seeming embarrassment.
“Obviously not,” he mumbles, hands resting on his knees now, as he sighs dramatically and looks up to look at her face where it still lied on the couch. “I actually want to know what you got there. Any further with that other business and I wouldn’t have been able to think about anything else. Can’t afford that distraction.”
He snorts, a regretful smile appearing on his lips as if he was willingly letting go off a wonderful opportunity. “You’re too powerful of a woman, Mariah.”
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mythvoiced · 5 years ago
-. a drabble inspired from here for @intergalacticxmisfits
Meet the Choi’s. There’s four of them but whenever they walk into a room, it feels like every person counts for 20. Not in a bad way. And oftentimes, not even due to any particular loudness related to them.
It’s their energy.
Whenever Mariah walks into a room, people all around her are drawn in by the warm combination of kindness and power sewn into her stance and into her smile, confidence and generosity, a welcoming embrace and never a welcoming mat to walk all over.
Whenever Saeyoung walks into a room, his appearance is what gets most to turn their heads really. And his loud, unabashed - perhaps purposely so - laughter is next. There he stands, the man with the apple-red hair, the golden-framed glasses resting over golden eyes, tall and yet with a hunch to his shoulders that makes his height not too threatening to look at. 
To follow is usually Olivia, the older of the two Choi children. She walks with a confident step and oftentimes, there’s a click following it as her low heels touch the floor. She pushes her glasses up her nose and folds her arms over her flannel, tucked into pants that make her look smart and ready to power-walk down the next hallway to get the job done.
Right behind her and often at her side is the youngest Choi child, Mari. She’s a good head smaller than her sister and her shoes are flat, her hands pushed into the pockets of the hoodie her father must have gotten her, button nose so akin to her mother’s scrunching up whenever she starts to glance about herself, intently focusing on noticing something exciting.
When the family splits to mingle, Livvy, as she’s called by her loved ones, tends to trail after her mother, especially when she’s joined by Jaehee. Together the two women are an organisation power-house and Olivia could spend hours watching them organise everything for the upcoming RFA party, eyes twinkling whenever they catch glimpse of the clipboard with the guests’ list in her mother’s hands, ears peeked whenever Jaehee briefs her mother on all updates to the preparations she needs to know.
Mari, on the other hand, is quick to lose herself either among the other members of the RFA or following her father onto whatever ridiculous escapes he’s getting himself into. Too often they’ve managed to hack into whatever analogue system powered the chocolate fountain set up in the middle of the room, resulting in quite the mess Mari and Saeyoung couldn’t help but laugh over, all the while Yoosung could only stare on, with tears in his eyes, and Zen had to overcome the internal crisis of laughing at Jumin for getting chocolate all over his suit, or losing it over the fondant covering his own expensive garments.
At the end of the day, they’d reunite, Saeyoung with a new string of tape keeping his glasses together after Zen had been successfully restrained, Mari with a finger in her mouth and chocolate on her hoodie - that she keeps wiping off and eating -, Olivia chattering on and on about what changes had been applied to the party and what more she might suggest, and Mariah, the powerhouse of the family, standing and grinning and watching, knowing full well the feeling of being covered in something from head to toe and still getting to chatter about with utmost passion.
So yeah, they might fool around a lot, are very energetic, like to laugh and to joke, and their passion has no limit. But... But... well, what?
Don’t those things make them the kind of family you’d like to see at every party?
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mythvoiced · 6 years ago
ultimate ship meme for the hacker hub and his pig wrestling wifey!
— ultimate ship meme! | @intergalacticxmisfits
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - WELL, they will have two beautiful daughters so I’m fairly certain very, VERY long :3
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - It was neither a fast nor a slow process, I would say it was just right for them; it required some work, some proper effort to meet one another halfway (all if we’re working within the MysMe canon) but they did it at their own pace
How was their first kiss? - Probably epic… I don’t remember the canon first kiss for 707 and MC, BUT I do love to imagine Mariah and Saeyoung’s, and I imagine it something along the lines of ‘sudden’, as in, suddenly their lips were meeting and when they pulled back, both were just kinda standing there, wondering whether that had really happened or not
Who proposed? - I think we said Saeyoung? And that he made a huge deal out of it? But I wouldn’t be surprised if Mariah secretly suspected all along because Saeyoung planned something so showy - it may or may not involve the pigs - that she would have noticed something, considering she’s wicked smart and definitely knows him well
Who is the best man/men? - Saeyoung would probably get Zen and Yoosung in on this one, because he knows Zen would be offended if not asked, and Yoosung genuinely upset - and also because he loves his friends, but not enough to ask Jumin (or at least not outright); depending on how we decide for the story, maybe Saeran?
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - I hope Jaehee is one of them ;W; But I’m assuming it’s probably friends and/or family members of Mariah, perhaps someone from the Casimire if she’s connected to them, too? Nala would kill the role, no pressure on Theo, Jenny would DEFINITELY be invited as a wedding planner
Who did the most planning? - They most likely agreed on planning everything together, also so that when they’d inevitably start fooling around (because they’re them and also because they’re pretty darn excited), no one can scold them
Who stressed the most? - I’d say Saeyoung! He appears to be laughing all the time and take things only in the bright way, but I feel like, the closer they’d get to the day, the more nervous he’d grow, mostly out of fear that Mariah might decide she’d rather have something better (which he wouldn’t blame her for), and other irrational fears
How fancy was the ceremony? -Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Saeyoung’s relatives (safe for Saeran depending on what we decide on)! Rika! >:(
Who is on top? - Well… uh… I dunno :3
Who is the one to instigate things? - EH I’d say, I feel like it’d be fairly balanced? They’re both mischievous, maybe sometimes one of them takes it into a different direction wink wonk
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - This section is throwing me MAD off lmao, I have no clue :3
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Well I’d… I MEAN, Saeyoung is quite the giver in any sense of the word and Mariah strikes me as a similar kind of person, so… yes?
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - Definitely two beautiful baby daughters!
How many children will they adopt? - I’ve never thought about this, but? Y’know what? I can actually see them adopting as well?
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - EQUAL WORK!
Who is the stricter parent? - Not applicable
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - I THINK both of them would, but they’d also not be quite as intense when it came to determining what is and what is not a dangerous stunt; kids need to fall and scrape their knees sometimes - plus, as daughters, they need to be taught in the noble art of pig wrestling
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - I feel like this would be Mariah! I can’t quite describe why, I believe she’d be more used to doing things like these, in comparison to Saeyoung’s quite irresponsible lifestyle prior to meeting her ;W;
Who is the more loved parent? - They’d love them both equally, but… maybe mummy’s a lil different
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - They’d both go! Unless of course, one of them couldn’t for whatever reason, but I feel like they’d both like to be present!
Who cried the most at graduation? - Saeyoung is still crying! He just hides his snot in Mariah’s shirt - sorry Mariah ;;
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Saeyoung, by setting a very bad example! SORRY MARIAH ;;;;;;
Who does the most cooking? - Hm, probably Mariah! I feel like she’d be better at it or at least have more experience with it. I headcanon Saeyoung to have attempted his own fair share of cooking when he was looking after Saeran when they were kids, but he didn’t really have a lot to work with food-wise, so Mariah probably knows her way around the kitchen better? Although, ABSOLUTELY correct me please ;W;
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Saeyoung would probably only breathe PhD Pepper and Honey Buddha Chips, so I guess this goes to him? :3
Who does the grocery shopping? - Together! When they can help it, the entire family comes along and they can turn it into a fun little adventure - by disrupting the peace of those around them but it’s okay, there’s nothing more beautiful than joyful people
How often do they bake desserts? - I have no idea :O Saeyoung seems more fond of salty food but what about Mariah? :O
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - HMM, I don’t know :O Saeyoung would probably be scarred for life if he were to eat pig meat and remember Mariah’s pigs
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - I feel like they both might be equally likely? ;W; Surprises in general, y’know
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Not so sure about Mariah, but probably not Saeyoung, he really likes calm nights in ;W;
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? - Saeyoung when he and the girls fool around while trying to help mum :’)
Who cleans the room? - Both! Chores that both parties can do well are equally divided! :3 It does depend, though, on circumstances, say Mariah has some work to do for the RFA, Saeyoung would probably take over :3 Be a lil house husband :3
Who is really against chores? - Hmm... Neither? :3 I can see them looking forward to all the things they can do once the chores are done - but Saeyoung will still whine
Who cleans up after the pets? - Y’MEAN THE PIGS? Those aren’t pets THOSE ARE FAMILY MEMBERS
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Saeyoung
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - If the guests are the other members of RFA, Saeyoung would probably NEVER stress, I’m so sorry Mariah, I hope she doesn’t get too stressed either :’3
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Definitely Mariah!! She finds ALL the hidden cash in the house, Saeyoung has been trying to figure out what magic lies behind it O.O
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Probably Saeyoung, because he has to be threatened into taking one and by then it’s absolutely necessary he stays under/in the water for a while, also Mariah appears more efficient and sensible to the environment
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - You mean, the robo-dog? THE GIRLS! Except, they were allowed to, until it nearly blew up on them, now Saeyoung has to
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - ALL THE TIME! THE MOST HOLIDAY FRIENDLY FAMILY OUT THERE!
What are their goals for the relationship? - Peace, creating a harmonic environment where they can be free, feel comfortable, and still play around like they used to at the very beginning; free of all the troubles of the past
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Saeyoung because he has a god-awful sleeping schedule, again I am so sORRY Mariah
Who plays the most pranks? - It may look like this could be Saeyoung, BUT I’m fully convinced Mariah would pull more successful pranks, so this goes to her for that alone ;3
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mythvoiced · 2 years ago
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@intergalacticxmisfits | “take my hand.” (Mariah to Saeyoung?) more random dialogue prompts
To return something to its rightful place, to its home? Nothing easier than that.
Be it while walking the great dangerous of life, true ones such as those he’d dragged her into, and fictional ones such as those he enjoys pretending to be navigating, the games and the jokes and all the adventures he’d promised to take her on, or be it for the most mundane of scenarios, in which she only takes his hand to have it held, there’s nothing Saeyoung could do that is easier.
Sure, it did take him a moment to get there.
It wasn’t always easy to give in to the tugging of his heart. Not at the very beginning, where the hook she’d thrown at it had pierced him so violently and started pulling so aggressively, that he thought one more call on her part, one more smile shot at the security cameras, and surely his heart would come loose and out of his chest, or worse yet, burst completely, torn apart by all he’d wished he wouldn’t feel.
But she’d kept the hook firm and almost gentle and taught him to appreciate the kind of life that considered him worthy and deserving enough to have his hand placed in hers.
A hook became a scarf and he’s never felt warmer.
He slips his fingers between hers for good measure, gaze lifted from his phone the moment he’d heard her request? Demand? Either way would be fine. Lollipop stick dangling off his lips, glasses halfway down his nose, he stares at her with the wonder of a child who’d just gotten the proof that maybe angels to exist after all.
And with love claimed once more, repeated to every corner of every sheet of white that might be willing to have itself read to stranger’s eyes, only one question remains.
“Everything alright?”
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