#you sign denki's death warrant if you tell him
ignitionxbomb · 2 years
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@sparkwave​ followed (for @brightredriot) -- (starter from canon // pre-war arc! Katsuki)
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“Oi, Shitty Hair!!” Katsuki called at the red head, “Do you know where Sparky is?!” He questioned, though based on the level of annoyance in his voice it was evident that Kaminari had done something.
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Take Me Under Your Wings
Warnings: A Bakugou that scared from something.
So I saw an information about Bakugou and I’m gonna use that one:) If you want to get in the taglist just tell me!
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You love camping.
Especially the ones that you will be with your friends.
So UA take the Hero Classes to a camping area for practise for five days. You’ll be training in the nature for three day and the last two day the teachers’ll let you go.
You guys didn’t know that it’s a freaking exam in nature but that’s not the point.
So it was the last day, you where sitting in front of the fire with 1A and one idiot it was Denki says it’ll be awesome if you guys tell horror stories between each other.
You really want to go to sleep but your dearest boyfriend told you to open your wings for getting in.
You know that he scared of horror stories but he is too proudful to admit it.
After a couple of minutes later Bakugou went to his tent for sleeping.
Ok, that’s it you need to go to sleep too.
When you stand up Uraraka turned to you and said, ‘Where ara you going?’
‘Going to sleep of course.’
‘Isn’t it just 9pm?’
‘Yeap! The benefits of dating with Bakugou Katsuki.’
They were all laughing when you left there.
After you fall asleep you heard foot steps ,that make you up, from outside.
You get up, opened the zip of the tent and lay down again.
You start to talk without turning back.
‘Mina please just get what you need and get out. I really need to sleep.’
You heard a spesific tired-boy voice. ‘Well I’m not Mina and I not getting out too.’
You turned back. It was your boyfriend. ‘Katsuki? What’s the problem?’
‘Just take me under you wings.’
You keep talking with an up eyebrow. ‘Not until you are gonna confess that you scared of horror stories.’
‘HELL NO!’ When you still keep looking at him he said, ‘Fine, Iamscaredofhorrorstories. Is that ok? Can you just hug me now?’
‘Well actually I didn’t heard anything.’
When you opened a place for him and trying to zip the tent again you saw Mina with holding her phone ,she was recording obviously,. You winked at her and ‘sush’ to her with yor finger. (You know that nurse pose)
Well but Mina was send the video to the classroom-group-chat from Mineta’s phone in the morning (god know how did she take Mineta’s phone) and know he is running from Bakugou ,without what he did, for his life.
The real chaos start when Mineta yelled to Bakugou as ‘I swear to god I didn’t show your girlfriend’s pictures to anyone. I kept them for myself!’
Poor boy, he just signed his own death warrant.
The last thing that everyone saw was a grey fog with Mineta’s screams.
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faulty-writes · 4 years
44 and 75 with Biker Bakugou angsts as you can make it plz -🥝
[Requests: OPEN]  [You got it. I tried my best! I hope you like it! FAIR WARNING: Blood and Death mention. Sentences used:] 
44. “Shit sorry, am I going too fast?”
75. “I fucking adore you.”
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A biker is a person who has a lot of respect for their machine, so much to the point where they consider it a faithful companion on the road. Whether they are by themselves or with fellow bikers, the open road is their calling, and traveling is their muse. In your case, you had become part of a biker family of sorts. Bakugou Katsuki was the leader and someone you had formed a bond with, however, you would never tell anyone of your feelings towards the man. 
Next was Kirishima Eijirou, seemingly Bakugou’s right-hand man, then there was Denki Kaminari who seemed more like a distraction if anything. Occasionally someone named Todoroki Shoto would pop in and Bakugou would have borderline fights with him, the nickname “Icy-Hot.” was used a lot. But regardless, they were the closest thing to family you had. You had traveled plenty with them, unfortunately, your gang had also caused a fair amount of trouble.
 So distancing yourself from consequences had become a daily part of your routine, usually, all the trouble was caused because Bakugou had gone off the rails and done something stupid. Still, avoiding getting arrested sounded like a pretty good option even though you were more than certain there were signs and posts across the states and countries with your descriptions and warrant for arrest.  
The latest stunt Bakugou had pulled involved a shoot out of sorts and as a result, you had not only gotten injured but lost your bike in the process. You were pissed off at first, screaming at Bakugou that it was his fault. He just growled back and gave you the option to stay behind or ride with him, guess you had no choice. It seemed like hell riding with Bakugou, but you had gotten used to it over the last couple of months. 
That is until now, “Ah Bakugou!” you cried as your fingernails dug into his chest, the wind was blowing your hair everywhere but the sound of motorcycle engines drowned your voice out. The police sirens behind you didn’t help, once again Bakugou had gotten angry at a stranger and the result was a bloody battle that ended with Bakugou stabbing the stranger with a glass bottle. Not exactly the ideal thing to do, but all of you ran out of the building and onto your bikes. 
The police gained chase moments later. “Why do you have to get into so many fights!? You IDIOT!” you snapped at him and he scoffed. “Shut the hell up! Would you rather die!?” you growled, Bakugou could be a real prick sometimes. You felt the bike stumble over something and you gasped, leaning your chest against Bakugou’s back and your arms tightened around him. You buried your face into the back of his neck, closing your eyes as a small tremble ran through you. 
“What the hell’s the matter with YOU!?” he snapped, noticing how you had curled into him before he realized. “Shit sorry, am I going too fast?” he asked, which caught you by surprise and you were half expecting him to be joking. “YES.” you replied and you swore he rolled his eyes before he answered. “Well, that’s too FUCKING bad! We’re being chased, I can’t exactly slow down DUMBASS.” he then turned to Kirishima. 
“Kiri! Is there any way to take them out!?” he screamed and Kirishima shook his head. “I don’t know Bakubro, even if we did. Uh, I think they have reinforcements!” Bakugou clenched his jaw before turning to look at Denki, “Well, what do you have to say!?” Denki was more or less the puppy dog of the group, next to you and he shook his head. “Honestly? I think we should keep booking it until we shake them!” Bakugou rolled his eyes. 
“Both of you are USELESS.” still, he felt his heart sink. Despite everything, he felt the need to protect you even if he didn’t express that through words. His eyes scanned the area, there was very little to be seen. No trees surrounded you and it was only dirt for miles or so one would assume. You nearly screamed when you felt Bakugou drive off the road and onto the dirt. 
Denki and Kirishima looked at each other before following suit, the cop sirens still wailing. Kirishima revved his bike before coming up on Bakugou’s side, “What are you doing?!” he demanded and Bakugou turned to him. “You see that house over there!?” house? You wanted to look but you didn’t have the courage to loosen your grip or lift your head. But Denki seemed to describe the house just fine. 
“Huh? Isn’t that just an abandoned shack!?” he questioned as he looked to Bakugou, “It doesn’t fucking matter what it is, dumbasses! It’s the best shot we have, pull up to the back, and hurry inside. These damn COPS can try to take us alive if they want, but we aren’t budging.” he said before glancing back at you. “Did you hear me!?” he demanded and you nodded. “Well good!” he said, the dirt continuing to kick up from underneath his wheels as the four of you approached the shack.
You coughed as soon as Bakugou stopped the bike, the dirt getting into your eyes and nose. He quickly climbed off as did Denki and Kirishima. “Come on dammit! You’re too slow!” Bakugou snapped as he grabbed your arm and forced you to move. Those sirens were getting close and Bakugou kicked the door open, dragging you inside. The shack itself looked old and the smell of mold lingered. 
The furniture looked old, though most of it was broken and the carpeted floor squished underneath your feet which made you shiver. You turned to Bakugou about to scream at him when Kirishima looked through the blinds. “Aw, man! Bakubro, the cops are lining up out front. Look.” he insisted and Bakugou growled before pushing Kiri out the way. “Dammit,” he said just before a voice sounded through a megaphone. 
“This is the police, we have a warrant for your arrest. If you do not cooperate we will be forced to take extreme measures.” your heart sank and you shivered, Denki was the first to notice and gently laid his hand on your shoulder. “Hey it’s okay, Bakugou will get us out of this right? Uh like he always does …” he sounded unsure as he looked to Bakugou who was groaning in frustration, his hand pressed up against his face. 
“Shut up Denki! Idiot!” he snapped and Denki took a step back, “You don’t have to be mean.” he replied though that only seemed to fuel Bakugou’s anger and he stomped over to grab Denki by his shirt collar. “Grow a set and stop your bitching!” you watched this exchange before raising your hand. “Uh, Bakugou you are being a little mean.” you regretted your words as soon as Bakugou turned his glare on you.  
Those pure red eyes filled with such hatred, how could one person have that much hatred? “I ...I uh …” you took a step back before hearing the sound of several guns clicking. “You have five minutes to surrender, if not we will open fire. I repeat you have five minutes to surrender or we will open fire.” your hands curled up to your chest and you let out a sob. “Hey hey! It’s okay, don’t cry y/n!” Kirishima said as he wrapped his arms around you. 
Bakugou growled and grabbed his arms, effectively pulling you away from his grip. “Don’t touch them!” he snapped as he wrapped his own arms around your trembling figure. You were scared to death, you didn’t know what was going to happen but you didn’t want to die! Your tears continued and you looked up at Bakugou, half expecting him to scream at you or tell you to shut up. 
“Bakugou ...what are we going to do?” you questioned, laying your hand on his chest. He clenched his jaw and looked between Denki and Kirishima before looking at you. His eyes softened a bit and he looked like he was thinking about something. “I ...I don’t know goddammit!” he snapped as he reached up to pull at his already messy blond hair. “I’ll think of something okay, just come here a second.” he insisted as he pulled you off to the corner. 
You followed and he looked over to the other two before bringing his hands to rest on your shoulders. “Listen ...I know you ...maybe you didn’t ask for this shit but, I need to do something about this and it may be extreme but don’t fucking talk me out of me.” you flinched as he screamed, though you were unsure of what he was planning to do. You nodded anyway. He sighed, “Good ...well before I do I gotta ...do something else first.” he said as he glanced away and for a moment, you thought he was almost acting shy. 
He took a deep breath and slowly reached up to cup your face, your heart accelerated as a moment of silence passed and Bakugou lowered his head. His eyes shifting to look at your lips and you knew what was about to happen. A breath sounded as he pressed your lips together, a shiver ran down your spine and you reached up to grab his shirt. The world and what was happening seemed absent for that short blissful moment. 
He pulled away a minute later, looking at you with the softest expression you had ever seen. “I fucking adore you,” he whispered as he dropped his hands. “You follow my instructions, you got that and don’t look back.” he swallowed before kissing your forehead and turning to Denki and Kirishima. “Listen up dumbasses!” he began, “I’m going to go out there ...just me, GOT THAT?! No one else and when I do, I want you to take y/n and get on your bikes. Ride away.” he said and Kirishima shook his head. 
“Are you nuts!? We’re a family, I can’t just leav-” Bakugou interrupted him, “I don’t give a damn! I gave you an order!” he snapped and he turned to Denki who was wearing a frown. “W-What’s going to happen to you?” Denki questioned and Bakugou shrugged. “I don’t fucking know, just …” he paused and looked to you, it was his fault you were dragged into all of this shit, to begin with. 
The least he could do was try and give you a better life, a new beginning. “Just take care of y/n and yourselves too! Okay?” with that he turned to the front door, “Your time is up!” the megaphone voice sounded again and Bakugou turned to the three of you. Kirishima had a hold on you and Denki was right by his side. “Leave now!” Bakugou snapped and despite Kiri having tears in his eyes, he nodded and did as he was ordered. 
Once he heard the sound of those motorcycle engines, he stepped out the front door. There were a dozen police cars scattered about and several guns were pointed in his direction. He looked at them with a steel expression. “Well what are you dumbasses going to do huh!?” he snapped and the policeman with the megaphone spoke up. “Are you going to surrender?” Bakugou huffed, “What do you think? I’ll fucking kill every one of you!” he snapped as he kicked off the ground and charged towards them. 
Your screams filled the air as you struggled against Kirishima’s grip. The wind blowing your hair and brushing away your tears. “Bakugou!” you screamed and pounded against Kirishima’s chest. “No! We have to go back please!” your begging wouldn’t do much you knew and Kiri clenched his jaw. Unknown to him that Bakugou’s body was now on the ground, pierced with several bullet holes and blood splattered everywhere. “We can’t ...we can’t disobey his orders!” the redhead snapped and you let out another sob.  
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