#you could just add a 'chatter' effect around the character when the mouth function is open
gamebunny-advance · 1 year
Testing New Programs Pt. 2
So, basically right after I thought that PNGTuber Plus would be perfect if the dev added the ability to use GIFs, they added that feature... kinda.
You still can't actually use animated GIFs, but you can use a sprite sheet and animate parts with that. It works well for some things, but not for others.
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I used a sprite sheet for the open mouth, so now there's a faux lip sync on her. I think it looks pretty nice~
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I tried to do something similar for the eye, but the closed eye doesn't actually stay closed long enough for the entire animation to play, so I still can't get a smooth blink.
The ear flicker technically works, but since it plays constantly, it's more distracting than endearing, so I'm probably just gonna leave it out. The slight sway they currently have is a good enough effect for now.
All in all, even though I only got 1 out of the 3 things to work how I wanted, this new feature is only gonna make things more interesting. If Kun3h0 had more moving parts, then I could probably get a lot more out of it, but I think it would still be really cool for emotes and effects and people with more complicated designs will probably get a ton from the sprite sheet feature.
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