#you were the first ask so I'll oblige and post yours first
polisena-art · 1 year
I'm gonna be annoying and predictable and ask for DonZé (birbs) 😭🙏🏼💙💚 Only if you want to of course!!
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tritoch · 2 months
Have you got any thoughts to share about Sphene? I saw your post about how misrepresented FFXIV’s female characters are, and I’ve been hoping to see anything more than the typical “Evil AI colonizer etc.” or “Tragic woman who can never change ever” or “Wuk Lamat’s girlfriend”. Maybe our interpretations will differ but I’ll be happy if you can provide anything more complex than those.
Sure! Throwing all this under a read-more for anyone who hasn't finished 7.0 yet. I think I'll probably expand on this more later but wanted to get initial thoughts down. (Note after writing: I meant this to be brief but uhhhh brevity is not my strong suit sorry. This take just sort of ends abruptly because I realize I'm rambling.) Again, spoilers through the end of 7.0 MSQ.
I think Sphene is the sharpest work the game has done yet in casting the antagonist as the noble double of the protagonist (a well it returns to a lot with Emet, and Zenos, and Golbez, and...). But because the protagonist here is Wuk Lamat and not the Warrior of Light, that's also a much more defined and interesting role. To me, Wuk Lamat is, above all, the Righteous Queen, who rules thoughtfully, wisely, and justly, and whose claim to the throne is justified by her moral clarity. Sphene, in turn, is also a wise and good queen, one who undertakes all her actions with her people first in her hearts, a sense of compassion towards all, and a clear eye for the consequences and costs of her intended course of action. And it leads to utter disaster, for her, her people, and the people of Tural. That rocks!
The first half of 7.0 is about justifying the fact that Wuk Lamat's going to be Dawnservant. Wuk Lamat is compassionate, curious, wise, and open-minded. She wins over rebels and malcontents not by asserting her authority or by strength of force, but by taking her obligations to them (as her subjects) seriously. She knows many of her subjects personally and takes a great interest in their lives, and she respects even those who openly oppose her.
And everything Wuk Lamat does, Sphene does to 11. Wuk Lamat respects her subject peoples and is curious about their cultures? Sphene forcibly annexes Yyasulani, but goes out of her way and expends Alexandria's limited resources to enable the remaining Xak Turali to live in their accustomed way if desired (…to the extent allowed by the new permanent lightning storms and the internal conflicts caused by regulator adoption). Wuk Lamat cares about her people not just in the abstract but as individuals? Sphene visits sick kids, knows them by name! Wuk Lamat understands the burden of rulership is too great and cedes half her power to her brother? Sphene recognizes her own weaknesses and makes a deal with the devil to keep Alexandria's culture alive! Wuk Lamat is willing to die for her people? Sphene will forcibly traumatize herself into being a better queen, if that's what rulership demands.
For an expansion that spends the first half being like "wow isn't this perfect candidate for the crown so likable and humble? wouldn't it be nice to be ruled by a good king?," it sure is funny that the final boss is THE QUEEN ETERNAL and she hits you with attacks like LEGITIMATE FORCE and ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY and ROYAL DOMAIN. This, to me, is Sphene's role: she complicates and questions the themes we've developed in the first half. Most importantly to me, she makes us ask: what is devotion to a people or culture even worth?
There's a thing I kept thinking of constantly during Dawntrail, not because I think it directly influenced the game in any way but because the parallels were so stark and startling. It's Jonathan Hickman's New Avengers #18 (2014). Truthfully, I'm not a big comics guy; I only know this sequence because Ta-Nehisi Coates cited it as inspiration for his Black Panther run on Twitter once (I also didn't read TNC's run, I was following him for politics talk). Forgive me, comics people, if I get any details wrong. The parallels are almost comical, though. It goes like this:
A superhuman secret society formed of some of the smartest heroes (and villains) in the land re-forms to oppose an existential threat caused by incursions from other dimensions that threaten to cause literal collisions between Earth and its alternate dimension counterparts. Seeing no other alternatives, they undertake work on a weapon to destroy these other worlds. T'challa—king of a fictional hyperadvanced nation called Wakanda, and also the superhuman Black Panther—meets with his ghostly predecessors, the previous Black Panthers/kings, for he fears the moral stain on his soul and the souls of the people of Wakanda, if they survive explicitly by killing their alternate counterparts, will be too heavy to bear. His ancestors are not impressed.
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To them, there is no question at all. A king's duty may be complex in the execution, but it is simple in its conception. Your people come before all others. Always. This is, must be, the fundamental ethic of a good king. To do otherwise would be a betrayal of the social order on which this imagined good monarchy is built. In a situation like this, the only option is to do what you must to protect them. "Will there be a cost? Yes. Might the universe burn? Let it. . . . You will kill them all if it means Wakanda stands. The golden city must never fall."
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"I will do what I must" is Sphene's guiding principle. It is so important to her that when she recognizes that her sentimental attachments are making her waver in her duty, she severs them entirely, sacrificing her whole identity to the throne. It is also implicitly Wuk Lamat's position: she has no choice but to fight Sphene because to do otherwise would be to fail to protect her people. In fact, it's briefly even sort of the Warrior of Light's position, as when you tell Sphene before her trial that you understand what you must do, which is shut her down to protect others.
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(One quick thought about the Warrior of Light: one cool thing about the antagonist this time being a double in a more exact way than Emet or Zenos is that it means other characters get a chance to relate to her differently than Wuk Lamat. The Warrior of Light, for example, is pressed into her service immediately upon your first meeting as the Queen's Champion, there to defend her if need be against all evil. This role is further affirmed by both robot Otis and Endless Otis, who essentially hand off their role as her knight to you, and reinforced when you flash back to the "might I call upon your aid" moment right before the end. Except, of course, you are loyal not just to her, but to the principles she represents, which her own acts betray, and so your ultimate act of aid is to essentially pass judgment on her and execute her. In a sense, you become the internal safeguard that a political system is supposed to have to protect against this very issue, and which Alexandria explicitly lost when it cast out/forgot Otis. Very Voeburt/ShB tank quests, it owns.)
But really, it's Sphene who embodies this sort of grim logic best. Aside from her transformation into the Queen Eternal, it's also why she suggests you simply become Alexandrians. It's the only way for her to reconcile her values and worldview, which have backed her into a corner where preserving Alexandria has come to mean a maximalist declaration of war on all life outside its borders because the kind of absolutely pain-free life she envisions for her citizens is completely unsustainable.
In this reading, one of Sphene's main beats is to unsettle what has preceded her in MSQ. In nearly all respects, she shares your values. She prizes life, is curious about other cultures, believes in the greatest good for the greatest possible number. But she is also a queen, and therefore irrevocably (in her eyes) tied to her state. Gulool Ja Ja and Wuk Lamat (and Koana) are the mythical wise rulers, thank god--but what if Wuk had inherited a Turali state that wasn't desperately in need of cross-cultural understanding, but one in a state of war? What value would her deep love for the people of Tural have held then? Sphene says, it would have held no value. If the survival of your people means harming the innocent, you harm the innocent. Kingship allows for no alternatives.
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But she also concedes, in the very next breath, that she is still kind of wrong. Because what happened here was not inevitable, despite her programming (a brief note: to me Sphene being programmed is exactly the same as Emet being maybe-tempered, it's a fantasy gloss on the idea of social and cultural education. "I was programmed for this" is really no different from "I was trained and educated for this"), because the truth is that this kind of thoughtful, principled devotion to the state and its people is also a form of sentimental attachment, in the end. One that is maintained not because it is natural, and necessary, but because the monarch, too, likes it, and gets something from it.
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In so many ways, in so many senses, the monarch is the state. Kings and queens may fancy themselves merely a reflection of their people's needs and desires, but of course even a cursory glance at history will tell you that far more often, states reflect their rulers. Sphene and Wuk Lamat both suggest that their conflict was inevitable, but was it? Or is the truth, as Sphene glancingly acknowledges here, that she turned her own fears and desires into the same policy goals that led to this tragedy? And if so...what does that say of our Good Queen, Wuk Lamat? Perhaps this could be different if they met earlier, says Wuk Lamat. But when? When did Wuk Lamat ever not love her people so dearly that she would not have sacrificed herself for them, or caused mass death for the sake of their survival? When did Sphene not believe the Endless to be people, or the preservation of Alexandria to be the most important thing? Maybe she means "had we met before you met Zoraal Ja," but of course, we the player actually saw their meeting. And we know that Sphene even then was not the hapless naif she'd like to pretend. She always knew exactly what she was doing.
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We know the price of this kind of thinking, this Hobbesian view that states are engaged in a struggle of all against all. Living Memory lets you walk through it. To preserve Tural, we exterminate the Endless. We befriend them, learn about their lives, promise to remember them, and then we destroy them and their homes, leaving nothing but a bleak blank landscape and the sound of wind. This is what Sphene would have done to Tural and Eorzea. Indeed, it's what she's already doing to the people of Yyasulani, because no amount of well-intentioned aid can make up for trapping people under the dome for 30 years and systematically eroding their culture through the resonators.
To me, this is what makes Sphene really work, that way she has of forcing Wuk Lamat and the player to commit the same kinds of sins she has. We'd like to think ourselves better than her, but of course, we've already reconciled with and integrated Mamook's brutal eugenicist regime back into Turali society well before we ever met Sphene. At the end of our long "wow isn't having a wise queen cool???" expansion, we are met with "Legitimate Force" and "Absolute Authority" and see them for what they truly are: nothing but tools of violence. No longer does the idea of the Warrior of Light hanging around Tural as Wuk Lamat's advisor have the same attraction, now that we have been reminded of the way the putatively unquestionable logic of kingship can ultimately lock even the wisest and kindest rulers into a path of war and exploitation and destruction.
I think Sphene is FFXIV's most interesting and nuanced depiction yet of a leader. She really, truly, wants nothing more than to save her people and protect them from pain. But even seemingly loving and compassionate goals like these can readily lead us down dark paths. She's a "hard men make hard choices"-type character, a noble but misguided opponent, but as a loving and elegant fairy queen instead of a grizzled knight or extremely sad man. She fucking rocks.
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himezoro · 7 months
roronoa zoro's guide to relationship
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before anything : tysm for your support on my first post!! i'm working on a long piece to celebrate starring the loml here. feel free to request anything your heart desires, i'll be happy to oblige ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
here's a headcanon of what a relationship with roronoa zoro would include in my opinion.
warning: gn reader, use of "you" and "them", sfw, but sexual intercourses implied! i'll write a dedicated nsfw one if you want to ;)
wc : 1,070k+.
being in a relationship with roronoa zoro would include :
being used as a body pillow. zoro is a heavy sleeper, and his s/o would be the best body pillow ever. he won't admit it, but he feels pretty sad when he's on watch duty and can't sleep alongside their s/o in their shared bed. if his s/o complains about being too hot, he would much prefer pouring an ice cold buck of water upon them rather than moving his body a little. his giant body won't move.
being teased about your habits. zoro is observant and likes a good laugh. so, he would pick on all the small (cute) things his s/o does that feel funny to him. you're sleeping with a stuffed bear ? he would tease you by arranging it in the most deranged scenes ever. you're hugging any of your newest purchase after buying them ? he would tease you by mimicking you with his bottle of sake. be prepared to be constantly teased on.
however, this man won't let anyone make fun of you, and would always defend your honor (even if that third party would make fun of the same things he teases you about). he would yell at luffy and usopp so bad if they dared pulling the smallest of prank on you (remember that scene where he makes luffy drink a whole glass of water at the baratie ? yeah he'll make him drink the whole ocean this time lol)
having his hand on the small of your back while you walk. when a crewmate mentions it to him, he just huffs and acts like "it's nothing". actually, he didn't even notice it himself, but the way his hand falls on your back so naturally is beyond any scientific reasonings. this gesture alone speaks volumes about his love and affection.
making you talk about the smallest of things. roronoa zoro is not the most chattery in the whole crew, but he lives for listening to the voice of their s/o. he would ask you to read a passage of the book you're reading, talk about what you liked and disliked for hours, the latest gossip on the Sunny, anything would make him happy. his head would naturally fall on your lap as he daydreams while rocking on the sound of your honey-like voice. (he would love hearing your voice in bed)
being trusted, valued and respected. zoro would give his all to his s/o. this man is so focused on his dream and his loyalty to luffy would mean so much, that choosing commitment means he would respect and value his s/o for their personality, experiences and ethics. the second he decided it was the right decision, after a lot of introspection, his heart would be left into your hands for you to do as please. he's also really careful as to not push your boundaries, and always asks for consent for anything. anyone with eyes can see how much he adores you and values your existence.
being constantly protected. even though he respects your abilities, he cannot help but keeping an eye on you anywhere, at any times, even when you're not around. he's on high alert, constantly on watch. during combat, he would go rampage if someone dared to touch you, and i'm not talking about being hurt. if that were the case, zoro would not even be able to look at you (in scared of being too "softened") before destroying the enemy with pure sadism.
being kissed all the time when you're alone. this boy hates PDAs, which could be one of the reasons why his has his hand on your back so no one can really see lol. that does not mean he won't look at you with love and adoration in public, offering you a quick and genuine smile or wink when your eyes lock. but when alone, zoro reveals himself as a passionate lover. he would kiss you endlessly until your breath runs out, and would kiss you again when he's given the "go". his kisses would be long, and he would trap you in his huge arms the whole time, running his hands through your waist, hips, legs and ass. he won't say it, but he loves it when you cup his face during the kiss or run your fingers through his green hair. bonus if you grip on his shoulders during intimate moments, where he would kiss you harder and a tad rougher. with him drinking a lot, be prepared for some amusing kissing sessions where he could kiss you with his mouth full of sake (unless you're not drinking, which he would totally respect!!)
him showing off to sanji just to fuck with him. hell, he would lick your whole face in front of the chef if that could set him on fire. that would make him laugh his ass off.
having heated arguments. zoro is stubborn and can be impulsive. if he's in a cranky mood, he may raise his voice at his s/o for nothing important, but he would be feeling so sorry after that. he would shyly apologize in what feels like a whisper, but he would give you some space for a little time before doing so.
being told "i love you" when he thinks you're sleeping. zoro is not chatty, and again, you know he loves you, and he knows he does. anyone with eyes can see that. but sometimes, when the rythme of this life gets too crazy, or when he feels the need for you to hear these magic words and for him to vocalize his feelings, he would say "i love you" in the most intimate way possible, in the crook of your neck when you're sleeping, before pressing a kiss to your temple. little did he know, you heard it every single time. he would also say it during really intimate and slow make out sessions and intercourses. however, he would often thinks "i love them", at the most random times when he's looking at his s/o : seeing them eat ? shower ? dance ? reading ? he's loving them all the time. 24/7. (he just needs the courage to say it each time he thinks it, but then he would look like sanji and he can't have that)
being his. zoro won’t admit it but he loves knowing you’re his, and having the others know it as well. he is so proud of you, and proud to have such an amazing partner. and he would have no shame in saying he’s yours.
don't start me but zoro would be the type of guy to say "i'm not taking a shower unless it's with you" lol.
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spencersssockss · 9 months
Summery: Spencer is exhausted after his first day back at work after being released from prison. You help him shave and comfort him.
Warnings: razor (being used to shave), post-prison Reid, nightmares, mention of bruises and cuts, fluff…
Word count: 700
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Spencer was a mess when he came home from jail. Covered in cuts and bruises and heavy bags under his eyes. He was struggling, he was overjoyed to see you but so many things had changed about him.
Being in prison stripped him of his self, he couldn't function the way he could before. He had nightmares, he was paranoid, and he was overprotective of everything.
You understood him though, you knew it would take time, and you knew even with an eternity he wouldn't be the same. You just wanted him to be at peace again.
He was exhausted after his first day back at work, physically and mentally. He still had to shave as he still hadn't since he got home, but all he could do was sit in the corner of the bed in silence his head in his hands.
“I'm worried about you,” you say putting your book down and sitting beside him.
“I know,” he sighed placing his head on your shoulder.
“I know things are hard, but I can't help if you don't let me in,” you say grabbing his hand and holding it gently.
“I don't want you to know about the horrible things that happened, you wouldn't see me the same,” he mumbled turning his head from you.
Grabbing his chin and making him look into your eyes you say, “Nothing could change the way I feel about you, I love you, Spence, I just want you to be happy again.” His eyes threaten to spill tears making you hug him tightly.
“Here, I'll help you shave, just relax,” you say standing up from the bed taking his hand in yours, and walking to the bathroom.
“You don't have to,” Spencer frowned.
“I want to, I see you struggling to keep your eyes open, just let me,” you reply pushing some of his messy hair behind his ear.
“Okay,” he finally obliged sitting on the edge of the bathtub. You open a drawer, grab his razor and shaving cream, and sit in front of him on your knees.
“Ready?” you ask smiling at him.
“Yup,” he replied finally cracking a smile filling your heart with happiness. You squirted some of the shaving cream onto your hands and spread it across his face, grabbing the razor to begin.
The razor slid across his skin gently removing all his facial hairs from beneath it. “Am I doing okay?” you ask putting your hand on his thigh for balance.
“Yeah, it's perfect,” he smiled once again looking down at you. You finished shaving and pecked his lips gently, standing up rising out the razor, and putting it back in the drawer along with the shaving cream.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and turned off the bathroom light as the two of you walked back to the room to change and go to sleep.
You changed into your pajamas and so did he, the two of you climbing under the covers together as Spencer held you close in his arms.
“Do you wanna know the real reason I've been having trouble sleeping?” he asked making you turn around to look him in the eyes.
“If you’re ready to tell me,” you say smiling softly as he grabbed your hand.
“I was scared you were going to leave, you know?” “cause I've been so distant and weird lately, when I'm with you I feel safer than I have in a while,” he said a stray tear falling down his cheek. “I didn't want you to leave,” he repeated letting more tears fall.
Your arms wrapped around him as you held him close, he cried softly into your shoulder making your heart shatter.
“Spencer, I'm always going to be here for you, I wouldn't ever leave you,” you answered rubbing his back soothingly.
“Promise?” he asked looking up at you with his tear-stained cheeks.
“Promise,” you answered, wrapping your arms back around him as he tucked his face into the crook of your neck.
“I love you,” he spoke gently.
“I love you too,” you cooed holding him close as he fell asleep.
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begko · 10 months
keep quiet. -seijoh 4
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warnings: 18+ MDNI, poly, implied masturbation, implied sex(? I think), idk how to tag so lmk if there's anything else
contains: fem reader, seijoh 4 x reader (but mostly Matsukawa x reader and Hanamaki x reader)
wc: 1.2 k
a/n: I feel like there's not enough seijoh 4 fics out there so I decided to write one myself lol. This is my first fic so if anyone likes this I'll finish this and try to post more. Just ask and I'll lyk if I can do it!
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Living in an apartment with four other boys never left your days feeling dull. Although you were all in your 20’s and supposedly more mature than your younger selves, they were still boys. 
They would each find ways to somehow piss you off, whether consciously or not. Dirty laundry in the living room, a bag of chips left open on the counter, or the loud moans of a random girl spilling through the crack in their bedroom door. These things wouldn’t typically leave you feeling so annoyed, but hearing a repeating “Yes Oikawa!” at 3 AM– the night before your abnormal psychology midterm may I add– was seriously starting to test your patience. 
Before you knew it, you found your feet gliding stomping down the hallway towards the brunette’s room, unknowingly drawing the other three to peek out from their own doors. 
“I SWEAR TO GOD TOORU. IF SHE DOESN’T SHUT UP YOU WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY AGAIN.” You emphasized your threat by loudly pounding your fist on his door, then swiftly retreating back to your room, slamming your door for good measure. You put your earbuds back in and tried to focus on the music that filled your ears.
Thankfully, you eventually drifted to sleep, but the groggy feeling you had the next morning did not dissipate, even with the large coffee you had made. After fumbling with your keys for what seemed like forever, you were met with the faces of your roommates, all waiting to greet you. They each gave you a warm smile, which normally would brighten your mood a bit, but the sight of Tooru’s face made a frown appear on your face. Without a word, you disappeared into your room and threw yourself onto the bed, hoping to catch up on some sleep.
“What did I do?” Hajime immediately slapped the back of Tooru’s head in response. “You idiot! She had an exam today and you haven’t even apologized for keeping her up!” Hajime clicked his tongue in annoyance at his best friend. Tooru rubbed the back of his head to soothe the pain. “Well how do I make her forgive me? I didn’t know she had an exam!” 
Hajime merely shook his head, “Figure it out.” he said before going to check on you. As he opened your door, he found you– jeans and all – laying face-down on your bed. A groan of acknowledgement came from your figure, causing Hajime to let out a breathy laugh. “You okay?” 
“Headache.” Was all you managed to say before beckoning him to lay with you. He obliged, letting you roll over before laying on top of your half-made bed with you. He adjusted you both so your head would be comfortably caged in his arms, while you curled into his warmth.
“It’s alright, just get some sleep. I’ll stay with you, baby.” There it was. That nickname he gave you. It always put a smile on your face, this time no different, as you drifted off with your lips sleepily curled up at the corners.
While, yes, they were annoying at times, one could argue that they had a soft spot for you. They would often lay with you if they knew you wanted the company, just as Hajime was doing. When a boy would break your heart, you would find one of them waiting outside of your lecture hall with a bouquet of daffodils, ready to take you out to eat or to a club. With them, you never needed to watch cringey rom-coms while incessantly crying. They distracted you from the heartache, until it eventually melted away. And those nicknames, god, those nicknames. You were sure that they meant nothing, but the way that they locked eyes with you as they uttered ‘Princess’ or ‘Darling’ made your heart stop in ways that felt more than platonic. Sometimes, when you touched yourself in the dead of the night, you found yourself imagining them saying it, driving you to your climax. But you would never admit that to any of them. Just as they wouldn’t admit that you would sometimes let your moans get loud enough for them to hear, driving them to let their hands wander down beyond the waistbands of their boxers. They quickly chased their high, knowing that without the sweet noises of your pleasure seeping through the thin walls, they would be left unsatiated.
You awoke to the delicious smell of food wafting in from the kitchen. After stretching a bit, you opened your eyes to find Hajime no longer next to you. You followed the smell into the main area of your apartment, finding the boys sitting at the kitchen counter chatting while Tooru stood with a pink apron on. 
Your small laugh caused them all to turn their heads to wear you stood, a smile appearing on each of their faces. You walked up to them and put your hands on the counter, surveying the mess left on top of it.
“I made you your favorite! And before you say anything, I was just about to clean up.” That drew another giggle to fall from your lips. You mumbled out a ‘You better.” as Tooru wrapped his arms around your form. “I’m sorry for keeping you up last night, please forgive me?” 
“ Fine, just buy a gag for the next time you wanna bring one of them home.” The four laughed while you began to set the table.
After dinner, Tooru told you to put on a movie while the rest of them did the dishes and grabbed something sweet to snack on. You opted to take a quick shower before doing so and changed into a comfortable tank top and shorts. As you plopped down on the couch and simply chose to re-watch The Hunger Games, Hiro and Issei sat down on either side of you. Issei guided you between his legs, allowing your head to lay on his chest, as Hiro moved your legs into his lap. Hiro draped a blanket over your form, as you gave him a small smile of thankfulness. Soon after, Hajime and Tooru sat in the smaller armchairs and started the movie. 
You’ve seen this movie a million times, after all it was your favorite. But as you watched Katniss tie herself to a tree in an attempt to get some sleep, you began to grow bored. You shifted from your position, fidgeting in hopes of becoming comfortable again. “Sit still, pretty girl. I wanna know what happens next.” You heard Issei whisper into your ear. You freeze. For some reason, the mixture of the hot breath that you felt on your neck and the raspiness of his voice made your stomach form a knot. But it wasn’t until you felt Hiro’s hand start to slowly travel up the length of your leg that you finally realized what you were feeling. You felt hot, making you squirm even more. Issei’s arm snaked around your middle, holding you in place. “I said sit still. We’ll give you a reward if you’re good.” Suddenly it felt like your senses were heightened. The feeling of Issei’s arm and Hiro’s wandering hands made your breathing come to a halt. Is this a dream?
“Do you trust us, pretty girl?”
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quinloki · 4 months
Birthday Request Event v2024
Alright let's start off with the primary points:
1 - You do NOT have to give to get.
2 - You do not have to get to give.
3 - Read everything, there's quite a few moving parts =D
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Things You Can Do During This Event:
1 - Request a story from me (see the end of the post for the format!)
2 - You can give me a gift! (see "Gifting Quin" below!)
3 - Reblog this post to be entered into a raffle!
Details below the cut!
Raffle Prizes!
-:- 1,000 words of anything you want (within reason) - can be a one-shot, can be a demand for a specific title (make me work on that title you've been dying to read more of). Just has to be One Piece related.
-:- OC Cameo - I'll plunk your OC/self-insert into a story (that is not the Host Club AU ^^; )
-:- I'll draw something for you \o/ I'm not great, but hey, free art xD
Gifting Quin!
❤️ - Pin 5$ to my shirt - it's a local-ish birthday tradition.
❤️ - Share one of my stories and leave a comment \o/ You can do this whenever, but it really makes my day, so have at!
❤️ - Gift me a story, or some art 😳🥰
Ideas (please do NOT send me saucy stuff on anon or if you're under 18):
1 - Draw a scene from any of the stories you've liked! 2 - Draw Quill - by themself, or with you and/or your OC, or a One Piece character \o/ Quill can be a boy, girl, or whatever mix tickles your fancy. Have fun =D 3 - Draw what you see when you think of "Reader" for any given story. 4 - Re-write a scene for a story =O How would you tell me that scene? 5 - Write me a one-shot using the prompts below 😇 6 - Free form a ficlet, drabble, head canon, series of bullet points with ANY anime character and either a "Reader" or Quill =3 Spread your wings beyond One Piece (Wind Breaker, YYH, FMA, MHA, Habin hotel, etc - go wild 🥰)
Feel free to ask me ANYTHING if you're unsure of something
Birthday Bash Requests \o/
Finally, the part you've all been waiting for XD
*** Anon Requests Will be SFW only ***
-:- Give me some reader vibes as applicable (gender/height vibes) -:- Give me a blorbo (or blorbos) - One Piece only please ❤️ -:- Pick something from each of the lists below and then submit your ask! (any items not specified in the ask will be my choice 😇 cause it's my birthday celebration XD )
Pick 1 Vibe: SFW SFW dark SFW Yandere Blorbo NSFW Consensual NSFW dubcon/dark NSFW Yandere Blorbo NSFW noncon Writer's Choice (please include squicks if you pick dark or dub/non con options)
Pick 1 AU: Canon Universe Mafia AU Fantasy AU Cowboy AU Government Mandated Marriage AU Soul Mates AU Modern AU Hallmark AU Mythical Creatures AU Vampire AU Coffee Shop AU A/B/O AU Monster AU (you can say what kind of monster you prefer) BDSM AU Host Club AU Grandline Metro AU (Quicksand, A Light Touch, Heart of Gold, Thrice Prophesized are set in this AU) Writer's Choice (spin that wheel!)
Pick 1 Prompt: Angst / Bad End Aphrodisiac - sex pollen, drugged food, struck by needle, devil fruit Bath/Shower/hotspring Body writing (icing, ink, blood, etc.) Caught in the Act Contractually Obligated Creature x Human Date / First date Dungeon Erotically charged fight Experienced w/virgin Forced Proximity - box, flight, cell, bondage, get-a-long shirt Friend’s hot older sibling Fuck or die Lazy morning sex Long-Term Established Relationship Only One Bed Outside Pliant When Horny Role-play Roughed Up Size Difference (I write this a lot, but I do love it.) Soft/Comfort Sugar daddy/mama The hat rule They were… coworkers/neighbors/etc. Trapped in a Room Trying Again (exes getting back together) Unresolved sexual tension Wounded Writer's Choice
***Requests will be accepted from 6/1 - 7/10 - and posted from 6/1 - 7/31***
Gifts are accepted from 6/1 until whenever \o/ Don't feel pressured to get them in by 7/20 🥰
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Nick Valentines x GN reader
Pure fluff for y'all, with a touch of angst at the end. I know theres like zero demand for fallout 4 fanfic but I made a poll idk how nany months ago asking if I should make some Nick Valentine fanfic and I got a couole of yes and exactly one follower from that poll. So this goes out to the small anount of people who said yes and that one follower I got from it, theres nore Nick fanfic to come I've just haven't gotten around to it yet but I promise I'll post some every so often.
Like always minors don't interact!
He loves playing with your hair when he thinks your asleep. Sense he doesn't sleep he'll join you in bed when he needs a break from going over files and lay down with you so he can olay with your hair.
It started with him sitting on the edge of the bed looking at the wall as he thought about his most current case but when you started to stir in your sleep, having a bad dream, he laid down next to you and held you in his arms whispering sweet things to you until you calmed dow.
He found himself enjoying having you in his arms. Thus started a routine of him slipping into bed with you every so often to take a break.
Normally he would take a smoke break when you slept but he found himself craving a cuddle more than a smoke lately.
Soon every so often turned into every night of him crawlling into bed with you and getting up before you woke.
One night he had been loat in thought about something and hadn't noticed you waking up until he heared your tired voice ask him what he was doing.
"What? Oh sorry didn't mean to wake ya." He said pulling his hand away.
He was surprised when you asked him to keep playing with your hair. More than happy to oblige he started playing with it again.
It soothed you back to sleep in his arms snuggling into his chest as you slept soundly.
The next night when you got into bed you patted the spot next to you with an expectant look.
"You want me to join you or somethin?" Nick would ask looking to the bed then to you. Nodding you head you gavw him a big smile.
Who could say bo to that?
Nick was now "going to bed" with you every time you were. Really it was him laying in bed playing with your hair as he talked avout whatever case he had currently going on until you fell asleep.
He wouldn't admit it, at least not out loud but he adored this nightly routine the two of you had going on though he never hid the smile on his face every time he saw you getting ready for bed or how fast he was to crawl into bed with you to cuddle.
Nick always played it off cool as if it wasn't the favorite part of his day or anything.
If you asked he would probably say aomething like. "Just doing my job to keep those pesky nightmares away." Or "only making sure you don't stop breaming in your sleep. You humans are rather fragile after all."
Acts as if he isn't often the first one in bed waiting for you.
Before he atarted cuddlibg you every night he would work straight through the night till morning. He wouldn't even realized you had gone to bed till you walked oast him yawning telling him good morning.
Now though? He reminds you every night at 9pm sharp that you need to go to bed.
He'll play it off as your human and need to get a healthy amount of sleep as he actively take his coat and tie off to get comfortable.
If you buy him a pair of pajamas to wear he'll laugh avout it and say he doesn't need them.
He's wearing them the very next day.
If you gad gotten them before he started cuddling you every bight he would just give you a weird look for the thoughtless gift and put it in his empty dresser to collect dust or to be used by guests staying the night. He didn't sleep why would he need pajamas?
Now though? Might own three different pairs
You bet they match with your pajamas.
If anyone else sees him in his pajamas he'll puff out his chest as he puts his hands on his hips. "What? You never seen a synth in lounge wear before? Beat it, it's time for bed."
Nick takes bed time very seriously.
He's big spoon. It feels weird for him to be little spoon
Wont fight you if you want to try big spooning for once but he wasn't really into it
Nick much more prefers having you in his arms. It helps ground him and reminds him that you truly are here now with him and bot some memory from the past seeping into his present.
That and how can he play with your hair all night if he's not facing you silly?
He will lean in every so often and place a soft kiss on your forward as he whispers a soft "I love ya." As to bot wake you.
If he ever lost you he would lay in the bed alone holding onto your pajamas as he tried to think back on all those nights he spent laying in bed with you. He would stop after a few weeks as it hurt too much but after a few years when he had time to heal he would start doing it again so he could feel like you were there again. Nick didn't know how much he missed this, how much he missed you.
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one sitting on the counter as the other grabs a spoon + pint of ice cream from the fridge and feeds it to their lover.
with love of my life megumi fushiguro !!!!
TAKING CARE — megumi fushiguro
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pairing: megumi fushiguro x fem!reader.
warnings/content: reader is drunk. idk if it's a warning but megumi and reader share a spoon.
wc: 1.1k.
requested: yes, by anon.
a/n: I was really exited to write this! it's my favourite prompt and someone requested it for one of my favourite characters as well! I'm behind with the event requests, but today I'll post at least another one! sorry but recently I've been really busy :(
prompt: one sitting on the counter as the other grabs a spoon + pint of ice cream from the fridge and feeds it to their lover.
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It was 1:30 am and Megumi was sitting on his couch, watching some random show he found on tv several minutes ago. He couldn't sleep, he didn't know exactly why, probably the reason was the long nap he took this afternoon.
He checked his phone, looking if he had any new notifications, but nothing new appeared. He sighed and turned his gaze back to the tv.
He was starting to doze off on his couch, but the doorbell rang, making him flinch for the sudden noise. He got up from the couch, making his way to the door. He opened the door, immediately squinting his eyes in surprise. In front of him appeared Nobara and Itadori, the latter holding you, with your arm around his neck and his around your middle to help you stand.
"What happened?" Megumi asked, sighing, already knowing what his friends were about to say.
"We went out to drink something," Nobara explained and Megumi nodded. You mentioned your plans to him this afternoon. "And she had a little too much..".
Megumi's eyes went back on you. You were still all over Yūji, probably fast asleep.
He sighed, lifting his arms towards you. "Come on, give her to me.".
Itadori immediately obliged, moving to pass you over to Megumi. He grabbed you, grunting slightly once your full weight was on him. With all this movement, you woke up.
You looked up confused.
"'Gumi!" You exclaimed when you realised who was holding you. "I missed you so much.".
You hugged your boyfriend tightly wrapping your arms around his neck, giving some sort of relief to Megumi when you lifted some of your weight off of him.
"Hi, missed you too." Megumi smiled softly to you, forgetting for a moment that your two friends were still in front of you. Yūji was smiling slightly and Nobara was trying not to laugh at his friend's lovesick face.
"I'm really tired.." You said, resting your head on Megumi's shoulder. "I know. Let's go to bed, okay?".
You nodded leaving a kiss on his neck and snuggling deeper in his embrace.
"Thank you for bringing her here. See you soon." He said to his friend before closing the door behind him.
"Are you able to walk?" He asked, his arms still around you to support you. "Don't know.".
He let out a deep breath, then he signed to you to jump by moving his hands behind your thighs. You jumped, immediately wrapping your arms and legs around Megumi.
He started to walk to his bathroom and once he entered the room he put you down on the counter.
"I want to sleep 'gumi, you said we were going to bed." you whined rubbing your eyes with your hands. "I know, but first you need to wash your face and take off your makeup.".
He opened the cabinet beside you, where you kept all your things so that you didn't have to bring them with you every time you stayed over at his apartment. He grabbed your make up remover and some cotton disks.
You closed your eyes for him, so that he could start removing everything you had on your face. He gently cleaned all your face, then he grabbed your cream and applied it to your face, trying to imitate the same movements you did every time he saw you apply it.
Once he was finished, he put everything back into the cabinets and tidied up the counter.
You still had your eyes closed and Megumi understood that you fell asleep again. He shook your legs gently and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead to wake you up, which fortunately worked.
"Megumi" You called for him, your eyes half closed. He hummed in response.
"Do you still have the ice cream we bought some days ago?" You mumbled, he raised one eyebrow "..yes".
"I want some ice cream." You said smiling, making the big doe eyes at which he couldn't say no. He sighed, then he proceeded to lift you up again to go to the kitchen.
He put you down on the kitchen counter, he opened the freezer and took your favorite flavour of ice cream. He handed it to you while he grabbed a spoon from the drawer.
Megumi passed you the spoon, leaning beside you on the counter. You took it, offering him a big smile.
You were struggling to open the ice cream, scrunching your face and using all the strength you had.
Megumi chuckled at you, taking everything from your hands. He opened the container effortlessly, then he took a spoonful of ice cream.
He positioned himself between your open legs, taking the spoon in front of your mouth. You ate the ice cream, smiling at the sweet taste of it.
"It's cold." You stated and Megumi looked at you unsurprised, "It's called ice cream for a reason..".
"Oh don't get so smart with me, I was just saying" You said to him. He hummed while he grabbed another spoonful of it.
You ate the ice cream in silence, Megumi continued feeding it to you, stealing some spoonfuls for himself. Once you were satisfied with the amount you ate, he put the ice cream back into the freezer and quickly washed the spoon to put it back in the drawer.
He came back to you and you hugged him, thanking him and asking if now you could go to bed. He nodded and lifted you once again to finally go to his bedroom.
He had his hands under your thighs, while you wrapped yourself around his frame.
Once he entered his bedroom, he gently put you on the bed, where you settled comfortably on your side of the bed waiting for Megumi to switch off the lights and finally go to sleep.
When he settled in the bed as well, you immediately hugged him, moving one of your legs over his hip.
"Thank you." you quietly mumbled, your cheek attached to his chest, "For the ice cream?".
"For taking care of me. Love you." you said, already dozing off to sleep. Megumi looked down at your frame, smiling softly as he felt the heat creeping on his neck and face.
"Always, love you too." He answered even if he was sure you couldn't hear because you were already sleeping. He kissed the top of your head, then he closed his eyes, going to sleep with a stupid smile on his face.
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hispg · 9 months
Between royalty and vows
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Pairings: Prince! Leon x Fem! Reader
Summary: A forced marriage, a fate set in stone, nothing could change that.
In the world of royalty, there were no choices, only obligations to fulfill. What you didn't expect was to become engaged to a renowned prince, ready to succeed the lineage.
Until that moment, you still had some hope that everything would work out, maybe it wasn't so bad. But it would be a shame if your future husband had a mistress.
Wouldn't it?
Warnings: slow burn, angst, hurt/ comfort, cheating, arranged marriage, eventual smut, one-sided love, affairs, manipulative behavior from Leon, (I'll put more once things start to progress).
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
An: Sooo there is the new chapter! I was so anxious to write it and post it! In all honesty, this is the chapter that I most liked to write(so far).
I've been receiving some dms about creating a taglist, so I'll do it from the next chapter and on. If you're interested in entering the tag list, you can dm me or comment on any chapters of this fic, and I'll add you. For the ones who already talked to me, I'll put you on the list already, so you don't need to message me again!<3
Also, I'll start to crosspost this fic here and on Ao3, for the ones who prefer to read in there. Here's the link Ao3. Eventually, I'll post all chapters!
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Chapter 5: Pretty lies
The heavy rain outside was no bother to the couple in bed, just as the cold was no problem that couldn't be solved with the intimacy that had just been shared under the covers.
There he was, lying with his lover, Ashley. Warming another woman's bed, offering her the warmth that his body emanated, the love that made her heart beat faster every time.
Both were nude, without the slightest concern for anything, all that mattered was what had just happened in that room. The closeness they shared, the oaths of love spoken between each kiss, between each embrace.
They had just made love, done something that was yet another symbol of the compromising union they contained.
Leon hadn't gone back to the castle as soon as he arrived back from his trip, he had gone to his beloved's house, a hidden place that only they knew where it was, only the lovebirds met there.
It was their love nest.
The same place where Ashley gave herself to him for the first time, the same sacred place where they made love whenever they could. The place where they loved each other deeply, where they didn't have to hide anything.
Ashley lay with her head on Leon's bare chest, while he had one arm wrapped around her and the other stroking her blonde hair.
The only sound in the room was the wood cracking in the fireplace and the soft breathing of both of them in that bed.
The clothes were thrown about, the silk covers hiding their shame, but if Leon was being honest, he couldn't think of a better place to be.
Because he felt at home every time he was with Ashley, even if he knew it was wrong.
And he was screwed if anyone found out.
"Are you staying?" Ashley asks in a whisper, taking the opportunity to place a soft kiss on his chest.
Leon gives her a blown smile, looking at her tenderly, "I'd love to. But you know I can't."
It was already too bold of him to come to this place to spend time with her, as much as he wanted to, he couldn't go along with her every whim.
Especially as the wedding was approaching, and he was dead if he didn't show up.
She sighed helplessly, knowing full well that this would be the answer from the start. But in all honesty, what did she expect? Despite her misfortunes, she was the mistress.
"I promise I'll try to see you more, mh? My wife won't be the problem, don't worry." Leon reassured her, kissed her on the forehead and got up, soon he would be getting ready to leave.
Although he wanted to be with her for even five more minutes, he would give all the money in the world to make it happen.
"Does she know about us?" Ashley asked, picking up the blanket and covering her bare midriff.
That was enough for Leon to clench his eyes shut, buttoning his pants as he stared at her.
"She can't even conceive of it. You know our deal." It was a good deal for both sides, not least because Leon didn't even want to imagine what Ashley's father would do to him once he found out what he and his daughter were doing behind closed doors.
Ashley then sighed, the blonde strands falling across her forehead as she thought for a moment.
"Do you think you can still see me after you're married?" She asks softly, almost embarrassed by her own question.
"I'll always find a way, don't worry." He says, the sincere smile that became the perfect proof that he was saying this from the bottom of his soul.
It was always a painful farewell, but Leon knew it was necessary for him to do it. Once he'd put all his clothes back on, he turned to Ashley, taking her in his arms and planting a gentle, passionate kiss on her lips. He also made a point of pressing his body against hers to leave his cologne on her.
It wasn't enough to have his smell on the silk sheets, he needed to leave his mark on her too.
Goodbyes aside, he knew he had to leave, the sun was rising, and if he wanted to get back to the castle before it was too late, he had to leave now.
As he took the steps to leave the small chalet in the Italian countryside, where no one suspected them, he took one last look at his beloved, giving her a broad smile as he said goodbye.
Watching Ashley go all wobbly as he walked out the front door. She sighed as her lover left, waving to him and looking dreamily out of the window.
Leon walked up to the discreet carriage that was waiting for him in front of the cottage, besides the coachman, there was Leon's faithful butler, Ausdret.
And also his worst accomplice, the butler who always covered up everything Leon did, no matter how stupid it might seem or be.
"Your Highness." Ausdret greeted, leading Leon to the carriage.
"It's good that you're here." Leon replies back, tucking himself into the small carriage.
His butler nods and sits down on the opposite seat, facing Leon. Even though Ausdret knew that no one could put a halter on Leon, he was still trying to talk some sense into his young, dim-witted head.
"Your Highness do you not think it is inappropriate to maintain this relationship?" Ausdret asked, trying to keep his voice steady.
Leon scoffed, narrowing his gaze at the poor butler, acting as if he had said the worst blasphemy that could be heard.
"Come on, you're a braggart too. Don't act like you're a kind gentleman with exemplary decorum." Leon retorts, crossing his legs as he fixes the buttons on his shirt once more.
Ausdret couldn't help but sigh, trying his best to make Leon understand how problematic it would be to keep all this up.
"Prince, you have a fiancée now. This relationship is no longer suitable." The butler said once again, pausing and emphasizing his lines, it wasn't possible that this was so difficult to understand.
"Well, it'll last as long as I want it to. You know better than that." Leon says, an unparalleled coldness in his voice, it was obvious, this subject was not up for discussion for him.
Ausdret always thought that this was just a youthful romance of Leon's, in fact he never thought that it would thrive for so long, for years. Leon was a man who could have any woman he wanted, not only because of the power he possessed, but also because of his beauty.
However, what the butler couldn't have guessed was that Leon would fall in love with Lady Ashley, a princess from another place. A likely romance, but love doesn't work properly in royalty.
"But Your Highness-" Leon interrupts Ausdret before he can continue.
"I am the prince, and you collaborate with me." Leon begins, his voice becoming an authoritative, voracious whisper.
"As I'm your highness, you must agree that you didn't see anything unusual. That I was on a business trip these last few days." Leon says, his gaze narrowing once more on the servant.
What could Ausdret say? He had always supported this boy, and even with a lump forming in his throat, he wasn't going to do any different again.
The butler knew that this situation wasn't fair to you, nor to Ashley, it would only end up with broken hearts and a quarrel that couldn't be undone.
Perhaps Leon was too young to understand this, but at some point fate would catch up with him.
"So? Did you see anything?" Leon asked, almost daring him to give an answer that was the opposite of what he wanted to hear.
"No, Your Highness. I didn't see anything suspicious." Ausdret replied under his breath, closing his eyes and shaking his head in denial.
"Good." Leon grumbles back.
The journey wouldn't take long, but Ausdret already knew that the rest of the way would be filled with the ache of an inconvenient silence.
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You knew you'd end up getting into trouble with your recent actions, but that still didn't stop you from going ahead with them. At that moment you were in the grassy fields on the outskirts of the castle.
It was easy to get here, you just needed the help of Chris and your maid, Evelyn. Nothing more than a silly little lie to disguise your departure.
The view was beautiful, you felt almost at home in a place like this. You were sitting on the horse while Chris guided the animal, walking through the grass carefully while also keeping an eye on you.
You couldn't tell if you were approaching Chris out of hurt ego, or because he was someone incredibly interesting and good to have around.
Perhaps you had combined the useful with the pleasant, because in all honesty, you couldn't deny that you were enjoying all this time with Chris, even feeling more at peace with yourself.
"Well, at least you escaped the tea party." Chris jokes, looking at you with a smile.
You nod, smiling back at him.
"God, I can't imagine what it would be like to spend another afternoon with Mrs. Hisltons!" You grumble, frowning as you remember all the tedious conversations the lady has put you through.
Chris couldn't help himself and laughed out loud, looking at you with those beautiful brown eyes.
"Oh, tell me about it. As soon as I got here, she gave me a good lecture on why I should get married." Chris says with a playful tone, walking slowly with you through the pastures.
You smiled a little, petting the horse as a question popped into your mind.
"But, forgive me for being impolite, but why haven't you gotten married yet?" You asked calmly, giving him the opportunity not to answer if he didn't want to.
"Nothing in particular, I just haven't found any suitors that catch my eye." He says, without much ado, getting straight to the point.
You'd think someone as cultured as him would want a woman who knew a bit more than just dresses and jewelry. Completely fair and understandable.
But you still can't help thinking that Chris was alone by choice, it wouldn't be the first time a man had preferred being alone to being married.
"I understand, but is it something you're thinking of doing? I'm sorry if I'm being intrusive." You say with a peaceful smile, trying to get to know the man you've grown so close to over the last few days.
Chris then paused and pondered, thinking of an answer that would measure up. But he couldn't think of anything more sincere than:
"Yes, I intend to." Just like that, or any other explanation.
But you saw his eyes light up a little when he looked at you for a brief moment, making you quietly gasp.
You then returned your gaze to your surroundings, the countryside that was such a contrast to the life you had. Which was far from peaceful.
Although you knew it shouldn't take you so long to get back to the castle, as they would probably notice you were gone, you could stubbornly stay here with him.
With Chris, the man who had been giving you so much comfort recently.
Chris then looked at you with a charming gaze, helping you off the horse. His hands found your waist, steadying you as you got off the animal.
Feeling his heavy, manly hands on your body made you feel something different, but you preferred not to mention it. Not least because you were being completely inappropriate for a dame.
You allowed yourself to feel the ground beneath your heels, removing the footwear from your body, feeling the grass between your toes.
The thought of returning to your new home was already distant, you could even swear that you forgot about Leon for just a moment. You forgot about the fact that he was coming back today.
And that he would be back around noon. And it was almost two in the afternoon, he was probably already at the castle by then.
But well, what would be the point of sneaking out of the castle with the Duke if not for a bit of confusion.
"You know, this is turning out to be one of the nicest afternoons I've had." Chris says, smiling and following you as you walk across the lawn.
"Oh, yes. It's nice to get out of that place for a bit." You say, looking at the sun, which is already descending.
Chris followed you, keeping an eye on every step. And you even saw out of the corner of your eye that he tried to take your hand, but hesitated to make such an intimate gesture.
You even heard the trumpets sounding in the distance, announcing the prince's arrival, but nothing that made you move from where you were.
And well, from the way Chris stood next to you as you watched the landscape of the field, he wouldn't leave until you asked him to.
At one point, you thought it would be better to leave, perhaps so as not to cause Chris any trouble. But the moment Chris's fingers touched your cheek, and he tucked a lock of your hair behind your ear, something in you sparked.
It was impossible to hide the red tinge that appeared on your cheeks, as well as the way you just ignored everything else. Everything seemed right.
You were surrendered, and you didn't want to leave this man's side. What on earth were you doing?
Why did you feel so torn? It couldn't end well.
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"Where is she?" It was the first question Leon asked as soon as he set foot in the castle, finding it strange that his fiancée wasn't here to greet him.
"The princess isn't feeling well, Your Highness." Evelyn, the maid who helped you escape, answered.
Leon wrinkled his eyebrows, glancing at the door of your chambers, he hadn't quite believed that excuse.
"Tell her I'll come and see her. She doesn't have to leave her room." Leon says, looking at the way the maid was beginning to shudder.
"She's really not well, Your Highness-" Leon didn't care how much the maid protested, he went ahead and went to your bedroom.
He opened the door without any manners, looking around as he searched for any sign of you. But he was disappointed when he found your bed empty, the room perfectly tidy and untouched. You hadn't been in that room for a while.
Your lie was already falling apart, as they say lies don't go far.
"Where is she?" Leon asked once again, this time more coldly and authoritatively, demanding an answer.
"I don't know! She was here this morning." The maid manages to stutter, unable to face Leon.
Leon clenched his fists, frustration and irritation taking over his feelings. You were getting out of hand, it wasn't enough that you'd been so bold with Chris, now this?
Even though he was away, he knew everything that was going on in that castle, and he couldn't let it continue the way it was.
Who did you think you were?
"Have her searched all over the castle." Leon demanded, leaving your room to look for you.
As soon as Leon saw that the maid hadn't moved a muscle, he added:
"Immediately." His voice was a low grunt, capable of sending a chill down anyone's spine.
The maid moved quickly, warning the other servants about the princess's 'disappearance', and they all stood by to look for you.
Nothing. They looked for you in every corner of that castle, every room, every space you could be in. And they found nothing, not a single sign of you.
Leon was fulminating, realizing that you and the Duke weren't in that castle. And you probably weren't close.
"We haven't found her, Your Highness. The princess isn't in the castle." One of the servants dares to speak, trembling at having to address the prince.
"What do you mean she's not in the castle?" Leon muttered, looking out the windows while trying to find you somehow.
And Leon had to stop himself from gritting his teeth as he watched the scene with his own eyes. You came in through the back door, a delicate hood over your head to disguise your identity.
You were sitting on Chris's horse, smiling happily as the man led the horse inside. You seemed so close, so intimate.
Something about it made Leon go crazy, he can't say, but some strange feeling rose in his chest and made a knot form in the pit of his stomach.
What were you thinking? You were a lady, Jesus! You should behave like one.
"You are dismissed, return to your duties." Leon says to the other servants, leaving no room for questions.
Drastic situations call for drastic measures, only then will you be able to understand your place. And how you should act as a future queen.
Leon waited, right in the center of the main hall, he decided he would act as if he hadn't seen anything. He felt his breathing quicken, heard the sound of his heartbeat in his ears.
He didn't know if it was anger, disappointment or something else.
You didn't realize he was there until you saw the pair of blue eyes looking you up and down, for some reason sending a shiver up your spine.
"I was worried about you." He was the first to speak, approaching you without a second thought.
"Excuse me, Your Highness. I needed some fresh air." You say, your voice smooth as silk, sweet as honey.
You needed to act as if nothing much had really happened, as if you hadn't gone off with the Duke alone, without letting anyone know.
Even more so, going out alone with a man.
Leon narrows his eyes, placing a hand on your waist, pulling you close. His touch made you gasp, your eyes widen and your breathing hitch, at the same moment you felt your breath mingle with his.
For a moment, you looked at each other, his penetrating gaze causing an incomparable flush to rise to your cheeks. His hands on your body, one holding your cheek, steadying you to do what he wanted to do.
What was he going to do? Oh, you realized it in the next second, when you saw his face coming closer to yours. His nose touching yours, and then, that's when…
He kissed you.
His lips against yours, his hand holding you firmly and preventing you from moving. It was unconscious, instinctive, you moved your lips in sync with his. Your arms wrapped around his neck, and you sealed this moment with the warm intimacy of a kiss.
It wasn't sincere, it was carnal.
The world around you seemed to stop, you were focused on the warm feeling that took over your body, the way the heat of the moment enveloped you. Your body molded itself to his so well, it was so perfect.
As if it was meant to be.
It was painful to separate your lips from his, your mind in a whirlwind of emotions. Was it real? Had he reconsidered? Maybe he was going to give you both a chance?
You were a very dreamy girl perhaps, those endless dreams that you wished from the bottom of your soul were real, that you clamored for to come true at some point.
But oh, that little act, it was far from a dream.
When you regained your senses, you looked around and saw a group of high-class ladies staring at the two of you. The dreamy looks and sighs they gave when they saw the couple, the passionate couple.
In the corner, you saw the king and queen, smiling approvingly at the two of you. They were proud.
A show off.
Reality weighed heavily on your mind when you understood. It was nothing, it was a show off, an exhibition. The momentary magic wore off and gave way to the bitterness that once again fell upon you.
Whose fault was it? Yours, for having once again believed in the foolishness that was Leon's chance of seeing you beyond being a prize. Or Leon, for toying with you in such a way?
In any case, what a shame. The taste of his lips was imprinted on yours, the sensation of his lips against yours was still so vivid. So real. You felt loved in a few seconds, putting yourself in your place soon after.
With one simple action, Leon reminded you of who you belong to, legally, and also reminded you of your place. Of your obligations to him, he came out the winner once again.
Damned bastard.
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tsumtsumrry · 1 year
my masterlist 🤍
tiny disclaimer: everything here is stuff that has been posted on this account, to find any of my old stuff that hasn't been posted here you'd have to go to my old account ch3rrybabyhon3y. i would post everything here but i'd feel so annoying flooding the tags lol. if there's anything specific you'd like to see/read again, send me an ask and i'll be more than happy to post it. kisses.
ordered from new to old 🤍
indicators: smut ☆ fluff ❁ angst ♪
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Doctor's Orders: in which you have an interesting visit with your gynecologist when you come to him with an inconvenient problem.
“M’name is Dr. Harry Styles. You can call me Harry, Dr. Styles, or Doc. Whatever you’re comfortable with. I’m personally fine with it all. I know your name already and…” he blows out a breath with his eyes comically wide “…basically your entire medical history so I think it’s safe to say we’re well acquainted!” You take his hand and shake it softly, a small giggle leaving your lips. You don’t miss the way he glances down at the contact. His hand feels nice. And you know it’s weird to be thinking that about your doctor, especially when that same hand will probably be somewhere near your genitals in the next couple of minutes, but his hand feels really nice against yours. Calloused and sturdy, yet gentle and soft.
You appreciate how he immediately got in tune with how cracking jokes made you more comfortable. It feels like extra effort to you and a warm feeling blooms in your chest at how attentive he is. You can tell that he cares about his patients and takes pride in his job, and it makes you feel so much more comfortable. 
“Okay m’darling. Says you’re here for a regular check up. Are you sure there’s no concerns? Nothing we should be worryin’ about? S’more helpful if you tell me now so I know what to look for.” His hand goes out to motion you to lie down on the examination table. You oblige and he grins at you again, waiting for your response. 
Second Visit (part two)
Film Bro: in which sleepy best friend Harry gets a little too worked up while you guys cuddle. ☆☆❁
The poor baby’s worked himself up somehow and doesn’t even realize what he’s doing, doesn’t realize how needy he is. His face wears a tortured expression, his eyebrows arched and pushed tightly together. The desperate soft sounds continue to leave his slightly parted lips and all you can think about in this moment is how much you want to kiss his lips, soft and bitten. 
Honestly, you’re at a loss of what to do in this situation. Do you wake him? Do you let him keep going until he ruins his pants? Do you just will yourself to go back to sleep and pretend this never happened? You know that last one’s definitely not going to work considering how ridiculously turned on you are. With every thrust against your ass, an onslaught of butterflies assault your stomach and you feel the pool in your underwear only getting wetter. 
You don’t want to stop him. 
Favorite Holiday: in which you and Harry are friends with benefits ☆❁ ♪
"He plans to take you home tonight, you can tell. You two have been going at this for months, the no-strings-attached sex thing. You think it’s easy enough. There’s never been any real difficulties, just the fact that you’re trying to keep it discreet. 
The first kiss was at the New Years party. You were both tipsy, he confessed that he always had a little fixation on you and how you looked in “all those pretty outfits you like to wear” and you confessed that him and his “fancy british accent”, “pretty tattoos”, and “ridiculously charming personality” never failed to have you imagining kissing those incredibly soft looking lips. 
He looked at you for a second, his gaze moving from your lips to your eyes as if he was trying to gauge where your head was at. Then, at the perfect timing, the clock turned twelve and your lips were intertwined. The rest is history."
Sex Therapist: in which Harry helps you out a bit, and he's not actually a sex therapist. (but he might as well be)☆❁
"“Maybe you need someone familiar.”
You can tell he almost regretted it when he said it, but there was also something of what seemed like determination in his eyes. You can only imagine the mental battle he’s having right now.
“Someone…familiar?” You say, your tone is nothing less than breathless.
“Mhm…someone you know, someone you trust, someone that can take care of you.” You know Harry’s noticed your change in breathing, the way you tried to subtly press your thighs together, you know he’s noticed and that’s why his voice has lowered to a calculated sultry tone that you know he only reserves for times like this. He’s downright seducing you and you don’t seem to have a problem with it, “any ideas?”
Good Boy: in which harry is a brat. ☆❁
"“So sit down, and listen to me like a good boy.” she says, watching as Harry rolls his eyes. She scoffs because she knows it’s all an act, but also because she knows he’ll regret this later, when he’s on his second denial and begging her to just ‘please, baby let me come’. She knows he’ll regret it.
“No? This is how we’re doing it tonight? Alright then.” She loves it when Harry is soft and submissive and just does whatever she wants off the bat, but she can’t deny the fun in making him submit. She knows he loves it too.
Harry, is on cloud nine, he loves this, he lives for it. Being forced to submit, making her hurt him. Gives him a high like no other, really gets him going. Sometimes he regrets being smart with her when he’s on third orgasm, or his third denied orgasm, but still, he loves it."
Morning After: in which you wake up next to harry after your first night together. ☆❁
"They had sex for the first time. 
In no way were they virgins, but it was just as special as anyone’s first time. She had been holding off on having sex with anyone since her last relationship, scared to give all she had to someone only for them to hurt her and walk away like her ex did. She never wanted to feel that pain again. 
She was dead-set on becoming a nun before Harry found her and swept her off her feet. He loved and cared for her, showing her he would never hurt her like her ex did. It took some time, but she finally learned to trust Harry. And as soon as her walls broke down, she loved and trusted him fully. She gave her all to him. 
Harry wasn’t expecting from her, he just wanted to love her. So when the opportunity came to love on her, there’s no way he could’ve passed that up."
Piper: in which sub-harry let's go. ☆❁
"Piper shakes her head at his pout and opens her mouth to speak, “I have an idea.“
Harry’s eyebrows furrow and his pout lessens a little bit, “wha’ is it?” He’s talking slower and thicker due to how overcome with lust he is and Piper fight the urge to shift her thighs at the sound of it.
“Well…” she pauses to give him a slow kiss, “you’ve been working so hard lately, been so good. Was thinking I could dedicate a night to just you. Hmm? Make you cum so hard you see stars?”
Harry’s mouth parts slightly at her words and he tries to prevent his eyes from rolling back into his head at the butterflies that just swarmed through every part of his body."
Alexa: in which you're an assistant for one direction ❁♪
"“Do you want a coffee or something? I feel weird just standing here without getting you something…” Alexa mumbles and Harry’s face falls. Her words served a (very) painful reminder that she just worked for him. She was forced to be around him. Doesn’t mean she liked him. After all she only came up to him because Niall told her he needed help with something. Harry feels pathetic.
“No…no thank you.” he murmurs and Alexa nods quickly and turns on her heel to walk away.
Harry doesn’t understand why he can’t just talk to her. Every other “employee” feels like a friend (or even family) to him. Why can’t he cross that line with the one person he wants to?"
She: in which we dream with harry ❁☆♪
"The drive of his life, where his passion is derived from. He wouldn’t be where he is without her.
Some people may say it’s foolish to be so codependent on a dream, but he doesn’t see anything wrong with it. As long as he keeps seeing her when he closes his eyes, he’s at peace.
He imagines the color of her skin, the smoothness of her body, the volume of her hair, the sound of her voice. Every day he imagines it all. Every day he dreams about it."
Laura: in which you've had enough. ♪♪
"She hates herself for feeling weak, for showing him any emotion. She’s stuck between wanting him to know that he’s hurting her and not wanting to give him the power to know that he has any affect on her at all.
“You keep acting like you didn’t know how it was going to b-” Harry starts, but Laura interjects with an angry incredulous tone, feeling like if this were a cartoon you would surely see the steam coming out from her ears.
“Are you kidding me? This isn’t how it was when it first started, even when you were doing the first album, hell, even when you were on fucking tour! This is an us thing, this isn’t just a ‘studio’ thing and you know it!”
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sub ceo harry ❁☆
friends to lovers h ❁❁
sex with h headcannons ☆❁
friends to lovers angst ♪❁
sub bestfriendrry finding your vibe ☆❁
request that's basically just porn (lol) ☆☆
subby co-worker harry ☆☆
enjoy to all your heart's content. love you loads and loads. kisses. 🤍
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k-s-morgan · 3 months
Hi, I don't know how to write this differently... I'm kinda, little bit, very very worried 😅 I don't want to make you feel obligated to answer this, with the electric outages and everything, but please just a little update if you're ok 🩷 Rusáci jsou kundy, přeji ti hodně sil 💛💙 srdečné pozdravy z Česka (Russians are cunts, I wish you strength, теплий привіт з Чехії*)
*I could only think of best wishes in English, which is not the same, so I hope google translated it with the same warm sentiment 😊
Ask from @princessgotham21: Hi Kat, we've not heard from you in a while so I hope you're safe and okay. I don't care about updates, I just genuinely want to know your wellbeing. Sending prayers and love 🤍
Ask from @seiji-amasawa: I’ve been following your stories for years now, and with news headlines about what’s going on in Ukraine has me really nervous for your well being. I hope you and your loved ones are doing well. You’re in my thoughts <3
Ask from @disappearinghills: You haven’t posted in a week, I hope you’re okay love❤️
Hi! I'm finally home and with a steady connection - in fact, while I was gone, my Dad did some techno-magic, so now I'll have the Internet even when there is no power! Seeing all these asks made me so warm and happy, and cared for. Thank you all so much! I really didn't expect the connection to be this bad in the mountains. That place had WiFi, both of my cell operators were accessible, and yet nothing connected properly 99% of time. Not sure how it works. On the other hand, I took a really good rest from the war-related news, air raids, and other stuff. I heard just one explosion at a distance in over 2 weeks.
@jebemtimater7890, ah, I really appreciate your sentiment <3 Дуже дякую за такі чудові слова! It always warms me so much to know that so many people from different countries support Ukraine. Maybe it's the result of my vacation, but I started to feel a little more optimistic about the war than I have in over a year. Not sure it will last long, but it's such a relief to feel like this for now.
I went to the mountains with my Mom, and the place we were staying at had the loveliest cat who instantly realized I'll be more than happy to let her share my bed :D It was very hot for one week, and then it rained non-stop for the next one, so we got all kinds of experiences.
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I'll miss the peace and quiet of that place, but being home is also good! I missed my set of silly pets, half of whom didn't immediately recognize me and tried to flee before figuring out who I am :D
The first part of a series of ATLWETD updates will be up in a few hours. I'm doing the last quick read - it probably isn't necessary, I've edited it already, but I can't help it, I always feel like I'll catch some more mistakes/unfortunate turns of phrases.
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eggtartz · 2 years
a/n : request by @bontensbabygirl for a part two of tr characters doing this trend 🫶🏻
characters : mikey + rindou + ran + sanzu + izana
"yes bubs?"
"can we do this one trend?"
"yeah it's a thing where the video goes viral and everyone does the same thing like the video"
"sounds lame"
"manjiro!" he laughed while sitting on the couch so you turned record and attempted to sit down but mikey closed his legs.
"manjiro..." you voice with a warning. you redo it and mikey happily obliged, the video perfectly done although you had to force him to wear covered shoes. "i don't think anyone would find slippers hot in thirst trapping"
"that's not the slippers fault!"
"oh here we go again it's like that one meme where the boyfriend is trying to relax and the hyper girlfriend keeps bugging him"
"are you saying that you hate my presence haitani?"
"fine, if you won't do it. your brother might do it with me anyways" you stomped your feet away from him but heard footsteps grow behind you. "oh c'mon now, i never said you're annoying. what is that you wanted to do baby?" you glared at him and showed him the video. "oh, anything for my baby! c'mon sit sit" he urged you to start the recording and did the trend so well. after posting the video, rindou didn't let you go from his lap and said sorry.
"ran you're annoying"
"i love you t- wait what" he snapped his head towards your direction while you giggled at him. you the moved closer to him. you turned the camera and pressed record, ran oblivious to your activity and kept watching the tv without a single care of the world as he's watching his favorite drama.
apparently in the app, girls saw how your boyfriend manspread and went wild with it. after telling ran about it, he was PROUD. but for you, that's the first and last time you're featuring ran in your account.
"haru wanna do this trend with me?" sanzu who just finished washing the dishes wiped his hands on his apron. "what trend is that princess?"
"it's a trend for couples on tiktok"
"oh okay may i see the trend?" you showed him the video and he scrolled through the video with the same music and nodded his head slightly. "we can do it on the chair princess let's go" you were giddy and when sanzu looked like he was ready, the camera was on. unfortunately you tried sitting between his legs but you slipped because the apron he's wearing was blocking the way. sanzu laughed at you and said sorry while taking off the apron. rubbing your butt, you pouted. "aw does it hurt come here, i'll take care of it"
did the trend the next day because you two forgotten about it.
"but just once?"
"no honey"
"aw it's not like im showing your face" you tried talking to him while izana was typing away on his laptop. "it's just a 7 second video, won't disturb you after this promise" you whined at your boyfriend. izana pinched the bridge of his nose.
"fine c'mon then honey seven seconds move it, move it" he pushed the chair from the table and gestured his lap. you wasted no time and wiggled your way between his legs. after posting the video, you didn't budge from his lap and sat there. "on a second thought, this position is comfortable don't you think?" you asked while looking back at him. he looked down at you and sighed, making you giggle. you stayed there anyway, clicking sounds heard.
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thehusbandoden · 7 months
You Can't Sleep After Watching a Horror Movie -Part One Shigaraki Tomura
A/n: here's the first part @luminesflowa
I'll have Dabi's part out asap. I think I'm gonna rewrite it, I'm not liking it very much at the moment lol.
General info:
Genre: fluff/comfort \\ wc: 1,048 \\ posted: 03/04/24 \\ requested <3
I don't think there's anything triggering, but please let me know if there's anything! I have anon enabled if you would rather send me an ask or you could always message me <33
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Your body shook from fear as you huddled in a ball, desperately trying to comfort yourself. You knew that watching that movie would be a bad idea.. but you didn't want to look like a total loser in front of the LOV...
Sighing, you close your eyes tightly, attempting to sleep. After several more minutes your attempt remained fruitless. Admitting defeat, you stand up, pulling the blanket around you as you waddle towards your door.
Slowly opening it, you peek out the hallway before quietly making your way to Shigaraki's room. Once you get there, you hesitate, your fist hovered over the door.
This is stupid...
You tell yourself. You lower your hand, about to give up and settle for no rest tonight.
Turning away, a low creeping sound startled you. You quickly knock on his door, knocking again when he doesn't respond.
Finally, after several moments, Shigaraki opens the door, glaring down at you. "What are you doing? What's so important that you have to bother me?"
His eyes were dark with exhaustion, but he seemed fully awake. Was he having trouble sleeping too..?
"U-uh.. n-nevermind it's not important.. sorry for bothering you.."
His glare softened ever so slightly, grabbing your wrist with two fingers before you could walk away.
"Y/n, what is it? Ignore my tone from earlier.. I didn't recognize it was you." He let go of you when you turned back to him.
"W-well... I-I can't sleep.." you murmur, blushing in embarrassment.
"Oh? Why not?" His eyebrows furrow.
"Well... Umm.. t-the movie scared me.."
Shigaraki looked at you for a few moments before sighing. "And what do you want me to do about it?"
"U-uh... C-can I.. sleep with you?" Your face burned in embarrassment, but you knew not to lie to him. He could tell and he would not let you get away with it.
"Fine.. but no touching." He huffs, his own cheeks lighting up. He turns away before you could notice, walking back into his room.
Hesitating, you wait for his huff of annoyance before following suit. You silently close his door before looking back up at him.
He was moving his TV screen so he could see it in bed. He put on the gloves you bought him -his index and middle fingers exposed- before picking his remote up, laying down. You hesitantly walk closer to the bed, but don't touch. Your blanket was still comfortingly covering you.
"Wanna play?"
You shake your head, too embarrassed.
"Well don't just stand there. Get on here.. just don't touch me."
You oblige, crawling into his bed. It was bigger than the one Kurogiri provided for you, but not much more comfortable. The LOV had a tight budget, and comfortable bedding wasn't one of their priorities.
You get comfortable laying a few feet away from him, covered in your warm blanket. You stare at his face, gaining comfort from his presence...
He glanced at you, his eyebrows slowly relaxing. He huffs, trying to act irritated as he looks back at the screen, unpausing his game.
You watch his face while he plays for a few minutes before meekly speaking up.
His face softens ever so slightly as he looks back at you. "Yes..?"
"C-can I hold your arm? I-I'm still scared."
His lips press together in thought. He looks at you for a few moments before sighing. "Fine.. but don't get too comfortable. This is a one time thing."
You nod, scooting closer before grabbing onto his right arm. It was warm and muscular, causing you to calm down immensely. You sigh, burying yourself in his arm as you take deep breaths, breathing in his masculine scent.
He huffs, but doesn't complain as he goes back to his game. His muscles flex every once in a while as he plays.
You quickly succumb to sleep as you bathe in his comforting warmth. You're out like a light in seconds.
Shigaraki glanced down, smirking softly at your peaceful form. He turns his game off, brushing a strand of hair away from your face before settling down to sleep.
He keeps a distance between you two, but he doesn't move his arm out of your grasp.
Your eyes slowly blink open. You let out a small hum as you awake, blinking your eyes to arouse yourself. After several moments you realize a few things.
Firstly, it's dark, but not pitch black. Almost like the light is muffled.
Secondly, it's warm, very warm.. but in a comforting way.
And thirdly, familiar strong arms surround you.
You look up, seeing a pale, scarred neck.
Your face bursts with warmth as you tense, suddenly very aware of how close you were to Shigaraki. Your breathing quickens ever so slightly. You don't pull away, not wanting to wake him up.
Almost as he could sense your panic, his hold on you tightens. Your heart slams against your chest as you look up at Shigaraki, attempting to see his face.
You couldn't see past his sharp jawline. Your blush deepens. You couldn't help but be attracted to the man.. even though he could be a total a-hole.
Though, he always has had a soft spot for you.
You reach your hand towards him, softly brushing your fingers against his jaw. You bite your lip, trying to stay calm as you trace his jawline.
Your blush deepens as you continue to trace his jawline. You close your eyes in content, relaxing in his arms.
A hand grasps your wrist tightly, causing your eyes to flash open. Crimson red eyes find yours as Shigaraki glares down at you. "What do you think you're trying to do?!" He hissed, his grip tightening.
"Ah- Tomura I wasn't trying anything!" Your e/c eyes meet his.
His gaze slightly softens, letting go of your wrist. He stares down at your flushed cheeks and how he was holding you close.
"It's Shigaraki to you." He mutters, pulling you closer to his chest, burying his face in the back of your neck.
"Y-yes Shigaraki.. I'm sorry fo-."
"Don't apologize." He growls softly, protectively tightening his hold.
"Yes Shigaraki.." you blush, smiling softly.
Shigaraki's lips form into something related to a smile before he pulls you closer, gently resting his chin on your head. "Much better.."
Shiggy's masterlist | Masterlist | Navigation | You can tip me here<3
Reblogs and feedback help my posts be seen and brighten my day every single time, don't be shy this is a no judge zone! <3
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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queers-gambit · 2 years
One Sunrise at a Time
prompt: you have news for your husband.
pairing: Daemon Targaryen x female!reader
fandom masterlist: House of the Dragon
word count: 7.4k+
note: last in the series, my heart. got a thing for making 'bad boys' simps for their ladies - that's great shit right there. author has had too much coffee and can feel her heartbeat in her eyes.
warnings: cursing, mild angst, Daemon's a shitty husband and a dumb boy, but he's also a simp so super OC!Daemon, um, more baby-making smut, talk of difficult fertility journey, let's all run away from our problems.
previous: part five: Bright Light
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Three years after your wedding night, and you still had not given your husband an heir; leaving a small divide between you both. You knew it stung at his pride that his seed will not take, and you grew worried that you were past your prime to bare children; where you both felt an obligation each month to couple, wait for results, and speak little.
By every God did it drive you insane. You wanted to be close to him, but Dameon busied himself while you took up post as 'Master of Whispers' for the King.
After 'the incident' that followed rumor of her virginity, he took your ear often to speak worries to you. And the young servants and orphans of the city passed word to you of their findings, dubbing them your Little Birds that like to tweet in your ear. You filtered what passed unto the King, wanting to take your Lord husband's ear, but was scarce in his appearance, and little did you get to his counsel.
However, you remained in Kings Landing for those three years, and you could tell it was wearing at Daemon's already limited patience. You passed time with Princess Rhaenyra, who you became quite close to in your time, and during court season, you still sponsored your step-sons; adamant on finding them suitable wives.
This season was going favorably, and Kase was courting Lord Stark's second daughter while Jamie was courting the young, but beautiful, (only) Lady Caldwell. You heard nothing from the Ladies Aline and Jocey, but you worried not for them, because Kase gave you every update possible. He liked taking afternoon teas with you, and you knew you'd miss him most.
"Mother!" Kase grinned, finding you in the gardens. "I've been looking everywhere for you!"
"Oh, whatever for, my dear boy?" you asked gently, knowing damn well what the lad wanted.
"Might you... Accompany me?"
"Into the city," he nodded with a growing grin, bouncing on his toes to swish his long, dark hair around his face. "I need to visit the jeweler."
"I'm going to propose," he grinned, making you giggle and clap your hands.
"Oh, my boy! This is so exciting!"
"Oh! Isn't it!" He beamed with you, taking your hands tightly in his. "And I need your help picking a ring, mother."
"Of course," you nodded, "just let me stop off at my chambers, I will get money for the ring."
"No, I've plenty - "
"No, no, you're going to let me pay, and we're not going to let expense be a barrier. Please, I will do the same for Jamie," you whined. "'S no fun being a Princess if I can't spoil you."
Kase nodded, "Let us go now, I want to be back by sunset."
"When are you doing it? When are you asking?"
"I'm asking her father for permission tonight, I want to show Lord Stark the ring first. You know, show I can provide for his beloved daughter," he explained, making you nod with understanding. His arm was then offered to you as escort, whisking you away to your chambers, and when you both burst through the door in a fit of giggles, he straightened up first.
Your eyes cut over to see Daemon idling by a table, the Grand Maester at his side. "Oh, right," you breathed, turning to Kase, "love, go to the foyer, I'll meet you there in a few moments."
"Are you sure?"
"I forgot, but this is a prior commitment," you smiled, giving his forearm a squeeze. "Go on, I'll be right there."
"I'll wait with the guards," he nodded with assurance, offering a nod to the Grand Maester. Then, "Prince Daemon," and he was bowing out of the room, closing it behind him.
You sighed gently, nearing the pair with your fingers twiddling nervously. "Is there any change?" You asked diplomatically to the Maester.
His old eyes shot between both you and your husband, "Well, I ran the tests, just as I usually do..."
"Is there any change?" You repeated firmly.
"No, Princess. Not this month, apparently..."
"Right," you nodded, waving him off, "then we are adjourned. Something is... Wrong with my womb," you hesitated to admit, feeling jarred by the notion as Daemon would not meet your eyes. So, you stared at the quivering Maester.
"Well, we could try other methods," the Grand Maester explained, making your throat bob. "I can bring a list of options later, or we can go over them now, if either of you are prepared to hear them?"
"No, later will be fine," you assured, sniffling after, and clearing your throat. "Thank you, Grand Maester, again... That will be all, thank you," You moved for the door, opening it with meaning; the old man glancing at your husband, who remained quiet, and did not look up from the table's top.
"My Prince," the Grand Maester nodded, shuffling out of the room, "Princess."
"Thank you," you whispered again, the door shutting firmly after. You did not look at Daemon as you moved for the safe you kept, drawing a velvet draw-string bag of Gold Dragons to your possession as Daemon remained stoically still.
"Where are you going with that?" He asked, eyeing you wearily.
"We agreed to pay for Kase and Jamie's engagement rings, did we not?" You asked gently.
"Right," he nodded. "Kase is ready then, is he?"
"He is."
You paused before deciding on changing your shoes, finally bucking up the courage to speak as you did so, "I'm sorry, you know."
"What for?"
"For being unable to give you a child," you admitted meekly, staring at the laces you did up tightly. "I did not - if I knew, I would not have - I would not have married you."
"No," you answered definitively, tying off the laces of your boots before standing and settling your purse to your person. "I will understand if you do not wish to continue this marriage with me, as you were anticipating a healthy, functioning wife."
Your bitter, vile words marred your face as you hastened for the door, but his hands were like a stranger's grabbing your upper arm. You gasped lightly as you turned almost in shock, back against the door as he looked down at you with something akin to anger.
"Why do you speak such words?" He asked in High Valyrian.
"Because it's true, isn't it?"
"You are deeply mistaken," he shook his head, "because nothing about your ability to bare me children has ever influenced my want to marry you."
"That is laughable, for you fuck me like it's a chore, barely share my bed, only half-way look at me, and have been avoiding me like-like-like the plague, or something! As if I have Grey Scale!" You emotions tipped and tears filled your eyes, cascading past your waterline. "As if your mind is far from your body, and Gods only know where that is!"
"Sweetheart - "
"No, I needed you!" You sobbed. "I needed my husband, and it was like you couldn't even look at me! Be in a room with me! Share my bed - hold me in your arms! My God, Daemon, when was the last time you told me you loved me?"
His mouth opened before his brows furrowed, expression falling, "I fear I do not know."
"See?" You sniffled. "It's like I am not here, like we are not truly married, and my heart hurts, Daemon. I do not want this for us, so, if this is the grounds you use, being that I am barren, then use it, and cut us both free. I'm sorry. I really am, Daemon, please, I did not intend for this to happen. I did not know."
"Please, do not apologize to me, and let me offer my own," he shook his head, shame taking his features. "I have no excuse for myself - "
"Are you here now?" You begged.
"Yes," he swore.
"Then come with us to pick a ring, spend the day with me, please. I miss you so much, I am so fucking sad and by Gods, do I feel so alone."
"No, I am here now, pet," he promised. "I'm so sorry I was absent, but I'm here, I'm with you. I'm so sorry. Fuck, my dove, I'm sorry you feel alone."
"I'm sorry I'm not pregnant," you whispered, your hands moving to press to your empty womb; his hands laying over yours.
"No matter what is to pass, you are everything I need, and more. Everything I need, all I have ever wanted. Look at me, please," he asked quietly, forehead resting on yours as your eyes slowly rose - forcing them apart. "I have loved you everyday I've known you, and nothing will change that. No child will make me care more or less for you, because you're perfect for me, poppet."
"I don't want to be alone..."
"We will never be alone," he promised, kissing your forehead. "The Grand Maester will bring us options..."
"I want to give you a natural child," you whimpered.
"The Gods will decide, but for now... I could stand taking my duties as husband a little more seriously. You have felt unloved and I took vows to never let you go a day like that - I will resolve this."
You nodded, lifting your hands to pet over his chest, "Please just stay with me today. I feel like a fucking failure - not only as a wife, but as a woman."
"You are fare from a failure," he swore, switching back to the Common Tongue to prove how serious his words were.
"Then why can I not give you a child?"
"Because the Gods have not deemed it so," he sighed. "I am disappointed, yes, but nothing makes me love you less. I'm sorry I've neglected you."
"Be with me now, maybe buy me something pretty, and all is forgiven."
"Deal," he agreed with a small chuckle, sliding his hand over your cheek. "I love you. Fuck, dove, I love you so much."
You nodded, tears still falling, "I love you, too. So much so, Daemon, that being away from you hurts. As annoying and pathetic as that might be."
"Hey, no," he hushed you gently. "Never again will you know that pain for I will not be the cause of it any longer," he promised, pressing a searing-hot kiss to your salty wet lips. "Now, when is Jamie proposing?"
"I don't know yet, we're worrying about Kase today," you nodded, nuzzling your nose to his.
So lead to Daemon preparing for your day, lacing your fingers together as he escorted you to the foyer. Kase was waiting patiently, smirking when he saw the pair of you approach, "Ha! I knew it."
"That he would be joining us," Kase grinned now. "Everything's good now?"
"Yes, we are resolved," you assured. "And we're dedicated to finding you a ring, so, shall we?"
He sighed, "She deserves something pretty. You know?"
"Pretty is a great start," you smirked, Daemon's hand tightening. "It's what Daemon's going for today, too."
"Yeah? You're in the market?" Kase wondered.
"For anything my wife wants," Daemon nodded, leading the way out of the Red Keep. "She's been without something new for far too long."
"I want to be able to do that," Kase sighed. "Like, my wife's sad? I can just up and buy her a new ring, or necklace, or whatever, and she's okay."
"In all honesty, I'd be happy with flowers from the gardens," you chuckled, "but my husband is dramatic, Kase, and likes to spend money."
"Only on you," he assured, tugging you in closer. "So, Kase, any idea where to start?"
"Something shiny?"
"Oh, he's helpless," your husband teased, to the enjoyment of your step-son.
"So, tell me," Kase muttered when you finally stepped off castle grounds - half a dozen Gold Cloaks at your flank, "what news did the Maester bring?"
"I am not pregnant," you admitted with indignation, trying to remain passive - as if this whole situation didn't cause your skin to crawl.
"Yet," Daemon tacked on with encouragement, "because in truth, lad," he told Kase, "I have not been as diligent in my duties as a husband as I should be."
"We don't fuck nearly enough - but that is set to change," he eased with a smirk; you hand smacking his stomach playfully.
"Well, you actually don't spend any time with me," you pointed out, feeling silly admitting it aloud. "Might we... I don't know, move along to another subject? How are matters with the Lady Stark, Kase?"
"Well, Jamie and I spoke of it, and if the Ladies agreed to it, have a duel wedding here with you before we return home. My Lady's father gifted her a small stead near Winterfell... I think we might move there after the ceremony."
"And Jamie?"
"Would still be Lord, only, married, and no longer in the capital," Kase paused to consider, "with very little reason to return to this city."
Pointing that out seemed to set you off some, though you did not let it show. The idea was that both lads were to marry this season, and Daemon was antsy to escape Kings Landing for across the Narrow Sea seemed like a terribly convenient coincidence. Daemon's been more than gracious to let you linger as you did, but now that the truth was tangibly verbalized about your boys leaving and not returning, Gods, did it sting!
Daemon and Kase asked one another a few questions back and forth in further effort to know one another, your feet and lower back starting to ache. Perhaps you were to start your cycle soon...
Time through the city drug only because it was evident Kase was 'forcing' time between you and your husband by going the long routes through market stalls. By the time you arrived at the jewelers, all 6 Gold Cloaks were holding items bought because you had so simply as 'gazed fondly at it.'
And he was even worse in the jeweler, though you talked him down to only one item - be it a ring, or heavy necklace, so solid gem broach... With reluctance, Dameon agreed, and the pair of you focused on helping Kase make his decisions. Your husband advised he simply go with whatever spoke to his heart, but it was evident the lad was becoming overwhelmed.
So, you stepped up, and together, pieced together what he thought would be suitable for his bride-to-be. Daemon watched with a smirk, gazing over other options for anything he found intriguing for you, but paused when Kase exclaimed, "AH-HA! YES!"
"Kase!" You scolded.
"Sorry, sorry," he winced, looking from you, to the jeweler, then to Daemon, "sorry. I just... I think I found the one!"
"Let's see it, lad," Daemon nodded, clasping the young Lord's shoulder and looking at what he held. "Befitting for a young woman so beautiful as your bride. It will do nicely - yes, we'll take it," he assured the salesman.
"Gems are imported from Qaarth."
"Where before?" You wondered.
"No idea," the man admitted. "But it's real nice, yeah?"
"It is, please, set it aside for us," you nodded to the man, then pointed to a pretty, solid gold necklace that held a plaque that looked as if it could be carved into. "And might I see that, please?"
"Course," the man mumbled, and the necklace was produced for your hands to examine.
"If I gave you script, could you engrave this for me?"
"Anything you'd like, Princess," he nodded in agreement.
"I'll send the instructions with a lad later," you smiled. "We'd like those two items - might we settle the debt now?"
"If you'd like, of course."
"I'd like to, yes," you nodded from the salesman to your Lord husband. "Daemon? Love?"
"Right," he sighed, pulling the money pouch from his belt after fearing that if you carried it, it would encourage violence against you. "What's the number then?"
As the two talked price, Kase was beaming as he examined his ring choice - glancing at you, and making you prompt, "She'll be blown away."
"Mhm," you assured. "It's a beautiful selection, she's going to just die when she sees it. And her father will not think you lowly, but capable of providing for his daughter."
"But what if... What if I can't?" Kase mumbled, turning to you. "What if I screw up so bad, it can't be fixed, and she leaves me - or whatever have you!? I fear I am only a second son and hold no land or titles, but that my brother does, and so long as he draws breath, I have nothing..."
"No, no, just that I want to be with the Lady Stark - even on her homestead, if it means being away from you all... But what if I ruin it?"
"You won't," you spoke with assurance.
"So quick to - "
"I know you, Kase, get out of your head," you advised as Daemon paid that debt owed. Kase sighed and thanked the jeweler, following Daemon from the shop, after you.
The entire walk back through town, Kase worried he wasn't good enough for Lady Stark - and Daemon was far too amused when the boy asked him for help. Daemon's solution? To take the lad to a tavern, but you weren't sure.
"C'mon, Mum, it'll cap off a great day," Kase encouraged. "And we can get drunk! It's a win-win!"
You chuckled, "You're aware of what we've on our person?"
"Yes, yes, but no one would dare cross the Prince of the City!"
Heaving a sigh, you glanced around to the Gold Cloaks. "Can we trust you to bring this all back to our chamber and lock the door?" You asked them, handing over the engagement ring but Kase lunged for it.
"Oh, hell no," you snapped, taking the ring and pointing a warning finger, "I've been to enough taverns in my life to watch men gamble away whatever be in their pockets - and I will not jeopardize this ring! It's going to our room to be locked up, hmm?"
"Well," he looked nervous.
"I trust these men," Daemon nodded, "and if they choose to steal from us, or to vary from whatever my wife asks, they know the extent to which I will take to punish them."
"Oh, Daemon," you swatted at him, "you do not need to threaten everyone!"
"How would they know I'm serious?"
You sighed, handing the ring over. "Please?"
"Of course, Princess," one of the guardsman assured. "You've a key?"
"Yes, you can lock it, I've a way in for us," you smiled lightly, nodding as they took their leave. "Are we sure?" You asked Kase and Daemon.
"About the tavern? Yes - c'mon," Kase groaned, tugging you forward as Daemon quickly swooped in behind you. The tavern was relatively lively for the middle of the afternoon, but you were not one to offer judgement as Daemon was greeted calmly, happily...
Like you would a friend.
Your hand found his quickly out of nervousness, lacing together as Kase went for the bar to open a tab and Daemon secured a table by shooing off the residents of the back corner booth.
"Look here, position is everything," he mumbled, guiding you into a seat with him beside you; stuck like glue, "and from here we've the advantage."
"Should we even be here?"
"We're all right," he assured softly. "But if you are uncomfortable, my dove, we will leave."
"No," you sighed, peering around him to the bar, spying Kase talking with animation to the bartender, "he looks excited. But do you frequent this bar?"
"I do," he nodded. "'S why I brought us here, the security is under my payment right now... But I wanted to talk to you about something."
"What would that be?"
His fingers gently pinched your chin, sighing almost sadly, "How would you feel about leaving Westeros?"
"Not just Kings Landing?"
He nodded, "I'd take us across the Narrow Sea."
"Oh," you breathed, nodding slowly. "Well, that's something... When do you want to leave?"
"After the lads are married, so, the end of the season?"
You worried slightly, "Is that enough time?"
"We've three months, dove," he nodded, petting down your cheek, "and in truth, we've no more attachments here... Let us leave," he breathed against your lips, puckering his to kiss you. "Let us be done, we'll get away from the city."
"See the world?" You smirked some.
"I'll take you wherever you want to go," he nodded. "Maybe getting away from the city will give us the stress-free environment we'll need to conceive a child."
"You think that's our issue?" You sighed, lacing your hand with his to lean your chin on his shoulder. His own head tilted to caress your forehead.
"Perhaps," he alluded, "but we still have to hear the Maester out."
"Come on, pet, there's hope still," he nodded, kissing your forehead. "And perhaps we see the world instead," he chuckled some, "I don't think I'd mind that. Traveling the world with you?"
"What if we have children?"
"Wouldn't you want your children to have dragon eggs?"
He sighed, "We can talk logistics later, but yes, I would... It is their birth right," one of his arms was around your back, the other flattening his palm to your stomach. "The Gods will bless us one day."
"But no harm in practicing?" You teased, leaning up to peck his lips quickly. "I fear it's been too long since I've loved you properly, husband."
"Make that my burden," he shook his head, glancing up as his hips shifted when one of your hands laid on his thigh, "and I will make it up to you when we get back - ah!" He hissed when you boldly palmed his crotch before casually settling your arms at his hips when Kase returned to the table, carrying two jugs of ale and three cups stacked on his head. "Devilish woman," he mocked in your ear.
"Here, here!" Kase laughed, setting the jugs down as he dodged around to keep the cups on his head.
"Kase - good Gods!" You laughed, helping him.
"C'mon, we're here for a good time," he laughed in return.
"Are you drunk already?" Daemon perked a stoic brow, but you saw the mischief stretch across his face as a smirk.
"Yes," Kase nodded rapidly, pouring the ale for you all. "The lads at the bar were happy to hear of my impending engagement!"
"Oh, sweetheart," you chuckled lightly, giving Daemon's thigh a squeeze - making him jolt a bit - but Kase didn't notice because you asked, "sure they weren't hitting on you?"
"Really? On me?" He gaped, taking his seat finally, gulping his ale. "No, no, no, it was... No, it was harmless!"
"Mhm," you smirked.
"They were kindly!"
"Okay, okay!" You relented, "So, we are celebrating this afternoon. Is there something you want to talk about?"
"Yes," he slurred, "why won't her father give his permission?"
"Wait," you perked up, "did you already ask?"
"Mhm, weeks ago," he waved off between gulps of mind-numbing-ale. "But he said no, but let me continue to court her... So, I thought the ring would show I am the man for her!"
"Oh, wow," you nodded from under Daemon's arm now tossed around your shoulders, "well, that's, uh... Wow..."
"Lad, you've nothing to worry over," Daemon assured, "because there is no other for his daughter, hey? Obviously it is a love-match, and she is adamant on her end that he's not been able to force her to court others. He will not limit his daughter's happiness, yet I would argue you were smart in thinking the ring would help."
"You think it will?"
"Yes," Daemon nodded.
"Hmm," he considered, skulling his drink in full. Daemon chuckled in your ear, nuzzling into your neck, as if three years of slowly drifting apart hadn't been overcome in an afternoon at the jewelers. Your mind began to drift with ideas of how to get him back, and as Kase was enraptured with telling a story, you started to slowly palm Daemon's growing bulge. You felt his thighs tighten, but his throat bobbed to keep his cool - eyes set on Kase's overly animated storytelling movements.
"Dove," Daemon warned under his breath when you pulled the strings of his trousers loose.
"Sh," you cooed, sliding your fingers along his girth to reposition and give a few slow tugs with the table being the only cover between his bare cock and prying eyes.
His breathing shifted but he kept his cool, your hand needing to keep at an angle to protect his cock from the under belly of the table. Kase had shifted his attention half to those who would listen, Daemon's jaw steeling - hips sinking into the seat to keep from bucking. "Oh, fuck," he whispered, stifling a groan.
"Good boy," you purred, giving his shaft a squeeze as his tip leaked. "Always a good boy for me, hmm?"
"Yes," he panted, head bowed to yours again - and to anyone looking over, they would think twice about bothering you. "Just for you."
"Don't cum, save it for my cunt," you switched your tongue to High Valyrian. "Hold it, my Prince."
"Enough," he growled, literally smacking your hand away and instantly tucking himself back into his trousers. Nobody paid you any mind as he stood and gathered you from the booth, then hoisting Kase's arm over his shoulders. "Come on," he told you, "hold onto me."
Your hand latched onto his belt as he had full-hold of Kase. The tavern had grown in patron numbers, forcing a part in the crowd for you as you moved. On the street, Kase started singing, and Daemon kept a wobbly hold on him. When you return to the Keep, luckily, you didn't run into anyone important on your way to deposit the Lord in his chambers - you returning to your chambers, and finding the door locked and all the shopping left in the room.
Good, everything was where it should be.
You were sorting through the day's shopping when Daemon returned, who was then instantly on you with his mouth open to your neck; hands bunching up your skirts as his swollen cock was rutted into the round of your arse.
"Daemon," you gasped, hands bracing on the mattress of your bed as he finally gained access to your cunt, groaning in satisfaction when his fingers met your wet hole.
"I need this," he panted, yanking his cock free to run up and down your slick, and then push in. You both gasped in relief, your chest falling to the bed as his pressed to your back; humping into you as you let him take you as he wanted. "Wanted you in my mouth first but fuck - I couldn't wait."
"Harder, Daddy," you begged, clutching your sheets with desperation.
"Yeah, that's right, fucking beg for me," he encouraged, lifting off of your to piston his hips almost painfully. "Yes, my dove, fuck, take it all. Make me a Daddy, please, please, dove. Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck - "
"Fucking cum in me, please," you begged, "I need it - I need to be full."
"Keep talking."
"Let me make you a Daddy, please," you yelped, whining into the sheets before yelping when his hand slapped over your arse cheek. "Fuck me harder, please, I need it so bad!"
"Take it then," He barked, one foot up on the mattress for leverage, hands wrapped around your neck and into your hair. You whined wantonly as he grit his teeth and jack-hammered forward into you with desperation. "FUCK!"
He came with a shout, coming to a standstill as his balls emptied into you; leaving him to rut boyishly into you as his lungs stuttered for air. You were panting as well, letting one elbow hold you up as the other reached up to pet over his cheek. "Someone can't last like before, hey?"
"Oh, you wicked woman," he laughed lightly, breath fanning across the back of your neck before his face was nuzzling there. "Got me worked up in public - I'm surprised I lasted that long." You laughed in return, your legs shaking slightly. "On the bed, pet. I don't want you off it for the next few days."
"Daemon," you whined when he pulled out of you suddenly, legs giving way with a small whoop of surprise.
"I got you," he rushed, catching your body; arms tight around your waist to gently pull you up with him. "Easy," he smirked, "if you're feeling it now, you're in for a long weekend, my dove."
"Gods," you laughed, pulling yourself onto the mattress. "You know, we're going to have to talk..." He sighed when you turned to face him, his fists propping him up on either side of your hips. "Can't just hump our way through this."
"We can't?"
"I know," he sighed, dropping his forehead to the crook of your neck. "But what is there to say? Besides I am sorry..."
"I fear that if we leave, you will become distracted. My love, we do not have allies outside the Capital City, and I could not bare your same behavior in strange lands."
He sighed, pausing to pull back and pull the rest of his clothes off; stepping out of his boots, too, before reaching for you. He focused on pulling your dress and boots off, almost weakly palming your bare breast before speaking, "I have not been a very good husband, and I know that now, and I cannot apologize enough. But I can try to rectify the situation, and to do that, I suppose I could try harder to prove I love you."
"I know you do," you sighed, leaning back to your pillows, guiding him with you as you took under the covers. "But what happened to us?"
He sighed, deflating into the pillows beside you and pulling you into his chest. "In truth, pet... I fear it is me who is the problem of our infertility..."
"What?" You wondered, looking up at him, confusion knitting your brows together.
He sighed, "Ah, my dove... There are written accounts that sometimes, fertility issues do not fall upon the woman only. Sometimes... It can be the man who struggles to sire an heir."
"Oh," you breathed, pushing further into his embrace. "No, my love, I do not think it's you."
"No - "
"Love, look at me," you frowned, titling his head down towards you. "Sometimes, when a woman takes Moon Tea for an extended period of time, it can... I don't know, alter the state of her womb."
Daemon winced, "If I waited, you wouldn't ever have had need to take the tea..."
"Okay, are we going to go in circles about who's fault this is? Or accept it for reality?" You sighed. "What're we going to do if we don't have a family - and what if we do?"
"It's to be figured out as we go," he sighed against your forehead; cradling you closer. "I just want us gone from the City, my dove."
You sighed, "Then swear to me that you will not put me through this again."
"I'm going to show you I can be the man who deserves you," he swore, leaning in to nuzzle your nose. "No talk of dramatic means; I am yours, and you are mine."
"Would you be honest with me?"
"Of course."
"Have you been visiting the taverns and brothels?"
"Only the taverns," he frowned. "There's been many a night I find myself waking in the stable after drinking far too much."
"Ah, sweetheart..."
"I know," He groaned lightly, readjusting. "Come, nap with me."
You pouted lightly, "You don't want to fuck me again?"
His head, which was settling on your chest, shot up in shock as he eyed you almost wearily. "Really?"
"Fuck," he whispered, leaning up to latch his mouth onto your own - leading into another frenzied baby-making session.
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Months later, you had married both of your step-sons off, and within days, Daemon had approached you regarding your departure.
He made no move to explain to his family where he was heading, choosing to instead latch your shared belongings to Caraxes' saddle as if to just disappear. But as fate would have it, when you approached him with confidence to hand off the last of your rucksacks, you were startled when Caraxes swung his head around to look at you with a great, heaving, cocking-with-curiosity head.
"D-Daemon?" You worried, hands held up in defense as the dragon's muzzle neared you; giving a great heave against your stomach. "Daemon, what is happening? What's he doin', love? Oh, this feels strange, what do I do!?"
"It's all right, you're all right," Daemon soothed, coming behind you to pose as a backboard as the scaly beast nuzzled into you. The power behind the movements jostled you some, but against your husband's chest, you were better secured.
"What's he doing?" You wondered again with greater fear.
Daemon's hands moved to hold over your hips, peering over your shoulder to watch the great beast breath against your belly. "Dove?"
"Hmm?" Your hands were still held up in defense.
"Have you bled this month?"
You paused, glancing up at him slowly, "Not to my knowledge."
"Last month?"
"No... I don't think I remember my last cycle," you admitted, looking up at him with widened eyes. "Does this mean what I think?"
"He's protective of you," he pointed out, sighing after. "No use in getting our hopes up right now. You've been to the Maester, yes?"
"Yes," you nodded, Caraxes growling when Daemon tried to pull you back. "O-Oh, okay," you sighed, gently holding his head to placate the beast, "okay, all right. Shh, shh. Okay, there yah go."
Daemon finished tacking the saddle, watching the pair of you for a moment longer than he would've usually allowed. Something stirred in his gut, and for some reason, he pondered, "What if we left in the morning?"
"Daemon," you sighed, "a single night makes no difference. We want to cross the Sea before night fall, yes?"
He nodded, "One last night here..."
"What are you hoping to achieve?"
Daemon again neared you, glancing up at Caraxes, whilst the beast purred. "There is a feeling I cannot shake."
"What feeling?"
"That we are missing something."
"Not per se," you sighed, patting the underside of the dragon's chin. "What do you think we're missing, love?"
Your eyes closed when Daemon's forehead met your temple, a beat passing, before he admitted, "An egg..." His hand slid across your lower belly to cradle it, "for the babe?"
"Daemon, you just - I'm not - look," you sighed through your nose, feeling frustrated, "it's been over three years, and it's not happened. Perhaps we just let nature take course, yes? Stop trying so bloody hard?"
He sighed, dare you say it, sadly.
"Give us tonight... Let me search for any eggs Syrax might be hoarding..."
You sighed, shifting on your feet. "Everything's packed already."
"We'll make do for the night," he tried.
"If I agree, might I go nap? Or do you want me with you?"
"No, you go rest," he nodded, pressing a kiss to your temple. Yet when he let go, Caraxes whined and had to be held at bay while you made your way back to the Keep. Though, while Demon descended into the Dragon's Lair, you rushed for the Maester's chambers to pound rapidly.
"Princess!" He gasped when he opened the door to your tearful face.
"I-I need another test, Maester..."
"My Lady, it has been months since our last exam - "
"Hence why I need one now," you frowned, wiping your cheeks of tears. "Please."
"Of course, come in, come in," he ushered you, moving about his chambers to prepare his tools and herbs. You gave urine, blood, and spit; waiting impatiently as the Maester prodded around your stomach, ran his tests...
And by the end, he was blinking in near shock. "Well?" You demanded, exhausted by the long day of tests - but you knew Daemon would not be back for hours more.
How wrong you were - but first, the Maester turned with tears in his aged eyes. "M-My Princess... You are with child - without a doubt. I'd wager some eight or nine weeks in? Perhaps ten," he nodded, consulting his exam results. "Yes, just shy of three months, probably when we stopped our exams, yes, yes... Have you had symptoms?"
"I don't... Know?"
"All right," he sighed, "your blood?"
"I cannot remember my last cycle," you admitted with a nod.
"Some," you shrugged.
"Mood swings?"
"Well, perhaps no more than usual..."
"And have you any pain in your breasts?"
Sighing, you shrugged, "They are tender, yes, but that's not..."
"It is," he nodded softly. "But I'd wager you're ten weeks in, you'll start to notice your belly swelling soon."
You blinked a few times, "You're sure?"
"I'm sure."
"I'm pregnant...?"
"You are."
"I'm gonna have a baby?"
"Finally," he teased gently, smiling brightly at you. "What joyous news, Princess."
"Well... I... I do not know what to say," you whispered, feeling panic swell in your chest. "M-Might you send for my handmaiden? H-Her name's Mary, please, Maester, I am feeling overwhelmed."
"Just breathe," he nodded, moving for the door to send for Mary. As you waited, he lead you through breathing exercises; trying to quell your worry before Mary was bursting through the door.
"What's this?" She worried, rushing forward.
"I-I am pregnant," you told her, taking her hands tightly, "an-and I fear I am panicking."
"Do you want me to get your husband?"
"He's in the Dragon's Lair."
"No? I swore I saw him making for your room," she cocked her head, squeezing your hands. "Why are you panicking?"
"B-Because I am not - I do not - for fuck's sake, I don't know in full, but I am scared."
"Of what - "
"Of the birth!" You yelped, tears filling your eyes. "My Gods, they whisper about the Targaryen Curse but I thought it was just me - and that I could not bare children. But now... Fuck's sake."
"Okay, breathe," the Grand Maester advised. "This stress is not good for the baby, you'll have to take that into account the next few months, as you grow the babe."
"Fuck's sake," you snapped as you wept, latching onto Mary as she shot a glare at the Maester.
"Yes, okay, thank you!" She snapped, waving him off. "My Lady, listen to me," she sighed softly, caressing you in comfort, "you are not of Targaryen blood, and that can yet work in your favor when carrying a Targaryen child. Ease your mind, my Lady, you are not doing yourself favors with this stress."
You tried to calm down, but she was still petting your hair as you wept. But then, something in your mind snapped in place, "D-Did you say you saw my husband?"
"Yes, on my way here," she nodded.
"All right," you sniffled and wiped your face, "I-I need to go to him."
"Go," she encouraged, "but allow me to be the first to say - holy fucking shit! You're pregnant! Oh, my Gods, I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!"
You giggled lightly and hugged her tightly, letting her yank you off the exam table to lightly hop around in an excited hug. "I am blessed," you whispered into the hug. "Thank you, my friend."
"Truly!" She squealed. "Oh, no, but does this mean you're still leaving?"
"Let's find out," you breathed, squeezing her hands and moving for the door after. She held your hand as you moved for your chambers, but before you got there, she let go and insisted you talk to your husband alone. With tears in your eyes, you pushed the door to your chambers open, calling, "Daemon?"
"Dove?" He answered from the chair resting at the table's edge, his wrist flourishing as he wrote on parchment, almost sighing with relief. "Where have you been?" He glanced at you. "Thought you were napping, and I come here, you're not in bed."
"I've been - "
"Never mind that! Why are you crying!? Who did it?" He demanded, jumping to his feet and trying to take your face in his hands.
"Why're your hands covered in ash?" You dodged, holding his wrists, easing him back into the chair. "Did you find an egg, my love?"
"I did," he breathed, grinning shyly.
"Good," you nodded while blinking rapidly down at him, gently caressing the side of his cheek to pull his gaze up to meet yours, "because it will lie in our child's crib, finally."
His gaze met yours slowly before realization coated his features, almost gaping at you, "Truly?"
"Daemon," you spoke slowly, taking either of his hands in your own to pull them to rest on your waist, "we're going to have a baby."
"You're pregnant?"
"I'd like to think we are, but yes, I am pregnant."
"Finally," he breathed, leaning forward to caress your stomach with a grin, laughing some after. "Oh, thank the Gods - well, no, thank you, my beautiful wife."
You smiled and caressed his head, keeping him close as he leaned back a little; arms tight round you, legs spreading, and keeping you set between them. He sighed deeply, nuzzling your belly.
"A blessing, is it not?"
"It is," you whispered, petting down his neck. "See what happens when we don't try so hard?"
He chuckled, his breath felt across your lower tummy. "Oh, my sweet wife... How I celebrate you."
"How I celebrate us," you smirked.
He gave a gentle nibble to your belly before lifting his gaze; chin laid to your stomach with his arms tightly around your hips to keep you in place. "I love you, thank you for this. I-I don't know what else to say."
"We've a long way to go, you might not be thanking me yet," you chuckled nervously, but Daemon saw through you. He sighed and leaned back more, guiding you to his lap to sit.
"What is it, sweet girl? Hmm? What's on your pretty little mind?"
You frowned a bit, leaning into his shoulder to caress his cheek and jaw; lowering your voice to mumble into his skin, "I am afraid."
"The birthing..."
"Ah," he sighed, tightening his hold on you. "I see... I will ensure the best midwives and Maesters are at your chambers."
"I need only one promise from you."
"You need only ask it."
"You'll be there with me. In the room, even. You will not leave me to do this alone..."
Daemon tightened his grip on you, pressing a kiss to the column of your neck. "You will not be alone, pet. Never in this. I am here with you, and I will be here until the end. You will not be apart from me, and I will not leave you alone in this."
"Thank you," you whispered, holding onto him tightly. He sighed lightly, nuzzling into your neck as tears surfaced. "I'm scared, Daemon."
"I've got you," he assured, tightening his hold. "You're not alone, dove. Not now or ever, I'm so sorry, pet, for how I was before. But it's gonna be different," he whispered, kissing at your jaw after, "I do swear this to you, my sweet wife, 's all gonna be so different."
You nodded, petting through his hair, "All right... All right, so, how about we go share the good news? Have one last dinner with family? And in the morning, we make for Pentos? Or Essos?"
He smirked, "It's a surprise first."
You sighed lightly, "Of course it is. What do you say?"
He sighed, nodding mutely. "A fantastic idea, dove, but let me bask in this moment first." Readjusting in his lap, you easily curled under his chin and let your eyes close. "I love you."
With a smile matching his, you swore, "I love you, too."
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🍒 fin
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cheecats · 1 year
To soothe you from your Riverstar's Home trauma, how about you ramble about oneripple?
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YOU'RE SO KIND FOR LETTING ME GO OFF ABOUT THIS TY TY 💞💞💞 I'm terrible at structuring logical/coherent rambles, so I'll just dump some thoughts I have (obv these exclude Riverstar's Home and are roughly how I'd like to play with their dynamic [give them to me NOW erins!!])
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Obviously this is way before the mountain cats arrive. BIG FAN of the idea that River Ripple and his small circle at the time were the ones to help One Eye and baby Star Flower get back on their feet after the two lost the rest of their family to the sickness we see again in TBS (I imagine One Eye had already treated them with the Blazing Star, but the two were still so terribly weak and unwell after that.) The group find the two living inside a rotting hollow and approach them. One Eye is, naturally, EXTREMELY aggressive and reclusive at first — distressed from sickness, grief, and fear of losing his tiny daughter, for he hasn't been strong enough to feed them much. The other cats are nervous around him, unwilling to approach the tom for his sheer size and ferocity, even if he is weakened. But not River Ripple. He understands why he is acting this way, that his aggression is a defense mechanism to mask his fear, and ultimately wishes to convey to One Eye that he is not going to do anything to them without his explicit permission first: and he sticks to that promise! Every day he sits outside the makeshift shelter with food, asking permission to come inside, leaving prey, water and herbs at the entrance if One Eye is asleep or simply says no. He never challenges it, and simply obliges and wishes him and Star Flower well. It is through this gradual process that One Eye begins to somewhat relax around River Ripple, allowing ONLY him to come inside, communicating his and Star Flower's needs and whatnot (Vulnerability moment!!)
Although she was too young to remember, once she began to recover, Star Flower was always excited when River Ripple visited, coming up to him, chasing his tail, and telling him all about her big adventures (all just made up ones, but River Ripple would always listen and ask her questions about them!) One Eye initially doesn't take well to Star Flower going up to the near-stranger, pulling her back or growling at River Ripple to back off. But over time, he sees that the risk is minimal, and the two never leave his sight while interacting. Besides, it stops Star Flower pestering him to entertain her for just a bit (also I just find this funny because adult Star Flower can barely recall this and River Ripple is just looking at her like omg you've gotten so tall now!!! I remember when you used to tell me how you beat up monsters and dogs 🤭💙!!)
SO LIKE skipping the recovery period, and now One Eye and Star Flower are more present outside … One Eye falls first. He initially is bothered by this, still grieving the loss of his mate and their other kits moons ago. But the feeling is nonetheless there. It's complicated, because at first he had every intention of claiming the area for himself and pushing River Ripple & his friends out… but as much as he tried to resent River Ripple's philosophy, there was just something so…. soothing yet powerful in the way he carried himself. He realises he actually enjoys his company, which is also weird for him! One Eye has lived among opportunistic cats his entire life, learning that being aggressive and domineering is the only way to make it, and that the passive and meek were destined to be crushed. But River Ripple is a curious example to him. He is gentle and patient, but completely capable of establishing boundaries and shutting down veins of discussion that belittle or threaten him. He would call out One Eye's bullshit every single time, but in a way that didn't escalate the situation. His heart was soft and his identity was strong in that. Kindness without weakness??? In MY Warrior Cats??? Impossible??? (Erins: yes it's impossible. 🗿)
Anyway, montage of One Eye giving terrible rizz and making a complete fool of himself 90% of the time — getting frustrated and defensive while everyone else is like🧍‍♂️. River Ripple is confused at first, but slowly begins to catch on. He finds it both amusing and sweet… and yeah! He realises he does feel the same way! He always found One Eyes protectiveness of Star Flower warming, found his intelligence to be engaging, and he genuinely believes there is good in the tom's heart (me shaking my head slowly.)
First date? Swimming lesson! One Eye is terrible! He's half drowned, scrabbling onto River Ripple every .2 seconds, and hates how pathetic it makes him look. But River Ripple is patient, assuring him that they can always try again some other time, and that it took him a while to get used to it too <:)
^ I feel like it's important to emphasize that One Eye genuinely feels like he can relax around River Ripple. That this cat doesn't have any ulterior motivation to trick him or take from him. Nor' does River Ripple ever belittle his failures or negative traits. They simply exist, are acknowledged, and pass like water.
But of course there is difficulty in how these two's ideologies clash. Everyone's beliefs are different, but theirs almost completely counter. River Ripple's philosophy is peaceful. To live and let live, and be custodians of the land. One Eye's on the other hand is to conquer. To take, to fight for what you need, and to claim the land. While there is room to accommodate each other, they are both two strong individuals with strong identities. Neither is going to abandon their philosophy, and when they clash so strongly, it can make it impossible for them to see eye to eye on issues. Long term, that would be hard. I believe that is why they'd go their separate ways. It doesn't work out. But that is okay. For that period of time, there was coexistence, there was connection, and there was love.
TL:DR. Very brief romance! A spark of passion that burns then fizzles out when One Eye leaves to be on his own (with Star Flower) once again. River Ripple, of course, says One Eye can return any time if he needs anything. Even for a short visit. He never does. For everywhere the tom goes, there is destruction and disruption, and River Ripple's home is like an oasis to be left untouched in One Eye's head.
Even as One Eye's reputation worsens, they still feel for each other. River Ripple especially. He knows what One Eye is capable of, what he has done, and how downright hideous he can be. But it's hard not to miss the memory of him. (Cue the mountain cats like PLEASE stop talking about this asshole in flowery prose he is trying to kill us!!)
BONUS: Not really relevant here, but their presence in the narratives respectively as the punisher/destroyer vs the voice of reason… ooogh, sun that burns, moon that soothes e.t.c but that deity kind of vibe would be more relevant once they're spirits in the Dark Forest & Starclan!
I could go on forever but that's the meat of it. Ty ty i hope everyone enjoyed and its not terribly incoherent ✌️
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pippin-katz · 1 year
I think Nick definitely has just a coldness about him. It’s not particularly dudeish, just not very sexual. I got really uncomfortable on his behalf with Taylor “farting” on his neck like that. Intimate scenes are not the places to joke around that’s why there are intimacy coordinators x
Hmm, yes, you're right, there is nothing sexual about this man:
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It's not like it's Henry that pushes Alex around, grabs his hair, is the one to suggest they have penetrative sex for the first time, and pretty much leads all of their hook ups, or anything
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And tell me you haven't read any of their interviews without telling me you haven't read any of their interviews. You could not be more wrong.
I reblogged a post literally this morning, where a person who used to work in the industry sent in an anonymous ask to a mutual of mine. I'll put what they said here: "I retired from acting in 2019 for obvious reasons and when it comes to intimate scenes you GOTTA do stupid shit like that or else it becomes unbearably uncomfortable. When you’re *that deep* into working an intimate situation your brain doesn’t really know what’s real and what isn’t, and fucking around like Nicholas and Taylor were for half of the shoot prevents you from panicking and thinking “oh fuck I’m being assaulted” and creates a bond between cast members. If you can’t joke around while on set like that you will absolutely and 100% become traumatized"
So not only is it common practice for actors to joke around during intimacy scenes, but Nicholas and Taylor have both EXPLICITLY STATED in interviews that they joked and teased each other during intimate scenes to keep themselves from getting "too in their own heads".
I don't know how many more times I have to say this. I'm going to end up creating a post of screenshots of all the interviews where they talked about this at some point so I can just link it whenever someone says something this stupid to me.
I'm not going to act like you're obligated to read and watch every piece of side content for this movie, but maybe know what the fuck you're talking about if you're going to make a stupid accusation like that.
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