#you know with the way i’m always talking about todoroki on here no one would ever guess i’m a bakugou stan
simplyraeblue · 1 month
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first times (shoto todoroki x reader)
ALL CHARACTERS AGED UP femreader x virginshoto you've had a crush on your friend shoto for a long time, and unbeknownst to you he's been crushing as well. not only that, he wants you to be his first time; for everything WARNINGS: swearing, fluff, mentions of sexual content without explicity saying the words, mentions of virginity •◡ ◠ word count: 1,800 A/N: this will be a 3-4 part story, with eventual smut, so hold onto your hats people! todoroki will eventually be holding on... to something.
part one | part two | part three |
part four | part five
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the happiest times in your life were filled with the laughter of your friends. it had been too long since you’d sat in the common room at the u.a. dorms, and you missed being around all your friends every day, so you tried to host them as much as possible to fill the void. of course, your best friend Mina always knew to bring your favorite cocktail to hangouts, and the guys knew exactly which jokes would make you almost pee your pants from laughter.  which was exactly what was happening right now.  
your apartment living room held Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Bakugo, and Shoto, all sitting on the floor playing truth or dare. you were surprised Shoto came after you sent him the invite text; usually, he’s with Midorya on his nights off but you guess the latter was working late. the life of a pro hero wasn’t confined to normal working hours after all.  
“alright, Bakugo, it’s your turn. truth or dare?” Sero asked with a mischievous glint in his eye and a grin that stretched from ear to ear. the expression indicated he had something devious planned. 
“pfft, truth,” Bakugo grumbled, dismissively rolling his eyes. he was the least enthusiastic about participating, but after Kirishima gave him those pleading, earnest eyes, he reluctantly agreed, grumbling under his breath and cursing quietly. 
“here’s a juicy one,” Sero began, clearly relishing the moment. “is it true that you and Midoriya used to chat online about all might every single day when you were kids, and you didn’t even know you were talking to each other?” 
a deep flush of pink spread across Bakugo’s cheeks, and he responded by flipping Sero off. his reaction was as good as a confession. 
the room erupted in laughter, with you and Kaminari sharing a particularly loud cackle. “i bet you two spent hours gushing about your giant man-crush on all might,” you teased, thoroughly enjoying Bakugo's discomfort. 
Bakugo’s gaze snapped in your direction, clearly annoyed by your comment. without missing a beat, he retaliated with a challenge. “alright, y/n, your turn. truth or dare?” 
feeling confidence from the drinks Mina had been generously supplying you, and trusting your friends completely, you answered with a confident grin. “I’m not backing down. dare.” 
“i dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with icy-hot.” Bakugo said, a devious smirk on his face. you looked over to shoto, who only gave you a confused look in response. 
“what’s seven minutes in heaven?” Shoto questioned, tilting his head slightly to the side like an innocent puppy dog.  
“no. no way, poor Shoto doesn’t even know what it is!” you exclaimed, gesturing to the confused male next to you. “we can’t corrupt him!” 
“no one said you had to do anything.” Mina offered, but when you looked over at her she wiggled her eyebrows at you suggestively. 
Mina and Kaminari were the only two in the room who knew about your little crush. ever since your third year at U.A., you’ve not only looked at Shoto as a friend but as someone you could see yourself dating. the way he gave small smiles in response to your jokes, defended you from Bakugo's offensive jabs, or even when he made you soba one time. you two had spent plenty of time together studying for finals each year of school, and your feelings for him only grew the more alone time you’d had. 
not to mention, the idea of teaching him... everything... excited you. but you couldn’t do that to him, you couldn’t risk your friendship over your deep attraction.  
“i’m not afraid, i trust you, y/n.” Shoto stated, reaching his hand over and grabbing yours, pulling you from your thoughts. 
“see, even Shoto isn’t a wuss.” you slapped Kaminari's arm. “ow! your words not mine!” 
before either Kaminari or Mina could tease you more with their knowledge about your feelings, you kept ahold of Shoto's hand as you both stood, leading him to your bedroom and slamming the door behind you. once there, Shoto followed you with his gaze as you paced back and forth. 
the innocent look on his face wasn’t helping matters; in fact, it was making you more flustered. his eyes, one gray and one turquoise, made you feel like you were under a microscope. “y/n, what is seven minutes in heaven?” he asked you again, making you sigh. 
“seven minutes in heaven is when two people are chosen to go into another room alone and spend seven minutes there. they can do whatever they want during that time. often, they end up kissing or making out, but they could also just talk or do nothing and wait for the time to be up.” you paused before adding, “or they do sexual stuff.”  
“what do you think our friends expect us to do during this time?” Shoto asked, tilting his head in a way that made your heart skip a beat. 
you sighed and rubbed your face in frustration. “i’m sure they have all sorts of things in mind, the perverts. but if you don’t want to do anything, that’s totally fine, shoto.” 
he looked at you with curiosity. “what do you want to do?” 
you met his gaze and noticed his cheeks were flushed, and he was avoiding eye contact. “let me ask you something first. how far have you gone with someone else? like, first base, second base? i’m guessing you haven’t reached third base.” 
 “bases? are we playing baseball?” Shoto looked genuinely puzzled, his innocence endearing. 
“no, no, i mean... physically.” you chuckled nervously, trying to hide your embarrassment. it felt like you were explaining the birds and the bees. “let’s start simple. have you had your first kiss?” 
Shoto’s face turned a deeper shade of red. “Yaoyorozu and I kissed once, but it was just for a dare. we tried kissing again afterwards to see if there were any real feelings, but it didn’t feel right.” 
you pressed on, “have you ever done anything more than kissing?” 
Shoto looked confused. “like... make love?” the idea was so foreign to him that you would have choked on a drink if you had one. this man was so pure it was almost painful. “I've never gone beyond kissing. is that something friends do?” 
you swallowed hard, placing your hands gently on his arms to steady yourself. “sometimes, yes. sometimes, no. it really depends on the person and the situation.” 
Shoto’s eyes were searching yours. “have you ever done that with a friend?” 
your mind flashed back to a time you had been desperate for physical comfort after a long patrol. Sero had come over to “help,” and while nothing serious had come of it, you both knew it was a one-time thing. your friendship remained intact, but a part of you still felt a twinge of regret. you hesitated before answering. 
“yes, but it was a different situation,” you finally admitted, your voice slightly trembling. 
Shoto paused, the weight of your words sinking in. his emotions were in turmoil, leaving him more confused than ever. he had heard his friends—especially the guys—discuss these topics openly, but he had never mustered the courage to ask the one person he truly wanted to talk to about it. now, standing alone in a room with you, he felt a swirl of nerves and excitement. you seemed just as flustered as he was. 
the warmth from your touch radiated through him, amplifying the already palpable tension. when you had texted him to come over, he had hoped it would be the perfect moment to confess his feelings. it had taken him a while to understand why he felt so flustered around you; his friend Midoriya had helped him realize that it was because he had a crush on you. by the time he figured it out, he had feared it was too late or that you wouldn’t feel the same way. he struggled with reading people and expressing his own emotions, which made the situation even more daunting. 
but now, faced with this opportunity, he knew he had to seize it. 
“would you... like to kiss me?” Shoto asked, his voice trembling with vulnerability as he looked into your eyes. “or, as you put it, go to third base?” 
your eyes widened in shock, and you stumbled over your words, feeling your face flush with heat. “oh god, i should’ve explained better.” you were stumbling over your own confusion. “third base means almost going all the way, shoto. like... almost making love.” 
“i know,” Shoto said, his voice steady as he came to terms with his feelings. the confusion that had clouded his mind dissipated, replaced by a clarity he hadn’t felt before. it wasn’t the first time he had wondered about this moment, especially during those sleepless nights  
when he lay awake, contemplating what it might be like. he had imagined it countless times, the scenario replaying in his mind. you, being more experienced, would guide him through it, and he felt an overwhelming sense of trust and admiration for you. you were beautiful, intelligent, and amazing in ways that made him certain he wanted to take this step with you, and only you. 
“Shoto—” you began, but before you could finish, he gently cupped your face with his hands, causing you to freeze in surprise. he held you there, his eyes searching yours with a depth that seemed to convey everything he couldn’t put into words. 
in a moment of impulsive honesty, you blurted out, “i think it’s time i told you that i’ve had a crush on you, and i never knew how to tell you.” 
the confession hit Shoto like a wave of warmth. his heart felt like it was about to burst from the sheer joy of your words, but he managed to respond with a soft, genuine smile. “then I think it’s time i told you that I've been crushing on you too.” 
as your knees began to tremble from the emotional revelation, Shoto leaned in closer, his lips gently meeting yours. it was the moment you had both dreamed of; a perfect alignment of feelings that made everything else fade away. 
suddenly, Mina’s voice cut through the intimate silence. “guys, it’s been over seven minutes for like... five minutes now!” her loud banging on the door jolted you both back to reality. you swore under your breath, frustration mixing with embarrassment. 
you stomped over to the bedroom door and flung it open. mina’s wicked grin greeted you as she took in the flushed and flustered expressions on both of your faces. “alright, who’s fucking turn is it?” you looked around the group, all the boys looking away from your gaze in embarrassment as Shoto exited your room still blushing.  
Link to Bakugo x reader here
(word count: 2,328)
Link to Kirishima x reader here
(word count: 902)
252 notes · View notes
todomitoukei · 3 months
Japanese vs. English Todoroki Family Finale - A 426 Comparison
Just a few days after Horikoshi announced that there were only 5 chapters left, the so-called final chapter for the Todoroki family came out, as always sparking lots of discussion and bringing forth countless questionable takes, followed by the release of the official English translation.
So let’s take a closer look at the Japanese lines, starting with the Todoroki family’s short conversation before going to see Touya:
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「来なくて ; konakute」-> not coming 「大丈夫 ; daijoubu」-> okay; alright 「って ; tte」-> quoting particle (casual of と) 「言った ; itta」-> said 「のに ; noni」-> even though
= “Even though we said it’s okay not to come.”
「それ ; sore」-> that 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「言う ; iu」-> to say 「なら ; nara」-> that being the case; on the topic of 「貴方たち ; anatatachi」-> you (plural) 「も ; mo」-> also; too 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle 「冬美 ; fuyumi」-> Fuyumi 「夏雄 ; natsuo」-> Natsuo
= “On the topic of saying that, you too, Fuyumi, Natsuo.”
What stood out to me here was Rei calling him Natsuo, when usually, everyone else (except Endeavor) calls him Natsu-kun or Natsu. Calling him by the full version of his first name rather than a shortened version might be done to indicate that things have changed, although not necessarily in a negative way. It's more that there has been a shift.
By the way, I am working on a masterpost talking about how the family addresses + refers to each other. Yes, I am going through the entire manga for that (this is a cry for help). Once the manga is finished I will post it (at some point), so look out for that if you’re interested in finding out exactly how many times who gets called what (yes, I am counting and making graphs)!
「お母さん ; okaasan」-> mom 「でも ; demo」-> but
= “But mom…”
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「それ ; sore」-> that 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「言う ; iu」-> to say 「なら ; nara」-> that being the case; on the topic of 「おまえ ; omae」-> you 「も ; mo」-> also; too 「だ ; da」-> be 「冷 ; rei」-> Rei
= “On the topic of saying that, you too, Rei.”
I love that he almost fully copies Rei’s phrase here. This is the first of many unoriginal lines that he has in this chapter. It only goes downhill from here.
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「義務感 ; gimukan」-> sense of duty (obligation) 「で ; de」-> with; by 「来た ; kita」-> came 「ん ; n」-> explanatory particle 「じゃねえ ; janee」-> isn’t 「から ; kara」-> because; so  (used to change the other person’s thoughts etc.) 「皆 ; mina」-> everyone 「そう ; sou」-> so; that way 「だろ ; daro」-> right?
= “I didn’t come out of a sense of duty! Everyone is that way, right?”
Usually, a second phrase would follow up the kara, but can also be left out when the meaning of that second phrase is implied enough. Since Fuyumi said Shouto didn’t have to come (if he didn’t want to, didn’t feel comfortable etc.) there is an implication that perhaps he only showed up because he felt like that was expected of him. Ending his clarification of “I didn’t come because I felt obligated” with kara “so” the implied follow up would be along the lines of “don’t worry”, which then gets wrapped up suggesting that all of them are showing up not because they feel pressured to do so, but because they want to visit Touya - since they basically just went around in a circle letting each other know they didn’t have to come if they don’t want to.
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「会話 ; kaiwa」-> conversation 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「可能 ; kanou」-> possible 「です ; desu」-> to be 「が ; ga」-> but 「一日 ; ichi nichi」-> one day 「に ; ni」-> at; in 「数分 ; suufun」-> a few minutes 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「限界 ; genkai」-> limit 「です ; desu」-> to be
= “Conversations are possible, but a few minutes a day is the limit.”
I’m not sure how long Touya has been in here, but this line indicates that the staff members have been talking to him and I’d be curious to know what those conversations were like. What did they talk about? What kind of attitude did he give them? What was his reaction when he first regained consciousness? These are the questions we want answered, but alas, the Todoroki family plot simply isn’t about him. All the way to the bitter end it shall remain focusing on the most underrepresented group of them all: rich middle-aged men.
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「緩やかに ; yuruyakani」-> slowly 「死 ; shi」-> death 「へと ; e to」-> towards 「向かっている ; mukatteiru」-> to face; to head toward 「れ ; sore」-> that 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「今 ; ima」-> now; current 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「轟燈矢 ; todoroki touya」-> Touya Todoroki 「です ; desu」-> to be
= “Slowly heading towards death… that is the current Touya Todoroki.”
The particle e is a directional particle that can be translated as “toward”. Adding the particle to after it adds an emotional emphasis to the part that follows the to particle as opposed to just stating a fact, there is sympathy in this claim.
As for the claim itself - I know that a lot of people are convinced he is going to die because look! Random nameless character #47AAB7 said so, it must be true! But to be honest, I’m not even going to entertain that thought because despite all the criticism I have for this story, Horikoshi isn’t that bad of a writer. If he had wanted Touya dead, he could’ve easily killed him at the end of the last war. It makes zero sense for him to be saved and then pass away quietly and peacefully in a hospital (or whatever that place is).
Even if we were to say that Shouto managed to save him emotionally, so that counts as a win! It’s kind of a shit win if the only difference is that you now get to die “at peace”, which also could’ve been accomplished on the battlefield. At this point, it’s just inefficient and therefore, him dying at this point is not going to happen.
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「ぞろぞろ ; zorozoro」-> in droves; swarming 「と ; to」-> adds emphasis
= “....In droves”
Zorozoro is used to describe several beings (can be humans or animals) that appear or move together like a swarm. This certainly is the first time the entire family is together, so it’s not surprising the rare sight is being pointed out in a joking manner, although he undoubtedly means this in a positive way as it contradicts his prior belief of no one in his family caring about him or missing him.
The fact that, upon first waking up after his coma as a teenager his immediate thought was to return and apologize, and now after ten years he finally gets the chance to talk to them and what is the first thing coming out of his mouth? Calling them a swarm. Forever and always the most relatable character.
「ハハ ; haha」-> haha 「観光名所 ; kankoumeisho」-> tourist attraction; sightseeing spot 「じゃねぇ ; janee」-> isn’t 「んだ ; nda」-> explanatory particle 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle
= “Haha… It’s not a tourist attraction, right?”
If he was a tourist attraction, Hori better drop the location right now. Please. For research purposes or whatever.
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「燈矢 ; touya」-> Touya
= “Touya.”
「今後 ; kongo」-> from now on 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「話 ; hanashi」-> talk, conversation 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「しに来た ; shi ni kita」-> came to do sth 「んだ ; nda」-> explanatory particle 「燈矢 ; touya」-> Touya
= “I came to talk about the future, Touya.”
Kongo literally means “after now” or in other words, the future.
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「俺 ; ore」-> I  「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「ヒーロー ; hiirou」-> hero 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「引退する ; intai suru」-> to retire 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle
= “I am retiring from being a Hero.”
He says as though he has a choice. This is also one of those “This could’ve been an email” kinds of lines.
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「元より戦いが終わったらそうするつもりだったが 最早自力で立つことすらままならん」
「元より ; moto yori」-> all along; from the first 「戦い ; tatakai」-> war 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「終わったら ; owattara」-> when it ended 「そう ; sou」-> so; that way 「する ; suru」-> to do 「つもり ; tsumori」-> to plan 「だった ; datta」-> was 「が ; ga」-> but 「最早 ; mohaya」-> already; no longer 「自力 ; jiriki」-> one’s own strength 「で ; de」-> with 「立つ ; tatsu」-> to stand 「こと ; koto 」-> nominalizes prior word/phrase 「すら ; sura」-> even 「ままならん ; mama naran」-> beyond one’s control; unable to do as one wishes
= “Since after the first war ended, I decided to do so, but I not I am not even able to stand on my own anymore.”
Mamanaru combines the words mama “as it is; as one likes” and naranai “to be unable to” to create a word that describes that something is beyond one’s control, one is unable to do as they wish or something is not going the way one wants it to. In other words, a great word to sum up Endeavor’s entire life story.
The way he continuously takes over conversations that are supposed to be about the entire family - aka his victims - and makes it about himself while pitying himself - in front of his victims - never fails to impress me. At least he is consistent I guess, but it would have been great to see him actually change in the end. Surely he is done, oh no, nevermind, he keeps talking- 
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「ヒーロー ; hiirou」-> hero 「エンデヴァー ; endevaa」-> Endeavo 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「焼かれて ; yakarete」-> burned 「死んだ ; shinda」-> died 「おまえ ; omae」-> you 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「炎 ; honoo」-> flame 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「誰 ; dare」-> anyone 「よりも ; yorimo」-> more than 「強かった ; tsuyokatta」-> was strong
= “The hero Endeavor was burned and died. Your flames were stronger than anyone else’s.”
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「そっか ご愁傷様 事が済んでから諂うなよ…卑怯者…」
「そっか ; sokka」-> I see 「ご愁傷様 ; goshuushousama」-> my condolences 「事 ; koto」-> things; matter 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「済んでから」-> after it ended (済む + てから) 「諂う ; hetsurau」-> to flatter; to suck up to; to carry favour 「な ; na」-> na (negative command form) 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle 「卑怯者 ; hikyoumono」-> coward
= “I see. My condolences. Don’t suck up to me after it’s over… coward…”
Here is my beef with the official translation: they keep making Touya say the most random words and phrases, but then don’t make him say “don’t curry favour”?? “Don’t be toady”?? “Don’t be toady, Todoroki” would go so hard… wait… you know what… Here’s a little extra from me to you:
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Back to business:
「そうだな 燈矢は誰のことをよくわかってる ずっと見てたんだもんな」
「そう ; sou」-> so; that way 「だ ; da」-> be 「な ; na」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation 「燈矢 ; touya」-> Touya 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「誰 ; dare」-> anyone 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「こと ; koto 」-> nominalizes prior word/phrase 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「よく ; yoku」-> well 「わかってる ; wakatteru」-> to understand 「ずっと ; zutto」-> continuously 「見てた ; miteta」-> was watching 「んだ ; nda」-> explanatory particle 「もん ; mon」-> because; indicates reason 「な ; na」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation
= “That’s right, isn’t it. You know everyone so well. Because you have been watching continuously.”
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「俺 ; ore」-> I  「に ; ni」-> at 「見てほしかった ; mitehoshikatta」-> wanted me to look 「んだ ; nda」-> explanatory particle 「もん ; mon」-> because; indicates reason 「な ; na」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation 「なのに ; nanoni」-> and yet; despite that 「見なかった ; minakatta」-> didn’t look
= “You wanted me to look, right? Despite that I didn’t look…”
If I didn’t know any better I would say this was a conversation with a toddler. I usually like to point out that Horikoshi really nails the sibling experience, but he is also, unfortunately, really good at accurately writing how privileged middle-aged men talk. A mangaka of many talents, but at what cost?
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「俺 ; ore」-> I  「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「お父さん ; otousan」-> dad 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「子ども ; kodomo」-> child 「なんだ ; nanda」-> explanatory particle 「から ; kara」-> because; so
= “Because I am dad’s child.”
「おまえ ; omae」-> you 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「エンデヴァー ; endevaa」-> Endeavor 「じゃない ; janai」-> isn’t
= ”You aren’t Endeavor!!”
Yes. That’s why we love him.
「誰が何と言おうと........ おまえの炎(ねつ)は俺のヘルフレイムだ
「誰 ; dare」-> someone 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「何と ; nanto」-> what 「言うと ; iou to」-> to try to say 「おまえ ; omae」-> you 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「炎 ; honoo」-> flames 「ねつ ; netsu」-> heat; rage; mania 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「俺 ; ore」-> I  「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「ヘルフレイム ; herufureimu」-> Hell Flame 「だ ; da」-> be 「あの ; ano」-> that 「告発 ; kokuhatsu」-> complaint; prosecution 「映像 ; eizou」-> footage 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「毎日 ; mainichi」-> every day 「見続けている ; mitsuzuketeiru」-> continue to watch
= “Whatever people try to say… Your flames (rage) are my Hellflame. I’ve continuously watched your prosecution video every day.”
This wouldn’t be a translation breakdown if we didn’t have a case of the furigana don’t match the kanji! Essentially what this means is that the furigana - written in brackets - show what the character says out loud, while the kanji shows what the character means. This time, when we get the kanji for flames in the second sentence, the furigana read netsu, which can meat “heat”, but also refer to “rage” or “mania” and since flames are hot, “heat” wouldn’t make it necessary to opt for a different reading, hence Endeavor is saying that the rage of Dabi was, in fact, Endeavor’s Hellflame.
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「おどお゙さん ; odoosan」-> dad 「見で ; mide」-> look
= “Dad, look”
You might notice that the words are spelled differently from the normal otousan and mite. Softening the t sounds to a d sound highlights the difficulties he has speaking while being on fire. In addition to the softened t to d, the u also gets changed into an o with dakuten (the two lines on top), which only exist for the sounds that can become softer (t->d, h->b, k->g, s->j), which can’t be done to a vowel like o. In this case, the dakuten suggests that the o is said with emotion and somehow stands out from how it would be said normally.
「これから ; korekara」-> from now on
= “From now on-”
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「毎日来る 話をしよう」
「毎日 ; mainichi」-> every day 「来る ; kuru 」-> to come 「話 ; hanashi」-> talk; conversation; chat 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「しよう ; shiyou」-> let’s do/have
= “I will come every day. Let’s talk.”
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「あまりに; amari ni」-> too much; overly 「遅すぎた ; ososugita」-> was too late 「けれど ; keredo」-> however 「話そう ; hanasou」-> let’s talk
= “I was much too late, but let’s talk.”
Both amari ni and adding -sugiru to the stem of a verb can be translated as “too much” and in combination place an additional emphasis on the verb, in this case, being late, which could be referencing anything from the specific instances he showed up to too late (i.e. when Touya set himself on fire on Sekoto Peak) or in a more general sense him trying to show up as a father too late (the only example would be showing up in the hospital here and the fact he has retired and plans on protecting the family from facing any consequences for all of this, although even that is still more the bare minimum of making up for his mistakes rather than being a father but I doubt he understands the difference).
「心拍数 ; shinpakusuu」-> heart rate 「上昇 ; joushou」-> rising; ascending 「これ以上 ; kore ijou」 - > any more; any further; any longer 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「負担 ; futan」-> burden, load 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle
= “His heart rate is rising. Any more will (be) a burden.”
The ga would normally be followed by a verb (in this case most likely kakaru = to put), but is being omitted here as the meaning can be understood regardless.
「冷 夏雄 冬美 焦凍が… 残してくれた時間で話そう」
「冷 ; rei」-> Rei 「夏雄 ; natsuo」-> Natsuo 「冬美 ; fuyumi」-> Fuyumi 「焦凍 ; shouto」-> Shouto 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「残してくれた」-> reserved for us (残す+くれる) 「時間 ; jikan」-> time 「で ; de」-> with 「話そう ; hanasou」-> let’s talk
= “Rei, Natsuo, Fuyum. Let’s talk with the time Shouto reserved for us.
Adding -tekureta after nokosu implies that someone did a favor for the speaker. Here, it means that Shouto reserved the time to talk to Touya for them.
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「憎いなら…憎いと なんでもいい ぶつけてくれ…!」
「憎い ; nikui」-> hateful 「なら ; nara」-> if 「憎い ; nikui」-> hateful 「と ; to」-> speech particle 「なんでもいい ; nandemo ii」-> anything is fine; it doesn’t matter what 「ぶつけてくれ ; butsuketekure」-> throw it at me
= “If you hate me… hate me. Anything is fine, throw it at me…!!”
「燈矢兄 ; touya nii」-> Touya-Nii 「私 ; watashi」-> I 「も ; mo」-> also; too
= “Touya-nii, me too…!”
「話したい ; hanashitai」-> want to talk 「事 ; koto」-> things 「たくさん ; takusan」-> a lot 「ある ; aru」-> to be 「の ; no」-> explanatory particle
= “There are a lot of things I want to talk about.”
This is about him getting piercings and dying his hair isn’t it. Maybe even taking off his shirt on live TV in front of the entire country. If only we could see that conversation…
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「今日 ; kyou」-> today 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「止めにしましょう , yame ni shimashou」-> let’s stop 「また ; mata」-> again 「明日 ; asu」-> tomorrow 「に ; ni」-> at 「でも ; demo」-> or something
= “Let’s stop for today!! (You can come back) tomorrow or something…”
「最後に一ついいですか 聞きたかったことあるんだ」
「最後 ; saigo」-> final 「に ; ni」-> at 「一つ ; hitotsu」-> one 「いい ; ii」-> good 「です ; desu」-> to be 「か ; ka」-> question marker particle 「聞きたかった」-> wanted to ask 「こと ; koto」-> thing 「ある ; aru」-> to be 「んだ ; nda」-> explanatory particle
= “Can I (ask) one last thing? Because there is one thing I wanted to ask.”
The first panel or first sentence ends in the polite form using desu ka as he is asking the employee for permission to ask one more question. The second panel or sentence, on the other hand, is casual as it ends in da, so without even waiting to receive an answer from the employee, he instantly goes to directly address Touya-nii for this extremely important question.
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「燈矢兄 好きな食べ物何?」
「燈矢兄 ; touya nii」-> Touya-Nii 「好きな ; suki」-> to like 「食べ物 ; tabemono」-> food 「何 ; nani」-> what
= “Touya-nii. What’s your favorite food?”
Everybody liked that. It was really great when the spoilers came out and as soon as Shouto said he wanted to ask Touya something everyone instantly knew what the question was going to be. Also a lot of pressure for Touya. Wrong answer and his little brother can pull the plug. 
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「体力 ; tairyoku」-> stamina; endurance 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「限界 ; genkai」-> limit 「です ; desu」-> to be 「ね ; ne」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation 「今日 ; kyou」-> today 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「眠らせて ; nemurasete」-> to let someone sleep 「また ; mata」-> again
= “This is the limit, isn’t it. Let’s let him sleep again for today.”
「蕎麦 ; soba」-> soba
= “Soba.”
These lines are always my favorite to break down. It’s not easy translating such complex phrases so please recognize the years of studying it took to be able to perfectly translate this kind of high-level sentence. Thank you.
I can only imagine him going back to his classmates, looking at Bakugo and saying: “You were wrong. It’s soba.”
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「おんなじ ; onnaji」-> same 「だ ; da」-> be
= “It’s the same.”
Usually, the word same is written as 同じ and read as onaji. In itself, these two spellings have the same meaning, however, the more standard onaji would be used in the sense of something or a situation being exactly the same, for example attending the same school as someone or facing the same problem. Onnaji, on the other hand, indicates something has very similar properties and is used more in the sense of the same color, taste etc, which is why this spelling has a bit more emotion associated with it.
So Shouto is saying that it’s the same, but he says so with emotion. Rather than stating a fact, them having the same food holds meaning to him. 
「これ以上は平行線だ 交わるよ 無理にでも」
「これ以上 ; kore ijou」-> from here on; any further 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「平行線 ; heikousen」-> remaining far apart; not reaching an agreement 「だ ; da」-> be 「交わる ; majiwaru」-> to cross; to mingle with 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle 「無理に ; muri ni」-> forcible; forced 「でも ; demo」-> even
= “From here on it’s parallel lines. I will cross, even if by force.”
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「焦凍… ごめんな…」
「焦凍 ; shouto」-> Shouto 「ごめん ; gomen」-> I‘m sorry 「な ; na」-> used to say something emotionally
= “Shouto… I’m sorry…”
If only… Shouto had heard this… and they could’ve talked about this… that would be crazy, right? No, why don’t we focus on the main character again, instead of getting a conversation the entire story has been building up to.
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「俺はここまでだわ 悪いけど気持ち変わんない 俺はもう付き合わない」
「俺 ; ore」-> I  「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「ここ ; koko」-> here 「まで ; made」-> until 「だ ; da」-> be 「わ ; wa」-> 「悪い ; warui」-> sorry 「けど ; kedo」-> but 「気持ち ; kimochi」-> feelings 「変わんない ; kawannai」-> unchanged 「俺 ; ore」-> I  「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「もう ; mou」-> already 「付き合わない ; tsukiawanai」-> don’t associate with
= “For me it’s (ending) here. I’m sorry, but my feelings haven’t changed. I won’t associate with you anymore.”
The particle wa is used when reflecting one’s view toward a situation after coming to a conclusion. There is a nuance of confidently affirming the phrase or regretting the situation, depending on the tone, which we don’t have here, but this reads more as a confident statement than one of regret, although it might just be a little bit of both.
「ああ ; aa」-> Ah
= “Ah.”
「彼女と籍入れたい 式は挙げない紹介もしない」
「彼女 ; kanojo」-> girlfriend 「と ; to」-> with 「籍入れたい ; seki iretai」-> to get married; to want to have a name entered in the family register 「式 ; shiki」-> (wedding) ceremony 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「挙げない ; agenai」-> to conduct 「紹介 ; shoukai」-> introduction 「も ; mo」-> also 「しない ; shinai」-> won’t do
= “I want to enter the family register with my girlfriend. We won’t conduct a ceremony and I also won’t introduce you.”
Normally, to talk about marriage or getting married you would use the word kekkon (suru). Here, Natsuo specifically uses the term “to enter in the family registry.” While these two words can be used to mean the same thing (= getting married), entering the family registry differs in that one person enters an already existing family registry rather than creating a new one upon marriage, which is why this can also be used for when a child gets adopted by a step-parent or if a child takes on their other parent’s last name after a divorce.
Again, this can just be treated as a synonym for getting married, but it might also be to emphasize this as an act of removing himself from his father rather than an act of love. It surely feels like an odd time to be thinking of marriage, with the current situation not having him in the right mental or emotional state for such a big step to be smart (he already did the whole “cutting my hair during a crisis” so he should follow that with dying his hair or something else that is going to affect his life less than marriage).
Let’s face it: had he said this while they were with Touya, his big bro’s heart monitor would have gone crazy before he would have broken out of that machine to talk some sense into his little brother.
Also, not to insult Natsuo because he is very sweet, but I just have to mention the irony of him getting married as a means to solve his issues when that was also his dad’s first step. It’s obviously different, but still worth pointing out.
「ああ ; aa」-> Ah 「分かった ; wakatta」-> understood 「な ; na」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation
= “Ah, I get it.”
「姉ちゃん ; neechan」-> big sister 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「仕事 ; shigoto」-> job 「やめた ; yameta」-> to quit 「ん ; n」-> explanatory particle 「だろ ; daro」-> right
= “What about you, big sis? You left your job, right?”
I do like the symbolism of him standing in the middle of the street, ready to use the crosswalk, while the rest of the family remain on the side of the road, but I am also worried he is going to get hit by a car.
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「うんでも 生徒のお母さんが新しい職場紹介してくれてねサポートしてくれるって」
「うん ; un」-> yeah 「でも ; demo」-> but 「生徒 ; seito」-> student 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「お母さん ; okaasan」-> mom 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「新しい ; atarashii」-> new 「職場 ; shokuba」-> workplace 「紹介してくれて ; shoukai shitekurete」-> introduced me (as a favor) 「ね ; ne」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation 「サポートしてくれる ; sapooto shitekureru」-> support (as a favor) 「って ; tte」-> quoting particle (casual of という)
= “Yeah, but the mom of a student introduced me to a new workplace. So she’s being supportive.”
Similar to before, the -tekurete suggests that this introduction as well as the support is seen as a favor.
「........正直責任は果たしたと思う 罰も受けたと思う…もういいんじゃねーの?」
「正直 ; shoujiki」-> honestly; frankly 「責任 ; sekinin」-> duty 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「果たした ; hatashita」-> accomplished; carried out 「と思う ; to omou」-> to think 「罰 ; batsu」-> punishment 「も ; mo」-> too 「受けた ; uketa」-> received 「と思う ; to omou」-> to think 「もういい ; mou ii」-> that’s enough 「ん ; n」-> explanatory particle 「じゃねー ; janee」-> isn’t 「のか ; noka-> question marker particle seeking an explanation
= “Frankly, I think we’ve fulfilled our responsibilities. I think we already received our punishment. That’s enough, isn’t it?”
This line has gotten some negative attention as fan translations have this line directed toward Endeavor, whereas the official English translation has this line be directed toward the entire family. As you can see in the breakdown above, there is no explicit human subject in this sentence to clarify who is being addressed here, in addition to the fact that he has his back turned to us readers with no indication as to who he is looking at.
However, the last person he directly addressed was Fuyumi, who was also the one speaking right before this line. Furthermore, the next line is Endeavor saying that he will ensure to take the blame and whatnot from here on out so that they do not need to face any more consequences for this.
With that being said, to me this reads as him talking to the family, specifically as a response to Fuyumi suggesting that her former student’s mother introducing her to a new workplace and supporting her is somewhat of a favor. While we don’t know exactly why she left her job, there is still a suggestion that this situation has impacted her negatively and that people showing support is somehow worth noting. And yes, Japan has a culture of blaming the entire family when a family member commits a crime, however, Natsuo’s line then seems somewhat frustrated at this, feeling as though they all already faced consequences (like Fuyumi leaving her job), and that they shouldn’t have to face consequences for the rest of their lives, let alone feel overly grateful for any person that still treats them as individuals rather than an accomplice for something they had nothing to do with.
Overall, this line reads more like he wants them to be able to move past this, rather than have this now haunt them after they have already been struggling their whole lives by growing up in the Todoroki household.
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見ていなくていい子どもたち(おまえたち)に降りかかる火の粉をできる限り俺が受け止める 生き延びた意味があるとすればそれだけなんだ」
「犯した ; okashita」-> committed 「罪 ; tsumi」-> crime; sin 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「賠償 ; baishou」-> compensation; reparations 「と ; to」-> with 「謝罪 ; shazai」-> apology 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「一生 ; issho」-> whole life 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「かけて ; kakete」-> make; put out 「続けていく ; tsuzuketeiku 」->to continue from now on (続ける+いく) 「見ていなくて ; mitenakute」-> not looking 「いい ; ii」-> good; okay 「子どもたち ; kodomotachi」-> children 「おまえたち ; omaetachi」-> you (plural) 「に ; ni」-> to 「降りかかる ; furikakaru」-> to happen; to befall 「火の粉 ; hi no ko」-> sparks 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「できる ; dekiru」-> to be able to 「限り ; kagiri」-> limit; degree 「俺 ; ore」-> I  「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「受け止める ; uketomeru」-> to catch; to stop the blow 「生き延びた ; ikinobita」-> survived; lived long 「意味 ; imi」-> meaning 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「ある ; aru」-> to exist 「とすれば ; to sureba」-> then; if so; if 「それだけ ; soredake」-> that much; to that extent; only that 「なんだ ; nanda」-> explanatory particle
= “From here on out I will continue to make reparations and apologize for my committed crimes for my whole life. I will catch as much of the sparks that fall on you kids who don’t have to watch. If there is any meaning in my survival, it is just that.”
Again, he says “you” but means “children”. The miteinakute ii is used to say that “it’s okay not to watch”, in other words he does not expect them to keep in touch with him or anything along those lines.
The -teiku after tsuzukeru is used to imply that something will continue from this moment forward. While he didn't make up for his mistakes, from now on he will.
「地獄 ; jigoku」-> hell 「だ ; da」-> be 「ぞ ; zo」-> emphasizes the speaker’s will or opinion; can be inviting to the listener
= “........It’s hell.”
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「ああ ; aa」-> Ah 「ダンス ; dansu」-> dance 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「誘い ; sasoi」-> invitation 「を ; o」-> direct object marker 「受けた ; uketa」-> to accept 「んでな ; ndena」-> explanatory particle
= “Ah, I did accept the dance invitation.”
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「…初めてだよ お父さんの事 かっこいいって思えたの」
「初めて ; hajimete」-> first time  「だ ; da」-> be 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle 「お父さん ; otousan」-> dad 「の ; no」-> possessive particle; similar to an apostrophe 「事 ; koto」-> nominalizes prior word/phrase 「かっこいい ; kakkoii」-> cool 「って思えた ; tte omoeta」-> to seem; to appear 「の ; no」-> explanatory particle
= “It was the first time that you seemed cool.”
 Natsuo has called Endeavor by many (disrespectful) names. This is the first time he calls him by the standard/polite term for father. This is not to say that he likes him now. With the whole marriage talk in mind, this feels more like him letting go of his feelings for a second to make a somewhat neutral statement. Neutral in the sense of being able to recognize and view something his dad has done in a positive light rather than letting his feelings completely take over his judgment.
「焦凍 ; shouto」-> Shouto 「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「学校 ; gakkou」-> school 「戻る ; modoru」-> to return to 「ん ; n」-> explanatory particle 「だろ ; daro」-> I think; right?
= “What about you, Shouto? You’re returning to school, right?”
「うん ; un」-> yeah
= “Yeah.” 
「乗ってけ ; notteke」-> I’ll give you a ride 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle 「姉ちゃん ; neechan」-> big sis  「も ; mo」-> also; too
= “I’ll give you a ride. Nee-chan, too.”
「ありがとう ; arigatou」-> thanks
= “Thanks.”
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「親父 お母さん 俺にはA組(みんな)いるから大丈夫だよ! 俺は自分でなりてえようになれるから!」
「親父 ; oyaji」-> dad 「お母さん ; okaasan」-> mom 「俺 ; ore」-> I  「には ; niwa」-> as for 「A組 ; e gumi」-> class A  「みんな ; minna」-> everyone  「いる ; iru」-> to be  「から ; kara」-> therefore  「大丈夫 ; daijoubu」-> alright  「だ ; da」-> be 「よ ; yo」-> emphasis particle 「俺 ; ore」-> I  「は ; wa」-> topic marker particle 「自分 ; jibun」-> myself  「で ; de」-> with 「なりてえ ; naritee」-> want to become (casual of naritai)  「ようになれる ; you ni nareru」-> to reach the point where; to come to; to begin to 「から ; kara」-> because; so
= “Dad, mom. I’ll be okay because of Class A (everyone). I can reach the point of being what I want to be!”
Just like before we get furigana that differ from the kanji. Shouto says that he will be alright because everyone is there, but he specifically means Class A when he says that.
「地獄 ; jigoku」-> hell  「でも ; demo」-> even though
= “Even though it’s hell.”
「おーう ; ou」-> Ooh 「早かった ; hayakatta」-> early 「な ; na」-> sentence ending particle; used to seek confirmation 「大丈夫 ; daijoubu」-> alright 「だった ; datta」-> was 「かあ ; kaa」-> question marker particle
= “Oh, you’re early! Was it alright!?”
「おなかすいた ; onaka suita」-> I’m starving
= “I’m starving.”
「見てる ; miteru」-> looking 「人 ; hito」-> person 「が ; ga」-> subject marker particle 「いる ; iru」-> to be
= “There is someone who is watching.”
Me. I’m the one watching. But at what cost? The family’s two most used words have got to be “hell” and “to look” . Someone please teach them some more words.
That concludes the Todoroki family interaction in this chapter and supposedly for the story (everyone disliked that). Personally, this does not read as a conclusion so I am going to just treat this as the beginning of the conclusion, instead. And perhaps the final in the sense of the whole family not getting together anymore because Natsuo isn’t going to be around Endeavor anymore.
Personally, my biggest issue with this chapter is the fact that while it’s called final and set up as though the family and we finally get closure by everyone reuniting with Touya, it’s just another episode of self-pitying with a grown-ass man that has still not changed or understood anything despite everything. Yes, he finally managed to talk to Touya, to apologize and acknowledge both Touya’s pain as well as his own accountability in the entire affair. However, the rest of the family could have been left out of this chapter entirely since they said nothing other than “we have lots to talk about” which is obviously a beginning, but I’m sure we all have been waiting patiently to get an actual conversation not just hear them say that they want to talk at a later point, which we then won't ever get to see.
The soba part is amazing, of course, but it could and should have played a bigger role in this chapter.
People have been expressing various opinions in regards to the family’s current situation and their future, though - again - it would be great to see more of that because this chapter only briefly touched on various interesting points and then didn’t explore these points more because if there is one thing this world needs more is privileged people whining about how hard their life is and the many sacrifices they have had to make (= barely facing consequences).
That being said, we’ll see what the final 4 chapters will offer and whether we will see the Todoroki family make another appearance.
And no, Touya won’t die.
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dira333 · 4 months
The Soulmate Theory - Todoroki Shouto x Reader
I welcome you to my probably last-ever Soulmate fic. As much as I love reading this trope, it's gotten harder and harder to write. I hope you like it. This is for @shoulmate
Trope: You share your Soulmate's pain.
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Soulmates used to be a thing. 
A long, long time ago, way before the first ever Quirk was documented, Soulmate bonds were just as common as Quirks are nowadays.
Your grandmother used to be fascinated by it, told you stories about her grandmother who was convinced she shared a soulmate bond even though not one case had been documented in the last hundred years before her.
It’s only natural, you’d say, that you didn’t realize you had one. After all, why would you think that?
Pain has always been part of your life.
Your wrists hurt and your legs hurt and your back hurts and your stomach hurts… all the time. The doctors cannot find anything, some even accuse you of pretending for attention. You’d gladly trade all that attention against a pain-free day.
Your Quirk’s Telekinesis and you’re so glad about it, because how else would you be able to move that pen and write that notes when your hands hurt like this?
You’re getting better at it too, threading a needle or picking up the last grain of rice with your thoughts alone. 
A dull ache has settled behind your left eye after what has been the most intense pain flare you’ve ever had. All you want to do is rest. 
But your mind is reeling, craving an outlet for all the thoughts inside your head.
Your restless eyes find some fabric in the corner of the room. Soon enough a few needles are working their magic, a creation coming to life before your eyes.
You might not be able to walk around most days, but at least you can still create outfits you’d love to flaunt in.
Years later
“Can you take over my student?” Kameko asks, “He wants a completely new costume.”
“What year?”
“First year. And his old one wasn’t even destroyed.”
“So? Maybe he found something out about himself.”
She huffs. “Please? I still have to finish Amajiki’s new design and you know how anxious he gets.”
“Yeah, no problem. Can you take another first year off my plate then? His name is Midoriya and he ripped it in half, it seems.”
“Oh yeah, give it to me.”
Someone clears their throat. You look up from your work into a set of heterochromatic eyes, one blue, one grey.
“Yes?” You ask. “How can I help you?”
“I’m here for my new Costume.”
“Are you Midoriya?” You point at the green fabric on your desk, or rather what’s left of the costume.”
“No, I’m Todoroki Shouto.”
“Ah,” Kameko doesn’t even look guilty at being caught. “You’re with her then. Do you need the think tank?” She points at the cubicle where you can go and plan outfits.
Todoroki looks like he isn’t quite sure, so you carefully slide off your chair and shuffle over.
“Come, come,” you wave at him, “It’s never wrong to brainstorm.”
“Are you hurt?” He asks and has the decency not to point at how you clearly favor your left leg. 
“Not more than usual,” you try to joke and though he looks a little confused, he doesn’t ask more questions.
Todoroki is a quiet individual. He’s not shy, that you perceive immediately, but he makes sure to check if he’s allowed to speak before he opens his mouth.
He’s also insanely pretty, the red, rough skin over his left eye giving him even more appeal. But he’s also one year younger than you, so you keep those thoughts locked away in the back of your head.
“If you want to change the design, we can do that, no problem.” You remind him when you’ve finally found something he seems almost happy with.
“I don’t want to cause you more work.”
“If you don’t cause me any work I’d have nothing to do,” you joke and he looks at you quietly for a while. You wonder if he’s ruminating over your joke or waiting for you to talk on and sadly, you’re more than likely to ramble in a confusing silence.
You gesture, somehow now talking about the importance of fresh orange juice for the human body, a topic you didn’t even know you could talk about beforehand when your hand connects harshly with the door behind you. Your wrist catches the doorknob and the pain is immediate, sharp and cool, like you’d imagine being stabbed with an icicle would feel like.
Todoroki hisses behind you and you’d compliment him on the empathy if it wouldn’t hurt like that.
When you turn, hand pressed against your chest, he’s cradling his own hand before dropping it. “Musclespasm,” he explains quietly, offering you a hand that is covered in ice. “Do you want me to cool it? It helps.”
“I’d like to add some more details to my costume,” Todoroki approaches you with a Bento Box in hand.
You nod, unable to speak for a moment as you focus your Quirk on a particularly tough seam.
“No problem, as I said. What’s it about?”
“Could we use the think tank?”
You turn to check but it’s clearly occupied.
“Sadly not. Is it more complicated then?” You nod at the Bento Box. “Do you think it will keep us occupied during lunch break?”
“No, this is…” Todoroki hesitates for a second before holding it out to you. “It’s just something I wanted to give you. My sister made these.”
 You open it with curious fingers to reveal twelve perfectly shaped cookies.
“That’s lovely, but why me?”
His cheeks turn pink and his lips curl into an adorable pout before he eventually talks.
“I mentioned that I was pleased with the changes and she told me to say thank you.”
“Aww,” you coo. “Your older sister then?”
“Yes,” the pout exaggerates, “I would have said thank you without her intervening.”
“Of course you’d have.” - “But my cookies didn’t turn out good.”
You both speak at the same time, or rather you accidentally interrupted him and he still talked on.
You stare at him now, mouth agape as you process his words.
“You made cookies for me?”
“Yes,” Todoroki nods, “I wanted to say thank you.”
“It’s my job.”
“I still want to say thank you.”
“Next time,” you joke, not quite realizing what you’re saying until it has left your lips and your brain has caught on, “just bring me the Cookies you made. It’s the thought that counts.”
He stares at you with wide eyes for what feels like eternity before a soft pink blush blooms on his cheeks.
You hide your own face in the box of Cookies, hope that he won’t hear the thunderous beating of your heart over the noise of you eating one.
They’re delicious. Of course they are.
You don’t know how or when or even why, but clearly, there’s a friendship growing between you and Todoroki Shouto. He’s stopped claiming he’s only dropping in for new additions to his costumes and in turn you’ve tried quite a few of his food creations, each one of them worse than the last.
But he’s cute and honest and real about it and you couldn’t do better if you tried anyway.
Your pain, however, doesn’t stop just because you’ve found work you enjoy or friends to spend your time with.
There are days where you cannot get out of bed. Days where strong painkillers allow you to get to school only for everything to go past you because those painkillers leave you loopy and tired, falling asleep over some costume in the early afternoon hours.
At least you’re not in the Hero Course, you think on the worst days, because you’ve seen the bruises Training leaves on Shouto’s arms and legs.
That’s before you realize that Training is the least of all his problems.
Third Year
“How are you?” You ask, because what else do you ask your Crush Slash Good Friend you haven’t seen in months?
Shouto’s got new scars, he’s grown, and he’s fought in a war while you were bedridden from pain, your mother scared out of her depths that you’d die in an attack, unable to move.
But you survived and so did he and if you can believe what you’ve heard on the news, he’s found out some things about his family too.
“Tired,” he admits, dragging a hand through his hair, “I missed you.”
You wonder how hard it was for him to admit that. 
 “Think tank?” You ask, slipping off your chair when he nods.
The last few days have been painless and even though you’re anxious about what’s to come after that, you can’t help but enjoy it.
When the door closes after him, you realize just how small that cubicle really is. 
Or maybe it’s just that Shouto doesn’t step away like he used to do, staying so close to you that you could count every single one of his long lashes if you wanted to.
“Can I hug you?” He asks and you nod, unable to say anything, even less when he pulls you in.
He’s tall and strong, cool on one side and warm on the other and your face nuzzles into his neck like it was meant to be like that anyway.
You don’t speak for a while, just hold each other in the semi-privacy this room provides.
“I want to take care of you,” Shouto whispers at some point. “Can I?”
Somehow it doesn’t surprise anyone that you two end up dating.
Your third year is almost painless.
Sure, there are frequent days where you’re sore for no reason whatsoever, but that is nothing against the blinding pain that had tied you to a bed for weeks before. 
Sometimes, Shouto pouts about that. He thinks it’s his job as your boyfriend to look after you and what good is he for if you don’t need looking after?
His friends tell you that he’s less reckless now - as if he’d ever been - making sure to keep himself safe because you need him.
You’ve met his sister, one of his older brothers and his mother, all of them nice, though maybe a bit distanced. 
Emotional vulnerability doesn’t seem to come easy to them.
Shouto, however, likes to talk about his feelings in depth. And he wants to know how you’re feeling too, listening with wide eyes as you explain.
Should it be weird that you’re dating someone younger than you? If so, you’re doing it wrong. 
The first(?) hint
“Do we need anything from the store?” You ask, phone crammed between your ear and shoulder as you grab your stuff from the passenger seat.
“I was going to get the groceries,” Shouto huffs on the other side of the call and you can see it, how he pouts at the thought that you’re doing it instead of him.
“I was already on my way. You can do the laundry.”
“I hate doing the laundry,” he groans and you giggle. “I know. I’m going to help you with it, don’t worry.”
“I could cook,” he offers and you giggle again, opening the door to step out. “As much as I love you, Shouto, I don’t love your cooking.”
“Fine,” he says, sounding exactly like a child that didn’t get its way, “But we do face-masks while doing the laundry.”
“Of course. I’ll call you back later, okay? I need both hands for shopping.”
“Sure. I’ll buy you more headphones in the meantime.”
There are a few more teasing remarks, a last “I love you” and then you shove your phone back in your purse and turn to where you think the shopping carts are located.
You don’t see the step in front of you before it’s too late and then you’re tumbling through the air. It happens slowly and then all at once and you’re not really sure what hurt first and what hurts the most. 
For a moment you’re just lying there, face down on the pavement, trying not to puke, collecting your thoughts as if they scattered on your floor just like your open purse.
Your phone starts ringing and that seems the most manageable task so you pick it up from right in front of you and press it against your ear.
“Yes?” You ask.
“Love, are you okay?” Shouto sounds worried.
“No, I just tripped and fell,” you pick your head up from the asphalt and squint at your stuff in front of you, “in the middle of the parking lot.”
“Just after you hung up I felt a lot of pain and I just… I knew it was you.” 
It keeps happening after that.
It doesn’t help that you’re clumsy, but maybe that’s for the best now, as you try and figure out this weird coincidence.
If you hurt yourself, Shouto feels the pain.
If Shouto hurts himself, you feel the pain. 
It’s only after he almost gets buried by a collapsing building that you actually tell a Doctor. Or rather Midoriya unloads all the Data he has collected on the poor, unassuming Recovery Girl.
The most likely answer, as strange as it might sound, is the Soulmate Theory.
“Since you’re the first documented case in hundreds of years we don’t have anything to prove this theory. But I’m quite positive that more cases will follow.”
You blink back at her, not quite understanding. Shouto’s left hand, one of the few places of his that are not covered in bandages, squeezes yours.
“You know what that means, right?” He asks.
“Yeah. We’re most definitely never going to break up.”
His eyes widen in a way you’ve grown familiar with. No matter how long you’ve been dating, you still seem to be able to surprise him.
“No,” he presses out weakly, “I meant… That all the pain you went through as a child and teenager, that was me. It’s my fault.”
You lean down to press a kiss to the little spot above his eyebrows that has come away unscathed.
“I’m not saying it was nice, but if I could take at least a little bit of the pain you went through, I’d say it was worth it.”
You’re pretty sure Shouto would disagree, but in your eyes Soulmates are not quite as fancy as they’re made out to be.
After all, you found him on your own, didn’t you?
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emmyrosee · 1 year
hello🤍 i really love and appreciate your work! hope you’re doing well✨
can i request kageyama tobio or todoroki shoto when they want the attention or anything on your mind about them?🥹 THANK YOU SO MUCH🥹🤍
Here’s a Kageyama piece bc I don’t have any for him yet and he deserves it
Tobio doesn’t always demand your attention.
9 times out of 10, he’s completely self sufficient, being the supplier to affections you need, rather than demanding yours.
And sure, he’s not made of stone, holding your hand is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Kissing you on the cheek while you look over the takeout menu is exactly what the doctor orders.
But sometimes? The 1 time out of 10?
You really just wanna make him work for it.
You’ll always give him the luxury of never having to plead for you attention, and you indulge him in your affections without making him writhe.
Today. Today? Today is not one of those days.
Because today, even though he’s had this plan with Ushijima for the past three weeks to hang out and practice just the two of them, you woke up overly playful.
You wanted to make him squirm juuuuust a hair.
He seemed mindless to it, not thinking twice about the way you duck from his holds or reach away from his hand. It's alright. You've got all the time in the world to annoy him before and after he hangs out with his friend.
But, not-so surprisingly, it comes to a head when you're avoiding his kisses goodbye. This, he's forced to notice, when you turn your head just slightly when he leans over to kiss before he leaves.
His lips get a mouthful of forehead.
Pouting, he pulls back at you with a glare of betrayal, brows furrowed slightly. You snort softly, “what’re you lookin’ at?”
“Why’d you turn your head?” He grumbles, tightening his grip on your hips. Then, his brows shoot up, “is it my breath?” He uses on of his hands to huff and sniff his breath, but he seems to be confused when the smell is normal. “Why didn’t you want to kiss me?”
“What do you mean?” You hum, your arms looping around his neck. “Of course I want to kiss you. I always want to kiss you.”
He looks at you, suspicious, but he does lean down to try and kiss you again, whining out in annoyance when his lips press to your eyebrow. “Come on!”
“I want a kiss!” He grumbles, fingers slipping into the waistband of your pants and gently tugging you closer, his refusal to leave without a kiss evident. “Is this because I’m hanging out with Ushijima today? Because I can cancel, I know he’d be just fine with it-“
“Why do you think that? And why would I mind that you’re hanging out with Ushijima? I like Ushijima.”
“I don’t know, you ask your lips!” He snaps, and just as you go to open your mouth to speak, he tugs you closer again, this time, catching you in a dominating kiss that has you giggling into his mouth. His hands come up to cup your cheeks, keeping you close as your teeth start to clack against each other from your laughter and his determination.
“Tobio!” You manage to squeak out, finally parting from him with a dopey smile. Your fingers hook in the collar of his shirt, and he uses one of his free hands to wipe your bottom lip.
“You play around too much,” he murmurs, voice in a rasp from the prior affection. “Why can’t you just love me?”
“EXCUSE ME?” You gasp in outrage, and as he fights back the smirk on his lips, you tug his collar promptly, “I literally love you more than life itself, don’t even try it.”
“You’re the one who refused to kiss me first!” He scoffed, leaning in for another and smiling against your lips when you don’t pull away. “Had to provoke me and shit. Hate it. Just kiss me when I lean in, damn.”
“You will live if I don’t give into your kisses whenever you demand,” you tease, leaning up to him to sink your teeth into his lip, which, even though he gives you an annoyed look, he absolutely pursed out for you to nip. “Now go. Don’t keep your friend waiting. Scram.”
He groans dramatically, "there you go. Trying to get rid of me again." You smack his chest, and he chuckles as he stills your hands. This time, he leans forward for a kiss, and you comply, moving your arms to wrap around his neck. This one is a lot more gentle, paced and familiar, it takes your breath away and you mewl happily into his mouth. In an act of dominance, his massive paws come up to grip the hair at the nape of your neck, and you whimper softly.
He pulls away with a pant, "I fucking love you."
"That's nice," you smile, fighting the laughter that wants to spill from your lips when he looks completely unamused to your next act of rebellion.
"I'll leave you for Ushijima, I swear to god, asshole."
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touyafootfetish · 6 months
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Runaway ➤
touya todoroki x reader
summary: after waking up in a strange facility, touya is determined to get back home, but he needs help — so who other than you, his new partner in crime?
warnings: none
(slightly inaccurate for the sake of the plot)
no use of y/n - gn!reader
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"I have to go back! Please, I need to go home!"
That boy had been asleep since you came to this place. But after three years, he finally woke up. You had heard from the doctors that his name was Touya, but that’s all you knew. Since he got out of bed, he’d been begging the doctors and Sensei to let him go home. Of course, they wouldn’t let him. This place was his home now, just like it was yours.
That boy continued to sulk all day, even after Sensei had left when it was time for bed.
Like you, Touya wasn’t in bed tonight. He was perched on a windowsill, peering out the large window. You could see a distinct seriousness on his face through the reflection. He must really want to leave with a look like that. When you saw him earlier, you didn’t talk to him. No one did since he looked so upset.
You pulled your jacket tight around your body as you made your way over. The stupid thermostat never worked, so it was always cold. You don’t say anything when you climb onto the windowsill with the boy. Touya seems to notice you, but he doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t even look at you. You notice stitches on either side of his face. He had a ton of burn scars, too.
Were they from his quirk?
“What happened to you, Mr. Sleepy Head?” you ask, sitting with your legs crossed. You’re trying to be quiet since you’d get in trouble if Sensei saw you guys out of bed. He might bring you back to the Dark Room. You hated that room. You’ve been on your best behavior since the last time Sensei took you there.
Since Touya was going on about how he wanted to run away all day, you figured you would warn him about the crazy things that happened here. What happened to kids who tried escaping.
“Who cares? It’s not like I’m staying in this place forever,” Touya grumbled. He wrapped his arms tighter around his legs. He was curled up so tight that he looked tiny. Then again, Sensei mentioned Touya was smaller than most boys his age. “I’m going home.”
There he goes again.
Doesn’t he realize that he can’t leave? None of the kids here were allowed to leave, even if they had family waiting for them at home. If they had strong quirks, the man in the Dark Room took them away and brought them here.
Sure, Touya was here before you. Except, he was asleep the whole time. He didn’t know these people like you did. He didn’t know this place like you did.
“You— all of you. You’re all stupid for staying here.” Touya says. “If you all have such great powers, why don’t you fight and run away?” he asked. He didn’t wait for an answer. He turned to you, holding out his hand. A bright blue flame appeared in the palm of his hand.
Your eyes widened as the hot flame warmed the air around you. You hadn’t seen anything like it before, and you were mesmerized. You’ve never seen a fire quirk with blue flames.
“Wow, you’re incredible, Touya!” you quietly exclaim. “Did you get training before they brought you here? Your flame is so strong,” Touya grinned and nodded before his flame disappeared. Before he came here, he was probably still in junior high. Too young to be in any kind of hero course. “Who trained you?”
“Hm, my dad taught me. He’s the pro hero Endeavor.” Touya shifted so he sat criss-crossed like you.
He had this proud smirk on his face. His old man is the number two hero, after all. After a while, his expression became sad.
“I have to get home, you know? I still need him to train me. I’m going to be a powerful hero, just like him, and I don’t want anyone else to teach me.”
“But how? You know Sensei won’t let you leave. Most of us have given up on getting away,” you sighed. You shut your eyes, leaning against the cold glass behind you. “And I like you, so I don’t want them to punish you for trying anything dumb,” you say.
“So what! Didn’t you see my flame just now? I’m probably the strongest one here, you moron!” You open your eyes to glare at him.
“Shush, Touya! Someone might hear you.” Touya rolled his eyes at your words. “You’re the idiot for thinking’s like that,” you tell him. “You’ll get yourself killed.”
“Nuh-uh! Come on, don’t you think it’s worth a shot? I bet we could escape this— this prison.” Touya says. He looks at you and starts jabbing your forehead with his finger.
“Hey. Let’s runaway from here. Just us, okay?”
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WC: 789
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dancingbabya-notes · 1 year
Your scars are beautiful
Everyone gains scars; it's a part of life, no one is immune to that. From small ones that are barely noticeable to ones that signify or are a reminder of a very strong memory. A badge of honor, a reminder of a mistake, luck that no one else was harmed, or a bad memory. (PS the only reason I wrote this is because the most recent chapters I've read are rotting my brain and I sometimes think a little too hard about my own scars)
Characters: Todoroki, Mirio, Midoriya, Amajiki, Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Shinso, Shoji
Spoiler warning: there are spoilers for the bnha/MHA manga in Shoji’s part so if you don’t want that please don’t bother reading.
Tw: trauma, mention of falling from extreme heights, mentions of child abuse, mentions of abuse, mention of self harm, 
Sometimes you would walk into your shared room with Shoto, he looks at his face so intently in the mirror. But trying to imagine him without the burn scar on his face was difficult. That was your only image of him since school. Today he seemed to be intently picking at the skin around the old scar.
Walking up behind him you put his hands down so they sat in his lap as you hug him tightly. “Sho, Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” He states, his low voice not expressing much emotion but for some reason you just knew.
“Do you wanna touch my scar?” You ask, he blinked.
You were very protective of your own scars, it wasn’t because it was an old scar. It wasn’t because of anything sad, it was because you went too far. Like Icarus you flew too close to the sun and lost your wings. When it happened you remember him reaching for you and the pain in his eyes.
“Are you sure, my love?” He looks at you in the mirror.
“Of course, you always tell me you find comfort when I touch your scar,” you smile.
“No,” he shakes his head, his hand sitting comfortably in yours. “Just sitting with me right now is fine.”
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“It’s an old story.”
“That doesn’t mean it can stir new feelings,” you offer, giving him a slight squeeze.
Shoto thinks for a moment, mouth opening and closing a few times as time seemed to stretch before he found the right words. “I know now…why my mother felt the way she did. But I can’t… help but feel I had been too hasty in forgiving her. Or… that I’m wrong for not forgiving… my father.”
You try to think of a good thing to say but you weren’t sure if your words would bring him solace or pester the pain more. “I think you need to talk to them again. While it may open old bleeding wounds I feel telling them how you’re feeling might help. If you want I can sit with you when you do?”
“No, I feel it will only cause me unnecessary pain,” he sighs.
“But emotional pain can come up later,” you mumble then to realize. “Sho, are you worried that we will be bad parents to our children?”
“Yes,” he pulls on your hand a bit, stretching it a bit beyond to position that was slowly making pins and needles prick at your skin.
“No one’s perfect, but all we can do is try our best and make up for the mistakes we make. If you want when we start a family we can go to counseling,” you suggest. “That way we can get a second option, you might also get some closure with the pain you feel regarding your parents.”
Shoto pulls you around to face him, kind of sitting his lap but with his arms around you instead of you’re around him. You smile as he buries his face into your hoodie.
“You always seem to know what to say my love.”
Flinching you quickly roll your pant leg back down. It was moments like these where you wish the mirror didn’t make you feel so small.
“There you are,” Eijiro smiles as he pulls you into a hug. “I thought you were asleep or something.”
“I was just antsy,” you mumble. “Sorry I should have said I was in here.”
He looks at you and he can tell. “Your scars are making you anxious, aren’t they?”
You nod.
He starts peppering your face in kisses. “It’s not your fault, it wasn’t something we could help. Nurse didn’t know.”
Nurse. Without her you didn’t want to know what would have happened to you. Your hero career would have ended that day. Even the short month to recuperate wasn’t enough time, you still had nightmares, waking up screaming, and the phantom pains. The reminder was the scars. Why couldn’t you move past this?
“I know.”
Eijiro picks you up and sits on the bed with you in his arms. He kissed your face, but you could tell where he was kissing. He had a purpose. Your body was littered with scars, the proof of your life and the things you’ve dealt with. The thin one just above your eye was from when your brother spent a day drawing portals through the house and you had fallen through one out into the tree. The smooth one by your ear from a surgery that had been found to be unnecessary: the hospital had mixed up your chart with another child patient, your mom was not enthused.
The one under your eye from when you accidentally cut your face, having thought you put the exact blade down, you were lucky you didn’t get your eye. He brings your hands up and he kisses your fingers, the paper thin cuts you’d gotten from learning how to cook and other craft related accidents. A small giggle escapes as he looks you in the eye for a moment.
“You don’t have to do this,” you smile.
“But I want to.”
With each kiss you were reminded of the origin of the scar. Your left hand: a wet rock from the river by the summer house. Your right wrist: the bracelet you wore during a spontaneous rescue during second year. Your shoulders: the burns from an old mission. Your stomach: an inconsolable attacker. Every memory was fine until he kissed your legs. The perfect lined scars that cut straight accords your knees.
Your breath shook a bit as the tears started. You were so scared. Plenty of other times you’d been scared but when you couldn’t feel your feet or toes, or even just the pain, were the most terrifying two minutes of your life.
His hands touched the scar and you flinched. “I know that I’m lucky. So many people pity me now.”
“Who cares what they feel about your scars,” your boyfriend pulls you back into his lap, peppering the top of your head and your forehead with kisses. “What matters is you are here, you are safe, and the pain you feel will disappear. It will fade into a bad memory.”
“I know. But what if-
“Y/n, if anything had happened we would have figured it out. Okay?”
You nod. “Thank you Eiji.”
When you see Midoriya’s scars, the ones on his hands, his arms, anywhere you wonder, would it have been better if you realized and accepted your second quirk sooner. You had grown used to using the regenerative ability given to you by the monster that forced your creation. Body torn to shreds over and over again, everyone always talked about how lucky you were. But were you?
You could lose a finger and if you consume enough toxins you could grow it back without worry. Your body showed no signs of scarring, well not visible at first glance. You had one scar. It was small and you just knew it was a part of you now.
“Cookie? Is there something on me? Don’t tell me there’s another water-
“No, you’re fine.” You shake your head and you smile looking at your boyfriend. “Have I ever mentioned that you’re beautiful?”
Midoriya didn’t seem to know what to say, his jaw hung open as he quickly covered his mouth and turned away. You chuckle slowly breaking into a laugh as he blushes so hard you could see it on his back from his shoulders.
“Cookie,” he whines and you slowly try to catch your breath.
Standing up you smile before taking his hand and kissing the first scar you’d ever seen on him. “It’s true. I think you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met.”
You weren’t sure what it was but he pulled you close to him before kissing the top of your left ear. Which made you embarrassed, the only imperfection you had. A slight notch in the top of your ear. Like someone had cut a slice of it out. At the time you must have been no older than three or four, the faint memory of pain and then it ending.
“I think you are far more beautiful than I am,” he smiles before you push him away.
“Put on a fucking shirt,” you scold.
“Sunshine, are you okay you’re shaking?”
Putting the pot down you think. “I’m fine though. Huh?”
Turning your. Hands over and over you did notice a slight shake, but that was normal right? Frowning it was odd when old memories would be triggered.
“Ah, I know what’s wrong.” You chuckle nervously. “I remembered when my mom had a hard time moving the pot to the table because she didn’t want us to burn our hands on the plates.”
Mirio was a bit confused. “Why did you think about that?”
You flex your wings and shift the feathers to the side a bit to show the one spot where only short feathers grew, it didn’t impair  your flying and you were surprised you could even fly at this age. “She dropped the pot, my dad was so angry he hit her and got me in the crossfire.”
Though you had a light hearted smile on your face Mirio frowns. “I’m sorry to hear that Sunshine.”
You wave your hand dismissively. “If I hadn’t witnessed that I’m sure you and I would have never met. Don’t apologize, it made me think that I hope my mom is in a better place, and I will be very very careful who I marry if I ever do.”
Mirio had thought much about how you’d grown up, it was partially because you never talked about it. He didn’t want to pry usually but he did want to know as much as you were comfortable sharing.
“How do you feel about scars anyway?” You ask.
“They’re proof we live,” he smiles before brushing his hand against your feathers.
You shriek, pulling away quickly and stumbling forward. Groaning you clutch your side, having effectively slammed your entire weight into the corner of the counter.
“A warning,” you gasp. “Please, my feathers are sensitive.”
Shaking your head you start laughing only to be paused from the pain shooting up your body.
Your partner watches intently as you work. He always did this, because he said it made him feel better. Watching you work when he had nothing to do. Somewhere along the way of learning you had been given the task to create new things for uniform fabrics. He remembered how when you both met and you made him something only for him to learn how your quirk actually worked.
Your blood infused with fabrics could change them drastically. A fabric that couldn’t be cut with most known blades unless you bled on it. A super stretchy fabric that didn’t wear easily if at all, water resistant fabric, changing a fabric to be flame retardant. Your quirk was virtually limitless if you had drawn enough blood.
“Tamaki? You’re staring pretty hard right now, did I mess up the pattern somewhere?” You pause a bit confused as you look over the piece.
Chuckling a big he shakes his head. “I just thought you looked beautiful.”
Okay now you messed up, quickly switching off the machine you felt yourself gradually melt to the floor. “What did I do to deserve someone as kind as you?”
“N-no I’m the lucky one,” he argues.
“I’m not beautiful and you know that, all these scars from trying to figure out how to use my quirk.” You laugh jokingly.
But Tamaki grabs your hands tightly. “You are beautiful, scars and all.”
You couldn’t help but smile, it was a stupid smile that one only makes when they’re drunk on love. “You’re beautiful too Tamaki. As beautiful as the moon.”
His face quickly reddens, but he did have enough sense to pick you up off the floor. Your work space was a workplace hazard in more ways than one.
“Don’t ever say your scars aren’t beautiful, without your abilities some many more people would be in danger,” he huffs, his ears burning from his embarrassment from your earlier comment.
“Mm, I’ll try.”
Katsuki hardly cared about his scars. He took care of his body and as long as he could do his job as a hero who cared what he looked like. But usually he’d skim over his scars when getting changed and a recent exchange made him angry seeing his scars.
You were working like usual, heroes were still plentiful but the job was safe. Your hero costume featured a mask to shield your face from others. Only he and a few trusted people ever saw your face without the mask. So during the recent publicity event when someone chastised and scolded you for your scar Katsuki had to be held back.
“It’s fine, I’m used to it,” you had said, but you still cried yourself to sleep in his arms.
It was a scar that left you permanently inhibited, taking one eye with it. After all the healing you’d gone through and everything one person’s comment could still bring you down.
“Tsuki? Are you okay?” You ask, crossing your arms.
He scoffs. “I’m fine.”
“Tomorrow is the gala right?”
“Would you be mad if I said I’d rather stay home?”
Why? He didn’t want to go, you didn’t, might as well.
“Then we don’t have to go.” He shakes the wrinkles out of his shirt before folding it.
You pause. “What?”
“I didn’t stutter.”
“I never said you did, are you sure we can just-
Katsuki stops folding the clothes and faces you. “I’m tired, so are you. Plus, you need a break from your mask. Whose fucking idea was it for it to be so tight to your face? Can’t even fucking breathe properly in that damn thing.”
You blink. “Wait, do you think I’m upset about what that person said?”
He narrows his eyes.
“Katsuki, seriously? I’ve had this scar since I was like five. Sure as shit ain’t pretty, but someone who doesn’t matter to me isn’t gonna make me upset.” You laugh. “If this hadn’t happened to me I would have never learned how to feel around for water and sense things with it.”
He smirks, pulling you into a hug. “Damn right. But we’re still not going to the gala.”
“Don’t wanna wear a tie?”
He didn’t answer you.
When you got married to Denki the first thing he did was make you cry. Because for some reason that was shut what he did. At your wedding in front of all your friends. Were you drunk? No. Had it been a long day? Yes. But somehow it was even more memorable.
Instead of a traditional or western “wedding” you both decided a small get together for family and friends would be so much better, on the condition your parents even showed up. As you looked at the scar that you both shared across your arms you couldn’t help but giggle.
“What are you looking at bumblebee?” He asked and his voice seemed to fall. “Oh.”
For Kaminari it held a different meaning. You were always so careful, it came with the territory of being a support item creator especially with a quirk like yours. Telekinesis could be powerful and used in many different ways but you used it both as a crutch and a tool to protect yourself. So when he saw that his mistake blemished your skin he thought “I just vowed to protect her and got her hurt.”
“I feel like it’s beautiful. Luckily Yoko could heal it up,” you smile brushing your fingers on your own scar.
“I’m sorry.”
You frown. “I like this scar. It’s not the first one I’ve ever gotten but it’s ours.”
“I didn’t know that knives could split like that if the wrong pressure is placed on it.”  He mumbles.
“It’ll be a good teaching moment for when this one gets older.” You coo brushing the hair from the child’s eye. “I’m sure Teru will think it’s funny how his parents share a scar. Though I think the story of how we met  will top that.”
“I guess you’re right. But I’m still sorry,” Kaminari pouts.
“You have more than made up for it, my overpowered pikachu.” You grab him by the face and squeeze it a bit before kissing him.
“Do you think Teru will get scars?”
“As he gets older yeah,” you nod, looking at the baby again.
“You’re happy with me right y/n?” Denki squeezes your scarred hand with his own.
“Of course I am. Accidental exploding knife and all. I think that made our wedding more memorable for me,” you chuckle. “I feel like it was my fault.”
“No, you can’t do anything wrong.”
You smile as you finish giving the kitten a bath. Fostering the stray cats so they could be taken care of or at least fixed was probably one of the few things you were glad your house could accommodate. Which made you think about the first time things like this happened. Trying to help a stray dog which resulted in a nasty bite as a child. But regardless you got the dog to safety. Your mom wasn’t all that happy about the bite.
“Hey puddin,” you smile as the older cat rubs against your face. “You know where to leave your gifts. Hitoshi will be coming over tonight.”
You giggle thinking about the first time you met him. Helping out at your parents' rescue center Shinso Hitoshi came in with his arms and face bleeding as the cat tried to free itself of his hold. You damn near panicked because of it. Even laughing with him as you patched him up.
“Look we match.” He joked showing his own bite mark wound.
As he walked in you held the now dry kitten, purring snatched the kitten from you and started taking care of it herself.
“Okay mama, looks like my job is done.” You roll your eyes about to wash your hands.
“Was there any trouble?” Hitoshi asks puttting the groceries down.
“No, I just thought about how I met you.” You hum.
Hitoshi thinks for a moment and nods. “Oh, well I’m glad we match. Doing stuff like this would be hard otherwise.”
You look at the scars you both bear, if not for these you might never have met your best friend.
When you met Shoji you had never expected it to be through your quirk. The ability to walk through people’s dreams and exist in that separate space. He’s much taller than you so even if your eyes weren’t glued to the floor you wouldn’t have usually made eye contact with him. Once you spent more time with him you had wondered about the mask why he wore it, but in fear of prying you kept your questions to yourself.
You’d always lived in the city you read about the way heteromorphs were treated in rural areas so seeing it first hand through a nightmare of his. Made you hurt. People who thought they were better than others hurt innocent people, it made you angry. But as he lays in your lap sleeping after a long day of hero work you keep your tears at bay.
“Why is this coming to mind now?” You mumble.
Shoji stirs in his sleep, and you bring your hand to his hair, rubbing his head much like how he did for you when you apologized for your inability to control your own quirk. His scars weren’t what made him, and you were glad at least he could come to terms with it. But the people who cared for him— like you. Will probably always feel pain. Leaning down, you kiss him and he chuckles.
“Are you crying again?”
You sniffle trying to make your voice normal. “No.”
“It’s in the past, things are slow to go but there’s been change since we were in school.” Shoji yawns a bit before sitting up. “Aside from thinking about the past, what are you thinking?”
“How beautiful you are,” you hum, stretching up a bit you cradle his face in your free hand. “Because it takes a lot to be this beautiful.”
He kisses the inside of your hand. “Only you say things like this.”
“And you know that I mean them. Just hold me back after counting to three if anyone dares say anything.” You clock your tongue.
“Hmm, I’ll give you five seconds.”
“Truly kind indeed to couple with your beauty,” you giggle, bowing your head a bit. “I am not worthy.”
But he didn’t laugh this time, instead he pulled you into his lap and just held you there. He does take your cup away from you.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to be drinking coffee after five, stardust?” He frowns at the liquid and you avert your gaze.
“It’s decaf.” You lie.
He smells the cup and puts it on the coffee table before locking you in his hold. “I believe that’s enough ‘not coffee’ for one evening.”
Leaning back on his chest and looking up at him you still smile. “While your scars come from a bad memory I hope since they’ve healed you have a million more to make the bad seem insignificant. Plus I meant it when I said you’re beautiful.”
It was his turn to hold your face in one of his hands. “I know stardust. I know.”
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My shift to Bnha
I’ll start with the basics. For starters my reality is a bit different. The legal age is 25, so therefore school duration is longer, and our ages are different. I start UA when I was 19 years old, which made me a year 1 student. my parents are both prominent figures in hero society, and I was an only child to them. I only add this because I think it’s important to acknowledge background information because it shapes your experience and your placement in society, especially in a world filled with heroes everything is ranked and merit based.
UA .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
Contrary to popular belief, at least in my reality school is very much emphasized and just as important as hero work. For me a typical day looked like, getting up at 7:45 to prepare for classes that started at 8:30 and ending at 5. We do have a one hour lunch break, and a specific period to work on our specific quirks alone any way we see fit. A lot of people do use that time to slack off and hang out with friends, but they’ve recently become very strict about it. Credits to to Tenya Ida for informing the board of what people were really doing ! A lot of people were mad but honestly I am a teachers pet in this reality so I kind of appreciated it.
I can’t speak for the other classes, maybe it’s because of everything we went to, but we are not a class we are genuinely family. I am closest to Izuku, Sui, Ochacho, Mina, Todoroki and MoMo! Not in any particular order. I’m not going to talk about everyone but here are some of the reasons I love them <3
•Mina is just as extroverted quirky and bubbly as you would expect. Shes one of those people you meet and you can’t help but adore because they energy is so welcoming and they’re so loving. She’s kind of a prankster and a rumor starter and I find it hilarious. You can’t keep anything from her, though but once she has a narrative she has narrowed upon, you have a better chance of changing the devils mind.
For example i talked about this in a different post, but she started a rumour that bakugo is in love with izuku and that’s why he’s mad all the time. It got back to bakugo and he threatened to turn the cafeteria into a live bake oven. It’s honestly hilarious how she can make a whole room laugh. Or make anyone mad.. I guess it’s a talent regardless.
•Sui is the sweetest girl ever. She kind of keeps to herself but she’s honest and what you see is what you get. She’s also kind of emotional and I am kind of a cry baby too there so we get each other. We really just want to do our best and see everyone succeed. I would say both of us made friendships are bigger priority than hero training and we have both been called out for it too.
•Ochacho is very similar to Mina but she can also get down to business when she needs to. Everyone loves her, and her powers are super helpful in any situation, like for sneaking out quietly… but I wouldn’t know anything about that. I vividly remember having a conversation about our hero progress and she’s deeply insecure. She grew up impoverished and Monterey compensation is one of the reasons that really encouraged her to be a hero. I remember one time she was telling me how impressive I was during the first few weeks of school because I had a better handle on my quirk than her. She said something of how I was meant to be a hero. It made me sad because I admired her will and determination more than anyone. I had so many factors that put me ahead in some of my peers. My mother is a pro hero and I went to a profound middle school that molded me to be ready. I told her she was born to be a hero and I was made to be a hero. I was being honest and I didn’t think it meant anything but she always reminds me of how she thinks about that anytime she’s in a situation where she needs help. Nothing made me happier
•Momo and my quirks are very similar. My quirk is called clairvoyance somnium, and my hero name is dreamer. Kind of what she can do but I visualize whatever I need. I can also do more things that I won’t get into but a lot of it, I was inspired by my shifting methods ! Anyways she’s the sweetest and we live pretty close to each other so I’ve seen her around for a while. She’s honestly very gorgeous and we both struggle with insecurities and anxiety, so she really is someone I relate and rely on. Maybe it’s because our quirks or so similar or we have similar backgrounds and personalities but… she’s probably the person I am closest with! But I really do love everyone equally
Bakugo .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
Ok lots of people ask about him so let’s go.
Yes he’s so loud and always angry. You know I thought i would be scared of him but I honestly even I even give him snarky remarks sometimes (in a nice way because I am so nice in this dr) but wow he is the loudest person I’ve ever met in any dr but his powers are amazing we all respect it
Contrary to popular belief..no one is scared of him. As angry, loud and aggressive as he is he has proven time and time again all he wants to do is be a hero. Honestly it surprised some of us but everyone knows he has kind of good intentions under his wrath ??
He also makes everything a competition and he’s actually good at eveything. He’s good at school I’m pretty sure he placed after me in mid terms ! I got third and he got fourth. He’s a great cook and baker. We had a baking competition and he placed after sato. We made ramen and he made the best ramen ! Like he’s not as dumb as he looks. He’s also in a one sided competition with Todoroki but as we have all noticed he doesn’t give a fuck.
Powers .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
This may be egotistical but I could not imagine not being a hero in a world with 80% hero. Don’t let the league of villains hear this it will fuel their fire. 🥲 in all seriousness we are lectured that we are not better than anyone, and we are simply stronger than other people and that is it so we shouldn’t let it conflate our egos. The only way we would be given the green flag to pat our own backs is when are abilities begin to save millions of lives. But then I guess if we’re only being heroes to look good then would that really make us heroes. At least that’s what I wrote about in my English essay. Present mic did in fact eat it up, I got an amazing grade on it. But that’s not the point. The point is it’s easy to get a big head but we were simply genetically lucky, not better, smarter, etc.
Now that philosophy is behind us, having powers is so cool and coming back here the limits of other realities having no bounds never fails to amaze me. Our quirks are an extension of ourselves and literally are us. It’s not second nature, it’s first nature after having these abilities for so long. Especially my quirk, if I wanted I could “dream” 500 million yen, and well I wouldn’t be able to put it in the bank but I digress. Finding out what your quirk can do and how far your cbs push your limits always allows us to be going through moments of self discovery. Having a quirk is honestly it’s own life alone, and I genuinely could not be happier.
My favorite classes .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
As a student in this incredible universe, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to pursue many amazing topics of study.
One class I took was Hero Studies, where we learned about the many different hero theories and methods of justice, as well as what it takes to become an effective hero. We also discussed the history of the hero world and its evolution throughout the years. It was a fascinating subject and definitely one of my favorites!
The next class I took was Quirk Studies. Here we learned all about quirks, their effects on people and how they can be used to help protect civilians and stop villains. We even discussed how to best work with a partner with a different quirk, and how to combine two quirks to create a unique and powerful attack.
Finally, I also took a class called Combat Training. This class taught us all about combat techniques and how to use the environment and our natural abilities in order to survive any situation. We learned how to effectively dodge and block attacks, as well as how to use our quirks to create powerful attacks.
We of course also had the general classes of math, English, science, math, and music
The classes at UA High were some of the most interesting classes I have ever taken and I am so grateful for having the opportunity to explore them. Not only did I learn a lot about the world of My Hero Academia, but I also grew as a person and as a hero.
Random funny story .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
I’m going to tell you one of the funniest most embarrassing things that happened during the UA sports festive. This happened during the third event, when we were in teaams.
I was with Izuku, mei, Ochako, and fumikage. Everyone is trying to steal the headband from us because Izuku has all the points ! Everyone was targeting us and it was so unfair. during the last few seconds I started running to dream us a tower so we can hide and to grow into to the skies. Then someone came so they threw me the headband and i I was waiting for them but then they got attacked and they told me just go without them !?? I was literally shaking and my anxiety was at an all time high time so I quirked my tower or whatever and made it grow and then the time ran out! I had the headband and we thought we won and we were cheering but umm no. I was the only winner technically because I wasn’t with my team. BUT because that took away FROM the point of the team work part I was deducted points from my own Individual points because that wasn’t the point of the challenge. Honestly you win some you lose some. It was a fun experience regardless.
Also honestly i shifted here around the time of the World Cup, which I could not care less about, but I get the hype of sports witnessing Izuku’s fight against Shinso (manipulation guy.) it was so awesome !!! I was at the edge of my seat the entire time!!! So I guess Now I understand how some people feel about sports lol. By the end of the festival, I got third place overall and my mom was so proud of me. It was the honestly a great feeling.
Random dump with no correlation
my mother (Uwabami’s) Quirk gives her a trio of live snakes growing from her head. One of the snakes have acute senses, allowing her to locate hidden criminals and disaster victims.one snakes also has a scent that can make her victims mindless slaves, one snake produces poison and attacks her victims.
my father who also attended UA with my mom has Squirmy Fingers (can precisely bend and control his fingers, giving him great dexterity) As well as a High Scientific knowledge Skills IQ in engineering. I found this interesting because usually children are a combination of their parents quirks or either or, and mine has nothing to do with either lol.
Todoroki’s pretty smart though he places after Bakugou in the mid terms. he also loves to read ! He’s also politically educated and actually had profound knowledge on the history of heroes and how and why he believe hero’s and villains came to be so.. surprisingly he is more philosophical than I would think. He doesn’t really talk about it or bring it up because if you have a good conversation with him and get him to open up it is always worth.
Tbh to no surprise the food options were eclectic and varied. There was something for everyone! I had everything from traditional Japanese dishes such as ramen and sushi, to western and American-style dishes like pizza and burgers. I even had access to a variety of international cuisines like Indian, Chinese, and Korean.
One of my favorite places to get a good meal was the school cafeteria. Every day it was full of delicious options, from freshly-cooked dishes to the convenience of pre-packaged items. There were also lots of drinks and snacks available. On certain days, the cafeteria also served special meals such as curry or tonkatsu.
If I was looking for something a bit more fast-paced, there were several food stalls and restaurants around town. I could find an assortment of things like ramen, takoyaki, and okonomiyaki. There were also locations that offered more unique dishes such as Japanese-style hamburgers or omurice (Omelette Rice).
Although I often ate at restaurants, I also cooked meals in my dorm room. I could make simple dishes with ingredients from the local grocery store, like fried rice, or make something more complicated with ingredients from the nearby specialty grocery store. I even tried my hand (well with sato as well) at making dango, the traditional Japanese dessert.
Tbh No matter what type of food I was looking for, UA had it though. With all of the different options available, there was something to satisfy whatever cravings I had.
I also write and speak in English so don’t ask any language questions because I do not know
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celesteleoves · 1 year
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ೃ࿐ TOUYA TODOROKI x fem!reader
summary: when you’re boyfriend has been avoiding staying at your place, you confront him.
warnings: mentions of trauma, scars, you comforting touya. little bit of angst/fluff.
you sat at your kitchen counter, glancing at the digital alarm clock to your right every ten minutes, wondering when he will come home. when your boyfriend will come home.
the clock struck ten pm, you furrow your eyebrows, normally this would be the time when touya would knock on your door. although, for the last few weeks, touya’s visits had been infrequent.
touya knew you always had your arms open for him, he knew where the key to your apartment was, he knew you are always sitting snugly in your bed by eleven and would make sure he is in your arms in time to crawl right next to you.
it’s safe to say, he knew your whole routine and he should’ve also known you would still be anxiously waiting for his arrival at ten at night. impatiently biting your lip as you tried to refocus your thoughts.
“god dammit, touya.” you whispered under your breath, listening to the quiet instrumentals of sweater weather playing through your speaker. as of right now, music was the only thing distracting you from your boyfriends absence.
you jumped at the sound of your front door being rattled with and you felt yourself gradually moving towards it, a act you had gotten so used to when welcoming touya back into your arms.
the door was pushed open for the first time in two days by touya as he paused.
he could feel his heart beating quickly at the sight of you, a small smile making its way onto his face and making him forget about all the work he had done today.
you moved towards him quickly, engulfing him in a hug as his arms wrapped around you.
“woah. since when were you all affectionate?” touya tried to joke but your grip on him only tightened before you released him, glaring at him slightly and moving towards your patio.
“y/n, come on. please, don’t walk away from me.” he begged as he followed you.
you abruptly stopped in your tracks when you reached your patio window and stared out of it.
“me? me walk away?! touya, tell me, whos the one who has been avoiding me for days on end and suddenly walking away because i know damn well it is not me!” you huffed at your boyfriend who winced at your words.
“no, touya! i need you to understand something.”
you had cut him off from speaking and moved towards him as he inhaled, the smell of your homey perfume filling his senses as he watched you.
you pushed past him and sat on your couch. you held your stare with him and sighed, raking your hands through your hair.
“you need to understand something,” you paused and made sure he was listening to you as he sat across from you.
“you are not at war anymore, you can come home now. you can come home to me.”
“you don’t have to hide away from me.”
touya felt his resolve fade away as he let his hands drop into his lap. his blue eyes piercing into the floor as he listened to the soft padding of your footsteps coming towards him.
“i’m always here, you know that. we can talk.”
he felt his eyes sting as he nodded, his voice cracking once he spoke.
“i know.”
your eyes saddened at his scared voice, one that reminded you of a small child, one that was scared of being forgotten.
you sat next to him, pulling his face towards yours as you held his face and pulled his body into you.
“come here, t.” the nickname you had given him a few months back caused him to melt into your arms as he rested his head on your chest, the two of you laying down now as you traced his burns and scars.
touya knew you were here for him, he was just too afraid you would stop looking at him eventually, just like his father did. but he knew, even in a crowd of a thousand people, you would always see him and look for him only.
when he was with you, he was seen, and he was cared for – a feeling that he hadn’t felt or experienced in a long time. he just needed to come to terms with that, and eventually he will.
a/n: hey!! leave some more mha requests! i’m on a writing roll so send some while i’m still motivated pls lolol 🫶 anyways hope you enjoyed! love u p.s listen to Great War while reading this
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midnightjewel · 3 months
Taylor Swift Songs For Your Relationship With The BNHA Boys <3
(Part 2) Part 1
Characters Include: Midoryia, Mirio, Todoroki, Shinsou
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Mine (Speak Now TV)
Do you remember we were sitting there by the water you saw me start to believe for the first time
Everything has Changed (Red TV)
Is something I know now, know something now I didn’t before.
And all I’ve seen since 18 hours ago is green eyes and freckles and your smile
New Years Day (Reputation)
But I stay when it’s hard or it’s wrong or we’re making mistakes
Cornelia Street (Lover)
Windows flung right open, autumn air, jacket round my shoulders is yours. We bless the rains on Cornelia Street, memorize the creaks in the floors
Daylight (Lover)
And I can still see it all in my mind, all for you all for me intertwined
Sweet Nothing (Midnights)
They say the end is coming, everyone’s up to something I found myself running home to your sweet nothings
Mastermind (Midnights)
What if I told you none of it was accidental…
Champagne Problems (Evermore)
“She would’ve made such a lovely bride, what a shame she’s fucked in the head” they said
Peace (Folklore)
Your integrity makes me seem small, you paint dreamscapes on the wall, I talk shit with my friends… it’s like I’m wasting your honor!
Come Back…Be Here (Red TV)
This is when the feeling sinks in, I don’t wanna miss you like this…
Back to December (Speak Now TV)
I’d go back in time and change it, but I can’t. So if the chain is on your door, I understand.
White Horse (Fearless TV)
Cause I’m not your princess, this ain’t our fairytale, I’m gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well…
Should’ve Said No (Taylor Swift)
I can’t resist, before you go tell me this, was it worth it? Was she worth it..?
The Prophecy (TTPD)
Please, I’ve been on my knees, change the prophecy
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So High School (TTPD)
Get my car door, isn’t that sweet then pull me to the back seat. No one’s ever had me, not like you…
But Daddy I Love Him (TTPD)
And I’m running with my dress unbuttoned. Screaming “but daddy I love him!” I’m having his baby… no I’m not, but you should see your faces!
Ours (Speak Now TV)
Don’t you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine but they can’t take what’s ours
State of Grace (Red TV)
And I never (never) saw you coming! And I’ll never be the same…
Begin Again (Red TV)
And we walked down the block to my car and I almost brought him up but you start to talk about the movies that your family watches ever single Christmas and now I wanna talk about that…
And for the first time, what’s past is past
I Know Places (1989 TV)
They are the hunters, we are the foxes and we run. Just grab my hand and don’t ever drop it, my love.
Baby, I know places we won’t be found and they’ll be chasing their tails trying to track us down…
False God (Lover)
We might just get away with it. Religions in your lips. Even if it’s a false god, we’d still worship. We might just get away with it the alter is my hips even if it’s a false god…
So Long, London (TTPD)
I didn’t opt in to be your odd man out, I founded the club she’s heard great things about
The Great War (Midnights)
It turned into something bigger, somewhere in the haze got a sense I’ve been betrayed
Looked up at me with honor and truth, broken and blue, so I called off the truce. That was the night I nearly lost you…
Blank Space (1989 TV)
Screaming, Crying, Perfect Storms
Oh my god, who is she?! I get drunk on jealousy
I Wish You Would (1989 TV)
You always knew how to push my buttons, you gave me everything and nothing…
Is It Over Now? (1989 TV)
Think I didn’t see there were flashing lights? At least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sight, only rumors about my hips and thighs and my whispered sighs, oh lord
Death By A Thousand Cuts (Lover)
I dress to kill my time, I take the long way home, I ask the traffic lights if it’ll be alright they say “I don’t know…”
imgonnagetyouback (TTPD)
(My personal favorite)
I can feel it coming humming in the way you move, push the reset button we’re becoming something new. Say you’ve got somebody I’ll say I’ve got someone too. Even if it’s handcuffed I’m leaving here with you.
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Love Story (Fearless TV)
Romeo save me I’ve been feeling so along I keep waiting for you but you never come, is this in my head I don’t know what to think he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
Timeless (Speak Now TV)
Even if we’d met on a crowded street in 1944 and you were heading off to fight in the war, you still would’ve been mine we would’ve been timeless
Holy Ground (Red TV)
Spinning like a girl in a brand new dress, We had this big wide city all to ourselves. We blocked out the noise with the sound of “I need you”
Delicate (Reputation)
Sometimes I wonder when you sleep, are you ever dreaming of me?
Dancing with our hands tied (Reputation)
I’d kiss you as the lights went out, swaying as the room burned down. I’d hold you as the water rushes in if I could dance with you again
All of the girls you’ve loved before (Lover)
All of the girls you’ve loved before…
Made you the one I’ve fallen for
The Tortured Poets Department (TTPD)
Sometimes I wonder if you’re gonna screw things up with me. But you told Lucy you’d kill yourself if I ever leave…
Cold As You (Taylor Swift)
And you come away with a great little story, of a mess of dreamer with the nerve to adore you
Mr. Perfectly Fine (Fearless TV)
So dignified in your well pressed suit, so strategized all the eyes on you, sashay your way to your seat, it’s the best seat in the best room
All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Red TV)
You kept me like a secret… but I kept you like an oath…
I Bet You Think About Me (Red TV)
At your cool indie music concerts every week, I bet you think about me in your house with your organic shoes and your million dollar couch
Wildest Dreams (1989 TV)
Someday when you leave me I’ll bet the memories follow you around…
You’re Losing Me (Midnights)
And I wouldn’t marry me either, a pathological people pleaser, who only wanted you to see her
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived (TTPD)
We’re you sent by someone who wanted me dead?
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I Can See You (Speak Now TV)
I could see you in your suit and your neck tie, pass me a note saying “meet me tonight” then we kiss and you know I won’t ever tell yeah….
You Are In Love (1989 TV)
You can hear it in the silence…
You can feel it on the way home
Don’t Blame Me (Reputation)
And baby for you I would cross the line, I would waste my time, I would lose my mind…
Afterglow (Lover)
Hey, it’s all me… just don’t go, meet me in the afterglow
Willow (Evermore)
The more that you say, the less I know. Wherever you stray I follow, I’m begging for you to take my hand, wreck my plans
Labyrinth (Midnights)
Lost in the labyrinth of my mind…
Mastermind (Midnights)
And the first night that you saw me I knew I wanted your body…
I laid the groundwork and then, just like clockwork, the dominoes cascaded in a line. What if I told you I’m a mastermind?
Haunted (Speak Now TV)
You and I walk a fragile line… I have known it all this time
Clean (1989 TV)
The rain came pouring down, when I was drowning that’s when I could finally breathe
Now That We Don’t Talk (1989 TV)
I don’t have to pretend I like acid rock, or that I’d like to be on a mega yacht with important men who think important thoughts, guess maybe I am better off
exile (Folklore)
“So I’m leaving out the side door”
“So step right out!”
Right Where You Left Me (Evermore)
When I felt the moment stop, glass shattered on the white cloth…
loml (TTPD)
Your arsons match your somber eyes…
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tickling-giggles · 1 year
Hi Kiara!! I missed reading your fics hehe, it always brings me joy!! If you have time, please consider writing a fic with lee reader (male or gender neutral) and lers todoroki and bakugou! Hehe (Probably the Reader is a new student in UA, initially scared of Todoroki and Bakugou because of their brutality in the UA Sports Festival. But then Midoriya decided to introduce the reader to them to show that they're not that scary, and the teasy midoriya somehow make Bakugou and Todoroki wreck the reader with tickles lol). P.S. please no foot/palm tickles, have a nice day Kiara! Looking forward to it <3
You’ll fit in Just fine
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A/N: Hello nonnie!! I’m glad my fics bring you happiness.
Summary: You just transferred to UA and Izuku helps you fit into 1-A. He introduces you to Bakugou and Todoroki. Everyone thinks that they’re very intimidating, but Izuku will prove otherwise by inviting you to a game night!
G/N- Gender Neutral (They/Them)
“My stuff is already here?” You asked Deku nervously. “Yeah I helped your parents bring your stuff up” He smiled at you.
“Come on i have some friends I would like for you to meet” He eagerly grabbed your hand. You grabbed on to anything and everything to stop him from bringing dragging you inside of the dorms. “Y/N come on there’s nothing to be nervous about” he explained as he pull.
As you entered the dorms mix of excitement and apprehension. But a couple of them were playing a game when you walked in. “Hey guys this is Y/N. They’re new here” Deku introduced. “H-hi I’m F/N L/N. I was originally supposed to be here on the first day of UA but they lost some paper work and I had to wait.” You explained.
“Omg hiiiii Y/N I’m Mina by the way I love your hair is pretty” Mina complimented you. “I’m Denki IS THAT A FRUITSBASKET TATTOO I LOVE THAT ANIME” Denki fanboyed over the tattoo. One by one they introduced themselves to you it calmed your nerves. “Hey do you guys wanna play with us?” Sero offered.
“I have to help them finish unpacking plus I want them to meet Kacchan and Todoroki” He smiled before he dragged you into the elevator. “When you said todoroki you don’t mean… Endeavor’s son Shouto do you?” Your nerves started creeping up on ya. “Yes and Kacchan, I still can’t believe you don’t remember him the three of us use to play heroes all the time” Deku reminded you.
“WAIT BAKUGOU?! KATSUKI BAKUGOU?!” The realization finally hit you. “Yes him” Deku giggled. “He’s that guy from the sports festival who went up against ochako!!” You started panicking.
“Kacchan isn’t gonna hurt you netheir is Todoroki they’re both super fun to be around once you get to know em” Deku reassured you as you two walk to Todoroki’s room he knocked on the door as it open you see Bakugou sitting down on his bed.
“Hey sho” Deku happily greeted. “Hello Midoriya” He greeted him back as he notice you “Who’s this Midoriya are they new?” He asked.
“Bingo! This is Y/F/N Y/L/N, Y/N this is Shoto and That is Kacchan”Deku introduced. “Haven’t seen this extra since back when I was 5” Kacchan raised a brow looking at you. “H-Hi is that the one card game you were talking about Izu?” You asked noticing the game infront of Bakugou.
“Oh yeah that’s the Truth or Dare game lets all play it” Deku plopped on Shoto’s bed. Shoto closed the door as both you and him sat on his bed. “Sure why not” Todoroki agreed as he opened the boxes and found some cards laying the two stacks ‘Truth’ and ‘Dare’. “You’re going first Deku” bakugou stated.
“Fine” Deku goes picking up a date card “Dare spin in a circle for 30 seconds and walk in a straight line, if you fail cold water will be poured on you! Guys can we do 15 seconds? Pleaseeeee” Deku whined. You, bakugou, and Todoroki told him no.
“Fine If i hurt myself I blame all of you” Deku pouted as he did his dare successfully surprisingly.
“You’re turn Kacchan” Deku smiled. “I know that Deku” He also picked up a Dare “Dare have a chugging contest with the person on your left. loser has to get a nose hair pulled you’re gonna lose Deku” Bakugou grinned handing Deku a water bottle.
They both began to chug and surprisingly it was a tie. “Who won it was me right icyhot?” He gasped for air. “Nah uh it was totally me right Y/N” Deku argued. “Well it was a tie” you and todoroki both say. “So who gets the punishment?” Deku asked “I guess no one since it was a tie if so then I’m drawing my card” Todoroki explained picking up a dare “Dare draw a Truth um okay Truth is it true that you like cats? Yes my sister has a cat at home she just adopted her, her name is Chi Chi” Todoroki told the truth.
“That wasn’t fair” Deku pouted.
“Your turn nerd” Bakugou notified you. You picked up a Dare “Dare send your mom or dad a risky message then text oops wrong person. Yeah no that’s a set up Andrea my parent will kill me. I’m picking truth Truth are you ticklish No okay your turn Midoriya” you sped up the last bit. “Why—“
“Shut up go” you side-eyed Deku smiling nervously. “You didn’t read the the whole card dummy we have to prove if it’s true or not” Deku giggled as you doubled back looking at the card it did indeed say that.
Little did you know, Bakugou and Todoroki had mischievous sides too. Suddenly, they teamed up and decided it was time to initiate you into their group by indulging in some lighthearted tickling fun.
As they approached you with mischievous grins, you tried to protest, but the ticklish sensations overwhelmed your resistance. “Seehe I’m not tihicklish” “Oi Deku come hold their arms down there in my way” Bakugou demanded. And of course Deku pinned your arms above your head which made you more vulnerable and ticklish.
“Lehet goho izhuhuku you traitohor” you let giggles out.
Giggles and laughter filled the room as they tickled you, gently but persistently, until you couldn't hold back the laughter anymore.
“Ohohkahahay wahahait ihit tihickles ahahaha” you tried wiggling out of Deku’s grip. “That’s the point” Deku giggled tracing shapes on your neck,as bakugou started scribbling your armpits.
“Finally they cracked” Bakugou smirked . “They’re more ticklish than you Midoriya” Todoroki teased drilling his fingers into your hips. “Todoroki!” Deku blushed.
“OHOHOHOKAHAHAHAY OHOHOKAHAHAY” you tapped the floor and they let up. “See I told you they weren’t that bad” Deku giggled.
After the tickling stopped, you realized that your initial fear of Bakugou and Todoroki had melted away. Their playful antics had brought you closer together, and from that day forward, you all cherished the bond of friendship, knowing that laughter truly knows no bounds.
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dira333 · 11 months
Passing Peonies - Post War Touya Todoroki - Part VI
When the war ended, Midoriya Izuku had proven one thing: That Villains did not need to be killed to be defeated. That you could make friends from enemies.
Touya Todoroki, formerly known as Dabi, had been one of those taken into the rehabilitation program. After one year of intense physical and psychological therapy, he's got the chance to prove himself. To prove that he can be a part of this world.
Complete fic length: 30.600 words - Masterlist
Warnings: poor mental health and resentment against past actions is mentioned, burn scars etc. as well. There is angst but this is mostly soft Touya coming back to his family...
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Part 6: (2,5k words)
You’re in the kitchen, washing your hands and looking at the garden through the window when the door opens.
“We’re home!” Natsuo calls out. 
“In the kitchen,” Touya calls back, drying his hands and sending you a comforting smile.
“My siblings.”
You nod.
“Oh, you’re here too.” Natsuo’s surprise is palpable until he spots the tree through the kitchen window.
“Sick! Fuyumi! Shouto! We’ve got a new tree.”
“What do you mean, a new tree?” Fuyumi steps in next, throwing you a polite smile before she spots the tree as well, racing after Natsuo on the way out.
Shouto’s the last to come by, staying close to the door instead of entering the kitchen properly, nodding a greeting. 
“I’ll be in my room.” He tells them quietly.
“Don’t you want to see the tree?” Touya asks, hoping that his brother will like it. His reaction is the most important to him, after his parents.
“I don’t remember the first tree.” Shouto reminds him. Again, it feels personal. 
Your hand’s suddenly on his arm.
Your eyes are still on Shouto like they always are when he’s around. But you’re touching him, voice soft and careful when you speak.
“To him, it is just a tree.” You tell him. “If you want him to understand, you’ll have to explain it. You can’t expect him to read your mind.”
“What’s it to you?” Shouto asks from the door and you push him, gently, towards his baby brother.
When they come back inside, you’re gone. 
He wishes you had stayed.
“Your siblings,” You ask, late Monday afternoon, “How old are they?”
He’d been telling you about their reactions, how Natsuo and Fuyumi had been awed by your Quirk, how Shouto had been cautious at first and lost in thought the rest of the night.
How his mother had cried and his father had hugged him, awkwardly but tight, when they realized what their tree stump had become.
“Fuyumi is one year younger than me. I’m 26 by the way. Natsuo is four years younger and Shouto is eight years younger. Why?”
“Just curious. Shouto-kun looks a lot older than he is but when he mentioned that he did not remember the tree I felt my math not adding up.”
“How old are you?” He asks something he’s been wondering about for longer than he wants to admit.
“Guess.” You’re grinning and he’s groaning.
“Don’t do that to me. I’m awful at that.”
You shrug. “You don’t have to guess. You can just keep not knowing.”
“Twenty.” He blurts out the first number that comes to his mind. You laugh.
“Sill wrong.”
He glares at you as you giggle.
You’re full-on laughing now, enjoying his miserable guessing skills a little too much, when the bell chimes and his father enters the shop.
You fall quiet like the laughter has been sucked out of you.
“I’m sorry.” Enji looks as awkward as Touya feels. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“No worries.” Your smile is polite but distant. “I need to get more plant food for the roses. Call me if you need help.” 
You move toward the back room but his father calls your name.
“No, please… Please stay. My wife sent me. We want to invite you over. For dinner. As a thank you for the tree.”
“I didn’t do much.”
“You did more than enough.”
Again it feels like you’re no longer talking about the tree.
“You don’t have to.” He tells you. “But it would be nice if you came.”
You look at him and Touya wonders, not for the first time, if you can read his mind.
Eventually, you nod. “But nothing fancy, please.”
Touya smiles. “Just grilled cheese.”
You smile too, but it doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
He’d begged and bribed and read through any recipe he could find to make it happen only to be the one stationed in the kitchen while you’re sitting at the table.
He’s filling Gyoza with cheese and can barely see anything through the door, just Shouto’s stiff back and half of his mother’s head. At least Fuyumi is there with him, bribed with two new plants for her room and one of his jackets she’s taken a liking to.
A year and a half might have passed since he’d survived the war, but Dinners at Todorokis are never a lively thing. 
Which is why it’s not surprising that all he can hear is small talk with long breaks in between.
“The bouquets this week were quite nice.” He hears his father say as he folds yet another Gyoza, regretting - again - that they came here right after work. “My secretary says it’s the nicest we’ve had so far and asked if he could take it home on Saturday to his wife.”
“That was one of Touya-kun’s creations.” You answer softly and his ears burn under your praise.
“Does he have talent?” That’s Shouto. His question, as usual, is a little bit too direct. It speaks for his family that no one chides him and instead, waits for your answer.
“He has been my most talented employee so far.” You admit freely. “He has a fantastic eye and a good ear for the plants.”
“Why, are they talking?” Natsuo asks and Touya presses his thumb so hard into the Gyoza that the dough breaks.
“They can if you’re listening.” You answer simply and he knows, he just knows, that his brother thinks you’re a nutjob.
“Is that what you’re doing?” His mother asks when he plates the last Gyoza, now fried a little crispy on the edges, and takes them out with Fuyumi following him with the other dishes.
“Food’s ready.” He calls out and places the dish in front of you before taking a seat across from you.
He watches you smile when you take the first bite, sharing a look with him that only he understands. Suddenly, having to stand in the kitchen for a last-minute dish after work is worth it if just for that look on your face.
“Touya has told us that your Quirk allows you to grow things.” His mother starts again when the food is devoured.
“Well, yes. That is what I do.”
“Can you grow fruit or just plants that will eventually produce fruit?” Shouto asks, following it up with an explanation. “Momo can materialize anything as long as she knows the molecular structure behind it.”
He points at his girlfriend who’d been mostly quiet up until now. She shows her bare arm and with a glowing light, a plump apple falls from her skin. She catches it in her hand and offers it to you.
“I cannot grow fruit. But I can grow a cut flower instead of the bush that will eventually produce said flower.” You stretch out your hand as if you’re trying to pluck a crumble from Touya’s hair and when you pull it back, he recognizes the closed bulb of a peony in your hand, the stem as long as your arm.
“But they have a mind of their own. Especially peonies don’t like to come out blooming.”
“We are so grateful that you helped grow back our tree. It feels like old wounds can heal now.”
Touya tenses, feeling your eyes on him. It’s not that he dislikes talking about the tree, but he feels like they’ve done enough talking about the tree by now. Sure, they cannot yet see what the spring will bring with the flowers and plants that he placed, but they could ask about it for a chance.
“Have you had the chance to listen to what the rest of the garden will bring in the spring?” You ask at that moment as if you’d read his mind yet again.
“I understand that there will be tulips, but please, Touya, tell us again.”
After dinner, you relocate to the living room, where Rei pulls out a picture album.
“I redid this one after I’ve found some pictures I’d forgotten about.” She explains and opens it on the first page to Touya, naked, in the arms of his father.
He’s going to die.
“Oh, you were so cute back then.” Fuyumi coos.
“You peed on me,” Enji remembers fondly. “And couldn’t stay still for a second.”
“Do you feel comfortable with me seeing these pictures?” You ask, quietly, but somehow loud enough for the room to fall quiet.
Touya stills, focusing on your eyes, on your face, on everything he’s learned to trust, and nods. 
“Yeah. It’s embarrassing but I trust that you’ll not go around advertising with my baby pictures.”
You shrug with a smile. “I might, if it would sell.” 
He laughs, surprised at the joke.
The first year of his life is documented to the extreme.
He’d been born prematurely and the pictures of himself, tubes sticking out of every opening, inside a glowing cube of some kind, still seem to hurt his parents.
Fuyumi is almost double his size at birth, looking like a model baby on her father's arm. 
“Did not pee on me,” Enji recalls just as fondly. “But you did poop on me once.”
By the time Natsuo is born, Touya’s fire quirk had already manifested. But the pictures are not organized chronologically, it seems, because after Natsuo’s baby picture’s, there are picture’s of baby Shouto.
Now, years later, and with a different mindset, he can tell that his baby brother has the cutest baby face of all of them. Maybe it’s the eyes, or his hair, or something else entirely, but when he looks at those pictures now, he feels no hatred, but a warm kind of curiosity.
Natsuo flips the page and there he is, Touya, hands aflame, a proud look on both his and his father’s face who’s standing next to him, equally aflame.
He’d forgotten about that picture but that’s not what pulls his attention. Instead it’s your brows, pinched together like you’re holding a thought. And you keep holding it, through all the pictures you’re shown. 
He drives you home. 
It’s his father’s car and he’s only allowed to take it every other day, but it doesn’t matter right now, because he’s driving you home and your brows are still pinched and he doesn’t know what’s wrong.
“Ever since you saw that picture of me,” he starts when he parks in front of the shop, “You’ve looked deep in thought.”
“I just never realized that you used to have orange flames.” You tell him. “I knew you had a fire quirk but when I looked it up once it was mentioned that your flames were blue.”
“I don’t really have a fire quirk.” He realizes he’s babbling but he can’t seem to stop. “Or at least my body can’t handle the fire. I’m not allowed to use it anymore. Haven’t figured out the ice thing though, so I’m kinda quirkless at the moment.”
“When did your blue flames appear?” You ask, completely disregarding his comment, something you’ve never done before.
“When I was about nine, I had it when I burned down the-” He halts, realizing what he was about to say, and finishes his sentence anyway. “Tree. When I burned down the tree.”
You don’t flinch at his admission. You just stare out the window, still deep in thought.
“Do you have a problem with fire quirks?” He asks, more a guess, really.
“Quite the contrary, actually.”
“You love fire quirks?” If only his heart wouldn’t beat this quick.
“When I was thirteen years old, the building I was in burned down. I only survived because someone with a fire quirk saved me at the last minute.”
“The scaring on your neck.” He blurts out before he can stop himself but you nod calmly.
“Yes. I do not try to hide it but I am aware that my hair covers most of it.”
“Did you think that Shouto or my father could have saved you?”
“I don’t know.” You say. “I just remember a burning figure coming through the fire and the next thing I knew was me waking up in the hospital.”
“It could be someone else with a fire quirk.” He points out before realizing that there are no other documented cases with a fire quirk like theirs. His own grandmother had a lava quirk after all.
But why are you so tense about it?
“Are you disappointed that my father might have saved you?”
You sigh and your brows relax as if you’re letting go of what bothers you. He wishes he could do the same.
“I don’t know if this is a universal thing or if it’s just me, but when I was saved, I felt like I had to make it count. To live a life worth saving. But I also just wanted a quiet life and wondered if that would be okay for my savior. Never knowing who it was made it easier until I met your father and now I cannot stop thinking about how my life must look through his eyes.”
“It could be someone with a fire resistance quirk.” He offers. “Not my father. And it’s not me, I’ve never been a hero.”
“You are, but not in the way you think.”
“What do you mean?”
You turn away from him and for a moment he thinks you’re going to get out and leave him with his question, but then you turn back with a black box in your hands.
“I thought about giving you this at the dinner but it felt out of place. Congratulations, Touya. You made it through six months of rehabilitation.”
He stares at you, in the dim light of a sole street lamp, his heart beating and breaking and folding itself together.
There’s a softness in your eyes he wants to mean something else and yet, isn’t he also happy with what he has? 
He pulls the lid of the box to reveal another, smaller, box.
“I was wondering what you’d like.” You tell him, your voice a quiet mumble. “I hope it’s okay.”
He pulls the lid of the box to reveal yet another, smaller box and now he’s grinning and you’re smiling.
He pulls the lid off again, to reveal yet another black box, but this one’s different, the edges curved. It’s a ring box and he feels foolish when he opens it to reveal one single silver ring. 
Engraved into the exterior is a single peony, it’s bud not open yet. He turns the ring to feel the inner circle, knowing somehow that it will be engraved as well.
Dabi, he finds, Touya, next to it. And bloom.
“Can I touch you?” You ask and he nods, his voice stuck in his throat.
You pull him into a hug, his chin fitting right above your shoulder, your cheek warm against his neck.
He can feel your heartbeat against his, can feel your breath ghost over his shoulder.
“You are doing great, Touya-kun.” You tell him softly. “I am proud of you.”
taglist: @misfit-megumi @shoulmate @pixiesavvy @the2ndl @neko-my-cat @chelseaquake @tiredslepz @frozen-phoenix17 @spltbtch
taglist is open, if you want to join, just mention it in a comment or send me a message.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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xobrattymoonxo · 5 months
Summary: When Y/n had everything taken from her at such a young age, she wanted to strike revenge. Foster home after foster home Y/n set fires all over the place... and even some people. It wasn't until the number two hero, Endeavor, took her under his wing for a positive image. Y/n meet a boy there, Touya. Touya was the only one who understood her. One day, Touya is rushed to the hospital.....Y/n never saw him again. Endeavor begins to blame Y/n, as all his force is now aimed at her. Baby shouto came shortly after the incident. On Shouto's 7th birthday, y/n was kicked out and forced to live off of nothing. Y/n rummaged the streets of the city until she met a pro hero, snipe. He helped Y/n to better herself and become a great hero. Y/n only has one goal, though....and that's to kill Endeavor. Little did she know her childhood best friend, Touya, has been keeping an eye on her...... And he has other plans for her, hero.
Trigger Warnings: Noncon, dubcon, somnophilia, Yandere, stalking, obsessions creepy behavior, major character death, brutal scenes of violence, arson, setting people on fire, blood, gore
Taglist: Open, dm, send an ask,  or comment to be added!
AN: Your friends seem a lil fake in this chapter sorry 😭
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Third person Pov
“No, Endeavor was.”
Those words burned into Keigo’s mind for a moment.
“Endeavor… he raised you?” He asked in complete shock.
“Unfortunately.” Y/n sighed.
“What!?!? He’s the number one hero now! What do you mean unfortunately?” Keigo was taken aback by her words.
“I mean he’s an abusive piece of shit who killed my best friend!” Y/n snapped.
“Woah.” Rumi said.
“That's a pretty harsh allegation Y/n.” Keigo snapped back. “If he really did all those things how could he be a hero?”
“Cause no one believed me when I tried…. And his kids….. They live in fear of him.” Y/n said back.
“What did he do to you, Y/n?” Rumi asked.
“Some really fucked up things but not as bad as what happened to Touya. He didn’t even get to come home that last time, as for me I always went home to Endeavor…. Everytime… he silenced the hospitals, burned the records and if anyone saw my scars, well they blamed it on my own quirk…. The flames of inferno…”
“Y/n…. I am so sorry…” Rumi said.
Keigo stood up and pulled his wing from Y/n and Rumi.
“I need a moment.” He said as he walked out to her balcony. The two watched him fly off as Y/n turned to Rumi again.
“I don’t think he believed me.” She said, “Should we go after him?”
“No, you stay here. I will go after him.” Rumi stood up as she walked out the front door, locking it behind her.
Y/n was left alone once again with nothing but thoughts of Touya and the evil Endeavor.
Hours passed and she still hadn’t heard anything from them. She washed off her face and decided to head out to find them. After about 20 minutes of walking, she saw the two on a patio outside a pub. She was about to approach them when an arm suddenly grabbed her back into an alley way. She looked ready to kick ass when he interrupted her.
“Shhh just listen.” The voice said in a tone unrecognizable.
Y/n was curious so she turned her attention back to Keigo and Rumi.
“I’m just saying Rumi, who could believe that about Endeavor? He’s the number one hero! No one should be saying such allegations against him!” Keigo said.
“What about Natsuo? Can’t you ask him?” Rumi asked.
“What if he’s lying too?”
“This isn’t like you Keigo. I just think you should hear her story first.” Rumi said.
“No. I can’t listen to more lies about my hero from someone we apparently don’t even know.” Keigo spat. “If it was true the Todoroki siblings would be talking about it by now!”
Rumi felt he made a good argument. “You make a fair point… I still think we should hear her out.”
“I can’t right now, I am too mad.” Keigo said.
Y/n felt a hand on her arm, pulling her back into the reality of the world around her.
“Come with me and I can make things better.” He whispered in her ear.
“Who are you?” She asked.
He didn’t say anything other than give her a menacing laugh. He turned on his heels to walk away as she watched. Before she could understand the situation, her feet were moving on their own, following this mysterious man.
He took his hood down around the back corner, as he turned to wink at her… Dabi… why the hell was he so interested in her?
Y/n walked back to her apartment as it started to rain. The realization of what she saw between Keigo and Rumi hit as tears started free falling from her eyes. Before she realized it, she was at the door of adopted dads home. She rang the doorbell as she waited patiently.
“Good timing as always, the stove broke again Y/n.” He laughed before realizing she was in tears. “Oh shit, what’s wrong?” He asked opening his arms for her.
“I finally came clean to my friends and they didn’t believe me.” She sniffled in his arms.
Snipe sighed as he pulled her inside from out in the rain.
“If your friends won’t believe you, then I think you need new friends, Sweetie.” He said calmly. “Have you spoken to Fuyumi lately? She frantically was looking for you earlier today saying it was urgent.”
“Urgent? She hasn’t messaged me at all…” Y/n pulled out her phone. She sighed seeing it was a message warning her something about Endeavor. Y/n read the full message. She pushed past Snipe as she ran to the washroom and began throwing up.
Snipe chased after her, grabbing her phone reading the message that Endeavour and Inferno are to have to work together in upcoming press conference about villainous quirks used for
“Villainous? How dare they say that when you are the number 9 hero!” Snipe snapped. “I hate how hero society casts anyone with a quirk they think is too hot to handle.”
Y/n let out a small chuckle as she caught onto his pun about fire.
“It’s okay Dad, I will figure it out. I have to get out of it somehow..” She thought out loud.
“We will figure it out, but for now, let’s go see your mom.”
He walked her into the kitchen where her mother stood trying to light the gas stove. Y/n let out a small chuckle as she lit her finger, lighting the stove.
“You guys really need a new stove.” She laughed.
Outside the house, against a tree across from the big front window, stood Dabi in a hoodie, slowly watching Y/n and the family he used to long for having a grand old time.
One day, she will be his, and he plans to make that day sooner rather than later….
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Taglist @weirdovictor @fiestynatureweeb @venusplan @itsmearia01
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alrightberries · 1 year
seasons change
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PAIRING: dabi x reader
SUMMARY: in which you and dabi are childhood best friends who are bad with feelings.
alternatively, all the words unspoken between you and dabi are summarized with just one short word: goodbye.
TAGS & WARNINGS: implied sex, smoking, kinda unhealthy relationship, implied body horror (it's dabi)
a/n: this has been rotting in my drafts for so long; i wrote this before dabi's backstory was officially revealed no one come for me for the wonky timeline
you didn't like cleaning houses. or, a better way of putting it was, you didn't like cleaning someone else's house six days a week, four weeks a month, twelve months a year.
days always ended with back pain and scraped knees from the intense floor scrubbing, and you didn't like the way the wet rags would leave your fingers wrinkled and cramping.
your mom insisted that cleaning was fun because it built character and discipline. you insisted that it wasn't fun, and that cleaning your house was much easier than cleaning a mansion (but, really now, anything was a mansion to you compared to your one bedroom house).
"okay, how about we play another game?" your mom asks with a teasing smile. "whoever cleans the mops the fastest, wins!"
it was five o'clock in the evening and you were tired— your shoulders and elbows hurt and at this point you were ready to pass out in your futon back at home. but work is from seven to seven, and you still had to polish the gym's... red mill? treck mill? you can't remember what they were called.
"but momma, i'm tired." you whined. "can we go home now? i wanna go to school tomorrow."
the wide smile on your mom's face gets smaller, and you don't know how to describe it. she was smiling but why did she seem sad? smiles weren't meant to be sad.
"maybe you should skip school tomorrow too. don't you want to spend more time with momma?"
you do want to spend more time with momma, but you've been skipping school for two months now. you miss your friends. you miss when work was play, and play was play, and play was fun.
when you don't reply, your mom sighs and kneels on the floor, fingers lifting your chin to meet her eyes. "tell you what. how about you rest for now, okay? i'll clean up the mops and polish the treadmills, you stay here. if anyone comes in, just pretend to be cleaning, okay?"
her foot steps pad away when she slides the big door close, and you sigh when you finally sit down for the first time in what felt like hours. but just as soon as the doors slid close, they opened again, and you tense. you knew it wasn't your mom, mom always knocks.
"oh— uh, sorry." a boy, probably the son of your mom's client, murmurs in surprise. his white hair is the first thing you notice, his blue eyes (were they blue? maybe green?) the second. "i saw L/N-san leave the gym and thought you were finished."
"we're almost done," was the only thing you managed to say softly, before— "oh!" you dipped into a deep bow. "good evening, todorki-sama."
"ugh, sama?" you don't see but the boy grimaces. "don't call me that, you make me sound so old."
"i'm sorry, todoroki—"
"okay, todoroki-san."
"...you can stop bowing now," he laughs awkwardly, and you straighten up. "my dad says i'm not supposed to talk to you."
"mom says I’m not supposed to talk to you either."
a moment passes, and neither of you know what to say. you were still staring at the floor and fiddling with your hands while waiting for him to talk or leave or... something.
suddenly, todoroki clears his throat, awkwardly shifting around. "why don't the adults want us to talk?"
"i don't—"
"todoroki touya!" a firm voice booms from the doorway, and you grab a rag and start polishing the reck mill. you don't turn around when you hear todorki approach his father, footsteps fading away and the door sliding shut again.
no more than a minute later, your mom came back. she lifted your chin again and gave you a kiss on the forehead, small smile on her face when she grabbed a rag to help you clean.
she looked paler than she did when she left, and you don't mention it when you notice her fingers start shaking. you don't mention the red stuff on the white handkerchief peeking out of her pocket, either.
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"i'm bored."
"i'm bored."
"i heard you."
"y/n, i'm bored."
"what am i supposed to do about it?"
"...entertain me."
you smile. "entertain you how?"
"tell me about your quirk," todoroki said one day, mindlessly tapping his pencil on the table. there was some kind of math written on the papers in front of him, but it was gibberish in your eyes— you could, just barely, read and count, but you don't know what business a triangle has being surrounded by numbers and the ABCs.
"i don’t have one, todorki-san."
"touya-kun, i told you to call me touya-kun." he grumbles, and you giggle.
"okay, touya-kun." you don't know why touya kept talking to you— he was probably bored, like he said, and maybe lonely— but you liked his company.
"did the counselor say you were quirkless?"
"no," you adjust your grip on the broom. "mom says we can't afford quirk counseling, but she's quirkless so i probably am too."
"don't schools have free quirk counseling?"
school. huh, you haven't thought of that in a while. so you shrug. "i wouldn't know, i don't go to school anymore."
"really?!" he screeches, and you nod. a long, bored groan escapes his lips, and you laugh when be dramatically flops down on the floor. "you're so lucky!"
not really, you wanted to say. i'm just lucky you're homeschooled so i'm not alone. speaking of which—
"are those from training again?" you eye the bruises that litter his arms. you don't think you've ever seen him without a bruise in the years you've known each other.
"yeah, dad's been really strict lately," he says, and you don't get the chance to ask him more about it because there's a knock on the door. you step away from him, going back to sweeping the room just as his mom comes in with a tray of food in her hands, and touya lets out a yell of happiness.
she teases him about his unfinished math homework before she leaves, and you try to ignore the smell of miso and fish his mom made for him. when was the last time you ate? was it yesterday or the other day? you couldn't remember.
"d'you want some?" touya asks when he hears your tummy grumble embarrassingly loud. but you decline. "no, it's okay. your mom made those for you."
"she made too much though, and i don't want it to go to waste."
liar. you've seen him eat, he could eat two servings of what he had now and still ask for dessert. but you keep quiet this time, putting down the broom and accepting todoroki's invitation when he pats the spot next to him.
"haven't you eaten lunch yet?" he asks, and you quietly shake your head as he lends you his chopsticks.
"well, why not?"
"i don't know how to cook."
"doesn't your mom cook for you?"
"she does, but she's in the hospital."
touya tries to think of the past week and realizes he hasn't seen her around, not even heard her voice to call you from another room. so he asks, "is she going to be okay?"
"maybe? the nice doctor said she'll be fine." you reply. touya only nods.
he slips two rice balls in your bag just before you leave that day, telling you to give one to your mom when she gets back from the hospital.
"oh! and tell her i said hi."
he keeps slipping you rice balls after that because you never got to tell her he said hi, and you never got to tell her goodbye, either.
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there are sniffles coming from touya's room.
the sniffles make you pause mid-polish of a large and empty vase in the hallway, and you've been awkwardly standing in front of his door for a good six minutes now, unsure what to do. should you go get his parents? no, that would make it seem like you were eavesdropping on their son. should you knock? yeah, knocking seemed like a good choice.
so you do; three soft knocks on his door, and suddenly the sniffles stop.
"touya?" you call out, knocking again. "it's me."
there's a moment of silence before the door hesitantly cracks open. he doesn't open it all the way at first, one eye peeking out to make sure it really was you. the door opens fully this time, and you're confused when he peers around the empty hallway, eyes lingering to make sure no one was there, before yanking you inside, arms wrapping around your waist and his head tucking into the crook of your neck.
"touya, what are you—"
"please stay with me," came his little squeak, followed by more sniffles and his body wracking from his ragged breaths. an arm wraps around his torso, the other one cradling the back of his head as you shushed him and reassured him, slowly rocking both your bodies back and forth.
"do you want to talk about it?" you ask quietly, and touya shakes his head, burrowing deeper into you.
you nod. "it's okay, you don't have to."
your words were calm and reassuring but internally you were panicking. all the hairs on your body stood on its end because there was this... smell, one that you could only compare to a mixture of butane and a burning dumpster.
burning skin, your brain horrifically corrected, and every fibre of your being was screaming at you to get the hell out of there.
but then you realize where the smell is coming from, and its only when you lean back do you realize touya's arms were red and raw. how the hell did you not see that before?
"your arms—"
"i know," he cuts you off, voice nasally and choked up. "i don't want to talk about it. you said we didn't have to talk about it."
you sigh, gently coaxing him from where he was still buried in the crook of your neck, and his grip on you only tightens. "i'm not leaving, i promise." your hand begins to rub reassuring circles on his back. "i just want you to look at me."
when you coax him out again, he obliges, but still doesn't look at you. so you do the first thing that came to mind— a habit learned from a hazy memory of your mother.
fingers gently grasped the bottom of his chin, gently lifting up his gaze before soft lips place a small kiss on his forehead. he freezes at first, but he gradually melts into your gentle touch, once again burrowing his face into the crook of your neck as you whispered small reassurances into his ear.
the following day, touya's eyes were a little dimmer and he wore nothing but long sleeved shirts.
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When you first came to work on a random Tuesday afternoon, the entire Todoroki estate was quiet. This was normal. They were a family who spoke to each other quietly, never raising their voice or making a ruckus (except for Endeavor). What wasn’t normal, however, was the somber mood that seemed to loom the entire house as a woman with white hair and red streaks— the eldest Todoroki sister, you remember— wordlessly gave you your list of chores for the day before locking herself in her room.
The atmosphere made you uncomfortable. It didn’t help that Touya didn’t even attempt to bother you the entire day either, but you didn’t think much of it. He was probably doing his homework in the study or training somewhere else.
So it came as a surprise to you when, just as you were walking through the park on your way back home, the smell of burnt flesh reached your nose once again and all the hair in your body stood up. Your instincts screamed at you to run, something you undoubtedly would’ve done had a hand not shot out from underneath the bushes and tripped you, forcing you to fall on the ground and meet two familiar turquoise eyes— hidden in the shrubbery— staring into your own.
After getting over your initial shock you took Touya back to the house your mother had left behind. Normally you wouldn’t be allowed to keep a house if you were underage, but lucky for you things the government mixed up your files and you were allowed to inherit it with no next of kin or legal guardians. The house fell to your name, and it was all you had left.
“I- Touya, I don’t know what to do.” You panicked, staring at the angry red flesh on his arms and upper torso. He was lying down on your tiny kitchen table, shirtless and pants charred. Your cleaning gloves did little to hide the shake of your hands, the visual of him in pain and surrounded by bloodied rags. “I can’t treat you. We need to call the hospital—”
“Don’t.” He rasped weakly, breathing heavy. You noticed that the underside of his eyes were burnt as well. Didn’t it hurt him to blink? “You can’t.”
“Why not?!”
“My family thinks I’m dead.”
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Around spring, you finally had the guts to resign from your job at the Todoroki household and pursue another one. It wasn’t anything big— just a small waitressing job at a curry restaurant a couple blocks away from your neighborhood. Still, the pay was okay and you didn’t have to watch a family mourn the loss of a son you were secretly harboring.
You weren’t sure exactly what prompted you to let him stay. He told you a little bit of his life— why he did what he did, and though you sympathized with him fully was it really right for you to keep him around?
Maybe it was the feeling of being indebted to him every time you pretended not to see him slip an extra cup of rice or an extra bowl of soup into your take home meals. Maybe it was the feeling of being thankful when he secretly lent you books so you could improve your skills on reading and writing. Maybe it was the feeling of guilt from not making him tell you what was bothering him on the day you heard him crying, convinced that if you had then you wouldn’t be here now. You weren’t sure— but you were glad you let him stay.
“Hey, I’m home.” You called out tiredly, dumping your keys in your bag. A puff of white hair peaked out from behind the couch, and you couldn’t help the amusement in your eyes as you stared at Touya.
“Got another piercing, I see.” You mused as you set down the bag of curry on the diningroom table. Touya didn’t reply as he silently extinguished his cigarette and helped you set the table.
Ever since the day he faked his own death, he’s been... different, to say the least, and you weren’t surprised at all.
He’s been more closed off, more quiet. You weren’t sure if it was because he didn’t like being a “jobless deadbeat” (his words, not yours) while you worked your ass off to support the two of you; or if it was because he wasn’t used to living “the poor life” (again, his words not yours) compared to his previous life of luxury.
You didn’t have much to offer; just an old but well-kept house that's seen better days, a large futon you and your mother shared, and a life living paycheck to paycheck and buried in debt while he busied himself with chores and whatever he could do around the small house.
Three meals a day wasn’t guaranteed with your budget so you had to cut it down to two a day at most. And even then, there’d be times you’d only eat once. Meals were usually composed of either canned food, instant noodles, leftovers, or raw ingredients that were close to going bad. Touya had never had anything that wasn’t fresh or organic, and the first few weeks were a struggle for his stomach to adjust. But with how he first came to you, his delicate stomach was the least of his problems.
The burns on his skin weren’t treated properly thanks to your limited medical knowledge. You had to keep them bandaged the first couple months he’d stayed with you, and since you couldn’t afford both painkillers and clean bandages at the same time, there was nothing to numb Touya to the pain. Fortunately, he healed just fine. Yet he refused to take off the bandages and let you see the dark purple marks where his tan skin used to be.
You knew it still hurt him to move but you also knew that if you tried to stop him he’d only throw a fit. Doing chores around the house and keeping things clean was, according to him, the least he could do to help. He didn’t clean as well as someone who does it for a living, but his efforts to keep your shared home tidy didn’t go unappreciated. He was fairly okay at cooking simple things that only needed frying or boiling— nothing too complex since he’s never really had a need to cook for himself, much less for another person. Housework was his way of saying thank you, and you weren’t about to take it away from him.
“I don’t understand how you always come home with two curry bowls.” Touya finally speaks, and you’re snapped out of your thoughts. “Thought the restaurant only let you have one free take away per day. Do you buy me this shit every night?”
“Yeah, sure, I can definitely do that with my salary.” You replied. “Nah. Luckily one of the line cooks has a thing for me and doesn’t mind slipping me an extra meal. He thinks I have it for breakfast in the morning.”
He scoffs but doesn’t reply.
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“Help me dye my hair black,” was the first thing he said when you asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday. You had a little bit of money set aside for a present. Nothing too expensive or grand, but just enough that you could actually afford something out of your tightly monitored expenses— monitored by none other than your roommate— that wasn’t cup noodles.
You didn’t hesitate to run to the nearest drugstore to buy cheap black dye and help him with his hair. Black water trickled down the drain as you held the shower head over his hair.
“What’s it look like, doll?” He asked.
“You look like a really ugly wet dog.”
“That’s rich coming from someone who grinded on me like a bitch in heat last night.”
You chuckled. Well, you couldn’t argue with that.
He stopped wearing his bandages months ago. It was a miracle that you found an under the table doctor who agreed to help patch him up for a reasonable price. You already computed everything— the operation that involved putting staples around his arms, face and torso was cheaper than buying fresh bandages every damn day. It’d take the better part of at least three years to pay off, but seeing him grow to embrace the silver studs on his burnt body the way he embraced his beloved ear piercings made you smile.
He’s been starting to go out of the house, too. He doesn’t tell you where he goes— not that he had to— but you were glad he stopped cooping himself up inside.
“You look good, Tou- sorry, Dabi.” You murmured.
His hands were gripping the sides of the tub as you continued to wash the excess dye from his hair, and you pretend not to notice the familiar smell of burnt flesh sticking to his jacket despite the fact that you knew his burns were already healed. You also pretend not to notice the new clothes he wore that definitely weren’t in his closet this morning.
“You look good.”
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Dabi only got rougher from there.
He became more crude in the way he spoke, and sometimes he’d disappear for days on end without a single word. You got nervous the first few times he did it, scolding him and telling him to never make you worry like that ever again (he still did).
He’d roll his eyes and yell at you to back off, he wasn’t your boyfriend, stop being so damn clingy. You hated those fights the most. They usually ended with Dabi sleeping on the couch or storming out, and you angry crying yourself to sleep at night. The only thing that brought you comfort was that he always came back.
“I’m heading out, don’t wait up for me.” He spoke, putting on his coat.
“Are you going to come back within the week?”
“I don’t know.”
You sighed. “Okay. Take care.”
It’d be hypocriticial to say his secrets bothered you because he wasn’t the only one with secrets. Even with your promotion at the restaurant, even with you working overtime and taking extra shifts to the point that you barely got any sleep, money was still tight. Bills were getting steeper, banks were demanding money from your debts, and groceries were getting more expensive.
It was the line cook that kept flirting with you that introduced you to the scene of underground poker. He was a gambler and decided to take you to one of his games in an attempt to impress you (not knowing about your live in not-boyfriend). He won every game that night and started taking you to all his matches, saying he always played better when he was with you. Even called you his “lucky ace.” You only rolled your eyes but let him show you off so long as he kept slipping you extra dinner every night. That was, until, you learned the ropes and became a gambler yourself and quickly made a name in the underground scene.
Dabi wasn’t dumb. He knew that the money you magically found to pay off his operation from two years ago as well as your debt to the hospital that treated your mother wasn’t from your savings. He knew that the fresh meat and vegetables you started buying from the market weren’t there because the grocer had a sale. And he damn well knew that you secretly quit your job at the restaurant even though you acted like you were still employed, even going as far as putting on your old uniform whenever you left for “work.”
And yet, just like you never questioned where he suddenly got the money to contribute to the household, he never questioned where you got yours.
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It was around your second year of being a professional underground poker player did your secret get revealed to Dabi. You were too careless. The sudden transfer to a “restaurant branch” in the city. The expensive clothes and unexplained budget for much needed home renovations. The appearance of painkillers and anti-irritation ointment (that he definitely didn’t buy) in his bedside drawer. The stash of card decks— clearly only used once at most— that you hid in a duffel bag in your closet.
Dabi didn’t comment on these.
He did, however, comment on the elegenat white and gold invitation to a professional poker match set for this Friday evening, addressed to an infamous masked player who had a record of never losing a single match. How could he not comment on it when you so generously left it out in the open.
“I knew you were up to some gambling but I didn’t expect you to be the infamous Lucky Ace.” He mused one night, holding the prestigious cardboard between his fingertips. He was sure if he tried to sell the invitation he’d get some money for it— he knows what real gold feels like when he touches it. “Never thought it’d be you. They say Lucky Ace’s Quirk is luck. The manipulation of probabilities, both of others and your own.”
You merely chuckled in amusement. You weren’t blessed with the Quirk of luck— you just happened to be a skilled gambler.
“I’ve had a lot of offers for your head.”
“And I’ve had a lot competition who turned up dead and burnt to a crisp before my matches.” You replied. “Thanks for that, by the way. I haven’t received a single paycheck in weeks.”
Ah, that too. Dabi was also getting careless. You definitely knew he was a kill for hire, and you definitely knew he was employed under another professional poker player who wanted to get to the top the easy way. You had a feeling he’s been the cause for your competitors sudden disappearances, and the unexplained duffel bags full of cash that sat next to yours didn’t help.
“Looks like we’ve both been careless.” He lazily threw the invitation to you. “Do me a favor— lose your match with Black Jack tomorrow, will ya? Now that I know who Lucky Ace is, boss won’t be happy that I let you live.”
You scoff. “You want me to lose to a guy who’s initials spell out blowjob? The hell do you take me for?”
Normally he loved your sharp tongue and crude jokes, but right now it wasn’t helping. The bounty on Lucky Ace’s head was too big to pass up, and if you won against Black Jack— his boss— tomorrow then the prize would only double. He wouldn’t be the only one out for your head by then.
He sighed, raising up one hand to show you the spark of blue flames. Intimidate you. He was trying to intimidate you. Or warn you— you didn’t fucking know.
But you merely smirked. “Wanna fuck?”
His eye twitched, and he pondered it for a few seconds. Groaning, he extinguished the flame.
“You’re lucky you’re a good lay.”
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It was in the afterglow of sex that words unspoken revealed themselves.
Well, sort of.
Two sweaty bodies, panting next to each other. The smell of cigarettes and hormones thick in the air. The feeling of lips placing a kiss to your forehead as you wrapped the sheets around your torso, turning as you looked at the man beside you.
“What would you do if you found out I was secretly dating that line cook you hated so much?” You asked. His arm lazily wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you closer, your head resting on his chest. Dabi took a long drag from his cigarette before exhaling, thinking it through. You took the stick from his hand and took a drag of your own.
“Damn, that’s good.” You murmured. “Not even reds can beat seven stars.”
He took the cigarette back from you and flicked off the ashes on the tray next to the bed.
“If you were dating what’s-his-name but still ask me to fuck you at least twice a week then he’s gotta be a virgin or some shit.” He finally replies. “That, or the poor guy’s dick isn’t enough to satiate you.”
“So... you’d be okay with it?”
“Does it matter? I’m not your boyfriend.”
“You could be, y’know.” You murmured, tracing your finger against his collarbone. “My boyfriend— I mean.”
“Sorry, doll. M’not interested in being your mistress.”
You clicked your tongue. “I’m not dating him, you dumbass. It was a hypothetical question.”
That was the closest you and Dabi ever got to a confession. That was the closest you ever got to asking him out after years of sexual tension that turned out to be romantic.
And the little kisses you peppered across his callous knuckles was the closest you ever got to saying “I love you.”
Fortunately, Dabi didn’t reject you or push you away. Instead he stayed the night cuddled up to you, holding your hand and waiting for you to fall asleep before slipping out of your hold and disappearing in the middle of the night for a job, just like he always did.
That was the closest he ever got to saying “I love you too.”
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Dabi doesn’t like telling you shit.
At least, not when you’re awake. He did, however, have a lot of silent conversations with you when you’re asleep. His trips home became fewer and further in between, and every time he stayed he’d only stay the night or for three days at most. You tried to ask him about it once but he was always vague with his answers.
He tells you he doesn’t care, and you tell him you don’t either. He pretends not to notice when you buy the expensive brand of miso broth with your own money because you knew it was the one thing he missed from his old life. You pretend not to notice the fresh cup of tea and warm bento boxes that you wake up to whenever he leaves after his rare visits.
He doesn’t talk that much about his feelings— not out loud. But he does find himself pulling your sleeping form, clad in nothing but your underwear and one of his shirts, closer to him at night. He finds his arm tightening around your waist and his nose burying itself in the back of your neck to inhale the scent that was unmistakably you, trying to remember it always.
I have to leave you again. He thinks to himself, staring at your peaceful face. I’m not sure if I’m coming back this time.
An invite had been extended to him— from a group that called themselves the League of Villains. It sounded pretentious, he wasn’t even going to lie, but they were aligned enough in terms of ideals that he didn't immediately tell them to fuck off. Still, there was no denying that they were a dangerous bunch. Your not-so-secret lifestyles were separate and there was a mutual unspoken rule that you wouldn’t involve the other.
Unlike your secret job, though, that involved you getting dressed in branded clothes and adorning fancy rings and expensive watches; that involved luxurious invitations to secret upscale poker games; that involved a black sedan that seemed to change number plates every time he saw it pull up to the front of the house to pick you up and drop you off; his job was much more dangerous. He worked with dangerous people, doing dangerous things, playing with dangerous ideals.
He already knew— despite your denial— that your Quirk was definitely luck. Too many things that could be brushed off as coincidence had luckily fallen into your lap. Too many coincidences was no longer a coincidence.
It was your Quirk protecting you, not him, when he kisses your forehead and slips out of your hold for what would be the last time to keep you from harm. At least that’s what he tells himself as gathers his clothes and belongings from around the house, trying to make it look like he was never there. He was a dangerous criminal— a villain now, and he’d be damned if he dragged you into his mess.
He takes one last look at you asleep on your shared futon, trying to burn the image to his mind so he never forgets. He wasn’t going to bring anything that could be traced back to you. He already blocked your contact and deleted all the photos he had of you on his phone, all the messages and call logs too. He’s already done the same process to your phone since you never changed your passcode.
Not a trace of you in his life and not a trace of him in yours, he tells himself as he eyes the shirt you wore. It was his. You could keep it, he guesses. He could just strip you down and get on with life, but he couldn’t do it without waking you up and messing up his plans. At least, that’s what he tries to convince himself as he walks away.
He’s got his coat on now and he left you a little bit of cash just in case. Not that you needed it, of course. You were a professional gambler who made more bank than he did. A black duffel bag’s slung over his shoulder that had all his stuff, and he’s giving the small house he called home one last once over to make sure there was never any indication that he was in your life. Will you hate him for leaving? He doesn’t know, and he doesn’t care if you forgive him or not. This was to keep you safe. This was for the best.
He admires you for the last time as he slides the door open, sighing as he finally admits his feelings— for the first and last time— into the dark of the night.
“I love you, doll.”
And he pretends not to hear the faint whisper behind him when he closes the door.
“I love you too, Dabi.”
87 notes · View notes
cxtori · 2 years
Natsuo Todoroki ✭ Afraid of Losing you
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Tori’s Note: I lowkey think this might be kinda crappy, but it's honestly one of my favorite little things I've written 🤭 Plus I actually finished it which is rare lmao. the love for my mans Nastuo is LACKING
WC: 5.2K
Genre: One-shot, fluff, hurt and comfort, friends to lovers
Warnings: N/A
Fic Playlist: 
Fear ~ Gnash
You ~ Benny Blanco
Sanctuary ~ Joji
Summary: Natsuo is your childhood best friend and long-time crush. But you've never taken the chance to tell him how you feel. What happens when the chance is almost taken from you entirely?
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“Hey, Y/n! Are you free tonight?” Fuyumi’s voice chirps through the static of the phone.
“Uhh, yeah. I don’t have any plans,” You reply. “What’s up?”
“Weeell,” Fuyumi drags, and you can tell she’s excited about whatever is going on. “I invited Shoto and his friends over for dinner as well as dad. Natsuo is coming over too! I thought I’d invite you since, y’know, you’re basically family. It felt wrong not to!” You chuckle at Fuyumi’s enthusiasm.
“Haha, yeah sure, I’d love to. But…” You hesitate. “Is it really a good idea to try and have dinner with Natsu and your dad? You said it didn’t go well last time…” You wilt off, the image of a teary-eyed Fuyumi as she described the disastrous dinner to you entering your mind.
“Ahh, yeah,” she mutters. “But, I’m hoping that having you and some other guests might make it less tense?” She says, though it sounds more like a question that a statement.
“I think you underestimate how much it’ll take to make things ‘less tense’.” You chuckle, shaking your head.
“Oh, come on! Natsu’s always a lot calmer when you’re around, maybe it’ll help!” You sigh softly at the sound of desperation in Fuyumi’s voice. Ever since you were kids, all Fuyumi wanted was a “normal” family. She would talk to you about it all the time. So would Natsuo, especially after Toya’s death. All they wanted was a loving family, but instead, they were left with a broken home. And Fuyumi was doing all she could to try and fix it.
“I’ll be there,” you affirm. Fuyumi squeals on the other end and you can picture the bright smile spread across her face.
“Awesome! Be here around 6, ‘kay?” She says. You both say your goodbyes and hang up. You grunt as you throw yourself back onto your bed, face buried in your pillows. Although you know it’ll be an awkward night, you’re still looking forward to seeing your childhood friends, especially Natsuo. With your busy school schedules, you hardly see each other anymore, despite being on the same college campus. You smile giddily, butterflies fluttering around in your stomach and chest at the thought of getting to sit down and eat with him.
Having Enji and Natsuo in the same room will be hard, but maybe dinner won’t be so bad.
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“Y/nnn!” Fuyumi exclaims as she throws her arms around you, squeezing tightly.
“Haha, hey Fuyumi!” You laugh, hugging her back. “Ugh, I’ve missed you so much!”
“I’ve missed you too!” Fuyumi grins, eyes scrunching from her bright smile. You pull apart and Fuyumi steps aside to let you in. You place a hand on her shoulder, using her for balance as you remove your shoes. “I’m so glad you could make it! Natsu’s already in the dining room if you want to join him. I’m almost done with food and the others should be here soon.”
“Okay!” You reply, placing your pair of shoes next to the others. You part ways, Fuyumi heading back to the kitchen and you to the dining room. You grip the handle to the shoji door and slide it open gently. Natsuo looks up from his phone at the sound of soft wood scraping wood, eye’s lighting up when he sees you in the doorway.
“Y/n!” He says, happy to see you. You slide the door closed before skittering over to him, falling to your knees and wrapping your arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around your torso, face digging into the side of your neck. You both breathe in deeply and melt into each other, tense muscles relaxing at each other’s touch.
“I haven’t seen you in forever,” You say, words muffled by your arms.
“You saw me last week,” Natsuo chuckles.
“I know. But it feels like forever!” You unwrap yourself from him to look him in the eyes only to look away immediately, blushing at the proximity. You push off him lightly, scooting yourself back to sit in your own seat. “I’ve just really missed you,” you say delicately, a slight blush still dusted across your cheeks. Natsuo looks at you with a sheepish smile.
“I’ve really missed you too.” A silence falls between you for a moment and you squeeze the hem of your shirt nervously.
“So, I was a little surprised when Fuyumi told me you agreed to coming over,” you faltered. Natsuo tenses and looks away from you, gaze focusing on the wooden grain of the table. “I know it’s hard for you, but it really does mean a lot to her.” you place your hand on his, grasping it gently. “Just- please… try to be civil. For her?” There’s a long pause, and you can tell he’s battling to find the words.
“I told Fuyumi I’d come for dinner… I’m not making promises to stay any longer than I have to,” he muttered, still avoiding your eyes. You sigh softly.
“Okay,” you conceded, not wanting to press the matter any further. “Thank you for still making the effort to come though.” The grimace on Natsuo’s face softens, and he nods. You turn at the sound of the door sliding open and are met with five faces, two of which were unfamiliar. You feel Natsu’s hand stiffen beneath yours and you give him an encouraging squeeze before letting go.
“They’re here!” Fuyumi walks in, the others following closely behind. Everyone shuffles around the table to take a seat, the awkward tension in the air already thick. With everyone placed, Fuyumi sits up on her knees.
“Let’s do introductions again,” she began. “I’m Shoto’s older sister, Fuyumi. I teach at an elementary school nearby.” She turns to you and Natsuo sitting beside her. “This is Natsuo, Shoto’s older brother. He’s currently in college.” Natsuo scratches the back of his neck and gives a short greeting. “And this is Y/n,” Fuyumi continues. “She’s just a family friend, but she’s so close we might as well be related. She goes to the same college as Natsu.” You give a shy little wave to the two strangers.
“Shoto, this is where you introduce your friends,” Fuyumi prompts, looking over to her youngest brother.
“Oh, right,” Shoto says. He introduces his two classmates, Midoriya and Bakugo.
“It’s nice to meet you!” Midoriya says enthusiastically, though a little nervously. Bakugo scowls at him. He clearly doesn’t want to be here. You catch the way Midoriya’s smile drops slightly and you know he’s noticed the tension between Natsuo and Enji. Fuyumi clears her throat.
“Let’s eat before the food gets cold! If there’s anything you don’t want, don’t feel obligated to eat it! I won’t feel bad,” she says. Everyone gives her their thanks before filling their bowls. As you all eat, Midoriya gives his praise to Fuyumi’s food, impressed by how good it is.
“I’m not surprised,” Natsu says. “Fuyumi’s been cooking for a long while since our housekeeper had a back injury.”
“You would cook too, Natsu,” Fuyumi injected. “We would take turns.” Shoto seems surprised by this and turns to his brother.
“Does that mean I ate your food growing up?” Shoto asks. Natsuo’s face twists.
“It’s possible, I can go overboard with seasoning though,” he answers. “Endeavor might have kept you from having it. He always did keep an eye on your diet.” He states, giving the man at the end of the table a glare. You hear Midoriya and Bakugo choke on their food.
“I supposed there is truth to that,” Enji acknowledged. Natsuo looks away with a frown. You drop a hand under the table and place it on Natsu’s knee, silently reminding him of your earlier conversation. Try to be civil. For her. Natsuo inhales deeply, returning to his food to finish the little bit left in his bowl.
“SO!” Fuyumi jumps, trying to recover from the passive aggressive interruption. “Shoto, what kind of food do they serve at the school?” She inquires. Fuyumi’s topic change only lasts long enough for Shoto to answer before Enji speaks again.
“Natsuo,” he says, turning to the white-haired man. “I’d like to try your cooking next time.” You look to Enji with slight surprise. You feel Natsuo take your hand, removing it from his leg before placing his bowl on the table with a clank. He stands up.
“Thanks for the meal sis,” he says, ignoring his father’s words. “I came like I said I would, but now I’m done.” He walks towards the door to leave.
“Wait, Natsuo!” Fuyumi pleads. Midoriya and Bakugo grunt in shock again.
“Wait a second!” You say, standing up yourself.
“I’m sorry, I just can’t do this,” he mutters before sliding the door closed behind him. An uncomfortable silence fills the room. You look down to Fuyumi whose eyes are welling with tears. You sit back down next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder as she quickly wipes at her face.
“Uhh, I’ll go ahead and start cleaning up now. Please, finish eating,” Fuyumi says, her happy tone covering up the pain twisting at her heart. She stands and starts picking up empty plates and dishes. You follow her lead, picking up whatever was unneeded. You follow Fuyumi to the kitchen, placing the dirty dining ware in the sink. You hear a sniffle and turn to see Fuyumi crying softly into her hands.
“I- I just want… I just want us to get along,” she cries. You walk over to her and wrap your arms around her, hugging her tightly.
“I know…” You whisper. Shoto walks in with more dishes, stopping short when he sees his sister crying.
“Is everything okay?” He asks concerned. Fuyumi quickly pulls away from you, sniffling more intensely and rubbing her eyes. She turns to her little brother with a smile on her face.
“Yeah!” She exclaims in her usual cheerful voice. Shoto walks to the sink, placing his dishes down.
“Everyone is done eating,” he says quietly.
“Thanks, Shoto,” you say kindly. The boy nods and walks back out of the room. Once Fuyumi has composed herself, the two of you walk back to the dining room to help finish cleaning up. Fuyumi insists that Midoriya and Bakugo not help, but they’re also adamant to lend a hand. When there’s only a little bit of clean up left to do, you catch Fuyumi, telling her you’re going to head out and try to catch Natsuo. She nods in understanding before giving you another tight hug.
“Thank you for coming,” Fuyumi wavers. You squeeze her even tighter.
“Of course,” You smile. “You’re my family too, you know.” Fuyumi chuckles at this.
“The sister I never had,” she says. You both laugh light heartedly before saying your goodbyes. You walk back to the dining room to give Shoto a hug and say goodbye to his friends as well. You walk quickly to the front of the home and throw on your shoes and jacket, hoping to be able to catch up to Natsuo. But you’re surprised when you open the front door and see the man standing in front of the home, looking up at the sky.
“Natsu?” You call. The man shifts his gaze over to you and gives you a faint smile.
“Hey. I thought I’d wait so we could walk back to campus together.” He breaks eye contact and scratches the back of his neck nervously.
“You didn’t have to do that,” you laugh gently.
“I know, but I wanted to,” he practically whispers. You smile at him and start walking.
“Thank you.”
There’s an odd silence resting between you as walk, both of you thinking about dinner but neither wanting to address it. Natsuo finally speaks up.
“I’m sorry for leaving, Y/n. I just… I can’t stand to be around him,” he seethed. You glance at him before looking back to the concrete pathway.
“You don’t have to apologize. I’m not upset,” You sigh. “Fuyumi was a little hurt though…” Natsu winced.
“I know,” he mutters. Another pause.
“Hey, Nat-” you cut yourself off when you see the paint lines on the street start to move, lifting from the pavement. Before you or Natsuo can process what’s happening, multiple strips of street paint are flying towards you.
“Watch out!” Natsuo shouts and pushes you to the ground. You grunt at the impact and push yourself onto your knees. You look up to see Natsuo hanging above you, wrapped and bound in dried, cracking paint.
“Natsu!” You cry. You hear a deranged chuckle come from the street and you look to find the source. Your eyes widen when you see a man dressed in striped clothing walking towards you, the same strips of paint tied to Natsuo wrapped around him.
“Hahaha, got you!” He says giddily. “Too easy.” Before you can say anything, the villain is bolting off, taking Natsuo with him.
“No! Let him go!” You yell. Without thinking, you chase after them, shoes pounding at the sidewalk. But it’s only a moment before you lose sight of them. No. What do I do? What do I do! You quickly pull your phone out of your pocket and search for the right number. The phone rings for only a second before a deep voice answers.
“Mr. Todoroki! It’s Natsu!” You panic.
“What happened?” Enji questions. You place a hand over your eyes, trying to calm yourself down enough to explain.
“We were walking back to school and a villain attacked us. He took Natsu!” You hear the man inhale sharply on the other end.
“Do you know where they went?”
“I-I don’t. I tried to follow them bu-but I couldn’t keep up,” you stutter. There’s a sudden noise of tires squealing followed by muffled grunts and shouts.
“He’s here!” Enji says. “Y/n, go back to the house and wait there! I’ll handle this.” And with that, he hangs up. You stand there frozen in shock. You feel your eyes sting and your vision begins to blur. There’s a loud boom in the distance and you whip around to see thick, dark clouds of smoke. That must be them. You turn on your heels and sprint back to the Todoroki household, ignoring the burning in your lungs from both exhaustion and panic.
“Fuyumi!” You call as soon as you step through the front door. You run into the kitchen to find Fuyumi finishing up the dishes, putting away dry plates and bowls. The woman turns around, her face twisted in confusion.
“Y/n? What are you doing back here?” She asks with a giggle. Her expression drops when she notices the hot tears rolling down your face. She puts down the ceramic plates and walks over to you. “What’s wrong?” You press your cold hands to your face, trying to stop your tears.
“Na-Natsu… He-”
“Natsu? Did he do something?” Fuyumi asks, thinking her brother was the reason for your tears. She takes your hands away from your face, squeezing them comfortingly. You shake your head and take a deep, shaky breath.
“A villain took Natsu,” you whimper. Fuyumi freezes.
“What?” She whispers.
“We were almost to campus and a villain came at us. He took Natsuo and ran.” Fuyumi doesn’t say anything, she just stands in shock, gripping your hands in hers. “Enji said he saw them; he told me to come back here.”
“So, dad’s there… It’s okay! He’ll save Natsu and bring him back safely. It’ll be fine!” Fuyumi says, trying to suppress her panic. She forces herself to move, guiding you over the table by your hands. “Shoto and his friends are there too, they’ll help him!” She makes you sit down before walking to a cabinet and pulling out a box of tea leaves.
“I’ll put on some tea, okay? We can have some girl-talk. Just don’t freak out, dads got it.” Fuyumi says encouragingly, though it sounds like she’s speaking more to herself than to you.
The two of you sit at the table, teacups in hand. Fuyumi tries to distract you by telling stories from school, recalling all of the ridiculous and hilarious things her young students have done. And it works, for a while at least, soft giggles leaving your mouths every now and then. But, despite the laughter, both of your minds are still whirling with anxiety, every worst-case scenario being pictured in graphic detail.
Fuyumi glances at you, staring mindlessly into your cup, eyes focused on the swirling tea leaves left behind in the translucent green liquid. Almost an hour has passed and you’ve yet to take even a sip. Fuyumi studies your face, noticing that, under the expression of fear, there’s something else.
Fuyumi smiles and laughs softly, breaking you out of your trance.
“What?” You ask, puzzled. Fuyumi shakes her head gently.
“You really like him, don’t you?” Fuyumi asks, though her tone makes it sound more like a statement than a question. You blink, trying to push away your distracting thoughts for long enough to understand.
“What?” You ask again, even more confused now. The older girl laughs again, this time much more lighthearted.
“I’m talking about Natsu. You like him.” She states bluntly. You stare at her, completely caught off guard.
“I… I don’t know,” You mutter. But you do know. You have for a while. Ever since you were kids, you’d felt differently towards him. The silly childhood crush you had on him never really went away, but instead, continued to grow and mature as the two of you aged. You felt pride in being the person he could go to, and you hoped he felt the same about you. Whether it was sadness, anger, or even just needing to vent after a long day, you were each other’s first go-to.
You’re so grateful for the friendship you have with him. So grateful that you don’t know where you’d be without him. So grateful that you’re willing to do anything if it means he’ll always be in your life. Even if it means bottling your feelings for him and living with the painful, dull ache that tugs at your heart.
And yes, you were frustrated. Annoyed because you’d spent your whole life avoiding the feelings you had for Natsu. Discouraged because you’d naively told yourself you had all the time in the world to one day take the chance and tell him how you feel.
And now, that chance may be taken from you entirely. And you can’t stand it. Your gaze falls back to your now cold tea, hands gripping the fragile glass tightly.
“I think-” You begin to speak but are cut off by the sound of the front door creaking. You and Fuyumi stiffen, eyes locking. Was that the front door?
“Hello?” a familiar deep voice bellows through the halls, a tinge of concern evident. You both simultaneously let go of the breath you didn’t know you were holding, the warming sense of relief flowing over you. You jump from the table and dash to the door to see Enji standing in the foyer, Natsu behind him. Fuyumi lets out a sob and runs to her brother, holding onto him like he’s about to disappear.
“You’re okay!” She cries. Natsuo wraps his arms around her, a muttered “yeah” falling from his lips quietly. His eyes widen when he looks past his sister to see you standing in the doorway, heavy tears streaming down your face and your shoulders jerking in silent sobs. Fuyumi breaks away from him, wiping the tears from her eyes. “I’m so relieved.”
You walk over to him, unable to see the expression on his face for the blurry tears filling your eyes. You throw your arms around his torso, face pressing into his chest.
“I was so scared,” you whisper.
“I’m okay.” He hugs you back tightly. As you part, you subconsciously reach for his hand, taking his larger one in both of yours. Enji lets out a heavy sigh before turning to Fuyumi.
“Listen,” he starts with a solemn tone. “I already told Shoto and Natsuo. I know you’re trying to get things ready for your mother to be able to return home peacefully. We’ve placed that burden on you, but it’s too much for you to handle alone… Don’t worry about it anymore.” Fuyumi looks at her father with faint concern.
“I’m going to build a new house. It’ll be in a better location for everyone. Your mother will be discharged soon, you can welcome her home there.” He removes his shoes and makes his way into the house. “I apologize for the late notice, but you should start preparing to move.” Natsuo turns away and you catch the saddened, almost pained look on his face, and you squeeze his hand.
“Wait, Dad!” Fuyumi calls, her voice cracking. “What about you? Won’t you come with us?” She drifts off, almost hesitant to ask. There’s a pause before he answers.
“I’ll be staying here,” He replies bluntly. Fuyumi gasps softly and you wince, feeling as though you heard her heart break yourself. There’s another long pause of silence, the air slowly becoming thick with tension. Enji continues to walk down the hall. “Natsuo, Y/n, Kurumada is waiting outside. He’ll escort you back to school.” And with that, he leaves. The three of you stand there in silence for what feels like forever.
“You two should probably go,” Fuyumi whispers. She turns and gives you a smile, but you can see the small tears forming in her eyes. She walks over to you and wraps her arms around your and Natsuo’s neck, dragging him down to your level. “I love you guys.”
You and Natsuo hug her back, whispering “I love you too” in return. You all let go of each other and it’s only then that you notice you’re still holding Natsu’s hand, and you realize a part of you is almost afraid to let go. You say goodbye to Fuyumi and step outside into the cold, making your way to the car sitting outside of the wooden gate.
Natsu opens the car door and you shuffle inside, finally dropping his hand. The drive to the school is quiet aside from Kurumada’s occasional grumbled comment about “idiots on the road”. You have your head leaned against the window, lost in thought as you watch the street lights whiz by. You finally make it to the school and step out of the car, bowing to Kurumada in thanks before he flies off.
You and Natsu walk in silence to the dormitory. You flinch ever so slightly when you feel Natsu’s hand take yours but soon relax at the comforting warmth of it. You enter the dorm building, still hand-in-hand, coming to Natsuo’s dorm first. You both stop in front of the door, each waiting for the other to speak. A light gasp escapes your lungs when Natsu pulls you gently by your hand into his chest, large arms embracing you desperately. You feel tears slowly return to your eyes as you wrap your arms around him, pulling him closer.
“I was so worried,” you whisper, trying your best to hold back the sobs caught in your throat. “I was so afraid I might lose you.” Natsuo pulls you impossibly closer, placing a hand on the back of your head. The heavy cries you were trying so hard to keep back break through, tears soaking into his jacket.
“It’s okay. I’m okay,” He comforts. He holds you there for a while before pulling away just far enough to see your face. His wipes at your tears, thumbs tenderly stroking the soft skin of your cheeks, and he does so until they come to a stop. He smiles at you softly and runs a hand over your hair. “Try to get some sleep tonight, okay?” You pause for a moment before rolling you eyes with a small giggle.
“You’re crazy if you think I’ll be able to sleep after all of that,” you joke. Natsu laughs quietly. Another silence falls over you but this time it feels less tense.
“Why don’t you stay here tonight?” Natsu offers. You look at him, eyes slightly widened in surprise.
Sure, you’d shared a room, even a bed with him in the past. Being childhood friends, it was something that happened occasionally. But tonight? Something about staying with him tonight felt different. And yet, a part of you was still almost afraid to leave his side, as if he’ll vanish as soon as you do. You nod your head, wordlessly accepting his offer.
“Okay,” he says, taking your hand once more. He walks closer to the door and unlocks it, guiding you inside. You both take off your shoes and jackets, placing them by the door. Natsuo walks over to his dresser, digging through it for a moment before turning back to you with t-shirt and sweatpants in hand. “Here, it’ll probably fit pretty big, but its better than jeans, right?” He jokes, a genuine smile on his face. You giggle and take the clothing from him, muttering a thank you. You walk into the small bathroom to change.
When you come out you see Natsu, who is now in his own pajamas, sitting on the bed, surfing through movies on his tv. “I thought we could watch a movie or something. Your pick!” He says, and you notice that his usual calm-but-happy tone is returning. He lifts up the edge of the throw blanket he has hastily tossed over his legs and pats the empty spot next to him.
“Why does it feel like you’re comforting me more than I’m comforting you? You’re the one who got kidnapped after all,” You chuckle. You make your way over to the bed and sit down beside him, shoulders brushing, and you miss the brief look of nervousness splashed across the man’s face.
“Nah,” he waves his hand dismissively. “You being here is comfort enough for me!” You feel your face warm and you pull the blanket up to your cheeks in hopes of hiding your blushing.
The two of you scroll through the massive selection of movies, silently agreeing to avoid action and thriller type films. You’d both had enough action for one night. You eventually decide on a comedy drama, something lighthearted. You lean against Natsuo, your head just barely resting on his shoulder, and you feel him relax, a soft sigh leaving his lungs. About 20 minutes into the film, you begin to feel like things are normal again, the anxiety in your system finally dissipating. It’s just you and your childhood best friend, watching a movie like you used to do every weekend before your schedules got busy. Childhood best friend. Friend.
Fuyumi’s words come back to you suddenly. “You really like him, don’t you?” You glance at him, his eyes and mind completely focused on the film in front of him, entirely oblivious to the thoughts occurring in your head. Your eyes trace the outline of his profile and you drink in his every detail. His strong jawline, the swell of his lips, his sharp and angular yet soft and kind eyes. It’s at that moment that you know, it’s no longer some silly childhood crush. It hasn’t been for a while now. It’s something more serious, more mature than that. something that, no matter how much he frustrated you or made you sad, would never change.
And the thought that you could have lost him? It made you nauseous. You almost lost your chance to ever tell him what’s on your heart. And you won’t run the risk of losing it again. You turn your eyes back to the tv, yet your attention is no where near the events happening on the screen. You feel your heart start to pound and you ball your hands together in hopes of calming it.
“Natsuo,” you say, and you’re almost surprised he hears you considering how quietly you spoke. He turns to you with a soft hum in acknowledgment.
“Everything okay?” He asks when you don’t say anything, despite having called for his attention. You want to look at him, but the thought of saying what you’re about to say while looking him in the eyes is too much. So you keep your eyes trained on your hands. You squeeze your hands tighter and take a deep breath.
“I love you, Natsuo… I have for a long time, I was just too scared to admit it,” you confess. You feel the man’s gaze harden on you, but he doesn’t say anything, so you continue. “When that villain ran off with you, I was terrified that might be the last time I ever saw you, and I was so mad with myself for having never said anything.”
He still doesn’t say anything and you finally muster the courage to look over at him. But you rip your eyes away as soon as they meet his, a look you can’t quite decipher on his face. Embarrassment and anxiety take over as you begin to ramble, trying to make your confession not sound so serious.
“I know we’ve been friends for a long time and that’s probably all you view me as. I understand if-” Before you can get another word in, a hand is placed gently on the side of your head, guiding your face back to his. Next thing you know, there’s a pair of soft, warm lips on yours. You freeze for a moment, your mind being slow in processing what’s happening. And before you can, the warm sensation is gone and he’s pulling away. You look into his eyes with shock and only see love in his.
“I love you too,” he whispers. He grins brightly before it drops into a smaller, caring smile. You feel your body relax, any worry leaving immediately and instead replaced by those familiar butterflies.
“To tell you the truth, I’m not sure I realized just how much I do until tonight. A lot was going through my head, but one of the main things was realizing how much I love you and how I might never get the chance to tell you that.” He says all of this while looking you directly in the eyes with an expression he’d always kept hidden from you in the past. One full of deep love and care. “I’m so glad I didn’t lose the chance.”
“I love you, so much,” you say, feeling oncoming tears for what feels like the millionth time that night. But this time, they aren’t of pain. Natsuo looks at you, eyes soft and a blush across his face. He pulls you close, lips barely brushing as he speaks against them, cool breath fanning you face.
“I love you too. More than you know.” He presses his lips fervently against yours, his hand snaking behind your neck and your arms wrapping around his. You feel him smile onto your lips before laughing quietly, breaking your kiss. You pull away and place your forehead tenderly against his.
“What?” You ask.
“Your pulse, it’s really fast,” he states. You roll your eyes jokingly.
“I think that’s what happens when you kiss someone you like,” you quip. He chuckles and gives you a mischievous smirk.
“Why don’t we make it a little faster?”
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©Cxtori 2023 please do not copy, plagiarize, repost or translate. reblogs are appreciated
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Fic Snip - How To Ruin Your Father's Wedding
Enji said, “The Todoroki family is under a curse to always be second best.”
“Another joke?” Natsuo asked.
“No, I’m serious.” Enji stepped out of the room, then wheeled in a conspiracy theorist corkboard covered in notes and red string. “Just look at all the evidence! Even after All Might retired, I’m still number two hero. Shouto won second place at U.A.’s Sports Festival. Natsuo took second place in his college exams. Most recently, Fuyumi got second place in the neighborhood pie-baking contest.”
Leaning over, Natsuo whispered to his sister, “Dad has cracked.” In a louder voice, he said, “We can all agree that Fuyumi got robbed by the judge’s personal bias against apples. But Dad, it’s just bad luck that you lost the number one hero slot. The HPSC accidentally failed to put you on the popularity poll ballot and the write-in votes weren’t enough. They were accused of rigging it to favor Hawks but found innocent. I know you came up with a million conspiracy theories at the time, but it was all just a mistake.”
Enji continued, “Not only that, but Hisashi married Inko at almost the precise time I married Rei, as if the universe refused to even give me the title of most dysfunctional marriage!”
Shouto sat up straighter. “What do Midoriya’s parents have to do with anything?”
Enji brandished an envelope. “I found proof. Our ancestor from the dawn of the age of quirks wrote a confession letter to his descendants, admitting that he won in an elementary school spelling bee against little girl with a reality-bending quirk. She cursed our entire family to never be first place at anything ever again.”
Shouto’s nose twitched. He did not want to be interested, but he could not resist the siren lure of a conspiracy theory. “Hmm, let me see that letter.” He snatched it up and read rapidly. “It says here that if we can ever become first place at anything, then we can break the curse. The letter writer spent his whole life trying to break obscure Guinness World Records but never succeeded.”
Enji said, “I came to realize that the only way to overcome the curse would be to marry into All for One’s family, thus creating a combined family so dysfunctional that the universe cannot create anything worse and gives up. Then we will finally be number one, even if it’s number one most dramatic family.” He smiled and sighed, his gaze becoming dreamy. “I met with All for One planning to arrange a marriage between our children. I never expected to find him so…charming. We have so much in common. Like competitiveness, wanting to protect our families, relatives who inexplicably hate us, and unpopular opinions about a certain public figure. Mostly that last one. We really bonded over how much we both hate All Might.”
Natsuo laughed out loud. “Okay, you win, you got me to laugh. That was funny! Your delivery is amazing. You really sold your silly prank. Haha, is trash-talking All Might like dirty talk to you? I can hear it now: ‘Ooooo, pound me like you’re drilling into your red-yellow-and-blue archnemesis!’”
This took a fucking TURN
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simplesoup · 10 days
Break the ice
Pro hero Shoto x huge fan-boy M! reader
Live laugh love that’s the motto or so you’ve been told.
Life in the city of Tokyo Japan wasn’t easy if you needed something you better plan time steps ahead there was always something going on in the big city
you a man in your (Age) were sitting down in your small apartment reading through some of the resent reports thinking about what was currently in.. you had a job a decent one at that you’d write reports and make news headlines spreading the word and truth
it wasn’t a bad job you got to report on some pretty cool things and on the rare occasion you got to talk with the hero’s and get their input
to bad the one hero you wanted to talk to wouldn’t even glance in your direction You often found yourself joking about it to numb the sorrow you felt for yourself
“Oh he’s as straight as they come”
“Don’t look at the gay might catch a disease..”
you submitted your newest report and started getting ready to head out and see if you could get your hands on anymore info or at lest grab yourself a coffee you deserved it!
You sighed as you walked down the streets trying to get through the crowds of people it was rush hour but normally it wasn’t this busy you pondered what could be going on until you saw him… sure you saw him everyday he was plastered all over your apartment but here he was another glimpse of the man you admired in real life you rushed forward choosing to give it another shot at inner viewing this pro
“Shoto! Hey shoto! Can I still a second of your time!?” You shouted and surprisingly he glanced at you with those cold dark eyes something inside you snapped in that moment and you froze like a damn idiot…
the hero looked at you for another moment before shrugging you off and walking away
you mentally cursed yourself for missing this opportunity and freezing like a moron. He stared at you for…. 32 seconds…. Just like that your heart was beating like crazy…
you walked away a few minutes after your head hung low with embarrassment you walked into the coffee shop ordering your drink and leaving soon after walking off towards the normally hot spot the mall there was always something going on around there class while you were at it, you could pick yourself up some ice cream and chocolate to make yourself feel better
Maybe even buy yourself some flowers? why not couldn’t hurt….
OK, maybe it did hurt… your self-esteem a little bit you push down your pride as you continued to walk before being pulled to the side, and your heart, practically being pulled out through your throat at the god stud right infront of you
Shoto Todoroki!
SHOTO TODOROKI WAS STUD RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! He looked at you with those two toned eyes his case is anything but friendly… he was cold… ice cold
You just needed to break the ice introduce yourself! Wight a story on him and… move on because there was no way in hell you were gonna get anything more from him…
This time you hoped the words would actually make their way out of you
as you talked you notice the stuttering
“Hello! M-my name is Y/N L/N! I-I great stories a-and yeah s-so um what’s- I mean I know know your name name like everyone knows your name! You so lovely- I mean cool!- and hot!- No wait I didn’t mean that way you know your quirk, cold and hot!- yeah!!!”
Your face turned back to that dark red color it had earlier you were such a mess. This was embarrassing, and he hadn’t even said a word not that you had really given him a chance to….
Pulled in paper out, looking at him eagerly, waiting to write down anything everything he said, staring at those lips
“If your gonna stare you should just take a picture I don’t have time to tell stories..”
“Pictures!- oh no I don’t need any more pictures. My apartment already has them everywhere. You’re everywhere I mean!-…” could you sound any more lame?…. “sorry!- sorry!-… I’m just a really big fan and I just really wanted to hear your stories and tell your stories-“
he seem to care or if he did, he didn’t show it his face remain cold “I don’t have time for small talk… flattery doesn’t work on me…”
“ flattery!? no no that’s not at all. I was trying to do.!-“ was it?…what do you even say to this guy? You didn’t know how do you even go from here? He had basically already shut down built that imaginary wall out of ice…. You thought for a moment before determination filled your face, and you looked up at the pro hero as he had started to walk away “Shoto What keeps you going?… what keeps you working so hard”
It seems like such a simple question, but it was the only one that you can manage to get out
To your surprise, he turned around and looked at you once more, tilting his head to think about what he would say “My mother… and… my friends I guess…” he gave you a half smile liking the question and the answer he had given
“ What’s the hardest thing you have ever had to do as a hero?…” you felt your heart pounding and your pencil moving as fast as it could on the little notebook you had with you.
“Oh now that’s…. That’s a tough one… The hardest thing I’ve ever ever had to do as a hero… push people away…. Can’t really have a relationship…. It’s just not safe….”
You looked around, noticing that people had started together and noticing that that ice wall that had just started to come down, was starting to build itself faster than you could melt it
you handed the pro hero your card and smiled “ I would love to continue this conversation at another time if you’re interested that is… my number is on the back” you waved in this time you were the one walking away, trying your hardest not to look back. You really did just do that.
Although you didn’t expect to get a call back anytime soon if not ever… you received a call an hour later and that night Shoto was in your apartment! You couldn’t understand how this had even happened but here he was looking around here apartment covered in his merch
You felt embarrassed, but also couldn’t help the pride that you had it was a really nice collection pretty much every single thing had hit the market since Shoto had started his hero work
The pro hero sat down on the couch your couch!! you chatted for a while you wrote down Notes here and there, but you found yourself distracted, staring at those lips before you knew it, you had climbed onto his lap kissing him with passion… to your surprise he didn’t push away
He returned it, pulling away after a few moments to take breath a grin slipping on his face
“ now that’s a icebreaker” he winked
((umm ok what do we think? Yay or nay? Not really sure about this one but i tryed))
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