#you can't waste your youth but especially not if you're doing something you enjoy or something that's moving you forward
heich0e · 1 year
I'm obsessed with dad!osamu only because I'm 24 and running an entire kitchen - I don't have a social life or any time for partners whatsoever but I always think that's what osamu would like about me. I'm running a kitchen, my whole life is spent here - i open, i take an hour to myself (usually in my office, asleep on my desk), then come back to help close and do my counts. I always feel a little bad that I'm "wasting my youth" here, slaving over a kitchen that I don't even own, but I always thought osamu would admire that about me. He'd get it - he's in the same boat. He'd admire the work I do, how much I scrub and clean, how quickly I put in my orders so I can get back on the line to help my cooks, how happy I am to be able to cook for a living.
Idk maybe it's just sad that I'm this lonely and still working 16 hours a day, but it makes me smile that I at least have something in common with someone, even if they're fictional.
you're so right!! any osamu would love your work ethic and your dedication <3
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donnerpartyofone · 2 years
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I love this from him, not only because it feels like almost no one else wants to admit that That Episode of That Show was cheesy and condescending, but also because when I first saw this screencap it was in a tweet where the user added something like, "Trying to imagine the person who recommended this to Paul." I also tried to imagine them! I want to assume it's like a younger relative who doesn't know any better or something, but first of all it doesn't take intimate knowledge of Paul Schrader to imagine that he probably would not enjoy The Last of Us; secondly, he JUST TOLD YOU he doesn't want to watch anything zombie-related, clean out your ears!; and third, please for the love of god don't badger people with your petty, meaningless subgenre distinctions. You can't even trust that every single nerd wishes to debate you on whether there is any point at all in separating out all the slightly-different shambling, infected mobs of ex-humans which are all used to tell the exact same kind of story--please don't do this insufferable thing to normal people. Especially not to someone who just told you they don't like the main form of shambling, infected ex-human mob, you're not going to trick that person into approving of your favorite show on the technicality that the mob is shambling for a new and novel reason. This all reminds me of:
1. How people just cannot allow anyone to dislike Their Thing no matter what. One time I posted this quote from Werner Herzog saying he prefers the artifice of pro wrestling to the broad, ridiculous imitation of emotion that you get from contemporary theater, and somebody reblogged it with a string of angry tags about how many innovations and revolutions have occurred in the world of live drama up to the modern age, concluding with "KNOW YOUR HISTORY". Which is so funny and pretentious, like "know your history" is how you scold people who don't know where their privilege comes from, it's not for bullying people who just don't enjoy something, by suggesting that they have to inspect every single available version of the thing before they're legally allowed to say "I don't like that, it's not fun for me."
2. I once worked for this comic book business where we had to come up with genres, subgenres, and tags for all the titles. Pretty much all of us employees were ex-"gifted and talented" students, and this one particularly pretentious dude argued that we should categorize a graphic novel of the New Testament as a zombie book because of Jesus's resurrection. He thought he was being soooooo clever as if he were the first person in the universe to think of this dumb joke, but the conversation was also a big waste of time because fancy thought experiments are simply not useful for merchandising. Like, if a customer walked into a bookstore, told you they wanted zombie comics, and you gave them the fucking King James Bible, they definitely would not appreciate your marvelous ability to Think Outside the Box, and also you'd be dangerously close to becoming a living *youth pastor voice* meme. You're not in third grade anymore and you're not getting extra credit for creativity, shut the fuck up and stop saying Jesus is a zombie. No one is impressed.
PS In that same project at that same job there was a whole controversy about how to label "adult content" because we didn't have any hardcore stuff, but we did have sort of R-rated books that served a similar purpose, and nobody knew what to call them because it was felt that "adult" or "mature" or whatever could be misleading to actual porn consumers. The Jesus-zombie guy suggested that we name this genre things like "bawdy", "ribald", and "tantalizing", as if that would actually be more helpful. He just wanted to show off words that he knows, as you can probably guess by now--but like accuracy of description aside, I dunno man, if I were in a physical bookstore, I would be WAY more embarrassed to be standing under a sign that said "TANTALIZING" than to be caught walking through the curtains to the ADULT section. (I don't know if any bookstores would have that or if it's only a video store thing but you know what I mean)
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forcebewitht · 2 years
May I have a Headcanon of the dorm leaders finding their S/O buried in a mountain of plushies and they want them to join them please?
Twisted Wonderland Dorm Leaders X MC!S.O.: Plushie Mountain
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Thanks for the ask, dear Reader! This is definitely going to be an interesting one to write for, especially as my first time technically doing this kind of writing on my page! Nothing is gender specific here for the sake of readability for all! Hope you enjoy the read! 💕
🌹Riddle Rosehearts🌹
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The last time Riddle saw a plushie was in his youth
Che'nya and Trey found a cute little hedgehog plushie for Riddle at one point and gave it to him as a surprise gift
Riddle was over the moon and had to hide it from his mother for a while
Once it was found? It was quickly and unfortunately thrown out, his mother not wanting him to be distracted
So, to find YOU, his charming little lover in a pile of plushies asking him to join?
For a second, he's frozen in place. All he can see is that hedgehog getting thrown out again
You see him shift for a second, glancing away and trying to come up with some sort of rule that dictates he just- can't get in there
News flash- he doesn't find one.
So, he joins you, albeit reluctantly, a second later. He soon finds himself curling up into the mountain of plushies with you, giggling softly at how soft they are
He'll let himself indulge, just this once
"Ah....plushies? There are so many of them....I-I can't get in because...well...- oh alright. I can spare a minute or two for you, my darling rose. But, I will have to depart promptly in 10 minutes. The Queen of Hearts rule (insert number here) dictates that-"
🦁Leona Kingscholar🦁
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Leona just- stared at you.
Like, he didn't move, he didn't blink, his tail even stopped swaying-
And suddenly, he's grabbing your arm and pulling you out of the pile.
Are you a child? No? He didn't think so. His nephew can mess around with that stuff instead
Also, why on earth would you need all of those plushies when he's right there?
Make sure he doesn't try to sand them out of jealousy, please-
You're his little herbivore, so don't waste your time on things that can't move or kiss you or anything like that. Focus on yourself in his strong, stable arms instead
"Hell no, I'm not getting in there with you. Why? You're not a child. C'mere, herbivore. You're coming to my bed now and getting away from these things. Just look into my eyes, and that should be enough, huh~?"
🐙Azul Ashengrotto🐙
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Like Riddle, the last time he saw a plushie was in his youth
However, unlike Riddle, Azul couldn't help but to remember the amount of stability he gained for himself whenever he had them
His tentacles could wrap around them and they wouldn't move, they wouldn't condescend him or make fun of him
So, at first, all his mind drifts to is his past
However, seconds later, he's blossoming into an all too bright smirk and rubbing your shoulder
You wish for him to join you in there, eh? How about this turns into a mutual exchange? You get to have him in the plushie mountain, and he gets to cuddle you for as long as he desires. Sound fair?
You're his little angelfish, after all. This one will be free of charge, especially since you'll have to deal with Grim and the ADeuce duo later~
"Oya? You wish for me to join you, little angelfish? Perhaps something can be arranged just for you, darling. Oh, don't worry, there won't be a charge this time. I am your benevolent boyfriend, after all~!"
☀️Kalim Al-Asim☀️
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Jamil made him cut down on his own plushie collection as there were too many to clean at one point....and Jamil knows best, so that's okay!
Of course he'll get into the plushie mountain with you!
They're so soft and cute and loveable- just like you are! He thinks you're cuter, though
Kalim takes a running start and suddenly flies into the bed with you, some of the plushies flying as he does
He'll wrap his arms around you and laugh like there is no one else in the world he would rather be with right now- and that's probably true
You're his jewel! Not even all the gold and gems and trinkets and bobbles in his vault can compare to you!
"IIIIINNNNCOOOOMMMIIIINNGGGGG! Ahaha! Hi, jewel! I'm so happy you wanted me to join you! These plushies are all so cute, I love them! What are their names, which one is your favorite? Do you have a favorite animal? I love tigers!"
🪞Vil Schoenheit🪞
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Ahaaaaaaa- good luck with that one
He's similar to Leona in this aspect, yet it's not really an age thing (well, it may partially be that-)
Do you know how much time it took for him to fix his hair and put on his makeup today? And for it to get ruined at this hour by....stuffed animals???
He'll sit at the edge of the bed, running a hand through your locks and simply staring you in the eyes
But you look so happy....no, no. You'll be fine. You can always get back into the mountain once he's done with you.
So, he's already grabbing your hands and pulling you up and away, settling you in his lap instead and wrapping his arms around you
Planting a sweet smooch to your forehead, then your cheeks, then your hand
You can see the faint spots where his lipstick is marking you from the sweet kisses by now
(Rook may or may not be documenting this for his scrapbook dedicated to you guys-)
"Hmm? A plushie mountain? Oh, sweet potato. One word. No. Come, come to me right now. There we are. Now, isn't my gorgeous face far better to look at and nuzzle against than a bunch of stuffed things? Hehe, kidding~ partially. I must say, you are cuter by leaps and bounds than those items, at least."
💀Idia Shroud💀
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His reaction is similar to Kalim's
You get bonus points if you have plushies of anime characters
If they're all anime characters? Expect him to ramble for at least 2 hours
His golden eyes practically sparkle once he spots one he likes- he's fond of collecting plushies of his favorite gacha game characters and even some based off his favorite games-
Oh dear, he's already rambling and climbing in with you
He'll definitely ask you which one is your favorite and why
He may or may not be going onto an online store later to buy you a giant version of your favorite selection-
If you catch him on a really good day, you may even find him nuzzling his face against some of them and then booping you on the nose with it
"E-eh? Woooaaahhhh....those are a l-lot of plushies, skullie, hehehe! T-this one reminds me of my favorite cat girl character from- oh...you wanted me to join you? I...yeah...I can do that....wow, some of these are really dopey looking, huh? At least you're cute all the way around- E-EEK! FORGET I SAID THAT PART!"
🐉Malleus Draconia🐉
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Just like Azul and Riddle, the last time he had one was when he was young
But- he genuinely doesn't remember that. Lilia got him a...stuffed dragon (he thinks??) or handmade it for him but-
What are these, again? They look as small and as cute as you, but- they're not moving?
Curiously, Malleus leans down and inspects the pile.
He'll poke it once. Twice. Like a baby finding something new for the first time in their surroundings
He then looks at you- aww...you look so happy and precious with that smile on your face
Well...he hopes that they won't get stuck on his horns. That would make you sad and that would make him sad-
He's so massively tall, don't expect his entire body to fit under there, even if he curls up- his legs are still sticking out by leaps and bounds
Malleus will wrap his arms around his little firefly, his lovely Child Of Man, smiling softly at you
"Hmm? You wish for me to join you under this...what is it called, again? Ah...a "plushie mountain". Well, my little firefly, you seem over the moon about these...stuffed things here. I enjoy seeing you smile so much, Child Of Man. If this indeed will make you happier, then yes, I shall join you for a while."
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Hello, hello!! It's me again!! Here to interrupt your feed with yet another of my random genshin thought of the day! Recently, on one of Zach's (Aether's VA) streams with Poonam (Klee's VA), one of the viewers mentioned something about Klee driving a mini-car affectionately titled the 'dodocar'. This got the gears in my head turning, and I started thinking about the different modes of transport each character would use. These are some scenarios my brain came up with!! I wanted to send them your way because you always have the loveliest ideas, and wanted to know if you had any more thoughts on the matter! As such, Miss Hazel, today I present to you my offering of Genshin boys as different modes of transport! 💕
- 🔎
Diluc would drive a car. No question about this. I've always imagined him to have a sleek, modern-looking car that's maybe a little bit on the pricier side, but not completely outrageous by any means. The man doesn't really seem like the type who would want to show off his wealth, but he also can't deny that he has an eye for much of the finer things in life.
You watch as Diluc mans the car, watching the rolling hills flash by the window. There's something uniquely intoxicating about sitting in a car with someone else for hours on end. It makes you want to open up to them, makes you want to share stories which you perhaps wouldn't have wanted to share otherwise, much like a drunkard who's had one glass too many and is now blabbering on about their whole life story. Ah, but then again, perhaps this is only so because the two of you were drunk on something else entirely? You didn't know the answer to that question, but as you watched the way his sunset-eyes crinkled with mirth at your terrible, terrible Michael Jackson impression, you think you were okay with never knowing the answer to that question so long as the two of you could stay in this moment forever, just as you were.
Albedo doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who would really enjoy driving. Instead, I think his preferred mode of transport would be cycling! He wakes up much earlier every morning because he insists on cycling to work instead of driving. Albedo seems like a very practical sort of fellow. Sure, cycling is more time consuming, but it's efficient, more environmentally friendly, and overall better for his health. That makes it a win in his book.
On the weekends though, especially as the weather starts to get warmer and the air is filled with the welcomed promise of spring, Albedo would often take you out for dates in the park on a special tandem-bike. The two of you would cycle around for a while just watching the flowers bloom and the greenery come back to life, before stopping for a quick picnic lunch underneath a grand magnolia tree. You laugh as you move to wipe the little bit of cream from the cake you two just devoured which is still stuck on his upper lip. It's a sweet, saccharine kind of love, one that reminds you of fresh morning-dew and hopeful new beginnings.
Over the summer, you found out that Childe has somehow managed to get his grubby little hands on a jet ski. Uh-oh. He says he wants you to ride it with him. He's saying please. He's giving you the puppy-dog eyes. You cannot say no to that face. You do not know where he got it from or even when he learned how to use a jet ski, but really don't think this is a good idea. Come on, you cannot look at this man and try to convince me that he is not an absolute speed demon. One moment he's showing off cool tricks on the jet-ski and then the next moment he's- oh JESUS CHRIST CHILDE SLOW THE FUCK DOWN, SOMEONE'S GONNA FALL!!
Thankfully, he's a skilled enough driver that everything went relatively smoothly. This time, at least. As he stops the vehicle to give you that dopey little grin and make sure you're still alive, you take a moment to playfully hit him on the shoulder for making your heart race a million miles an hour. He only laughs. Still, it was exhilirating. And you would never admit it to his face, but he does look kind of cool showing off tricks on the water. Maybe this wasn't such a terrible idea after all.
Kaeya is a proud owner of a motorcycle. Specfically, he owns one of those lovely old-school 1980's Honda motorcycles. The people living in your neighbourhood almost went mad the moment they saw him pull up at your door with, complete with dark sunglasses and a leather jacket. You thought he looked rather stupid. Still, you were glad that he brought his bike with him. It made it easier to traverse the city traffic and get to your destination quicker.  Kaeya takes you out on a ride to one of his favourite destinations for a midnight snack: a night market, filled with rows and rows of stalls selling piping hot food. You hop from stall to stall, sharing the food and tasting everything the market has to offer together before heading back with a full heart and a full stomach.
There's a sense of youthful freedom that comes with taking late-night rides with your beau like this. Your arms around his waist, the wind billowing past your face, the moonlight reflecting the stars in his eyes... It makes you feel young again, makes you feel as though you were seventeen once more, discovering the thrills of love for the very first time. You've missed this. You've missed him. Sighing contentedly against his shoulder, you silently watch the blinking city lights fade in and out of view as you drive through the city that never sleeps.
Zhongli... Has no vehicle of his own. He's broke, your honour. Sorry Zhongli, I don't make the rules here. Thankfully, he lives in a city with a great public transport system, so he has no issues getting around if he needs to. The lack of personal vehicles also means he gets to spend more time walking with you, an activity which he has grown to really enjoy, so I suppose there is a silver lining after all. The two of you often work rather late, so the streets were usually barren by the time you leave the office. You and Zhongli would often walk to the train station together after your shifts have ended, basking in the stillness of the night and the almost alien glow of fluorescent lights.
He loves chatting with you during these walks. He would ask you questions about your day, about your work, about plans for the weekend. Sometimes he would point out the different types of plants and rocks he noticed on your walk to the station. In the train, the two of you would sit silently together, content to just enjoy each other's presence. Sometimes, on particularly rough days, you find yourself falling asleep on his shoulder while waiting for your destination. He finds this incredibly endearing, and would always take it as a cue to give you a quick peck on the cheek before tucking you closer to his side.
Sometime later, you two are awoken by the train staff. The both of you had fallen asleep on the train and had missed your stop. Whoops.
i love these! 
I really vibe with the Albedo one too - he’s very practical and pretty frugal, waste isn’t something he seems to enjoy creating so everything eco-friendly would be his go to ( we can be eco-friendly together my dear )
lol Zhongli!
plus you made these cute little interactions T.T adorable to the max!!
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