#you're all wealthy and regularly travel all over the country
wednesdaythesecond · 4 months
i'm so pro abortion that i once wrote about Mikey having an abortion AND a miscarriage in two alternate timelines
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jack-o-cel · 3 years
I would like to officially introduce one of my OC's that live rent-free in my brain. He's a Resident Evil 8 OC. Even tho he's a fandom OC, he means a lot to me and has grown on me a lot. He's special to me :]
Also please spare me, Resi 8 is my first game in the Resident Evil series.
Forester Vein
Nickname: Ester
Biological Age: 138
Age Appearance: Early 20s
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay Demisexual
Place of birth: Norway
Occupation: Miranda's right-hand man. He essentially does her bidding and only takes orders from her. He also has power over the lords but is usually tasked with helping them. Besides that, he's a Botanist.
Family: Both his parents are dead. All he has is his little brother Foxglove, who looks around 7 years old.
Appearance: Forester is about 5'9". He's a twig. He's pretty pale with long white hair (It was originally brown before being implanted with his Cadou). He has light blue faded sharp eyes. He has sharp teeth (an effect of his Cadou). He also wears glasses.
When carrying out his duties for Miranda he wears a white tailcoat with gold accents, a black and white striped vest, a black dress shirt, a white and gold cross tie, black slacks, and black dress shoes with gold accents.
On his own time, he wears a white t-shirt, a beige knitted jacket, black sweatpants, and socks with sandals.
Personality: On duty, he's in what I affectionately call, customer service mode. He's very formal and helpful. He'll hold his tongue. He's Miranda's most loyal servant and does his very best to meet her expectations. On his own time, however, he more casual and sassy. He speaks his mind. Oh, and he hates Miranda with every fiber of his being (which is a lot :3).
In general, he's manipulative, obsessive, and smug. But also caring to those he loves. Would go above and beyond for them. He's a pretty serious and quiet person. Only when he's alone or with his little brother does his playful and goofy side come out. Despite his usual serious attitude, he's very expressive. His most common expression is a mocking smile.
He's very clumsy, especially when thinking about his obsession, whoever that may be. He's borderline yandere (His yandere behavior is a combination of Yuno from Future Diary, and Tsukiyama from Tokyo Ghoul).
Powers/Abilities: Enhanced strength, and regeneration.
Forester can control large thick vines (which look like large tendrils) and all plant life. He can release special pollen that allows him to control plant life (similar to Donna). The vines are different tho. He can control them without his pollen. To understand why first you have to understand how Ester's body works.
His body underneath his skin is made of vines. He also can easily regrow his limbs and regenerate his skin and hair. His vines are an extension of himself. Although his body is his main body, it isn't his core. His core is located underground surrounded by vines and impossible to get to. Vines from the core spread across the village underground. Forester can only go a few miles away from the edge of the underground vines.
The only time his core would be possible to access is when Forester transforms. His transformed state is a 50-foot tall behemoth made of vines. In this state, he's stuck where he transformed. The core is moved to just below the neck area of the vine monster. Fighting Forester is suicide in most cases. He attacks with huge vine tendrils from his arms and the base of the beast. He doesn't tire and his vines regenerate.
There are only two ways to beat him. The first way would involve killing him. You would need large amounts of fire-spreading explosives to slow him down. It makes getting to his core easier, you'll still be getting attacked tho. You'll need to be able to fly (or just about anything that's not climbing) to his core, climbing would take too long. You'll need to plant explosives where the core is sealed away. Once opened, jump in as fast as you can, the vines will close shut rather quickly.
The core is a large amber sphere. it's soft and gooey when touched gently, but if you were to attack it, it would harden. Inside the core is the shape of a man in the form of vines. That's where Forester's brain and Cadou is. Destroying that kills him.
The second method requires cooperation with Forester's brother, Foxglove. This method is to non-lethally beat him. In this method you cant use explosives, Fox won't agree to help you otherwise. You'll need a team to pull this off. You need someone, or a group, to distract the majority of the vines. You'll need a way to get to the core and something strong enough to pry open the vines long enough for Foxglove to enter where he'll take care of the rest. This method saves Forester, but kills Foxglove.
His Area: Just like the four lords he has his own area. You'll need the six-winged unborn vine key to unlock the gate that leads to his garden lab. The lab is outside with a greenhouse nearby. It's a small area. Most, if not all, would miss the entrance to his underground lair.
The underground area is seven floors down with an arena to the right of all the floors. You can peek inside the arena through 5 of the sub levels. sublevel 1 is above the arena, while level 7 is where the entrance to the arena is. The arena's ceiling is about 60 feet tall. It's used for testing Miranda's experiments abilities among other things. Forester uses it to test and train his own abilities (which is why the ceiling is so high :3).
From the main entrance to the bottom level is a spiral staircase. Each sublevel has a floor gate on the steps with a unique lock. To continue you have to find the key somewhere in the sublevel. Each level has its own tactics and enemies. They're all based on the five senses. Also, before entering you will be disarmed, one way or another.
Sublevel 1 - normal. There's an elevator on this floor locked behind a door that requires the vine key, that only Forester, and his little brother (who i'll talk about later in the post) have. The elevator goes to each level by going through hallways behind the arena walls.
Sublevel 2 - enemies that rely on sight. It'll be essentially hide and sneak kinda gameplay. If you get spotted you have to run out of sight and into a hiding place. You cant be seen going into a hiding spot.
Sublevel 3 - enemies that rely on hearing. You have to explore as quietly as possible. If a chase scene happens you have to hide in a special safe room.
Sublevel 4 - enemies that rely on smell. You'll have to regularly step into ponds that have a special substance inside that masks your scent into smelling like the enemy. But you can't get too close to the enemies there. They'll be able to identify you if you're too close. There are special rooms filled with an overwhelming amount of scents that the enemies wont enter.
Sublevel 5 - the enemies there rely on touch. They have long arms and hands that sweep across the floors. All you gotta do is avoid them. Harder said than done tho. The enemies can sense vibrations =). Dont move too erratically. Simple fast movements are best. Since they're rather big, they cant fit inside some rooms.
Sublevel 6 - The enemies here rely on taste. The key in this level is at the end of a large room that's packed with enemies with long tongues. They interact with their tongues. If they taste a human they'll attack. You have to explore the rest of the level for a vine suit to disguise as one of them. A few enemies roam outside the crowded room tho. They whip their tongues around them. It's a pretty wide radius, but it's not fast. To get past them you gave to see the whip pattern. There are no safe rooms or hide spots, besides the merchant room, in this level.
Sublevel 7 - All the above (with Forester roaming around as a treat =3)~
Arena - Boss Battle =))))))
Story: Forester was born in one of the poorest areas in Norway. His parents barely had enough to feed him, and themselves. When Ester was 10 he found a job at a garden owned by an old wealthy woman. To get the job he had to pretend to be rich. He did a lot of stalking to learn the behavior of rich kids his age; he got very good and stalking and slipping on a mask. He also stole clothes and food to look the part. The old lady was none the wiser. For 6 years she believed in his carefully constructed lie.
The old lady happened to have no living relatives, with no one else to give her wealth and belongings to, she gave it all to Forester when she died; He was 16. With his newly acquired wealth, he gave his family a comfortable home, with everything they could need and want.
Forester had always wanted to attend school, but could never afford or have time for it. Now that he could, he immediately enrolled. It was incredibly difficult. He was somewhat educated, he'd stolen books in the past and taught himself, but he was still incredibly behind. Regardless he tried his best and spent countless nights up studying. Eventually, he was able to do more than catch up, but surpass many of his peers.
After graduation, he went to college out of his country where he majored in botany and aimed for a PhD. He met Miranda in college. They had a few similar classes and got along well. Eventually, they became close friends.
After graduating from college they both went out to do their own thing, but kept in touch and traveled often together. Eventually, Forester decided to work as her assistant and learn from her.
In his early 30s, he took in his little brother, Foxglove, after their parents died. Foxglove was around a year or two years old at the time. While raising his brother, Forester felt a void in him filled. He had someone to love and take care of. Someone he could trust and love unconditionally. Both Foxglove and Eva got along well and played often together.
When Eva died, Forester was there to support his closest most trusted friend. When Miranda found the megamycete she went to her friend and explained what happened and her new plan. Forester, although wary, supported her in any way he could. He refused to go near the megamycete tho.
When he got close to it, Miranda pushed him into it. The megamycete grabbed Forester with tendrils and seemed to absorb him into it.
A few months after Eva died. Foxglove wandered into the forest nearby and found beautiful flowers. Ones that shared his name. Curious the boy ate a few of the flowers. Not too long afterward he came to his brother as fast as he could. He felt sick. Very sick. Fox explained what happened to Forester. Panicked he quickly tried his best to make a remedy, a cure, anything with what he had. But with no time or sufficient supplies on hand, Foxglove died in his arms.
It broke Forester. The void from before returned, larger than before. He desperately turned to Miranda for help. Miranda smiled, with something malicious behind her smile, and told him to go to the megamycete.
Inside the megamycete was an indescribable experience. While inside Ester could feel his body painfully changing. It also awoke something hiding deep in his mind. Something he was forced to forget. Miranda had been brainwashing him for years as an experiment in creating a truly loyal servant. He could feel his anger overwhelm him. He thought they were friends. He thought he could trust her. She knows things about him that he never said out loud before. He was hurt, betrayed, and pissed. Forester was determined to confront her, make her pay.
With his mind quieter, Forester remembered his brother. He found Miranda and approached her carefully and asked where his brother is. Miranda took him to an unmarked grave in the forest. He broke down. Miranda interrupted him, and asked him what he was going to do. Was he going to continue to wallow in despair or try to bring Foxglove back?
He clawed his way out of the megamycete. He felt heavy, but he continued. Eventually, he broke through after weeks of being trapped. With him a giant sphere like object covered in vines emerged. Upon inspecting it, he quickly realized what it was. He could believe what he saw. He had to hide it, and fast. He had looked down and had an idea.
He felt a newfound power within him, and with it, he sent his core deep underground where its vines would grow and spread. With his core safe he confronted Miranda. She initially tried to kill him, but found the effort futile. Instead, she spoke a series of words. Forester blacked out.
When he awoke he was sitting in a chair in Miranda's lab. Miranda was nowhere in sight. Desperate to find answers he returned to the megamycete. Touching it revealed the truth. When he blacked out, he was still awake, but he wasn't himself. He saw as he answered every question Miranda asked and did exactly as he was told. He calmed his growing anger and thought carefully. He needed a plan to bypass her brainwash effect.
Soon he began working on his lab and lair. He worked tirelessly on ways to bring back his brother. After years of research and testing, he was able to make an exact copy made of foxglove flowers. Forester not caring that what he created was a copy, embraced the boy and accepted him. Ester explained to the new Foxglove who he was.
Forester was content. He had his brother back. Still, the void remained. Regardless he could now focus on getting rid of Miranda. By then he had learned how to pass messages and take notes unconsciously. He informed his brother about his situation.
As the years passed, Foxglove stayed physically the same, but his mind grew.
Eventually, during the time that Heisenberg began preparing his army, Forester had Fox give him a letter explaining everything he knew. In secret, the two conspired against Miranda.
Currently: So Forester was created for an rp with one of my closest friends (@plague-doctorz). So what happened with Forester is that a war had started with three forces. Heisenberg's army, William's (Plagues' OC) army, Miranda's one-man brainwashed army, Forester. Will provoked Forester into transforming, according to Foxglove's plan. After dealing with many attack from Forester, the pair, with Lady Dimitrescu's help, formed a plan.
William acted as the distraction. With most of the vines focused on him, Alcina, transformed, swooped in through the middle, while dealing with stray vines, and brought Fox to where the core is. She pryed open the vines. Foxglove stepped inside and forced Alcina to let go. The vines shut closed. Inside Fox opened up the amber easily. Even in a brainwashed state, Forester trusted his brother no matter what.
Foxglove began flaking into leaves and flowers and flew into the crevices of the vines that made up Forester. He was able to snap Ester back to his senses at the cost of his life.
Forester had lost consciousness, and when he awoke, Miranda was already dead. He felt even emptier than before. The hole in his heart got wider when he found out what happened.
Right now, a few months later, Forester is at a state where he's on the brink of snapping. What he needs is closure, and something to fill the void in his heart. But can he have both? Will he even get either?
So this is Forester! Please send me any questions and stuff if youre interested. I love to talk about him! Seriously, he lives rent free in my head.
Oh also, here's a picrew of him while I'm still working on his sketches~
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His hair down too, cause im a simp,,,
Also here's Foxglove!
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Also here's the link to a playlist on spotify based on Forester: here
one last thing
👉👈 @roxyourworld look what i did~
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living-with-abhi · 3 years
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Countries to travel who have a lower currency value than India?
Read more here - https://www.livingwithabhi.com/post/countries-to-travel-who-have-a-lower-currency-value-than-india
Get Ready to Know!
Vacationers from across the world are seen going from all over, wanting to investigate and absorb the astounding excellence of each district. Every nation shows up with its way of life, identity, attractions, and unmistakable air, inside and out.
However, what stays a fairly significant calculative factor with regards to representing ventures, stays the money worth of your country to another. This is without a doubt a fundamental and essential piece of your movement and should be given the consideration it is expected.
That's why, Voyaging abroad can be very substantial on the pocket.
With regards to a new culture or the sheer rush that encompasses an entirely different country, one can't resist the urge to appreciate every second that cruises by. Regardless of whether it's some quality time went through with local people around there, or perhaps investigating the spot by walking – each little action paves the way to a memory you'll think back forever.
Whether or not an excursion to an outside nation is on your list of must-dos or not, it would be generally useful for you to keep yourself refreshed on the nations that offer lower money esteem than the Indian rupee. Thus, it's imperative to keep a record of the nations that have lower money esteem than the Indian Rupee. Numerous a time, travelers end up in a problem, inferable from the way that they haven't as expected represented the cash an unfamiliar outing may set them back.
The overall insight that Indians have stays that, a get-away abroad have had the chance to be a costly undertaking taking shape. Even though the above assertion might be completely emotional and not exactly evident, a lot of trust around it – exclusively lies in the absence of appropriate lower money esteem on the lookout.
Yet, there are a few nations with monetary standards lower than the Indian rupee, which essentially implies you can visit the country without thinking often a lot about your bank balance.
Countries with Lower Currency Value than the Indian Rupees
1. Algeria
The African nation of 'Algeria,' effectively best our arrangements of nations that have lower cash esteem than the Indian rupee. Sightseers are regularly willfully ignorant of the way that 'Algeria,' is the biggest country in Africa and is the most appealing of the parcel, also. The whole district is known for its sheer appeal and Moxy, which has stunned an incredible number of travelers.
Situated in the midsts of the absolute most delightful coastlines you'll discover in the African mainland, 'Algeria,' is heavenly excellence in itself. The whole is wealthy in the normal magnificence that goes with it and has been a remarkable district, from days of yore.
With regards to the ideal summit of Roman culture, with the perfect mix of country and metropolitan urban communities – 'Algeria,' must be the royal residence for you. With regards to the nations that have lower money esteem than the Indian Rupee, Algeria most unquestionably is one to be thought of and taken note of.
For those of you considering what the money worth of the locale could simply be – well it's around 'One Indian Rupee equalling 1.63 Algerian Dollars. This, thus, offers sightseers the chance to appreciate an extraordinary get-away at about a large portion of the sum, that they'll spend in their own country.
2. Vietnam
For those of you who might adore some delightful and flavorsome food, combined for certain rich and tasty fixings – 'Vietnam,' must be the castle for you. There isn't anything that can completely depict the sense of taste of the Vietnamese food and the unmistakable explosion of flavors that it carries alongside it.
The whole district of 'Vietnam,' is supposed to be loaded with certain marvelous sights and lavish green scenes that vacationers make certain to cherish. The spot offers vacationers a chance to investigate an entirely different country, at nearly relative expenses.
In case you're a fanatic of the acclaimed 'Spielberg films,' all things considered, you've come to the perfect spot. Vietnam gives travelers the vibe and energies of any of the Spielberg films that one can consider.
Vietnam offers travelers with some incredible incentive for cash, as one Indian Rupee equivalents to around 334 Vietnamese Dongs. To place that in straightforward terms, sightseers can appreciate a whole day loaded with attractions at just around one Indian Rupee. An exceptional get-away is the thing that anticipates you, with a consolidation spend of only a couple bucks.
3. Indonesia
Indonesia is quite possibly the most lovely place vacationers can advance towards, at the restricted expense. The whole nation is incorporated with around a large number of incredibly wonderful islands, that make certain to blow your mind. The islands of Java, Bali, and even Sumatra; offer travelers heaven in itself and a get-away that they will genuinely love for a lifetime.
The best things about the nation attributable to the cash worth of the Indonesian Rupiah, in contrast with the Indian Rupee. The computation figures that around one Indian Rupee represents around 197 Indonesian Rupiah.
This implies that travelers can appreciate a get-away, with a cash pace of right around multiple times. This, thusly, makes Indonesia one of the nations that have lower money esteem than the Indian Rupee.
This unfathomable incentive for cash offers sightseers a chance to shop their hearts out and reclaim with them – some astounding trees. Regardless of whether it's a restoration spa meeting, a charming day by the seashore, or a day loaded with plenty of attractions; Indonesia makes for an incredible spot to top your list of must-dos. The nightfall sees in the nation must be one more sole justification for you to advance towards this unimaginable land.
4. Paraguay
With regards to the lower money worth of nations, 'Paraguay,' is a somewhat fascinating country on the rundowns. In case you're an experienced aficionado and would cherish all things 'Experience,' the district of Paraguay is loaded with all that you will adore.
What beats out all competitors, in any case, is the surmised worth of the Paraguayan Guarani to the Indian Rupee. The figures add up to the way that around one Indian Rupee rises to 83.31 Paraguayan Guarani's. This makes for an extraordinary possibility for travelers, to wander out on an incredible exhibit of experience exercises and not puncture their wallets.
So in case you're searching for some astonishing and keen approaches to encounter the smartest possible solution, this could simply be it.
5. Cambodia
A spot that has an aroma of history engraved in its every bend and turn, a spot that is revered by history buffs for quite a long time. With loads of verifiable places and ruins and remains of some extinct civilization, the spot pulls in vacationers who are intense to know the untold stories. Cambodia is brimming with woods and concealed regions covering just about 33% of the land region.
In Cambodia, you can go for investigating the lost progress, the urban areas, and structures. Along these lines, history darlings simply gather your sacks and prepare your passes to Cambodia. The money proportion is additionally on your side with 1 Rupee = 61.29 Cambodian Riels thus, you can have some good times at a lot less expensive rates.
Somewhere else, where history fans can go through the pages of times passed by is Mongolia. With an ideal mix of experience and history, you can have an extraordinary taste of culture with fun. You can get a brief look at the way of life of migrant individuals and see what is the issue here. You can likewise entertain yourself with heaps of other invigorating exercises. Other than that, you can likewise take part in stunning culinary enjoyments.
The cash distinction of two nations makes your excursions an extraordinary agreement as you get your appreciate administrations multiple times less expensive, with one Indian rupee approaching 33 Mongolian Tugriks. Isn't it an ideal occasion spot, so folks what you are hanging tight for? Go have a ton of fun with a sample of history.
7. Costa Rica
Costa Rica is a spot marked for its rich bio-variety, its verdure, and fauna. You not just will appreciate an ideal normal magnificence yet you likewise get it at inconceivably cheap terms with 1 Indian Rupee approaching 8 Costa Rican Colons.
You can enter the universe of the film Jurassic park which was shot in this lovely district. The climate is brimming with greenery and tidiness. If you are one individual who adores seeing green fields and nightfalls then you are most likely going to appreciate a retreat to Costa Rica.
How to reach: Fly from New Delhi to Costa Rica at fares starting from INR 62,592.
8. Hungary
Close to come is the Hungarian country, the spot that is known for its compositional excellence. With old structures and palaces giving an awesome trip into history, you can see the value in history and Hungarian culture all the while. This is the solitary European country where you get incredible incentives for your cash. The spot is wealthy in characteristic magnificence with various common stops and saves adding to its excellence.
You ought to consider visiting Budapest without a doubt where you can appreciate the astounding perspective on the stream Danube and invest some quality energy with an uncommon somebody. The money proportion is very acceptable with 1 Rupee approaching 4.12 Hungarian Forints.
The most effective method to reach: Catch a trip to Budapest Airport from New Delhi at INR 19,771.
9. Iceland
This nation invites you to the mid of rich green summers and Northern lights where you can invest some real engaging energy in heart of the Nordic country. You can appreciate the common magnificence just as the chronicled landmarks and have some good times trip with your friends and family.
The value contrast is most likely not much when contrasted with different nations but rather you can in any case save a buck or two with one Indian Rupee approaching 1.72 Icelandic Krona.
Step-by-step instructions to reach: Catch a trip to the closest air terminal in Iceland from New Delhi at INR 24,577.
10. Zimbawe
Any safari darlings out there? Am I hearing a major yes? If along these lines, folks gather your packs for this African country where you can get an ideal taste of African Serengeti.
Zimbabwe is a shocking spot to visit if you love seeing the natural variety, be it greenery or fauna. The sublime seashores and the pleasant magnificence make the spot an ideal traveler objective.
The country is known for its rich culture both as far as variety and history. It is additionally an engaging decision for couples looking for some quality time together. The money proportion for Zimbabwe is 1 Rupee = 5.40 Zimbabwe Dollar.
The most effective method to reach: Catch a trip to Harare from New Delhi for INR 32,284.
The adventure of visiting another country, the fervor of knowing their way of life, the joy of investing energy with local people, all that amounts to a get-away worth thinking back for quite a long time!
Imagine a scenario where you are told that the Indian rupee isn't that low as you might suspect, it is, indeed, higher than the cash of a few Beautiful nations. There are a few outlandish nations and spots where you can appreciate like a ruler with Indian money in your pocket. You can live your worldwide vacay dream without perspiring heaps of cash.
The lower money esteem in the area genuinely clears the route for a universe of obscure investigations. So what's preventing you from venturing out? Book your fantasy excursion today!
Pack your bags, prepare your Passport and get on a ride to those nations where you can have reviving occasions without burning a hole in your pocket.
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