#you know Martyn I don't think the red task pool is that big...
secret-task-tracker · 10 months
Session 6
!!Spoilers Below!!
Now with "Tango's" task added!
(Red tasks now in the same post below everyone else's because apparently they actually fit.)
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"You declared yourself incorrectly successful last session, you must re-roll for hard as punishment.
Cleo's task is: "Stand in a circle of different kinds of flowers and spin" You can't tell her what it is, but you can say warmer and colder as she tries to figure it out. You can tell her when she's done it. The rest of the server knows her task, she does not. She has to figure it out." (All the rest of the server's tasks have Cleo's task tacked on so I'm not going to add this to everyone's entries)"
Status: Re-rolled
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"Etho is going to get a warden to the surface, you must get a wither. Make them do battle. You can work together to make this battle happen. The fight must take place a central location."
Status: Achieved
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"You are Smajor1995's assassin. You must deal a minimum of 10 hearts of damage to them to succeed. You can use other people or any means you please. But if you are called out by them as the assassin, you fail, even if you already dealt the damage. They have one guess"
Status: Failed, (Scott figured him out)
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"There is an assassination hit out on you from a non-red. If they do at least 10 hearts of damage to you (or through another's actions) or you die, you fail. You have one shot to guess who it is to make them fail even if they already dealt the damage. (you must still get involved in conversations)"
Status: Achieved (correctly called out the assassin)
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"@/ethenschille2203 Everytime someone takes damage, tell them much too late how it could have been avoided. If you see them about to take damage, you must warn them much too late also."
(they keep making BigB just... watch as his friends take damage, this is his second task of this nature)
Status: Achieved
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"You ended up with Pearls book at the end of last session, you must re-roll for hard as punishment."
Status: Re-rolled
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"Grian is going to get a wither, you must get a warden to the surface. Make them do battle. You can work together to make this battle happen. The fight must take place in a central location. Deep dark can be found at -671 -30 1875."
Status: Achieved
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"You are in a game of chicken with Impulse & Scar. You pass if you win more than 3 chicken competitions. Anyone can declare a round of chicken as long as it's something that will cause damage."
Status: Achieved
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"You are an imposter, you must approach any or multiple reds and secretly tell them this task. They can give you any task to damage a green player. If you successfully damage 3 different green names (for any amount) from their instructions, you pass."
Status: Achieved
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"You are in a game of chicken with Impulse & Bdubs. You pass if you win more than 3 chicken competitions. Anyone can declare a round of chicken as long as it's something that will cause damage"
Status: Achieved
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"You are in a game of chicken with Scar & Bdubs. You pass if you win more than 3 chicken competitions. Anyone can declare a round of chicken as long as it's something that will cause damage"
Status: Achieved
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"You have an imaginary friend who is exactly like Tango. Talk to Tango as if they follow you round the whole session and are part of the conversations. You must interact with other players during this time"
Status: Achieved
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"@/jamcdonald120 Everyone else knows what your task is, figure it out and do it. They can't tell you what it is but they can say warmer or colder when you attempt something. A Yellow can not call out this task as everyone already knows what it is. You can not ask, you must attempt to do it."
Status: Achieved
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"@/Audreymation You are now the therapist of the server. For the rest of the session, you must guide and give other players advice in a professional manner. The advice does not need to be good advice. You must help players to acknowledge any negative feelings. You can not directly solve their problems, you are there only for emotional support. You fail if called out by a yellow. You can give therapeutic advice to every other player at least once. You can only help someone if they appear down or frustrated."
Status: Achieved
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"Nothing you say can be true for 30 minutes. If you tell the truth, you must start again."
(Why do they keep making Gem lie?)
Status: Achieved
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"You are Grian's terrible butler. You must do anything they say, but always get some aspect of it wrong. You can tell them you are their butler, but not anything else"
Status: Failed
Red Tasks:
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"Hit a green name with a sword until they block you with a shield. If you kill them, you also succeed."
Status: Achieved (with Impulse as the victim)
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"Cause any amount of damage to a non-red using an anvil."
Status: Achieved (to "Tango")
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"Strike a deal with a non-red to cause at least 3 hearts of damage to another non-red. You succeed when they have dealt the damage."
Status: Achieved (Bdubs -> Scar)
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"Summon a mob using an egg to deal any damage to any green."
Status: Past end of session
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"Replace the water under the pink diving board with blue glass. You must not be caught. You succeed if they take damage from diving off. You fail if they find it or refuse to jump."
Status: Failed
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"Punch another player into lava. It can be lava you have placed"
Status: Failed (low-key because he read it wrong and ended up targeting the wrong person because of it)
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"Cause any amount of damage to a non-red using an anvil."
Status: Achieved (to... "Tango"... again)
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"Build a TNT cannon and successfully hit a base from at least 50 blocks."
Status: Failed
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"Replace the water under the pink diving board with blue glass. You must not be caught. You succeed if they take damage from diving off. You fail if they find it or refuse to jump."
Status: Debatable (didn't really do the second part did he...)
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"Strike a deal with a non-red to cause at least 3 hearts of damage to another non-red. You succeed when they have dealt the damage."
Status: Failed
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"Use redstone to damage a non-red player. You can not hit them with the item, it must be a machine or trap of some kind"
Status: Achieved to her husband...
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"Summon a mob using an egg to deal any damage to any green."
Status: Achieved (nearly taking out Skizz in the process)
If I made any mistakes tell me please k thanks byeeeeee
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