#you figured me out! you're correct! i do indeed hope that people feel anger because of this!
feluka · 4 months
i didn't respond to That person on my "legally-killed" post because i've given up on these people and because some of you responded to them better than i would have, but, god, the amount of times people saunter in like "ah, i couldn't help but notice that you're responding to this situation in an Emotional manner rather than a purely logical manner as intelligent beings as myself do," and i don't know what to tell you, but yes! yes, i am emotional! i am not detached, i am not neutral, i am angry and sad. and you don't look as superior and clever as you think you do in not being emotional. i don't trust you if you're not emotional about a genocide. you can be deeply invested and horrified and devastated and also well-informed and clever and rational. look to palestinians. they've had to be all of those things at the same time for too long. it's possible. just because you don't have the bandwidth for all these multitudes doesn't mean everyone else does, and doesn't mean parading that shallowness of yours will earn you any pats on the back.
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saiilorstars · 4 years
Rise Up
Ch.3: Lonesome Rogues
Previous Story: It Had To Be You || Current Masterlist
Pairings: Barry Allen x Female OC
Chapter Summary: The Snarts have made their way back to STAR Labs only this time they're in need of help.
Pronunciation of OC: Bell-en. The last syllable has an emphasis so it’s not pronounced like ‘Helen’ would be.
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother @anotherunreadblog​
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Maritza Palayta knew by now not to expect many visits for her, from anyone. She counted herself lucky if Belén decided to stop by once a month. Having her mother sitting in front of her now was something beyond shocking.
"Mom?" the word tumbled from Maritza's mouth before she could even finished thinking.
Veronica stood on the other side of the glass, her facial features not as readable as they once were. She didn't know what to make of her eldest daughter now. She'd been there for Maritza's sentencing, head held high but nothing but disapproving of Maritza. Never in Veronica's mind did she ever consider her daughter becoming a metahuman and much less a criminal.
"I didn't expect you to visit me..." Maritza said after a minute of awkward silence. "At all."
"Should I?" Veronica's tone was cold, but Maritza knew she deserved it. In her mother's perspective, she ruined their reputation in the police department both in Central City and in Starling City.
"I don't know," Maritza answered honestly. "I don't let Axel visit, and I'm lucky if Belén decides to give me the time of day, so...to what do I owe this visit?"
Veronica closed her eyes, sighing. "If you haven't seen Belén already, I think you know what my situation is right now..."
"Ah," Maritza slightly raised her head. "Are you still bothering Belén about my son's custody? You know I left instructions, written out legally, of who I wanted to look after my son, right?"
"Maritza, we both know that Belén is neither ready nor has the means to sustain herself and a child," Veronica remained adamant in that aspect. She viewed this as logically as she could and it was the simple truth. On her own, Belén was able to pay for herself and do her own things, but having a child was something completely life-changing. "You and I, we had our children at a decent age. At a time where we were physically, emotionally and economically ready to care for a child."
"Well, one of us was," Maritza corrected coldly. "Because I may have gone down the wrong path, killed people, but I was always there for my son no matter what. Can you say the same? Where the hell were you?"
"I accept my faults," Veronica lowered her gaze, surprising Maritza for a second there. She'd never won a small disagreement like that, ever. "And after seeing how each of my children have ended up...I realize I should've been there more. It's why I want to try and get close to Belén."
"Your words are nice but your actions say something else," Maritza sighed. "You want Belén, fine, but on your terms and that's not going to work, Mom. And that's the problem. Mom, I love you, I really do. In your own way I know you love us back but you are making the biggest mistake of your life. You lost Dad, Rayan, me...do you really want to lose Belén too?" Maritza so desired for her mother to see the errors she was making. She would want nothing more than the last remaining family of hers to be together.
Veronica swallowed hard and looked down. "I am trying-"
"No, you're fighting," Maritza corrected her softly. "Mom-" she laughed softly, "-stop fighting and help Belén instead. You think it doesn't kill me to know she's struggling because she has to raise my son? I wish nothing more than to change what I did, but I can't. But you...you still have a chance to mend your errors. You want to have a relationship with Belén? Prove to her that you are committed to seeing her perspective for once."
Maritza hoped her mother would heed her words because she was sure if Veronica kept going forth with her plan, Belén would never forgive her.
~ 0 ~
"So my mother has filed for custody of Axel," Belén sighed as she explained to Barry. The two were sitting on the steps of her front porch. Little by little, they had scooted closer to each other. "Like, she actually filed for it. I thought she was angry and bluffing but she wasn't. And you know she did it because I said 'no' to going back with her to Star City."
Barry was honestly shocked to hear what Veronica did. He never had the pleasure of meeting her and actually talking with her in a full conversation, but this was enough to put her on his bad list. "I'm so sorry Belén..."
Belén sighed and glanced at him with a sad smile. "I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to spread my depressive news to you."
Barry smiled back for a moment before assuring her everything was fine. He'd come by with the intention of asking her to lunch since they still hadn't had the chance of going on a date since their break up. But as soon as he'd taken a look at her face - which was after asking her to lunch - he saw something was wrong. And boy was he right.
He took her hand and gave it a gentle kiss. "We'll figure something out, Bells."
"C'mon. I'm 26 I don't know the first clue about being a pseudo-mother to a four year old. I'm selling my childhood house to keep up with bills. Maybe, on some level, my mom's right to file for custody..."
"You're doing everything you can, and you know what? If your mother is truly concerned then maybe she could help instead of doing...this!" Barry couldn't help the anger lacing his words the more he thought about Veronica's actions. "If she wants to fight, then let's make sure our fight is a damn good one."
Belén was smiling softly, and he had no idea why. The way he'd automatically joined her side with 'our fight' made her feel...warm. She missed that. A lot. "I'm glad you're around again."
The smile that came to Barry's face was automatic. His hand gripped hers and there was a moment where he thought he couldn't ever let go of her hand. "So am I."
"And...I'm sorry about the whole...date thing...I'm-"
"-I get it Bells," Barry reassured her again. "We can go another time."
"Are you sure?" Belén asked, still mighty guilty. It'd been some time since they technically were trying to be together again and it was rather hard to do when there were no dates involved.
"Yes! C'mon," Barry stood up and, with his hand still holding hers, made her get up as well. "Let's go to STAR Labs. Cisco might be done with the breach search, remember? Portals into another world might be something fun to see, you know..."
Belén dramatically sighed. "For nerds, I guess." Barry deadpanned her until she laughed. "Alright, let's go see this breach thing. I need to pick up Axel anyways."
Indeed Cisco had finished with the breach search and found quite more than he would've thought. Down in the basement of STAR Labs gathered the group save for Stein, Iris and Joe to look at the biggest breach of them all...which turned out to be out of 53 in the entire city. It resembled a blue, moving blob suspended in air over a small platform.
"Pretty amazing, isn't it?" Cisco couldn't stop looking at the breach.
"It looks like a blob," Belén crinkled her nose. Cisco immediately shot her a look of offence for diminishing the breach's worth.
"Still can't believe what I'm looking at," Jay admitted.
"52 breaches in Central City, and the biggest one just happens to be in our basement," Caitlin remarked, totally unsurprised by the turn of events.
"We need a name for it," Cisco popped a finger in the air.
"It's not a pet, dude," Barry's words meant nothing for Cisco who was already on a brainstorming path.
"No," professor Stein walked in carrying a squared monitor hanging on a strap, "It's a wormhole."
Caitlin immediately turned for the man. "Professor Stein, what are you doing? Your blood pressure is 147 over 82! You could pass out again."
Stein didn't look the least bit worried over his condition despite the fact he had collapsed a few days ago while giving the group a lecture. "Oh, it's merely a few points above the 140 average for someone my age. Besides, I have some ideas I would like to contribute to this discussion, Dr. Snow."
"And I want to hear them. This isn't just a wormhole. It's my way home," Jay reminded them all. "Back to Earth Two."
"Jay, you really think that we can use this as some kind of bridge from your world to ours?" asked Barry.
"Zoom uses the breaches. Why can't we?"
"We don't know how. Everything I put through just bounces back," Cisco sighed.
Axel, who had been left sitting at a nearby desk looked up from his drawings he was working on. "Can we throw more things!?" he excitedly asked.
Not even waiting for the answer, he grabbed his crayon box and hopped off his chair to run for the breach. He and Cisco had taken turns throwing things into the breach earlier to see if they would come back and he was mighty disappointed when Caitlin came in to tell them not to do it anymore. He liked seeing everything they threw be bounced back at them.
"Cisco!" Belén exclaimed as the boy made a beeline for the breach, his arm already raised to throw the crayon box.
"Got him!" Cisco snagged Axel of his feet as he passed by him.
"Aw," Axel frowned. Everyone laughed at the young boy.
"I can't believe you," Belén shook her head at Cisco for yet again teaching something wrong to her nephew.
"If Zoom's using these breaches to transport people from Earth Two, maybe it takes a speedster," Barry suddenly theorized and gave a smirk.
"Barry don't-" Belén didn't get to finish when he sped out of the room. "He wouldn't…" she dared to think that Barry wouldn't be that impulsive.
But...Jay knew better. "Yeah, he is," he answered with eyes shut.
A second later, Barry sped into the room straight for the breach only to be thrown backwards. He landed in a small roll on the floor and groaned. "Maybe I'm not fast enough."
This time it was only Axel who burst into laughter. "Boom! Barry went boom!"
"Yeah!" Cisco gave him a high-five, missing Barry throwing them a mini-glare as he got back on his feet.
"I don't believe your speed is the entirety of the issue, Barry. It might be the breach's stability or lack thereof," Stein hypothesized more correctly.
"He's right," Jay nodded. "We need to think of the breach as a door, and on Earth Two, there's another door. In between, we have a hallway, but the hallway's constantly shifting, twisting, collapsing upon itself. And the doors keep moving with it."
"So we stabilize the door, we stabilize the hallway," Cisco understood the idea.
"And then I can jump through it," Barry beamed.
"Exactly, it would serve as a kind of cannon," Jay smiled but no one like Cisco.
"A speed cannon. Mm. We should hang out more," Cisco pointed at him, making the others laugh.
"Alright," Stein cut into the laughter. "No more tests today. All of you are leaving now, as am I. Cherish the gift of youth as I will go cherish my much needed nap." He motioned the entire group to get going. "Clarissa's already on her way to pick me up. Why not go get some coffee?"
"That is a fantastic idea!" Cisco agreed, already rubbing his hands together at the thought of some sweet coffee. "Jitters anyone?"
"You paying?" Belén teased.
"Can I get some chocolate milk?" Axel rushed up to Belén with his own hands put together. When Belén saw that she sighed do deeply.
"You have got to stop spending so much time with Cisco, buddy."
The others snickered while Cisco let out a mighty offended gasp with a hand over his chest.
Iris joined the group for some midday coffee and was excited to hear about the breach discovery, though not so much after she learned there 53 in their city. While Barry went to get their coffee, the others remained at the table chatting. Belén, however, was pulled away from the conversation when her phone started ringing. Seeing it was her mother calling, she dumped her phone into her purse and decided to go help Barry bring back their drinks.
"Need some help?" she asked him.
"Still waiting," Barry motioned to the barista running behind the counter. "You okay?" he noticed her anxious expression.
"Yeah," she said a bit too fast to be convincing. "Mom's calling and all."
"And you're not going to answer?"
"Not if I don't trust myself not to shout."
Barry thought that was fair enough. He pressed a kiss to her temple and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, bringing her closer to him. Belén smiled to herself and got to thinking about the fact they hadn't really kissed either.
What kind of getting-back-together is this? Belén wondered if Barry had thought about it too. If he had, then he was being really good about it.
"Order 20!" A barista slid a coffee on the counter then hurried to continue with other orders.
A blonde woman leaned on the couple's side to reach for her drink then offered a shy smile at them once they could see her clearly. Only a couple days were needed to learn that Patty Spivot was a shy woman.
"Hey guys," she greeted with a wave of her free hand. She seemed far more cheery than when they first met her (separately). It stemmed from the fact she was finally on the metahuman task force at the precinct.
"Hey, Patty," Barry greeted. He looked down at Belén and realized he never introduced them, not that they didn't know each other already. "Oh, this is-"
Belén chuckled and lowered his gesturing hand before he could finish. "We already know each other, don't we?" she looked at Patty who laughed as well.
"Yeah, she's the one that gave me the advice to continue hassling Joe for a spot on the task force."
"I've been meaning to congratulate you, actually," Belén said. "Barry told me Joe let you in. I'm sure you'll be great."
Patty sheepishly smiling. "I'm hoping." Her smile sort of faltered when she noticed Belén's injured arm was...no longer injured. "Sorry, um...how's your arm?"
"Hm?" Belén quickly looked at her perfect arms. Her metahuman abilities kicked in and aided her in healing quicker than a normal human.
"Oh, um, it's fine. It's still a little sore but since the bullet didn't actually hit my arm it healed quicker," Belén cleared her throat and looked at the counter that was being filled with their drinks. Patty seemed to buy it since she gave an 'oh' and smiled about it.
As Barry tried gathering all of the, together, Belén laughed and decided to help. "Bells, it's hot," he said and then motioned to her hands.
"Oh shut up," she playfully rolled her eyes and took at two cups. She glanced back at Patty who was taking a sip of her coffee. "Do you want to have some coffee with us?"
Patty's eyes snapped back to the two. "Hm? Oh, no thanks," she shook her head. "I was stopping here on my way to work. Another day? I owe you for your help."
"Sure," Belén beamed at the idea.
"Great," Patty stepped aside to let the two get on with their coffee.
"C'mon," Belén led Barry away. "I like her."
"I do too. She's lively and she knows her way around a crime scene," Barry said, missing Belén's sarcastic glance.
"Hmm, young, pretty, blonde and a nerd? Should I be worried?"
"Wh-what!?" At that point he nearly did dropped the cups in his hands. "I-I no! That's...that's not at all what I meant, Bells!"
Belén laughed as they approached their table.
"What's with you two?" Iris eyed them.
"Oh, nothing, just teasing Barry on his new girlfriend," Belén said calmly as she took her seat next to Axel.
"She's not-" Barry began rather adamantly before he realized this was just another play of hers. He sighed and shook his head. "That's not funny," he pointed at her with a stern finger.
"Seems pretty funny from my end," she said slyly and picked up her coffee.
"Hey, you guys think Professor Stein is okay, right?" Caitlin didn't even pick up her own cup before thinking yet again on Professor Stein. "I mean, Clarissa would call if there was anything wrong."
"Yeah, of course," Barry said to her, but apparently it wasn't enough to convince her.
She grabbed her phone and started getting up. "All right. I'm just gonna call and check in. I'll be back."
"Uh- I don't see that call going well," Cisco said right before he started imitating Stein. "Young lady, these repeated intrusions are interrupting what should be a speedy recov-" but in the midst of his mockery he bumped into a passing brunette woman. "Oh, I'm so sorry."
The brunette looked up and revealed herself as Lisa Snart who answered in her usual flirty tone. "Don't apologize. You can bump into me any day, Cisco."
"Lisa Snart," Cisco's eyes widened.
"Oh, hell no," Belén said outright annoyed. Meanwhile, Barry tried hiding behind his coffee cup.
"You here to double-cross us again, or are you and your big bro holding up coffee shops now?" asked Cisco.
"Auntie Belén," Axel once again tugged on her good arm. "Who's she?"
"Someone who needs to go," Belén answered loudly for Lisa to get the point. "I would think you and your brother would stay away from places where there's children present."
Lisa didn't respond in her usual snarky tone. "I need your help," she said instead.
"In your dreams, Sister Cold," Cisco nearly laughed.
"I think her brain was finally frozen," Belén stared at the woman. "You do realize we could call in the Flash and the Azalea at any moment, right?"
Lisa nodded. "Call him. I know you two have a thing, so call him."
Barry nearly choked on his coffee while Belén gaped. Iris just smirked - she kinda liked this Lisa Snart.
"Unbelievable," Belén looked away, her face rather warm. "Was it that obvious?"
Her response was a very loud scoff from Iris.
Cisco had been studying Lisa in the meanwhile and had noticed something was just off with her. There was an actual shred of fear sitting in her eyes, and...concern? Was that even possible in a Snart?
"You really want us to call then," he said in realization.
"I need their help too," Lisa confessed. "My brother's been kidnapped."
~ 0 ~
Of course very curious to see what Lisa meant, the group took her back to STAR Labs to get the full story. However, both Belén and Barry made the excuse they had to go take Axel somewhere else - they may have forgotten their excuse as soon as Lisa was gone with Caitlin and Cisco. Instead, they let Iris take Axel and the two beat the trio to STAR Labs to get changed.
"I saw it happen," Lisa swore. She stood in the middle of the cortex, explaining her situation to the group before they would send her off. "Last night, Lenny, me, and Mick were knocking over the cashier's cage at Central City Racetrack-"
"Does it physically pain your family not to rob people?" Belén blamed herself for being so surprised when she knew she was dealing with a family of criminals.
Lisa rolled her eyes. "I never finished the job. After Mick torched through the side entrance, I looked back for Lenny and saw him getting thrown into the back of a van."
"And why didn't you and Mick follow?" asked Barry.
"I would have. Someone hit me from behind and knocked me out," Lisa gestured to her head. "When I came to, Lenny was gone, and Mick already made off with the cash."
"How do we know this isn't some kind of a trap?" Cisco logically wondered.
"If Lenny wanted Flash dead, he would have let Mardon, Simmons, and Bivolo take that honor, remember?"
"Yeah, I remember," Barry mumbled, thinking of it as yet another logical reason not to help them again.
"Good. Then you'll also recall that you owe Lenny a favor for saving your life. Time to make good on that debt."
"Even if we wanted to help, how are we supposed to find him?" Barry asked honestly.
Cisco turned on his feet and walked for the desk. "Not a problem. See, when I rebuilt the cold gun, I didn't have time to place a tracker on it, so I devised a method of locating it by borrowing some military technology." He started typing on the computer. "See, the gun works the same as thermal imaging, only instead of infrared heat signatures, it's looking for ultraviolet cold signatures. Whoa, look at that. The gun's UV thermal reading was last picked up at 5th and Hoyt eight minutes ago."
"All right. Let's see if you're a liar," Barry said to Lisa before speeding out.
"I'm not," Lisa argued but he had already left.
"That's debatable," Belén said under her breath, but not as quiet as she thought because Lisa had heard perfectly.
As it turned out, Cisco was right on where to find Snart. However, they did not account for Snart being with his father. As a result, Barry ended up being nearly frozen to death. Thanks to Cisco's new addition to the suit, the ice melted into nothing and he was able to return to STAR Labs where he had half a mind to tell Lisa Snart off.
"So your brother was not kidnapped. He was pulling a job with your father," he sourly informed Lisa upon arriving.
Lisa was nothing but confused. "What? No, Lenny would never do that."
"Oh, just like he would never try and kill The Flash with his cold gun?" Belén pretended to think. "Do you know your brother?"
Lisa still couldn't get over the confusion. It was the first clue that perhaps she wasn't lying to them. "Are you sure it was my dad?"
Cisco pulled up a reference file of her father. Caitlin walked over to the computer hanging on the wall. "That's him. Lewis Snart. Convicted of larceny, armed robbery, aggravated assault, assault with a deadly weapon."
"You have to believe me," Lisa pleaded. "Lenny would never work with him," she then added, like it was a secret no one in the room knew, "He's a bad guy."
"Did you miss the memo or something?" Belén honestly wondered if Lisa was just pretending she and her family weren't criminals. She was aware she was being ruder than usual but when it came to the Snarts she had no control.
"Why should we trust anything you say?" Caitlin crossed her arms.
Lisa stared at them a minute and then pulled on her jacket and blouse's collar to reveal a long scar running around the side of her neck. "I didn't get this scar being a criminal. I got it being a daughter," she mumbled and walked away.
The others, feeling a bit guilty, meant to follow her and get her back when Cisco stopped them. "Let me go. I got this," he made a gesture and left the room.
"I have to get to work," Belén knew she couldn't last long in the same room as a Snart. She was going to crack. "Every time I see a Snart all I think of is my sister's secret. Maybe the Azalea can take a rain check here."
"Don't worry," Barry said, understanding this wasn't one of her best moments. "We'll call you if something comes up."
Belén thanked him for it and took her leave. However when Barry got to thinking what she was planning on doing at work, he followed her out to the elevators.
"Uh, Bells, hold on a minute," his call stopped her in time. "About that article you, Linda and Iris are doing..."
Belén nodded, already knowing where this was going. She'd talked to him and the others about what they were doing and needless to say he was a little concerned with her decision.
"Barry, it'll be fine," she tried to say but he just couldn't agree so easily.
"I just don't think it's a good idea looking at where we are right now," he sighed. "You wanting to be the Azalea isn't the problem here, you know..."
"I do," Belén agreed, crossing her arms. "But if I live my life in fear because someone from another world decided to hunt me down...I'll never be happy."
"Datura is hunting you down for whatever reason and you letting the city know that the Azalea is alive might just give her more fuel to hurt you."
"Either way, Barry, she's coming to hurt me," Belén stepped closer to him, putting on her best encouraging smile for him. "Might as well let her know who she's dealing with."
Barry's lips briefly quirked into a smile. He loved hearing her so brave and sure of herself. He didn't want to be the reason it disappeared, but he just wished he could stop worrying so much.
~ 0 ~
Belén met with Linda to look over their almost finished draft. Since it was Iris' day off, they wanted to have everything finished for tomorrow so they could just give it another proofread and turn it in.
"This is really good," Linda said after reading some of Belén's lines. "Your perspective on the Azalea's disappearance is really interesting."
"Thanks," Belén felt a little ridiculous for taking a comment about a piece she did about herself. "I just think the city should wonder if this woman was away for so long then maybe it's for a big reason."
"I think they'll believe it," Linda said with absolute certainty. "And you know what, maybe reading this might encourage the Azalea to come back."
Belén smiled at their draft. "I think so."
Belén inwardly groaned when she heard her mother's voice. "Mom," she turned away from her desk to find Veronica approaching her. "Seriously? You can't do this at my job-"
But Veronica calmly raised a hand to stop her. "I'm not here to argue. I want to talk. For real."
Admittedly this did stump Belén for a minute. Her mother seemed calm, calmer than any time she'd seen her as of late.
"You can talk in the conference room," Linda suggested, nodding her head towards the empty room behind her. "No one will bother you there."
"Thank you," Veronica told her before walking towards the room, leaving not much of a choice for Belén.
"I'll be back soon," Belén promised Linda then followed her mother. She closed the glass doors and readied herself for whatever her mother threw at her.
"Bells, your mother's here…" Caitlin's eyes were widened as a gesture that she was pretty nervous of Veronica's appearance.
"Belén, please. I have a proposition," Veronica came out with it in one go, however Belén had a different idea of what she meant by a proposition.
"If it's me and Axel getting out of the city then you can forget-"
"I want to stay," Veronica surprised Belén so much that for the next minute Veronica had free range in the conversation to say what she needed to. "I've been going wrong about this, and I get it, and I'm sorry. I'm just...I've lost my kids, and not just from the divorce, but from life. Rayan's gone, Maritza's gone, even David's gone. And I thought that staying away was the best thing. I've always done better when I'm alone..."
"How'd that work out for you this time?" Belén crossed her arms, unable to keep her resentment at bay. "Because for us it didn't go too well."
"I was wrong," Veronica knew those three words would become part of her daily vocabulary. "I have never been very good at expressing my feelings and when I do they're always in the wrong manner. But you just have to know that I do love you, okay? You're my daughter, how could I not?"
"I have never doubted that," Belén said quietly, shifting on her feet. "But you have never, ever, tried to see things from another person's perspective. Everything always has to be your way or it just blows up."
"I know, I see that now," Veronica nodded her head. "That's why I want to stay here in the city, and change, so that I can be that mother you need. I know things will never be perfect, but I want to try."
"You say that now but by Sunday you'll be back to your regular self," Belén remarked.
"Not this time. I mean it. I already made calls to SCPD to transfer here."
Belén's eyes widened. "You...you did that?"
"Mhm. I'm hoping to get transferred here, at the CCPD. And look," Veronica went back to her purse where she pulled out a manila folder, "this is something else I think could be good for both of us." She walked up to Belén and held out the folder.
Eyes glued on her mother, Belén took the folder and opened it up. She skimmed a couple of lines which resulted in a contract...and proposition?
"What the hell is this?" she looked up.
"I want to buy the house off you," Veronica declared. Belén's mouth fell open once again. "It's clear you and I can't live together, and maybe it's for the best now. You're a young woman who, as you've said, is trying to make her life now. You're selling the house and I would like to buy it."
Belén's eyes nearly popped out from her head from how wide they were.
"And-" Veronica continued with a gesture that Belén should keep looking through the papers, "-I want you to sign Axel's custody over to me, but-" she raised a finger when she saw Belén opening her mouth to argue, "-with conditions. I honestly don't think you are ready to take on the responsibility of a child. It's not that I think you are incapable. I just think you're too young for this."
"I am-"
"Belén please just stop being stubborn and view things logically for a moment," Veronica pleaded. Belén snapped shut the folder but adhered to the request. "You're at the starting point of your life. You just had an accident, your job is barely beginning, and I even hear you're starting a relationship again, and all that gets complicated when you have a child to look after. Tell me you haven't gone crazy looking for babysitters? Axel goes to school now and that can't be easy when it's only three hours a day. Plus, I can't imagine the sleepless nights you've had trying to look after him. He's four and he doesn't have his mother anymore. I know you're trying, but...it has to be hard for you, right?"
Belén bit her lip, her initial annoyance subsiding when she got to thinking. Of course there'd been days where she just couldn't find someone to look after Axel while she went to train for the aerial show or even just to go to work. There were sleepless nights that often had her nearly falling asleep at work. Then there were moments that she just didn't know how to talk to Axel, especially when he asked about Maritza.
"I'm not trying to take Axel away from you. On the contrary, I want to stay here in the city, live in the old house with Axel where you and I can make plans to see each other more often. I'm going to get old eventually," Veronica smiled lightly, "And when that time comes, you'll probably have a family of your own and then you'll know how to care for Axel and your children. It'll be your decision to have them."
Belén re-opened the folder to look things over again. Her mind was fumbling with different ideas but they were all screaming at her to agree. This was the closest thing her mother had ever done to benefit her and Belén couldn't find it in her to disagree when her mother seemed to be honest. Because in the end, she did love her mom and she did want to form some sort of relationship before it was too late.
~ 0 ~
Returning to STAR Labs (as the Azalea), Belén came to quite a sight. Lisa was sitting on a stool with Barry and Caitlin, the former as the Flash and holding some sort of whirring device in front of Lisa's neck.
"What in the hell is going on here?" Belén walked over to them.
"There's a bomb inside Lisa's that her father put," Caitlin responded then moved on to tell Barry, "Once you hold it steady with the magnet, I can surgically excise it."
Cisco came running into the room shouting for them to stop. "Put the magnet down! This is a really concentrated bomb. It's gonna combust if it's exposed to magnetic friction and an oxidant."
Caitlin and Barry retracted one large step away from Lisa who shared the same confused face as Belén.
"In English please?" Belén asked them.
"Air. Uh, the bomb will explode if it comes in contact with air," Barry replied.
"Scientific minds. Can we confer, please?" Cisco motioned to be followed into a side room.
"Yeah, I'm not scientific but I don't want to be near her," Belén mumbled and flashed an apologetic smile at Lisa. "This time no offence."
For once Lisa smiled back.
"What if Flash speed extracts it?" Caitlin wondered once they were in a separate room.
"Nope, it's too risky," Cisco shook his head. "I'm gonna find a way to get it out. I just need a little time."
"But you could lose track of Snart and his dad," Belén pointed out.
"I wish we knew what he was gonna steal next and when," Barry said, thinking. It only took a moment for an idea to pop into his head. "Maybe I can get them to tell me. Their tech guy is dead, so I'm betting they're gonna need a new one. I should infiltrate Lewis' crew."
Belén burst into a fit of laughter but abruptly stopped when she met Barry's offended face. "Oh, you weren't kidding?"
"No, I wasn't," Barry frowned.
"You're gonna pretend to be a criminal?" even Caitlin was surprised of the idea.
"How hard can it be?" Barry shrugged, not thinking about it too much.
"How do I say it nicely…?" Belén mumbled, thinking for a minute before coming up with, "...you're kind of a dork."
Barry tilted his head at her. Was this the best she could come up with? And she was trying to be nice. "Well, as long as you're being nice."
Belén smiled. "You know I mean that affectionately, but...you just have a thing about you that screams…"
"Nerd?" Cisco finished, or blurted.
Belén laughed again. "That's the word!"
Barry shook his head at them. "Thanks guys, really."
"Oh, c'mon," Belén couldn't stop laughing however and so Barry left the room before they added more to his apparent persona.
"He actually went through with it," Belén couldn't say she was surprised Barry went through with his idea to pretend to be a criminal and tag along with Snart and his dad.
Caitlin laughed as the two walked for the cortex holding respective cups of coffee in their hands. "I think he might have done it just to prove us wrong."
When the two women returned to the cortex Cisco had devised a new way to retrieve the bomb from inside Lisa. He had fashioned a gun-like device with a fitted clear tube sticking above from it.
"What exactly are you gonna do to me with that thing?" Lisa hadn't stopped staring at the big gun she knew was going to be aimed at her pretty soon.
"Operating pressure on this is over 1,000 PSI. This will easily suck the micro-bomb out of your neck and into the barrel of this with one high-powered sho," Cisco tapped the top of the gun. "There is one slight risk."
"Besides shooting a high-powered weapon directly against my neck? "
"The gun does use compressed air," Cisco admitted and looked at the other two women.
Lisa reached a hand on his arm and softly said. "I trust you, Cisco."
"Maybe that's one thing we have in common," Belén smiled at Cisco. "Do your thing. But, uh...we'll be over here," she gestured to herself, Axel and Caitlin.
Cisco nodded a thanks and moved a bit to the side to finish the last bit of the gun. Almost at the same time, Belén's cellphone went off. She took it and walked to the side to take Iris' call, not that she had much of a conversation since Iris was in a fit.
"Bells? I need you!" Iris blurted frantically, worrying Belén she was in trouble.
"What? What is it!?"
"It's just...my dad told me that...that my Mom was actually alive and-"
"He what?" Belén's mouth fell open. "She's...like...breathing-alive?"
"Oh yeah, the whole thing. Please, I just...I really need someone I can talk to with 'mom problems'. Didn't even know I could have those," she mumbled in the end.
"Y-yeah, don't worry. Are you home?"
"Okay, I'll be right over," Belén promised and hung up. "I have to go but I'll be back as soon as I can."
"Is everything alright?" Caitlin asked once she detected something was off in Belén's tone.
"Yeah, um...I hope," Belén pushed herself up from her chair. "I'll be back later, promise."
"We'll handle things," Caitlin assured.
Belén thanked her once more and hurried to find Iris. Like the woman had said, Iris was sitting at home completely alone. She had Axel coloring at the dining table actually quiet. She had pulled up several of her old albums that happened to contain some of her mother's pictures. It was all completely crazy to her. First, she thought her mother was dead and now apparently Francine was more than alive. But then...her father told her that Francine was dying. How was she supposed to think when there was all that behind it?
She nearly jumped from the couch when she heard someone knocking. She opened it up and was relieved to find Belén on the other side. "Thanks for coming, Bells."
"Yeah, of course," Belén walked in but not before giving her a hug. "I can't believe your mom's alive."
"Me neither," Iris said and closed the door. "I didn't have anyone to talk to about this. I mean, I tried getting through to Barry but he wasn't answering-"
"Oh, he's off being a criminal," Belén waved that off and headed into the living room. Iris made a face behind but filed that under 'ask later'.
"Bells, I'm so confused. I saw her today," Iris stopped by the couch, allowing Belén to sit down first. Belén reached for an open photo album with a picture of a baby Iris and her mother. "Like...she was there, and…" Iris shook her head, still unable to believe it.
"How is she?" Belén thought to ask.
"She's...put together," Iris took a seat beside her. "My Dad said that...she used to be a drug addict. She was put together and I told her...to go away. That's what I said to her."
"I think that's completely understandable. I mean, if she left…"
"Oh, she left," Iris said with a bit of resentment in her tone. "She just got up and left and then suddenly decided she wanted to see me again." But even then Iris knew that wasn't the complete truth. "She's...sick. That's what she told my dad. But...I don't know if I can believe her. She's made my dad lie this whole time who knows what comes out of her mouth now."
"Well, you're a reporter, research her," Belén instructed. "You're the daughter of a cop, and a badass of a reporter. This is your perfect talent. Use it."
"And if it turns out to be true?" Iris asked quietly. "If my mom...is dying...what do I do?"
"I can't tell you what to do," Belén shook her head. "I mean, you see the problems I'm having with my own mother, but if Francine came back at this moment...she probably wanted to make amends before she…" made a gesture and sighed. "But you have to be really committed. You can't do it out of guilt. It's okay if you don't want to know her because the truth of the matter is, while biologically she's your mother...she was never A a mother to you. I think she would understand that."
Iris nodded. "Yeah," she mumbled.
Belén stared at her for a minute before reaching over and hugging her again. "Come here!" Iris smiled as she was rocked a bit by the woman. "If you want we could research together."
Iris truly thought about it for a minute but went against it in the end. "I need to do it alone. But thank you so much."
"Don't worry, I understand," Belén nodded her head. "But you also need to understand that I'm gonna hug you for five more minutes."
Iris laughed.
~ 0 ~
At one point in the heist he was being forced to pull, Barry wondered how he would rub it in Belén's face that his plan had gone right so far. She thought he was too dorky to actually play off being a trained techy criminal. She so owed him, that much he knew.
Now as the Flash, he appeared to Snart and his father right at the end of their heist, ready to stop them. Both of them were getting ready to leave the vault with all the diamonds they found.
"Only place you're going is back to Iron Heights, Lewis," Barry spat at the older man he really disliked, and not just because he had shot him five minutes ago.
Snart raised his cold gun at Barry but did not shoot. Lewis, on the other hand, just smiled. "Ah, you wanna bet?"
That was the question wasn't it? Barry raised a hand to his earpod. "Do I wanna bet?
"Do not bet!" he immediately heard Cisco's shout. "Give me a minute."
"Tell me this, what kind of man puts a bomb in his own daughter?" Barry started to ask, hoping Cisco wouldn't be too long.
"A very rich man," Lewis smirked. "Shoot him, son." But as Snart failed to do so, Lewis pulled out a small, silver device that Barry assumed was the controller of the bomb inside Lisa. "Kill him or you'll never see your sister alive."
Barry wondered how this could play out where both he and Lisa got out alive. Thankfully, he didn't have to think for too long before he heard Cisco's 'okay'.
"Lisa's safe," he told Snart. Almost on reflex, Snart redirected his cold gun at his father and shot him square in the chest.
Lewis fell on his knees with nearly his entire body covered in ice. "You're working with The Flash? I thought you hated him?"
"Not as much as I... hate you," Snart responded, almost trembling from the hatred he felt for the man now dead on the floor.
Barry cautiously moved up to Snart and gently pulled the cold gun from his hands - to which the other man didn't even fight for. "Lisa was safe. Why did you do that?"
Snart looked up with cold eyes. "He broke my sister's heart. Only fair I break his."
With the Snarts' dilemma finished - however badly it was - the rest of the team called it a day. Belén hadn't stopped by STAR Labs anymore due to the time, so she left Iris' place with Axel and returned home. She put Axel to bed, with the promise that things would be looking better for them now. He was certainly excited to learn his grandmother would be staying in the city. His excitement deterred his sleep but eventually, after two or three bedtime stories, Belén got him to fall asleep.
She had to admit, the idea of having her mother around - on good terms - was something that made her smile.
Her thoughts about the new arrangement were interrupted when she found her dining table decorated with candles and dinner she'd most certainly hadn't cooked. (She may or may not have bought Axel take out and called it dinner).
"This is a surprise," she admitted when she saw Barry standing next to the table. He was holding one azalea in his hand and was wearing a nice outfit.
"The many perks of being a speedster means I can basically be a ninja," Barry smirked which just made her laugh. He moved up to her and held the azalea out for her. "I know we didn't have a chance for a nice date outside and I know it's just harder for you right now, so...I thought maybe a house-date might work better."
"House date," Belén repeated with a soft chuckle. "Thank you for that." She took her azalea from his hand and gave it a sniff. "And thank you for my flower. My deadly, poisonous flower."
"Yeah, keep that away from Axel..."
Belén playfully rolled her eyes and gazed at the dinner table. "Thank you for this. All of it. I really love it. I'm just sad I'm not better dressed."
"What are you talking about? You're looking lovely as usual," Barry dramatically gestured at her.
"Barry, stop," Belén laughed but Barry continued on with his compliments, from her hair to her shoes. Eventually she managed to quiet him down only to keep Axel from waking up.
The two sat close to each other at the table and started on their dinner. It was from the same restaurant they visited on their first date.
"Good points, Mr. Allen," Belén pointed her fork at Barry. "Only this time I'm not going to spit anything out."
Barry nearly laughed when he remembered her spitting out a spicy meal she'd ordered on their first date. "I thought it was cute."
"It was awful. I'm surprised you didn't walk out there and then," Belén reached for a sip of her drink.
"Why would I? You were gorgeous then, and now I know you're the best thing that could ever happen to me."
Belén lowered her fork for a moment to smile at him. "You're smooth tonight. Thanks."
"I'm just glad you're smiling again," Barry passed a finger under her chin, widening her smile.
It was then that Belén realized she hadn't told him about her mother's latest visit that day. "My mom stopped by again..."
"Oh, Belén..." Barry figured Veronica pushed her again and was prepared to comfort her.
"No! Um...things actually got better," Belén felt weird just saying that sentence about her mother. She was so used to always having problems with Veronica. "She um, she...she made a proposition. She's buying the house from me. She's going to live here, actually, with Axel."
"She still made you give up custody?"
"No, uuh...I agreed," Belén nodded. She drew in a big breath before explaining her reasoning. "I love my nephew, I do, but I'm fully aware that I'm not ready to take care of him nor any child for that matter. I'm trying my best but if things keep going the way the were...I'm going to drown, Barry. I'm just...I'm not ready for it and I just want Axel to be okay..."
Barry set his hands on her shoulders to keep her from going into a long ramble that would eventually turn her face purple due to lack of oxygen. "I get it. You don't need to explain it to me."
"I don't want you to think I'm giving him up like if he were nothing."
"I would never think that. I've seen firsthand how much you love him. If you're making this choice it's because you're sure Axel is going to be okay. He's going to be good."
"I think he will be," Belén said with absolute certainty. "Mom's transferring to the precinct so she'll be around. Who knows, maybe this is our chance at actually having a relationship."
"I'm really happy for you, Bells," Barry said, taking his hands off her shoulders. "I'm glad Veronica finally came to her senses."
"Well..." Belén cleared her throat. Barry noticed her shifting on her chair and wondered what else she had to say. "She didn't come up with it entirely on her own. Maritza...actually inspired her." Barry's eyebrows raised together in shock. "I know," Belén chuckled lightly. "I was just as surprised as you were. Mom told me she visited Maritza and that Maritza basically called her out on everything."
"I mean...that was..." Barry couldn't even find the proper words to commend Maritza for her actions. It certainly brought a lot of happiness for Belén and that made him see Maritza in a new light.
"I'm thankful," Belén bit her lip nervously. "I'm basically getting a second chance with my Mom thanks to Maritza."
"I'm happy for you, a lot," Barry smiled.
Belén stared at him for a minute with a soft smile. "Yeah, things are finally getting better for me."
She got up from her chair and surprised Barry by sitting on his lap. She looped an arm around his neck and pressed her lips to his for a kiss. It was a much awaited kiss that was filled with feelings - some of those feelings were from the very day they'd broken up. Barry wrapped an arm of his around Belén's waist, keeping her steady as well keeping her close to his body. His free hand came to rest on her cheek and repeatedly stroked circles over her skin with his thumb.
They remained like that for a couple minutes until they felt their feelings for each other had been rekindled.
They gazed at each other with the same dazed smiles until someone spoke up.
"I need more dates like this," Belén spoke for the two of them.
Barry thought the same thing and went ahead and kissed her again.
Dinner was pushed back for a couple minutes.
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You are kidding, right? You're totally playing me right now, aren't you. There is no way you're unaware of your, uuh, extraordinary physical appeal. And never mind the bread, it was just a human saying to illustrate how much people love you. If you need proof, then just search your name a little bit more.
Anon, I swear by the stars I am not messing with you…
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I…well, maybe I should elaborate. I don’t know what kind of image of me you have in mind. It may be skewed by the lack of knowledge you possess about me. But I was never quite the adored figure you make me out to be. It’s a lot more complicated. I must warn you though. I have not talked to anybody in a couple of centuries. I might overshare a little bit.
You may know that I was the archmage of Xadia and while I was very clearly deserving of this position, if I may say so myself, it was never uncontroversial. You see, I broke with a lot of traditions and customs that were considered absolutely sacrosanct. I challenged a lot of core believes about the natural order of magic itself.Let’s just start with the fact that I am capable of calling upon all six arcanums. You might think this is fascinating. But in a society to whom the idea of inborn magic is the highest principle learning to connect to other arcanums is a shocking revelation. A painful thorn that may pop the bubble you live in and leave fundamental ideas about society shattered. 
And as you might be able to imagine, the controversy doesn’t just start with my appointment. Mastering all six arcanums takes a lot of time and a startouch elf - a member of the most revered elven demographics - undertaking such an endeavor is bound to draw a lot of attention upon him- or herself. I challenged the traditions and ideas of the magical society from a very early age on. I just can’t help being very passionate and as a result very vocal about things I consider backwards, unjust or narrow-minded. So I hope it doesn’t come as a surprise that someone who has challenged and criticised a society that is very fond of their magical order since adolescence is considered quite unpopular, a troublemaker, a disturber. If I got a moonberry for every time somebody told me my ideals would lead to total anarchism I would never go hungry again.
The downside of all this is that I grew up under constant criticism and hostility. A lot of solitude. On top of that, startouch ideals of beauty differ quite a lot from those who live more earthbound. Measured against the aesthetic standards of my people I am not considered overly attractive. Some people would consider my appearance rather odd, others would think I look downright ugly. (If you want an example: My face is considered too round and my frame not slender enough and for some reasons they always took issue with my horns. You have to know, horns are a very important aspect to elves. I cannot tell you how much emphasis there is on those stupid things. Especially amongst startouch elves whose horns are generally more elaborate than those of other races. And if you think many of us already saw themselves as superior to other elves just because of our horns, then you’re right. Here. Have a moonberry.)
My only saving grace was that I was too adept of magic to ignore and I awed people with my quick progress in this field since childhood. Knowledge is one of the highest treasures in startouch society. I was more than a promising mage-in-training and later became a scholar with skill and insight that had to be respected. If I ever experienced difficulties because other startouches were jealous? Take another moonberry…
Startouch elves tend to have little contact with everyone not startouch. It’s tied to the mindset that everything that lives on earth is beneath them and not really worthy of their time and attention. (And a small reminder: We have a lot of time. It’s not like we’d be in dire circumstances if we graced others with our presence now and then.) Sure, if you seek them out they might help you if they feel like it. But our feeling for time is very different from other beings and many have the mindset that other races just don’t understand. That they’re so shortlived that they could never grasp the significance of the greater order of things, so why bother engage with their fleeting trouble that is merely a blink and a breath to a startouch elf if it is not something outstandingly interesting.
Thus, when I left startouch society (another great controversy) to live with other races and to take my studies to the next level I was a real oddity. The other elves and dragons were quite surprised. Never before had someone like me willingly lived among them for such a long period. It took a lot of adjusting on both sides. But over time I was able to build myself a reputation. (Not necessarily a good one though.)
On the one hand I was looked up to simply for being startouch. This is also why people eventually did not object to my being archmage. Questioning one of my kind like this would have been considered an utmost disrespect. A true scandal according to the elf customs we all share. You have to know that there is some kind of hierarchy amongst elves. You might have guessed it but I’m not a fan. So on the side of elves and dragons I was this infamous figure that they had to respect but also heavily disagreed with. I’m pretty sure they were scared of me, too. They wouldn’t want to anger somebody with so much power. I could have caused them a lot of trouble. Ok, correction. I did cause them a lot of trouble, haha…
Now, there is one thing you are right about and one thing about which you’re wrong. I am aware that I leave a strong impression on humans and it is quite easy for me to influence them. But when I turned towards them to teach them magic I always attributed their adoration to different factors. Without wanting to sound too full of myself many considered me basically a god. The rarest kind of elf to begin with, then, the only one who ever accomplished the unthinkable - connecting to other arcanums - and finally the only magical being that did not consider them lesser because of being human, non-magical. On top of my powers and my status my mere sight was alreay really outlandish and fascinating. Before me the fewest humans would see a startouch elf even once in their lives. Many considered us nothing but a fabrication. And we look quite different from other elves too. Our colours, our horns but most importantly the stars on our body always instilled the biggest feeling of magic in others.
I was indeed often told I was beautiful - so my surprise was not completely sincere in the sense that I’m not used to experiencing it. But it is sincere in the sense that it feels surreal to me everytime. Because to be honest - and I apologise for being a very typical startouch elf here - my immediate response is just “They don’t know better”. They are just struck by their false notion of divinity, making me a deity I’m not - to their own disadvantage, too, because it leads to them subordinating themselves to me when that is the opposite of what I want. Their mind is misled by their fascination upon seing something they have never seen before. They confuse what is in fact overwhelming awe at unparalleled power and endless novelty with beauty.
It’s not that I don’t want to believe you but please keep in mind that my time amongst humans was really short compared to the accumulated experiences of by upringing. I am quite old. When I left startouch society I had already lived a couple of centuries. Add to that a couple more when I lived amongst other elf tribes. When I finally engaged with humans I was about to turn 1000 years. My time with humans, as dear as it was to me, was merely a moment (very bittersweet, too). Their kind words just don’t counterbalance 1000 years of being branded a de facto heretic, 1000 years of being exposed to elven society’s physical ideals and the loneliness that comes from both.
So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, dear anon but I hope you can understand why my mind and my heart will have a hard time not rationalising your compliments away. I do appreciate your friendliness though. Please don’t be mistaken!
Phew, I needed that. Thank you for listening to me. That was really therapeutic. I feel much better now.
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