#you could have divided and conquered the black brothers and now you've gone and pushed them together
birlwrites · 2 years
i really need to know if it’s carrow or mulciber who died, because, like. if it’s carrow, then i wouldn’t put it past alecto to be like, "well, you killed my brother, so yours better watch his back." either way, the situation is fucked, because while it was self-defence, it’s still murder, so regulus is going to have to weasel his way out of this one. but if there is the added issue of sirius having a target on his back because of regulus, well, that would be next-level fucked
in the interest of accurately setting expectations, i want to be super clear that tyrant isn't like...... 100% thoroughly written? there will be loose threads by the time i've wrapped it up, since it is very much a first draft and i'm focusing my efforts on writing ttdl rather than fleshing out tyrant. one of those loose threads is what the junior death eaters are going to do about regulus killing one of their own. (this is partly because of where tyrant ends - it covers through the end of fifth year and leaves things pretty open-ended)
THAT BEING SAID: the fact that there's been a murder immediately changes the stakes of the disciplinary action involved. regulus has a lot of weaseling to do............. as does every hogwarts student with a dark mark, which is a low but non-zero number
in summary everyone's in trouble afjslghskdfsjld
oh but on a tangentially related note, in ttdl, sirius IS about to get dragged into slytherin drama because of regulus, and the baby death eater responsible will find out rather quickly that this was A Bad Idea.
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