#you get most things wrong but you're very funny and weird and oddly insightful
belliesandburps · 4 years
So, part of why I was so fast to get all my new commissions colored on the same night was that I was trying to stay awake because I’d drop my mom off at the emergency wing after I visited, saw she looked like shit, and was advised by the consultation nurses to take her to the emergency room.  She could barely talk, she couldn’t walk without losing her balance, and she was incredibly dizzy for reasons unknown.  That was at 8pm, and having dropped her off at the hospital multiple times, I expected to get a call to pick her up around 12am to maybe 2am.  And I was coloring my posers to keep busy until then.  Welp, I never got a call, so I figured she was staying overnight and went to be a little uneasy, but figured if it was an emergency, they’d call me right away which, fortunately, didn’t happen.
I eventually get a call before work around 11am from my mom to come get her.  I ask what the doctors said, lo and behold, doctors found a mild brain aneurysm.  So, in a year, she’ll have a CT scan to check and see how it’s doing.  The kicker to all of this?  The fucking aneurysm WASN’T the reason for her getting dizzy and feeling like shit.  THAT was caused by freakin’ vertigo, likely a byproduct of her long diagnosed sciatica.
Let me remind y’all that earlier this year, my mom broke her arm when she tripped going for a walk at night, and it was when they did her x-rays that they determined she ALSO had a clogged artery that could’ve caused heart problems.
This year has been the ultimate “trial by fire” year for my mom, where horrible shit happens to her and somehow reveals even more horrible shit than she even realized, but was lucky to catch before it fucking KILLED her.  I’m equal parts grateful we caught these things and infuriated at the same damn time.  Sooooo, now, I took her back to her place, laid her down on her reclining couch but kept it elevated, and got her prescriptions from Kaiser to hopefully clear up the dizziness and get her feeling normal again within a few days. 
To prevent the aneurysm from bursting, she needs to calm the fuck down, because trust me, folks, this old gal gets worked up over the littlest things, and I’ve been telling her for almost fifteen years, “Dude, Madre, CHILL the fucking eff out, because this much stress is NOT good for you.”  And go figure, the only time I get to say “Told you so” is the worst time imaginable. 
Soooooo, guess we’ll see.  I Dash near her house anyway, so I’ll be checking up on her daily to see how she’s doing and if she’s improving.  Hopefully, the medication works and she’s back to normal again, but once she is, she needs to be taking way more of her weed chocolate and learning to calm down. 
For the record, I’m fine.  It’s stressful, but I’m confident that she’ll be okay.  My mom just has a very shitty body where there’s always something wrong with it every other month.  I’m not posting this for pity or those “I’m sorry to hear that” posts, I never do.  I’m posting this for one simple reason, for as shit as this year is, never forget to take care of yourselves.  My mom didn’t even want to go to the hospital last night when she could barely see straight.  I had to be the one to drag her ass there.  Don’t stick your heads in the sand.  Ignoring your health or mental problems won’t make them go away, trust me on that.
...But man, this goddamn year, you guys.  It truly has been the hammer of perpetual fuckery...
I swear, as Pesci is my witness, if I had a gun with three bullets, and I was trapped in a room with Putin, Trump and the personification of 2020?  I would shoot 2020 in the balls three times, then I would beat it to death with the gun.  Trump, I’d just leave in the room to rot because after January 20th, that orange pile of liquid shit will be an afterthought.  And Putin?  I mean, you can’t really kill a soulless vampire, can you. 
Not unless you’re Van Helsing, Alucard or Chuck from The Veil of Darkness, and folks, I am no Chuck.
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