#you can like boring ships if you want tho. it's fine. go with my blessing
dear-kumari · 2 years
ngl, it’s pretty funny that Rayllum was apparently compelling enough to the Teedeepee writers that they reworked their s3 plans to quickly canonize the ship, yet when it came to actually doing something with an established relationship between the main characters their first move was to break them up offscreen
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hey y'all its been seven hours im not done with the writing lets talk a good omens x ofmd crossover becquse im fucking AMAZING
aziraphale: passenger/medic on a british naval ship. at the beginning of ofmd, he'll be on the Twin's ahip, i forgot what his name was but he's a twib ANYWAYS. aziraphale's the resident Guy, the person you go to for things like advice or medicine and shit. he's kept about because he's useful, and even the other soldiers think he's too polite. but he keeps thr ships blessed, so its okay. his current assignment is to keep the navy in check and make sure they get to heaven, which isssss WOW harder than he expected. he's hanging by a thread. when he becomes part of crew, he starts being the soundboard. like stede but better /hj. he takes turns with telling everyone stories, helps improve the food supply, ACTUALLY KNOWS HUMAN MEDICAL PRATICES, likes watching the relationships aboard foster, looks for new books on raids, etc. just being a Good Vibe. they dont know he's magical, but i feel like frenchie and buttons (or the swede, i always mix those two up, its the one who turned into a bird) would be Onto Him, because they're the most magically paranoid/proficient. he's very like stede, but somehow a more tolerable aura. the crew is wary, especially cause he's british, but they'll be fine.
how aziraphale gets into the story: at the veryyyyy beginning. its during the forced tea party of s1 ep1, as he happened to tag along on the little dingey with the Twin and his men. he REALLY likes the revenge from first glance, and has a good feeling about the group of pirates they've landed upon. but things go awry! the Twin is stabbed thru the eye! but when stede proclaims he did it, aziraphale is ONTO him. the existencial crisis and trama exhude from him. he decides to see this through--and becomes one of the Revenge's hostages semi-willingly. but stede also likes aziraphale--even if he's british--and decides to be chill with him though he' still "texhnixally" a hostage. they bond verrryyyyy quickly, and soon (by like the end of episode 2, when the other hostage is tsken by izzy and the rest) is assimilated into the Revenge's crew. this is good, because heaven can tell that there's gonna be such a juicy moral dilemna with stede hehehe. lets get this bitch to stay good okay?? yeah. yeah this is gonna be fine....
crowley: like with most of these crossovers, crowley happened across blackbeard's crew. he was dayum, they get around and im bored af, lets do this. kinda like with stede (but not strong enough to satiate it) ed thinks he's a breath of fresh air and therefore keeps him around even if he's never seen crowley Kill anyone (they always make miraculous escapes). no one knows he’s a demon but he 100% has that record in pirate community. calling him the devil and the tempter and how he has a silver fucking tongue and shit like that, it follows him EVERYWHERE. not much more about him other than the basics like personality, except it 1000000% has long hair, wears black like the rest of them, and is oddly british. he's not army tho, so its okay. rebel 🙌
WAIT EDIR: maybe crowley can hear on the republic that Izzy’s looking for those naval men and THEN join Blackbeard’s crew. Like solely just to get aziraphale back. hmmm…..
how crowley enters the story: crowley hears about aziraphale's interception when blackbeard and da crew learn about the Revenge ravaging the navel ship. "damn it, i gotta go save my angel." he REALLYYYYYY wants aziraphale back and gets pretty antsy about it because he had no idea what he was ngl, turns out he was on the FUCKING SEA the whole time. (he also hates that he joined the british army but whateva, he dont know it wasnt voluntary.) they meet on the republic of pirates when stede's almost hung and shit, crowley is in Rampage Mode, aziraphale is in Pissed Mode because they're attacking their Fucking Ship, stede is Dying, ed is Doing His Thing and such. thinking about making aziraphale and blackbeard fight and aziraphale wiping the floor with him or smth. aziraphsle would also be the only one to notice stede and cut him down early and protect him during all the chaos, which would probablyyyyyyy get blackbeard on his ass and probably try and kill him which would not work out with ANYONE, anddddd you know. first impressions change shit. the point stands: ed is on, romance is a foot, and aziraphale and crowley are on the same ship. wahoo! and now that ed's on the path to become softer, hell's like AYO KEEP HIM ON HELL'S SIDE and now crowley's got an excuse to stay. i mean, he and aziraphale Could employ the Arrangement, but they were technially different assignments, and this crew looks like they're having the funnest fuckig fun and they feel so genuine. might as well stay...like they say--keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. and by that it means living on the same ship. also it deadass looks like they need miracles to keep together or they'll fucking sink. lol
and the reason why this is important is because that season 2 ends up HELLA different, and season 1's adventures alter a tad, with both crowley/ed's infamy and aziraphale's encouragement for stede to become a real pirate and Miracle Employing. so yay crossover achieved! I THOUGHT A LOT ABOUT THIS CROSSOVER ALRIGHT, SO MANY OTHERS HAVE TOO BUT FUCK
also btw here’s some canon divergences I can already imagine:
- aziraphale and crowley being present during the ‘you wear fine things well’ episode (can’t remember what happens Exactly, but I do know). aziraphale with ed and stede while crowley is helping frenchie and olu with their pyramid scheme. they both contribute wahoo!
- lucius is the ship marriage counselor and he’s onto these guys. he’s watching. Waiting. Advising
- when the whole act of grace shit happens, Aziraphale’s like FUCK IT and before ed can proclaim it he just snaps all of the enemies to sleep. he’s sheepish about it. everyone freaks the fuuccckkkkkkkk out even tho he saved them and shit Happens. it probably results in someone clubbing him over the head in panic and then Everyone Else Panics More. I can see it in my mind. this changes a lot of things canon on. ough
- munity is either much more prevalent or tampered down a lot. no in between. either mutinies left and right or they’re content. hm
okay that’s really it. Back To Writing Hell
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spectral-musette · 4 years
A scene set during the year Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan spent protecting Satine Kryze: a morning that the padawan and the young duchess spend alone together does not go quite as planned.
(warning for unpleasant parasitic space-bugs)
~2000 words
         Satine found a seat on a boulder on the grassy hilltop.
           Obi-Wan was fairly far along through his lightsaber practice, bright blue blade humming as he moved as though defending against an invisible opponent. The morning was cool, overcast, but he’d still stripped off his tunics and boots, his bare feet occasionally visible through the tall grass. It was a while before he noticed her, focused as he was on his saber play. He paused, disengaging the glowing blade and walking towards her, chest heaving as he caught his breath.
           “Did you want me?” he asked.
           She felt her cheeks flush and her pulse quicken. Did she want him, oh ancestors forgive, did she want him?
           But his expression was all innocence, even as a glittering bead of sweat rolled through the fine dark hair over his heart and along its narrow path down his lean belly. She’d seen him in this state of undress before, but fleetingly, changing tunics in close quarters. This extended view was allowing fascinating insight for her as a student of medicine. And art. She swallowed hard.
           “I came to tell you that Qui-Gon left, walked down to the village to barter for supplies,” she replied, surprised by how smooth and tranquil her voice sounded. “He said to tell you there’s a storm coming in.”
           He nodded, still breathing fast, and bent to retrieve his boots, belt, and neatly folded pile of clothing, shifting the rock he’d placed on top of them to keep the wind from taking them.
           “You don’t have to stop. I don’t think the rain will start for a little while yet.”
           “I’m not really accustomed to having an audience,” he demurred, tucking the folded tunics under one arm and draping his boots and stockings over the other as he started down the hill. She stood to follow, brushing off the back of the long cardigan she’d pulled on over her sleeveless tunic.
           “That can’t be true. Qui-Gon said, at home in your Temple, many Jedi gather to watch others at saber practice.” She caught up with his long stride in a few quick steps.
           “That’s… different,” he countered.
           “Because I’m an outsider? I didn’t mean to intrude.”
           Unless he meant the lustful taint she brought to spectatorship, but surely he’d experienced that before as well - his fellow young Jedi couldn’t be wholly immune to the effects of his beauty and grace, especially if he made a habit of practicing without his tunics.
           “You didn’t do anything wrong,” he hastened to assure her. “It’s just different.” He favored her with a self-deprecating smile, a dimple appearing in his smooth cheek. “It’s embarrassing to admit, but I’m tempted to show off a bit when you’re watching.”
           She bit her lip to fight back a grin. “And you don’t show off for your friends at home?”
           “Sometimes,” he conceded. “But they know I’m doing it.”
           “And you think I didn’t?”
           “Well, you definitely do now.”
           “What if I said I didn’t mind that you want to show off for me?”
           “Well, it’s complicated,” he replied, thoughtful. “I don’t want you to think that I’m overly impressed with myself.”
           “I don’t think that. Even if you do swagger,” she teased.
           “I’m walking the only way I know how,” he defended against the familiar accusation.
           “Please. I’m a Mandalorian. I know a swagger when I see one.”
           “Will you be happier when it’s a limp? Because I think I just stepped on a thorn.” He paused, lifting his left foot gingerly.
           “You could’ve gotten dressed!”
           He shook his head. “Not until I wash up.”
           “Or put your boots on at least.”
           “Hindsight,” he sighed, dropping his clothes and boots on the grass and taking hold of his foot to examine it.
           “Is it a thorn?”
           He nodded, braid dangling over his bare chest as he attended to his injury. “I think so. But I can’t get a hold of it.”
           “Let me.”
           “It’s fine, you don’t have to…”
           “Oh just sit down, will you?”
           He obeyed, folding up his legs in a meditative posture that gave her a good view of his grass-stained foot. There was indeed a thorn right in the arch, so small that it was no wonder his close-trimmed nails couldn’t grip it. She pulled it free, a droplet of blood welling up from the tiny wound.
           “Blast,” he breathed. “My foot’s gone numb. I don’t think it’s actually a tho-“
           It shuddered between Satine’s fingers, jerking free and burying itself in her palm.
           She swore softly in Mando’a, reaching to pull it out again, but Obi-Wan stilled her hand with his. “Leave it for now, and get back to camp quickly. I’ll be right behind you.”
           Something in his tone kept her from arguing. She did as he ordered, glancing back over her shoulder to watch him limping along after her.
           Back in the shelter of the unassuming cabin built from old shipping crates that served as the Republic safe house, he stumbled in to retrieve the med kid and set it on counter of the kitchen unit, pulling out a bottle of antiseptic.
           “What is it?”
           “Bore-tick. They’re an invasive species, I had no idea they had a foothold here. They’re generally just a nuisance, but they can swarm if they smell enough blood.”
           “Charming,” she replied with a shudder. “So what are you doing?” she prompted as he opened the bottle.
           “They don’t release the toxin that makes you feel numb until they pull out. I’m hoping the antiseptic will kill it while it’s in there and deactivate the toxin.”
           “Well it should be a short lived effect, anyway. Some species use them as a local anesthetic in traditional medicine.”
           He poured a splash of cold antiseptic into her palm, and she held the liquid, watching a tiny bubble form over the tick.
           Obi-Wan took a delicate pair of forceps from the kit, doused the ends in antiseptic, and tugged the long insect out of the wound on her hand.
           “Ouch!” she complained at the antiseptic sting.
           “So not numb, then?”
           “I wish.” She dropped the extra antiseptic into the sink and shook her hand dry.
           “You didn’t pick up any more when you were kneeling in the grass, did you?” he asked.
           She looked down, brushing at the knees of her trousers. “I don’t see any. You?”
           “I have an inkling,” he said with a pained expression.
           “Do you want me to check?” she asked, starting to step behind him.
           “Not really.” He turned, putting his back against the wall.
           She put her hand on her hip. “I’m a trained medic. I’ve pulled jetpack shrapnel out of more backsides than you can even imagine. Some of them were even as pretty as yours.”
           “Satine,” he complained.
           “I will be impeccably professional, I promise. Now, turn around.”
           She caught a quick glimpse of his flushed face before he faced the wall.
           “You’re in luck,” she told him, catching the twitching insect between the forceps and tugging it out of the fabric of the seat of his trousers. “You might’ve felt a pinch, but it didn’t make it through the layers.”
           “I don’t see any on your back or your arms, either.” She examined him quickly, trying to ignore the appeal of his defined musculature, as she’d promised.
           “I don’t think they move very fast.”
           “Small blessings.”
           He took the forceps from her and returned to the counter, pouring the antiseptic over the tick.
           It seemed his hand was a little unsteady as the liquid continued to slosh out of the bottle. She put her hand on his, guiding the bottle back to the counter.
           “Not to be negative,” she said, “but your foot is looking… wrong.” It was swelling, purpling and blotchy.
           “Yes, well,” he replied, voice a bit strained, “reactions can vary.”
           Satine helped him over to one of the bunks before he lost his balance, then lunged for the pile of clothing he’d dropped by the door, looking for his commlink.
           “Qui-Gon,” she called into it.
           “Satine?” His voice sounded mildly surprised. “What’s wrong?”
           “Obi-Wan had a bore-tick in his foot. It’s turning purple and he’s …”
           “Get him in the fresher,” Qui-Gon ordered briskly. “Warm water, not too hot. The toxin will drop his body temperature, so you need to keep him warm. And keep him awake. I’ll be there as soon as I can with the antitoxin. Did you…”
           “In my hand, but I’m not having a reaction yet.”
           “Get in with him too, just in case.”
           “Will he be all right?”
           “I expect so, but do as I say.”
           Satine dropped the commlink and hurried to tug Obi-Wan unsteadily back to his feet.
           “Funny,” he mused, “Qui-Gon is usually telling me to take cold showers, lately.”
           “This isn’t the time for jokes.”
           “Who’s joking?”
           The water in the fresher warmed up quickly, and Satine stuffed Obi-Wan into the stall and climbed in after.  His knees started to buckle, but Satine propped him in the corner, draping one of his arms over her shoulder. She’d thought about taking off her cardigan before stepping into the water stream, but, upon further reflection, maybe it was for the best that at least one of them was wearing clothes.
           This was not exactly how she’d imagined sharing a fresher with him.
           She banished that thought quickly, directing the flow of water from the nozzle towards him. It might’ve been her imagination, but his skin did seem cool under her hands.
           “Fantastic job I’m doing of protecting you.”
           “Do you hear me complaining?” she inquired, nudging her forehead against his chest. His heartbeat felt strong, at least.
           “Satine.” He rested his chin on the top of her head. “I’m sorry.”
           “You’re ridiculous. This isn’t your fault.”
      ��    “Nor is it exactly how I planned our morning together,” he confided, chagrined.
           “Let me just ask,” she said, shifting to look up into his unfocused eyes. “Bore-ticks cause partial paralysis, lethargy, hypothermia, and swarm when they smell blood, but you classify them as a nuisance? What would you call dangerous?”
           “Venom-mites,” he replied, with just a hint of a dimple. “How’s your hand?” he asked, changing the subject.
           She shifted to a one-armed hold around his middle so she could get a look at it. “Bleeding a little. Feels like it has a hole in it.”
           “No swelling or discoloration?”
           “No. Do you think it used up all its toxin on you?”
           “Possibly. Or the antiseptic worked. Or your industrious ancestors cultivated immunity to the toxins of a wide variety of venomous creatures and included that in your childhood inoculations.”
           “That doesn’t sound unlikely. I’m rarely grateful for the questionable hobbies of my forebears, but I’ll make an exception this time.”
           “As will I.” He leaned his head back and closed his eyes.
           “What did you plan?” she asked, tightening both arms around his chest again.
           “Hm?” He screwed his eyes more tightly closed.
           “For our morning together. Come on, Qui-Gon said you shouldn’t sleep. If you do, you’ll probably slip and I’ll drop you.”
           “Is that a threat?”
           “A prediction. Tell me what you planned,” she insisted.
           “I was going to invite you for a walk on the shore and ask if you liked Noorian epic poetry.”
           “I’m not familiar with any Noorian epic poetry. Do you think I’ll like it?”
           “I hope you will.”
           “Recite some.”
           “What makes you think I have anything memorized?”
           She raised her eyebrows. “Go on. Maybe it’ll keep you awake.”
           He took a deep breath, and she was temporarily transfixed by the rivulet of water tracing along his collarbone and down his chest.
           “For Thou art my lady
           And I swear all myself to thee:
           My arm to defend
           My hands to lift thee up
           My feet to carry me at thy bidding
           My ears to hear thy commands
           My eyes to watch over and adore thee
           My voice to counsel, comfort, and sing thy praise.
           My honor is thine by right
           And my soul for thy asking…”
           His voice faded to a murmur as he rested his cheek against her wet hair.
           “Does she ask?” she whispered.
           “Not at first.”
           “Don’t tell me. Tomorrow we’ll go to the shore, and you can read it to me.”
           “I think I’ll leave my boots on, though.”
           She smiled, looking up at him. He was a little pale beneath his faint spray of freckles, droplets of water from the nozzle spray glistening in his short hair. He smiled back, and he was so beautiful that it took her a moment to catch her breath.  “Me too.”
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 5 years
Monsta X during Sex
A/n: @ddaengbaepsae basically cowrote this, bless her thotty brain
Warnings: Just pure filth, kinda soft though shut up I’m soft for them
Word Count: 2656
Son Hyunwoo (Shownu)
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Welp he’s big all over folks
Stay safe, use lube
It’ll be fine he’s a big teddy bear
He might hurt you but he’d never mean to
He’s not the type to fuck around he’s definitely a one woman man
He’d be slow to initiate a physical relationship, too, he’s a shy baby under all those muscles
Not at all the jealous type you could thirst over another member right in front of his salad and he’d be like “You’re right, Jooheon does have juicy thighs”
Only very specific situations would make him feel possessive
For example if he comes home and you’re wearing Hoseok’s hoodie
His ears start turning red and you have no idea why
Rips it off you all hungry kisses hands everywhere
You’re shook when he gets a little rough with you, bites your shoulder when he comes
While you’re getting dressed after he puts his hoodie on you with a kiss and a sheepish smile
Missionary, lots of slow strokes, kissing
He’s a hard worker tho if you know what I mean 👀👀
Worries about your pleasure over his
High-key oblivious to you seducing him
You can suck chocolate off his fingers and he’s like “Jagi I can buy more chocolate, relax.”
You can strip off your clothes and he’ll be like “oh should I run you a bath?”
You’ll have to deadass put your hand on his dick for him to get it
He’ll be all blushy at first but then he’ll kiss you hard
So good at oral look at those lips sis. Won’t even ask you to reciprocate but would be so grateful if you do, stroking your hair, a little praise “You’re so good to me, Jagi.”
He’s so shy about asking for what he wants in general but if you do something he likes once, he’ll ket you know by his body language, throw his head back and buck those dancer’s hips
He isn’t very vocal at first but he’ll get a little more comfortable he’s never actually loud
Unless you sit on his face
Don’t @me Nunu loves it
This is when he’s loud, all deep throated moans and he’ll go hard, you’re gonna forget your own name, sis
He loves curves, loves you in white and lace
He is not a one night stand guy he’s a serial monogamist for sure
If he’s fucking you he’s in love I don’t make the rules
He’s fairly vanilla and he’d be highkey worried he’d hurt you if you were into choking or something like that
He would try anything for the person he loves but he’d be uncomfortable if it were something rough
He knows how to move, we all know that, so in any case you’re a very happy girl
Yoo Kihyun
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So Ki wants you a lady in the streets
You start dating him thinking you got this traditional boy from a conservative household
But behind closed doors…
“Why are you wearing panties? You don’t need those here.”
He’ll buy you expensive lingerie just to fucking RUIN it
Look you leave his place sweaty and sticky and covered in hickeys
It’s a real walk of shame
He wants you a MESS the first few times he won’t even fuck you because he wants you hooked on him before he ever puts it in
You gotta beg for it every fucking time
But when he finally does you best be ready
He’ll have you ass up on all fours trying to blow out your back
Saying shit like “This is what you wanted, yeah? Wanted me to fuck you like my pretty little whore?”
You’re fucking SHOOK
Also he IS low-key a nice boy like in public he’s making you cover up your marks and shit
But the minute you get a little chummy with one of the other boys he’s ripping off your scarf like “oops”
He’s not that loud bc he’s focused on making you loud af
But he’s a real dirty talker he’ll whisper some shit to you at a restaurant that’ll make your legs shake
He’s the type to make you take off your panties in the bathroom and when you come back he’s talking intently with the boys while he just runs one hand along your inner thighs to tease you
He will be loud if you let him fuck your mouth tho (and you will please who are we kidding?)
“That’s my good girl. My sweet whore.” Throaty moans
Low-key kinky he’ll just randomly buy a riding crop and ship it to your house with a note like “tonight?”
He would love you in a diamond collar
Nothing even remotely submissive about this man
He’s a good time but you better be ready he doesn’t play if you’re his you’re his no questions no complaints
Lee Jooheon
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What a fun time
But also such a fucking tease
Another one who wants you messy and keening
Acts all innocent when you beg all wide eyed “What do you mean, princess, I’m barely touching you? You’re so needy today.” All dimpled smirk
But he’ll fuck the life outta you right after
Also just a sidenote he’s got a fast tongue you know that vibrating thing? King of that
He sends you texts all day at work 50% sexts 50% sweet like “when are you coming to see me? I miss you.”
He is a s w i t c h you can’t change my mind
But he’s a brat if he lets you top, so whiny and desperate and he’ll know exactly what will make you give in.
Has a bit of a praise kink tbh so he might be a good boy just for that
When he doms he’s soft tho all praise all the time
He’ll praise you for being a brat be like “oh, I love it when you’re feisty. Do that again.”
Jooheon likes ass sis the more the better if you got cake and wear tight jeans around him you won’t be wearing them long
You gonna have handprints on that booty like at all times
Loves doggy style so much
Adventurous he would definitely fuck you somewhere public like a parking garage or a public bathroom he gets off on adrenaline for sure
High sex drive, all over you when you’re busy working from home and when you’re finally like “ok ok I’m done let’s do this” he’s barely touching you skating his mouth over your skin just to give you chills
Loves to show you off wants you looking like a bad bitch when he takes you out he loves it when you make heads turn
He’s not exactly possessive but he does want all your attention at first he’ll use aegyo and be pouty to try and get you to pay attention to him
If that doesn’t work then he’ll use that Libra seductiveness
Particularly during blowjobs he will wake the dead “Please please please…” So desperate and whiny
Unironically refers to you as “his girl” like you meet his friends and he’s like “this is my girl”
Down for anything he’ll make all your kinks and fantasies a reality
Loves you wearing something revealing kisses all your exposed skin big open mouthed kisses
Softest sweetest cuddler afterward
Would be the BEST fwb
Chae Hyungwon
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He strikes me as the the type to have a fwb for a real long time or be a serial monogamist
King of the long, deep, slow stroke game
You can beg him to go faster all you want but his patience will end you
Lots of stamina we’re talking all night y'all every single time
No quickies here you gotta carve out 2 hours in your schedule minimum
Look at that mouth phew you’re gonna need a good two hours to recover after he goes down on you too
It’ll take a while he can breathe through his ears you feel me
He’s pretty vanilla at heart but he’ll choke the shit outta you if that’s what you want, tie you up, whatever he ain’t scared
King of morning sex I just know it
Sleepy, slow, sweet morning sex
Have you in your feelings when the sun is barely up
SUCH a good kisser, wow
Mostly dominant in bed but he loves you on top
You have fingerprint bruises on your hips at all times
He doesn’t get possessive much at all he’s confident he’s got you on lock
If he does he’ll just throw shade at the dude you’re flirting with and fuck you an hour longer that night to remind you why you’re with him
One of those shuts the kitty down for two full days types, tbh he’s low-key BIG
Big big praise during blowjobs if you give the good succ he gonna fall in love
“Your tongue is sinful, you know that? You look so beautiful with your mouth full.”
Like before you fuck him the first time you’re worries he’ll be boring in bed because he’s quiet and sweet on dates
Then one night he kisses you goodnight and suddenly presses you against the wall, lips right by your ear: “You’re inviting me in, yeah?”
You’re like “Yes SIR”
After about an hour and a half you’re exhausted and sweating, muscles sore and he’s deadass asleep with one arm thrown around you
He’s full of surprises
Lee Hosoek (Wonho)
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You first see him and your instincts tell you to run he’s gotta be a whole fuckboy
He wants to be and he’ll try but he’s s o f t
He would do a one night stand and then take you to breakfast and text you two hours later asking if you wanna hang out again
You’re absolutely shocked when he calls you the next day because the sex is definitely not soft
At least not at first
At first he’s throwing you up against walls, pulling your hair, all whiny moans and praises “God, look at you, all spread out like a whore for me.”
And he’ll keep it up but he gets low-key sweet as he inevitably catches feelings
Starts going down on you all the time, being a real tease, slow licks, two fingers in and out
Moans against you it makes him so hard to taste you
The cuddliest baby afterward
High-key possessive don’t even think about flirting he’ll have you backed into a corner marking your throat and breasts up in front of God and everybody
Wants a lot of attention but mostly wants to give you a lot of attention
I don’t know if a louder boy exists tbh
Good luck keeping any of your private times private he’s such a moaner, pleads with you, dirty talker esp when you give him head
“You’re gonna make me come so hard, will you open your mouth and let me see it on your tongue?”
He’ll want so many nudes of you
He strikes me as a real ass man just like Joo
He WILL eat the booty like groceries
He’ll try to wife you if you like anal but sis bring a lot of lube
Like he knows he’s big but he doesn’t realize how big
Scary big
“You wanna put that where?” Big
He’d sub he’s a switch he’s a good boy too
He is not too proud to beg and he’ll wear your hickies like a badge of honor
He’s strong he loves to manhandle you, throw you over his shoulder and smack your ass, standing sex in the shower holding on to your hips as he bucks up into you
Proud of his body and never wears a shirt around you if he doesn’t have to
Big boyfriend material though despite his fuckboy charm he is loyal and sweet
Lee Minhyuk
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He might be a fuckboy look I know he seems soft but there’s a strong demon in there
I feel like he lives to make women fall for him but may or may not catch feelings himself
He’s the type to woo you hard and then kind of ghost you because he’s in too deep
Down for anything sexually a big switch
He’ll be excited to try new things and beg to hear your dirtiest fantasies
Sexually manipulative, he’ll talk you into anything
He’s so much fun but what a wildcard one night will be just missionary and kissing the next y'all are trying out every position in the Kama sutra
Talks a lot, praise, especially when you are on top
Whiny moans, bucking his hips but trying to be a good boy
He👏 loves 👏curves I cannot emphasize this enough
He’s fucking you from behind waxing poetic
“You’re so sexy. The curve of your spine, the way your lower back dips just before…” Skating his hands along your ass before he grabs a handful
He’s always touching you during, hands and mouth everywhere, soft open mouthed kisses on your throat, your breast, your thighs
King of foreplay
He’ll just touch you everywhere, run his hands along your things as he kisses you, your back, your arms, has you trembling before he ever gets to a sweet spot
Loves to overstimulate you but he’ll let you to it to him, too, he loves making you a mess but he’ll love being a mess for you too
Would love you to tie him up he’s a good boy
If he so desires he’ll turn the tables so quick it’s scary, though, he can talk you into anything, remember?
Absolutely an angel in aftercare, sweetest boy, bring you water and snacks to prepare for round two
Im Changkyun (i.m)
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The biggest fucking tease
Will dirty talk you until you are weak in the knees
Sexts you in the middle of the day
“Remember when you rode me from behind? Let’s do that again tonight.”
He doesn’t forget a single moment because he’s watching everything, how your face looks when you’re close, the sounds you make
Inside a week he knows exactly what you’re weak for and will use it to his advantage
Teases you mercilessly when he goes down on you, but when you do come it’s overstimulation city he’s moaning against you and coaxing a second orgasm right after the first
He loves to bite you, oh boy, your inner thighs are covered
But that moan he lets out when you bite his neck? He loves to be marked
Cocky, arrogant in bed at first “I know what you like.”
But as he catches feelings he’s more open with you when he’s inside you than he ever is outside of bed
Emotionally attached to sex so when he starts to fall in love it gets even better
He starts to praise you instead of talking shit
Loves you on top, the awe on his face
Breathy, low moans instead of those usual grunts and growls
“Honey, you kill me, you know that? You were made to fit around my cock, yeah?”
He tries out every position but always ends up in missionary, looking in your eyes, kissing you hard and hungry
He memorizes every curve of your body, every face you pull when you’re coming apart because he wants to be able to call it up when he’s away
Low-key body worship when he’s in his feelings
His praise is very personal, too, he’ll talk about how the freckles on your shoulders are constellations, kiss everyone while he’s fucking you from behind
He makes sure you know what he sees in you
If you want to top him he’ll agree and let you but pretend he’s not into it until you really get going
You’ll break him the first time, he’ll beg you, hips bucking, so loud
He needs a girl who can do both
If you’re bad bitch down for anything he’ll fall in love on sight
So soft in the mornings, Eskimo kisses, murmured praise
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trensu · 5 years
Episode 23: the One where JYL Captains the Ship
Alrighty, so battle stuff is happening
Nothing major going on 
EXCEPT wen ruohan leaves his evil lair to confront wwx about how he took control of his puppets!
Wrh: where did you get the Plot Device?? Did xy give it to you?? HOW ARE YOU MAKING IT WORK??
Basically just Angry Ranting that Bad Guys do
Wwx mouths off, as usual
Lwj’s eyes are glued on him this entire time bc when isn’t staring at wwx?
(I understand lwj, I too cannot tear my eyes away from wwx when he's onscreen, that beauty mark just under his lower lip is so goddamn distracting...)
Wwx: hey, wrh, i just finished making his nifty thing and haven’t shown anyone yet, wanna see it?
And tah dah! We now have Plot Device 2 (aka stygian tiger seal/amulet whatever)
Pay attention to Plot Device 2, guys, it’s gonna cause us some angsty wangxiantics in the future (BRACE YOURSELVES)
Pausing here to point out how freaking cool wwx looks, levitating the pieces of Plot Device 2
And wwx is smirking in victory?? What the heck wwx
Oh, it’s bc since wrh and wwx are wrapped up in their confrontation, there’s no one controlling the puppets so the puppets all collapse. That was part of his plan, maybe?? Idk, doesn’t matter
What matters is that this frees up LWJ to fly to wwx’s side
Lwj: Wei Ying! *catches his soulmate*
Wwx: *passes out in the arms of his very dashing soulmate*
Lwj barely even acknowledges that Meng Yao kills Wen Ruohan bc who cares about the big bad villain getting killed whEN YOUR SOULMATE IS PASSED OUT IN YOUR ARMS??
Lwj: Wei Ying
He says again! As his eyes stay glued onto wwx’s beautiful unconscious face. HE HOLDS HIM SO CLOSE
I mean, he could totally hold him CLOSER but that would be too much for the censors maybe??
Ppl are cheering. I was cheering. I don’t think we were cheering for the same reasons.
I was cheering bc lwj was ~tenderly cradling~ our beautiful sunshine boy
I think the other ppl were cheering bc the bad guy died? Weird.
Lxc is cradling an unconscious Nmj
I guess the lan bros ARE pretty similar lolol
Ahhhh, this next scene!
WWX is waking up in a bed and jyl is at the bedside.
Jyl starts bringing out the wangxian pie~! Maybe i should start using soup metaphors since Soup is her Thing…
Jyl is so happy that wwx is awake now!!
Jyl: you’ve been asleep for three (3) days!
Wwx: THREE DAYS??? What about jc and lwj??
Jyl: both jc and lwj have been very worried about you! 
We find out that even sect leader jin has been visiting which is disgusting, so we’re ignoring it
Oh, jyl is trying to get wwx to stop moving around so much
Jyl: LWJ says you need to rest more. He says you used too much spiritual energy
Jyl: also don’t use Plot Device 2 all willy-nilly. LWJ says it’ll hurt you!!
Wwx: LWJ, LWJ, why do you keep talking about him? He’s so boring and he doesn’t talk enough!
YOUR CRUSH CAN BE SEEN FROM PRESENT-DAY NON-FANTASY CHINA (but, uh, discreetly, bc of censorship)
Jyl: while you were comatose, lwj came by every morning and evening to play his guqin for you. To relax your mind and spirit
Jyl: you probably wouldn’t have woken up so soon if he hadn’t done that
Here comes lwj, with his guqin strapped to his back!
Lwj actually brings himself to knock on the door this time
Jyl: oh, that must be lwj~!
ohhh, wwx's face when she says this! He looks all nervous and flustered
bc he has a ~gentleman caller~ and he’s not decent!!! 
Okay, that’s probably not why BUT IN MY HEART THAT’S TOTALLY WHY
So jyl goes and answers the door
Lwj bows so respectfully to her (he knows she’s wwx’s precious person!!)
THAT’S MY CAPTAIN!! Lxc wishes he could captain as good
she just greets him like usual and lets him in
She leads him to the bedroom aND OH GOD, THE MINUTE LWJ’S EYES LAND ON WWX
(...well, by lwj standards anyway)
And ooooh, wwx’s reaction is adorable!!
His eyes catch lwj’s gaze for half a second before they skitter down to the side as if seeing lwj in person (in his bedroom!!) is too much to take in all at once!
(i may have rewound to watch this scene 3x, DON’T JUDGE ME)
(there was so much happening! Lwj’s beautiful plush lips parted, wwx was acting cutely bashful)
And you know, jyl leads lwj like, right to wwx’s bedside and WATCHES ALL THIS GO DOWN
Jyl: thank you, lwj! Without you, wwx would not have woken up so soon!
Jyl: you two go ahead and talk now
Jyl: i’ll just go tend to the other wounded
Jyl: and leave you both here ~all alone~
Jyl: in this bedroom
Jyl: with wwx just in his under-things
Jyl: still on his rumpled bed
Jyl: okay, byyyyeee~!
Okay, and now not only do we get MORE wangxian time, we also just get the most beautiful scene ever?? Like, aesthetically? THIS SHOW IS A BLESSING
Lwj is playing his guqin in the communal area next to wwx
The music is gorgeous (it's the same Magic Music from before! it sounds like warm morning sunlight on a calm spring day)
And the set is beautiful, all reds and whites to match our boys’ colors, and it’s all emphasized with equally beautiful lighting
Wwx: lan zhan, actually, i--
Lwj: quiet. Concentrate.
Wwx POUTS and taps his nose and then SULKILY crosses his legs
Back to the utterly breathtaking wangxian scene
Okay, i’m done geeking out over the aesthetics
Oh, wwx is breaking his meditation pose and flexing his wrists excitedly!
Wwx: lan zhan, i’m all better now!
Lwj stops playing and calmly makes his way to the bed where wei ying is and checks him
Lwj: three more days are needed
Wwx does not like this answer lol. He leaps up from the bed all affronted
Wwx: but i’m totally fine now, look! *starts flexing his arms around*
Lwj is not budging on this tho
Lwj: exorcise evil, ease the mind. Do not be neglectful
Wwx: exorcise evil? I don’t need an exorcism!! I just used too much energy
Cue awkward silence (lwj’s eyes never waver from wwx tho)
Lwj: wei ying (you know, i think he just likes saying his name...)
Wwx: lan zhan, do you really think that Plot Device 2 is evil? Do you really believe there’s an undetectable something that can change someone from good to evil?
Ooooh, wwx is getting all philosophical on us!!
His brow is all furrowed here; he’s hurt that lwj doesn’t trust him with Plot Device 2!
And that’s the end of that MOST DELICIOUS SLICE WANGXIAN PIE
Other stuff happens
Screaming, the murder of innocent people, sect leaders debating on said murder of innocent people
You know, boring stuff.
There was a fun bit here tho
Nmj: maybe it’s okay to kill innocent civilians…
Lxc: *sad face*
Nmj: uh, maybe we can NOT kill defenseless people this time?
Ahhh, if only lan zhan’s sad face was effective on wei ying as lxc’s is to nmj…
Plot plot plot Jgs being an asshole Plot plot plot
MORE plot plotty plot plot
And now lwj joins him
Wwx: lan zhan, what do you think of the people here? Who is good, who is evil?
Yeesh, getting right into the heavy stuff aren’t we
Oooh, but as he says that, he starts clutching at his chest and swaying on his feet! Bc the resentful energy is hurting him!!!
Lwj grabs his arm to steady him
Lwj: wei ying, concentrate
Great, it’s about to get real hurt-y now
Lwj: wei ying, do you want to learn how to play Magic Music?
Wwx: lan zhan, you want me to learn that? Do you doubt me, too?
And the way he says it!! It’s a tone that says “please don’t let this be true”
So instead of answering wwx, he just questions him on why he made Plot Device 2???
Wwx: lan zhan, if i told you i got a Screaming Sword of Resentment from the Murder Turtle would you believe me?
Lwj keeps answering questions with questions and the whole convo is devolving horribly
Lwj: if you already knew the sword had Plot Device stuff in it, why did you refine it?
he snaps at lwj
he raised his voice at lwj
Lwj: you promised you’d let me help you (he says calmly)
Wwx: if you don’t believe in me, how can you help me?
Lwj: Plot device 2 isn’t safe, you might lose control!
Wwx: you’re scared i’ll be like wen ruohan, but i’m not him! And Plot Device 2 is not the same as Plot Device!
And then before we can get too emotional about our soulmate boys being at odds (AGAIN), we get to witness the murder of innocent people
How fun
Jin Zixun shows us he’s scum of the earth by trying to shoot down a Wen mother carrying her child as she flees
Thank goodness lwj guqin’s the arrow away
There’s a confrontation but lwj doesn’t let wwx tear into jin zixun even tHO HE CLEARLY DESERVES IT
And everyone leaves but not before wwx comments that there’s gonna be a lot of resentment here where the innocents were killed and that the place needed Magic Music 
Oh, turns out lwj didn’t leave
Lwj stays at the scene of the crime and plays Magic Music on his guqin.
As soon as wwx hears it, he starts playing counterpoint on his flute!
I love it when they play music together, Magic or not!!
We cut away here to watch lxc, nmj, and jgy become Official Bros™
Now Jgs and jgy are hosting a banquet
Political posturing happens
Wait, something interesting just happened!
We see lwj just up and leave the banquet the moment he realizes wwx isn’t there
Bc wwx is out on the steps getting drunk
(wwx, we’ve talked about this. Drinking is not a Solution)
Wwx: lan zhan, it’s you! How about playing some Magic Music? (I'm detecting some sarcasm…)
Lwj: i’m learning a new score
Wwx: *scoffs* you haven’t given up yet? You’re really stubborn *mocking snort*
That’s the last bit of wangxiantics we have for this episode
Return to Masterpost
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timehasbeenbusy · 4 years
17 & 18 November 1828
Monday 17 November 1828
11 25/60
From 6 40/60 to 8 read from page 30 – 42 of the Brief History of Christ Hospital and wrote the whole of the above today – Breakfast at 8 20/60 – off to Halifax at 8 50/60 down the old bank to Mr Briggs – said I had seen Holt, and what I had said to him – Mr Briggs thought I had better give away the coals - getting them would be expensive – must have an engine – did not think they would pay – giving them away would not, said it was my present mind to get them at all rates – Mr Briggs said he would see Holt, and go with him to plan the ground, Mr Briggs shewed me an oak-root round table made at Brighhouse priced £20 – one not so handsome sold to Mr Stead for £25 - About 20 minutes there – then sat 25 minutes with Mrs Veitch (poorly in a bad cold), then at 9 ¾ got to Savile hill –the breakfast things not removed Mrs and 2 Miss Wilcocks – Miss Pickford much better for the baths of St Gervais, to spend the winter at Roma – to write there poste restante – Mrs Wilcocks going to write to her today – begged a little of her paper and wrote ⅓ of the first page small and close, hoping my letter to Genoa was received, giving my address in Paris – observing she could be complacent in writing full letters, all crossed, as I had just seen, to Mrs Wilcocks - to write to me before expecting to hear of or from me again – uncertain as to my stay here, but would not exceed 10 days or a fortnight – asked what beauties she most admired and what thought of this place and that – should not at this moment say of what use her information might be to me – thought that by hook and by crook, I should see her before the twelvemonth’s end –
 ½ hour at Savile hill –then went to Throps – not at home – could learn nothing – my job was but a small one – would think about it – Throp most likely to be at home between 12 and 2 – returned along the canal – the new lodge to Stonyroyde, nearly roofed gable-end, labells windows, little building expensively hewed – got home up the old bank at 12 – Letter from Mariana Scarbro’on my desk – 3 hurried pages 2½ pm yesterday, ‘great change – cannot last much longer – ‘the struggles are dreadfully severe, and it is indeed a trying scene to us all’ – Mariana sat up on Friday night, but says she bore it well – ‘as to myself, have no fears on my account – I am honestly and in truth the best of the set’ would ‘like me to write something more than a mere statement that life was no more ….to appear in the York paper ……..’some little tribute to his merits would be gratifying to us all’ will write tomorrow (ie today) if any thing happens – if not on Tuesday (ie tomorrow) – offers to bring my father cod, sounds as she passes through – Had just begun to write when (at 12 20/60) Miss Hudson of Hipperholme called for ½ an hour – going to send off a parcel from Whitleys tomorrow by the van in 3 or 4 days to Miss MacLean if I had any letter to send Whitley would enclose it in time tomorrow afternoon – said I was much obliged etc etc but a very bad correspondent abomined letter-writing only said what I had to say – did not believe I could make up my mind to write – thought I, no, I wont send in her parcel, I do not understand all this, they shall have it to themselves  Miss Hudson Miss Maclean had asked many questions about the place – it was not very beautiful country and she had said so – I abused the house – said much wanted doing at it – it was a doghole of a place as I always told people – I certainly never said much in its favour  -
Came upstairs again at 12 50/60 – from 1 to 3, wrote 3 pages to Mariana including the following ‘as to the request that I should write something more than a common obituary notice, be it remembered Mary, that I am not an advocate  for long paragraphs of this kind in newspapers, and, above all, that it is Steph, not I who can do this best – when I am serious, you know my repugnance to speak or write strongly in praise or dispraise – all that I need add is, that, were my own father in the circumstances of yours, and I heard I persuaded myself to write any thing more than a mere ‘announcement of the death, it would probably be something like the following’ –
‘Died on ------- at his house in Scarborough, in the ----- year of his age, after a long and ‘severe illness, William Belcombe Esquire, ---- years a resident physician in this city ‘where his talent soon established him at the head of his profession, where by his mild ‘and gentlemany manners, and active and useful benevolence, he was soon and lastingly endeared to all who knew him well – He was eminently successful in his practice which ‘was very extensive  ‘to the last of his professional career, he devoted a considerable ‘portion of every day to his numerous poor and‘gratis patients; and it does not fall to the ‘lot of every one to be more sincerely lamented, or to leave behind him a good name ‘better deserved – But Mary, do you not think, it would be best for Steph to draw up a ‘proper memoir to be inserted in the Genteman’s Magazine?  To do this, no-one is better fitted than your brother – As a professional man, he might give a brief and comprehensive sketch which, in doing credit to his father, might reflect some credit upon himself – your father’s practice which laid the foundation-stone ‘of his reputation in York, was, at that time new in England?  His services in the navy, experience in the ‘West Indies, studies and intimacies with the man of letters on the continent, mild treatment of insanity cases,‘not to forget (if thought proper) descent from an old and respectable Lancashire family, and his marriage with‘whom, - might, if well handled by his son, do some dutiful honour, and some practical good – give‘my best regards to Steph, and tell him so – Then write the following to Mr Birmingham ‘Shibden hall Monday 17 November‘1828 – Sir – Being domiciliated in Paris, I wish to take over with me, on my return, a small box of plate viz ‘1 tea-pot, a couple of dozen folks, dozen spoons, cream jug and sugar, - basin, snuffers and tray, and a couple of ‘waiters – I know, some particular permit is required for this from the French chef de douanes – I shall be much obliged to‘you to take the earliest opportunity of giving me all necessary information on this subject, direct to Mrs Lister,‘Shibden hall, Halifax, Yorkshire – on my arrival at Dover, I will pay you any expense that may have been ‘incurred on my account – I am, Sir etc etc A Lister’ – all which took me till 5 – then skimming over again Cronhelms Book-keeping – dressed – dined at 6 25/60 – at 7 sent off to the post by John, my letter to Mariana ‘Doctor Belcombe’s Scarborough’ and to Mr John Birmingham, Commissioner, Old Ship Hotel, Dover, Post paid’  then Sat talking till after 9 – wrote the last 3 lines – went up to bed ay 10 5/60 – very fine day not so damp and thick as these last few days – rather inclined to be a little frosty – reading the rules in Hutton’s Book-keeping, till 10 ¾
Tuesday 18 November 1828
5 50/60
11 10/60
Read the 1st 45 lines Saturday 2  I went out at 7½ - went to Cowgate wood – took the wallers from walling and stayed there to right the set started against the wood in Pearson’s great brow – stayed with them and did not get home till 10¼ - sent John to make holes for planting in Pump Lane – find on my desk letter from Mariana Scarbro’, 11 hurried lines dated yesterday 17th instant ‘at 5 minutes before 1 today my precious father breathed his last without a groan, tho’ from 11 yesterday to the same hour at night his sufferings were very severe, after that he became calm and composed until 5 this morning, when difficulty of breathing returned and continued till within a few minutes of his death - Steph was with us - my mother at this minute bears ‘up tolerably, and we all do our best – I will write again in a day or 2 – God bless you – always yours Mariana’ –Will she get my letter of yesterday today? What will she think of what I wrote to announce Dr Belcombe’s death? It will seem cold, praiseless, spiritless, heartless – how different our feelings!  Her expression precious father –shocks me – dear father – or simply father - It smites me best to think of those I love when gone as if they were still here – I never yet could say my poor uncle and Mr Sunderland’s exclamation on first seeing him a corpse ‘poor thing!’ shocked me more than I could describe -  Letter also from Isabella Norcliffe, Langton, they had heard a bad account of Dr Belcombe’ think it will be a happy release but I dread the effect it will produce upon Mariana, whose nerves are little able to bear such a shock – I fear there is no chance of our meeting at Lawton, as of course she will not leave Scarbro’ just at present’ – they leave Langton for Bath on the 2nd of December -
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fayn3ko · 5 years
3 8 9 17 20 30 35 50 58 71 92 103 118 146 150 for the ask, hehe
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Uhm, Hatari, Eisbrecher and Rammstein, my cat, and hopefully, maybe some internet friends? One for sure 👀
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Well ngl Rammstein is always on my mind 
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
I’m thankful that I’m not surrounded with girls telling me of their experience. If it’s not about me or the person I’m talking to, it’s fine I guess I mean shipping is something quite different
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
Maybe, who knows. Boring question, neeeext!
20. Do you like your neighbors?
I don’t know their names or faces. They are, don’t ask me why, always pretty loud around 1 or 2 am. Sometimes I hear them talk - through the wall - and in summer I had to close my balcony door at night bc the guy on the next balcony talked SO LOUD that I couldn’t sleep. So, No, not really lmao
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Oh yeah, sure! I like the thought of marriage, but not a big one.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
TV in like, watching tv? If i can take a big screen to play games and watch my movies, I could live without TV. Not watching since months tbh bc I broke the cable to get into cable TV haha If there are meant movies/tv series, I would rather live without music.
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
A strong mint green! 
58. Last thing you ate?
... chocolate cornflakes, salt and vinegar crisps and a piece of self made pizza. It’s sunday and everything is closed and we don’t have a lot food here asdfghkl
71. Craving something? What?
Real free time. I mean, I have now another free week bc of holidays and days I took free but I have to draw stuff for the folder, so I can’t really relax and play games or draw my own stuff etc without thinking of it 😞
92. In a fight with someone?
No, thank god. Some things make me mad after a while, but I would like to keep fights in a minimum. Sometimes it’s just not worth the stress.
103. Can you spell well?
Uh, yeah? I guess? My general speaking lacks a bit, I often forgot words, mumble or stutter a bit.
118. Do you like Chinese food?
I don’t know a lot of traditional chinese food but bless the stuff you can get at takeaways, a good source for vegan meals, especially to-go. And it’s yummy, of course. 🙏
146. Was today a good day?
Mhm, we have barely food here and I was kinda bored the whole time. I finished Death stranding and started another drawing, so it was so la la, tending to be good tho lol
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
(translated) “A movement in which the body rotates is basically the same as the movement when walking.” From a manga drawing book. I should read them, they’re actually really good
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Thank you for all the asks 😘💜
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Hello! I was wondering if I could get a match up! im a bi idiot that's it, just kidding uh in general i'm a ball of nerves and anxiety. very understanding and empathetic to pretty much everyone even people ive just met. i can be slow to trust but i am very loyal after i do trust someone. im an infp and a type 6 ennegram. i love music ( lo-fi) and stargazing. im also a huge sucker for cuddling but i need to be comfortable around the person first. thank you in advance i hope this is good.
HELLOOOOO! Sry i was REALLLLLY late. its just some stuff happened with my family so i took a break from tumblr. im bac! and here is ur matchup.
(also when i got back there were like 17 million request so i cleaned the slate and this qas the only one i was working on before hand soooooo)
I match you with
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personally i think you two would be so cute together //even tho i also kinda see u with bakugo ;> //
when you first met, it would kinda be eaiser for you to trust her.
Later on in the year, you would probubly become a member of the deku squad, mostly cause uraraka dragged u in)
Once you find out you have feeling toward her, everyone would figure it out.
except her of course
Once you finally get together, she would freak out over the smallest of things and you would say its fine, and then you would be the one freakin out and she would be the one saying that its ok.
you two would alway head to the mall together, mostly cause she wanted you two to look matching. (i personally hate the mall, its boring af. so if you are a weirdo like me, you could just ask to go to the arcade after)
the entire class thinks you two are adorable
there was this one time that someone was hitting on you, and uraraka didnt know what to do (bless her soul) so she asked bakubro to help, surprisingly he agreed
You two were just made for each other like i ship. i approve. otp right here
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SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
What’s your OTP for your Muse?
Look, anything can become an OTP for me if our muses click. BUT: Angrboda/Loki. Sigyn/Loki if plotted extensively beforehand.  In Overwatch: Loki/everyone lmfaoooo. But I’m partial to Loki/McCree, Loki/Reaper, Loki/Ashe, and sometimes Loki/Widow.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
All of the usual stuff, so angst and fluff. I will not do smut (personal preference) but fade to black is fine. I will never do non-con, anything abusive in nature (physical or emotional/verbal). We want wholesome ships only here thanks.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Under 22, I’d say. Maybe even 24. Loki’s like 45 in human years and you’ve gotta remember his oldest kid is roughly 22 so if you’re like 25 and under he’ll view you as someone he needs to Dad vs Daddy. People closer to his age are always preferable (he likes fellow moms/dads a lot) but, lbr, if he clicks with you, he clicks with you. In actuality he’s over 6,000 years old so lmfao.
You gotta remember, this is the man who has a crush on Kurt Russell’s Santa so...
Are you selective when shipping?
Yes and I always have been. Our muses need to click. I might be down for the potential ship, but Loki may not be and I will differ to his judgement before my own. If there’s limited to no chemistry then they’ll just have to be friends.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
I usually will let you know when I’m beaten down and ready for the fade to black. I’ve had extremely few threads go that far tho bc my writing partners know I ain’t into the smut writing (bless their hearts). It’s just a chore for me, so I’ll do it if I HAVE TO but I’d really rather not. There are other things I’d rather explore in writing and that’s not one of them. 
HOWEVER this does not mean we can’t have fun ooc chats about their sex life lmfao. Tasha and I talk about Risk eatin’ Loki’s ass all the time, it’s just how it be. That’s totally fine with me. I ain’t sex-repulsed, I just fkn hate writing it bc I’m no good and it’s boring af.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with
See above. I covered everything there.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Yep. Again with that chemistry stuff above.
How often do you like to ship?
Often! I love ships and so does Loki!
Are you multiship?
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
I’ll be honest, I love ships, but I wouldn’t say it’s so much an obsession that it’s all over my dash.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Stated above. This would be his Overwatch verse.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
You can shoot Loki a suggestive ask and see how he reacts. Your muse can straight up ask him how he feels about a relationship with them or tell him their feelings, etc. Sometimes he gives me an answer right away. He finds your muse attractive? He’ll flirt. He’ll send hints. This does NOT mean we’re trying to force a ship, I would never condone such a thing!!! He’s just showing his interest and if it goes somewhere, awesome!! If not, nbd. c:
You can also shoot me an ask too, but, again, Loki’s the deciding factor, so more interactions are sometimes needed. Which is nbd, just means you have to write with me more. xD
Tagged by: @doctorxdoom (thanks bb!) Tagging: whoever! feel free to steal! c:
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junkobears · 7 years
You said you are always ready for ask memes, no matter how old are they. This your next big challenge, and I'm pulling out the BIG GUNS. Tsumugi Shirogane for character ask meme!
FINALLY SOMEONE SENT TSUMUGI FOR THE CHARACTER ASK MEME… I’ve been waiting for so long. Bless your soul and dedication to never letting this character meme die, anon(s). It is hella appreciated! Obviously huge, huge, HUGE!!! #V3 spoilers ahead:
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff (this was kinda difficult to choose… Slytherin kinda works too since Tsumugi is INCREDIBLY cunning and sneaky throughout the game, and takes whatever methods necessary to preserve herself and keep the killing game running smoothly… but I think Hufflepuff’s a better fit overall. Tsumugi absolutely is loyal to DR to a massively dark/twisted degree, and she’s always banging on about being SO NORMAL AND BORING GUYS & most of the fandom hates her for being so boring and lame compared to Junko that…. Yeah the one house everyone thinks is lame in comparison and accepts everyone into its ranks, fits best IMO. Plus I don’t like auto-sorting villains into Slytherin, haha.)
best quality(s): Tsumugi is an amazing foil to Junko, and I really enjoy both how different she is as an antagonist and how incredibly similar she is at the same time. Again I love how shamelessly sneaky and manipulative she is throughout the entire game, seriously play through V3 again and SO MANY of her more useless/off-topic moments are so goddamn suspicious in hindsight, the amount of foreshadowing is excellent.
I find Tsumugi’s complete lack of ‘true identity’ to be fascinating as well, since she is basically a gaping emotionless void of a person who tries to fill that hole with fiction. Just like Junko and despair. It’s kinda interesting how even ‘Tsumugi Shirogane’ comes across as just another character role she’s playing in hindsight. The huge amount of ambiguity surrounding her true nature and exact role behind the killing game is just really intriguing to me personally, just like how I loved Junko’s ambiguous nature in DR1. I hope there will be no sequels that ruin this aspect of her character like what happened with Junko (its gonna tho, sigh).
And honestly? I just find Tsumugi to be incredibly relatable. This sounds very concerning I know haha. But she is by far the most normal person in this series (which was obviously intentional), she really comes across as someone you could meet anywhere in fandom spaces and have a somewhat average/pleasant convo with about your weird interests. She’s a huge goddamn nerd basically. She’s everyone in this entire fandom (which people clearly Do Not Like To Be Reminded Of). And of course, I relate to being obsessed with Junko and being driven murderously insane by this awful, awful series, lmao.
worst quality: She has by FAR one of THE worst tastes in fiction I have ever seen. Don’t fucking tell me Saihara was ever going to be a compelling character arc, Tsumugi. I don’t give a shit about your fave boring woobie pretty boys. On a more serious note, I understand what they were going for with making her so background for the whole game, since she doesn’t want to draw attention to herself and only sees herself as an ‘observer’ watching the game rather than interacting with it… but I still think she should’ve been more involved with SOME pre-Ch. 6 events. Beyond I’M ALLERGIC TO REAL PPL!!!!!! Could’ve been used as more evidence of how much she flips out at any instance of her Fangan Ronpa scenario being slightly changed, and just. To have more time spent bonding with her so the Reveal is more painful for both the survivors and fans? If that makes sense. The Student Council was an okay start but that never amounted to much.
ship them with: Just like with Junko, Tsumugi is my new shipping bicycle, I can and will ship her with basically whoever tickles my fancy at the moment. Especially with GIRLS. I even read a Tsumugi/Saihara one-shot the other day and somehow ENJOYED? it? like… thats how much I can ship her. But faves would be: JUNKO ENOSHIMA, Koizumi, Tojo, Akamatsu, Komaru, Iruma, Tsumiki, Maizono, Amami, Ouma (yes drag me). It could go on, haha. I wanna explain these in detail but this is already so long /tear
brotp them with: Kiibo, Gonta, Hinata, Mukuro,
needs to stay away from: This horrible fandom which doesn’t appreciate her character enough, writing her shitty fanfics,
misc. thoughts: It was kinda obviously gonna be the twist, but also I’m so glad I managed to predict that Tsumugi was V3′s mastermind like immediately after talents were revealed. Kodaka is extremely terrified of fashion, clearly. The fucking wuss. Also I KNEW he would never resist making SHSL Cosplayer, well, cosplay Junko to troll everyone into thinking she was back again haha. Perfect successor mastermind in every fucking way, after Junko, Tsumugi is by far the best damn character in this series, and single-handedly made V3 worth the suffering. She’s a perfect addition to my fave archetype: “Cute Girly Girls who also are incredibly awful/evil”. DR gives me so many of them! It’s the only reason I stay anymore.
Holy fucking shit this got so goddamn long. And I still don’t think I explained my reasons for liking Tsumugi’s character very well! I feel like I’ve left out so much… I’ll end it off with this: her design is fucking adorable and her Japanese VA smashed it, especially in the last trial, with how smug-sounding and uncaring she was with every new reveal. So goddamn great. And I might be one of the few people who actually… LIKE her English VA? It’s so goddamn squeaky and obnoxious I love it haha. It’s actually perfect for her character. Piss the fandom off even more, gurl.
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Edie & Buster
Edie: oi my sister there Buster: She's at work Buster: Are you alright? Edie: tell her come home so everyone get off my dick Buster: I can't tell her what to do Edie: ha yeah u can Edie: i know how she is Buster: Come on Edie: What I thought you want everyone 2 know Edie: or that not include me Edie: wouldn't be the first Buster: 'Course you're included, Eds Buster: Alright fine, I'll be honest Buster: I don't wanna tell her to come home Buster: Do you get that? Edie: oh i get it Edie: its fucked up but i'm with it Buster: Call me a selfish cunt if you want but that's how it is Edie: Why'd I call u that Edie: u didn't do that shit den bounce on us Buster: Yeah but I want her to stay here Edie: yeah u getting ur dick sucked Edie: i said i get it Buster: It's not like that Edie: it is tho man Edie: i'm sorry to tell u actual Edie: but whatever she chat, you ain't special to her, you know Edie: that's just how she do Buster: Nah, babe Buster: It's different Edie: oh mckenna mckenna Edie: thought you was smart Buster: I am Buster: That's why I know what I'm saying is legit, yeah? Edie: the timing ain't got u fucked Edie: oh no i'm in trouble, here's another distraction, like Buster: Like I said, it isn't like that Buster: Me and her have been together long before Drew did what he did Edie: and she's wanted drew to pipe her long before you Edie: ain't none of us believe that just came outta the blue Buster: Don't Buster: She's never wanted him like that Buster: It was one sided, all from him Buster: Yeah, he's been playing that way for a while too but Edie: I'd hear her and Indie talking you know Edie: now that's fucked up, catch her talking to me like that and he ain't even wanna be my dad Buster: What do you reckon you've been hearing? Edie: 'low it, KNOW what i hard Edie: heard, whatever Edie: she thought he was soooooo hot, like every other bimbo in this family Buster: Maybe for one second when she was a kid Buster: It doesn't mean anything other than that Edie: oh boy you drank too much koolaid Buster: Nah Buster: I've been there when he's been acting up, I've seen it for myself how much she wasn't about him like that Buster: Trust me Edie: obvs she ain't gon be wid it when you're about Edie: like at the baby shower Edie: she ain't thick Edie: smarter than u Buster: She isn't ever Buster: It's fucked up Buster: He is Edie: save the spiel baby Edie: he's this family's scapegoat for when they wanna do the fuck shit they wanna do Buster: He's a cunt regardless Edie: u cute Edie: don't let her play u the same Buster: You wish, babe Buster: I know exactly what I'm doing Buster: Do you? Edie: haha Edie: babe, is it really that good it worth dis Edie: i always know what i'm doing Edie: whatever i want Buster: It's worth way more than this shit Buster: Believe it or not Buster: Like it or not Edie: no one like it but what they gon do right Buster: They can do whatever they want Buster: So can I Edie: dun know who u think u preaching at or why Edie: i don't give a fuck what u do Edie: came here cuz i need em off my dick and back on hers and i'm outta here Buster: Why are you chatting at me then like you wanna save me from her or something? I don't buy it, Eds Buster: You could have just said that and left Buster: You care Buster: So talk to her Edie: i care bout me Edie: they're pissing me off more than normal Edie: shame if they get u too but ain't gonna be crying over it baby Buster: Come to London Buster: You can stay here Edie: i dont like u like that mckenna Edie: soz Buster: Shut up Buster: You know what I mean Edie: rahhhh u actually so fucked up lmao Edie: i got places i wanna be Edie: thats the point Buster: You want your fam off your back I'm offering you somewhere to be where they won't be Buster: That's the point Edie: who she Edie: just cos she wanna try out for new step mum Buster: Aint I always had your back? Come on Buster: She isn't gonna give you grief like that Edie: you alright but dont get it twisted u ain't know me like that Edie: i don't wanna see her again at all Buster: I'll get you a hotel if you wanna come then Edie: hell no u cant buy me Edie: i ain't no hooker like ri be Buster: Don't call her that Buster: You know it ain't true Edie: it is tho Edie: she can do what she want but i aint gotta respect it or call it by a diff name to make her feel good bout it Buster: Don't be stupid Buster: You ain't a kid, you know how this all works Edie: she gets paid for her company Edie: what u wanna call it Edie: what makes u feel better Buster: Forget it Buster: I'm not trying to hit my head against the bricks Edie: hahaha thats what they always say when im right Edie: well if she aint gon go back for them she should know her man going pure apeshit, wilding out again like he think he the age he feelin Buster: Nah it's what they say when you won't be told. Not the same thing, like Buster: For the last time, he ain't her man. She doesn't give a fuck what he does or doesn't do Edie: meh whatever you say boy Edie: someone needs to go cheer him up Buster: Not our problem Buster: You do it if you're that bothered Edie: well he won't speak to me will he Edie: i ain't that fuckable, clearly Edie: or he got more morals than yous, either or Buster: Fuck's sake. Don't say shit like that to me Edie: awh mckenna only playin Edie: it's kinda funny tbh Edie: she act like she give the most shits about this fam Edie: and then she ruin it like that cos she wanna bang Buster: Hilarious Buster: She hasn't ruined anything Buster: Behave Edie: yous don't know u ain't here Edie: i'm tellin ya, why u think i'm jumping ship Buster: Neither are you, babe so don't act it Buster: If anything's fucked it's cause Drew fucked it Buster: You should be used to that as a concept Edie: didn't fuck himself mckenna Edie: all yous carry on blaming him til he the only one left tho Buster: I'm blaming him for this 'cause it's his fault Buster: I'm not trying to go any further back in time Edie: what u so whipped for Buster: Fuck off Buster: I know you'd love it to be that simple but it ain't Edie: u actually serious u think u love her Buster: I do love her Buster: I know that Edie: gon take up heroin next mckenna Buster: Grow up Edie: not the one still playing kissing cousins Edie: cute Buster: I don't care what you think Buster: And if that's the best you've got, don't bother, like Edie: good Edie: me either Edie: easier init Buster: Sometimes Edie: don't do halves Buster: Me either Buster: But you ain't the only one getting grief and feeling over it so Edie: fair you are chucking one in your fam, what u expect Edie: i've not done shit Buster: Whatever you say, babe Edie: ha tell me dickhead what have i done u reckon Buster: You're a bit of a cunt honestly Edie: boohoo Edie: if i was i'd fit right in Buster: You are and you do Buster: Deal with it, like Edie: all i do is deal with the unfortunateness of it trust Buster: Don't we all Edie: well bondings been fun babe but i got to go Edie: tell 'em all fairwell from me if you could tah u a real one Buster: Not your errand boy, sorry about it Buster: But not Edie: oh well Edie: they'll deal with not hearing it Buster: Since you ain't giving 'em a choice, yeah, they'll have to Edie: since when did u have to Edie: i ain't had 1 Buster: You've had plenty Buster: There's always choices Buster: Don't chat that bullshit to me Edie: nah Edie: god bless thank god u pretty Buster: Yeah Buster: On both counts Edie: i never had any it was all decided 'fore i even got here Buster: Nah Edie: yeah, mckenna Edie: he ain't want me, ma did Edie: i don't want her Edie: what a sad lil circle Buster: That's a cop out Buster: None of us got to pick our parents, babe Edie: least yours picked you Buster: Your ma picked you and Caleb Buster: You've got a mum and a dad same as I do Edie: well i don't want either of 'em Edie: so i'm offski Buster: Like I said, choices Buster: That's yours Edie: yeah it is Edie: finally Buster: Alright Buster: So stop wasting both our time with this chat then, yeah? Buster: It ain't going nowhere and you've decided you are Buster: Somewhere to be, like Edie: oooh Edie: touchy Edie: i'm waiting for my ride n my time Edie: what u even doin Buster: You don't care so what does it matter Edie: long as it matters to you babe Buster: Cheers Buster: Good insight Edie: ikr Edie: talents are wasted on this town Buster: You and me both Edie: shut up dickhead Edie: streets are paved with gold are they not Buster: Again, you wish it was that simple, babe Edie: why u even invited me then Edie: n u don't wanna fuck me Edie: rude Buster: I can only offer what I can offer Buster: I said it was an out from your fam not a fix all paradise, like Edie: lame and untrue to boot Edie: unfortunate but happens to the best of yas Buster: Whatever Edie: you might be ignoring the family tree like Edie: nothing in it for me Buster: Fine Buster: Don't come Edie: wasn't gonna Edie: doubt we got enough disel to get that far Buster: That's what planes are for Buster: But you know Edie: you know i ain't got that money Buster: I wasn't suggesting you paid for it Edie: kai has less than me lmao Buster: Him either Edie: mckenna mckenna mckenna if she's really doing that bad a job there's places you can go, people you can see Buster: This is boring Buster: You're just repeating yourself now girl Edie: you ain't my first choices either baby it's cool Edie: he's picking up Buster: Very gentlemanly Edie: like i ain't paying for it lmao Buster: If that's your way of saying you need money, make your mind up, like Edie: i'm saying that's where my money goes and is why he ain't getting on no plane Edie: paranoia man it'll get ya Buster: Yeah Buster: I bet Edie: Poor baby Edie: and Charlie thought he left all that behind him Edie: unlucky Buster: Can't say he don't know how to handle it at least Edie: that's a joke init Buster: Are you laughing right now? Edie: Big time Edie: got even less of a handle than ali and caleb Buster: Sure the judgement really helps too Edie: who's judging Buster: You Edie: Nah Edie: I don't care enough for that, I'm just laughing at the mess, not commenting on it Buster: Whatever you say Edie: how much would you give me Edie: outta interest Buster: How much do you want? Edie: ha you're such a bullshitter Edie: wouldn't stall if u was serious Buster: It's a serious question Buster: I don't know how long you're going for or where Buster: Not just gonna pull a number out the air Edie: for good and wherever we end up Edie: guess there's no ballpoint on that eh Buster: That's what you're saying now but if you're gone for a day and I give you a grand its not you who looks like a mug Edie: you a mug thinkin u get to tell me what to do with it like her Edie: its drug money mckenna don't act dumb Buster: Have I said shit about how to spend it? Nah Buster: Be serious and I will Buster: Tell me how much you want Edie: wow you really are dumb Edie: be careful out here baby Edie: even i ain't gonna play u like that but so many will Buster: Fuck off Buster: You're all talk, kid Edie: i'm serious Edie: ain't got your rents biz head have u jesus Buster: You don't know shit about what I'm got or not, Edie Buster: Don't act like you do Edie: you showed enough cards Buster: Nah, I'm showing you I can help you Buster: But be stupid Buster: How far you think you're gonna get with no money and no way to get any? Buster: Unless you're gonna play it the same way as Rio does whilst judging her for earning it Edie: you can help me get high? you and half the punters in this postcode, my da included Edie: ain't special baby and i ain't tryna enter yours so i don't need much Edie: plenty ways of getting cash that don't involve selling your ass Buster: Yeah, you're really smart Edie: aw thanks Buster: Cheers yourself Buster: Not a waste of time at all Edie: You're precious Buster: I know Edie: I reckon we've talked for sufficient time you can play you tried to stop me now Buster: I'm not gonna bullshit anyone Buster: That's for you to do Edie: as you like Edie: oh, tell ri gracie keeps crying, like ALL the time Edie: more than usual Buster: Tell her yourself Edie: alright Edie: she didn't reply last time i wrote her tho but worth a shot Buster: Try saying something worth reading Buster: I know it's a stretch but Edie: aw darn, i really thought i was smart Edie: oh well Buster: Bye, Edie Edie: laters mckenna Buster: Unlikely from how you're selling it, but sure Edie: see i don't know what u reckon the point of u is if you ain't gonna let me hit u up on the reg for cash Edie: you ain't know how this works Buster: I'm not trying to be anything for you Buster: Not my job Edie: knife thru my heart Edie: she always got the best of everything so used to it Buster: yeah yeah Edie: there u go again 💘 Buster: Poor baby Edie: u got jokes Buster: I know Buster: Pretty, smart and funny Edie: when u suck urself off that's somehow grosser than the incest Edie: eurgh Buster: Hilarious Edie: no jokes Edie: i reckon that's hurting your chances more Buster: I didn't ask and I don't care Edie: awh so in love is it Buster: Even if I wasn't, not gonna take advice from you Edie: why not Buster: Not gonna write you a list either Edie: i get laid Edie: by people i ain't related to n all, craziness Buster: Well done Edie: why thank you Buster: Sure your boyfriend wants to talk to you more than I do Buster: So on you go Edie: probably not if he's started without me but you know Buster: Well all the more reason to catch him up then Edie: ha you really don't like me do you Buster: You're not as stupid as you sound Buster: Good to know Edie: its chill b Edie: i dont like me either Buster: Do something about it then Edie: who for? Edie: this cunt Edie: i think not Buster: For you maybe Edie: that's the cunt i was referring to Edie: keep up Buster: You're just being so edgy right now, like Buster: How can I? Edie: we all know u aint vanilla now boy quit playin Buster: You first Edie: what u chattin i'm bein painfully real Buster: You're trying too hard, babe Edie: at what lmao Buster: This game Buster: Been there, done it Buster: You ain't been real this whole convo Edie: tragically i have Edie: soz you found it disappointing but same Buster: Disappointing ain't the word Buster: If you wanna put any in my mouth, try even harder Edie: you should save the wiser older brother bit tho Edie: ur actual sis would probs benefit Buster: I'm not trying to be that for her or you Buster: Unlucky Edie: now who's not being real Edie: it's cute, don't be ashamed Buster: Why should I be real for you? Edie: u shouldn't Edie: just a bit weird to be lecturing me Edie: unless you really tryna kick it daddy and its all do as i say not as i do Edie: i'm with you Buster: Weird ain't the half of what you reckon I am so why do you care? Edie: why do you Buster: Why do I care about you? Buster: Don't be stupid Edie: i'm not u got no reason Buster: Yeah I do Edie: ha sure Buster: Whatever Edie: you're as bad as her aren't you Edie: i got it fucked feeling sorry for you at the start Edie: you gonna chat like family means anything, god, at least i thought you were committed mckenna Buster: She ain't bad, that's your first mistake Buster: She's better than me, that's your second Edie: three strikes and i'm out? Edie: fun Edie: lemme think Buster: If we were playing that you'd have been out ages ago, babe Edie: good to know Edie: underestimated myself again but that's life Buster: I wouldn't know Buster: Not how I'm living Edie: hmm i wouldn't peg you as a total jump the gun cum in your pants type but if you insist Buster: You ain't got a clue how to peg me but it doesn't matter Edie: i been in the know on that but like i said Edie: don't like u like that Buster: Good Edie: lmao gotta draw the line somewhere mckenna Edie: glad to know it's at butt stuff Edie: on that note, peace Edie: my ride here Buster: Bye again Buster: Been a pleasure, obviously Edie: put it on my tab Buster: 'Course
0 notes
The Fam™
So, this is our first original post on this blog. It’s an introduction to relationships between the Voltron squad and our OC’s Celeste and Willow Sobek. This ties directly into our Crossover Fanfiction we’ll hopefully be writing out soon when we get our shit together.
And without further ado, my kids.
Original Space Mom and Space Mom v.2
Spaceship baddies
Are pretty af but will kill you
Celeste is fond of her, as she is with everyone on the ship, but isn’t for the Princess shit
Years of Jaeger piloting has taught her that maybe a warrior is more her style
But, if she’s in the mood to be pampered (or if Willow wishes for a ‘girls night’) she will go to Allura first to get that girly love
After that is Lance but that’s more of a party than gossip and hair braiding, sh don’t tell Allura
Celeste thinks he’s hilarious
Designated Space Uncle
She enjoys all his stories because they remind her fondly of how her father used to tell boot camp and Jaeger glory days tales
That and he so exuberant it’s hard to ignore him
She finds him interesting in the ‘hey you’re an alien, but you’re so human it hits home??’ sort of way
Lowkey reminds her of Willow because of his high intelligence, loyalty, and seriousness when necessary that collides with his overall fantastic attitude and the way he can blurt out the weirdest shit ever in a matter of seconds
Food besties
Bond over their love of food and fierce loyalty
Both of them may seem a bit on the dimmer side due to their physical appearances, but these two can pull apart and reassemble a ship (or a Jaeger) in a matter of seconds while telling you exactly what was wrong, what part and tool they need/are using, and what they’re doing to fix it
Literally friend goals
They will spend hours figuring out how to cook from the alien stuff Coran provides them with and will experiment to the point everyone kind of steers clear of the kitchen when they’re going past because they have no idea what the hell they are doing in there
Snack breaks are essential
Cuddles are 11/10 always 100% expected and needed during snack breaks or hanging out
Can sit in silence for hours and not be bored of each other
Personal pillows for each other or portable furnaces, usually both
Often found asleep on each other
If you can’t find one, they’re probably with the other somewhere
They share nearly everything, every insecurity, every problem, every nightmare, everything
Hunk is one of the few people to ever see Celeste cry
Oh god where to begin
First, Keith is the only person she has ever let dominate her. 
One time, she made him extremely jealous and he literally fucked her into the mattress. After that, she was much more open to the idea of being sub. 
Keith is the only person who’s ever asked her why she has such sad eyes. 
He had thought that Celeste was truthfully unbothered by her situation. Like Allura, Celeste never let her emotions show through. She chose to internalize it and act like it wasn’t there. She laughed and cracked jokes, but sometimes when Keith would look at her, he could see the pain in her eyes, and he realized that Celeste may have been a goddess, but she was also painfully human. He never let her get away with “I’m fine’s” or “I’m just tired’s” because he knew better. Though she never cried in front of him, she did open up about her family and her nightmares. 
She even eventually told him about the man she loved, despite their sexual/romantic relationship. He had been hurt, but tried really hard to get past it because he simply had too strong of feelings for her. 
If it got her in his bed, he did it. After all, she was still extremely dominant, so she exercised this “control” everywhere but in the bedroom. 
Keith is extremely possessive, but know’s how not to be a shithead. He’s long since accepted that Celeste will do as she pleases and nobody (but Willow) can tell her otherwise. 
When Keith first laid eyes on Celeste, his only thought was “Goddamn” and nothing else. It must have been the sight of her crawling out of a smoking Jaeger in a skintight suit of armor (that he later learned was called a Drivesuit.) 
Get’s frustrated by her lack of shyness (he loves seeing girls blush), but discovers that the one way to get her to blush is have her ride his face. Though she loves being on top, she feels that she’s too heavy and that she’ll crush him. 
He convinced her that she was not too heavy, but she still hesitates when he asks. 
Both are extremely witty and sarcastic. When they to are together, nobody is spared. Lance usually takes the brunt of the roasts, but occasionally they go after Shiro because annoyed Shiro is best Shiro. 
Celeste weighs more than Keith and has more muscle, but he’s faster. Both are brutal fighters, and both are equally terrifying. Once, when fighting Galra soldiers, one actually ran from them in fear after watching them absolutely eviscerate one of his comrades. 
Both love they swords and literally will gut you in one swipe if fucked with. 
Both are sinners but when they sleep, they cling to each other as if they were going to be torn apart. Morning showers are routine because they wake up drenched in each others sweat. It’s gross af but they can’t help it. They’re both hot-blooded. 
Celeste calls him Billy Ray Cyrus because of the mullet. He hates it and in return calls her fishface.
Both flirt to annoy one another but are basically siblings.
Lance broke down once, relating to her on missing their family. He feels as though he’s not important to the team. So, her being other space mom, she sings to him and plays with his hair and realizes that he’s still just a baby and gains a newfound respect for how strong he and all of the Paladin’s are. 
P.s. she sang You are My Sunshine because honestly, Lance is a little baby sunshine and a blessing. 
Celeste dubbed him the “annoying gremlin” of the team and nearly died having to explain what a gremlin was to the two very confused Alteans. 
Can be found playfighting, but Celeste denies it because she’s “too old for that shit”. Lance is always offended when she says this, but alas, the fighting still goes on. 
They are the hispanic children of the team.
When Celeste and Willow first arrived, Lance had come down to find them at the table casually eating breakfast. When he asked who they were and where they came from, Willow explained their situation, but Celeste, attempting to be a little shit, said “Somos el puto pez que cayó del cielo, estúpido muchacho de culo”, which translates to “We are the the fucking fish who fell from the sky, stupid ass boy.” Lance, being Cuban, understood what she had said and called her out on it, much to her surprise. Since then, the two would communicate in mostly spanish. 
During their play fights, Spanish curses could be heard from throughout the castle, frequently “Idiota” from Lance and “pinche pendejo” from Celeste. 
At first, Celeste couldn’t stand the kid because he wouldn’t stop hitting on her, but after he got used to her, (and she played him for Keith’s attention), he opened up and started to act like regular!lLance around her. She gave in, finally laughing at his stupid jokes and antics, hence the sibling attitude and play fighting.
Celeste will only call Pidge “Pudge” because it annoys her. 
Celeste pulled Lance aside one day and carefully instructed him that if and when her and Willow made it back home, Lance would have to continue to call her Pudge. There wasn’t a specific reasoning, but she never wanted the small child to forget her. 
In retaliation, Pidge calls Celeste “Cilantro”. Lance had jumped on the bandwagon and tried to call her Carnitas, but Celeste threatened him with death if he ever called her that again. When Pidge had asked why she got so mad, Celeste had to explain that Carnitas translates to “little meats” and was basically pork cooked in lard or oil. 
Pidge lowkey hated Celeste because she thought that she was just a dumb brute (harsh), but when the girls had brought them to see the inside of ‘Cuda and Celeste began to explain the mechanics behind her, and the AI etc, she realized that Celeste was much smarter than she looked. 
Celeste walked in on Pidge mid breakdown about her father and brother, and despite her lashing out and begging for her to leave, Celeste simply wouldn’t. When Pidge (reluctantly) let her sit beside her, Celeste coaxed her to tell what was wrong. She shared her story, telling Pidge how she had lost her mother and father. She didn’t know if it was her story or the soft way that she spoke to the young girl, but she found herself cradling the her as she cried. They both vowed to not tell anyone, but since then, Pidge has looked up to Celeste as a big sister. 
When the girls returned home, Pidge was crushed because Willow and Celeste had filled the void in her heart that had formed when she lost Matt. It was almost like she had had him back.
Actual Space Parents ™
Celeste is more of a mother figure than Allura could ever be, no shade just truth. She’s better with people and much less condescending. Even if she’s hurt, she will always listen to the other side of the story. When Keith was found to have Galra blood, she still loved and treated him the same because he had protected her and everyone else on the team with such fervor and fierce loyalty. There was no question that he was on their side, at least not to Celeste. 
Both consult each other before Allura (usually) when making decisions. Celeste may not be a total nerd but her leadership skills are A1 and Shiro always goes to her for a second opinion. 
These two are extremely close, not in a sibling way or a best friend way, or a romantic way (she ain’t willow tho he daddy ™ ), they just are. It’s difficult to explain, but they both are headstrong, natural born leaders. They’re prepared to do what it takes to protect their team. Self sacrifice isn’t even a question if it would save the lives of one another or the team. 
Both are secretly silly as hell but hide it well unless they’re with someone who they trust. One time, they had an argument over what he should name his Galra arm. 
“Name it Herbert.” “What?” “No, name it…. Pepe.” “What the hell is ‘Pepe’?” “Oh God.” 
Lance and Willow lost their shit and never let Shiro live it down, despite his claims that he had “bigger things to worry about than memes.” He also grumpily claimed that it was because he was imprisoned by the Galra for a year and got increasingly irritated when neither of the three would take him seriously.
Honestly?? Willow is intimidated by her
Willow doesn’t understand how someone can be so strong even after losing everything
She really respects it
She’s jealous of the fact that Allura can so effortlessly hide what weakness she may have
She enjoys Allura’s presence, it’s soft, but sometimes Allura’s need for command and attention irks her
It don’t make sense because Willow has no problem with Celeste’s or Shiro’s authority ??
One time she started gabbing in Gaelic (a bad habit she’d had since childhood) Allura - without missing a beat - started rambling back in ancient Altean and Willow thinks that was the closest she’s ever been to Allura
He reminds her of her Grandma and her father, with all the boot camp stories and such, much like Celeste
Willow likes to remind him that she comes from a family of ‘warriors’ and that her Grandmother could so easily kick his ass just because he always talks about meeting her Grandma
Coran is one of the few fellow touchy-feely persons in the Castle, so more often than not, if they achieve something together, they hug and cheer
Coran is incredibly interested in Gaelic and is trying to get Willow to teach him some
He just doesn’t recognize he’s terrible at learning other languages
Like with her sister, Willow and Hunk are cuddle buddies
Willow will often share little things from she and Celeste’s childhood (especially dishes that their mother made) and will find out Hunk tried to make it
Her basic reaction is !!!!
She may or may not kiss his cheek and hug him because he’s such a fucking cutie
She’s almost cried twice because of how kind Hunk is
The other hugger on the ship so they’re constantly hugging and being affectionate
The Squishies
They don’t really talk, both aren’t able to read the other well besides what’s on the surface and know that a whole untreated ocean is underneath.
They leave well enough alone
They respect each other, high five after missions, all that friendly shit
Lowkey awkward cuties
Mostly connected by Celeste, so they know they have at least one thing in common
Willow is still loyal and protective to him, as is he
Training buddies
Keith hates when she beats his ass but it’s making him better so he can’t complain that much
His complaining increases if Lance is present during their training sessions
Just like Lance, he both hates and loves her
Dabbing, for example, since Lance refused to let Willow explain it to him
Which is a thing he loves, if he doesn’t understand something, then Willow is sure to explain it to him with as little judgement as possible
But also conspiracy theories, oh my god it is the way to this boys heart so of course he’s gonna like it when Willow makes a bad bigfoot joke
Literally their entire relationship is essentially finger guns, sunglasses, and depression memes
Before I get into the funny shit; they share insecurities and often run to each other when they need reassurance because they are terrified of telling anyone else about their internalized problems
Literally have seen each other cry so many times
Love and protect each other almost like siblings
They’ve almost entirely wired themselves to calm down in the presence of the other tbh
Weepy cuddles and depression naps 
Okay, back to our regularly scheduled meme program - 
First off, Lance is probably partially deaf; the one time Lance wasn’t fully paying attention to what Willow was saying, he misinterpreted ‘Shiro’ as something along the lines of ‘Shirp’
His reaction basically being “Willow, wouldn’t it make sense to say ‘shrimp’ like everyone else? I mean what is wrong with you Irish??”
He didn’t understand why Willow started laughing so hard until she could finally breath again and explained to him what was going on
After the initial embarrassment of his stupidity was gone, Willow made him promise one thing….
Shiro is forever and always going to be named Shrimp now
Don’t tell Shiro
They started doing it ironically but now they can’t stop
It really bothers Keith so Lance just,,, eggs Willow on to the point both of them look ridiculous
Don’t get me started on the Yeet thing …. These two
Lance did it first, Willow swears on her life
Lance showed her it because ‘she wasn’t meme cultured’ properly and it just kind of,,, spiraled
They were being funny one day, exchanging puns and inside jokes, when Willow - being the meme loving shit that she is - proceeded to try and make Lance laugh by throwing her (plastic, it was important it wasn’t metal or glass or Coran and Hunk would be on her ass about it) cup after she had drank all of the liquid inside and yelled “THIS BINCH EMPTY! Y E E T!”
She did manage to get a barking, almost crying laugh from Lance, until they both realized that she had thrown the cup right in Shiro’s face and hit him square in the nose
If it would’ve been later in she and Shiro’s relationship, Willow would laughed and said something along the lines of ‘get wrecked’ but this was still when she was mildly intimidated by him and thought of him as only her commanding officer
It took a three second silence before both she and Lance were out the fucking door in a full r u n
“Shiro, ground her, she was the one to throw it.” “Lance.”
Lit just bond over their love of technology and general fuckery
Willow bonds with her because, honestly, Pidge is the closest she will ever get to a little sister, she has always been the little sister, but with Pidge, she has someone to pass her womanly knowledge of the world onto
Pidge is the same way, she loves that Celeste and Willow have taken her under their collective and metaphorical wings
Pidge enjoys the fact that Willow loves the quiet of the working mind as much as she does
Most of the time (if Willow isn’t working on Cuda as well) Willow will sit with Pidge in the lab and knitt as Pidge does her smarty thing
Willow loves carrying her around
Pidge would be salty about it with anyone else but Willow is so soft and smells close to home and asks first, so she lets Willow give her piggyback rides and carry her around on her shoulders so Pidge can reach all those high places without dangerous climbs
Willow is highkey president of the ‘protect the smol green bean’ club
Don’t matter if Pidge is a little badass, Willow will still smoother her
Pidge secretly loves it
I don’t even know where to start
Literally that awkward, positively pure couple that everyone knows will happen eventually 
It’s vv hard to hide the fact that there’s something there from the squad
Especially Lance and Celeste with these two
Keith is oblivious, but as soon as Celeste figured it out, he happened to know to
The info spreads like wildfire tbh
Pidge pokes fun at Willow about it aLL the damn time and Hunk makes it his mission to get them alone as much as possible 
Celeste is really good at talking to and reading her sister, so it’s not hard to get Willow to finally admit it under great duress
Lance finds it wonderful to drop little comments and ideas on Shiro he thinks it’s fun to watch Shiro’s ears go red
But every pure couple has to have angst
Cough cough Chuck Hansen
Of course a girl like that would have someone at home waiting for her
But… It was really easy for Shiro to figure out that she could be so much happier, in a much healthier situation that isn’t sending her into fits of guilt and panic because of what Chuck says to her
And it’s not easy to convince Willow she deserves better
When Chuck told Willow she couldn’t be close to the Paladins, she listened, avoiding everyone unless necessary
Lasted like a day before she was back to talking to Shiro and cuddling up to Lance once again for comfort
She just stopped telling Chuck excitedly about her new friends, which everyone would see was hurting her more than ever
Shiro and Celeste were really the ones to set Willow into the motions of letting go
To make a long story really short, Shiro has a firm resentment of Chuck even though he’s never met him face to face and that Willow likes tea when she’s upset like him and was more than happy to share a cup of her favorite tea with him, no matter if she only had a limited supply or not
Surprisingly, vulnerability is their bread and butter
Vulnerability allows for the falling of walls, and with every vulnerable moment shared, the more walls are crashed down on both sides
For a quick and easy example besides from the one above; Sendak
Willow is a natural nurturer (both an advantage and a fault) so she was at Shiro’s side and understood every boundary, every panicked look, every need for silence
Shiro’s panic with Sendak was their door opener, the first sledgehammer against walls of emotional hurt that they decided to wade through together
These two, like, never sleep (literally my nightmare kids) so they’re often spending those sleepless nights in each other company
Lots of tea and books and blankets are shared between them if they end up in the longue
Willow found a room made entirely out of glass (Allura scolds them if she finds them in the control room late at night looking at the stars instead of sleeping guys wtf) and sometimes she’s already there when Shiro wakes up from nightmares
They just kind of lay down next to each other, sometimes they don’t talk at all, other times they don’t shut up
It’s their bonding time
Totally haven’t been found asleep in the lounge in blanket forts cuddled up to each other
And definitely haven’t held hands when they’re in their ‘star room’
And of course they haven’t kissed at all at four in the morning when both of them are half dead but struggling to keep awake for the other
Just omg
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uniformbravo · 8 years
ok here are some of my Actual s2 thoughts (voltron spoilers below)
so back when i first watched s1 i guess i wasn’t totally 100% into it?? i dont remember if i ever really talked abt it on here but i remember being a little confused and trying to figure out why it was so popular bc i honestly didn’t think it was that great but idk i must’ve warmed up to it at some point between then and now bc i was way more into it this time around aaaaa
i rly did like s2 better than s1 tho??? idk maybe it’s just bc it’s new so it’s the hype of new content & everything but dang overall i do feel like i enjoyed it more
i rly like the art style and especially the animation style like this is probably just me coming to this show straight from lolirock but like... while lolirock has a really appealing art style im honestly not a fan of the type of animation they use so it felt really nice to come back to like. hand-drawn stuff idk just! voltron is a v visually appealing show in all aspects god bless
everyone is still super trans wow i can’t believe every character is trans
tbh i love shiro? but it’s weird bc i actually think he’s rly boring when it comes to his “leadership” kind of characteristics but like also he suffers a lot and gets a lot of the plot-heavy development and normally i might be annoyed by that but im just...... so weak
also speakin of shiro there was a lot of shiro/keith this season and like..... ok im gonna be honest i dont rly ship them or anything like at all im not too keen on the two of them that way but this person i follow has this au where they’re brothers and imagining them that way made me enjoy their scenes like 100% more so like Good Shit (but tbh keith saying “you’re like a brother to me” or was it maybe “father” i can’t remember but either way that line killed me pls i want them to have a rly strong platonic bond i want shiro to feel rly protective of keith and i want keith to feel safer around shiro aaaaa i love it so much)
pidge starting to adopt altean terms and phrases fucking killed me dude like with the time vocabulary n shit, even the others started picking it up a little bit it’s So Fucking Good im so happy aaaaaAA
i still love keith and lance i hope they never calm down w/ each other and keep fighting forever bye (like rewatching s1 when lance is like “yOU AGAIN” and keith is like “who are u” hfhdgd gOD that was so GOOD)
a lot of the character development was rly good but tbh im a little disappointed by the lack thereof when it came to lance and hunk like ?? at this point they’re still treated like the Joke Characters for the most part, i mean lance did have his one little moment of glory in that one episode but i would really love to see like. an actual full character arc w/ him. and i know hunk did have some stuff in s1 w/ like the balmerans & shae but this season it felt like he was just kinda pushed aside and i mean the same could be said of pidge, who did have a lot of story in s1 but barely anything in s2, so maybe i’m just being a little impatient lol i mean. if u take a step back and lay it all out, s1 focused on shiro, pidge, allura, and a little bit of hunk, and then s2 focused on shiro and keith, so maybe s3 (idk if it’s even confirmed yet but like hypothetically) will focus on lance and hunk more? and probably shiro again tbh  i mean it doesn’t really feel like anything’s been set up to go into a lance or hunk arc, but at the same time there wasn’t really any setup for keith’s whole s2 thing in s1 either, so there’s still the possibility that it could all happen in s3 but like. with the way s2 went and the unanswered questions it left about keith i can see s3 being very keith-centric, not to mention all the reminders we got about pidge’s whole family issue this season, so s3 will probably focus on that a lot too idk i mean at the end of the day they are pretty short seasons, it makes sense that they can only focus on a select few characters at a time, so i feel like at this point it makes sense to just sit back and wait to see what happens, & then if hunk and lance are still kind of shoved aside w/ nary even a mere setup then wtf actually
not to keep running w/ the negativity & criticisms but honestly what i really love in a show is complex characters written realistically and w/ voltron i feel like it /almost/ delivers but not really? like, not to bring up lolirock again but that show has fairly one-dimensional characters who are written relying more on their character type than anything with a ton of depth; the protagonists are Good and the antagonists are Evil; auriana is the goofball, talia is the responsible one, iris is the main character or the “pure good” one, mephisto is the clumsy villain, praxina is the irritable villain- like it’s all just very straightforward (most of the time). i feel like voltron is a little more complex with its characters than lolirock, but in the end it still kind of sticks to the same method of characterization; it’s definitely not as cookie-cutter, but each character does have one or two characteristics that blatantly stick out and make them.... i dont know, really predictable? like you Know that every time a girl shows up lance is gonna hit on her, and every time there’s some cool technology pidge is gonna fawn over it and every time there’s food hunk is gonna say some shit about being hungry, and keith and lance argue a lot and shiro gets the team’s shit together because he’s the Leader and it’s just like basically, with voltron it feels very “telling” rather than “showing” with most things, and besides manifesting in the story it shows in the way the characters are written, too. in most situations, the characters’ reactions are written based more on those few main characteristics they’ve been given than more realistic reactions to their current situation, and maybe that’s a little confusing but i’ll try to clarify actually im sorry but i just completely lost my train of thought and i can’t get it back, it’s currently coming up on 1am and im incredibly tired right now so i’m gonna have to cut this short but like. basically, the characters in voltron kind of have their main characteristics and it’s fine to have things like that bc it helps define characters but the way the writers use them feels a lot like those hogwarts house sorting quizzes that are like “what’s your favorite animal? a) lion b) snake c) raven d) badger” like it tends to be relatively straightforward and predictable in a bad way, and a lot of that execution has to do with the storytelling style the show has overall
ok ANYWAY let’s say something more positive now: the soundtrack to this show is absolutely phenomenal tbh i remember thinking this last time too, just the general sound it has, it feels like an homage to the older series and acts as a subtle way to bring that kind of aesthetic into it and i rly like it (i mean i’ve never seen the old show so idk what kind of aesthetic it has but u know what i mean. the kind of “old video tape sound” kind of thing. u know the game oxenfree, which has a similar music aesthetic. god idk how to explain this i hope u know what i’m trying to say. i rly like voltron’s soundtrack)
like i didnt mean to go on this big rant all “here’s everything i didn’t like abt voltron what a Bad Show” bc i actually really like it a lot!! the fact that im picking it apart like this is actually a good sign that i like it bc if i dont care abt something i won’t put in the effort, u know? if i don’t like it then i won’t be all “here’s what i hope to see from this show in the future” right
anyway it’s fuckin 1am bye, i love voltron goodnight
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