#you know what it's not even a shitpost it's more like a doc shower thought
leaderintitleonly · 4 months
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At least he doesn't date anyone he uses in any medical treatments. ...Why is he thinking about this now?
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thesoftdumbass · 6 years
Yallneedtrek’s Writing Anniversary Challenge
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Hi you guys! So, I’ve been wanting to host a writing challenge for a while, and now seems like a good time to do so. November 30th marks the 2 year anniversary of when I started posting my fanfiction, starting out with a whopping 649 words on this Charles Xavier fic. Things have changed since then, I’ve written a lot more and joined a few fandoms since then, made some friends, and all in all enjoyed my time here on tumblr.
So if anybody would like to join my writing challenge, here are some things to remember while entering/posting:
~To enter the writing challenge, you must send me an ASK with a character or ship, and AU, AND a prompt from the lists below. (If you send anonymously or have multiple blogs, make sure that I know which blog you will be posting on)
~All entries are due by November 30th, 2018. There is no cut-off date to enter the challenge, as long as you think you can finish, you can enter whenever. (I will post occasional reminders and tag everybody who signed up!)
~Characters/ships can be used multiple times, as can AUs, but prompts can only be used once.
~If there’s a character/ship not on the list but that belongs in my fandoms, you can message me if you’d like to write for them and get my okay!
~You can use any writing genre: fluff, smut, angst, whatever. I would prefer angst-y fics to end happily, though!
~Important! When posting, please include Warnings, Word Count, and a Summary. Also, add a “Read More” if your fic is over 400 words so we don’t clog up everybody’s dash!
~When posting your fic, tag my blog and use the tag #yallneedtrekwritingchallenge, and send the post to me directly to make sure that I’ve seen it. I will reblog all of the fics and add them all to a masterlist to be shared when all entries are posted!
Have fun writing, lovelies!
Characters and Ships - Choose one:
Star Trek-
Jim Kirk
Montgomery “Scotty” Scott
Pavel Chekov
Wonder Woman-
Steve Trevor
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Loki Odinson
Thor Odinson
Urban boys-
Leonard “Bones” McCoy
Gavin Magary
Siberius Vaako
Black Hat
John Kennex
Any Karl Urban character, really
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Lance Tucker
Carter Baizen
Wynonna Earp
Doc Holliday
AU’s - Choose one:
Fake dating / fake married
Supernatural (any supernatural creature/phenomenon)
University / Fellow Professors
Flower Shop
Called / texted the wrong number
Body Swap
Motorcycle Club
Book Shop / Library
Coffee Shop
Arranged Marriage
Writing Prompts - Choose one:
1. “But I’m not wearing pants”
2. “Why were you in a dumpster?”
3. “Just give me the ____ and nobody gets hurt”
4. “Lick me all you want, I’m not moving my hand”
5. “I did not kidnap you! I anything, I adult-snatched you.”
6. “Didn’t you ever stop and think that there’s a reason I’m here?”
7. “Next time you come in my room to scare me, try picking a better hiding spot than behind the curtains.”
8. “What do you suggest we do?”
9. “Are you okay? I’ve never seen you turn down food.”
10. “Are those my underwear?”
11. “Will you just stop talking?” “Make me.”
12. “Did you just make a joke?”
13. “And you say I’m the dramatic one”
14. “Don’t get your hopes up”
15. “Subtlety is not your strong suit”
16. “My mind does not immediately jump to murder. Oh who am I kidding, of course it does!”
17. “Do you smell something burning?”
18. “No you are not Batman, stop saying that!”
19. “If you don’t stop talking in song quotes, I swear I will end you”
20. “Who ever said that I hate you?”
21. “Who thought it was a good idea to give (him/her/them) coffee?”
22. “What is that incessant beeping?”
23. “Here, take my jacket”
24. “Say hello to your cat for me”
25. “Who are you talking to?”
26. “Stay, please”
27. “Are you dead?” “Yes.”
28. “Next time you need help, don’t come to me”
29. “Can anybody tell me why my house is on fire?!”
30. “Are you crying?” “No! Shut up.”
31. “Stop screaming, it’s just me.”
32. “Jealous is not a good look on you”
33. “Is my leg supposed to bend that way?”
34. “I would rather be stuck on a deserted island with literally anybody but you”
35. “If you get ‘Let it Go’ stuck in my head one more time, I will never speak to you again.”
36. “I am too tired to deal with your happy disposition today”
37. “That line was so cheesy, it hurts.”
38. “Can you not be sarcastic just for once?”
39. “I told you this was a bad idea”
40. “Do not throw up on me”
41. “I’m just gonna keep talking until you smile”
42. “If you’re trying to seduce me, I would reconsider.”
43. “Can I kiss you?”
44. “I must be going crazy”
45. “Do I spy a tattoo?”
46. “Am I turning into a vampire?”
47. “No, you cannot borrow my laptop! You remember what happened the last time.”
48. “Just hug me before I put someone’s head through a wall.”
49. “If you can’t tell, I am very angry.”
50. “Are those little unicorns on your boxers?”
51. “You dropped something”
52. “You must be new here”
53. “Can we watch movies and cuddle?”
54. “I love you, I hope you know that.”
55. “I need you to stop laughing and come help me”
56. “Next time, I pick the music.”
57. “Can I kill (them)?”
58. “If you can go one hour without talking, I will kiss you”
59. “Stop saying that”
60. “You’re ridiculous”
61. “I’d hate to ruin such a sweet moment, but we have to go.”
62. “Oh, I almost forgot you were here”
63. “Is it true what they say?”
64. “Is that what I think it is?”
65. “You’ve got no sense of self-preservation”
66. “You’re worrying me”
67. “Get away from me”
68. “Don’t say that”
69. “Sometimes I wish I never met you”
70. “Can you stop poking me?”
71. “Don’t tell me to calm down, you’re covered in blood!”
72. “Will you tell me a story?”
73. “There might be a small…large…dent in your car, but please don’t kill me, I can explain!”
74. “I just want to drink chocolate milk and take a nap.” “You are a grown adult.”
75. “Are you drunk?”
76. “It looks like there was a train wreck in here”
77. “You lost the bet, you know what that means”
78. “I shouldn’t be here.” “Then why are you?”
79. “I’m not going with you dressed like that”
80. “Who else is going to save you from yourself?”
81. “What kind of name is that?”
82. “That is a lot of- what even is that?”
83. “That doesn’t look like fun, it looks like a death trap”
84. “So this is what betrayal looks like”
85. “Who started the food fight?”
86. “What, my poetry isn’t good enough for you?” “You just recited Dr. Seuss.”
87. “I’ve been shot!” “Relax, it’s just a nerf bullet.”
88. “You’re trying too hard, you need to just relax.”
89. “You look like the poster-child for bad decisions”
90. “Could you be any more oblivious?”
91. “Shut your whore mouth”
92. “Say that to my face, you soggy piece of pizza”
93. “You are such a moldy shower curtain”
I really hope you guys have fun writing, and I’m looking forward to reading all of your amazing fics! If you have any questions, feel free to message me or send an ask. Love you all!
I’m adding everyone on my tag list and Urban Shitposting group just in case you want to join or signal boost!
@deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @mad-girl-without-a-box @cd1242 @space-helen @izzy10718 @feelmyroarrrr @bookcaseninja @musikat18 @kickingitwithkirk @auduna-druitt @garnet-redtailedhero @bubblegum-star-trek @reading-in-moonlight @cuddlememerrick @loststarlight @fireboltrose7559 @lauuerodz @bkwrm523 @fearofdeathkeepsusalive @goingknowherewastaken @annathewitch @outside-the-government @queenmismatched  @thefanficfaerie
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