#you want me to write some dummie shi... ok [makes it the most romantic thing you've ever seen] - Elizabeth Ehasz probably
theprinceandthewitch · 3 months
Elizabeth Ehasz is honestly such a huge inspiration when it comes to honing my pettiness skills... I am so serious when I say this btw LOL.
The Southern Raiders is in my opinion the pinnacle of pettiness, which is one of the reasons why it's such an amazing episode - I love how she found a way to work around the weird holier than thou preachiness shit Aang was on in this episode.
Not only did she give Katara closure that was respectful to her character she also solidified Zuko as the better romantic partner than Aang. This is the other reason why The Southern Raiders is such a good episode. No, I won't go into an in depth explanation because this has been talked about to death already.
Basically, Elizabeth bestie KNOWS what women/girls want to see in a romance story.
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