#you're one of the few lights in the maze of my life and your presence is indispensable when it comes to figuring myself out.
enha-woodzies · 4 years
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starring: enhypen ft. i-land daniel
pairing: jungwon x fem!reader x sunghoon
genres: royal au, romance, angst, slowburn, 18th century setting
word count: 2.4k
taglist: @serendipitysung (beta reader), @angeljungwon @en-sun @affectionaterainoflove @renkiv @softforjungwoo @jislix @fluffi @gyeraniee
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“Welcome! Welcome, dearlings, to the most awaited social event of the season! Behold, the Queen’s Court! The ever famous abode of our dearly beloved Queen, and home to all the grande festivities of the ton!
From the most stunning exteriors basking under the magnificent moonlit night, to the mornings of bliss overlooking the entirety of Northumberland, comes the imperial garden acclaimed for hosting luncheons and occasional fancy picnics for the ton’s paramount roster of elites.
A few walks from the garden and you’ll witness the magnificent gazebos on the Swan’s Lake that won’t be denied of such praise. Known to and open for everyone's appeasements, as the Queen herself generously gave the citizens the free will and spot to frolic about whenever they desire. These carefully embellished gazebos are not just eye-candy for most, but also a cradle of the ton’s banal scandals.
Ooh, you’ve read it right, dear. Scandals. Hmm, juicy ones at that. It’s like digging up a rare find or getting a taste of that incomparable tea after a long, jaded day; that is how clandestine scandals feel like after being unmasked to the invasive and ever attentive ton.
So, once again, may I remind you that such secrecies and mischiefs will be unearthed soon after every controversial social event. Keep your corsets steady and your boots firm for not one, but several shenanigans that will happen tonight, so much that you might barely take another breath of relief. As the day falls and the anticipated night comes, beware and be aware.
This has been the Daily Tattle, flipping the pen to rest for a one-night breather on the royal court. I will leave the rest up to you.”
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Sparkling, multi-layered chandeliers hang above the finest dressed attendees of the ton. With cascading tiers of crystals shimmering against the royal walls, one would wonder if it's the mounted light fixture or the magnificent ladies strutting through the foyers.
To their right, lies a raised platform with Northumberland’s exquisite septet orchestra, and to their left, wide terraces situated two meters away from each other with a scenic view of the Queen’s bountiful, maze-like garden, huddles up the lords and ladies for a breath of fresh night’s air with glasses of champagnes in hand.
Butlers in their uptight wardrobe stand against huge pillars at every possible arched entrances surrounding the royal court, as the Queen’s top cooks attend to the abundant feast that's splendidly sprawled on the lengthy table at the end corner of the hall.
Most of the ton’s eligibles have been exchanging glances and boasting off impressive accomplishments along every corner of the room, and some were already taking the honors by dancing across the thickly, carpeted floor.
With all his might and family’s pride, Lord Jay, first-born of the Park Family, leads his clan to the hall with his elegant and stunning treasure of a sister in hand as Lord Niki has their fine-aged mother on his.
“Ah! Emily, darling, finally! So great to see you tonight!” Lady Yang quickly turned her head to their direction before slowly rushing to Lady Park’s side. “Your sons are ravishing as always, dear.” said Lady Park as she gives each gentleman an acknowledging nod.
“My, my! If it isn't the jewel of the elites. Miss Y/n, dear, you look very gorgeous. Adorned in all these lovely things, you'll surely go home tonight without missing out a single lord in sight.”
“That is, if they're a suitable match for my sister, Lady Yang.” Jay butts in with a chuckle while tapping his sister’s hand that's tightly gripping his arm.
“You don't say.” Lady Yang smirks to the man before peering over her shoulder to catch her son’s attention. “Jungwon, dear, why don't you and Miss Y/n make use of your time on the dance floor, hm? I'm actually quite parched. Lord Jay, would you do me the honor?”
Jay reluctantly obliged, as if he had any other choices for that matter. He let go of his sister and tended to Lady Yang’s request with a heavy heart.
The two clans disperse to keep themselves entertained as they have such a long night ahead of them. Niki and Daniel walk towards one of the terraces to chatter over what other sports they shall try soon, while Sunoo immediately gasps at the sight of the banquet on the corner end of the room, quickening his paces with exhilaration plastered on his face.
He peers over his shoulders, checking any threat in sight. No one wants to have their reputation sabotaged in the Daily Tattle after all, especially on a special evening. “Care to have a taste of our delicious cakes, young lord?” Sunoo bit his bottom lip with his eyes fixed on the several cakes offered in front of him. He clears his throat in a noble manner while swiftly pulling the ends of his velvety vest. “One tiny plate will do, please.” He smiles awkwardly to the cook before taking a dreamy bite on the fluffy two-layered vanilla cake.
Whereas, the two eligibles are buying themselves some time before finally having a worthwhile exchange. The lavishly looking gentleman gently bowed affront the gorgeous lady before him, handing over his open palm for consent. “May I?” Y/n stifles a giggle hoping her cheeks won't flush while in the presence of her cherished lord.
She looks at his eyes for a moment, searching for a glimmer of light, something from this night to keep for her mind’s bliss. “Miss Park?” Jungwon clears his throat. “Oh! Forgive me. I thought there was something in your eyes.” She chuckles lightly.
But Jungwon, being the ever so oblivious lad, blinks his eyes repeatedly in wonder. “Really? What do you suppose it was?” Y/n gulps down. “M… me-” She mutters under her breath but the young lad’s attention quickly shifts to another gentleman, walking his way towards the two. Y/n huffs out a sigh of relief with the comforting thought that Jungwon didn't probably heard what she mumbled.
“Lord Yang, Miss Park, a pleasant evening. Allow me to introduce myself.” Jungwon steps a few inches away from Y/n as his eyes jump from the man, to the lady in confusion.
“Lord Lee. Simply known by the ton as Lord Heeseung. Please, if you must, be my muse on the dance floor, Miss Park.” Y/n looks at Jungwon in slight worry, but the latter looks away, seemingly unbothered by the sudden intrusion.
“I… I suppose I must.” She slips her hand on the newly arrived gent’s with her gaze trailing off from the love of her life.
“I suppose I should take a gander on the uh… terrace.” Jungwon's lips curve into a small smile and though his dimples are evident, they didn't appear too transparent for Y/n's liking.
“My lady, allow me to uplift your night with my presence.” Heeseung bows to the beautiful miss before taking her hand to intertwine it with his.
To the crowd, it would seem like they were both sharing endearing looks as the lord himself was a known charmer, but on the young miss’ end, she was rather staring at his eyes imagining what it would feel like if it was Jungwon’s dreamy pair she was drowning herself into.
Y/n never muttered a single word to the charming lord. Despite his subtle boast about his indisputable achievements in the high society, Y/n just gracefully went with the flow and would let out amused chuckles here and there for the sake of being polite.
“Lord Lee.” Jay, in his most serious tone, approaches the two the instant the music came to an end.
“Ah! Lord Park. Such a pleasure to see you around. Your sister's very lovely.”
“Without a doubt. Now if you would give me the honor to dance with my sister, I would much highly appreciate the compliment.” Y/n furrows her eyebrows to her brother who just subtly scoot off the pretty lord with such dominance. Heeseung responds with an acknowledging nod, locking eyes with Jay, before handing Y/n’s hand to her almost domineering brother.
“For a moment there I thought you were being pompous again but on a positive note, I very much appreciated the save.” Y/n now has her hand tangled on her brother's arm while Jay caresses it with comfort.
“Not to worry, sister. I won't let you concern yourself with such men.”
“Such men? Confessedly, he's rather ravishing.”
“He’s rather chatty. The likes of him, tsk, tsk.” The two siblings walk around the massive court, eyeing noble lords in sight to keep the young miss heedful of her choices.
“Lord Heeseung, the ton's most favored bachelor and a very skilled gentleman.”
“Of what?” Y/n leans closer to her brother's shoulder.
“Of a lot of things. He’d actually make a fine husband, all good for properly leading a household.”
“But? Knowing you, brother, there's always a catch.”
“Do not concern yourself with him, sis.” Jay clicks his tongue.
“Care to tell me why? So far, he's the only man here whom you've extolled such virtues to me. I don't see anything wrong with him.”
“His secrets are darker than his smooth, charcoal locks. Trust me sister, such stories aren't for your ears. Let's just go after men that aren't too… known.”
“You're not making any sense at all, Jay.”
“What I'm trying to say, sister, is let us find you a man with humble roots and aspirations and the most necessary factor, a tad bit anonymous.”
“Well, I should find myself a farm boy then.”
“Good god, Y/n!” Jay hisses as he rolls his eyes. Y/n enjoys making fun of her brother. Knowing Jay’s temper, Niki and her would sometimes hide behind his bedroom door and play with the lights in his room to scare him off.
“You wouldn't want all of the ton's eyes on you now, would you? Tirelessly spying on your lives, even the tiniest details and flaws should go uncovered. The ton has a lot of matters to talk about already and making you an addition to their roster of hottest topics for gossip is no good for our family’s name." Jay whispers against Y/n’s ear. So much for handling his sister's affairs well, he couldn't handle his own temper the same way.
The two enter into a more secluded room, sufficiently away from the royal court and the people's intrusions, but giving the music enough room to enter. It was seemingly the Palace’s library, very much welcome to whomever likes to scan the lofty pages of the archaic, thickly covered books.
Jay gently removes his sister's hand on his arm. “It is my utmost duty and desire to chaperone you tonight, sister. But someone made an exclusive request to me and I very much trust them enough to uplift you for the remaining moments of the night.”
“Wait, why? Where are you off to?” Y/n looks at her brother in slight worry. “You know full well that I'm a man of my word. I gave away my consent to have you dance with this gentleman, and rest assured I will stay on the other side of this door for you.” Jay leans closer against his sister's ear. “You'll thank me later. Enjoy, sister.” And with that being said, Jay gently closes the door behind him, leaving Y/n in a room with nothing but lingering curiosity.
The room is a tad dim as the only sources of light present are the two chandeliers hanging against the ceiling, exuding a bright, orange glow and the few candelabras resting on each lengthy table.
Y/n gawks at the finest interiors and exquisite, Corinthian columns standing at every corner of the room. She happily twirls around the center of the floor when a sudden shuffling of fabric cuts in. She jerks her head to the culprit and is welcomed by a delightfully shocking sight near the open window on her right.
“My lord! Apologies.” Y/n gasps then curtsies before the man affront.
“My lady.” He retorts. The lass had to blink twice to confirm that what she just heard wasn't a mirage. “Forgive me for keeping the silence.”
“No, no! It's alright. I was just... surprised.” The lady lets out a chuckle. “What are you doing here?”
“I was waiting for my turn.” Y/n furrows her eyebrows in confusion. “The dance? That charming lord out there surely knows his way with the ladies.” The two exchange giggles but is soon replaced by an awkward silence.
“May I?” Jungwon lets out his open palm to the lady. Although he was initially against the idea, it seemingly puzzles him that he had to ask Jay this particular favor among others.
Why did he do it? Probably to keep themselves hidden from the ton. But why would he hide? No one knows for now.
Y/n softly slips her flimsy fingers on the gent’s smooth palm as Jungwon takes his time to place his hand on the lady’s waist. With the wonderful tune echoing from the dance hall, the two gladly join the music with an alluring waltz.
Light exhales, and foreheads an inch away, Y/n could've sworn she muttered something about the lord’s lips as her eyes were locked upon them almost the entire time. Jungwon, on the other hand, would unconsciously bite his bottom lip here and there to stifle his shyness, making Y/n’s stomach implode in multiple fireworks and butterflies.
With the slow motion of their bodies, Jungwon's eyes trail off from the lady’s lips, to her beautiful hazel orbs that are shimmering, thanks to the chandelier’s reflection. He fixes his gaze upon her, and so does she. Looking intently, the gent almost feels like he's floating, figuratively and literally, on the mysterious, yet captivating abyss that are her eyes.
“They're beautiful.” He mutters under his breath. Y/n’s eyes lit up at the sudden statement. “Your eyes. Has anyone ever told you that they're beautiful?” The gentleman continues.
Y/n bit her bottom lip before whispering a response. “One that I can vividly remember,” 
“I'm certain they know exactly what they're talking about.” Jungwon mutters softly. Their noses briefly touch each other and to her surprise, Jungwon doesn't even flinch. She thought it a way to continue, and she did.
“a little boy of ten named Yang Jungwon.”
*send me an ask or a message if you wish to be added on this series' taglist!
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99 notes · View notes
sor-vette · 3 years
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two, down!! (index/description)
☜ one, strike!!
☞ three, an all-out fight club!!
It was the middle of February. The month of perpetual grey and rain. It tapped against the small cubic window of your bedroom as you laid in bed reading the text.
Erik: "Meeting, you and me. Main building. Now! Wear something without any blood on it. 😘"
The phone falls out of your hands and smacks you in the middle of the nose.
You already see Erik in the distance. A bright red shirt flowing around him like a drape in the frequent bursts of wind. Across the river, he looks like a will-o'-the-wisp and you can't help but be increasingly apprehensive about what has he planned.
You get off the bus in the middle of the bridge, stop and glare at the circular high rise. Legally known as Bighit - an independent advisory firm for various claims, to the large variety of your clientele it was BH - vigilante made business. Briefly put a vast clockface with thousands of cogs spinning both on the own and tandem with others. It looked and sounded and you knew it to be an imposing organization. Nevertheless, you entertained the idea of how would this company would fall and could it be possible to burn down all the spider webs it has formed in the now 22 years of its existence.
"Good morning!" Erik beams widely, trembling in the wind. His pirate shirt not doing anything to help the situation. In his hands, there is a thick brown folder. The sight of it begins a gnawing motion in the stomach.
"What are you doing?" you ask suspiciously, studying his face for any giveaway. Which of course there were a lot. He was still young both in the field and age. The little runt was mostly brazen, often impolite and careless. But now, now, he was nervous. Maybe it wasn't even the weather that had him shaking like a leaf.
"Oh, I'm taking my enrollment review today. In 20 minutes to be precise."
What was gnawing had turned into a stone that travelled up, ignoring the gravity, and settled deep in your chest pressing down and creating a hole. A horrible numb feeling that you'd hoped you wouldn't feel again. And again. And again. And now once more.
You take a moment to force your voice to remain unfazed but even to your own ears, it sounds too hoarse and slow.
"Don't you need my referral?"
"I asked Olga." Yes. Olga. That's why you didn't know.
"So let's go up?" if Erik had a tail it would wag at lighting speed. He is not just nervous but positively jittery. You had seen him this happy...never. Yeah, this was the first time. When he would officially enrol in another department, at best giving you a clap on the back for all the trouble caused and moved on. In a week he would give you a distant wave, in a month maybe a nod if you passed by in a hallway, in half a year it'll be like you never even existed.
You nod quietly entering the glass doors. BH was a massive, subtly hidden maze, much like the overall organization. By the schematics and the layout, no one would give a second thought that it would be more than just an ordinary office firm. But of course, what they didn't know and what was a closely guarded secret were the literal hundreds of small alcoves and passes hidden within the walls. Meant for in case of a sudden police raid. Not to mention the literal escape tunnel that stretched underneath the river you just passed. No one knew exactly how it looked like or how it was even built. Some said it was an abandoned underground transit system from WW2, others said that it was built in the early years of the BH establishment having cost literal billions. But no one knew the truth. Even Namjoon had shrugged when you asked him, long ago already.
In silence, you both take the escalator upwards. To the 25th floor, a.k.a. the 7th department - the literal heads of the system. The building usually had hundreds of people running from one place to another but even so, this was a large commotion for an event this small.
In the doorways there stands a tall woman and you nearly bite your tongue off at the sight of her ramrod back.
"Petsch." You growl and Erik beside you throws a surprised glance.
She turns around almost immediately. As if hearing you or just sensing your presence like the ill-bred Cerberus that she was.
"Hello, .̴̭͙̪̻̈́.̸͘��̮̟̳̐͆.̶͚̉͛.̸̺̞̉͐̈́̐͋.̶̟̻̺̽͛̒̚.̷̗̱̃.̶̮͚̼̾͜͜.̷͉̋̈́̐̔͝.̵͖͛̓͆.̷̼̲̥̙͆̊̊͝͝.̸̢͕̔.̸̜̜̲͈̅͜͠.̵̱̤̆̑͘.̸͖̰̣͈̾̊̈́́́ " Her glee is almost maniacal as she power walks towards your little group.
"Deputy Petsch. How wonderful to grace our Earthly realm with your presence. I did wonder why it looked like the skies were weeping."
"It's Chief of Staff now," she corrects getting even closer, "to no one's surprise I've been promoted while you've been demoted."
"Yes, I can see the stress of the new position. Or is that just your face?"
In the corner of your eye, you can see Erik standing completely still, his head darting from one speaker to another bemused.
"As the Chief of Staff, I'm here to evaluate your...pet." Erik gives a silent wave and Rosaline narrows her eyes, most likely not knowing what to make of him.
"What happened to Michael?" Petsch scoffs at your question.
"He retired to live with his family so much so for living a dignified life." You straighten stubbornly at the newly given information. Erik's hands are still lightly trembling, along with the file in his hand.
"Interesting. I will attempt corporation." You push out through gritted teeth but immediately get one of Rosaline's bony vulture fingers thrust in your face.
"Don't even try to sweet talk me!"
In return, you snap your fingers near her outstretched hand. A gesture you would normally never do but it was Rosaline. Anything but an abnormal reaction could ward off this lietonis off your neck. (a/n)
"I tried to be peaceful. Well then. Let's. Begin." She huffs and puffs and then stalks over to the lecture hall, her tight blonde ponytail swinging like the world's most obnoxious metronome.
Erik stands silently for a few short moments before -
"The fuck was that about?" You hide your face in the palm of your hand. If Rosaline was here for the panel review then this little fucker had no idea what was coming.
"Rosaline and I have what you would call an uncivil work relationship."
"A rivalry?"
"No, a rivalry with another woman would be inherently attractive. Rosaline just...sucks the lifeforce out of me like a goddamn Dementor." Erik chuckles at the sight of your displeasure but a quiet bell coming from within the lecture hall stills him again.
"Please all attendees take your seat! We're about to start soon!" A faceless voice calls over the crowd and the unpleasant feeling that Petsch managed to eradicate away for a moment returns worse than ever. Your own hands begin to mutely tremble. Erik looks close to passing out.
"You're going to be fine." You say gently bumping into him, "you're my trainee after all."
Oh, he's going to be not fine at all.
For some reason, the hall is literally stuffed with attendees.
The enrollment panel reviews despite the name, yes, was actually an open doors event. Much like an undergrad presenting a thesis it had a panel of judges and a crowd of listeners. Usually, it was limited to other potential interviewees who wanted to get a sneak peek in the twisted action to come but the number of people was 5 if not 10 times more audience than what you've ever been in.
Truth be told you never knew how friendly Erik was with other departments but even if he was a magnet surely this crowd was too massive.
With a rapidly rising anxiety, you start to pick out familiar faces. Some of them your trainees and previous teammates, some who gave you a stink eye, and then some with whom you didn't want to interact.
On the third row there sits Jungkook and sweet Jesus what were they feeding him in the footsoldier department. He was now almost twice as large as he had been when you last saw him. One tap of those arms and you'd be in an automatic knockout. Behind him sits Jimin, also looking confused as to why he's here. Which is somehow even more offputting considering he's the one who decided to be here. In the back rows, there is Jin, face hidden in his hands, large sunglasses pushed atop of his head. The only reason why you recognize him at all is that those very sunglasses had "JIN" in large letters above the rim. Naturally.
At this point, your insides are just a gaping screaming void of pure social terror as you start to suspect they were all here. While scanning the crowd you notice an orange fleck that is surrounded by a gaggle of students who eagerly listen to every falling word. That would be Hope. And far closer to the seat that you wanted to take sits V. For reasons unknown he was perched in the first row, fiddling with the strap of the camera. The last thing you want is to meet that vitriolic, judgmental stare of his but it would be unfair to Eric to sit anywhere else. The supervisor, even the one who had no idea that the review was taking place and did not actually write the referral, always sat in the front. The little scamp should have at least that.
You sit down stiffly with your hands bunched up in fists and shoulders tightened to the point where it was almost painful. V pretends he doesn't recognize you. You turn around once again to look over the crowd, almost meeting Jungkook's gaze but he suddenly finds his shoes to be the most captivating image in the world. Jin nearly takes off his jaw while ducking below the chair line and Hope is still surrounded by his devoted students. Jimin is persistent in looking disoriented.
In the faraway upper back, behind the fifteen rows of cascading seats, there is a second door. Slightly ajar and leading to complete darkness but you can swear there is a hand holding the doors open. For a moment you wonder who would hide away in a dark side room only to silently observe everyone but then you know exactly who. Yoongi. You whip around so fast the chair makes a loud squeak. In the peripheral vision, you make out a movement from V but he turns back to the camera without a second thought.
No, Erik was in deep trouble. The panel of judges or should you say evaluators was much too high standing for the first time enrolment. Rosaline Petsch's choice of coming here could be attributed to her being a harpy. Sure. Namjoon, although a CEO was known to just arrive at small scale events, to fully support his staff and also fully give them untreatable heart conditions. But the following had no place being here: Rhys Bethany, the key speaker of yesterday's anniversary and the head of Internal Affairs. Rahul Singh, chief of Communications. Tamira Johnson, head of International Affairs. Shen Qiongzi, head of Large Operations management. And two others whom you didn't even recognize. These were some of the biggest names of the entire organization and also the most bewildering. Strictly speaking, none of them had any input on the hiring or the enrolment process. The matters far, far below their usual duties.
Why were they here? Had Namjoon invited them? Why would he? Because he was still angry at you and was punishing Erik for it? He wouldn't do that but would he? Were you being narcissistic for thinking it had anything to do with you??
Whatever the answer was, hearing the last bell ring and seeing Erik, suddenly look very small and scared climbing up on the stage without even the protection of his notes folder... You felt a lot like seeing a crowd of shrikes encircle one mouse. You squeeze the handles of your chair, rocking back and forth with anxiety.
"As part of your legal right, what would be Your prefered choice of name for the course of this review?" You hear Ms Johnson speak. Erik picks up the microphone to speak...
....not a sound comes out of his mouth. You cringe.
"My real one, ma'am," he finally manages to croak after a moment of silence that was perhaps too long to be unnoticeable.
"Thank you. We will begin the first part of the enrolment request review for Erik Genyer."
You blanch at her words. The first part... meaning that what is about to happen was an actual full, point by point review and not the shortened version that came into popularity in recent years. The review would last three hours and it was three hours of ruthless questioning.
You grip the handles even tighter.
Erik fares surprisingly well. After the initial shock, he starts to melt into well-rounded answers. After the five minute pause in between the two parts, he even starts to subtly lean into humouring the panel, offering sarcastic, unhelpful comments. Truly one you could call your own.
Your heart is in continuing thunder as it beats harder with each given situation and particularly hard question. At this point, you have tossed and turned and quietly whined at every to the degree that it is noticeable to everyone in the room. And that in itself pushes to a worrying realization that Erik had somehow managed to slither his unholy way into your heart and become not just a trainee under your care but a friend. Like a proper friend. A friend that would leave you in literally the span of 10 minutes.
Namjoon who was eerily silent for most of the hearing, providing only two softball questions, had noticed your flighty twitching and leaned back to glance at you. You look at the ground knowing that you were perhaps not in the right mindset to put on a facade of your somewhat trademarked blasé attitude.
For God's sakes, you were not even this nervous in your own review but then again you had resigned yourself to the bottom of the barrel. Erik was not.
Finally, he passes the third part of the review. He had taken a few hits, all of which delivered by Petsch, but overall came out with impressive results. Two things were left to unfold. The panel would ask him what was his preferred choice of the department and then either allow it or politely indicate his skills would be more useful in another department and refer him there.
"Mr Genyer do you have a specific department choice?" Mr Singh asks politely. He'd been a tough but fair reviewer nevertheless it was always Namjoon who asked this question. Why was he so quiet? What was the point of showing up if he was going to be silent?
"I have." Erik answers and you see a smile form in his mouth. It was his bastard smile. Eerily similar to the picture of the cat surrounded by knives. You've seen that expression many times, mostly when he was breaths away from pissing off a lot of people.
"And what would that be, sir?"
"The cleaner department."
Not a single person breathes. Not a sound is made. The panel has gone speechless. You think your heart has stopped entirely.
"I'm sorry, do you mind repeating that?"
Erik couldn't look smugger as everyone stared at him.
"I'd like to work in the cleaner department."
The second time he says it causes an uproar. People actually stand up in the back. You hear a crunch to your side. Tae dropped his camera on the ground. There's so much noise you can't even decipher what is being said. Vaguely you maybe hear Jin's loud ass "what?" but that also could be literally anyone else.
The panel has to turn around and repeatedly shush the crowd. It is not an easy task. You just stare at Erik, mouth dropped open, eyes bugging out and he gives a self-satisfied smirk.
"I promise tomorrow you’ll have reparations."
These were the reparations. As the crowd finally eases back you let out a breath, lungs screaming for oxygen. Hadn't even noticed the lack of breathing process.
"Why would you choose a cleaner department?" It is finally Namjoon's turn to speak but he too sounds astounded all the way to outer space.
"It is a lowly position." So low in fact, they were not in the count of departments. Hence the status of 0 out of 7. You're hit with another realization. "Aspiring 0". The one Erik had placed in his Instagram bio. It was not zero aspirations that you thought he meant, no he was aspiring to be 0. And suddenly it makes sense. Him being such a little pain in the ass, always sneaking off, taking cases well above his position, taking yesterday's case in fact. All to rank up and enter the review faster. You don't even know how to function with this information.
"Why would you choose the cleaner department?" There was only one person who had chosen the cleaner department. A year ago. You. But even back then the choice was between quitting altogether or becoming part of the 0.
"The cleaner department is as hard-working and as essential as any other position in the organization." He shrugs.
"Yes, but why choose it?" Ms Shen pursues. You can hear it in her voice that she simply cannot comprehend why would anyone choose to work there. Honestly neither can you.
"I like it there. The cleaner department has the friendliest, most genuine and accepting people I've met among all departments. Also, I've had the most supportive, protective mentor anyone could wish for. I've never been more inspired to both be myself and improve forward as I have under their tutelage and I hope that by working in the cleaner department I can repay them for the faith they had and hopefully continue to have in me."
His request is approved and after a quiet "review ended" Erik is officially given the position of the evidence removal department.
The crowd is restless. There's not a soul that's not debating outside the room. Everyone huddled up together. What Erik did today would go down in the history of the company. Right next to your name.
Briefly, you encounter Petsch who throws something snide in your direction but you brush past her without a second thought. Finally, you find that stupid red shirt, snuggled against the window. You break out in a sprint and smack him in the middle of the chest.
"Why would you do that?" You yell. Why are you yelling? You don't know. You're happy. Literally so happy. Erik begins to laugh, kinda nerdily as he is snorting a bit like a pig.
"You should have seen your face! Oh, man, I wish I had my camera with me! Oh, a picture truly is worth more than a thousand words."
"You idiot! I trained you," you deliver a smack "so you could," a smack, "have a better life!" Erik's smile doesn't falter for a second.
"What's better? It's a shithole here anyways. So they pay me more in other departments. The money I'd spend on therapy for working there would still decimate my pay into non-existence."
You stop hitting him as something dangerous bubbles up your throat. The hole in the chest filled. No, not that, he will never let me live if I do, you think to yourself.
"Are you actually crying?" Erik giggles his expression turning somewhat strange.
You do end up crying. After taking you to Omelas where surprise, surprise, your inner circle of other cleaners and Irina were waiting. Diego was already rolling on the floor with Liz trying to pull him up in a somewhat vertically inclined position. J.D. giving a quiet, appreciative nod and S - Jo along with Byun screaming their lungs out in some kind of celebratory song. You can't even tell which language they are screaming in.
Olga looks at the scene with mild amusement. If you'd had become a little bit like an unwilling older sister to this little horde of gremlins then Olga was like everyone's collective mom. How many of your messes and mood swings had she endured? You couldn't even count but you remember how badly you were afraid of disappointing her. And if Erik felt even the half of that...
It was then and after two bottles of vodka that you started sobbing. But just a little bit. After all, you hadn't cried in a while and if there was a better place to cry it was among this little makeshift family.
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(a/n: lietonis, more commonly known as lietuvēns is a spirit from my country's folklore that is rumoured to strangle people and animals in their sleep. Basically something like a sleep paralysis demon.)
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reinahwanggg · 4 years
I Miss You》 Park Jisung
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credits to gif owner
pairing: jisung park x reader
word count: 1.9K
warnings: slight angst (not really)
genre: established relationship, idol au, fluff, slight angst, jisung being a caring boy, boyfriend!jisung, reader misses him, but doesn't wanna admit it
a/n: i envisioned myself in this position haha, sorry
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"good night honeybee. i love you."
"good night angel! i love you always."
jisung sleepily replies, yawning into the phone, before he closed his eyes to be guided into slumber. although he knows comeback seasons does take a toll on his body, and sometimes mentality, he makes sure he calls you every night. whether it be to tell you he'll be in the dance studio until the next day, or before bed, he always tries to find time for you in his extremely busy schedule, especially since he is quite worried about you.
although it's been a few months since the entire debacle, he always wants to make sure you're safe and well. he knew that you didn't mind all of the sudden attention, and you didn't care about what everyone thought about you and him together, but sometimes he just wants to make sure you're okay.
it's obvious that he's the more vocal one in the relationship; always saying what's on his mind, telling you whenever he felt you should say or stop this, or whenever he felt angry about something petty and wanted to say it to get over it. he just has more experience in expressing his feelings to those close to him.
you, on the other hand, always kept everything bottled up inside, not necessarily saying anything, even when it bothers you, because you wouldn't want to be a bother to others, unless it ticked you off. you were always the one to express your anger for some complicated situations, but rarely to others. you find yourself as your own confidant, as your own provider, as your own push to help you through the tunnel of life.
the way you handle things, often than not, got you in some heated arguments with jisung. he just wants you to tell him when it's too much pressure. especially that day when the camera crew came in, setting a gazillion cameras inside your house, saying that the fans would love to see how you and jisung interact. he saw how uncomfortable it made you, and seeing as it's been two weeks, and you still jump when you walk in your sleepwear at 7am and see the camera following you, it's enough evidence.
yet, whenever he asks you, you brush it aside. ''i'll get used to it'' you'll always tell him, knowing fully well, you sometimes can't stand it. waking up, and pretending to be a youtuber making a get ready with me video, only for it to actually be posted, it ticks you off. yet, all you tell him is that you'll get used to it.
this situation, was no different. for the past three months, jisung has had activity after activity to go through, while trying to record content for this stupid youtube segment. most times it would split videos of him and you on the phone, laughing about some stupid meme you saw on twitter. you know, every single piece of your body misses your boyfriend; dying to be back in his arms, and snuggled with him on the couch, watching random TV shows while he randomly kisses your hair and pulls you closer.
you know that you miss him, and yearn for the day he comes and tells you that promotions are over and the frequent break in between has begun, but you don't tell him that. you don't tell him how much you miss waking up in the morning to see him dancing around the kitchen to a video of you singing one of his songs in the best voice you can muster, unintentionally burning the eggs on the stove.
you don't tell him how much you miss coming home from an interview with other artists, only to see him fixing his hair, humming puzzle piece, smiling goofily at the thought of you. you don't tell him how much you miss your rant sessions; him ranting about how close fans get sometimes, and you ranting about how much you wanna punch your coworker in the throat for her unbearably cocky attitude.
you don't tell him how much you miss last minute packing for a day trip to the other side of the country. you don't tell him how much you miss sulking on the couch, only for him to plant a million pecks and kisses on every corner of your face, until you smiled and playfully pushed him away.
before you knew it, you're sitting up in your bed, crying to yourself about how much you miss him. and for once, you want to let him know, desperately throwing away your pride and wanting him to know how much you ache for his presence, and his quirky habits, and his killer smile, and just everything he has to offer. you miss him so much, your cries get a little too loud, your breath gets a bit too heavy, and your body shakes a bit too much, but you don't care, you just miss him so much it physically hurts you.
the little lamp in the corner of your room shines a somber gold around the room, you oblivious to the fact that the cameras are on 24/7 and is catching this very moment, of your vulnerability. you are also oblivious to the fact that he didn't hang up the phone, him obviously being too tired to actually hover his finger, as he was out like a light, his little snores in the background evident to the entire thing.
"honeybee, i miss you so much. so much it hurts."
you start, your voice choked up, coming out cracked, and scratchy.
halfway through your rant, jisung wakes up, blinking a few times to himself, trying to adjust to the bright light amidst the dark room, the slightest sound of hiccups ring in his ear, an extremely nasally voice ringing out sobs and muffled words, and he automatically sits up in concern. he wants to immediately ask you what's wrong, but instead just listens to what you have to say.
"i miss how, every time you hug me, it feels like placing the last piece of the puzzle in its rightful place. honeybee i just miss how much you check up on me when i'm sick. how sometimes we take turns nightly to sing each other to sleep, you laughing when my voice cracks, or me teasing you with praises for a run you mastered. i miss playful mornings, both of us being too lazy to move, but somehow ending up dancing around the room to various artists and songs. i miss when i wake up, and you're already staring at me, the loving gaze in your eyes as you slightly smile, immediately going to plant a kiss on my big ass forehead. i miss pushing you away, and telling you to brush your teeth before you could give me a good morning kiss. i miss when you and the boys would all pile up in my house, and i would get to show you a bit of my country's cuisine, and laughing when you guys scarf it down like you haven't eaten in years. and i want to tell you all of this, but i don't want to be a burden to you. you already have a lot, with some overbearing fans, promotions, and the occasional run ins. i don't want you to focus on me only and put your feelings on the backburner like i always do. i wish i just had to courage to tell you all of this."
by the end of your rant, jisung has to wipe a few tears from his eyes, smiling sadly on the other end of the phone call, wanting to just pack his overnight bag and come to hold you, tell you that he misses you just as much, and scold you for keeping everything bottled up, like he always does.
he goes to check the time, 2:16 am it says, and he knows that he has to be up by 4am in any event, and he suddenly thanks literally everything for the sudden off day his boss gave them, because he knows for sure, after what you just confessed, he's going to surprise you. he hears some ruffling on the other side of the call, the sound of bedroom slippers hitting the tile floors, and a door opening and closing. he just hopes you're okay.
you, on the other hand, walks into your kitchen, quite starved after crying your heart out for what feels like all night, which in truth was about three hours. you flip the switch, your kitchen suddenly illuminated, and you put your hand in front of your eyes, the quick headache taking effect, and you blink repeatedly at the sudden light. you then smile, before going to your dishes, taking out your favorite bowl, and pouring some lucky charms to the brim of the bowl, before going in your refrigerator, and grabbing your milk, pouring it in as well, and grabbing a spoon.
you walk back towards the exit of the kitchen, towards the corridor that connected both the living room and the stairway in separate mazes together. suddenly flinching once you see the infamous moving camera, following you, and you roll your eyes. 'do they not need new batteries or something?' you thought to yourself, before walking upstairs to your room.
you look up at the camera on top of your vanity, and smile and tight lipped uncomfortable smile, before showing the big bowl of lucky charms and chuckling.
"cereal hits different at 2am after an emotional breakdown."
you say, chuckling once again, and happily eating your food, humming along to love again, as it plays inside your head, liking the way it sounds, and suddenly asking alexa to play it for you. it's not as loud as it would usually be, considering what time it is, and the fact that your neighbor just came back home from her long ass business trip (which you're lowkey suspicious of, because her boss came looking for her halfway through, saying if she didn't come in tomorrow then she'll be fired) and doesn't like k-pop for the life of her.
you rest your bowl by the foot of your bed, honestly too lazy to go back downstairs and place it back inside the sink. you then go to your phone, and open it, seeing as it was still on the book you were reading before jisung demanded for your attention, only to then fall asleep on you ten minutes later. you read until you notice the sun up, suddenly hearing my first and last playing around you. the doorbell ringing frequently, and you check the time.
9:48 am it reads, and you realize you read about 10 books in the span of seven hours. you shout that you'll be down in a minute and make sure jisung's hoodie is low enough, before placing your bedroom slippers back on and walking down the stairs, turning into the living room and left, towards the separate entryway (it's kind of a big ass house), opening the door, before tears blurred your vision, and you immediately scooped up from the floor, and spun around on your porch, inhaling the scent you missed for the past three months. quite happy that you were in jisung's embrace again.
you didn't question it one bit, in fact you didn't question anything, just told him to come inside and told alexa to play the song louder. coincidentally, it was Quiet Down, making both you and jisung laugh boisterously, before walking into the kitchen, and dancing to his songs, as you both made pancakes and gossiped about anything and everything, just like you missed and loved.
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Frosty Fear and the Fury of Flames (Dragonshifter! Shouto x Reader) Part 3
Part 2 ^
Hahaha, a part 3 for you??? It’s more likely than you’d think. This is actually kinda fun to write in parts, although it takes me a while. I have a few requests waiting to be answered still and that kinda bums me out still. Gonna be getting a lot more of Todoroki though. Haha… I like fire boys. Also, if you can’t tell. I really want to play dnd.
Tw: Yandere, Nightmares, Slight Gore
2.1k Words
“Bakugou, are you sure about this? I mean-” 
“Did I ask for your opinion, Shitty hair? Come on, get that damn wimp ready to go. We’re going to need to get out of here if we are going to get them away from that damn dragon.” The grimace on his face as deeper set than usual as you were forced to pack up with the others yet again.
They were going to abandon their mission, since there were other things they could do. That was what Bakugou told you at least, you had a feeling that none of the jobs in this tavern were worth half as much to the group as the one involving Shouto was. Still, you were grateful that they wanted you to stay and that you could be useful to them.
You couldn’t stop the sinking feeling though as you knew that getting farther away would be good, but also… They had to do something like give up the goal they had been working towards to assist you. 
The morning was still dark, no sun peaked on the horizon as the birds only just began singing their morning songs. The bags were packed and soon you were all ready to go by the time the sky began to lighten. You would be heading east and down the mountains a good ways until you got to the plains, travelling for about two weeks before stopping in another city called White Fields. Something was said about dangerous rock formations that would cause small landslides and magic folk you couldn't talk to. Not much rest would be allowed, wanting to get as far as possible from the mountains and desert. If luck was on their side, they would be out of reach by that point, since Shouto was still unable to travel that far from what you have learned. Something about territory disputes and bad blood.
That was the plan and you were praying to whatever would listen that it would work. 
"Are you ready, (Y/N)? We had better get going." Mina spoke from the doorway of the little room of the inn. Her face showed a bit of concerned and you realized you had been scratching a bit at your arm. You hurriedly covered the scratches and grabbed the sack with your more material belongings, the golden jewelry, things you had taken from the cave. Following her out to the boys, you all got moving as you walked out of town. 
The place where the sun rose was your destination. Going throughout the day. The further day the mountains, the darker the forests and the colder it was. It was a bit misty out with the morning still being new. The winter would hit quickly this year and you could tell. At least it would here. The cold air from last night seemed to be cradled here. Your arm hairs prickled as you all walked. 
It was as you pulled your arms closer to yourself that you heard Denki speaking, "Hey, you look… like you might want this." He pulled off the warm yellow cloak he had worn throughout the time you had seen him and offered to hand it to you.
"Oh- It's nothing. I'll be fine… The sun will warm me up soon enough. You know I'm not a princess though, so you probably shouldn't call me that." You said with a tiny fake smile. "I appreciate the offer though."
"Aw, maybe I shouldn't call you princess then. No princess holds a candle to you anyways! You have to be the product of some goddess of beauty." He laughed as you couldn't stop the heat rushing to your face, "Don't be so shy. I'm just teasing you. Though you do make a cute face when you're embarrassed. Still, you should take it. I'll be fine without it for a minute."
"Kaminari, I swear to all the gods that I will shove so many rocks into your mouth, if you don't stop flirting. You'll be shitting so many rocks that you could put it on a resume." Bakugo was throwing nonsense threats and this just resulted in some laughter as you had never heard a threat more ridiculous. It was like it was written by someone who didn't actually know how to properly threaten people or something. 
Ah yes. That is me. The narrator, who cannot narrate without getting sidetracked. Now, watching you and the group laugh… The tension of impending doom is nowhere to be found as you all walk the beginnings of the mountains' autumnal scenery. The yellow cloak draped on your shoulders as you continued and Denki at your side, chatting idly with you. His presence and the conversation taking the pressure of the situation away. It seemed he was an expert, being a bard. Something told you to be careful though. The stereotype with musicians and their unfaithfulness… 
There was more time to mull over the prospect later, but you also just found him so jolly. It was a real treat. Going through the day, nothing happened. It was painfully boring event-wise, tiring, but you made progress. You had begun to feel uneasy, despite Kaminari distracting. Something was lurking in the forests, in the trees. Everything seemed about as turned around for you as a spinning carnival mirror maze. 
Sero, Kiri, and Mina seemed to have had no problem as you were led by them. The group was much closer together now and the laughter began to cease. Night would come and the wish to leave these mountains was becoming louder within your head. It was eerie.
No one spoke much while the dark branches of nearly black barked pines hung above with their ruddy red leaves. The silver of the wood beneath was visibly upon some broken branches and on the stumps that you would sometimes pass on the thinning path. They looked unpleasantly rough to touch. Small barbs lining the branches and serving as more than a small warning to be careful around them. 
Soon the light would go, so Kiri found a spot around where some trees had fallen and sat up a fire for the night, while you picked up anything on the ground to make it less rocky. It was also handy for you to get more sticks for the fire. These trees burned infamously easy. A single mistake with a fire and it could go up in minutes, but it would burn for a long time. It was not usual for anyone to cut any down due to the inhabitants though and the consequences. You didn't know what they were and you weren't about to try to find out by harming the forest. 
Dinner was easy, still being able to have some good leftovers from the inn. You had to eat them all today, but it was still going to be fuel until the next time you went to eat fresh food, cooked by someone else at least.
Denki couldn't help lightening the mood as he pulled out his stringed instrument and started playing a lovely song… It was familiar, somehow. You struggled to think of what it was called, but you knew the words. It was peaceful and it definitely seemed to help Mina perk up again as she began talking with Sero. Bakugo seemed less irritable as he ate, the music must calm the beast. You couldn't help the smile that came on your face at that thought.
Singing along probably wouldn't keep him calm, but you oh so wanted to… It would be a little embarrassing, but others might join in.
So you did. It was time to have some fun.
You hummed along and started singing, 
"How much is love worth?
Yet, we're giving it for free.
Didn't cost a penny, but
I've gained everything.
I'd do anything to make her smile
My darling
My darling
If only she would look out
Of that dreamy little world
She would then see
That while I am no prince
And will make her crazier than me
I would never quit to admit I'm wrong
I'd always get on her nerves,
She would hate the way I eat
And only then it's worse.
I'd complain about her mother
Even though she's quite alright
I won't stop til I see her blush
Red in the dead of night.
An immoral proposition
If not only for a tease
But I have some qualities
that put her mind at ease.
I love her more than the sea does a shore
As the sun does the horizon,
Unafraid to come back home
And get her blood arising 
Kiss her face and hold her hand
I'll never let her go.
I'm lucky that she loves it
Where I'd be without it, who would know
That she likes to feel the spite
That even though I mess around
I'm in her bed tonight 
Of my darling,
My darling
My darling
Not doing as the birds and bees 
But holding on her hand,
Kissing at her face
And saying things for show
Her pretty crimson blush
Cause when I see it, then I know
That the hand life dealt
Was a royal flush."
Denki sang with you as the others watch, some la's and humming as you got up with a spin. The swirl of your dress and body as you sang out each part with more confidence. Mina laughed when you would dance and Kirishima was keeping the beat.
After a while, the singing stopped and soon the group started to settle in. 
Bakugo took first watch with Kirishima, Sero and Denki. Then Mina and you. Only because of practicality. It was to be in three hour shifts. It was when you laid down on your bed roll and cover yourself with a blanket you had been given. The night would be cold, but the fire was big enough to warm you as you sleep. As soon as you eyes closed, you were out. A day of travelling made you more than ready to sleep. It was a wonderful thing to sleep with good dreams, but you seemed to lack any dreams lately.
Not tonight.
You woke up in an ashen forest. Smoke choked life as blue flames rose in the distance. It snowed. You could hardly distinguish the ash from the snow until it would either burn you or melt on your skin. Getting up was impossible, the burning branch crushed your legs.
The acrid smell of burnt hair and smoke. It stung your eyes as you tried to tears away while coughing. You just couldn't stop coughing. "Please! Please! Denki?! Mina!" 
You were crying and struggling. The wood was too heavy and you could see the blood on the snow. You were bleeding heavily. It hurt. It hurt.
"Somebody help me! Please! I don't want to die." You couldn't stop the tears as you thrashed about. Soon you stopped though. A growl sounding above you. Blue eyes and blackened scales, injuries beyond counting.
El diablo azul. The shivering continued as you looked up, nothing short of full blown trembling as he snorted hot air over you and knocked the branch away. Draconic was spoken to you as you scrambled back from him. It was deep and grumbling, not hissing or growling like the words spoken by Endeavor or Shouto. 
"I don't under- understand. Thank you though…" You couldn't look away from those blue eyes as they seemed to glint with amusement before the great black wings beat against the air. Smoke and snow getting caught up as he was off again and soaring over the burning forest. Lying in the snow though, you wouldn't be able to get up. Maybe he wanted to give you a chance to survive. So you pulled yourself up and began to walk through the blizzard, blood oozing from your thigh and ash caked on your skin. You weren't going to make that help mean nothing.
Though, you were confident. You looked up to see something far worse than the fire ahead. Red and white scales. Shouto was coming for you. 
Blinking your eyes open as you were shaken awake. Sweat coated your body while you panted, "Stop- Stop! Please."
It was as you jolted up, you saw Denki looking with fear at you. His hands had been shaking you awake and scrambled away. Out of breath as you looked around frantically. "Shshshh, You need to be quiet. You're attracting too much attention. You were screaming in your sleep. What in the world were you dreaming about…?"
"Nothing, it was nothing, Denki… Just a bad dream. I um, I'll take the rest of your shift if you want to go back to sleep. I don't think I can…" You murmurred. 
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
Birth of an Heir... Part Two
Book: The Royal Heir
Liam x Riley
Part one
A/N: Turned into another total fluff piece, I'm becoming a softy 😕. I had one of my kids choose the baby's name of the ones given in the comments and @kingliam2019 was the winner.
Warning: Drake Walker has a potty mouth and will use profanity in the chapter, but, he's still lovable marshmallow all the same.
These characters belong to Pixelberry.
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Birth of an Heir Part 2
Riley stands at the window of her third floor hospital room, observant of the overflowing press crowded below. It had been several hours since the birth of her son and well past midnight. Exhaustion had reached it's peak, yet, adrenaline and a newborn would keep her awake. Another news crew ascends into the mass influx of cameras, sateliites and curious, Cordonian bystanders. "Do they ever sleep?", she asks with astonishment, however, her question is met with silence. She turns, and instantly her heart melts from a simple, yet, poignant sight.
"You are hopeless, you know that right?", she says with a gentle smile.
Liam is sitting in a rocking chair,  holding his first born child, whom seems to fit perfectly, like a small package in his arms. His thumb grazing the soft cheeks and his eyes focused,  contently, on what he considers the second best thing to enter his life. With heavy eyes, he searches and memorizes every single line and detail, and takes to heart, every sound and breath this tiny creature makes. He is afraid to fall asleep, he cannot fathom for one moment the seperation that comes with it. This baby already has his father under a spell that is similar to the way his mother does.
Riley walks closer to him, still slowed by soreness and tenderness with each step. She shakes her head and playfully rolls her eyes, "Liam, did you hear what I said?"
He looks up to her, "I'm sorry dear, did you need something?".
She bites her bottom lip before lightly rubbing her hand up and down his arm, "I said you're hopeless....you know I have to hold him more than just when feeding him, right?".
Liam nods his head and speaks with a teasing whisper, "We'll see about that", as he gives her a quick wink.
Riley sighs, "yep.....hopeless", then leans in to a soft kiss.
She removes her robe, kicks off her slippers, then lowers herself steadily onto her hospital bed. After pulling the sheet over her tired and worn body, out of habit, she rolls to her left side. Riley wants to drift off, but, the events of the day are flourishing in her thoughts. Suddenly, like a vision of sorts, one that is always present in her mind, a familiar story begins to play......
A flash of bright blue that meets her soft brown. An instant spark, a physical attraction, a moment when two lost souls find one another. A beginning.
"Sorry I'm late. Thank you for your patience, Miss...?"
The first time the heat of his lips devoured hers after an impromtu private tour of the Statue of Liberty.
"You're full of surprises aren't you?"
"I try"
"I'm glad to have met you Riley, I'll never forget this night".
A chance of a lifetime, when fate opened a door and offered her an opportunity.
"You want to sponsor me? Why?".
"I'm not doing it just for you, I saw how Liam looked at you last night. I've never seen him so happy...".
The first time he swept her off her feet, literally....the moment her heart felt more than just an attraction, but, the start of a love affair. A waltz to remember.
"I dont....I'm not sure I know the steps."
"Just follow my lead".
Like something out of a fairy tale, darkness surrounded by small, white lights and the shimmer of the moon. Closed off from the rest of the world, it would become a place where memories are made.
"We made it....the center of the maze..and I do believe I won".
"How do you figure that?".
"Easy, I'm on top".
"Hard to argue with that".
"Then don't"
"Something about you...it just feels...right to be around you".
"Liam, I feel the same way".
An exhilerating jump, involving total trust in one another.
"It's said that if two lovers climb to the top of the waterfall and jump in together, they'll get the blessings of the water".
A warm, spring day, filled with pink blossoms and the aroma of freshly baked pies. When she became a queen for the first time and the apple of his eye.
"Meeting you in New York was one of the best things that ever happened to me. You changed my life".
A country soiree, a swing decorated with flowers. He was giddy, playful and childlike.
"...I want you to know, I can't wait for the coronation".
"I can't wait either".
The simple, yet, perfect candlelit dinner, when he opened up to her and shared his biggest dream.
"Maybe this is sentimental, but, its been on my mind lately.....What I really want is to have a family...and not the type most kings have, but, one where we're close and listen to each other....".
The night the stars glistened in the sky above her, three words that rained down and changed everything. A merging of pleasure and senses like never before. The most beautiful , endearing intertwining of bodies and demonstration of devotion ever.
"I've never said this before, but, its more true than my own name. Which is all to say...Riley...I love you".
"Liam, I've been madly in love with you since the day we met...".
"I love you and I want you".
"Then take me, Liam".
And after a period of turmoil, secrecy , and undeserved scrutiny, when she realized air doesn't exist without Liam....she doesn't exist without Liam....they came full circle.
"Riley...all that I want in this life is to dedicate my life to being the best man and king that I can be...for you...Lady Riley Brooks, queen of my heart, I have yearned to say these four words for a very, very long time...Will you marry me?".
"Yes...a thousand times...yes".
When happily ever after truly began....
"I promise to love you, honor you and cherish you. To support you, fight for you and inspire you....as you have always done for me....No matter what the future holds for us, I know that together is where we're meant to be".
A warmth overcomes her body and the corner of her lips curl. She opens her eyes again and peaks once more at the two most sacred things in her life. One is her soulmate, her king, her love; the other is their finest masterpiece.
A faint cry echo's through the calmness of the darkened room. Liam gently lifts the baby to his chest, its head nuzzled securely into his neck. He places one hand on its bottom and the other lightly presses soft chubby cheeks closer to him. He leans forward, planting a lingering kiss through a blue cap, covering fine, peach fuzz hairs. Liam senses her stare and glances up. A faint smile emerges, that not a human in Cordonia could wipe away. With a low, raspy voice, he utters, "I love you".
Those words always send a chill down her spine, however, the emotion and pride in his voice this time, causes her to shed a tear, "I love you, too".
Her body gives way to sleep, assured that her two boys will keep one another company until she wakes.
Eyes slowly flutter open and Riley recognizes the presence of early dawn's light. She lifts her stiffened neck to see Liam laying in a small bed near the window; when you're the King, the hospital ensures you continue to sleep like royalty. Next to his bed, he had slid the baby's cot next to him.
She rubbed her eyes, trying to fully awaken. After getting out of her bed, she slips her shoes back on and treks to her infants side. Liam actually fell asleep with his hand in the cot, so Riley picks it up and moves it, placing it on his chest, -Hopeless.
She then lifts her wiggling bundle up and carries him back to her bed.
Lowering her gown down, the baby latches on after a few tries, suckling with tiny fingers gripped to her breast.
Riley watches in awe and amazement, as the most precious bond in the world takes shape. His little eyes twinkle and he is full of energy. She chuckles at his arm movements and how he seems to be devouring his breakfast.
She smiles at him, then tilts her head; she couldn't tell last night, but, relishes in the fact that he definately looks every bit like her husband.
There is a tap at the door and Riley gives permission for them to enter. The first thing she sees is a cascade of balloons and a large stuffed teddy bear, followed by the always gleeful, Maxwell. Trailing behind him, a seemingly recovered Hana, and weary eyed, Drake.
Once Hana slaps a few balloons from her face, she makes her way over to Riley's bedside. "Oh my goodness...Riles, he's so small and handsome".
After Drake gets caught up in the balloons as well and Maxwell runs into him a few times with the stuffed bear, he gets another glance at his namesake. Realizing she is breastfeeding, his face begins to blush, he stammers and fidgets. "Um...um...yeah...I'm just going to...um...look at this wall...that's some fine craftsmanship...this wall". He starts knocking on the wall as if he is checking the quality of its structure.
Maxwell laughs, "Augh, come on Drake, its just boobies....besides, the kids head is blocking the good stuff."
Hana and Riley look at each other, both chuckling at the two men.
Riley notices that Bertrand was not with them and asks Maxwell if he plans to visit.
Maxwell and Hana look at each other and snorted out in laughter.
Confused, "What's so funny guys...what am I missing?", she asks.
Drake still facing the wall, himself amused by the answer to her question, can't help but chime in, "Let just say, ol' Bertrand....", he starts laughing again, "Bertrand....". Drake can"t get the words out before he starts snickering even harder.
Annoyed by all the laughing, Riley threatens to kick all of them out unless they tell her what is so funny.
All three make attempts, however, are still struggling; they have tears running down their cheeks and faces that are bright red.
"That's it...out", Riley finally tells them.
Drake is able to compose himself, taking in deep breaths, "Okay, so...last night at the shower...everyone got...well..got sick from Maxwell's fucking punch as you know", he continues with some difficulty in spitting the words out.
Maxwell wipes a tear from his eye, "Let's just say, Bertrand had to call someone about the mess Madeleine made off the balcony last night".
Riley's grimaces, "Okay. I don't even want to know".
Hana asks if the baby has a name yet.
She looks down at her son, who has finished his feeding and covers herself back up. Riley adjusts the baby into a more comfortable position and looks up with a smile. "I would like to introduce you to the new Crown Prince of Cordonia...Nikolas Drake Beaumont Lee".
All three are touched as she explains how important each one of them are to her and Liam, and hopes the baby carries a little pieces of his namessake. After a short visit, her friends leave, Maxwell promising to return later with junk food and booze.
Shortly after, Liam stirs, surprised she didn't wake him up.
He shuffles to her bedside, kissing her tenderly. Liam searches her eyes, cupping her cheek, "I just want you to know, you are the most incredible woman I have ever met. You have always amazed me, but, I will never be able to thank you enough for making all of my dreams come true".
He has a way with words, always has, she thinks to herself. She gets a mischievous smile, "I know a way that you can start thanking me".
He raises an eyebrow, intriqued, "Anything for my queen".
She lifts the baby up and gently places him in Liam's loving arms, "He needs a diaper change".
@ao719 @carabeth @emceesynonymroll @romanticatheart-posts @kimmiedoo5 @ladyangel70 @polishchoicesfan @zorjasblog @burnsoslow
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