#you'd think companies wouldn't be so fucking dumb but they don't think about anything but profit
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iam-the-wild · 3 months ago
AI images have such an uncanny feeling to it that I can't explain. There's nothing truly off with most of the images, they can look pretty fine and normal at times but there's still that feeling of it being off. It's like a whole body feeling to be alert because something's wrong, regardless of the context of the images. I have never had the experience of uncanny valley feeling before AI
#art#I feel tempted to study them to see if that feeling can be recreated by making art naturally#God knows I can find more than enough on Tumblr#i dont want to promote ai art i just want to see if i can figure out why its always off#also this isnt a foolproof way of determining whether somethings AI or not#ive just accepted that i will be fooled by AI sometimes no matter how hard i check#im so tired of AI#i looked at computers recently and it has AI built in#how is that not a privacy violation??????#yeah just monitor everything i ever do on my computer that sounds safe and secure!#i miss ai at the beginning when it just showed fucked up images of a computer misunderstanding the world#i dont think id ever feel comfortable using it until data centers figure out how to use less water#there are ways to make data centers more efficient#putting them in the middle of a hot desert is not the way to do that#you'd think companies wouldn't be so fucking dumb but they don't think about anything but profit#i think companies will always try to fuck over everyone if they can make more money#but i dont think ai can ever replace human art because i think a big part of art is connection#connection to the world and reality and to other people#a story from a person writing about their experience will always mean more and be more impactful than a computer generating words together#Godspeed if you're still reading i keep trying to look at art and seeing ai and its made me fall in love with art thats made by people#i especially love art by someone whos just starting to explore a new way to create#theres a freedom in the beginning of trying something new
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casuallyanidiot · 7 months ago
Omg your yandere coworker *chef's kiss*
I imagine he's just frustrated and angry because he can't believe he's fallen for a loser like reader. Like they are such a mess all the time. So soft and easy to tire. They look so out of place in this workplace environment.
But over time it starts to click that all he was to do is take them away and keep them at home. Reader shouldn't even be at work! Reader should be sitting pretty at home like the good little spouse he knows they are all that they are good for!
Man he'll have to come up with a plan to make that happen wouldn't he?
Thanks! He's awful! :)
I think the worst part about Yan coworker is that he believes he's actually a good person. Maybe if he just acknowledged how scummy he was, he wouldn't be half as bad.
He he's had enough of you stumbling all over yourself like an idiot. Yandere Coworker pulls you aside one day into a storage closet. He's trying so hard not to snap and fuck you stupid against some half empty shelves, so instead he settles for gripping your arms. Isn't he a gentleman? Anyways, he lays it out for you.
"You need to quit," He says simply. His voice is gruff and firm, and you blink in surprise. "What?" You stammer out. He's tall, intimidatingly so, and you tremble as he holds you. "No, no I'm not- I can't quit! This is my job! I know you don't really like me, but that's out of line," You hiss out and squirm away from him.
Yandere coworker realizes you really are very, very dumb. There's nothing in that stupid little head of yours, is there? You can't even tell how much he's looking out for you. You're crumbling under the weight of this job, and he can't stand seeing you so unhappy.
But he makes enough money for the two of you. He can handle this while you can't. In fact, the more he thinks about it, he can't figure out just what in the world you would be good at. He tries to picture you as successful at anything and comes up blank. Huh... You really are good for nothing. Except,,, you would probably do well if you didn't have to do anything at all.
Yandere coworker starts to think about how much prettier you would be if you got proper sleep. He likes the way you look in corporate attire (That is on the rare occasions where you don't look like a hot mess), but he bets you'd like to be in expensive and revealing loungewear even more. The only thing you would have to do is keep your house tidy, and keep yourself nice and presentable for whoever provided for you. Yeah, you'd be perfect for that. And guess what? He could give you that.
Yandere coworker knows that you're far too stubborn for your own good. He begins to actively sabotage your work. He inserts spelling errors into your reports, changes the numbers of any potential client before you have the chance to make a sale. He allows himself to be more officially promoted, and with the new power he has, he assigns you increasingly difficult tasks.
You try and report him for essentially bullying you, but the complaint is thrown out with little care. He's one of the best employees the company had ever seen, and you were just some bumbling broad who couldn't even spell their own name right on official documents.
Before long, you're fired. Yandere Coworker uses his position in the company and many connections he has to essentially black list you.
You can't get a decent job in your field anymore. Plus you begin to get behind on rent and bills. Your life is going to shit, yet you still refuse to take him up on his many offers. It's infuriating, and he just wants to put you in a place that he knows you'll be safe and happy in.
Yandere Coworker just thinks your too dumb to realize how kind he's being. He hopes that you're smart enough to recognize how nice the trunk of a luxury car is. After all, you're going to be there for a while until he can get you to his home where you'll never have to use that useless brain of yours again.
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dickarchivist · 1 year ago
Hello dear Archivist! 
I’m quickly falling in love with your boys, and I love everything you’ve written for Ghost & Banshee 💜 But after reading your NSFW ALPHABET post for the squad, I can’t stop thinking about Specter…  
If you’re feeling up for it, I’d love to request a little fic for him (SFW or NSFW… which ever feels right 🥰)
Since he seems a bit more guarded than his brothers, what would falling in love look like for him? You mentioned he loves photography & is known for taking pictures of everything, so would his artistic hobbies be influenced by the person he’s falling for? Would he know right away, or would the feelings sneak up on him? 
Thank you 💜 (@wings-and-beskar)
Clone oc Specter x fem!Reader
Word Count: 1305
Prompt: How does Specter fall in love?
Rating: PG-14 for swearing, but minors DNI as always 🔞
Contents and Warnings: swearing, Specter being broody and jealous, a break up (not with Specs), laughing, being silly together, passionate kiss, split lip (not graphic)
Summary: Specter's in love with you, every little bit. He'd do anything for you, say the word... but he wants to make sure you're not going to break his heart.
Author's Notes: Specter's POV!!!! He's so rude, I love him!!
Thanks to @wings-and-beskar for being so patient on this one!! You are a kindness unto my life♡
This one is left open ended on purpose, I'm thinking about writing a sequel so we shall see 👀
This fic doesn't hit on everything asked I'm so sorry weh. But!! I do feel like it answers the question "How does Specter fall in love?" On purpose.
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Look at you. Hair's all messy, but I know you styled it that way. You make that stuffy GAR uniform look good, even sexy with how it hugs your curves. I'm glad you never wear that dumb little hat, I think it'd ruin your look... or maybe it'd just make you so tantalizing that I wouldn't be able to help myself. I click a few pictures of you, and I hope you don't mind or notice, but just...
Fuck you. Fuck you just standing there, chewing your stylus, looking down at your data pad with a scrunched brow and squinted eyes. Like it's the most important thing in the world, whatever's on there. We're supposed to be together right now, you called me. You asked me to tail it down here to keep you company and of course I did. I'd do anything you kriffin' ask. I want you lookin' at me so focused. Lookin' at me like I'm more important. What does it have that's keeping your attention so-- holy shit.
"OH FUCK OFF!!!!" You fling that stupid pad so hard and so far it shatters on impact when it hits your wall, and I can't stop myself from laughing. "SPECTER SHUT IT!!"
"What the kriff was on there that made you so mad? You were laser focus unti-- hey. Hey what's wrong? Why the tears?" I close my camera and come over so fast I can't blame you for jumping back. Didn't mean to come on so hard, I'd say sorry but your arms are around my waist so quick my words just leave my head.
"My boyfriend just dumped me, over a text..." my anger overthrows my joy.
"I was hoping so hard that you'd leave him, not for that skug to dump you and not even in person. I'll kill him. I could do it. It wouldn't even be that hard, I'm trained, he's a kriffing bar tender and not even a good one. Half his shit is just water and food color, I hate him so much, he was never any good to you... why are you crying harder? Shit shit shit, how do I make it better, shit-- no- oh... oh you're laughing! Why are you laughing?"
"Specs, you know you're talking out loud, right?"
My face in on FIRE. "Uh-- nope. Fuck... forget I said that, yeah?"
"Not a chance," You're smiling... maker I adore that smile. I move my hands to your face and brush my thumbs over your cheeks, "Specter, do you really feel like that?"
I look away from you, my eyebrows raised, a tall frown on my lips as if to shrug them, "I mean... yeah? That smug son of a--" I catch my temper, and sigh, arms around your shoulders again, "He wasn't good for you. Been sayin' that from the get, but did you listen? Nooooooo," You're laughing more, so I keep it up. I mimic your voice, very poorly, "Oh Specs! He's soooo dreamy!"
"Oh knock it off, I don't sound like that!" You push me, making me stagger a little, your cheeks red from laughing. Maker that laugh, I love it so much.
"Specs, he's so beautiful! He says he's in a band! Oh I can't wait to have his babies!"
"SPECTER! MY SIDES, PLEASE!" You're laughing so hard those tears down your cheeks aren't sad anymore, and I'm over the moons about that.
I put my arm around your shoulders, giving you a little shake and a squeeze, my voice back to my own, "I mean it, though... say the word and he'll disappear. Or say another word, and he'll turn into a toad. You know, like he already is."
I love it when you laugh so hard you snort. I know you hate it, you always apologize and cover your face. But I love it. Even Phantom can't get you to laugh like that... "Specs what're you smiling at me like that for?"
It's my turn to laugh. I chuckle a little, give you another squeeze, "What? I can't enjoy you laughing without getting the 3rd degree?"
You roll your eyes, knocking into me harder and giving me a tight squeeze of a hug. I'm all too happy to return it. "Thanks Specs, I don't know what I'd do without a good man like you by my side."
"You'd be a lot more sad over losers who don't deserve your tears, that's for sure," you don't have any idea what I'd do for you, how much you mean to me... how much I love you...
"Specter, new orders from the council. We're headed out in 15, get your ass over here." Ghost doesn't sound to pleased from the way his voice barks from the commlink.
I groan, roll my eyes with my whole body just to get you to giggle again, and then lift the comm, "I'm in the lower levels, it'll take more than 15 minutes."
"Then you'd better hurry."
Ghost's been a hard ass lately, but I can't blame him, I've been blowing him off to spend time with you. Who needs extra training? Not an ARC trooper... probably. Might have to be better about that...
Since I know I'll be late anyway, I take my time finding my boots in your flat. I know where they are, you know I know, but we still take the time to "look". Before I'm out the door, I hold your cheek again, "He didn't deserve you, you know that, right?"
"Yeah... sorry for being so distracted today, make it up to you next time?" When you bite your lip like that, do you have any idea what it does to me?
I don't know if there's gonna be a next time. I think that's why I keep blowing off drills, because I want you, not a war. I want life, with you, always, infinitely more than running laps and fire practice... I lean forward and press my lips to your forehead, taking a deep breath, just to remember you by.
Just in case.
"Next time, I'm asking you out. Don't go falling for anymore shitty bar tenders, okay? If I'm getting one up'd, he'd gotta have quality, and-" Oh fuck me.
I hold you up as you jump onto me. My arms go under your legs and up your back as your lips crash into mine, our teeth knocking together. You split my lip, it stings, but getting to taste your chapstick is more than reward enough.
"Why'd-- mmm-- why'd you--" I can't get a word in, your kisses are feverish in their quickness, I don't want to stop, but-- but it's not right. It's not for me. It's to drown your sorrow and I can't be that for you, I don't want to be, "Stop."
I set you down gentle, you look so dejected, darlin' you're breaking my heart... "You mean the galaxy to me, you know that? But I can't... I won't be your rebound. I'm not going to be a one and done for you, got that? So when I get back, I'm askin' you on a date. I-- fuck this, I love you, I want you to love me too, so just... process, get over that idiot, and then wear red for me when I'm back so I know it's okay..."
Oh maker you're angry- no? That's- okay not crying, not confused I know your confused face... what the hell are you thinking right now? "I don't own anything red... I um... I'll get something, do you have a preference?"
My eyes soften, and yours do too, and I know... I know I won't have to wait, but I do anyway. I want to make sure you love me back... I can't be your rebound. I need to be your last.
"Vermillion is my favorite."
Taglist: @anxiouspineapple99 @wolffegirlsunite @wizardofrozz @eclec-tech @dystopicjumpsuit @clonethirstingisreal @wings-and-beskar @sunshinesdaydream @multi-fan-dom-madness @starrylothcat @n0vqni @sev-on-kamino @mythical-illustrator @523rdrebel @littlemissmanga
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silver-wield · 2 years ago
im the one from before, i've seen the update about the Nomura statement. So it seems they didn't get it wrong in spirit or meaning BUT the decision to implicate "not so pitiable" is like saying it's pitiable but not so much. Compared to "they have a good relationship" which is more direct and doesn't sound 50/50 like they're not so sure. You don't have to be a genius to see that the translation isn't exactly doing the right job of conveying Nomura's statement. Hence why people still hone it in that "she is pitiable" in the comments. Dumb cleriths or not. I've seen it once on discord (under the stars), a member of that shinra archeology stating for example that they're well aware that Cloud DID NOT imply to have feelings for both women, like 0% proof BUT they got to say it and cop out due to not wanting to sound biased on other sides. I suppose they decided onto the 325 version and an implication that doesn't sound as good as " she's not pitiful, she has a good relationship with cloud" because it might sound biased. But in doing so, they're creating more havock than good. Shipping matters or not, they're not helping Tifa's character at all, neither Cloud's. Until they get a clearer canonical confirmation that Cloud is into Tifa and that he isn't into aerith etc. They cannot move pass being 50/50 when pushing out statements and I'd say. Fck them, it's like it's better if they actually just shut up to begin with.
and the people conveying "its stated in the source/website" that there's a LT going on is like sating you lost the part where it was clearly a red herring all along. Words and statements are powerful... Why else would we be so pissed with SENA to begin with. I mean it when I say people have their eyes closed and lack empathy to understand FF7 and it's characters. It's a real shame. I hope moving forward EC and the trilogy or more would completely just put a nail in the coffin in all these. I'm tired of the weekly basis of defending a story that's so easy to comprehend. Sorry, my statement is long, I just wish to convey my disapproval to someone who knows more than me but I as a private person being anonymous is the best I feel like doing it due to my anxiety. Thank you for this opportunity.
They deliberately fucked with the phrasing to alter the meaning and make it more negative than it is. The statement is actually quite positive, but you'd never know it from the way they talk. They're always trying to make Tifa out to be this pitiful figure who "deserves better", even though she's really happy with Cloud and they have a good relationship.
And you'll also notice the only time they ever share anything about Tifa is when they think they can shit on her and Cloud's relationship. There's so many quotes for cloti, but they never include them. They only focus on being negative and trying to inflate their non existent bullship instead.
And when we call for sources they make bullshit claims about copyright. Because a 20+ year old magazine, which was issued in the thousands and we're asking for a snippet of would really piss off SE, who have no affiliation with the company in question, and said company also wouldn't give a shit about a tiny extract being shared when people have in the past shown entire page scans, but sure, y'all hide behind the word "copyright" like we don't know how copyright laws work 🙄
Btw, I'm a copy editor, so I know how copyright laws work for several countries 🤷
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medicinal-doll · 2 years ago
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Dark!Steve Rogers x reader
Summary: You love your new job but a certain team member just rubs you the wrong way.maybe you're wrong about him.
Warnings:Dub-con/Non-con,Dom/sub dynamic,fingering,p in v sex, slight dacryphilia degrading,slight mind-break,choking,hair pulling,spanking, manipulation, rough sex,
A/N: If you wanna skip to the smut I marked it with three dotted lines
*Please don't repost without permission If you use my writing as inspiration please ask first and credit me
You've been employed at stark industries for some time now, and you love your job. Though it is an office job there's never a dull moment.You get sneak peeks at all the latest technology and sometimes you get to take stuff home.
You love all your coworkers. And in such a short time you've moved up so much that you even have encounters with some of the avengers.
But there is one small thing about the job that unsettles you from time to time.
That man....
America's golden boy and everyone's favorite hero.The prime example of american patriotism and justice.
Steve Rogers
Everyone at the office seems to love him.They practically worship the ground he walks on.I mean who wouldn't given who he is, and ideally you would too.
It's just that... he's so fucking creepy.
Clearly you're seeing something that no one else is. Because everyone else just eats his charisma up.
But it's the way he stands a little too close, his posture allowing him to tower over you.It's the way his gaze lingers on you just a little to long.
It's small gestures like those that just give you the heebie jeebies.
Hence why you avoid him like the plague.
Sadly, he still finds just the right loophole to effortlessly insert himself into your personal space. Undetected by the suspicion of others.
Tony gave one of his usual speeches to the entire staff celebrating the month's accomplishments.
These speeches are always followed by an after party. At stark industries only higher up members are allowed. So the guests mostly consist of your coworkers and the avengers.
"You, backroom now" Tony says as he passes you by.
This isn't uncommon. Tony knows you can keep a secret.So he uses your ears as a vice for his many- many complaints and rants.
But, that's where he keeps the good alcohol so you don't mind all that much.
Sat in the room you wait for Tony. But when he comes in there's someone else tailing him.
The familiar blonde and brunette locs fill your vision and your body tenses.
Steve notices you instantly and his eyes light up.
His presence albeit annoying, was mostly tolerable due to the fact that your attention was mostly focused on Tony's drunk rambling about some uptight board members.
The evening was going quite well. Until his cellphone rang.
"Shit gotta be out for a sec" Tony stands eager to make a quick exit.
"I trust you two can keep each other company" he winks.
Stark leaves the room and then there's silence.
It's barely been 5 minutes since stark left and you already feel his eyes on you. He's blatantly looking and what's even more disgusting is that he's not even trying to hide it.
"I know I make you uncomfortable"
You turn your head and look at him, slightly thrown off by his statement.
"Call me dumb but I can't figure out what I did to make you feel that way"
"Call it a hunch" you think silently to yourself.
"I thought that if I spent enough time with you"
"Or if I was nice enough you'd see I'm not all that bad but..."
He chuckles pitifully to himself.
"you don't have to worry anymore I get the hint"
He slowly stands centering his muscular frame.
"I'll leave you alone from now on"
Steve heads towards the door not even sparing you a second glance.
"goodnight enjoy the rest of your evening" he says with a smile then turns to leave.
Shit, you hate that you feel bad. You couldn't even make A case against him he hasn't done anything wrong.Any sane person would say you're just being an asshole.
And in the end you caved.
"Steve wait-"
He stops and you both lock eyes the faintest hint of a smile dusting his lip.
Safe to say, Tony never came back not that the two of you noticed.Because A few drinks later the whole vibe of the room changed completely.
You don't know if it was the alcohol making you more susceptible to his charm but Steve is actually really funny and down to earth.
You two talked nonsense laughing and drinking the whole night away.
"Go out with me" he says with stars in his eyes face flushed red from the liquor.
You don't know what came over you.
"Okay...." You say nervously a small sheepish smile in your expression.
Dinner was breathtaking, Steve showed up to your door at 8pm with the prettiest bouquet of roses.
And he was such a gentleman, holding open the car door for you. pulling out your chair.
You giggle lightly at something funny he said.
"You know I was wrong about you"
His eyebrow peaks up in interest .
"oh really" he smiles amusingly before playfully leaning in "do tell more".
You laugh off your nervousness.
"well...to be honest I found you creepy"
An expression of shock crosses his face.
"really?" He says voice coated in disbelief "I mean I could tell that you were uncomfortable but creepy c'mon"
You giggle "I know I know it's stupid and you didn't do anything I promise I just got a weird vibe".
"Yeah some vibe" he chuckles to himself.
"well I'm glad to find out your actually really sweet Steve" "I mean the flowers and the restaurant, this has all been so amazing"
Steve smiles "I'm glad you changed your mind about me"
You feel the warm hum of the car as Steve drives you back to the apartment.
The ride back has a completely different feel from the drive to dinner. it's oddly silent, but you don't mind. it's good comedown time from the whirlwind of events and conversation that took place earlier.
Steve pulls into the car garage and smoothly parks, taking the keys out of the ignition then turning to face you.
"well tonight was really great Steve" you beam.
"We should do this again soon"
Steve smiles eerily at you then places a hand on your thigh.
You giggle nervously.
Steve breathes out a heavy sigh playing with the hem of your dress. ignoring your discomfort completely as if your just some mannequin in a mall.
"You have good intuition"
He laughs darkly.
"I mean everyone else just eats my shit up but not you..." He thumbs at your dress " not you..."
"that time I was gonna walk out at tony's party, that was a last ditch effort "
He smirks.
" I wasn't really gonna start leaving you alone...not really"
A chill runs up your spine at his callous tone.
"But to my surprise you finally fell for it".
"Steve..." You look at him with all the fear in your eyes. praying to God this is just some dumb prank preying on your paranoia.
Steve paused in thought and stops playing with your dress and sighs.
"I guess it's time I show you who I really am"
At that last word every door in the car locks in unison as Steve sizes you up with a carnal hunger in his eyes.
You back up against the door tears teetering on the edge of your corneas.
"Steve please..." Your voice cracks.
Steve just glares at you as if you just spoke an alien language to him.
He once again ignores your tears. something he's most likely used to by now and climbs into the back seat.
He seats himself to a relaxed man spread with his arm resting above the open empty seat.
You both stare at eachother trying to read the others mind.
"Come here" he says in a low commanding tone.
You sniffle softly "I don't want to" the tears start to run down your face.
Steve breathes in annoyance before lunging at you. dragging your thrashing body to the backseat.
"No! Let me go !" You try to hit him but any attempt you make he just restrains you more till you're sat on his lap.him holding both of your wrists together with one hand.
"Stop being such an ungrateful whore"
You violently struggle against him trying to free your hands.
"I treat you nice and take you to dinner and this is how you repay me" he says clearly disappointed by your behavior.
You continue to hit him, crying while you try to get away.
"Stop embarrassing yourself" he says unbothered by your frantic state.
A loud slap is placed against your bottom, and his superhuman strength makes it hurt like hell.
A choked sob leaves your throat, the searing burn on your ass most likely bright red.
Steve rubs your butt in soothing circles.
And you sniffle and sob quietly.not resisting anymore.cause if you take another hit like that you don't think you'll be able to walk much less run away.
"Now isn't that better sweetie, you like it when I'm nice to you don't you" Steve whispers softly as he goes to wipe your tears, but you dodge his touch.
In your head you're furiously shaking your head no until you feel a hand pulling your dress up.
"Steve please! I'll do anything just don-"
Steve rips your panties off of you as you yelp in shock.You start squirming against him again but he places A hand on your butt warningly.
"Behave or I won't be so nice"
He's being nowhere near nice or whatever he's telling himself in his fucked up head.
You see Steve's hand slowly dip between your legs. you shut your eyes and hide your face in his collar. too scared to watch what's gonna happen next.
Steve seems to find your behavior cute as his fingers dust over your folds.
"Don't worry bunny I just want to make you a little more agreeable"
Two thick fingers are jammed into your unprepared hole.You yelp shaking from the sudden intrusion.
Steve starts working his fingers in and out of you While he binds your wrists together tightly with his other hand.
You manage to muffle the involuntary moans with the fabric of his clothes but when his fingertips hit that deep sensitive spot inside, it catches you off guard.
"Ah!-" a pleasurable moan escapes your lips.
Steve chuckles "Hm... there she is...my good girl"
"No I'm no-Ah!" You try to talk back but Steve just keeps grinding his thick fingers into your spot over and over again.
You can't take it.
"No!" You cry not wanting to orgasm from such a horrendous act.
With a few more strokes from his fingers you cum on him, whimpering and whining bucking your hips up like a slut.
"Mmn... good girl" Steve says as he plays with the white liquid leaking from your hole. mesmerized by how much there is and how nicely it coats his fingers.
You look up in horror as you see him start to lick his fingers clean with his tongue.
He locks eyes with you, dark gaze staining his irises.
"You try it honey" he shoves his fingers down your throat and you taste yourself on your tongue as he forces you to gag on his fingers.
Steve holds your nose closed with his other hand as you panic for oxygen.
"that's right honey taste every last drop of your slutty little cunny"
So worn out from what he just did, you don't even hear his belt unbuckle.
Steve let's you go completely as you gasp for air, falling on your side into the empty seat next to him.
He grips your hips with both hands pulling them flush against his cock.
"Steve no! Don't!please-"
"Fuck!!-"you slam your head down into your arms and start crying.
Steve fully sheathes his erect cock inside of you.
Steve groans lowly as his cock twitches from the tightness.
It's so fucking big. he hasn't even moved yet but his tip resting against your womb is driving you crazy. you can feel every inch of him.
He slightly drags his cock out of you before slamming it back inside, You cry out again.
Steve roughly pumps his cock into you and you can feel your brain melting.
Losing any sense of what's being done to you, all you can focus on is the ache between your legs.
His cock hits against all the ridges in your pussy.
You bury your head into your arms not wanting him to hear your moans as your cunts clamps down around his cock milking him for cum.
Steve knows what your doing and is quick to correct it.
"Oh no you don't dolly I wanna hear it"
Steve pulls your head up by your hair.
You try to pull your head away but he has a death grip on your scalp.
Steve slows his motions for a minute and kisses up to your ear whispering.
"Be a good little whore and moan all nice'n pretty for me okay baby"
Your eyes widen in a mixture of fear and embarrassment before he places a commanding hand on your hip once again.
"Steve wait- Ahh! Fucking fuck! ahh!"
Steve breeds your pretty little cunt like an animal.Hitting at your spot repeatedly, it feels too good you try to push his hands off of you.
But that just makes him laugh as he angles his hips to hit your spot just right with every thrust.
You moan whimper and whine. your butt writhing against his hips on its own free will.
Your pussy is so fucking in love with him it drools a little every time he pulls out, leaving a shameful puddle beneath your body's.
"S-steve don't I can't cum anymore stop ah!" You plead barely able to think straight.
"Quit being such a whiny bitch and take it"
Steve wraps both of his hands completely around your throat and forces your head down against the seat then climbing up on top mounting you like a horse.
His hips come crashing down into your soaked pussy in a fury of thrusts.You start word vomiting as you feel his hand clench around your throat as he nears his orgasm.
"Fuck Steve use me fuck! breed me like a little bitch please! please please-"
Steve slaps his hips against yours and you feel his balls tense and untense as he cums deep inside your canal.
You can't fucking think speak or do anything.
You just lie there feeling his spunk seep into your swollen womb.
He gets off of you and tucks himself back into his pants.You hear the doors unlock but you're too broken to move.
Steve hot and sweaty breathes out a heavy sighs catching his breath from the exertion.
Steve rolls his eyes at you thinking you're just being a drama queen.
He leans over you and you flinch, but he's actually reaching for the door.
He pushes it open.
"You should get some rest"
Then turns his attention back to your trembling form.You wearily meet his gaze, your body far from recovered.
"You don't want to miss work do you bunny?"
You slowly shake your head no at him too scared to argue.
"Good then get out" he says coldly.
"Unless you're desperate for a round two"
Your eyes widen.
That's enough to get you stumbling out of the back seat but you struggle to stay balanced on your feet.
"Oh and by the way"
What could he want now.
"don't wear those short skirts at work"
"I'm tired of the staff looking at what belongs to me"
What the hell have you gotten yourself into. you would've talked back to him but seeing as all the strength has been siphoned from your body all you can do is nod.
Steve smiles at your compliance.
"C-can I go now" you ask nervously.
Steve nods endearingly and you slowly make your way towards the elevator.
Steve laughs to himself as you struggle to walk, almost falling on your ass at some points.He smirks getting into the driver's seat as the elevator doors close.
You see his car drive by as he leaves eyeing you like property.
You gulp and swallow your breath fearful that your employment to stark industries could turn into you being an indentured sex slave to Captain America.
You shut your eyes as the elevator moves through the floors.reeling from the events caused by your lack of caution and surplus of trust.your body still aches from what he did.
You wince at the thought of tomorrow, cause without a doubt Steve will be right there.
Ready to ruin you all over again.
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astridthevalkyrie · 3 years ago
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A Scene Popped Into My Head But Instead Of Writing A Whole AU I’m Just Going To Write That One Scene <3
---> Scene Capture Fics Masterlist
---> Today’s Feature: Eren's Boss Levi!
---> a/n: please don't perceive me. cherry asked so this is all her fault. (yes i came up with the idea first but it wasn't meant to be shared to the public 😭) so yeah @lacheri this is on you :/
---> warnings: cheating, penetrative sex, dirty talk
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The doorbell rings and you jump, checking yourself one last time in the mirror and grinning at the sight that greets you before rushing to the door. You're almost certain you'd soak through your panties if you spent another minute edging yourself with your favorite toy, something that would surely rile your boyfriend up. Eren was possessive, almost pettily so, and he didn't like an object giving you any kind of pleasure when he was available to give you pleasure instead.
The problem is, you realize as you open the door, that he's not available.
Because that can only be the reason that Levi, Eren's goddamn boss, is the one who gets the full view of your scantily clad form in a sexy maid outfit of all things. And take the view he does, as his eyes slowly go down from your face to your legs. When you cough, he looks back up, almost amused with a quirked brow.
"It's our anniversary," you explain, already feeling your cheeks burn, "I was just waiting for him to..."
"Show up," Levi offers, when you forget what you were trying to say. You nod frantically, grateful for the assistance. "Yeah, sorry. Jaeger won't be back until midnight at least. Extra work, he volunteered to do it."
"He volunteered?" you repeat in disbelief.
The amused smile on his face turns into a hint of a smirk. "Yeah. Sent me here to tell you the bad news so he wouldn't have to text it."
"Wonderful," you manage to let out with gritted teeth.
And then an idea strikes you. Eren sent you company for the night. Why not invite him in? It's the petty side of you thinking, definitely not the side that's had a dumb crush on his boss with his sharp grey eyes and even sharper tongue. He's got a couple years on you, but that makes him all the more appealing, to be honest.
"Why don't you come in?" You bat your lashes sweetly and something flashes in his eyes. Both his brows raise this time, as though to ask if you're really going to through with this act. You don't let the innocent act drop, simply opening the door further and stepping back invitingly.
"You didn't even fucking try," Levi hisses in your ear about forty minutes later, stretching you out on the same couch you two were sipping wine on together. "Didn't call him, didn't pretend like you invited me here for anything else besides fucking this needy pussy of yours."
Your head feels light—you've already come twice on his fingers because he enjoyed the feeling of you squeezing around them—so you can barely form the words to bite back at him. "Didn't see you texting him either, Mr. Ackerman. No moral high ground for you."
A particularly rough thrust punishes you for your cheek, and you whine, shifting to get a better position and failing miserably. You wish you were riding him instead, controlling the pace so that he couldn't get the chance so agonizingly slow. But Levi's all about control, deciding when and how you achieve your release, and your body is nothing if not responsive.
"Far as I'm concerned," he murmurs, nipping at your neck lightly enough that he probably won't leave bruises, but that doesn't change the fact that your chest is littered with them, "I'm doing him a favor. Fucking you so that he can find someone better. Fuck," he groans when you clench around him purposefully.
The head of his cock brushes against your cervix, and your grip on his shoulders tighten, leaving angry red scratch marks that he doesn't seem to mind, or even notice. "If I'm so terrible, why don't you find someone better to fuck, huh?"
Levi must adore driving you mad, because he doesn't move, just gives you a couple of quick swipes over your clit to keep you clenching around him without letting you come. "Believe me, I would." He kisses you once, tongue invading your mouth like it's his property, stealing your oxygen until you really are lightheaded. "I would, if..."
He rolls his hips experimentally, savoring the gasp that you let out against his mouth.
"If you didn't..." He moans lowly, finding your hands to hold above your head in the couch. When you open your mouth to beg him to let you touch, he clasps a hand over it, continuing to grind against you as though you have all the time in the world. "If you didn't look this—fucking—pretty—getting fucked like this."
When your eyes roll back, not grabbing onto him even when he lets go of you to start thrusting because you don't have the energy nor the desire to ask him to slow down, you know you're in trouble.
And when your phone starts ringing on the table, and Eren's face lights up the screen, and Levi picks it up only to put his thumb on the answer button, you know that trouble is a huge fucking understatement.
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harrysgloves · 4 years ago
Three to tango
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story summary: You, Harry, and Florence have a good time in your makeup trailer.
warnings: Language // THIS IS P*RN WITH LIKE ZERO PLOT // Threesome // w|w // spitting // oral (female receiving) // i have no idea what a production company is so don't come for me.
a/n: Brushing off the metaphorical cobwebs and finally getting back into writing! Woo-hoo! Ending could have been better but... meh. Also, I'm posting from mobile. If it looks weird, blame Tumblr ✌😍
REQUESTED: by @iwannaholdyoutight- and @hazgoldenstyles
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And also by all these people... sorry it took so long.. 😁
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"Stop movin'." You grumbled for the millionth time that morning. Your focus on covering up all these damn tattoos that you loved had become one of the worst things you had to do almost every morning.
"It tickles." He whined as the makeup brush ran over the inside of his arm. He instantly flinched away from the brush the moment it glided against a particularly sensitive spot.
"Harry!" You groaned, your eyes closed in frustration when he shot you the most adorable puppy eyes.
"'M sorry, kitten." He cooed, his lower lip pouted out when you sighed loudly, grabby hands tried to enclose around your waist before you smacked them away.
"H, I gotta get this done or you're gonna miss set time." 
"Wanna kiss." Those big green eyes flashed up to you from his spot in your makeup chair and you knew there was no way you could say no.
"One kiss." You clarified, knowing damn well he'd use kissing you as a distraction from being tickled again. 
He nodded eagerly before leaning slightly up to your level. Your eyes narrowed, still not sure you could trust that he wasn't going to divert your attention but his lips. 
God, his fucking lips.
They looked so memorizing. The light sheen of chapstick he'd applied earlier was still lingering across the plush pink cushions. His tongue wetting them, taunting you to come closer, and it worked.
You were so naive to think he wouldn't do this.
You squeaked as his hands gripped the fleshy curve of your hips. His lips twitched up into a smile against your own when he pulled you forward onto his lap as quickly as he could. 
You knew you should have tried to protest a bit more. You should have attempted to keep him on track but when his thigh pressed against your clothed core, you knew you were done for. His tongue licked into your mouth as his hand got a firm grip on the round flesh of your ass.
"I see what you two do in here." That sweet voice floated through the thickening air in your makeup trailer as she opened the door. Your eyes lazily blinked open to see your smug boyfriend smile wide across his face. 
Whatever snarky come back that was sitting on the tip of your tongue was quickly choked down to the back of your throat when you looked up to see her wearing that. 
Who knew a robe could turn you on so much?
"Damn." Harry finally commented after your not so subtle shifting of your hips against his thigh. Now he completely understood why you'd suddenly gone silent. 
"Shut up." She mumbled under her breath. Her cheeks flamed red from your shameless stares. 
"You look great, baby." You smiled brightly, your hand extended out for her to take. "Mhm." Harry's quick agreement had both you and Flor rolling your eyes, but a small smile formed at the corner of her lips.
"Wait til you see what he's got to wear." She smiled brightly, her silky soft hand wrapped tightly in yours as she walked towards the both of you. 
"Better hurry up then," you practically jumped off Harry's lap, his lust filled eyes quickly turned fearfully as your eager hands reached for your set of brushes. "Hold him down for me."
"Gonna pay for this later, sweetheart." Harry grumbled as Florence's hand held down his arm. 
"Sort of counting on that, Harold. Now, be a good boy and hold still."
The rest of your day had been absolute torture. Your core ached, your underwear were beyond ruined, and you couldn't wait another minute for the both of them to finally be off set. 
Instead, the both of them casually took their time, leisurely hanging around to talk to other cast and crew while you were basically jumping out of your skin to get them back into the privacy of your trailer. 
After 30 minutes of them both shooting you sweet smiles and well disguised sultry eyes, you'd had enough. Your feet carried you as quickly across the lot to your haven, your fist clenched in your hand almost as tightly as your core.
You were dripping and the both of them knew you were having a hard time keeping your hands to yourself.
It started out innocent enough, Harry's tattoos needed to be touched-up about a million times with the edge of his suit rubbing away the makeup there. You had been practically drooling over the both of them all day but when he saw your legs tighten together, he could help but lay it on thick. His hand rested on the small of your back as he circled around you, nose pressed almost completely against your ear as he whispered a raspy thank you. 
Florence was just as bad and she wasn't ever the instigator out of the three of you. She couldn't help it when she heard a soft whimper leave your lips when she brushed a few hairs off your forehead when you were redoing her makeup after lunch. 
She smiled sweetly, too sweetly, before those plush lips pressed tightly against your own. Her hand laced around your jaw to pull you tighter into her kiss. 
She pulled away from you before you were even close to being done. "Only fair that I get to makeout with you in this chair if Harry gets to do it all the time." 
You felt like you could combust from how turned on you were and you were done waiting for them to do something about it.
You practically slammed the door to your trailer behind you, making sure to lock it before laying yourself out across your couch that sat in the corner of your room.
If they weren't going to do something about it, you would. Your hands fumbled around with the pesky pants that covered your legs, until you were finally free enough to touch where you needed.
The sigh of relief, shuddering feeling that ran through your body from the contact you were craving only lasted a moment before you heard a metal key fumbling around with the locks on your door. 
"Couldn't wait for us?" Harry chuckled, his keys to your trailer thrown on your table top.
"You two were taking forever!" You glared at him through your open legs. 
"Told you she couldn't wait any longer." Florence giggled as she pushed her way past Harry. Her hands on her hips but a smile danced on the corner of her lips.
"Are you two going to help me here or?" You were cocky, impatient, and your fingers weren't anywhere near as good as theirs was.
"Might just watch." Harry shrugged with a smug smile as he plopped down on the end of the couch. The furniture was barely big enough for the three of you to sit normally. His hands moved your legs to lay over top of his own. Your eyes could have shot daggers through him as he loosened his tie, his legs spread wide enough that your hand bumped his thigh with every slow circle around your clit.
"Baby." You whined, your pleading eyes flashing towards Flor. Who was already wearing nothing but a smile, her robe abandoned on the floor, and if you weren't so insanely turned on you would have turned to stick your tongue out to Harry. Gloating that at least one of them was nice enough to help you.
Having sex with them always seemed to be frenzied, blurs of quick paced moments that seemed to fly by.
Her thighs rested on either side of you as Harry peeled away the drenched lacy fabric between your legs. 
Her tongue dominating your own as she pulled down your top enough to free your breast. Her hands pinching and kneading across them as your back arched further off the couch.
You could hear Harry mumbling out a slur of curses, followed by the sound of his zipper. Your legs were bumped up and down in time with his strokes along his swollen cock.
"Soaking my leg, kitten." He groaned at the sight of your cunt soaking the thin material of his brown suit.
"Thought you were just gonna watch." Florence chuckled, her perfectly pouty lips swollen from how hard she'd been kissing you. The edges of them barely touching your own as she talked to Harry.
"Was gonna but she's so fuckin' wet, Flor." His voice was deeper than usual, gravelly, slow, "Bet I could jus'...." 
Your jaw fell open, your back arched off the couch when his fingers filled you. A wild moan ripped from your lungs when he curled them just right.
You could already feel the cord tightening in your lower stomach. You had been so wound up all day long from looking at them you were practically ready to snap within seconds. 
"Awe, poor thing's already about to cum." Florence cooed, her hand around the back of your neck, teasing your jaw with the edge of her nose. 
You always loved hated how well they could read you. How their teasing words made your face burn and your pussy flood with need. 
When she was harshly shifted down further into your chest, her own sweet sounding moan falling from her lips, you couldn't help your own snide remark, "who's the one going to cum too quickly now?"
She probably would have snapped right back at you but she couldn't utter out anything more than whimpers. You knew the feeling, Harry's tongue had a way of doing that, making you both shut up and he had proudly used it on more than one occasion to get you two to stop bickering about dumb stuff. 
Your hand laced through her blonde locks, her lips attached to your neck whenever she could control her mouth long enough to kiss your sweet spots. Your nipples peaked at the contact of her breast against your own, Harry's hand still pumped lazily against your sweet spot, his thumb running tight circles around your clit, and while it wasn't enough, you weren't complaining. You weren't ever sure how he managed to focus on eating one of you out while fingering the other when you knew damn well he was about to combust himself.
You knew she was close when her breathing became erratic, her chest heaving against yours. Her whole body shaking as her orgasm washed across her, her panting barely broke when you felt his warm tongue slipping through your folds.
You moaned at the feeling, your hips instantly shifted downwards, craving every bit of contact you could get from him. 
You could feel your walls fluttering around his fingers with every thick swipe of his tongue across your clit. Your eyes barely staying open when soft kisses were pressed lazily against your neck. 
Such a contrast to the harsh grasp of Harry's free hand digging into your one thigh. His gruts and groans were only muffled by the deafening sound of your soaking core.
Florence perked up her head from your chest, carefully turning herself completely around. Her legs on either side of your head as she draped herself across you to watch Harry at work.
Her sweet honey only inches from your face and fuck did you want a taste. You wet your lips, hands pushing her thighs down but she wouldn't budge.
Your huff of protest was quickly choked down when Harry's tongue ran tight circles around your clit.
"Gonna share?" That sweet voice asking that innocent question about broke you. Your walls clenched tightly trying to not get Harry to stop his fingers from slipping out of you, almost crying when they did anyway.
"Course, baby." 
You squeaked, your legs pushed backwards by your thighs, your body almost folded in half.
"Fuck, you got her soaking the couch." 
You were suddenly very appreciative about the fact neither one of them could see the embarrassment burning through your face. Your forehead pressed to Florence's leg as you whined, not wanting them to point how just how turned on you were.
You heard two simultaneous shushing sounds before your lower lips were pulled apart, the cool air licked across your slick, only making you whine louder.
When you heard and felt Harry's spilt against your core you thought you were done for. Lip tucked so tightly between your teeth you could taste the faintest hint of metallic against your tongue.
Then the softest kitten lick had you losing your mind, her tongue collecting all of his saliva on your clit before swirling around your entrance.
"Fuck," you cried, your nails digging crest moons into the flesh of Florence's thighs. "please, just fuck me already!"
"Don't think she can take anymore teasing Flor." Harry chuckled, yeah, chuckled, from between your thighs. 
"But I was having fun." She pouted, her tongue stopping its mesmerizing movements.
"Can 'ave fun with her after." Harry said as he started to shed the layers of his suit. 
"I'm literally right here!" You complained, your huff of annoyance jammed down your throat when Harry pulled up by your legs. Your face now exposed to his smirking, mischief filled eyes. 
"We know, baby," he cooed, almost too sweetly, something about the look behind his eyes made your pussy flutter but your mind anxious about how sore you'd be tomorrow. "Ass up for me."
You eagerly nodded your head, trying to roll over in your place before the tsking clicks of his tongue stopped your movements. 
"Like this." He said, pulling you off the couch. Your knees on the hard linoleum floor, your elbows resting on the seat of cushion in front of you. Giving Flor just enough space to sit pretty right in front of you.
Your arms instinctively circling around her thighs, pulling her core down to mouth. Her moans filled the small space around you. Vibrating off the walls with an echo. 
"Should 'ave done this in 'ere before." Harry mumbled more to himself than to either one of you as his tip teased your entrance. Your hips swayed instantly at the contact, slowly backing up the little bit you could to feel him slip inside of you.
He hissed, his fingers gripped the round flesh of your ass tightly before he surged forward, stuffing you to the brim with his cock.
"I ruin this pussy 'most everyday and you're still so fuckin' tight." He gritted out through his teeth, your walls clenched down around him at his words.
"Guess you're not fucking her good enough then." 
Your eyes widened in disbelief belief, disconnecting from her core so your mouth could gape in shock.
Did she hate you being able to walk?
"That so?" 
"'S what I said."
"Kitten," You squeaked when you were lifted by your shoulder, your back against Harry's chest. His hands snaked under your shirt just long enough to rip it off. "you can thank Flor tomorrow for why you won't be able to sit." 
"She'll probably be thanking me." The blonde rolled her eyes playfully teasing but enjoying the fact she was getting under his skin.
"Need me to stop, just tap my leg," his deep voice husked into your ear. Your hand tapping his leg, showing him you understood,  before you were hurled back in front of Florence's core by the back of your head. "good girl, now lick." 
You had Harry go hard on you before but when he sheathed himself fully inside of you in one go, you knew you were really going to be in for it. 
Your tongue tried to desperately get Flor off as fast as you could, your fingers slamming into her sweet spot, as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. You had a hard time knowing where to focus. Her addictive taste or his marksman worthy precision thrusts into your g-spot.
Your body felt like warm liquid was being pumped through your veins. Both of them gripping onto you at different ends, his hips grinding against your ass as he sat balls deep in your pussy. Her hips dragging against your mouth, fucking herself against your face. 
The sound of their collective moans slicked through the sticky, sex filled, air around you. Your mind lost in that space of non-thinking as your body moved back and forth between the two of them.
"Gonna cum all over my cock, sweetheart?" Your walls tightened around him as her fingers dug deeper into the back of your head. Her own cord snapping only moments before your own.
The white burning light washing through your body followed by the familiar gush of fullness in your lower tummy. 
"Holy shit," Florence breathed out, her arm dropped across her forehead. 
"Why haven't we done that here before?" Harry asked through short breaths.
"'S company property." You mumbled against the couch, your head buried into the soft material as your legs gave out to lay on the heaven-like cold floor below you. "We literally just said fuck you to New Line Cinema." 
You heard chuckling from either side of you, both of them still slightly out of breath.
"Hope we don't work with them again then." 
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sirthisisa-wendys · 4 years ago
Investigations (Part 3): Ran Haitani x Fem!Reader
synopsis: when things are uncovered, can you handle the truth? Or are you doomed to make a mistake you can't rectify?
wc: 2.1k
tw: violence
song recommendation:
Ran's past was a lie.
When you met him at the country club five years ago, your pasts had been explained in hushed tones and excited flurries of memories; sharing photos of the time before he was an executive of the communications company he worked in and the time before you were a journalist.
Ran said he had gone to jail twice, both for crimes he had been an accessory to as a delinquent kid, but that he'd cleaned up his act after and made his way up the corporate ladder. Nothing about gangs or being a Heavenly King in Tenjiku made it past his lips.
You had been honest, too. Your tales included the time you'd accidentally happened upon a massive gang fight, and that's how your investigative journalism skills began to bloom.
Who was fighting?
What were they going to do after?
Where did these gangs come from?
When did this argument start?
Why were they fighting?
How did gangs form in the first place?
Those were all the questions you sought out answers for that night and the next five years after, devoting your time and effort to finding the truth about everything.
"Babe?" You freeze, hands hovering over the keys at the sound of Ran's voice. You don't turn around - you can't even look at him the same these days - but he fixes that by walking over to you and turning you around in your chair. "What are you doing up so late?"
"Just doing some writing." His violet eyes search yours for the truth, but you know he won't be able to find it. Not while you're still trying to unravel his past. Ran kisses your eyelids sweetly, cupping your face in his large palms and littering his love across your face as you try your best to remain still and not confess about your research.
"Come to bed. It's late."
"I've got a few more paragraphs," you explain, motioning to the small print on your screen. "I'll be in bed soon."
But your lie is discovered shortly thereafter. It's five a.m. when Ran returns, seeing you slumped against your desk, arms cushioning your head, laptop screen blank. Instinctively, Ran pulls you out of your seat - making your notebook fall to the ground - grunting softly as he scoops you up into his arms and cradles you against his chest.
You willingly allow your husband to carry you to bed, where your two-year-old is also nestled among the sheets and pillows, thumb tucked into his mouth. And for a moment, Ran appreciates the view, seeing the two people he loved the most - besides his younger brother - laying in the bed he paid for, in the house he built, in the city he owns.
But then he remembers the slight disarray you left your things in at the desk and returns, picking up your pencil and notebook before laying them beside the laptop. Then his eyes catch "Ran's past?" written in bold, red letters, along with the words: "Tenjiku" and "Tandai" also written in the web of other words surrounding his name. "South Terano" is also on that web.
He'd have to take care of that in the morning.
And for the first time in a long time, worry bubbles to the surface of his mind, and Ran rips the sheet of paper from your notebook, tossing it into the kitchen trashcan and considering his deed done. He concealed his past to protect his family. And he's concealing the present to achieve the same goal; all for the future to be revealed later. That's how everything should be.
Right? _____________________________________________________________
"Ran," you whisper, lips running across his knuckles. His fingers cup your jaw, and his own lips press against your forehead, violet eyes darkening slightly. "It's six am. Where are you going this early?"
"I have to go into the office for a little while," he murmurs, kissing your forehead again. "I'll be back around lunchtime." Thoughts of Tandai and Tenjiku flash into your mind for a moment, but you smile at him sleepily anyway, absolutely sure these things are part of his past and not in the present.
"We'll be waiting for you, my love."
Despite all of your best intentions, though, you can't help but be consumed by the idea of Ran out, fighting, stealing, maiming... You consider asking him about these things, these concerns, but you decide against it as you're helping Kai with his lunch. If he wanted to leave it in the past, there's a good reason for it. He would have told you if it would be a problem later. Right?
Ran wouldn't jeopardize your family, your home, your life for something so... juvenile.
The clatter of keys on the counter in the living room brings you back to the present, and you perk up, your two-year-old mimicking your expression.
"Daddy!" Kai slides down from his seat and runs to greet Ran, clutching his father's legs with all his little might.
"Hey, buddy," Ran laughs, stooping to pick up his son with excitement. "How are you doing?" As son and father have a very stimulating conversation about playtime, you watch them in wonder, observing the way Ran makes his child a priority, just like he makes you a priority. But your countenance falls as soon as you see the blood spot on the bottom of Ran's lavender suit jacket. You know its blood because of the way it dried - that's no ketchup stain.
You fake a smile anyway, giving Ran a kiss on the cheek and tugging his jacket off after he sits Kai back on the tile floor.
"Hard day?"
"Kind of," Ran mumbles, and you catch the sight of a long scratch down the side of his neck. "But I made it through." You hum, taking the pin-striped jacket to the laundry room and slinging it over the side of the washer. You'd need that later.
"Need to relax?" you wonder, and Ran grins at you mischievously.
"Maybe later, after bedtime?"
But "later" never came.
Instead, Ran and Kai fell asleep on the sofa, watching a kid's movie, and you retreated to the office, powering up your laptop and pulling your notebook closer.
You immediately notice something's wrong, as the notes you had before were missing. Everything is gone. Not even a word of all the research you had done was there. Hadn't you written meticulous notes and names and things about Ran's past that could be interconnected? You break out in a sweat and search in every drawer of the desk, every place it could possibly be. You come up with nothing, and let out a frustrated sigh before slumping down in your seat and pulling up the computer history from yesterday. If you had to rewrite every single thing, that's fine. You'd just need more time to gather your evidence for the meeting on Saturday.
You're knee-deep in articles and police reports when you stumble across a more recent - actually as recent as this morning - article titled: "Ex-gangster found dead in meat factory". The picture of South Terano startles you, and you click on it, feeling a sense of dread as the article details how he was found hanging upside-down in the warehouse with a bullet hole in his head. And just like that, your newest lead has fizzled out. You groan, writing down "South Terano, deceased" on your notepad, then exiting the tab.
There had to be someone else you could ask. Shuji Hanma only provided you with Ran and Rindou's names, no one else.
"What's this?"
The door to the office shuts softly, and you look over your shoulder at Ran, who is walking toward you with measured steps, his eyes taking in your exhausted expression and the way you're hunched over that notepad. Again.
"What are you doing? You look tired, babe. Let's go to bed, yeah?"
Suddenly, pieces begin to click as Ran leans his hip against the desk, staring down at you in the chair with squinted violet eyes. "You threw away my notes... Didn't you?"
"What are you doing in my business, y/n?"
"Why didn't you tell me that you were in two gangs?" you counter, fingers shaking slightly. "Ran, this is something I needed to know before--"
"You wouldn't have married me if I told you." Ran's tone is cold, almost as if he's turned into the past version of himself without batting an eye.
"You don't know that." Ran leans forward, coming to eye level with you a smirking.
"I know you. And that's all I need." Ran reaches out a hand to close the laptop, still smiling and maintaining eye contact. "Now here's what you're going to do. First, you're going to stop digging into my past. There's nothing there that you need to find. Second, you're going to come to bed. It's late, you're tired. Finally," Ran cups your chin like he did this morning, except his fingers aren't so tender this time. "You're going to cut off contact with both Shuji Hanma and Taiju Shiba. I'm not really fond of either of them, and I'm not a fan of having them tell my business to my wife."
"They were only doing it because I asked."
"Taiju, maybe. Shuji isn't so eager to fuck you. I doubt he did it out of the kindness of his heart." You can't say anything to refute his claims. Ran is probably right. But you can't get one question out of your mind.
"Why are you trying to hide your past? What's there that I won't like?"
"What isn't there is the real question."
"What can you tell me about the gang that's just surfaced in Tokyo?" Ran's face slackens, transforming into a half-surprised, half-blank look that you realize is one that means he's been caught. "Oh, my fucking god," you breathe, tears stinging your eyes. "South, the fish, the murders, the crime... It's you. It's been you this whole time. I've been chasing my own husband down." Panic begins to set in, and your mind whirls around as you shake in your seat, bringing your hands up to your head. "Just tell me Rindou isn't in this," you breathe, but Ran doesn't answer you, still wearing that dumb look on his face. You let out a cry of shock, covering your mouth and trying to back away from Ran as much as you can.
The source is a lot closer than you think.
You slide down the wall, shocked into stillness as your sobs quiet, and Ran straightens up, placing his hands in his sweatpant pockets. The long nights, the early mornings, the bloodstains, the damn suits... It all led to this. Ran had never really left his old lifestyle behind. He'd gotten caught up in it, and brought you and Kai into it unknowingly.
"I never meant for it to get this... unhinged." You can't reply, tucking your knees into your chest as you stare past Ran and at the opposite wall, wondering how you'd missed the signs, the obvious signs that Ran was up to no good. "I know this is a lot to take in, but we can--"
"I can't stay here."
The words fall from your mouth and Ran flinches, shaking his head.
"No. You can't leave."
"Yes, I can," you mumble, standing and wiping your tears. "I can do whatever I need to do to keep Kai safe, and--"
"Kai is safer here than out there," Ran snaps, pointing at the window. "I'm not letting my son out of my sight. Your snooping has caused enough trouble as it is; I wouldn't have had to go and clean up this morning if you hadn't--"
"Don't blame this on me," you retort, pointing at Ran accusatorially. "You're the one who joined a gang and is still in one! What kind of role model are you for our son now?"
"I provide the best way I can," Ran grits out, clenching his fists. "You've never gone hungry, cold, or ill-clothed a day in your life while you were with me."
"I would rather die than enjoy a life paid for with blood money."
"Blood money? You really think--" You try to push past Ran, but he grabs your shoulders, yanking you back in front of him. "You're not going anywhere except to our bed."
"Let me go, Ran Haitani," you mutter, hands balling up into little fists. "Or I'll scream."
"Who will hear you? Kai?"
How had you been so foolish? Ran's lips press together momentarily as his violet eyes run over your figure, taking stock of all your five-foot-six stature. You're no match for Ran. Not mentally, and certainly not physically. Ran notices your defeat and his hands slide down to your wrists, tugging your delicate hands up to his chest.
"Everything will be fine," he whispers, drawing you close. "I'm taking care of us. Just trust me."
Just trust me.
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i-have-a-wonky-eye-too · 4 years ago
Devil in disguise... Part 4/?
Lee Bodecker x reader
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<Part 3<
Warnings: swearing, mentions of masterbation (m)
Your grandpa wasn't a vilant man. He never laid a hand on your grandmother or your mother. Your grandpa vowed to protect you, his little grand baby, until the day he dies. So when Lee told him about what happened at the diner with Bobby-Ray, your grandpa wanted to beat the little punk black and blue. Thankfully Lee was able to convince him not to do anything that might land himself in jail.
"Just a second!" You called out to whoever was knocking on the front door and pulled the freshly baked cookies out of the oven. "Coming!" You called out as they knocked again.
You quickly walked to the front door, wiping your hands on your apron before pulling the door open.
"Oh, Sheriff, I wasn't expecting to see you this morning?" You smiled sweetly at him.
Lee smiled back, "Just wanted to check in, after yesterday."
You nodded. "Oh, okay... Would you like to come in? I just made some cookies."
Lee's smile grew. "That would be mighty kind of you, Sugar."
You stepped aside and let the Sheriff in. "Grandpa isn't here, I'm afraid. He's at church. So you're stuck with just me." You joked.
"You know that don't bother me, Sugar." He winked at you with a smile making you blush.
"Thank you," Lee nodded and popped his hat on the chair beside him as he sat at the kitchen table.
Lee watched in silence as you moved around the kitchen, smiling to himself as he caught the faint humming coming from your mouth. You were the perfect vision of what he thought his wife would look one day. And he was fool.
"How ya' feelin'?" Lee asked looking up after you placed his coffee in front of him.
You hummed, and turned back to face the counter. "Grateful for you." You smiled over your shoulder at him, catching the light blush as he looked down.
Lee cleared his throat, "How are you though, Y/N?"
"... A little shaken, I guess, hence why I ain't at church. Plus, I knew Bobby-Ray and his mother would be there so," You shook your head and focused on the cookies.
It was a new recipe that you tried so you were excited for someone to try them.
"Would you like to try a cookie? It's a new recipe." You smiled at the Sheriff as you placed the plate of cookies before him.
Lee licked his lips, "You know I can't say no to your cookies." He smirked as he picked one and looked up at you. "What's new about them?" He asked.
"Chocolate." You smiled and sat down beside him.
Lee frowned in confusion. "I've tried your chocolate chip cookies before, Sugar."
You shook your head with a grin, "Just try, and you'll see."
"You ain't poisoning me, are ya?" He joked making you roll your eyes playfully at him. He chuckled before he lifted the cookie to his mouth and took a decent bite out of it. "... Hmm-mm." Lee groaned from deep in his chest.
You squeezed your thighs together at the sound of pleasure the Sheriff made. That was unexpected.
"Damn, Sugar," Lee stared at the melted chocolate in the middle of his cookie. "These might be the best I've ever tasted."
You cleared your throat and stood up, turning back to the counter. "Oh, I'm glad." You gulped, trying to calm your nerves.
Lee licked his lips as he watched you, smiling to himself. "What ya' got planned for the rest of the day?"
"Nothin'. I got all my chores done this mornin', bein' up before the sun." You sighed. "Grandpa'll be out all day, drinkin' I reckon. So, might have an early night, maybe pamper myself with a long soak in the tub." You giggled and turned back to face Lee.
Lee stared into nothing, thinking about what you'd just said. "... Sounds, interesting." He cleared his throat and picked up another cookie.
"Are you working patrols all day? I could pack you some cookies up. Or maybe some lunch. A thank you for last night." You smiled and went over to the refrigerator. You bent over, almost directly in front of Lee as you looked inside.
"Dear... Lord," Lee said under his breath before he cleared his throat. "Uh, no, I'm in the station today." He sighed, "There's quite a bit of paperwork to catch up on that I ain't looking forward to." He looked up just as you turned to face him with things to make a sandwich. "Plus, the damn receptionist ain't in either so, I've got extra stress with that." He huffed.
"You know I'm always free to help out if you need it, Sheriff." You smiled at him before going over to the counter to make him a sandwich.
Lee thought to himself for a minute. The thought of spending all day with you was worrying. He wasn't sure he'd be able to focus, but it would be a big help to have you there. "If you don't mind, Sugar."
You turned around to face him with an excited look in your eyes. "Really? Wouldn't I get in the way?"
"Nah," Lee smiled, "You'll be doing me a favour and keeping me company."
You nodded. "Okay. Sure. That sounds fun."
"Okay." Lee quickly stood up, grabbing his hat from the chair beside him. "You make up two sandwiches, and I'll make sure the cruiser is clean for your pretty dress."
Your brow pinched together as you looked down to your dress in confusion.
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"It was last night. What could have gotten it so dirty since then?" You joked.
Lee shook his head. "Nothing... I swear. I just... would, hate for you to get some, dirt or anything, on-" He didn't finish his sentence before running out of the house. He had to get rid of that damn Pepsi cup before you got in.
It wasn't his fault, if anything it was yours. You looked so pretty last night, then you needed to be saved and looked after by him. Plus, you cried and tucked yourself close to him, under his arm as he drove you home. He was fucking hard after he dropped you off. He had to do something to get rid of it, and the cup was just sitting there as he thought about you. Your scent still lingering in the air.
"Fuck," Lee grunted feeling his dick twitching in his pants as he thought back.
Lee had to sit in the driver's seat with his hands on the steering wheel, his knuckles going white as he closed his eyes, trying to keep his breathing even and his dick soft.
"All clean, Sheriff?" You asked with a cheerful smile as you approached the cruiser.
Lee gulped, nodding his head as he got out of the cruiser. "All clean." He forced a smile as he walked around to the passengers side and opened the door for you. "You bring any cookies?" He asked in a playful tone, making you giggle.
"Of course I did, Sheriff."
Lee had every intention on setting you up at the desk in reception when the two of you arrived at the station, but then the dumb young deputies opened their mouths and made some sexual comment about you in front of him, so he steered you towards his office instead, sending the deputies a glare over his shoulder. His desk was big enough to share. It just meant he definitely wouldn't be able to focus on anything today.
"I've finished with these, Sheriff. Is there somewhere they need to go?" You asked as you held up the last envelope you'd just finished writing an address on.
Lee nodded, "There's a box out front, they'll get posted tonight."
"Okay," You smiled and pushed your chair back. "I'll got do that so they don't get lost."
"Thank you, Sugar." Lee smiled softly at you before you opened the door.
He let out a heavy sigh and sat back in his chair finally able to breath as you left his office. He'd been reading the same sentence for the last half hour after you had bent down to pick something up off the floor that he had dropped. He saw right down the top of your dress, instantly making him hard and pull himself further under his desk so you didn't see.
"So, you the Sheriff's new personal secretary, darlin'?" He heard one of his deputies ask through the open door.
Lee listened carefully with a frown. He heard you sigh before you answered. "I'm just lending a hand, that's all."
"I bet. Left or right?" Another asked, cracking up along with the other deputy.
Lee quickly stood up and pushed his chair back. He marched over to the door and opened it so it didn't make a noise, wanting to scare the deputies when he yelled at them for slacking off.
"Sometimes, I don't even use my hands." You answered back.
When Lee stepped out he saw the two deputies were speechless as you said goodbye and headed back to Lee's office.
He smirked down at you as you slipped passed him before he turned his attention back to his deputies. "Back to work!" He ordered before slamming his office door shut. "Everythin' okay, Sugar?"
You nodded, "Yes, Sheriff." You grinned. "Everythin' is good."
"Good." Lee nodded, looking away from you. "Hmm, if you could do these for me, Sugar, that would be great." He smiled, lifting up a stack of papers off his desk.
You nodded, quickly skipping over to him. "Of course, Sheriff." You smiled sweetly at him and took them from him, your fingers lightly grazing his, making you blush slightly.
It took everything in you not to look up and stare at him, to admire his handsome face as the room fell silent. Being so close to Lee for so long was nerve wrecking. He always smelt so good, and his smile always made your heart skip and when he smirked, your knees almost buckled. And when he spoke, it sent shivers down your spine. Sometimes it was smooth and soft, other times it was rough and deep. And when he yelled (not that it was often around you), but when he did, it made you dizzy with excitement.
The hours quickly ticked by and before you knew it, Lee had pulled up outside your home. The lights were on and your grandpa's old truck was parked in its usual spot indicating he had gotten home just fine.
"Thank you for today, Sheriff." You smiled at him.
Lee chuckled, "It should be me thankin' you, Sugar. You really helped me out." He spoke softly with a smile.
You blushed looking down to your lap. "It was nothin'." You shrugged it off.
Lee shook his head. "No, it was. You didn't need to help out like you did." He smiled, running his knuckles across your cheek. "But you did, because your sweet, and kind."
You blushed with a small smile.  "... Oh, well, thank you." You let out a nervous giggle. "I best get inside. Grandpa'll be getting' worried if I'm out any longer." You smiled bashfully.
Lee nodded. "Okay then, Sugar, you go on in."
"Good night, Sheriff." You pushed yourself closer to him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Your eyes widened a little when you realised what you'd done. You pulled back and met his stunned gaze. "I, hmm-"
The radio crackling to life interrupted the moment and gave you chance to bid Lee goodbye again before quickly sliding out of the cruiser.
What had you done? Why would you go and do something stupid like that? He probably thought you were just some stupid kid with a silly little crush on him. You had no doubt he was probably used to young girls fawning over him, and falling in love with him. But that didn't mean you hadn't just made a fool of yourself.
Tags: @stucky-my-ship @acciosiriusblack
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tinysushimark · 4 years ago
My Everything (HRJ)
1.7k words. (Fluff)
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Sometimes you wished you could run away from college and then run a café and live with your boyfriend.
You looked up at him, he was playing on his phone, why was he so relaxed? He has finals too next week. "Renjun! Don't you have to study?" You said.
"I'm done with my course." He said looking back down at his phone.
You sighed, he was always one step ahead of you, even when you were in school he used to teach you things because he was done. Now, even in college he was done before you. Even though you had different majors, you had the same college and fortunately, your classes took place in the same building.
A sigh escaped from your lips as you looked at the amount of chapters left. "What's wrong baby?" Renjun said, sitting next to you.
"I have 3 more chapters left, and exams are next week." You said. "Anything i can help with?" At this you snickered.
"Babe you're an arts major, how are you going to help me with Company Law?" You smiled and looked down.
"I am smart." He said.  "I never said you're dumb."
He stood behind your chair and started massaging your shoulders and neck. "Renjun what the-" He shushed you. "Get back to work." He kept massaging your shoulders.
"Renjun stop. That fucking hurts."
"You're stressed it's all pent up-"
"I told you to fucking stop it." You shouted at him, shooting a death glare.
"Why are you being so mean? I'm just trying to help." Renjun spat at you.
"You're clearly not helping, so how about you leave? You're just adding on to my stress with your completed course." You shouted at him.
He picked his bag up and slammed the door on his way out, making you flinch a little.
Asshole, that's the only word that came to your head once he left. His temper is very very short. Sometimes you wondered why you dated him and got annoyed at him. You had noticed how nowadays, the way he dealt with you had started changing.
He'd shout and slam doors. He never did that before but he was doing it nowadays. He is definitely bored of you and wants to break up with you, this is what you thought.
He on the other hand was very stressed, it wasn't about studies, it was about his family. After he left for college, he got to know about the fights which happened back at home. His mom and dad were fighting a lot more than when he was back at home. It had driven him off the edge that he wasn't there to stop his parents. He was an only child, so he'd end up persuading them to stop fighting, but he couldn't do it from here, in college. The only person who'd listen to him was getting annoyed at him too, you. He thought that he was the problem, probably everyone around him has problems because of him.
You weren't able to complete your course because Renjun decided to stay the nights in between semester and took you out so much. If he would've told you to study, you'd be revising by now. He forgot that you leave everything for him. He hadn't told you anything about what was happening back at home. He applied to the same college as you because he didn't want to lose you but he slowly understood that he was just a distraction for you.
Renjun didn't speak to you the entire week, and the week after that. You were done with your exams but still no contact or trace of Renjun.
You called him multiple times those weeks but he didn't pick up, knowing that he was probably busy revising, you left him alone. You needed the space.
After your exams were over you went to his shared flat, one of his flatmates saw you in an alleyway and smiled at you. "Mark, have you seen Renjun?"
"Renjun went to college, he must be back by now though." Mark said.
"Ok, thanks."
"If he isn't home, you can just wait on the couch, he'll be back soon I think." Mark said.
You nodded, bidding Mark a goodbye and walking to their apartment. Renjun had told you the password to the apartment, all his flatmates knew that he had a girlfriend and they didn't mind it. They were friendly and got along with you.
When you unlocked the door and got in you saw a girl in the kitchen, around the same age as you.
"Oh Mark you're back?" She said and turned around. "Hello." You said and she smiled at you. "Who are you by the way?" She asked you, the question took you aback.
"I'm Rejun's girlfriend." You said, her mouth formed a small Oh. "What's your Major and Year?"
"I'm a final year in BCom."
"I'm a first in year Mass Media. Oh by the way I'm Mark's girlfriend."  She said and passed a cup of coffee towards you. "Renjun isn't home, how about you wait here till he's back? He said he wanted to get some groceries." Mark's girlfriend said. She was younger than you and Mark. Mark was doing his post graduation and she was in her first year. You and Renjun were the same age.
When Renjun had moved in only Mark was living here, before another guy named, Jeno had moved in. You had found yourself a reasonable one flat apartment but slowly it's cost was rising which was a problem for you, but you kept living in it.
"We're looking for a flatmate." Mark's girlfriend said, trying to break the awkward silence. "Oh, where do you live?"
"The apartment above."
The both of you started talking about college and she told you details about the flat and the empty room. It seemed decent and you thought about it. "Can i see it?" It was a chance to be closer to Renjun, he wouldn't have to commute so much to see you.
Renjun came back home an hour after you had arrived, Mark and his girlfriend kept you entertained. They made you coffee and spoke to you.
When Renjun came home, you saw his red face, which was puffy.
He saw you and stood at the door frozen. Slowly tears started to fall from his eyes and your movements were quick. You ran to him and hugged him. He fell on his knees near the shoe shelves and you hugged him. He cried into your arms and you soothed his back.
"What's wrong Jun?" You asked softly. Instead you got a louder sob for a reply.
His grip around you tightened and he cried for a few minutes before pulling away and pushing your hair back from your face.
"My parents are getting divorced, and i thought i lost you because you lost interest in me-"
"Renjun I love you." You said hands caressing his cheek. "Why didn't you tell me about all this?"
"I didn't want to burden you, and I thought you'd get affected."
"Renjun, if it's bothering you and is a problem to you, it's my problem too." You said smiling at him.
"They've been fighting a lot lately, since i came here."  Renjun looked down at the floor. "I wasn't there to stop them."
"Renjun, its not your fault." You put your hand under his chin and made him look up at you. "It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself."
"But I should've been there and because of me you weren't able to complete your course on time, its all my fault."
Your boyfriend who was almost a head taller than you, suddenly seemed like a small lost child who you wanted to coddle and sing to. He looked so troubled and sad that your heart hurt. It wasn't his fault, he blames himself for everything.
You remember the time when you were cutting vegetables and got a slight cut, he blamed himself for it, saying that he knew that you dont know how to use a knife so he should've been the one cutting the vegetables.
He was harsh on himself and as much as you believed you could change it, you couldn't but you wanted to.
"Renjun, its not your fault that i didn't study, it's my fault. That's on me."
"If I hadn't stayed the nights, you'd be done."
"Renjun you stayed over the weekends, i always had weekdays but i ended up wasting them, it's on me." You explained to him.
"What about my parents? That's totally on me. I shouldn't have left them knowing how hostile they are towards each other."
"If they were hostile towards each other did you ever consider that they were both stressed together. They didn't want to be together Renjun."
He finally looked at you, eyes dejected.
"I want to break up with you."
"I'm nothing but a distraction to you."
"You are my driving force. You're like a miracle to me. I wish you could see that."  You connected your foreheads. "You're the person i look forward to each day, knowing you'll provide me comfort and that you'll be there to listen to me."
"And i wish i could show you how much i feel for you, It can't be expressed in words." You whispered, planting a small kiss on his cheek.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you what was going on and  for keeping you in the dark." Renjun said.
You nodded. "You're not gonna hear the end of it, they annoyed me so much over the phone about who'll keep the pearls and me." Renjun said. "Honestly, your mom deserves the pearls." You said looking into his eyes.
A small giggle came from his chest. "Yeah she does."
That's when the door opened and Jeno entered. "Renjun, its dirty here-"
"Oh hi Y/N!"  Jeno smiled and waved at you. Mark slowly pulled Jeno, "You're ruining their moment dude." Mark muttered under his breath.
All of you laughed and ate ramen for dinner, enjoying each others company.
"Renjun, Mark's girlfriend told me there's a room upstairs that's empty. I was thinking i should move in there." You said when he brought you to his room.
"Actually, i was about to ask you if you wanna move in together, Mark wants his girlfriend to shift downstairs, we can have the entire apartment to ourselves." Renjun smiled. "Plus my house is closer to our college."
"Yes, I'll move in with you."
New beginnings awaited you two, all full of happiness and sunshine with a few rainy days, but no storm lasts forever, all of them pass, and bring along sunshine again.
Read More: Masterlist
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jaycewrites-192000 · 4 years ago
Growl: Chapter 6
Warnings: None
Tags: @theravencawsatmidnight @etroman @kaariqueen
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Your P.O.V
I sat on my bed, phone in hand trying to think of what to say to Kyotani. I would type out a few words then immediately delete it, because it sounded really dumb or really desperate. "Why is this so hard?" I groaned. I could say whatever to Iwaizumi and Oikawa and it wouldn't bother me later on, but with Kyotani...I just really don't want to mess this up. I looked back down at my phone screen, took a deep breath and typed.
Me: Hey Kyotani, it's me Y/n, did you make it back home?
I held my phone to my chest, I didn't even want to see the speech bubble pop up. But when it did, and my phone dinged, my stomach did a backflip. I looked at my phone.
Kyotani: Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah? That was all he typed? I sighed slightly, well, he never was a man of many words.
Me: That's good. So, about coming over again. How does tomorrow night sound?
"Wow, way to be clingy." I mutter.
Kyotani: Sounds good.
I blinked a few times. "Whoa really? That worked?"
Me: Cool! I'll see you then.
Kyotani: See ya.
I let out a weak sigh and fell back onto my bed. Before I fell asleep I went back to the texts and changed Kyotani's name to:
🐶Mad Puppy🐶
He might have the personality of a feral wolf, but he could be as cute a little puppy. I smiled softly before drifting off to sleep.
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Your P.O.V
Your alarm jerked your awake early the next day. With a groan you sat up and turned it off and checked your phone, you gasped when you saw what day it was. "It's Saturday!!" You cheered before flopping back down on your bed. It might be immature for you to act like a child when it came to the weekend, but Jesus did you hate waking up early to go to some boring classes for eight hours a day. Besides, you had a very important day ahead of you. Tonight was the night you went over to Kyotani's place for dinner. The grin on your face only grew wider. "It's like a date...only his mom is going to be there too..."
Speaking of moms, you needed to tell your mom you wouldn't be home early tonight. "Oh great. She's never going to get off my back over this." You sighed. You got up and changed out of your pajama's and into some comfy clothes before heading downstairs. Your mother was just on her way out it the door once you got to the bottom of the stairs. "Hey mom!" You called, making her stop. "Yes sweetie?" She turns to face you. "Um, is it cool if I go over to a friends for dinner tonight?"
"Hm? You mean Iwaizumi?" She asks. "No, not him."
"...uh, then who?" She mutters.
"A new friend. Remember that intense guy I told you about? His name is Kyotani." You tell her. "Huh, I see. Well first I'm happy that you're making new friends sweetie." Your mother smiled. "But are you sure this "intense" guy is a friend? I just want to make sure you're not being bullied."
"I'm not being bullied. He is a pretty angry person at times but, he's actually really cool too." Your mother took a minute to think about it. "Alright, you can go. Do apologize to them for me. I won't be there."
"You won't?" Your mother shook her head. "I work late tonight. I won't be home until midnight. Which I expect you to be home before then, understand?" Your mother raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I promise. I'll tell them." Your mother pats your head and opened the front door. "Good, I'll see you later." She waves before leaving the house. "Of course you're working late again." You mutter as you walk into the living room. It never use to bother you as much before, but the more you thought about it and the more you watch her leave, the more it bothered you. She was always working, even during the weekends. You two hardly ever talked at times. You sat on the couch and decided to watch your favorite show to pass the time.
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After a while, your phone dinged.
Shittykawa: Heeeeeey L/n-Chan! Wanna hang out? I'm free all day~😙
. . . . .
Shittykawa: Don't ignore me!😫
You: That was my answer.
Shittykawa: Your answer was pure silence?
You: Yeah. 😒
Shittykawa: Whatever.🙄 What are you up to?
You: Lazying about. Something you would know well huh, Lazykawa?
Shittykawa: So. Rude. What about later tonight?
You: Can't. I have plans.
Shittykawa: Liiiiike?
You: What's it to you?
Shittykawa: Come on! The least you can do is tell me!
You: Uggggh! I have dinner plans with Kyotani ok!?
. . .
You: Shittykawa?
You: It's not a date!!!
Shittykawa: Really? You? Him? Dinner??? Is it not clicking L/n-Chan?
You: His mom is going to be there, dumbass.
Shittykawa: I just can't believe it... You. And Mad Dog??? Of all people???
Me: What's so wrong with that?
Shittykawa: First, I can't believe you chose him over me 😭 Second, he's not exactly the ladies man. He's more the, scare and intimidate everyone he comes in contact with, man.
Me: Oh shut up Shittykawa. Kyotani's cool. Now if you'll excuse me, he's texting me right now. So I'm gonna get to that if you don't mind 😡 Besides, we all know you gay af.
You didn't bother to read what Oikawa texted next.
Mad Puppy: Hey. You still on for tonight?
You: Yeah totally! I'm really looking forwards to it.
Mad Puppy: Cool. My mom's been pestering me about it all fucking morning. It's like she's trying to play matchmaker. It's ducking creepy.
Your heart twinged a bit at that.
You: Oh yeah? Sorry to hear that.
Mad Puppy: It's whatever. Just telling you ahead of time, she's gonna keep this up the whole night. I just know she is. Anyway, I'll call you later ok? I gotta take Killer on a walk.
You: Ok. Talk to you later.
You bury your face in your hands. You had a feeling that tonight was going to take a lot out of you.
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Later that night you stayed close by your phone, just waiting for that call from Kyotani. You had already gotten ready ahead of time, just so you would have to be in a rush later. You wore a short (color) dress with leggings.
(I know that must suck, but give me a break idk what outfit description would satisfy you all lol)
You didn't want to be super dressy but you didn't want to look like a bum in front of Kyotani and his mom. Speaking of, your phone lit up as the ringer went off. You scramble to pick up your phone before answering. "H-hello?"
"Hey, just checking in. You all ready to go?"
"Yep, I'm ready. I'll be over soon."
"Oh uh, actually...I'm on my way to your place....I didn't want you to walk alone at night."
You held back an "aw", you knew it would make him mad. "That's really nice of you Kyotani. Thank you."
"Yeah, I just figured you'd feel more comfortable if you were with someone. Anyway, I'll be there in a few."
"Ok. I'll see you then." You hung up and held your phone to your chest, the brightest smile on your face. Who knew Kyotani could be so nice? You never thought that you would have fallen for someone who looks pissed 24/7, but here you are.
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Shortly after, Kyotani was knocking at your door. You took a deep breath and opened the door. "Hi." You say softly. "Hey." He responds. "You ready to go?" You nod and walk out the door before shutting it. "Oh yeah, forgot to mention, my sister will be there too." He tells you. "Really? What's she like?"
"She's a l bitch." Kyotani says bluntly. "Oh come on." You laugh. "Is she really that horrible?" Kyotani nods. "Yep." You just rolled your eyes. You didn't have a brother or sister, but you understood that siblings would pick fights and "resent" each other from time to time. "Is your dad gonna be there too?" Kyotani remained silent, his eyes narrowed. "No." Oh....You decided not to press for more questions, not yet at least. You didn't want to ruin the night by bringing up touchy subjects.
Before you knew it, you were at his home. Kyotani knocked on the door, which was immediately answered by his mom and Killer, who was barking and jumping on you. "Oh, look at you Y/n! You look stunning! Doesn't she Kentaro?" His mom gushed. Kyotani nods. "Come on in! Dinner is just about ready!" You thanked her before stepping inside. At the table was a girl with black hair and the same yellow eyes as Kyotani sat. She wasn't really paying attention to anything or anyone, aside from her phone, which she tapped away on. "Natsuki, we have a guest. Put that thing down for once!" Her mom says as she walks to the stove. Natsuki sighs heavily and puts her phone down. "Hey." She mutters. "You my dumb little brother's girlfriend or something?" You and Kyotani's faces turn red.
"Shut your trap, Natsuki!" Kyotani growls. "She's way too pretty for you, mutt." She smirks. "I said shut it!"
"Both of you shut up!" Their mother yells. "Sorry about my two idiots Y/n." She smiles. You just wave it off. "Uh, don't worry about it." Kyotani and Natsuki's mother set down a very delicious meal on the table. Everyone sat down and gave thanks for the meal before digging in. "Wow. This is really good!" You say as you take another bite. Kaori smiles warmly. "I'm glad you like it. You should take some home for your family. I may have gotten carried away and made a little too much. I was just so surprised that my son brought over such a sweet and beautiful young lady!" Kyōtani grumbles a curse under his curse. Your face warmed up. "I'm kinda surprised myself." You admit.
"Same here. Ken has always been weird. Never thought girls would be interested in him." Natsuki says bluntly. "Tsk. And I never thought guys would be into you, guess I was right, huh?" Kyotani counters. The two siblings were caught in a glare off with each other. "I say cut it out, both of you!" Kaori hissed.
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The rest of the night was filled with conversations about school, and marriage, much to Kyotani's dismay, and just causal convo. There were more compliments about how nice and cute you were from his mom, and some questions from his sister for you like "so how much did my brother pay you to hang out with him?". They had to be one of the most chaotic family you've met, but you did enjoy their company. It was getting late, time for you to head home. Once again, Kyotani walked you home. "Thanks again." You smile softly. "Yeah, sorry about my mom and sister. Must have been exhausting." You shook your head. "They were great. I had a really good time tonight. Make sure you get back home safe ok?" Kyotani nods. "See ya." He turned ad walked away.  You wave before walking inside your home. Your mother still wasn't home, you decided to head up stairs and catch up on your favorite anime.
While watching, your phone dinged. You looked down to see a text from Kyotani.
🐶Mad Puppy🐶 I had a good time too. Night
You smiled and texted back.
You Good night 😊
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years ago
Spidey Squad (Boys) Suspicious Texting/Insecure - Headcanon
Anon asked - can I get a headcanon of the spidey squad boys reacting to their s/o's phone blowing up (in the texting way) and they think it might be a guy? Thanks XD
A/N: Lol I think I get what you're saying. Also thanks for the headcanon!!! I love making them. I gave Peter a blurb cuz, well, he's Peter. Enjoy!
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Peter's not a super jealous guy, especially if he's already got you (as his girlfriend/boyfriend)
He trusts you so he's never in some constant state of awareness or fear about the state of the relationship or watching for anyone coming against it
Sometimes maybe too unaware
But that's for a different headcanon
So you two are sitting probably watching a movie or something
And your phone is ON FIRE
Idk who's texting you but BOY have they got alot to say!
And it doesn't bother Peter at first
But like
And at this point idk if he's just upset with getting distracted from the movie or from thinking some idiot's hitting on you
(Cuz he's a boy and boys gotta jump to irrational conclusions sometimes)
So he hits you with a quick "so who's texting us, babe?"
(Cuz ya gotta love sassy petey, I mean c'mon)
You either tell him who you're talking to and he calms down (but he will talk to Ned about people he suspects trying to flirt with you later) or "what the fuck you mean 'us'? They're texting me, Petey."
But overall it's just a minor, little, easily forgotten thing
Unless of course, you tease him
"I love you, Metroman!"
"And I love you, random citizen!"
That was the fifth text. The fifth ding in the last two mintues. Peter watched you. You'd been reading them, only responding to some.
He shook his head slightly and turned back towards the t.v. set. 'You're just being insecure, Peter,' he told himself with a small chuckle. 'Don't say anything, don't be that guy.'
'So she's POPULAR today? That's new... that's interesting...'
The last series of noises caused Peter to let out a nervous laugh. You looked up at him curiously. "You alright, Pete?"
He nodded frantically as he paused the movie. "Heh, so... um, who's texting us, babe?"
Your jaw dropped. "Us?," you laughed. Peter Parker was feeling threatened? So he was as dumb as the average teenage guy after all. 'Okay then,' you thought before saying the name you'd knew would get him riled.
"Oh no-one. It's just Brad trying to flirt."
He scoffed and looked back at the t.v. "Brad trying to flirt..." he mumbled. Then it dawned on him. "Wait, Brad trying to-what?!"
Peter leaned, no, practically lunged over, trying to catch a glimpse of the messages. He frowned when you turned the screen off. "No no, turn it back on. What the hell is he saying to you?"
You couldn't contain your laughter as you turned your phone towards him and turned it on, only for him to see that the person who'd been texting was your best friend.
Peter immediately turned quiet and blushed as he sat back down. "I-i... I'm sorry."
"No, it was funny!," you teased. You reached over and kissed his cheek. "Guess you're a regular dumb teenage boy after all."
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Oh, Flash doesn't even TRY to hide it.
He's not a bad person but he is a narcissistic little prick let's be honest
So he wants undivided attention when he talks
Anyway he's probably just talking a bunch
About literally whatever
And like halfway through he notices that you're not really listening
Or you start to laugh, but not at a joke he made
Your eyes are glued to your phone
So in the most Flash way possible, he just scoffs and says "hey tell your side-chick that you're home now."
Seeing as how you're with Flash, you wouldn't be a sensitive person
You just laugh it off
You finish the text and set your phone down probably shooting him a snarky remark while you're at it
He resumes talking
But even still, your phone is blowing up
And like he's talking but it's just
"So anyway-" *Ding*
"I was trying to-" *Ding*
"..to-" *Ding*
"Holy fuck, what- is that your other boyfriend?"
Might even pick up the phone and call whoever's texting you and just snicker "Get a hobby!," and pass the phone back to you
Yeah. He's that guy.
We still love him tho it's fine.
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Ah, the sweetheart that is Ned Leeds
Let's be real he's not gonna jump to conclusions
And seriously, he probably won't even care who you're texting or that you're texting at all
He just wants your company
But if it gets really excessive
Like really REALLY excessive to the point where you're not even acknowledging him being in the room with you
He's probably just gonna shift over a bit to maybe see who's texting you so much
And throws out a little "wow, you're really popular today, huh?"
Then awkward silence
And awkward staring
And just plain awkwardness
Cuz like he WANTS your attention but he doesn't want to be rude about it
And if you STILL don't get it, he'll just tap you on the shoulder and be like "hey.. remember me.. your boyfriend?"
We all get needy sometimes😬😗
Tagging mutuals: @allegra-writes, @yumings, @hey-its-grey, @spideyyeet, @sunkissedspidey, @tommyunderoos, @chaoticpete, @spidey-reids-2003, @thesherlockianavenger, @bubblebucky, @kelieah
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I hope this isn't too personal, but can I ask u how did ir start with F? how did you two meet, or what's special about him...I love hearing people talk about the ones they're over the moon with. anyway, I'm rooting for you girl <3
Hiii! 🖤 We met at work! We've both started working for the company almost at the same time.
Initially he was super awkward, didn't talk that much but day after day we kept going for a cigarette at the same hour and slowly we've started socializing a bit more.
I don't even remember when or what exactly triggered my brain into realising that "well, that's the one"... Tbh I fully realised this just recently but one thing is sure: everytime we share moments together, for me it's the best thing ever. I really wish I could put it into words but I can't find the right ones to fully describe it all. The best one I think is: he feels like home.
Like, literally. I've never felt judged, fooled, he's never made me angry or brought to the point of me willing to stop being friends together... He's one of the very few people, if not The One that I wouldn't mind having around all the time. Seriously. With the others I usually have to step back, take some Me Time and deflate in solitude. Him? Never felt that.
Anyway, he obviously has some flaws as every human should 'cause nobody is perfect but some of the things that I absolutely love about him is that he's super smart, always eager to learn new things (in fact he likes documentaries a lot) and always willing to share some facts about them. Side note: I'm pretty dumb and all the things I've learned are fucking gone with the wind, I don't remember anything, so it's nice having someone that tells you fun facts about different topics, ya kno?
Also he loves animals, dogs in particular. I've never seen anybody that would be as excited to see a dog on the streets as I do. We literally stop talking about whatever we're talking about and go batshit crazy "DOGGOOOOO?! LOOK AT THAT OMG DOGGO LOOK LOOK". Fucking embarrassing but we don't care 😂
And I love the fact that he makes me laugh even in those moments when anyone wouldn't even smile. It takes literally two seconds to make me feel better and face my problems more lightly. Nobody was ever able to do that, so I guess that's pretty special!
Finally I guess it's the matter of energy/vibes/whatever that people have. Idk what I could compare it to but the only analogy that pops in my mind is... sunshine. That kind of sunshine during the first days of spring that makes you feel all warm and happy after months of cold winter and rain.
The rest? I literally don't know, I feel this thing inside my heart, totally undescribable that you'd have to experience yourself to get what I mean. Something similar happened to me only once in the past and it took me literally 5 years to snap out of it (for various reasons). 5 YEARS. I don't wanna know how much time it's gonna take me this time 😅
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getitinbusan · 5 years ago
Only Love Can Hurt Like This -4
Im Jaebeom - Angst
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Y/N doesn't want a relationship, especially not with an idol. Jaebeom only wants her.
Love after heartbreak and all the things that fall in between.
Angst, Cheating, Fluff, Smut
A new series inspired by lyrics, each chapter has a specific song that goes with it.
Chapter 1: Nice To Meet Ya
Chapter 2: Blood In The Cut
Chapter 3: Liability
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5: Only Love Can Hurt Like This
Chapter 4: That's Just The Way You Make Me Feel
You keep on asking me the same questions (why?)
And second guessing all my intentions
You've got the answers to my confessions
You know I love it, so please don't stop it
So real, so good, so fuckin' real
The way you make me feel Janel Monae. 
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He knew he fucked up and he didn't know what to do about it. He'd finally made some headway and now he was back to square one. 
So, the next day he was back. Standing in front of your counter he held out a cup of Hotteok.
Before he could speak you jumped in, "See JB, the way this whole retail thing works is, you pick something you want that I'm selling, then give me money for it. Nowhere in the scenario do you bring me random shit just because."
Your eyes were red, he felt terrible, after only 2 conversations he'd already managed to hurt you. 
"It's not random shit, it's an apology. I'm sorry I drew attention to you last night." he paused, "you don't deserve to be attacked like that." 
You turned away trying to gain your composure, "The one thing I've learned through all this is to never apologize for showing your feelings. When you do, you're apologizing for the truth." 
You looked back, "I've never apologized for loving Yoongi, because it was real whether people want to believe it or not."
You sighed, "You didn't do anything wrong. You didn't put the target on my back JB it's been there a while, I'm just sad because now you've got one too." 
His heart sank when he realized that you weren't choosing loneliness to protect yourself, you were keeping your distance so he wouldn't get dragged into it. 
He placed his large hand over yours as it lay on the counter. "There's only one thing that's going to make me walk away from you." He tipped your chin so you were forced to look into his eyes, "Tell me you don't want me here." 
The door chimed, you were no longer alone.
"Like I said yesterday, it's bad business for me to chase away customers, stay as long as you want."
He smiled brightly, "That's not a no." 
Taking the Hotteok from the counter you were still unsure, but he was right, it wasn't a no. 
Standing at the bar in the exact spot you'd met him, you'd hoped he'd be here tonight. You felt like a desperate fool with a schoolgirl crush.
Three days had passed since you'd last seen him and despite your best efforts, you found yourself missing him. You hated the way your heart hurt, of course he'd given up why would this be a surprise? 
A hand reached around placing a drink on the bar in front of you. "You look like you could use this, still pining over Min Yoongi?" 
"Actually I'm waiting for a friend Minho." 
"I could be your friend tonight Y/N. I guarantee I can get you to stop thinking about him," he grabbed your ass. 
"No thanks, I don't think 5 minutes in your bed will change my world."
He grabbed the drink back, "No wonder he cheated on you, you're such a bitch." 
Dumb, Dumb, Dumb...you'd let your guard down and everything was feeling all too personal. Shooting back the last of your Soju you grabbed your jacket and made for the exit. 
"You're not leaving when I just got here?"
Your traitorous heart fluttered, "I didn't know I was supposed to be waiting." 
His grin got bigger, "Are you mad because maybe you actually missed me a little?"
Mad, sad, who could tell them apart anymore? 
"Yeah, actually I am and I'm livid with myself for it." 
He put his hand on your waist, "Hey, I'm sorry, I got called for re shoots."
His thumb rubbed over your hip soothingly, "I only have your work number...I just got back and I was hoping you'd be here" 
A voice shouted from across the bar "Don't waste your time on that one JB, come sit with us"   
You closed your eyes trying to keep the tears at bay, "You heard the man. I'm leaving anyway, I guess I'll see ya around."
Shooting a look at Minho he ran out the door to catch up with you. 
Standing at the curb waiting for a cab he reached his hand out to you. "I wanted to be with you tonight, and I'm pretty sure you wanted to be with me. It's still early, let's go somewhere okay, can we still do that?" 
Placing your hand in his, "Only if we're alone...and there's alcohol."
He smiled victorious, "I think I know a place." 
Walking up the crowded street you felt better, anonymous. He kept squeezing your hand making sure you hadn't slipped away.
"Right here," he stopped in front of a pink neon lit Karaoke Bar. 
"Karaoke? I think one of us has an extremely unfair advantage JB." 
"Don't worry I'll let you win." 
Stepping closer to him you kissed his cheek, "Why are you being so nice to me JB?" 
"Y/N, why do you keep questioning my motives?"
His hand ran up your arm, "I hate that you've been mistreated for so long that you don't realize what normal behavior is."
He held the door open for you, "How's a private room and bottle service sound?" 
You consumed copious amounts of Grey Goose as you took turns performing for one another. What you lacked in vocal talent you made up for in your ability to mimic choreography.
"I think I've lost my voice," you shouted after your efforts to sing Itzy's Wannabe.
"I'm going to have to tell JYP about you, maybe with some training you can debut next year and come on tour with us," he laughed.
He queued up the next song, "Come here, I want to dance with you." 
You moved into his waiting arms and allowed yourself to surrender to his pursuits. His song came on and you laughed, "it's so cheesy Jaebeom-ah!" 
He sang anyway, 
Our love will lead the way for us
If the road ahead is not so easy
Like a guiding star
I'll be there for you if you should need me
You don't have to change a thing
I love you just the way you are
You let your head rest on his chest, his heartbeat was louder, more important than the words he was singing.
Glad he was holding you up, you felt a little drunk, a little in love and for once, you weren't going to stop yourself. 
He kissed the top of your head and held on a little tighter, "So does this mean you'll finally give me your number?"
You looked up at him nodding, locking eyes he moved slowly closer, lips almost touching ...until his phone went off.
He frowned, "Fuck, it's management. Sorry I've got to check in. Just stay in my arms ok?" 
"You're going to read texts over my shoulder? How romantic," you jibed, but you didn't break away. 
JYP: Dispatch has reached out to us for comment regarding a new dating scandal. They were tipped off that you were with Y/N at Cakeshop Night Club tonight and now they are outside of the Karaoke bar waiting for photos. We need to discuss your intentions immediately. A car will pick you up in 15 mins, wait inside for security. Do not leave the building together as it is still controllable speculation.
You could feel his body react to what he was reading, deep breaths, tensed muscles and finally pulling you in tightly. "What is it J?" 
"I've got to get you out of here, the press are outside" 
He handed you his phone, "add your number."
But JYPs text was still open and you saw every word.
You keyed in your info and switched it off before handing it back. 
You breathed deep, "You know, sneaking in and out of buildings is my specialty," You put your hand over his heart and gave a sad smile.
"Don't worry about me. I'm sure there's a back entrance, I'll just grab a cab home. If you go out the front they'll be too busy taking photos of you, they'll never notice me."
You tried to sound confident and uncaring so he'd do what was best but Jaebeom had his own plan. 
"Get your stuff, we're going out the front together." 
He pulled your hand through the bar and out the front door. Lights flashed as they took their photos for tomorrow's headlines.
Hailing a cab he leaned over and kissed your lips, "I'm going to call you as soon as I can okay?"
You weren't okay, your first kiss would be your last kiss. Your smile hid the stabbing pain in your heart, you knew it was over before it had started.
"Jaebeom," you called him back after he closed the car door behind you, "It's been a really great time."
He smiled and waved.
Getting into the companies blacked out Suburban he was happy, he was going to stand his ground.
He'd felt bad that your first kiss had been under these circumstances so he opened his phone to text you a quick apology.
Searching the contacts  he found your entry, "I'm sorry" with random numbers underneath. 
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aint-no-highschool-au · 5 years ago
The Repressed Nerd And The Anxious Prep:
"I debated Logan Picani in lit class today!!!!! and he debated back!!!!!!!"
That was the text Virgil got Immediately as the lesson ended.
"r u OK?"
He sent right back. Knowing his excitable friend, he wouldn't be surprised if Patton was about to faint right now. Which might sound a little harsh but it was simply out of concern.
"not really, I feel like I'm gonna faint!"
Yep, it was as bad as Virgil had feared.
"he stared right at me Vee! He looked directly into my eyes, I couldn't fucking breath!!!!!!"
Oh no, it was worse than Virgil had feared.
"it's okay, where are you?"
"I'll be there with cookies and a water bottle in 2 minutes."
"im walking to my locker."
"Jesus Christ Logan Picani could step on me and I would thank him"
"that's nice but if you text me anything else that you want him to do to you you're paying for the eye bleach that I'll have to use afterwards."
"how are you the prude between the two of us again?"
"not a prude, just demisexual. Sorry pat, we can't all be horny 24/7"
"more like 22/7, you can't be horny when you're doing homework it's physically impossible. Instant mood killer."
Virgil reached the locker and saw Patton leaning against it as if his body was too heavy for him to stay upright. He shoved a bag of cookies and a bottle of water in his direction and Patton accepted both greatfuly.
Patton drank the water bottle nearly to the end, and then started happily, if still a bit nervously eating the cookies.
"what's your next class?" Virgil asked
"P.E." Patton replied with a defeated tone.
"yeah, exactly. Well at least I have Roman to keep me company on the bench..."
"Roman Sanders? Since when does he even bother to show up to gym class?"
"since he found out I like Logan. We've been using that class to talk about him. Well we talk about other things too but you know me, I talk about Logan a lot."
"seriously? How long has this been going on?"
"the past two weeks I think? Why?"
"why? Really Pat?? At no point in these two weeks did it occur to you that I might want to know about the fact that you're suddenly friends with my enemy???" Virgil was more shocked than he was angry, but he was still a little angry, which made Patton tremble in his place.
Immediately recognizing his mistake Virgil took a deep breath to calm himself down.
"sorry Pat, that was too harsh. I'm not mad at you I just, wish you would have told me sooner is all. I don't know how I feel about you and Roman being friends but it's not my call anyway so, it doesn't really matter."
Patton calmed down as well and blinked in surprise.
"wow, Picani has really been helping you deal with your anxiety huh?"
"yeah, I think him being friends with my dad is the best thing that ever happened to my mental health."
"well, I forgive you. You were overwhelmed and I suppose I could've told you sooner or at least not drop the information on you out of nowhere."
"it's alright, just as long as you don't force me to tolerate the edgy bitch."
"hehe... Well actually, it's funny that you mention it-"
"oh God Pat what did you do?" Virgil asked, more reluctantly accepting of his fate now than angry and aggressive like he was before.
"I invited him to sit with us at lunch today? And before you say anything you should know that I did it for two very good reasons! One, he's bringing Logan with him and because there's four of us to carry a conversation, I'll never have the chance to make a fool of myself in front of him. Hopefully. And two, you know how Dezi and Remus always try to get you to join their table?"
"and have sucseeded a few times, yes. It's only what i dread every lunch period, why do you bring it up?"
"well, when you're sitting with just me I don't really have the guts to say anything, those two already don't like me and they run the whole school. But if you were sitting with all three of us, we could back you up together! It's the perfect plan!"
"...you've really put a lot of thought into this, haven't you?"
"pleeeeease Virgil?? I really want us to all just get along for once. Is it really such a bad thing if I have more than one friend for the first time in my life?"
"well no, of course not! But does it have to be Roman?"
"you know, you and Roman have a lot in common. You'd get along really well if you just gave each other a chance."
"fine! But only for you pop star. And don't expect me and the prince of darkness to go skipping around in a field of flowers together afterwards, this is the only chance I'm willing to give that drama nerd."
"the feeling's mutual, you preppy pest-al prick." Roman said as he appeared behind the conversing friends. He turned his head to Patton and his entire demeanor changed, his face lighting up and, was that a smile?
Virgil couldn't believe his eyes but Roman seemed...happy. and if he was happy to see Patton maybe they did have something in common, at least enough to tolerate each other for one lunch period.
"hello, puffball! Here's that bow tie I promised you, it would look much better on you anyway."
The Goth held out a sparkly grey bow tie for Patton to take, smiling with a kind of charm Virgil had never seen in him before. Is this what he was like around the people he genuinely cared for? Virgil had to admit, it was rather endearing, maybe even cute...
Wait what?
"well, I'll see you two at lunch!" Roman stepped back and turned around with a dramatic flourish.
Just then, Virgil saw that someone had stuck a "kick me" sign on Roman's back, a dumb prank. He had half a mind to just let him walk around with it, but having seen this softer side to him, he felt sympathetic towards the dramatic Goth for once.
"wait!" Virgil called to him.
"oh? Is the prince of darkness wanted in the company of a his royal shyness?" Roman snarked, turning his head slightly to look at him but not his whole body.
"you wish, princey. Just thought we should get rid of this dumb sign on your back, seeing as you're not wearing your cape today to hide it." Virgil snarked right back as he ripped the sign from his shirt.
"oh. um, alright then." Roman blushed, feeling like a clumsy fool, but also greatful. Gratitude? To his arch nemesis?? The mere thought was enough to make him blush even harder, but he swallowed his pride and did the polite and honorable thing.
"thank you, Virgil. Any lesser man would have let me walk around with that sign all day. Amd now I know why I've been kicked five times on my way here."
"yikes, humans are trash." Virgil said without really thinking much of it, but it made Roman giggle. ~he giggles?!?~ Virgil thought in amazement.
"yes, they are. Which is why it was very noble of you to help me without being asked."
"don't mention it. Anyway, you better get to class you dork, or eles Patton won't have anyone to talk to."
Just as he said that, the bell rang for the next class.
"right! Well, I'll see you two later." he made his dramatic exit a more humble one this time, shyly smiling at Virgil.
Virgil found himself staring off in the distance to where Roman was heading.
"somebody's got a cruuuuuush~" Patton teased him cheerily, smiling wide.
"what? No I don't! He's my enemy, I barely even tolerate him. I just... I just thought it wasn't fair that he got pranked like that. As a matter of fact, I'm the only one who should get to prank him because he's my enemy!"
Patton snorted, entirely unconvinced.
"okay, whatever helps you sleep at night." Patton said as he walked away to his class with Roman.
"see you at lunch, Vee!"
Virgil was so screwed.
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punkscowardschampions · 5 years ago
Rio & Buster
Rio: [Before, probably late PM night before or early af AM] Rio: What time are you getting there? Buster: [A time that Baze would fuck with] Rio: In time for the easter egg hunt then Rio: I've got to help set up Buster: Ava refuses to miss it, meaning none of us can Rio: Well, duh Rio: and no, I won't tell you where any of the eggs are hidden Buster: I could help you set up Buster: Then I'd know Rio: Then you would be disqualified Rio: also, doesn't seem very 'you', does it? Buster: If anyone asks, I'm doing it to help my sister cheat Buster: I'd argue that's very me Rio: I can see that Rio: I'll see you then then Buster: I miss you Rio: I miss you more Rio: today is going to be weird Buster: If it gets too much, just tell me Buster: Nobody'll be surprised to see me leave Rio: Not you, no Buster: I mean it, I don't even have to go at all Buster: If you don't want me to Rio: You should be there Rio: and I'd rather see you than not at all Rio: we have to try, don't we Buster: Yeah Rio: when did we get too old for the egg hunt? Buster: I wouldn't know, I was always getting disqualified Rio: you're too competitive Buster: There's no such thing Rio: I think the 😭😡 suggested otherwise Buster: You couldn't handle losing to me, that's not my fault Rio: it wasn't just me, thank you Buster: But I only cared about you so Rio: if you really cared, you would've let me win 😏 Buster: That wouldn't impress you Buster: Don't act like I didn't share the prizes Rio: I think you might've been forced to Rio: very ungracious winner, you Buster: Nobody's ever been able to force me to do anything, you know that Rio: I know Rio: and you always looked very cute Buster: Like I said, I had to impress you Rio: You did Rio: and you will Rio: it'll be very distracting from 🐇 duties Buster: You're not gonna dress like one, are you? Rio: Probably not Rio: make the adults uncomfortable and can't chase 'round after the kids very well in stilettos and a corset, like Buster: I'd offer to carry you but that would make everyone even more uncomfortable Rio: 😞 Rio: like no one cares about my comfort, honestly Buster: I care, baby Rio: I know Rio: we should have a few minutes though, when your dad is fighting granddad over the lamb/to be the new alpha and the rest are trying to keep the kids from ruining their lunch by making themselves sick on chocolate Buster: What could be more romantic, like? Rio: Yeah Rio: but we've got to make the most Buster: We will Buster: I don't wanna call it a leaving present but I've got something for you Rio: Is it a surprise? Buster: Until you find it Rio: Ooh Rio: what if someone else finds it? Rio: am I gonna have to snatch it from a child's hands real fast, like Buster: They won't, I'm gonna leave it somewhere that means something to me and you Buster: Separate from the Easter Egg Hunt Rio: I'm excited Buster: Good Buster: 'Cause I can't sleep Rio: Me either Rio: let's be together now Buster: Alright Rio: we can make each other sleepy when we wanna Buster: When we have to, not before Rio: That's good with me, baby Buster: I love you Rio: I love you, don't forget Rio: in a weird way, it'll be fun trying to find ways to show you without anyone noticing Buster: Put a dress on, that'll really help me out Rio: 😳 oh Buster: As long as I'm not the one blushing tomorrow, nobody should notice Rio: I can't promise no ears but I'll leave the tail for when we're alone Rio: that should save your blushes Buster: I appreciate that, babe Rio: I'm clearly not as thoughtful as you, but I do try Buster: You're clearly more thoughtful than me 'cause you don't have to try Rio: but I didn't get you a surprise Buster: You're not the one leaving Rio: so, when I come visit you Rio: okay Rio: gives me time to think Buster: I always think about that Rio: you better have a clear schedule next weekend Rio: 'cos all I need is an excuse to be in London Buster: I'll clear it Rio: I need the whole weekend Rio: we'll have so much to catch up on Rio: show much to show you Buster: You had me at next weekend Rio: you know I'm bad at being patient Buster: You've had to be patient for far too long Rio: I'm gonna have to get a better job though Rio: to see you as often as I wanna Buster: If you get another job you won't get to see me at all Buster: And you don't need one, you've got me Rio: You can't pay for everything, it isn't fair Rio: and I didn't say another, just a better one Buster: It's not fair that you'll have to find excuses to come to London Buster: Or that you'll have to job hunt Rio: I've got enough saved for a bit anyway Buster: Keep saving it Rio: Baby Buster: No arguments Buster: I don't need to save money, I need you Rio: But Buster: But is the beginning of an argument Rio: I don't wanna argue with you, daddy Buster: Then don't Rio: tell me it's alright Buster: You know it is Buster: I look after you and you look after me Rio: I just don't wanna take advantage Buster: You're not Rio: I'm not that bitch Rio: not with you, anyway Buster: I know who you are Rio: if your friends got any hot dads I can scam though Rio: lmk Buster: Obviously Rio: I'll do mums too Rio: if they're dumb enough Buster: They are Rio: Figured Buster: [Everyone's parents deets casually] Rio: 😂😂 Rio: damn, coming through Buster: Have you forgotten who I am? Rio: no but I always want another reminder Buster: [a selfie like oh hey] Rio: oh my god Rio: I want to be there to cuddle you so bad Buster: Tell me we can get lost for a while during this fucking egg hunt Rio: you've not forgotten how many hiding places there are, I know Rio: lots of people but enough space Rio: 🤞 Buster: You've not forgotten how much I've grown since I last used any of those hiding places, I know Rio: 'scuse me, I'll just be reminiscing over here 🤤🤤🤤 Rio: still, though, I know places Buster: I can't wait for you to show me Rio: [selfie back] Rio: show you that for now Buster: Oh fuck Rio: Can you think of a valid excuse for you to come to church with me tomorrow morning? 😏 Buster: Like you said, it'll look good when I apply to uni Rio: in theory, very 🙏 Rio: in reality, so 😈 Buster: I'll be there Rio: actually? Buster: Yeah Rio: I'll die Buster: I won't let that happen Rio: The others don't come Rio: not even Junie Buster: All the more reason why I should keep you company, babe Rio: Seriously though Rio: it's pretty nightmarish Buster: You've already sold it to me Rio: at least you can sit next to me Rio: none of our family will be there Rio: unless my nan swoops in and steals you🙄 Buster: You'll just have to hold onto me so she can't Rio: I will Rio: so tight, like Buster: Don't let go Rio: Never Rio: You gonna go to confess whilst you're there? Buster: Should I? Rio: Probably not Rio: but technically, he's meant to keep his mouth shut Rio: so you could Buster: You're a secret, not a sin Rio: we could ask Rio: definitely wasn't back in the day, everyone in the bible is cousins, basically Buster: I don't need a second opinion, especially from someone whose first opinion isn't something I particularly need to hear Rio: Okay Buster: We're not doing anything wrong Rio: it won't stop me if we are Buster: It wouldn't stop me either if I thought we were, but I don't Rio: Yeah Buster: Is that what you think? Rio: I don't know what I think Buster: Yeah you do Buster: You just don't wanna say it Rio: like I said, it isn't going to stop me Rio: but it must be Buster: If it was that wrong it'd be illegal Rio: I know it's not illegal Rio: but it's not accepted Buster: Neither's being gay by some people, that's not wrong Rio: well that's different Buster: Why? Rio: we could technically not do this Buster: My sister could technically never fuck a girl, she's still gay Buster: I still love you even if we don't Rio: Yeah Rio: that's true Rio: okay Rio: I don't know Buster: She has a right to be with whoever she wants, so do I Rio: I don't know how to shut out everyone else's bullshit Rio: the jokes, disgust, whatever Buster: They don't have to know Buster: I'm saying any of this 'cause I wanna tell them all tomorrow Buster: not* Rio: No, of course Rio: it still gets in my head though, is all I mean Buster: Yeah, I know Rio: do you think your parents ever cared Rio: it's different but people would've been funny still Buster: Of course Buster: My mum could've got thrown out if it'd have gone wrong Rio: at least we don't have to worry about that Buster: And people have always said shit about this family, one way or another Rio: don't need to tell me Buster: So stop worrying Rio: Helpful 😏 Buster: I can easily help you relax Rio: I've not totally killed the mood? Buster: Don't be ridiculous Buster: I'll do anything to make you feel better, whenever Rio: Do I ever make you feel better? Rio: feel like I'm not pulling my weight here Buster: You know you do Rio: I can do better Rio: just not tonight Buster: There is no better Buster: You're perfect Rio: I love you so much Rio: I'm not gonna lose you 'cos people are idiots with opinions Buster: You're not gonna lose me for any reason Rio: No Rio: but especially that Buster: Good Rio: so, about relaxing Buster: What can I do? Rio: What can't you Rio: you wanna call? Buster: Or you could sneak me in again Buster: What time's church? Rio: 9 Rio: most people sleep through it Rio: my dad, if he bothers to show Buster: So if I'm going with you, it makes sense for me to come over now, yeah? Rio: I think so Rio: you'd have to leave so early to get here on time, you don't want to wake your fam, like Buster: Exactly Buster: And there's less traffic now than there would be at that time of the morning Rio: Right, just makes sense Rio: leave a note for 'em to find later and no one will think anything of it Buster: Fuck that, all our calendars are synced, I just need to add this into mine Rio: 😂 Rio: Wow Buster: You've met my parents, babe Rio: Once or twice Rio: at least I know you aren't such a loser that you always stick to it Buster: Cheers, like Rio: Awh, babe Rio: you're an adorable nerd, you know that Buster: Come on, don't lie Buster: What do I need to bring with me to wear for church then? Rio: you can probably wear what you're gonna wear for the rest of the day Rio: assuming you aren't planning to dress like a 🐇 too, in which case, probably not Buster: Fair assumption Rio: not even if I ask really nicely? Buster: Try it Rio: Will you dress up for me, baby Rio: it'd make me really happy Buster: How happy? Rio: Happy enough I could be persuaded to do whatever you want in return Buster: But you know I could persuade you to do that anyway Rio: but please Buster: I can't say no to you Rio: Don't Rio: 'cos I never wanna say no to you Buster: Don't Rio: What do you want then, most of all Buster: I'm already getting what I want Buster: I'm on my way to you Rio: I like having you in my bed Rio: do you know how often I've dreamt about that Buster: Tell me Rio: I honestly think I thought about that every night Rio: just sleepovers when we was little, but then it turned into sleepovers where you'd kiss me again Rio: and then, you know Buster: Yeah, I do Buster: 'Cause I had the same ones Rio: if I knew that you would be fucking me where I fucked myself over you Rio: it's crazy Buster: Jesus Christ, when you come to London you'll have to pinch me so hard Rio: I can think of better ways to show you how real it is Buster: But I'm trying not to think about any of those possibilities while I'm stuck in this car Rio: But I can't stop thinking about the first time we do it in your bed now Buster: Me either Rio: I haven't been to your house there Rio: ever Buster: I've imagined you there so many times that I was literally about to disagree with you Rio: it doesn't seem possible right Rio: you've been there for what Rio: four, five years Buster: I know Rio: that's ages Rio: no wonder I've missed you as much as I have Buster: I'm sorry Rio: it wasn't your fault Buster: I took the dare Rio: I wanted you to Rio: you know I did Buster: You wanted me to kiss you, not lose my shit and ruin everything afterwards Rio: it makes sense Rio: you know what happened to your parents Rio: that's exactly what would've happened Buster: At least if it had happened that way you wouldn't think it was what I wanted Rio: you're strong Rio: you knew I couldn't do it Buster: We were just kids, I didn't expect it to feel like something we couldn't laugh off Rio: How could we Rio: nothing could've prepared us for that Buster: Like you said, I knew about my parents Rio: but that's special circumstances Rio: you didn't have to save me from anything awful, thank God Buster: We were best friends though, same as them Rio: Yeah Rio: why didn't they notice, tbh Rio: glad they didn't but Buster: They didn't want to Rio: yeah Buster: Whatever they'd rather I didn't do, they look away Rio: Mostly works in your favour Buster: It always works in my favour Rio: Lucky you, then Buster: Don't you feel lucky, babe? Rio: I'm sure I will when you get here Buster: You'll feel everything when I get there Rio: we can go out in the barn for a bit Rio: it's probably trashed but Rio: if you don't wanna be quiet Buster: You're gonna have to be so quiet when I touch you under the table tomorrow Buster: Tonight you should be as loud as you want Rio: I'll be so good for you Buster: I know you will, baby Buster: You're an angel Rio: I've gotta be, you treat me so, so nice Buster: I've gotta, you're the love of my life Rio: say that again please Buster: I love you so fucking much, Rio Rio: You're everything to me Rio: we've got this Buster: 'Course we do Buster: I can do anything as long as you're mine Rio: I've always been yours, and I always will be Rio: nothing will stand in our way Buster: Like you said, I'm lucky Rio: I feel it too Rio: when you go to uni, maybe I can come too Rio: not go to school, I wouldn't get in Rio: but be with you Buster: I'm not going without you Rio: Then I'm coming Buster: Okay Rio: I'll work out a plan for then Buster: We've got time Buster: And you've got loads of options Rio: How long have you had your plan though, nerd baby? Rio: since birth Buster: Shut up Rio: you know I love it about you Buster: Obviously, I know what I want and I get it Rio: 🤤🤤🤤 Rio: see Rio: so tell me Rio: don't tease Buster: You know I had to work it out when I didn't get scouted to be a footballer Rio: that's a crime Rio: but you'll look better in a suit Buster: Well yeah, I manage to make our school uniform look good so Rio: I know Rio: I've seen the evidence Buster: I know, I posted the evidence for you to see Rio: I don't know whether to thank you or get my own back and pose for some evidence of my own now Buster: You can do both, don't limit yourself Rio: Do you deserve both though Buster: You tell me Rio: Let me go look at those pictures again Buster: [also sends a pic of rn] Rio: FUCK Buster: So what do I deserve, babe? Rio: [vid saying thank you over and over] Buster: I should've recorded the sound I just made Rio: Can I ask the driver about it? Rio: 'cos I really need to know Buster: Or you could just make it happen again somehow Rio: You got any ideas how, daddy? Buster: A video worked before Rio: Well, I am desperate to hear you Rio: [pleases AND thank yous] Buster: [sending his oh so extra reaction, so soz to whoever is driving him rn] Rio: I'm gonna listen to that tomorrow when you're touching me Rio: so you can feel what that just did to me Buster: Jesus Rio: I'm gonna cum as soon as you touch me tonight, I swear Buster: You're so beautiful when you do Rio: really Buster: Don't you know that? Rio: Daddy 🥰 Buster: Get in front of your mirror right now, you have to see what I do, this can't wait Rio: Oh God Rio: yes, sir Rio: [pic for proof] Buster: Good girl Rio: How do you want me to touch myself? Buster: Like we're in church Rio: How you're going to touch me in church tomorrow or how I've touched myself in church before? Buster: How you want me to tomorrow, 'cause I'm gonna need to see all the ways you have before, and this isn't about me Rio: it's always about you, Buster Buster: Baby Rio: Do you think we can do it standing up Rio: 'cos we wouldn't even need to be quiet, when they're singing the hymns Buster: I can keep you upright if that's what you're worried about Rio: More worried about how high you'd have to pull my dress up Rio: but worried might not be the word Buster: We can do it Rio: I want you to Rio: how much do you think the people behind will see though Buster: We could sit at the back and then there won't be anyone behind us Rio: We could Buster: How much do you want people to see? Rio: I want you to be in control of that Rio: as little or as much as daddy wants Rio: 'cos I'm yours, and you're the one making me look and feel so good Buster: We'll sit at the front then Rio: Everyone's gonna see everything then Rio: what I do for you, what I let you do to me Buster: That's what real devotion is, which is what they believe they're there for, it's only fair Rio: it feels like a miracle every time you fuck me Rio: they should get to see god's divine touch at work Buster: You're the miracle, babe Buster: I want everyone to know that Rio: Shit Buster: Look at how fucking heavenly you are Rio: I look how I feel Rio: whenever you're with me Buster: I feel it too, never forget that Rio: I make you feel good, don't I, daddy? Buster: [photographic evidence of how good he feels rn because at least that's more subtle than the vocals earlier lol] Rio: Mine Rio: Be here so I can make that feel even better Buster: Soon, just never soon enough Rio: I'm so close, too Rio: if you let yourself in... you don't even have to say anything, just come up behind me and watch us explode together Buster: Fuck Buster: That's the greatest idea you've had in all the years I've known you Rio: I told you, when it comes to you and me Rio: the fantasies I have are never-ending Buster: Thank Christ we have forever then Buster: 'Cause I'm gonna make them all happen for you Rio: You're gonna fuck me forever, aren't you, no matter what Rio: I don't want anyone else ever again, it's not even like 1% of what you give me Buster: Fuck all could stop me, except myself and I don't ever wanna stop, you know that Buster: Never mind the idea that I'd ever let any other cunt touch you now Rio: You have to protect me Buster: I will Rio: You always have Rio: that gets me Buster: I'll never stop doing it either Rio: I need you Buster: I love you Rio: I love you the best Buster: Yeah, you do Rio: More than anyone else Rio: ever Buster: Of course Rio: Tell me to stop touching myself or I'm gonna cum before you get here Buster: No Buster: I told you, you look beautiful, I want you to Rio: but Buster: It's okay, baby Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Rio: Oh God Buster: Don't stop Rio: I won't Buster: I know you won't Rio: [recovery time] Rio: Jesus Buster: You feel better now, yeah? Rio: That's one way to put it Buster: How do you wanna put it? Rio: I feel everything, like you promised Buster: I'm gonna keep every promise to you Rio: I trust you Buster: You can Rio: Actually looking forward to tomorrow now Rio: how do you do that Buster: I told you, I get what I want Buster: And right now all I want is for you to be happy to see me, no matter what Rio: I was Rio: technically it's everyone else I don't wanna see, like Buster: Forget about them Buster: We don't have hardly any time left Rio: Yeah Rio: I can't think about that yet Rio: especially not if we wanna make the most of it Buster: [shows up so they don't have to think about it and can make the most of it/that fantasy she mentioned earlier happen while they're still very much in that mood] Rio: [live your best life kids, we can probably skip to the main event now/everyone being there, right?] Buster: [just know that before we do he's gonna leave her present in her bed because of what she said about having him there and what he said before about hiding under it and also know because I was cockblocked that my idea was some kind of matching jewelry moment that isn't obviously matching so that anyone else would notice but they will know and he'll be wearing his before she finds hers] Rio: [love that so much] Buster: [also x 3 I had an idea that maybe her boyfriend shows up to the egg hunt because you said that he has a load of younger brothers so they could be invited and he thinks it'll be a nice surprise for Rio cos she's been spending all this time with her fam so how awkward] Rio: [that checks out oh boy] Buster: [Buster gonna be LIVID] Rio: [at least it will be painfully obvious you do not want him there lmao] Buster: [that backs up the lie you told Nancy at least] Rio: I'm so sorry Buster: You didn't invite him Rio: Of course not Rio: still Buster: Don't Rio: There's nothing else I can do Buster: Bullshit Rio: What Rio: I can't make him leave Buster: You could Buster: Or we could talk without making him the centre of the conversation Buster: Those are just two obvious options Rio: I was just saying sorry Rio: we don't need to talk about him Buster: Like I said, don't Rio: Okay Buster: It's shit enough that he's here without you feeling bad about it Rio: It's unavoidable Buster: It's not Rio: Anyway Buster: Don't dismiss what I just said Rio: I don't know what you want me to say Buster: Do something then Rio: [leaving your mans like you really gotta go help with something right now] Buster: [😏 can't even help it like] Rio: [so unfocused on whatever nonsense you're doing like don't ruin the meal or anything lol] Buster: I'll make him leave if that's what you want Rio: You can't Rio: even less than I can Buster: 'Course I can Buster: And you know it Rio: You could Rio: but you've got no reason Buster: I don't like him, that's the only reason a selfish cunt like me needs, babe Rio: have you even spoke to each other Buster: Since when is that necessary? Buster: It's been a while since I ruined a family function, like Rio: Don't Rio: because I'll have to leave with him and I don't want that Buster: You never have to do anything with him, except the dumping Rio: Do I have to do that today Buster: He'd fuck off Rio: No he wouldn't Rio: why do you think I'm waiting Rio: you've not dumped anyone, it isn't that simple Buster: Yeah I have Buster: Girls get the wrong idea Rio: then you know, it's at least a conversation Rio: more if you've been together any length of time Buster: Why can't you at least start the conversation? Buster: If he can read body language even slightly then it's not exactly coming out of nowhere Rio: I'm just trying to have a not completely shit day Buster: What so you're enjoying having him here? Rio: Jesus, no Rio: but I'm not gonna enjoy dumping him and having to think up a valid sounding excuse that isn't the actual Buster: Tell him you're over faking it every time, that's basically the actual Rio: Well that's nice 🙄 Buster: You're not gonna stay friends however you do it Rio: Why not Buster: 'Cause he's well into you and you're telling him you're not anymore Buster: If he reckons he wants to be friends, what he really reckons is he can still fuck you/ get you to change your mind about being exes Rio: We've known each other before we did this Rio: we can at least try Rio: either way, I'm not going to tell him he never made me cum and reckon that'll do it Buster: Whatever Rio: he'll have to leave before the meal Rio: it's fine Buster: Yeah Rio: can we talk about something else now Buster: You tell me Buster: He's your best friend all of a sudden, apparently Rio: No he's not, come on Buster: Forget it Rio: Buster Buster: What? Rio: I'll do it, okay Buster: No, that's not okay Buster: Do it on your on terms, not mine Rio: I don't want you to be angry with me Buster: I'm angry but not at you Rio: you can be angry at me Buster: I don't need your permission Buster: [when you playing with aforementioned jewellery that he's wearing but she's not yet because you're not mad at her] Rio: you are though Rio: just let me fix it and be my friend Buster: Don't tell me how I feel Rio: then come see me Buster: [obviously does] Rio: [hug moment] Buster: [everyone busy yourselves for a sec cos they need this] Rio: [at least you're at your house so not everyone needs to be all over this gaff, you'll find somewhere] Buster: [just kill me cos he's so tol and she's so smol] Rio: [it's a mood everyone get on board lol] Buster: [gonna let you makeout for a bit so she knows he's not mad at her lol so hope it's a good hiding place] Rio: [have at it, we can break you apart by one of the kids shouting for one of y'all 'cos kids do not care] Buster: [Grace probably cos she's obsessed with Rio's everything at this age and forever lowkey] Rio: [we know you're that bitch babe] Buster: tell her you love her in between kisses though boy before we ruin your mood again] Rio: [we're having this affirming moment so you both don't freak out any harder here] Buster: [you're welcome] Rio: [go have some boozy bunnies] Buster: [I'm jealous tbh] Rio: [aren't we all] Buster: [Alison knows how to throw a good party honey] Rio: [its this whole fam's thing tm] Buster: [Except you Ro, thank god she's not there] Rio: [how awkward you aren't though like where's the excuse, you would've had to of been at the wedding] Buster: [fake sick but actually always on death's door so] Rio: [we see you sweaty, literally everyone else is here] Buster: [Only the couple on their honeymoon aren't babe, how dare you] Rio: [that is by the by, you've gotta join this party again, soz lads] Buster: [gotta pull her back for an epic last kiss though for that wrist touching again] Rio: [we always pushing it 'til we nearly get caught that's the vibe] Buster: [mhmmm] Rio: [when you've got to go idk paint faces or some shit and you're so 😍 like 'scuse me kids] Buster: [we should decide what they all get though for the cute] Rio: [better be easter themed children] Buster: [you know Grace has gotta have the girliest flowery moment that popped up as soon as I opened pinterest] Rio: [all the pastels for easter which when did that become such a thing really] Buster: [Billie gotta be a bunny for those Carly mems cos she not too old ever to be not be about it] Rio: [you like 11, live your best life gal] Buster: [even if she was 21 she'd still do it lol] Rio: [obviously Junie won't, Edie should also be a bunny but a horror one with fake blood moment, Janis should have American football player stripes but in easter colours] Buster: [what's Ava gonna have?] Rio: [idk a sheep or something] Buster: [how adorable] Rio: [obvs there's other fam kids and kids there but we don't need to worry about y'all] Buster: [Devastated that Buster isn't that kind of bitch to get involved, where's jimothy when you need him] Rio: [lmao, when her mans probably would so she has to awkwardly be up in his grill] Buster: [your actual bae just like 😒 and starting a fight with Nance cos he's annoyed] Rio: [joy of joys, like lads you need to go now] Buster: [at least they probably would eat next cos it's usually a lunch time vibe like christmas so they'd have to go then] Rio: [exactly, you can't invite that many extra people to a roast so soz] Buster: [there's so many people already good lord] Rio: [mhmm] Buster: [leave, get out! in my best jojo impression] Rio: [the casual relief] Buster: [we all know he's gonna try and kiss her goodbye and she's gonna switch it to a cheek one, take the hint Daniel] Rio: [we all know this has been v awkward no one be living] Buster: [at least there's so many adults round this table that you can accidentally touch because in each other's grill] Rio: [we're talking multiple tables and still being on top of each other, that's the vibe] Buster: [exactly so you're welcome for that lads] Rio: I miss you Buster: [putting his hand on her leg because same] Rio: [putting her hand over his] Buster: [smiling cos we wanna] Rio: [can't stop us smiling fam] Buster: [if anyone's looking just make a silly face at your fave sister it's fine] Rio: am I gonna have to talk to Nancy Buster: I keep telling you, you don't have to do anything, babe Rio: She looks 😠 Buster: That's her resting bitch face Rio: [😏] Rio: shh Buster: [does something a little bit saucy under the table] Buster: I will if you can Rio: Easy Rio: [definitely not but you don't want him to stop so] Buster: [going a little bit harder because you don't wanna stop either so you're not gonna go too hard and risk that] Rio: [just shifting forward in your seat, biting your lip lowkey] Buster: [when you have to just sneak a look because maintaining eye contact how you want is not an option rn] Rio: [when that lowkey makes it so much worse in a good way] Buster: [we're having a good time finally] Rio: [you gonna have to try and talk 'cos you ain't this unsociable so enjoy that lol] Buster: [he'd be loving that] Rio: You're very mean Buster: Not yet Rio: [look like ?/oh no] Buster: [going IN rn soz babe hope you're not mid-sentence] Rio: [just try not to die honestly] Buster: [and when you can have coherent thoughts think about how you're gonna get your own back] Rio: You're just the worst, you know Buster: Yeah, I know Rio: What am I meant to do now Rio: you can't just Buster: What do you wanna do? Rio: You know exactly what I wanna do Buster: So come on Rio: they haven't even brought out dessert yet Buster: And you really want a piece of cake, yeah? Buster: That's exactly what you want Rio: Obviously not Rio: but you're timing is rude and that's exactly why you did it Buster: I did it 'cause I wanted to and you wanted me to Buster: The timing's just a bonus Rio: [gives him a faux 😒 look 'cos you can do that freely] Rio: for you, perhaps Rio: I'm just over here, needy as hell Buster: [leaves the table like he's got a phone call he really needs to take because real and baze energy] Buster: So come on Rio: where am I going? Rio: really strict diet so I can't even look at cake? 🤔 Buster: Where makes sense? Buster: It's your house, you tell me Buster: But nobody'll believe that you need or think you need to go on a diet, try again Rio: I'd hope no one is gonna need to go to my room for anything any time soon Rio: Do you reckon your parents will wanna head off before coffee is being offered or? Buster: Not unless your mum makes a really shit one Rio: Okay, 'cos I could say I'm not feeling great but not if you're gonna be here for a while yet Rio: I don't wanna be stuck in my room without you, like Buster: Throw a drink on yourself, you'll have to get changed then Rio: Don't you like my dress? Buster: I like you more Buster: And if you're willing to sacrifice it, I'll make sure it's a worthwhile one Rio: Okay Rio: wait for me Buster: [a picture of him chilling in her room casually like yep I am] Rio: you look so good there Buster: I feel good here, I'll miss it Rio: Me too Buster: We've got time to make loads more memories here yet though Rio: [show up 'cos yep] Buster: [you're gonna have to be quick lads so make every second count] Rio: [also gonna put that jewelry on even if we have to take it off after] Buster: [the perfect moment to find that he's hidden it in your bed for you and yeah she can put it on cos gotta serve a new lewk so we can just pretend it's part of that] Rio: [they're just in love ah this is gonna be so hard for you lads] Buster: [you know he's putting that jewellery on for you and redressing you even though he should just leave] Rio: [we always doing the most to drag things out without getting caught] Buster: [gonna make her leave first anyway even though this is literally her room cos she's more social and would hurry back in any circumstance whereas he's a rude hoe and nobody would be shook if he was on the phone for an age] Rio: [gonna save him some dessert 'cos any lil way you can low-key be nice 'cos you are typically nicer in people's eyes] Buster: [that's so sweet] Rio: Come say bye to me properly Buster: I would if Granddad wasn't mid-story Rio: I see how it is Rio: 😏 Rio: well I'm going to my dad's so when you're finished Buster: When he's finished, you mean Rio: same thing Rio: apparently 😜 Buster: You want me to burn this bridge for you, yeah? Buster: Alright, when I ain't allowed to move in, you'll only have yourself to blame, babe Rio: Don't be silly Rio: I'll wait Buster: Me too Buster: When are you back? Rio: Probably not 'til you're gone, that's what I'm saying, boy Buster: You should've led with that Rio: why did you think I needed you to say goodbye Rio: I'm not just nipping out Buster: Don't go Rio: You'll be going soon enough Rio: we have to do it at some point Buster: Soon isn't now Rio: I have to go though Buster: Your mum won't make you Rio: Of course not Rio: that's not the point Rio: I have to spend time with them too, I've got two families Buster: Come on Rio: What? Buster: Your dad is a prick, Rio Rio: You don't get to talk about him Buster: I have to Rio: You don't have to say anything Buster: I do though, 'cause you're the one who gets hurt by him for still caring Rio: That's my business Rio: and he's still my dad, end of Buster: He'll still be your dad if you stay here Rio: Well I'm not Buster: [showing up to give her the most intense look of all time] Rio: [arms folded like what?] Buster: [putting his around her of course] Rio: ['say it then' but so quiet] Buster: [pulls her closer to him because cannot] Rio: [hugs him back the tightest] Buster: [keeping this going for the longest time cos we having emotions] Rio: ['what time's your flight tomorrow?'] Buster: [let's say it's early cos Baze have shit to do] Rio: [quiet for a bit like thought as much vibes but also thinking 'maybe on my way back, you can come out for five and see me?'] Buster: [nods because we all know he's gonna make that happen regardless] Rio: [overly cheery like great we have a plan 'cos now you don't have to commit to that goodbye] Buster: [gotta do what you gotta do kids especially if that's delaying the heartbreaking inevitable] Rio: [off you go to see your dad who clearly did not show to church] Buster: [have fun with that babe] Rio: [not to mention creepy Drew and shit nan, we living lol] Buster: [are the others going or just Rio like oh hey] Rio: [maybe the twins should have to but I feel like Junie is already like no thank you] Buster: [I feel that because all the more reason for Rio to go cos she's not just gonna leave the twins with any of them] Rio: [exactly and they're probably creating 'cos don't wanna either so then it's more stress than it would be just showing as is] Buster: [so soz that Buster is adding to it by not wanting you to go gal] Rio: [none of us wanna but this the life we're living of forcing effort upon Caleb 'cos thinking the twins might still want it even though we're already like eurgh] Buster: [mhmm and we don't even have Gus to soften the blow so please stay the fuck back shit nan except you won't because Caleb is basically always just making you do everything for these children] Rio: [when we pretending it's 'cos the cousins are here so you didn't wanna go but really it's just this hell fam and you're the only one old enough to properly grin and bear it Buster: [poor Rio in so many ways rn] Rio: [just making excuses for Junie like he's working so hard at school always 'cos 1. not not true and 2. she'll love that 'cos smart boy but we know he just can't hack the blatant homophobia] Buster: [tea, and when you should wanna see Edie and Billie cos they're Drew's kids and he's your son too effectively but you don't] Rio: [when we truly pretending they don't exist like the delusion] Buster: [it's so fucked] Rio: [and rude, and we blame Ali for having these white children for them not being together still, like that's what Caleb ever wanted and like they're not fucking Drews like okay lmao] Buster: [don't even go there on the shit she would say about Carly, my sweet summer child] Rio: [shit nan I'm soz your life is so busted who you fooling here but yourself] Buster: [but before we get derailed do you wanna leave this here?] Rio: [we probably can like they'd talk whilst she's there probably but we don't have to do that up to you] Buster: [we know the vibe, you love and miss each other and we wish none of this was happening in terms of him having to leave] Rio: [yeah she's not gonna spill loads on this whole dad situ after how it went just now so nothing of note would be said tbh] Buster: [we're not there yet, one day lads]
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