#you'll say i'm arguing semantics but darlings so are you
emily84 · 9 months
the way some people on here are defending Palestine by completely rewriting what happened on oct 7th is mindboggling. you can deny it but i've seen your narrative go from "let's cheer for the resistance" very quickly to "you cannot sanitize a revolution, decades of oppression will inevitably breed violence" when the videos came out, to very smoothly "oh all those videos were fake the deaths were all caused by israel actually, hamas did nothing wrong" to today's "the attack were a fever dream concocted by israel" or "well that doesn't matter anyway it's in the past" is fucking pitiful to watch.
you think the revolution cannot be peaceful. okay. then you don't need to blatantly lie, overlook, or minimize what happened on october 7th. it literally doesn't matter that you think palestinians have suffered and continue to suffer a lot more. those two things are true at the same time.
this isn't a "my side is more moral / my side is spotless and just and righteous" thing where the more righteous side gets purity points for their struggle. especially because you're literally using the language israel is using in their deranged public tweets.
just say free palestine and argue your point without fucking altering the truth. free palestine is already a sentence; calling for a ceasefire and whatever future state solution/s you have in mind are already the fucking point. calling out isreal's war crimes is already the point.
you don't need to "well, actually" it for it to be, what, more digestible?? if israel's war crimes are already very real and documented and have been for decades, and they very much fucking are, then you don't need to season that with shitty conspiracist lies
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