#you're definitely going to finish teen wolf before me i haven't watched since the nightmare internship and the freaky episode
allsassnoclass · 3 years
hey hey hey hello!!!! i just finished teen wolf season 1 and ooohohooooohohohohho boy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway that's not even why i'm here. QUESTIONS: 12, 13, 22, 49, 50. love you xoxo bella
@clumsyclifford hi bella!!! i'm glad you're enjoying teen wolf so enthusiastically!!!!
12. How do you deal with self-doubts? I get upset and frustrated and then grit my teeth and push through. I don't really get writing self-doubts unless it's about my writing speed. like i have a very healthy self-esteem when it comes to my writing and any doubts that i do have instead make me mad and I keep working out of spite
13. How do you deal with writers block? historically? not well lol. i'm kind of in a writer's block era right now (kind of not. it's super weird. i don't know what the issue is and i'm really upset about it) but if a specific fic is giving me issues I switch projects (i have so many). if it's more general and the writer's block has been going on for a few days, I sit down and try to write 100 words of anything, then keep repeating that as many days as I need to.
22. How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied and a project is ultimately done for you? it depends! I don't make separate drafts for things, I just edit the same document. for askbox prompts I give it one quick reread then post. for ao3 fics i'll edit anywhere between one or four times, usually. I don't have the patience to do more and I'm not willing to make huge plot changes most of the time so it's just little sentence structure and writing style things usually.
49. What do you find the hardest to write in a story, the beginning, the middle or the end? i would say middle is typically easiest! the ending sentence is a source of grief for me a lot and if I don't know how to start the story i simply don't start it until I know. if pressed I would say ending is probably hardest
50. Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had. oh lol let me check my doc. i feel like my weirdest story idea is probably not one that i wrote down and therefore have forgotten, but let's see. i feel like my ideas aren't that weird so much as the pairing it's for is weird? like. i have a soulmate au for roylum that takes place on the bali trip, and i'm sure there are people who think roylum in general is weird. i have a lazy morning fic for a really random ot3 that no one else is writing. it's not like i'm out here making them bees (said very affectionately) i just don't have that kind of creativity. all of my ideas that are written on the doc aren't very weird
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