#you beloved gross ship is just dead
makeadealwithdean · 1 year
makeadealwithdean's friday fic rec list - harringrove edition
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here's a list of the fics i've read lately and highly recommend! these fics are not mine and belong only to the writers, so writers, as always, if you don't want to be mentioned on here, message me, and i'll take you off no questions asked! also, this list is special because i'll be focusing on just harringrove, and since several of these are camboy!au's, these fics are smut and 18+ ONLY, so minors dni!! (gif is mine)
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"never gets old" - @brawlite & @toastranger
Rating: E || Words: 78k
Falling in love with a cam boy named KingSteve isn't the smartest thing Billy Hargrove has ever done, nor is it the most healthy -- but the good choice is rarely ever the fun choice, and Billy is all about living life fast and loose.
"Love Is A Sickness (And Lust Is Absolute Madness)"
Rating: E || Words: 25k
Steve snaps a pic with his hand around his dick, angling the camera so that the stream is visible in the back. He can’t help but stroke a few times before sending it, wishing he had the balls to just put his webcam to good use so SuckMeDead could see him in all of his wet, messy, horny glory. Realistically though, he knows that full-on cybersex isn’t something he’s ready for, not until— Not until he’s made sure this camboy isn’t Billy Hargrove.
"Ride The Lightning" - socknonny
Rating: E || Words: 12k
Steve has an epic plan to Get Back At Daddy after his parents don't embrace his new-found bisexuality. An epic, epic plan, inspired by his favorite camboy. There's no way this can go wrong.
"Not Your Prince (But I'm Your Pretty Boy)" - ImNeitherNor
Rating: E || Words: 10k
“Not desperate,” Steve told himself, staring at the page while heat crawled up his chest and neck. “So not desperate.” Which was a lie because he was getting a membership just to comment and view more videos of the guy with the pierced dick. He licked his lips and tapped his thumbs on the space bar, deleted it, and almost hit his forehead against his desk. It was a username. Why did it matter so fucking much? Christ.
"Sideways" - robthegoodfellow
Rating: E || Words: 46k
On Friday, Billy terrorized his stepsister, harassed his crush, and got blitzed with the school drug dealer. And then it all went sideways.
"definitely better than being dead" - @dragonflylady77
Rating: T || Words: 3.5k
When Billy comes to, everything hurts. He keeps his eyes closed, even though the space around him feels dark, and slowly takes a tally of where it hurts: hands, sides, chest, back, feet too... He listens to the noises in the room and the regular beeping of a machine close by tells him he’s in a hospital.
"Cross Road Blues" - @weird-an
Rating: E || Words: 6.6k
Billy sells his soul to Steve Harrington at the crossroads.
"His baby" - @lovebillyhargrove
Rating: E || Words: 32k
After Billy's death his car comes alive and decides to take revenge on certain residents of Hawkins. (My note: BILLY'S CAMARO FIC, MY BELOVED)
"come back down to my knees, gotta get back (gotta get free)" - @hartigays
Rating: E || Words: 5.5k
Billy is like, really gross. Steve likes that. He really likes that. And honestly, what could it hurt to indulge a little? (This is flayed!Billy, btw)
"The Art of the Dick Pic" - @lazybakerart
Rating: E || Words: 4.8k
Steve gets shipped off to a military academy, yet his biggest problem is his lighting.
"silvertongue" - @the-copperkid
Rating: E || Words: 9.2k
It's a hot summer night, and Billy and Steve find themselves stranded in the middle of a flash flood when Steve starts getting Upside Down-related anxiety. There's, unfortunately, only one thing that's certain to take his mind off of it — but Billy assures him that it wouldn't be so strange if they did it together. Just as long as they don't touch.
"Bed-sharing, almost-caring" - Thei
Rating: Not Rated || Words: 11.8k
It's late, dark and snowing, and Steve would rather do anything else than drive around looking for Billy Hargrove. But Max asked, and he can't say no to those kids. Not after everything. He finds Billy at the quarry. Billy is not okay.
"Cherry" - @lazybakerart
Rating: E || Words: 58k
They’ve got ten minutes before Steve’s break is up and he has to go back to wishing for death with a smile.
"King of Diamonds" - @shieldofiron
Rating: E || Words: 4.7k
“What’s the matter, Hargrove?” Steve Harrington flings his bags onto the bed with a fucked up little grin, “Scared of the big bad bed?” Billy just glowers at him, for the five hundredth time that day. He should have known when coach said they were bunking alphabetically and some of the rooms would only have one bed, that luck would not be on his side. Billy shuffles on his feet, squaring his shoulders, “Get out of my way.” Harrington cocks his head to the side, “Is that how you speak to your King?” “Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Way.” “Or what?” Harrington's smiling in that vicious way, lip curling. (Or literally any part of this series, cause holy shit, King Steve)
"Rules for Survival" - @jad3w1ngs
Rating: E || Words: 5.5k
His first breath of free air had got caught in his throat however, because God may have allowed him to leave his old hell, but that was only so that he could be plunged into a new one. Sure, maybe he was being overdramatic, but the universe must have it out for him. Why else would he be roomed with possibly the prettiest, most infuriatingly sweet man ever? One who spoke about boobs and chicks and everything else enough to hammer home how out of bounds he was? One that he’d have to continue to pretend around. Billy’s other survival mechanisms had kicked in almost instantly. Unfortunately, the survival mechanism for dealing with his crush on his stupidly handsome roommate was apparently to be a massive asshole. Every innocent comment, every kind remark or offer of friendship was rebuffed with a snappy or bitchy quip, ones that had him groaning internally each time they left his lips. Not that it seemed to deter Steve, if anything his eyes lit up whenever Billy threw an insult his way, which was odd because he wouldn’t have pegged Steve as a masochist.
"Locker Room Antics" - @mid-nightmare13
Rating: E || Words: 5k
Just as he was about to take another swing for Hargrove's face, Steve found his wrist caught in a large hand, his back against the metal lockers, and his lips pressed against another pair. He grunted, protesting for maybe ten seconds before he was grabbing Billy's hair with his free hand, and kissed him back. Kissing Billy was nothing like kissing a girl. It was a dangerous combination of teeth and tongue locked in a battle for dominance. And he hated himself for backing down. "I want to fuck you," Billy said against his lips before beginning to suck and bite down his jaw. Steve let out an involuntary moan, suddenly finding his jeans far too tight...
"Wild on You" - @oopsiedaisiesbaby
Rating: E || Words: 2.6k (series wc: 80k)
Billy startled when rather than fall to his own back, beside him, Steve tightened his grip in Billy’s hair and moved halfway on top of him as he reconnected their lips. (this whole series actually is amazing, 10/10 recommend)
"if you don't like the company, let's just do it you and me" - hoppnhorn, @the-copperkid
Rating: E || Words: 9k
“Stevie, Stevie, Stevie,” Billy tuts, and it’s nearly sickening, too fucking good, the way he looks like he can think of nothing better than digging his teeth into Steve Harrington. “Look at you. What’re we gonna do with you, huh? Tell me what you want, pretty boy.” * Steve is really fed up with walking in on Billy having sex in his bed, until Billy’s opening up the invitation to him, too — because like, if you can’t beat 'em, join ‘em, right? But see, three's a crowd. And Steve doesn't like to share.
"break up with your girlfriend ('cause i'm bored)" - @the-copperkid
Rating: E || Words: 15k
@umissedconnections: Bambi eyes. m4m. i was rippin cigs in the sae p-lot. u made urself puke 2 make room 4 more beer. incredible? ur my hero PLS say ur into guys * Steve finds he has a secret admirer who's continuously hitting on him via his university's Missed Connections Twitter account. // Tommy and Billy are the worst roommates ever.
last time's list || my fic rec masterpost || my masterlist
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alegacyofmonsters · 1 year
Legacies 1x04 Rewatch:
Just seeing all the comic book decor in MG's room makes me so sad that we never got to see him and Landon geek out together
The amount of (lame) TVD cameos in S1 was wild considering they did not keep that energy up
If I had a nickel for every time the Salvatore School made a fake exchange program with Mystic Falls High over a murder, I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice
"Who are you and what did you do with Hope Mikaelson?" Just you wait ...
The blatant use of TVD scenes for the exterior shots of MFHS and they couldn't even match the green filter of Legacies
Lizdon best friendism!!!
"Try not to deliberately alienate the entire student body." "I tried to be her friend when I was five and when I was nine and when I was thirteen." "I'm sorry we couldn't see why you were hurting back then." SCREAMING.
"Would you like to be the Robin to my Batwoman?" "Batwoman doesn't have a Robin." "Metaphor." FOR LESBIANISM.
"I'm working on offensive spells." Maybe we should've known she was blood thirsty from the start
Rosie and Finsie both have a breakfast scene BUT NOT JANDON OR POSIE. WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?
No because how did Josie have Raf so wrapped around her finger and still manage to come up with a fake sob story about Lizzie winning him
Baby Handon, my beloveds
Hope 🤝 Lizzie 🤝 Accusing MG of failing at compulsion
Lizzie being so grossed out by MG's unrelenting advances and him STILL not getting the message. Oh I hate what this rewatch is doing to my best boy.
"Dana is dead." Oh no ... what are we gonna do ...
"I expect you to be with Hope when I do" hits so much harder knowing about 4x06
"You are a horrible liar." "I suck at lying." Okay Lizzie I see you
We were robbed of Cheerleader!Hope, even in an AU
I still need someone to edit "They're a gift from Cheryl" into a Hope Mikaelson x Cheryl Blossom edit
"Relax, Eeyore." Hope, your Lizzie is popping out.
"I don't even like any of you" but we all know who she's best friends with in the Human AU
Jed truly was terrible in the beginning. Like who is that? I don't know him. Bully!Jed isn't real unless you believe in him.
"I'm a feminist." You're a liar is what you are actually.
I really do miss S3 actual feminist MG. Bring him back to me already.
The casual Dana E.D. jokes were ... certainly a choice for a 2019 show ...
The Kaleb x Landon dynamic deserved more
"Years of practice with Lizzie" and we never once get to see it. Like??
"You're dead if you don't submit." I'm sorry but like has a werewolf student ever actually been murdered for not joining the pack? I feel like we would've heard about that.
"It's Sasha." Was Sasha even at the flag football game? How do they know her?
"My money's on your boyfriend." "He's not my boyfriend." She just wanted to hear you say it, sweetie.
"Whatever spun this is gonna come back and eat us." We couldn't be that lucky. Imagine how much better the series would have been.
I still ship Connor x Josie. I don't care.
Landon rushing in to save Josie. Oh Jandon serves whether you want to admit it or not.
The S1 Core 6 did not get enough scenes together
"I'm a twin. I don't do anything solo." You just spent the entire episode without Lizzie because being a hero is too much pressure??? You spent the whole last episode apart from her too???? It's only the fourth episode?????
It's almost laughable how much Josie lies. Like every other word out of her mouth is straight up false and she knows it.
Still think Jed x Rafael should have had a thing.
I miss this Handon angst. THIS. THIS IS THE GOOD STUFF. Not the circular conflict they got stuck in later.
"Being a hero is not more important than being safe." This is your suicidal daughter, my dude. She does not care about being safe.
"She thinks she's too good to give you the time of day." Actually it's
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"Don't disrespect her like that. We got enough monsters out here as it is. We cannot become one of them." MG YOU DIDN'T DIE THE HERO. YOU LIVED LONG ENOUGH TO BECOME THE VILLAIN. GOD DAMN IT.
Wait a minute. Josie was stuck in a spider web, almost dying, and Landon saved the day instead of Penelope Park making an appearance? Penelope would have never.
"If you threaten my kids, Sheriff, I'll be the one coming for you." No, maybe I get it. Maybe I do still get the attraction.
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thegrandlinesimp · 2 years
This turned out to be less kink and more character study, my brain saw it as a prompt and I rolled with it. And just so you know I headcanon Kid is left handed (for reasons that would take too long to explain here).
Also, did I look up images of amputee stumps mere days post operation because I’m a slut for authenticity and Oda is a pussy in not drawing it? Yes, yes I did.
Warnings: not much really, a bit angsty, some mentions of blood but nothing terrible, vague mentions of past child abuse (Kid’s mum is a bitch)
Word count: 3.5k
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The Victoria Punk rocked steadily on the dark sea, waves lapping at her sides as she creaked in response. The moon was high in the sky and stars shining above, their sparkling light reflected off the surface of the calm waters. A castle loomed over the ship, turrets crumbling with age and the water had long since smoothed the once rocky beach. Most of the ship’s crew were inside the ancient walls, save for a small few, one of which was staring out at the open waters from behind a striped mask.
Killer sighed as he leaned against the ship’s railing, staring out to the midnight shrouded sea with a heavy heart. His stomach twisted at a memory from a few nights ago, a rather heated verbal fight he’d had with his captain that - for the first time since they’d started dating - didn’t end with a rough, carnal fuck.
Though much to Killer’s unease, they hadn’t had sex in a solid four months, even though Kid had been given the ‘okay’ by Doc three weeks ago, so long as he went easy. He’d expected Kid to jump him that night at the very latest, but nothing happened. Nothing continued to happen for two and a half weeks, with Kid continuing to go bed wearing an old, long sleeved jumper he’d found in storage a few months prior. During the day the young captain would cling to the left side of his coat, as if scared it’d fall away to reveal-
There was a flash of a blade, Kid let out a roar of agony as he stumbled and fell.
His stomach twisted again and he leaned over the railing, he gripped it tight with one hand while with the other he grabbed his mask, ready to tear it off should he suddenly be sick.
Blood, gore and death had never fazed Killer, it was how he’d earned his name, just a nameless orphan on the streets often found with blood on his hands around the time a body turned up. Though it was usually scumbags, and people turned a blind eye to the marines as they were well hated on his home island. No, he’d seen limbs go flying, sent them so with his own blade. Sometimes it wasn’t him who dismembered a person in the middle of a fight, but that had never effected him.
But this was different.
This was Kid.
If Doc hadn’t been there, he would’ve…
Killer just wanted to hold him, to have him in his arms, feel that he was real. He still remembered his beloved captain, pale, still, silent in the med bay, his precious Punk in tatters as she barely made it to dry land. Kid’s fire had dulled since then, a soft ember that flickered with defiance every now and then, giving Killer a glimmer of hope.
He knew why kid was like this, when you know someone for so long you can just see the way their brain thinks. That, and having the redhead yell at him the other night “why fuck? You won’t even be able to get up what with how gross I look!” was a dead giveaway. When he used to get a new scar he’d flex his muscles, telling the tale of how he’d won the battle, coming out alive.
But that was just it, he’d barley made it this time, this time he’d lost.
He knew Kid didn’t feel worthy, old childhood wounds his mother gave him opening back up from the severe blow to his ego. Insults like ‘tattered little scumbag’ and ‘scrawny, worthless sewerage waste’ were some of the nicer things she had called him while dealing out punishment. Kid had an odd, silent pride in his looks now that he was a lot older, the new scars, not to mention the missing arm, had destroyed the self image he’d made. He’d tossed all his jewellery into the ships treasure hoard with a look of disgust on his face, punching a mirror and shattering it to piece only a couple of days later.
This couldn’t go on.
He needed his captain back.
He needed Kid back.
Killer grit his teeth and straightened, mind made up as he turned, and made his way below deck to Kid’s workshop.
He needed to let Kid know how he felt, and if talking wouldn’t do it, then the captain’s favourite pass time would have to do.
He paused, making the quick decision to stop off at his and Kid’s cabin first. Perhaps drastic times called for even more drastic measures.
Kid gave another glance to the schematics Doc had given him, his gaze coming to his own rough sketch of what he wanted the prosthetic to look like and finally to the metal skeletal structure in front of him. Wires hung this way and that, the technician side of his current project confusing him to no end as he gnawed on the handle of his screwdriver, teeth marks already etched deep into the old tool.
It still didn’t seem quite right.
Then again, the last two attempts seemed about the same at this stage, promptly hurled across the room in a fit of rage at his own ineptitude.
He was just about to fall into the same pattern of descent into self hatred and rage when the door to his workshop was unlocked. There’d been no scraping of the key on the other side as the wielder tried to put it in the hole, so either the old man hadn’t been drinking too much, or it was-
Killer nodded at him as he walked in, “Kid.”
Or it was the last person he wanted to see…
He bit harder on the screwdriver, sparing his first mate a glance and a grunt before trying to hyper focus on his current task.
It was a bit difficult, though, with Killer just standing there, staring at him from behind his mask.
“What?” He finally said as he whirled around to face the older man, tone far sharper than he intended it to be.
Killer, of course, didn’t seemed fazed, not even showing the little uncomfortable shift only Kid saw. He tilted his head slightly to one side and Kid’s heart plummeted, he knew that one. That wasn’t an uncomfortable shift.
It was a coy look.
“You seem tense,” the suggestive tone drove his worries home.
Kid bared his teeth in a sneer, “Whatever,” and turned back to his work table.
It wasn’t a clear no, something he knew Killer would take for certainty, but he didn’t want to push him away too harshly.
Didn’t want him to leave him.
Leave him alone, yes, but not…
Though instead of hearing the sound of footsteps walking away, there was a soft clunk of something being placed of the table. When Kid looked up, he immediately wished he hadn’t, because no matter how much he wanted to look away, he couldn’t.
Killer’s eyes had always had a glint of curiosity in them, regarding the redhead from behind long bangs, but to Kid it was a look of knowing, of seeing right through someone or something. It was a calculating gaze that studied him, tried to soak in every inch of his being, made him grab the left side of his coat and pull it closer, not wanting to see the way blonde’s face would twist in disgust when he saw the extent of the damage.
The blonde’s movement was precise when he walked forward, a hand coming to rest on Kid’s right shoulder, yet he stood behind him to the left. Kid sucked in a sharp breath through his nose, body going ridged as he grit his teeth. Oh god he wanted what Killer was offering him, needed it even. He bowed his head and hunched his shoulders, but didn’t say anything.
He didn’t want to get into another fight.
He was happy to fight with anyone.
But not Killer, never Killer.
Kid gasped as warm air ghosted against the back of his neck, lips brushing against scars that hadn’t yet properly formed. He shivered, face heating up as warmth pooled in his gut. He didn’t know if it was on instinct or out of habit, but he leaned forward and bared the back of his neck, his only hand resting on the table.
He was deeply relieved when Killer moved so he was standing on Kid’s right side.
“Kid,” voice so familiar, so understanding and soft that he wanted to pull its owner close and never let go.
“We…shouldn’t…” Kid but his lip, refraining from turning to look at his right hand man.
Such a simple question, and so simply answered too, but Kid hated everything about ‘why’.
He wanted to push Killer away, should push him away, “You’ll hate what you see.”
“Hate you?” a hand cupped the side of his face, forcing him to turn his head even though he desperately wanted to anyway.
Kid could never get enough of the depth of this man’s eyes, how they swum with lust and love for him.
All the more reason they shouldn’t, it’d break him if Killer couldn’t stand the sight of him. He’d rather face the entirety of the Marine fleet, with full knowledge he’d die, than see the slightest grimace on the older man’s face.
“How could I ever hate you?”
Kissing Killer was probably the most familiar thing Kid had ever done, even the first time on the other side of the world it had felt like coming home.
This time felt exactly the same.
The rub of lipstick on lipstick, the line he painted across Kid’s red stained lips, the way he tilted his head to damn near fuck Kid’s mouth with his tongue.
He loved all of it.
He’d missed all of it.
Fingers curled through scarlet locks as Killer sucked on his tongue, the warmth in his stomach quickly fanned into flames as he groaned. There was a firm tug on hair and he gasped, head jerking back, baring his neck. Lips pressed against his pulse, tongue swirling over the spot as his heartbeat quickened at the feeling.
“Kil,” Kid panted, going to lift the hand that was resting behind him on the table to tangle it in the blonde’s long hair.
Killer, however, was leaning against him too hard, the loss of his hand on the surface behind him nearly caused Kid to fall back. His hand slammed back down and he snarled, throat tightening as tears threatened to well up in his eyes.
“Fucking, stupid piece of-“
“Shh,” Killer hushed him, taking a step back and allowing Kid to stand up straight, he grabbed Kid’s now free hand and tugged, “Couch.”
God, the way his voice dropped, the air of command about him. Kid wanted to give in so badly…
Fuck it, fuck this, fuck everything!
Kid took a deep breath and held it for a moment, mind going blank as he made it up. He looked Killer right in the eyes as he pulled his hand back, the other man’s brow raising in surprise. He pulled his arm through he’s black vest, casting off his coat on the right side at the same time. The weight of the red fabric pulled at the vest and with so little holding it up on the left side it all crumpled to the ground.
Leaving Kid bare from the waist up.
His throat tightened as Killer stared at what remained of his left arm, Doc told him to keep the bandage off for as long as possible to ‘let the skin breathe’, get it get used to sensations. A bunch of bullshit of course, but he owed the man his life and Doc had never steered him wrong. He was regretting it now, though.
A bunch of tissue and stuff had been removed, allowing the skin to be sewed over the open wound, making a stump, twisted and deformed. Scars were scattered up what remained of his arm, ending over his left eye, a few too many sword swipes that had been too fast to dodge or use his powers to reflect. He felt gross, wrong, standing there in front of Killer, with his beautiful long hair, soft blue eyes. Sure, his left arm was fucked up from the fight with Red-Hair, but he still looked pretty damn-
“Perfect,” Killer whispered, breaking Kid from his barreling train of self loathing, “you’re perfect.”
His face felt hot as Killer stared down at him, blue eyes so tender as he reached down and hooked some stray hair behind Kid’s ear. Kid bit his lip, body tense, still not too sure about being on the receiving end with another man; old hangups from how his mother’s clients would tell her how ‘pretty’ her seven year old son looked, their gaze leering and making his skin crawl. The only reason he was doing this was because it was Killer. Killer would never hurt him.
And in that he found solace.
“You’re perfect,” Killer murmured, a soft smile curling in his lips.
His heart skipped a beat as he looked to the side-
“Sh-shut up,” he muttered, looking away just as he did back then, during that wild first night.
And just as he did back then, Killer chuckled, pinching Kid’s chin between his index finger and thumb and forcing his head to turn back to look at him, “But you are.”
“Bastard,” Kid mumbled.
Yet the blonde just gave him a soft smile, reaching up to pull off Kid’s welding goggles, letting his hair fall down over his ears and eyes, placing them carefully on the workbench.
“Hmm, and so handsome.”
“You’re one to talk,” Kid scoffed.
“Oh,” Killer chuckled, the sound always made Kid’s heart soar, “a compliment from the great Eustass ‘Captain’ Kid? I must be a lucky man.”
Kid huffed, smirking, the tip of his nose bumping against the blonde’s, “Just shut up and kiss me, dumbass.”
The two of them spun around, Killer now standing with his back to the work table, purple lips pressing against his red ones. Hands placed on his chest prompted him to walk back, pausing nearly every step to steady his lips against Killer’s. Kid’s breath hitched as the heel of his boot hit the couch and he allowed himself to be shoved down.
“Strip,” Killer all but growled, hands trembling as he fumbled with his belt buckle, “‘m gonna ride you.”
Kid had already been kicking off his boots before Killer had even started talking, but he began scrambling after hearing that, struggling to shove his pants down without undoing his belt. By the time he got his pants and boxers around his bare ankles, the older man was already stripped naked.
“Lube’s, uh,” fucking hell, why where his pants so hard to get off?
“Don’t need it,” Killer said, and he promptly shoved Kid to lay on his back, pulling off the redhead’s pants the rest of the way.
He groaned as warm, soft lips wrapped around his already half-hard cock, tongue rubbing down the underside as Killer took him in. Kid’s one hand darted to tangle in the mop of golden locks bouncing up and down above his length, cock throbbing every time Killer gagged or choked on him.
“Fuck,” he panted, a lopsided smirk forming on his lips, “Never seen ya so desperate to suck my dick.”
Kid mentally kicked himself for having a big mouth as Killer pulled off him, though the dark look in those blue eyes promised something far better than a mouth to fuck.
“Can’t help it,” Killer said, tone surprisingly soft for how vigorously he’d been sucking the redhead off, he got up on the couch, gracefully swing a leg over him to straddling his hips, “missed you.”
That shut him up, his cheeks and ears turning a similar shade of red to his hair.
Kid’s breath hitched as the tip of his cock nudged Killer’s lubed hole. Fucking hell, he’d gone and prepped himself for this, the idea of the blonde coming in here with the specific goal of riding him made Kid’s head spin. Killer only bottomed when he offered it to his captain, and even then it was with specific rules: he had to be facing Kid, Killer was in charge and no finishing inside. Sure, he offered now and then, but it was always a calm question, sometimes a reward or something, not bursting into his workshop and seducing him onto the couch!
It was like one of his fantasies was playing out.
“You’ve gone awfully quiet, Kid,” the way Killer drew out his name as he rocked back against his cock had him groaning.
“Fuck, c’mon, need ya to- fuck,” he slammed his head back against the cushion beneath him as the blonde slowly sank down.
“What was that?” Killer huffed, shifting to grab the back of the couch with one hand and slowly jerk himself off with the other, “Can’t hear you through your whimpering.”
“F-fuck off,” but all the bite had left his voice, too subdued by the tight heat slowly engulfing his dick.
They both groaned when Killer’s sat fully on Kid’s length, the redhead’s eyes fixated on the ceiling and his one hand holding Killer’s hip in a death grip.
The blonde sighed as he circled his hips, slowly rocking on Kid’s lap, head falling back as he continued to lazily stroke his cock, “Fuck, I missed this.”
All Kid could do was whimper, it had been too long and he hadn’t been able to properly get off for a few days, still not used to using his non dominant hand to jerk off. The tension in his lower back was maddening as he fought to not move, knowing he’d come as soon as he did.
“K-Kil,” he all but whined, hand trying to get the older man to stop moving, “f-fuck, pull off, ‘m gonna-“
“Do it,” Killer purred as he started to bounce on Kid’s lap, the light slap of skin on skin fogging Kid’s mind further with lust, “want you to come inside, wanna feel you for days.”
“Fuck! Oh fuck,” his thighs shook and he snapped his hips up, eyes rolling as he came the hardest he had in months.
Killer panted, eyes blown wide with lust as he gazed down at Kid, cock hard and red with arousal. He seemed to take a moment to centre himself, and Kid couldn’t help but worry if he’d changed his mind about wanting his captain to finish inside. But instead of making a face as he lifted himself off Kid’s still hard length, Killer’s eyes focused on the workbench. The blonde got off the couch, a drop of cum running down a trembling inner thigh as he made his way to the table.The older man rummaged through a draw, letting out a huff as he pulled out a half empty tube of lube. Kid groaned and bit his lip as Killer began to lather up his own cock.
“My turn,” he said with a dark smile.
Kid whimpered, excitement coiling in his gut.
Sweat stuck to his forehead, eyes fixed on nothing as he gazed up at the ceiling and he lightly rubbed his hand on Killer’s shoulder, heartbeat finally at a calm pace. The blonde hummed, nuzzling against his chest, body half draped over his, being careful to not put any of his weight on Kid’s injured side.
“Kid?” Killer finally broke the peaceful air with his soft, questioning tone.
Kid hummed to let the blonde know he’d heard, bringing his hand up to gently scratch the back of the man’s head.
“That sketch,” Killer nodded to his workbench, “is that gonna be your prosthetic?”
His chest swelled with pride as he smirked, “Yep, looks pretty awesome, doesn’t it.”
“…Does it…are those…cannons?”
Kid blinked, frowning, “Course, that’s why it’s awesome! Gonna be fully functional and everything.”
“There’s…four?” Killer’s said with a tone of disbelief, the corner of his mouth twitching.
“Five,” he corrected, a smug smile spreading across his face, “gonna have the hand turn into the fifth.”
Above him, Killer began to tremble, shoulders shaking as he turned his head to bury his face in the back of the couch.
“Are you…” Kid’s hairless brow shot up, “oi! Bastard! Don’t laugh!”
Killer threw back his head and cackled, never ashamed to laugh when it was just in front of his captain. Kid’s face flushed and he bit his lip, as much as he hated it when people laughed at him, he never cared if it was Killer, the sound of full blown laughter so rare from the blonde that he’d get his head stuck in the ship’s railing if it meant hearing it. Blonde locks covered his chest as Killer pressed his forehead between his pecs.
After a couple more seconds the older man calmed down, lifting his head to grin at Kid, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before saying: “God I love you, you absolute dumbass.”
Now Kid’s face was beet red, “Sh-…shut up!”
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twinkuraba · 1 year
I'm asking YOU to do Neku / Shiki for the ship bingo.
You know, that's fair lmao
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Honestly this ship for me is just like. The highlight of Shiki's wasted potential as a character.
Poor girl gets fridged and trophied HARD in the name of het romance at the cost of her character (esp in the sequel jfc) and it makes me sad for her, especially when one of her most memorable traits isn't even hers in the end, it's about her importance to a guy.
I do love Neku and Shiki's importance to each other; if Shiki didn't exist, or hadn't pacted with him that day, Neku wouldn't have changed (maybe wouldn't have even survived), and Joshua would have 'won', she's probably the first real connection Neku's had to other people in a long time, the kick in the ass he needed to reconnect.
But as a romantic ship, I can't see it as anything other than something that's going to crash and burn if it doesn't turn incredibly co-dependent and unhealthy (though that's like, the worst end scenario, more likely the two of them would enter a relationship, have a honeymoon phase then it would become shallow and unsatisfying when they mutually realised that there's only so far and so deep they can take the relationship with their current understanding of each other); they only have scraps in common, if that, and the way the narrative treats her in regards to her feelings makes me feel, gross on her behalf. In the second game, Shiki basically only exists narratively to give Neku something to return to; there's a throwaway line that she has her own brand now, but no mention of Eri, and her friendship with Beat was completely gutted. Otherwise, her entire existence is to basically be the trope of the woman waiting for her beloved to return. And I hate that. Especially since there's nothing in either game that makes me feel like there's anything deep enough between them to warrant such feelings.
There is a phenomenon where someone in a situation that raises their heart-rate and adrenaline will mistakenly think their feelings and attraction are deeper than they actually are, due to mistaking the adrenaline response as being because of their feelings, and I think that's a good summary of how I see NS; shallow teenhood crush that they mistakenly think is deeper affection due to the adrenaline of the game, and a potentially weak relationship when they realise they barely have anything in common, in fact, they barely even know each other, and Neku gets pulled away into another problem before they could theoretically even begin to try and develop a relationship outside of a stress situation.
(That and Neku never actually takes accountability for how he hurt her during that first week, and you'd be an idiot if you think Shiki doesn't still have that floating somewhere in the back of her head, combined with the gulf of life experience between them (you can't tell me that Neku, who has been stuck in the UG of a dead city for X amount of years, would have the same life experience as Shiki, who has been in the RG that whole time and interacting with people and living), Neku's probable trauma, and Shiki's seeming avoidance of anything to do with the UG and it just all around seems like an implosion waiting to happen).
But I adore the idea of them as best friends. As close as two people can platonically get, because at the end of the day, Shiki is one of Neku's important people, just like Beat and Joshua, and if there's one thing I hate it's people discounting a character's platonic relationships in the name of their romantic ones.
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rappaccini · 1 year
..... had to reread sitting in a tree for gwenfic research and wow i still hate it! this is a sitting in a tree hateblog! all respect for gwiles shippers but this comic was everyone's introduction to them, and boy does it still suck! it is singlehandedly the worst thing gwen's ever been in! it poisons the concept of them as a couple! i went into reading it the first time excited to ship them, and closed the issue like 'they should never hook up anywhere in any context ever' and even after the spiderverse movies broke their backs to try and redeem this ship i still want to hiss at it every time i see it!
gonna number out all the things i hate about this shipping crossover here in a very incoherent, bitter, salty fashion because that's just how i get when i have to reread siat:
they have no chemistry. it's subjective, i know, but reading those issues, the vibe is just so fucking strange. the writers clearly think these two are into each other and the entire time you're like... oookay. they only met and interacted a few times before this and barely know each other too, so them being so touchy-feely is just... strange. especially when you consider--
the age gap. miles is 15/16, and gwen is 19/20. so, high school/teen and college/young adult. it is creepy seeing them canoodle and kiss. especially when you consider that miles is drawn to look so much older than he canonically is in those panels where they made out (and that they keep insisting that he's 'almost seventeen and she's barely two years older' but only in this issue), probably to downplay that he's a minor and she's a young adult. there's literally a subplot in siat where gwen infiltrates a nightclub that miles is too young for, so he sits outside texting her like a kid waiting for his mom to get done grocery shopping. and... okay. a 4-5 yr age gap is nothing, but not at this point, and given how slow marvel's internal time progression is, miles and gwen can't logistically get together without it being too weird until he's out of college, when they're 25ish and 30ish respectively. which won't be for another irl 10-15 years. it's simply not worth putting them both on a shelf (or let's be real, putting gwen on a shelf, bc miles is the far more popular character) and making them wait that much irl time, denying them other potential couplings and probably a lot of crucial development that'd take them further apart, and all for the possibility of a romance arc that does none of them any favors.
the fate meddling. the whole shoehorning of earth-8 ruins it beyond the point of no return. maybe the chemistry could've come later. maybe once the age gap became negligible they could've had something. but them only making out because they suddenly, randomly discover an alternate future world where they are a happily married celebrity supercouple who lead their equivalent of the avengers, are fabulously wealthy and beloved by the public, and have two superpowered spider-kids who keep. showing. up. to be all 'hi alternate mom and dad! we love you! let's team up!' is so fucking creepy. dangling two delightful spiderkids in front of a teenage boy and a 20yr old girl who barely know each other and are under a lot of stress and heavily implying 'you'd better kiss or these sweet kids won't exist and you'll never be happy' is gross. and it makes any idea of them hooking up feel like they're giving in to the pressure of adhering to someone else's narrative and surrendering to an arranged spidermarriage rather than trying to forge a sincere emotional connection of their own.
the sexism. specifically making gwen, the girl who is defined by standing in the shadow of her mainstream self being Spider-Man's Dead Girlfriend, finally get to have her own story where she gets to survive her peter parker, be the hero, and have a narrative about trying to keep her agency and find her place in a world trying to chew her up and spit her out, and for her characterization to be that of an antiauthority cop-cynical grungy musician girl with no desires for a domestic life, who is currently hated by the public and hunted by the cops in her world....... and then having her be informed by the equivalents of the gods of destiny that she will only ever be accepted or tolerated if she marries some boy (literally, a teenager. a boy.) she barely knows, abandons her world and everyone in it that she loves for him, has babies with him and becomes a hyperfeminine celebrity supercop, as all her musical ambitions seem to have evaporated in favor of her being a family-centered girlboss.... rancid. absolutely rancid. god no please no. run gwen stacy run. don't get kataang'd.
the comphet. it's a given to everyone who reads her comics-- and even most of the people making them-- that spider-gwen is not straight. she's unmotivated by sex and romance (or domesticity in general: this girl does not want kids), she turns down male love interest after male love interest, she has tension with her bandmates and much of her female supporting cast (though they seem more interested in her than she is in them). alternate versions of her have had even more overt queercoded vibes with her interactions with female characters (even spiderverse gwen is trans-coded). gwen is queer. she might not be gay but she's definitely not straight, and it's just the disney-marvel homophobia that won't let them say it. with that in mind... a queer girl being told by what basically counts as a god that the only way she'll ever be happy or accepted is if she marries a boy she isn't that interested in and has a nuclear family with him, and hey, it'll make sense eventually... fuuuuuck that. even the kiss reeks of comphet: gwen only does it because it's what she feels like she's supposed to do. with all this in mind, if they get together... man that's a bad vibe.
the shallowness: reading the miles issues of sitting in a tree, the way he talks about her is... weird. it's him bragging to his high school bros about how he met this super hot, super powerful older spider-woman and totally made out with her, and dude, she's gonna have my kids someday. and the gwen issues are just like 'so this boy showed up and god made me make out with him. anyway.' basically the vibe is that miles is into gwen because she's hot, she also has spider powers (and at this point given that he was being thrown peter's leftovers, that she's a version of peter's girlfriend, and he wants to be like peter.) and gwen is into miles because she sees hiding behind a relationship with him as an easy fix to her problems. that's it. that's what keeps them together. that's the depth of their connection. that, and that they look pretty when they stand next to each other. if they get together, good god they're gonna hamstring each other's growth.
anyway i'm just staring down the barrel of these two getting together in btsv. no matter how earned the payoff is in the movie, the consequences are that they'll likely be paired off in the comics then too, which almost certainly means that gwen, whose solo was cancelled and only appears in team-ups and crappy minis now, will be sent to be miles's supporting cast to largely exist as His Girlfriend for potentially years, and that the fundamental cornerstone of her character ('gwen stacy gets to be the superpowered protagonist of her own story without being any spider-man's girlfriend, regardless of whether she dies or lives to motivate him') will have been betrayed. that's the Big Fear, and it all started here, with fucking sitting-in-a-tree.
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weezeryuri · 7 months
the followup ask wasn't me but otherwise yep, right person! "privacy"? the privacy of posting about me for a year straight, on a public account, on a public site, surrounded by peers? on the account MY friend was ~mutuals~ with you on, where he had to see you shittalking me on his dash weekly? the privacy of misinterpreting every thing i said to you so you can hide your (justifiably) hurt feelings behind "Actually ableism is the fault of all of this!"? the privacy of painting me as an ableist, as your Gross Icky Pr*ship Ex Friend, trying to get everyone to pity you, be on your side, because "it was an ugly friend breakup" won't justify the extent of your feelings (IT WOULD), in your head? THE PRIVACY OF DECRYING ME AS AN "INCEST SHIPPER" (NOT EVEN TRUE)???? i wasn't even looking at your blog in the first place, i heard secondhand, that's how ignorant and obvious your comments were. your words and Ideas about someone (that you Literally Are publically crying out) don't exist in a vacuum, they MEAN something, and other people will hear them. or did you care about decrying your Beloved Exfriend, Older [Sister] Figure as this and that hurtful thing and the impact of it as much as you cared about the friendship i was struggling and reaching out a hand (that i never Needed or Expected you to reply to) to maintain and let live and, I Dunno, Not let you be isolated in an echo chamber of your own anxiety forever? the attempted friendship that you valued less than venting on tumblr all day long? that you valued as much as listening to your two remaining friends that were trying to help you? but have fun believing me checking in on you for months on end, encouraging you when you Were capable of saying anything, waiting for you no matter what, trying to involve you in our lives so you weren't permanantly stuck in 2021 alone and unloved and unheard, and sending you paragraph after paragraph of apology and clarification to clean up the mess i made... was just ableism. i hope you enjoy never thinking about it, never rereading what i said, and pinning every shitty thing i did on Must be cause i'm oppressed, and living without the nuance you claim to use. i hope you enjoy crying about it publically to people you only talk to indirectly, to people who will never get to know you directly, because you've made your stance on any closeness or attempts at it deathly clear. i hope you keep whining that i'm only "ableist", and i hope nobody truly hears you, like it has been for the last year. rot in your own refusal to change
Jesus Christ man you do realize you said some horrendous and ableist shit to me (i still have screencaps before you go calling me a lying piece of shit) and have actively gone out of my way to block you and anyone who interacts with you on here.
you took advantage of my sadness at a very vulnerable time and used that to fight with me over shipping discourse because i dared to imply i’m scared of a group directly connected to my groomers
you need to fucking get your shit together because the way you’re acting is pathetic and the shit you did was horrible and you have no right to decide what and what isn’t ableist. of course it isn’t ableist to you. nobody ever gives a shit unless we’re directly being called useless cripples.
grow the fuck up and leave my life entirely. you did not try to involve me in your lives, you messaged me at 3 am telling me all my problems were my fault such as using cases of my chronic fatigue to paint me as lazy and careless. and then said you didn’t like me since 2020.
i GRIEVED our friendship. you hurt me over the dumbest shit when i was at our most vulnerable when i thought i could trust you. it was performative at best and actively hateful at the worst. you used words from a private vent blog to make me feel like shit
“wow cripple you didn’t suck up your fatigue and talk to me? you must hate me so much and want us all dead and think I’m a predator and and and etc etc”
this is my blog and i can post about whatever the fuck i want. i never mentioned your name or where to find you. please go the fuck away because now i can just confirm this is an act of purposeful malice and it hurts. i trusted you so much.
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
I am in shambles but I am taking a W since I was right about Ranboo's general involvement in the escape plot. Was not expecting Aimsey to come in with a metal chair and absolutely lose their shit but it was satisfying as hell.
The reveal that Ranboo had even given information from Aimsey to Techno about the flora was rough. Aimsey is a good person though so I'm not expecting them to punch him in the face but I really hope that they rip him a new one when they get the chance.
Also I love the use of oil as a metaphor for Wilbur's guilt in place of the waves and drowning when he's overwhelmed and suffering. I love how it ties to the waves being used for his mental state and I just ugh. I LOVE COOL LITERARY DEVICES‼️‼️‼️
Speaking of Phil though, holy shit. Their entire confrontation was insane /pos. I'm really curious as to what Phil and Techno were going to say before the boys cut them off. It makes you wonder if they could have convinced at least Wilbur to stay, given that he was having doubts about it. We will never know though but it gave us Wilbur using his Voice on Phil and holy shittt. Phil's pride from this reveal is so <33. Everything that Wilbur has said about the Voice makes sense to them; Techno and Phil have seen firsthand how little the sirens care about Tommy and Wilbur, that they're men and half sirens, they don't belong. The reveal that Wilbur can use his Voice (assuming that Ranboo hadn't woken up yet therefore hasn't told them that Tommy can also use his) is shattering. Despite all the trust that Wilbur and Phil have and the reports Ranboo has been giving, Wilbur still kept one final card to himself. Ofc he's proud.
Also Wilbur's tear before the shuttle door close eueueueu. Stars!sandduo my beloved. You are so </33
But fuck Essempi just waiting for them. Heartbreaking but also I am going to try make this more lighthearted by imagining Sapnap just waiting in that huge fucking ship for months on the off chance that if Wilbur and Tommy leave, they'll use their own shuttle. Probably not what happened but this is how I'm choosing to cope.
I wonder how the AE is going to react when they find out that Tommy and Wilbur were caught immediately after leaving orbit.
Great chapter, I am distraught
yeah, uh, aimsey is PISSED. they're not a major character in this, but i still wanted them to have their due part with this as well. they're ranboo's closest friend in the palace. they've been friends for a WHILE now. they trusted ranboo with so much, only to find out he's spying on their friends (and then finds out he shared private information they gave him with his mentor). ranboo lied to them, and they're very, very hurt by it.
aaa thank you!! I was very proud of the connection to oil. I wanted the guilt to be described as something gross and heavy in your gut, something you can't ignore. along with that, oil on troubled waters is an actual turn of phrase since sailors used to drop oil into the sea to calm the waves, so I thought it was a clever way to tie that in as well.
god i've had that confrontation with aeduo in my head for SO long. phil's proud smile after wilbur used his Voice on him was something I thought of over a year ago now when I was first brainrotting this au. it was so so fun to finally write out. phil is so proud of wilbur for holding that card to his chest for so long. he's so proud to see just how cunning his boy can be.
(ranboo hadn't woken up by that point so yeah, that was a shock for both him and techno to find out)
LMAO ngl essempi kind of has just been waiting for months to see if they leave the planet. sapnap wasn't necessarily there the whole time, but they've had eyes on the planet for a while. like, they knew the brothers were on zephys iv. they knew eventually they'd have to leave, and there was mostly just some surveillance on the planet to see if the brothers ended up leaving with a full military in tow so they'd know if they needed to prepare for an invasion. but then the brothers just left on their own! all alone! perfect opportunity to scoop them up :)
oh aeduo are not gonna be happy with this development
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sarthak2405 · 4 months
Why I Love The Song "Viva La Vida" By Coldplay
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"Viva La Vida" by coldplay is the fourth album of the British Rock Band Coldplay which released on 12 June 2008 on the Parlophone label. Although Viva La Vida is the band's highest grossing album, Coldplay’s song “Viva La Vida” is an interpretation of king Louis’s lost last speech before his death. The song is written through King Louis point of view, as he apologizes to his people, accepting his fate.
The album cover art features the 1830 historical painting known as “Liberty Leading the People”. The art piece was painted by French artist Eugène Delacroix, depicting French revolutionaries marching and waving the French flag, led by the human manifestation of Lady Liberty. The painting serves to portray the revolutionaries in a heroic light, complementing the Album’s themes of life, death, war, and change.
“I used to rule the world Seas would rise when I gave the word Now in the morning, I sleep alone” — King Louis led one of the world’s most powerful countries, he commanded hundreds of ships with his simply words. However, now he was reduced to sleeping alone in a jail cell.
“Listen as the crowd would sing: “Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!” — King Louis XVI succeeded the throne after his grandfather had passed. Following the death of the beloved king, Louis XV, Louis XVI held much potential in his people’s eyes. Many celebrated his rise to kingship.
“Shattered windows and the sound of drums People couldn’t believe what I’d become.” — Although his people saw much potential in the new king, they were left disappointed. His early reign was that of reform and success, however, as time grew and promises were left unfulfilled, the French masses demanded a new order.
“Revolutionaries wait for my head on a silver plate. Just a puppet on a lonely string. Oh who would ever want to be king?” — Louis recognizes that revolution was now in full swing and that no amount of reform can help him now. Although Louis accepted his Kingship in eagerness, he looks back at his powers as a burden. He admits that the power he thought he wanted was not the same when he held it.
Unlike Delacroix’s “Liberty Leads the People”, which shows the revolutionaries as heros. The songs takes a complete 180 by showing sympathy for the fallen king. The song is a admittance of guilt by the king. This regret humanizes the King, showing understanding that he had ultimately failed his people.
Once a revolutionary himself, the first part of his reign was that of enlightenment reform, however, along his kingship he had lost sight of his values. Retreating to the comforts of his palace rather than facing his problems. The songs shows the regret of a man who once promised so much more but delivered none, accepting his fate as he knows it is well deserved.
This contrast is a deliberate choice to reinforce the album’s theme of change. With the revolutionaires fierce march and the King’s introspective review, the listener is not put onto a single side. Instead, it allows the listener to process both perspectives, allowing a completely new view of the revolution.
So people tell me what to do you feel about this song and the fallen king was he truly a villain or misunderstood man in a terrible time?
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spocksgotemotions · 3 years
i’m thinking about Helen again and it makes me So Upset. Like maybe It’s cause I mainly see her in Ancient Greek plays and Shakespeare, but like she’s always painted as a villain, as duplicitous as a whore and it’s like???? Like fuckin “face that launched a thousand ships” She was kidnapped. Like she was kidnapped from a marriage she didn’t choose, by another man she DIDNT CHOOSE.
and it’s like. I feel this way about so many Ancient Greek heroines (wrong word but like female characters). Like Jocasta didn’t know! She didn’t know Oedipus was her son. And like as soon as she knows she offs herself, where Oedipus (also didn’t know, didn’t deserve this) who arguably did the worse thing (killed his dad) just blinds himself and walks off into the desert? And then like Clytemnestra (my beloved), Helen’s sister. Like she was completely justified in killing Agamemnon. especially in like the mythos of Greek plays like!!! And like yeah she shouldn’t have killed Cassandra, but honestly? Cassandra‘s whole family was dead and she had just been kidnapped for gross reasons.
And then there’s Antigone, my favorite, who like is actually painted as being in the right the whole, but she still dies in the end of course cause it’s a tragedy. But it’s like… all of these women are tragic figures. You can take any fuckin one of them and their story is sympathetic enough to make them a tragic hero. And it just it all makes my brain go fuckin brrrr like thinkin about it
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kickmeagainidareyou · 2 years
Pr0shit Blocklist Megapost
Do not witchhunt anyone listed here. Despite how gross some of the.... Material, is, this is not list of people who you can harass on anon or bully off the site, just block and move on.
@/Catboy-syrup [@/syrups-fanfic-cafe @/syrups-edit-corner]
@/Fixing-lives-forfree22s-sis [@/Lol-proship-is-valid22 @/fixing-lives-forfree22imforever]
@/Positively-plural-proshipper [@/strawb3rri-s33ds @/sinnamonbuns-83]
@/Proficselfship [ @/Sleepystar-requests @/Cinnamojay]
@/Selfships-polymorphism [@/disgusting-polymorph]
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zargsnake · 3 years
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Knightkiller: Anakin and Obi-Wan’s First Adventure
Chapter 8: Priorities
Word Count: 2565 Links: Chapter 1, Table of Contents
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Anakin hears the cheers for Obi-Wan turn sour, and he soon figures out why. It is no fault of his master's, who fights beautifully -- but there is a transparent dome-shield around the arena, and whenever someone in the angry, heavily-armed audience shoots at it, ripples of white electric shocks cross the dome and obscure the fight. Anakin is relieved that the audience is booing each other, not his master, though he worries that Obi-Wan will think they're booing at him.
Obi-Wan looks over his shoulder, trying to locate Anakin in the audience, and a blade suddenly whizzes by his neck. His reflexes protect him and he jerks out of the way, but a moment later he feels hot blood on his skin. He hadn't moved quickly enough -- the blade cut him sharp and swift. It hurts a lot more than he expected. It could have easily killed him.
He was so focused on finding Anakin in this crowd that he forgot Anakin's own words to him, his warnings about this opponent. Obi-Wan hadn't taken Anakin seriously about Tiango. Of course it was sad about Anakin’s “cool” gladiator friend, but Obi-Wan defeated a Sith lord not long ago. The experience buoyed his confidence to a fault. This Tiango -- not a Sith, not even a professional, just an ex-science experiment, just a Yooro -- landed a blow on him -- a pretty good one, too.
Obi-Wan rapidly teaches himself a lesson. Connecting with Anakin doesn't mean knowing exactly where he is. It means listening to him. Believing him. That's what teachers do. It's what friends do.
This isn't the Outer Rim, but these people are. This is Anakin's haunt. Obi-Wan will train it out of him, will make him a man of the Core. But for now, Anakin is the expert here, and his words must be Obi-Wan's textbook.
With his heart opened wide for Anakin, and his guard up because of Anakin's warning, Obi-Wan realizes he will have to hunker down in defense for a while. Tiango's assault is brutal and inhumanly quick, though Obi-Wan remembers that Yoroos do get exhausted -- eventually. What Obi-Wan lacks in comparative strength, he makes up for in endurance -- patience and energy, the long game, care -- these are Obi-Wan's secret weapons.
Anakin watches Obi-Wan deflect the same moves that once ruthlessly whittled down Crix Spartak, the gladiator who he had loved. The memory of that death match sends chills up his spine. He is certain that some of these blows must hit his master. Part of him is certain that Obi-Wan is doomed, too. Anakin had believed Crix would win, and he had been wrong. It is asking too much to have hope again, against the same, utterly evil man.
Though Obi-Wan has great endurance, his vibroblade does not. Out of habit, he treats it as roughly as if it were a laser weapon, depending on it for deflection, as a shield. Tiango's barrage strikes the metal and bends it back and forth into a zigzag, then into a knot. Obi-Wan is slowly disarmed as his blade becomes less and less tenable as a weapon. He has no choice; he has no other shield. The biggest bother is his own hand: the damn vibroblade is aptly named -- it quivers like a leaf in the wind, wearing out his wrist and weakening his fingers.
The crowd cheers enthusiastically for the graceful Jedi, chanting, "Kenobi! Kenobi!" Anakin does not join in. Obi-Wan could almost be dancing with his expert moves, but Anakin is not in the mood to learn from him. He gazes in hopeless terror at the duel. He watches bullets, lasers and slingshotted electrostones bounce off the dome, as well as gifts, toys and even people’s underwear. All such wild debris from this crazed crowd trying to reach out to their beloved or hated athlete, his poor, wonderful master.
The fastest or biggest bullets send fuzzy waves across the dome, but the dome quickly repairs itself. Anakin follows the arc of the dome, calculating the sources of its projection points from subtle distortions in the waves.
He moves the layers of fur in his stolen disguise to peek at the recharging screen on his hidden acid-blaster: 52%. No other weapons are making a dent in the dome. But no other weapons are quite like this one, and no one else seems to have figured out where to shoot. Could he crack the dome? What would he do then?
Anakin looks away from Obi-Wan for a second and scans his narrowed eyes over the happy rabble. He does not understand them. Are they seeing what he's seeing? They all shout and cheer, laughing and clapping, as if Obi-Wan is triumphant, as if he is playing. He looks back at his master. He sees that Obi-Wan is in great pain. Dying, even. How can the information from his senses, and the conclusions from his feelings, be so different from everyone else's?
Is he connecting, mentally, to his master -- using his supposed Jedi powers to see things for how they truly are? Is he seeing the truth, better than they are, because he is a Jedi, a Jedi Padawan? Is the Force giving him a special message -- because he, unlike the rabble, is a Jedi -- because he, unlike everyone, is the answer to a prophecy -- because he is closer to Obi-Wan than anyone else is?
Or ... is he, Anakin, wrong? Is everyone else right? Is his sight blinded by irrational fear, brought about by his utter dependence on this man? Did Obi-Wan really stumble, just now? No one else seems to have seen it.
Is he, Anakin, perhaps, confusing the past for the present? Crix for Obi-Wan? Death for life?
Is it all in his head? Or is it real?
   *   *   *
Below the arena, Zlinky has memorized the map from the computer. With Jane, she trespasses through the employee quarters. They reach a large, important-looking office which Zlinky guesses is Knightkiller's.
She hears voices inside and shouts at the door, “Hey boss! There's fried fluunies in Rec Room 3!”
She backs off as the door opens and two people exit. Zlinky creeps inside and Jane blusters along behind her. Too soon, they hear the people coming back and Zlinky shoves Jane under the slick metallic desk; the robot is so big that two of the desk legs lift a few inches from the ground. There isn't much room left for Zlinky; she has to nestle right up against Jane's bazooka. A belt of detonators falls across Zlinky's lap.
She peeks over the edge of the desk and sees the people more closely. They look more decorated than the other guards, with sashes and medals, as if there was some kind of made-up military ranking among Knightkiller's cronies, a worthless army dedicated solely to this evil entertainment. 
“These fluunies are great,” says one crony.
“I’ve had better,” says the other.
The hidden Padawan hears the gross sounds of chewing, and then the rather more alarming sound of Jane powering up her neutralizers. Zlinky quiets her and gestures for her to stop. Stealth has worked so far; it would be best to avoid violence, especially since these two seem important.
“I can't wait to run the missing Jedi kids through with this,” says the first one, as he ignites a lightsaber.
Zlinky stops gesturing, but Jane has already powered down.
“The Jedi kids must still be on the ship. No one's been allowed to leave and no shuttle pods have activated.”
“You think Jedi could survive in space?”
“No. Only the boss can do that. You saw them in those Coruscanti space suits, idiot.”
“Oh right.”
The second crony ignites another lightsaber. Even without looking, Zlinky recognizes the sound as her own. She feels something very powerful and uncomfortable. Taken aback, she identifies it as jealousy, one of the very worst emotions. Afraid of her own feelings, she is frozen, unable to act, unable to know if she is behaving rationally, according to the light side, or irrationally, which will lead her off the narrow path into darkness.
“They're real nice suits. I called dibs on the man-size one for me and the little one for my daughter.”
“Yeah...the gigantic one and the lady-size one are pretty useless.”
“I'll take the lady one for my kid to grow into.”
Zlinky thinks, I'm twelve! I’m not a lady! Though I am much taller than Anakin. So they say Anakin is missing, too? That means he's not dead! If only I was strong enough to detect his presence!
Jane pokes Zlinky and gestures to her blasters. Zlinky shakes her head.
We can't kill him! He's a dad!
They hear the two men walking closer and closer. One of them accidentally hits something with the lightsaber; the girls hear them cursing and smell melting plastic.
Zlinky feels time running out. This hiding spot is bad. She ran in here without a plan. She knows her decision-making is impeded by fear, jealousy, and access to a murder-droid, but she must decide something.
Zlinky quickly examines the settings on Jane's weapons. All these numbers and charts are too confusing to parse right now. She dials one dial back, but it only causes some numbers to rise and others to fall. She puts it back where it was, though the numbers are still not the same. The last time Jane shot someone, it wasn't fatal. At least not immediately.
The girl feels tears pressuring her eyes and throat. She doesn't want to hurt anyone. She has learned through stories and lessons that the darkness within is far worse than the darkness without. She is more frightened of doing wrong than she is of dying. There is no death. But there is evil.
She can't get out of her head a discussion she overheard from some of the older Padawans. This group of twenty- and thirty-somethings is the pride of the whole Temple. Everyone adores them -- the strongest, most beautiful, best students in school. Once they are knighted, then they leave the young people’s social circle to rub shoulders with the teachers, and have no time for their old friends -- but before they are knighted, they rule the school from the inside, and everyone lets them get away with a little more fun than knights are allowed. In those last years of Padawanship, they are the most free a Jedi can be.
Just last month, when Zlinky fetched the group snacks from the mess hall in order to bask in their presence, she found them in a very strange state. When one of them returns from a mission, the others crowd around to hear the stories and see the new scars. The latest conquering hero, a human named Sara Chid-wun, did not have a physical scar. But she had such an aura of bitterness around her that the whole group was affected, including the young interloper Zlinky.
Sara explained how she and her Master Kayji were caught in various difficult situations, and each time Kayji had neglected to act, so each time Sara had been forced to act herself, often with violence. It felt like a test that she continuously failed. And yet, ultimately, they succeeded in their mission. Sara claimed that Kayji would not address her concerns with anything beyond platitudes.
The whole experience led Sara to, hesitantly, conclude that Masters often take advantage of their students. Masters refuse to move, and claim they are trusting in the Force, or allowing evil to collapse in on itself, or some such excuse, while in reality they are leaving the sensible but nasty work to the impure, young Padawan tagging along.
The group discussed each example, and more from their own adventures, each trying to explain away their masters’ -- sometimes -- confusing actions, each unwilling to support Sara’s conclusion -- including, of course, Sara herself. But the group found that, if they were being honest, she might be right. Sometimes. So they had moved on to finding the moral lesson in this seemingly cruel behavior -- something about knightly violence being worse than non-knightly violence, something about power and purity.
And maybe they came to a satisfying explanation among themselves; Sara herself seemed as cheerful as normal the next time Zlinky saw her. But Zlinky hadn't felt comfortable sitting in on their important big-kid conversation any longer, so she had left at the darkest part of it.
Tila has never forced Zlinky's hand before. Zlinky has never had to kill anyone before. But now the master is indeed the one sitting out, while the student is the one doing the work.
Is it okay to stray off the path when you are only a Padawan? Is it, in fact, expected, and necessary? Must she walk in the gray area beside the light, until she is a master herself, and can savor the light all the time, and never have to do any more wrong? When she is knighted, then she can delegate that dark stuff to someone else, someone young and obedient?
The thought occurs to Zlinky that she is not the one who would do the killing -- that would be Jane. But she knows that is a flaky excuse. Jane is her responsibility. Just as she is Tila's. The blood is on all their hands.
Zlinky turns to Jane and nods. Jane immediately stands up and neutralizes the guards. Zlinky pokes her head over the desk, sees the smoking bodies, and fears the worst.
“Are they dead?”
“ɪ ᴅᴏᴜʙᴛ ɪᴛ. ꜱʏꜱᴛᴇᴍꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ʜᴀʀᴅʟʏ ᴀᴛ ꜰᴜʟʟ ᴄᴀᴘᴀᴄɪᴛʏ.“
“I'm pretty sure your full capacity is overkill.”
She tiptoes over to the guard's bodies. One seems to be breathing. The other, she can't tell.
She can't alert anyone to the danger, and she doesn't trust the medical facilities here anyway. But she has nothing to give them, to help them. She puts her hand on the soft, sandy hair of the one whose life is unclear to her, the one who has a little daughter.
“May the Force be with you.”
Her voice is a shaky whisper, but she's never meant those words so much as she means them now.
Please, please, live.
She pulls the lightsaber from his hand and turns it off, and does the same with the other guard. She finds three more lightsabers on their belts. She recognizes hers and her master’s; two of them must be Anakin’s and his master’s; the last one could be Glagret’s, a.k.a. Knightkiller’s. It's green, and of the same old fashion as her master’s. She is surprised and glad that it isn't red. But maybe Knightkiller carries her red one on her person. Or maybe, just maybe, the Sith are not at all involved. She prays that they aren't.
Zlinky and Jane hide the bodies behind the desk and lock the door behind them. Zlinky turns away from the door and does not look back.
They were gonna kill me. They still will kill me, if they figure it out. I have to act in self-defense. And I have to save the other three Jedi. These people may be people, but they are low-lives, murderers, and lawbreakers. It wasn't my choice that they got in my way.
Chapter 9: Crix Spartak
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
Descendants because Royal Wedding?
Aaaah, yes, love to talk it after watching THAT. Thanks! ^-^
favorite character: AUDREY MY BELOVED
least favorite character: Chad, probably, but also not keen on the Fairy Godmother tbh
brOTP: the OG VK, Uma-Harry-Gil, Ben-Audrey, let's not make me pick, yes?
OTP: Uma/Audrey, what absolute queens, they would be the ultimate power couple
OT3: I don't think I really have one? Huh
NOTP: I don't think I really have like a super die-hard NOTP that grosses me out, but I'm just generally not fond of like... Ben/Audrey, any ship among the OG VK, Ben/Mal?
favorite storyline: Audrey as the Queen of Mean, that was so powerful and honestly so deserved like the way she got fucked over before in the story, she deserves the world
least favorite storyline: might actually be The Royal Wedding? It was just so dumb? I liked Hades in D3, but the way they made him so overly important and unrealistically invested considering that he never gave a fuck before and why would Mal be this invested in him already? I just... that didn't have to be the main focus of the wedding special and then that just throw away line about Carlos being dead I mean holy shit how do you make that a throwaway??
what I wish had happened but didn’t: a Maleficent redemption. I mean, D3 was already the Hades introduction and redemption, and then he gets the Royal Wedding too. Meanwhile, Maleficent was the one who actually did raise Mal. I would have loved to see Maleficent value her daughter more than her revenge and have her heart grow and with it her size to make her human again for her daughter's wedding because just living in Auradon with Mal and seeing how happy she was was a lesson for Maleficent
what happened that I wish hadn’t: the... the coronation? Like, holy shit, Ben was still a kid, while the king and queen are very much still around to be rulers like if Ben had been a Disney OrphanTM and had to take the throne at 18, but this was such nonsense, him and Mal were still in school but were also expected to rule the freaking kingdom? That was so weird and unnecessary
Fandom Ask Game
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kai from tlok or hakoda, maybe even bumi ii?
hello, my beloved :) jeg siger undskyld (i apologize in danish) for the uh. belated response. work got uh. a lot. and then i got far too invested in sds for my own good anD THEN I MOVED lol aNYWAYS here's all of them as a treat:)
how i feel about this character: i absolutely adore him. i think he has a lot of really good moments--especially when everyone thought he was dead but then he wasn't and rather than saving himself, he risked his life to save the people who, essentially, saved him from a rough life on the streets. not to mention that this was probably the first time they realized people cared about them. like, the group was so happy to see that he was alive, and before he joined the air acolytes, he probably didn't have anyone who would have mourned them. he shows so much courage and passion when he gets invested in something and i love them for it.
all the people i ship romantically with this character: kainora my beloved !!! and like shipping him with pretty much anyone but jinora and maybe ikki would be. weird and kinda gross tbh. but he and jinora balance each other out yet aren't afraid to encourage the other and have fun together and that's just. that's so good.
my non-romantic otp for this character: mako and kai !!! like... they both have a lot to learn from each other and i love them for that. it's after mako realizes that bolin is old enough to take care of himself, he fixates on kai as his younger sibling to try and make up for that and to feel needed and able to protect someone because he sees bits of his younger self in kai. and it's kai showing mako that he doesn't always need to be the big brother, that he can depend on other people but also loving having an older brother figure and not knowing how to process that so they act out because that's all they've ever known... it's messy and weird but it's them and their odd sibling-esc relationship and i love it<3
my unpopular opinion about this character: idk if this qualifies as unpopular but demiboy he / they kai rights !!!
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i wish we got more backstory for him--like, that we learned more about his life as a child and that they explored the mako and kai sibling-esc relationship more but's it's all good--i can always headcanon :)
how i feel about this character: hakoda my beloved !!! ngl, at first i didn't like hakoda because he seemed like the perfect person for awhile--swt chief loved by everyone, best warrior ever, can do no wrong... and that bothered me a lot when i first watched the show two years ago ??? anywas, i love he now. he's a good dad and the love he has for his kids is extraordinary and heartwarming and i love it and him<3
all the people i ship romantically with this character: bato !!! sometimes i forget that bakoda isn't canon... like... genuinely i forget that it's a fannon ship. that is how deeply i ship bakoda.
kyoda is obviously wonderful too! bakoda just holds a special place in my heart. but i wish we got more kyoda scenes in flashbacks or something because they were adorable.
my non-romantic otp for this character: hakoda & sokka, hakoda & katara are my two biggest ones. i mean,,, that reunion hug at the end of boiling rock ??? like,,, yes that family is everything to me. plus, as much as i love the possibility for great dynamics and healing with hakoda being a father figure to zuko, there are more fics under the tag 'hakoda & zuko' than there are with both watertribe siblings which is just. very sad. so i feel like zuko's possible relationship with him gets more attention than hakoda with his kids. like... don't get me wrong, i love the hakoda and zuko dynamics... but like. sokka and katara...
also hakoda and toph. i feel like they'd get along really well and would be too powerful for this world.
my unpopular opinion about this character: that... hmmm... idk if i have an unpopular opinion about him... yeah, i can't think of any oihgvhj
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i wish we had more scenes with hakoda and his kids, but that's me being greedy. i also wish canon would just admit that bakoda is canon already p l e a s e they !!!
bumi ii
how i feel about this character: oh boy, where do i staRT !!! i love bumi ii. he is my 1.5 favorite lok character and i absolutely adore him. i wish we got more of him--i do. and that is me being greedy because i think we got more of him than kya ii, but still. he is everything i love in a character--feels useless compared to the others because he can't bend, feeling disconnected an unimportant in his own family because they're all super powerful benders and he's just... he's just bumi ii, the nonbender. acting out for attention because, at this point, even negative attention is better than constantly being overshadowed. and despite the resentment he may feel towards his siblings for being "better" and "more important" than he is, he's still a big brother at heart and would do / sacrifice anything for them.
all the people i ship romantically with this character: no one !!! bumi ii is aroace thank you and goodnight <3
my non-romantic otp for this character: bumi ii & izumi. i just,,, i just feel like they would get along so well??? like. i cannot describe it, but in the gaang's kids crew, they are the best friends. izumi is one of the first people he comes out to as aroace and bumi ii is the first person izumi comes out to as nonbinary. they find solace and peace in each other and understand parts of the other that no one really understands.
bumi ii & sokka also. they have so much in common and they deserve to be besties. bumi ii needs reassurance from someone who understand being the resident nonbender, and sokka needs someone who recognizes and verbalizes that he's amazing and someone worthy of looking up to.
also, naturally, bumi ii & his family. i mean, the sibling relationship was a bit strained, but the three care about each other so much even though they don't get along well. bumi ii is used to looking out for them and taking the blame if kya ii or tenzin did something bad because he wants to protect his siblings the best he can and he may not have magic bending powers, but he can do this. and bumi ii's relationship with aang and katara is definitely better than how they made it seem in the show--change my mind. aang may accidentally give tenzin more attention due to, ya know, airbending, but there is quite simply no way that aang or katara would ever neglect a child as much as the show made it seem. the kataang parents are good parents and i stand by that.
my unpopular opinion about this character: bumi ii has tourette's !!! he got it from his uncle sokka and actually, i headcanon that he actually doesn't curse or say vulgar things a lot because he has some form of coprolalia and always has to curse / say vulgar things against his will, so he does his best not to curse if he isn't being forced. also aroace bumi ii rights.
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i so desperately wish that bumi ii had tourette's in canon... y'all have no idea... i also hate the way that the show had him join the military like ??? that's just weird and i just. did not like it that much ??? so i wish it happened differently. no. you know how i wish it happened? since he has coprolalia, he struggled to find jobs willing to hire him. the other sailors didn't care that sometimes he yelled inappropriate things--it didn't matter to them.
and, lastly, may i suggest reading never been in love (and it's all good) by my bestie @zukkaclawthorne ! it is an aro bumi ii fic about him coming out and it's the content we don't deserve but cherish <3
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spookyceph · 4 years
ShigaDabi Week Day 6 | Distance
Rating: SFW
Warnings: Brief descriptions of medical equipment/IVs; swearing; Dabi being gloomy
Summary: It was better than nothing, but Dabi still hated seeing him this way.
So close, yet so far. He’d heard the phrase plenty of times. Mostly when he’d still been Touya and chasing his father’s approval. But Dabi had never applied it to anything in his own life until half an inch of acrylic separated him from Tomura.
He brought flowers with him to the lab again. As expected, the old ones had dried up. Trying not to think about how much it had in common with making offerings to the dead, Dabi pulled the withered bouquet of azaleas from the slim vase sitting on top of the machine monitoring Tomura’s vitals. In went the new bunch. Forget-Me-Nots this time. One good thing about the PLF gig was money no longer being an obstacle. He could have whatever shipped in and put it all on President Dickhead’s tab. It was the least the simpering shit bag could do in return for Dabi not roasting him over a spit. Especially after what he had done to Tomura’s hand.
Dabi stopped fiddling with the flowers. Forced himself to take a deep breath. Finally looked at the suspension tank.
It was better than nothing, but Dabi still hated seeing him this way. Floating in whatever liquid filled the thing like some weird jellyfish. Tubes shoved down his throat, breathing for him. IVs poked all over, pumping fluids in and sucking out others. Under the black compression suit, Tomura’s body had gained a bit of bulk. Probably just from receiving decent nutrition again. Above the oxygen mask, his eyes moved back and forth behind closed lids. Whatever he dreamed about didn’t dent his brow with worry. Despite the gross medical equipment he looked healthy. Peaceful.
Dabi shook with the suppressed urge to slam his fist into the acrylic anyway. Tomura needed the rest. He’d earned it ten times over. But why did it have to fucking be this—as one of Ujiko’s science projects? Sure, Tomura had explained the situation about his quirk outpacing his physical limits. About All For One. That didn’t do a damn thing to soothe the need to do something howling inside of Dabi like an angry ghost. If Tomura were in a bed, at least he could’ve touched him. Held his hand. Breathed in the dry parchment scent of his skin and hair. Rested his head on his chest and listened to the tempo of his heart. Tasted the familiar tang of salt and blood on his lips with a kiss. As it was, all Dabi could do was seethe. State. Bring some sorry ass flowers that would never be seen. A whole lot of fucking nothing, in other words.
He finally understood Tomura’s need to scratch. Just a little. The desperation to release the festering rage and poisonous knowledge that he couldn’t do anything. Plenty of things were coming into focus now that Dabi had fewer crises to distract him.
Placing his hands on the tank, Dabi rested his forehead against it and closed his eyes. “Miss you,” he said quietly. Tomura couldn’t hear him, but he wasn’t so sure about the nomu around them. “We all do. The others keep finding reasons to pester me even though they literally have their own armies to run. They’re trying to keep me from moping, I think. Can’t say I blame them. I’m a fucking drag to be around when I’m feeling sorry for myself.”
He opened his eyes and stared up at the beloved face. Not a twitch. Even if there had been, it was only random nerves firing. Dabi had spent enough time around hospitals and dying people to know that.
“I wasn’t supposed to live this long.” It’s like walking through the woods and tripping over skeletons buried in shallow graves, these little revelations. “I don’t know what to do with myself. But I can figure it out as long as you’re a part of it.” A smile quivered on his lips for a moment before collapsing under the strain. “Not sure whether you’d laugh or slap me if you heard me say that. Guess I could wonder when I’d gone soft, but we both know the answer to that one. So, just…” Dabi swallowed hard, fingers curling against the thin but insurmountable barrier between them. “Just come back. To us. To me. Okay?”
He left after that. Ujiko had plenty to laugh about already if he’d been watching on camera. And he needed to check on Twice—Hawks had taken to hanging around him too much for Dabi’s taste lately. Like a fucking vulture. Anyway, Compress insisted on having an after dinner drink with him. A not-so-sneaky way to make sure he ate and was unable to curl up in a corner and die somewhere.
For all the frustration, though, Dabi couldn’t really complain about either situation. If he was going to get used to this whole living business, he needed the practice.
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fandom-blackhole · 4 years
Hello there, my darling. It is me 🐣. Forst of all, sorry for leaving you on ''read''. I've been too busy with shitshow happening in my life. Finally, late at night I can indulge in our little world. Also, I am so happy that other readers have been participating! I've seen so many good points! Oh, but I felt kinda bad for the anonnie who was dissatisfied with Boba's lack of proper sexting. Sorry not sorry but I have a blast everytime we bully tech-grandpa Boba. Okay, onto your entries!
Yes, camping with Paz!!! He lives for hiking,
Also sharing a sleeping bag with him,
Yes, yes, especially since nights in the mountains are definitely cold 😉,
Oh god, oh yes, after some intense wrestling session, laying together and stargazing,
Paz with tatts??
Hell yeah!
I've seen noonies being onto idea that Paz is a geek,
So he definitely has a sleeve tatt with all of his favorite heroes,
Also Miles Morales! Omg, yes, Paz favorite movie is Into the Spoderverse!,
Also Paz has some inspirational/self-love related tattoos in this foreign language (mando'a?),
Trip too Zoo with our beloved clan = a disaster,
Lots of pics of Din holding Grogu while petting and feeding animals 😍,
Grogu and his weird food fixation, bless his soul,
Yes a frog stuffie!!! When you guys get back home, he waddles back to his cool space room and introduces baby Yoda to his new friend!,
Ah yes, the frog catching disaster,
You and Din discussing getting Grogu a pet frog,
Uncle Paz helps with getting the right terrarium kit!,
You often catch Paz babytalking to his Ad'ika,
Typicial, who's the good boy? Yes, you are,
Also Paz playing dead and his little companion jumping all over him to revive him,
Din as Mando, Grogu as Baby Yoda and you as Omera, you say?? Heck yeah!,
Also Razor Crest needs a costume as well!,
Uncle Boba throwing a huge ass Halloween party,
Big deal event, celebrities showing up,
Kudos to anon who pitched the idea of Bonnie and Clyde!,
Also Pedro Pascal shows up at the party too,
He is dressed as mando,
Shitshow is about to go down 😂,
People getting confused because Pedro and Din not only have similar posture but they also sound similar, it's too uncanny-valley,
Boba would definitely kidnap you from the dance floor to do some urgent wrestling!,
Also umm 😳 gunplay!kink Boba 😳,
You and Paz going trick or treating!!!,
Witch Paz once casted a curse upon a customer who was being a huge karen to the waitress,
He loves his employees dearly, so no messing around is allowed!,
His employees were shipping you with him long before you became a thing,
Paz once jokingly said that he would lick and eat anything off of you,
You were like hmm even spaghetti?,
And he was like heck yess,
Eww, Paz baby, gross!
Next time he was slurp slurping pasta from your body, srsly this goofball,
Afterwards, he cleaned you nicely, through and through no worries,
Giving Boba a head while he dives his expensive car? 😳,
Also he has a big hot tube and a pool in his penthouse!,
Drinking expensive alcohol while snuggling in the tub?,
Making Boba to loosen up, skinny dipping in the pool??,
You and Din were wrestling rather intensively, and he mumbled something about adding another child to you little family,
You didn't pay much attention to that,
Until he started to grunt about putting a baby in you every now and then,
You having a talk with him,
He shyly explaining that it was his deepest desire to have a big loving family,
Admitting that vision of you carrying for Grogu makes him bothered every time,
Also he said he couldn't get the image of you with a baby bump out of his head,
Omg Paz being infertile???
You've just broken my heart as wel...
But Boba and Kamino project to the rescue???,
Or alternatively, he would have no problem adopting children, being blood related isn't important to him at all,
Auntie Armorer comforting him about his problem,
But imagine if he somehow managed to get you pregnant... 😭😭😭
Also, Mr Fett senior looking up from the heavens at his son, thinking when he'd get grandchildren to carry on the family ''business'' legacy
Once again sorry for the lack of my participation I will try to tune in more often, my darling! Also, I didn't add much this time sorry my mind was somewhere else this time. I will try to add more ideas later! - 🐣
Welcome back darling!!! I missed you, and don't worry about being away take all the time you need. I am also glad that you enjoyed all of our other little rambles that I've answered!
Paz named his dog Ad'ika, this man most definitely has quotes/self love tattoos in mando'a, mandalorian ruins, or aurebesh
Paz has a tattoo for all of his fallen friends and teammates he lost while he was in military
Paz baby talking his dog is so fucking cute!!!
Paz definitely taught his dog all of the tricks, including play dead
When the two of you go trick or treating some of the kids do get scared of him because he's dressed like chewie and he's huge. He pouts because he didn't mean to scare them
Paz totally does little curses to the people who come in and are rude, you don't treat his employees like that, or the other customers without retaliation
His employees had a pool going to see how long it takes before Paz actually mans up and asks you out, and then another one fore how long it'll take before the two of you are married
If you would let him, Paz would never use a plate again. He would eat anything and everything off of you, but his favorites are sweets
Chocolate syrup, yes please. Paz makes sure to thoroughly clean you up 😉
Paz finally opens up to you about his impotency issues one night and you hold him close telling him that, that doesn't matter to you
Paz would and could adopt every child he meets if he could
But also like imagine, one day while you both are still dating, you've missed your period for a month or two, but you don't think much about it because you can't have kids with Paz right?
Well you go to the doctors because something is obviously wrong, and because it is procedure they run a pregnancy and it comes back positive and you're just floored
When you get home and Paz asks how everything went, worried about you, you just blurt it out and Paz freezes
He doesn't know what to think, he's overjoyed and he loves you, but he isn't supposed to be able to have kids, so is it his kid? He quickly yeets that thought away because he knows and trusts you
After that he goes full daddy bear mode and is protective of you and just constantly trying to hover over you
Also Paz helping Grogu with finding and taking care of a frog
Din absolutely melted at the sight of Grogu feeding the animals, it made him so proud of his son
Grogu loves all of his stuffed animals and he is constantly playing and talking with them
His favorite is ofcourse his baby yoda
GROGU POINTS TO PEDRO AND ALWAYS CALLS HIM DAD. He does this with the mandalorian and just any pictures
You totally introduce Grogu to bubble tea, and he absolutely L O V E S it
Din making little comments about about want creating a family with you
Din always begging to cum inside of you
Grogu once asked for a little brother or sister and Din almost combusted
As for what Razor Crest should be for Halloween, I would say either a ting Razor Crest ship or tiny Kryate Dragon?
Pedro would be so ecstatic to meet his basically identical twin
(You accidentally go up to Pedro and kiss his cheek at one point before you realize you mixed and Din pouts)
Boba's Halloween party is totally Great Gatsby themed
Boba totally keeps trying to get handsys and you have to push him away
Slow and passionate wrestling in Boba's hot tub
I raise you, Boba fingering the life out of you as he's driving
Imagine finding a picture of Boba and Jango and smiling at Boba telling him he looks just like his father
Boba joking about carrying on the tradition and making a little Boba
Then the both of you just look at eachother and pretty much jump eachother simultaneously
(Also imagine getting kidnapped by an enemy crime syndicate and Boba just going on a war path)
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butterflies-dragons · 4 years
oh j0nryas know about balticon report, they just think he was being coy (asdjkahs same delusion with s/ns/ns), that he was rambling bc he was trying not to give spoilers. at this point he could go on live and say "no dumbasses there is no j0nrya, there won't be, there never was" (same w pedoships) and they will all be like "omg it is definitely happening in twow, look at how he's trying to divert our attentions, we are onto you george hehehe"
OK let’s review, again, chronologically, all the times that GRRM was being coy and trying to divert his readers’ attention regarding the ships you mentioned:
The “It could be very different things to each of those involved” Alternative: “Mind you!”
Moreta12: I understand, I’ve heard your opinion on that. In ACOK, it seems that the relationship between the Hound and Sansa had romantic undertones. Is that true?
GeoRR: Well, read the book and decide for yourself.
Moreta12: I’ve read the book and I’ve debated those particular scenes with a few others. Half say that it’s romantic and half say it’s platonic. I’ve taken the romantic stance.
GeoRR:  It could be very different things to each of those involved, mind you
Moreta12:Yes, but it seem like evidence points towards romantic undertones. Will the Hound appear later?
GeoRR: Yes, the Hound will be in STORM OF SWORDS. In fact, I just finished writing a big scene with him.
The “Why are you asking me about Sansa’s sexuality?” Alternative 1: “Are you really asking me when your fave male adult character can fuck a girl, 15 years younger than him, without guilt?” Alternative 2: “Why are you so gross?”
The nature of the relationship between Sandor and Sansa has been a hot topic on Revanshe's board. Sansa's youth has been one focus of the discussion. What is the general Westerosi view as to romantic or sexual relationships involving a girl of Sansa's age and level of physical maturity?
A boy is Westeros is considered to be a "man grown" at sixteen years. The same is true for girls. Sixteen is the age of legal majority, as twenty-one is for us. However, for girls, the first flowering is also very significant... and in older traditions, a girl who has flowered is a woman, fit for both wedding and bedding. A girl who has flowered, but not yet attained her sixteenth name day, is in a somewhat ambigious position: part child, part woman. A "maid," in other words. Fertile but innocent, beloved of the singers. In the "general Westerosi view," well, girls may well be wed before their first flowerings, for political reasons, but it would considered perverse to bed them. And such early weddings, even without sex, remain rare. Generally weddings are postponed until the bride has passed from girlhood to maidenhood. Maidens may be wedded and bedded... however, even there, many husbands will wait until the bride is fifteen or sixteen before sleeping with them. Very young mothers tend to have significantly higher rates of death in childbirth, which the maesters will have noted. As in the real Middle Ages, highborn girls tend to flower significantly earlier than those of lower birth. Probably a matter of nutrition. As a result, they also tend to marry earlier, and to bear children earlier. There are plenty of exceptions.
The “Unreliable narrator - Part 1” Alternative: “The much more important lapse in memory that was promised”
[GRRM is asked about Sansa misremembering the name of Joffrey’s sword.]
The Lion’s Paw / Lion’s Tooth business, on the other hand, is intentional. A small touch of the unreliable narrator. I was trying to establish that the memories of my viewpoint characters are not infallible. Sansa is simply remembering it wrong. A very minor thing (you are the only one to catch it to date), but it was meant to set the stage for a much more important lapse in memory. You will see, in A STORM OF SWORDS and later volumes, that Sansa remembers the Hound kissing her the night he came to her bedroom… but if you look at the scene, he never does. That will eventually mean something, but just now it’s a subtle touch, something most of the readers may not even pick up on.
The “Unreliable narrator - Part 2” Alternative: “It doesn’t mean what you think it means”
[Note: This mail has been edited for brevity.]
… this is an inconsistency with ASoS more than an outright error. In ASoS, Sansa thinks that the Hound kissed her before leaving her room and King’s Landing. In ACoK, no kiss is mentioned in the scene, though Sansa did think that he was about to do so.
Well, not every inconsistency is a mistake, actually. Some are quite intentional. File this one under “unreliable narrator” and feel free to ponder its meaning
The “Unreliable narrator - Part 3” Alternative: “Better ask yourself about Sansa’s psychological state”
Here’s a really particular question (which I realize means it probably won’t get asked in a general interview): In A Storm of Swords, there is a chapter early on where Sansa is thinking back to the scene at the end of A Clash of Kings when The Hound came into her room during the battle. She thinks in the chapter about how he kissed her, but in the scene in A Clash of Kings, this actually didn’t happen. Was that a typo or something? —Valdora
GRRM: It’s not a typo. It is something! [Laughs] ”Unreliable narrator” is the key phrase there. The second scene is from Sansa’s thoughts. And what does that reveal about her psychologically? I try to be subtle about these things.
The “The answer is No” Alternative: NO!
[Will Sandor and Sansa meet?]
Why, the Hound is dead, and Sansa may be dead as well. There’s only Alayne Stone.
The “He’s a lot more dangerous than he is romantic” Alternative: “BUT THERE IS SAM!”
weltraummuell: The Hound Oh please don’t cast an old guy for the Hound, his scenes with Sansa are so romantic and erotic, I couldn’t bear if it’d feel creepy all of a sudden. Well, that’s me making demands. LOL
GRRM: Re: The Hound Old guy? No, but… the Hound is still a whole lot older than Sansa, and was never written as attractive… you know, those hideous burns and all that… he’s a lot more dangerous than he is romantic.  
kestrana: The Hound Yeah its a “girl always wants the bad boy” kind of thing although Sansa seems to pull something else out of him. It feels so wrong sometimes but I want to see them together again tee hee.
weltraummuell: The Hound Hehe, George, maybe you didn’t intend it, but he turned out to be a very erotic character to female readers. Especially since he’s mutilated and dangerous. Makes him unpredictable and vulnerable which is the most explosive aphrodisiac for a girl’s fantasy. ;)
weltraummuell: The Hound And I know from discussions on other board other women feel just the same about Sandor. He’s an absolute favourite with the ladies!
halfbloodmalfoy: The Hound LOL, you’re such a man. To many of us women, dangerous *is* attractive.
GRRM: The Hound But no one has any love for poor old Sam Tarly, kind and smart and decent and devoted…
The “That’s interesting...” Alternative: “They are deeply troubled individuals, Harriet”
GRRM: I am sometimes surprised by the reactions, of women in particular, to some of the villains. The number of women over the years who have written to me that their favorite characters are Jaime Lannister or Sandor Clegane [the Hound] or Theon Greyjoy… All of these are deeply troubled individuals with some very dark sides, who have done some very dark things. Nonetheless, they do draw this response, and quite heavily, I think, in the case of some of them, from my female readers in particular.
Veronica Belmont: I’m a big fan of the Hound, myself, actually.
Tom Merritt: Of Sandor? Really?
Veronica Belmont: Yeah, the Hound… Maybe it’s not because I feel any compassion towards them, I’m not really sure what the attraction is. Ah, I’m not going to call it attraction, actually. Let’s just say it’s a fascination, perhaps.
GRRM: [Chuckles] Well, I mean, fascination is one thing, but some of these letters indicate that there really is like a romantic attraction going on there. And I do know there’s all these people out there who are, as they call themselves, the “San/San” fans, who want to see Sandor and Sansa get together at the end. So that’s interesting, too.
Tom Merritt: The TV show has sort of played with that a little, and probably stoked those fires.
GRRM: Oh, sure. And I’ve played with it in the books. There’s something there, but it’s still interesting to see how many people have responded to it.
The “I guess I don’t understand women” Alternative: “I'm shook”
Question: “Is there any fan reactions that you have been surprised by, like is there a character that’s more popular than you thought or have people been shocked by something you didn’t think we would be shocked at?”
GRRM: “I’m reasonably certain what people will be shocked by. I knew that the Red Wedding would provoke a big reaction and it did. I was pretty confident that, you know, throwing Bran out the window and then killing Ned in the first book would get reactions, and indeed they did. All of those worked exactly the way it did to the extent that things that have surprised me, they tend to be smaller things. I guess I… Maybe I should not have, I don’t know. How do I phrase this without getting myself in terrible trouble… I guess I don’t understand women, but I was definitely, you know, way back when, surprised by the number of women who reacted positively to characters like Theon and the Hound as dashing, romantic figures. The san/san kind of thing took me by surprise, I must admit, and even more so the women who, and there are some, who really like Theon. So that surprised me.”
The “Comfort level of femininity” Alternative: “That's not a reference for romance”
My con friend asked about the Jon/Arya relationship again and brought her (impressive) Game book that had all of her references marked out with little flags. She brought up the Ygritte connections to Arya that Jon saw in her. George did not directly answer yes or no if there would be anything romantic between the two.
George did say, despite what readers see as clues to a romantic relationship between Jon/Arya in the books themselves, he did not confirm this so easily but inferred that what Jon saw in Ygritte was a comfort level of femininity. <<<  She and I obviously discussed these comments after the meeting and this was the general feeling.
My con friend was referring to George explaining Jon’s perception: GRRM replied, “You know, I don’t think it’s a reference for that [for romance]. It’s a reference to a certain physical type, and  a certain indication of what Jon finds admirable. It’s like someone who reminds you of, you know… Other people might be put off by this, you know, hair that looks like small rodents have been living in there. It doesn’t put him off because he is used to that.”
The “I was making up shit.” Alternative: "I wish I can delete that"
After the Coffee Talk just outside the room:
My Con Friend asked about Arya and Jon again. This time GRRM gave some very pointed replies:
GRRM finished (in the hallway now) by saying that he “wished some past things weren’t such strong foreshadowing,” and that he, “wished some new things had stronger foreshadowing then.”
Friend: Ok, if you foreshadowed something in the first book, like, really cleverly hidden, would you then follow through on that hint? For sure?..
GRRM: “Well, this goes with what I said before, the story changes and expands as I write. I wish I was able to go back and make revised drafts, but that’s not going to happen.”
Here is a transcript of the outline discussion and Jon/Arya portion of the coffee talk:
[question about Jon/Arya]
GRRM: “Alright, you’ve thought about this more than I have. I mean it’s simple, Jon is very fond of Arya. They were the two odd birds in the Stark family nest, here. They didn’t quite fit in with the others, they look like each other, they both had the brown hair, you know, as opposed to the auburn hair of Sansa and Bran and Rickon and Robb. So there was always that closeness between them. And, you know, Arya didn’t mind that Jon was a bastard, and Jon didn’t mind that Arya was a tomboy, so there is that closeness there.”
[question about Jon comparing his lover to his sister]
GRRM: “If he did it, uhm… I began writing these books in 1991, and, uhm, I worked on it in 91 and then I got a tv play, so I put it aside to really work on ‘Doorways’ tv pilot and did a tv show in 92-93. In 94 I returned to it [the books] and worked on it. You know, up till then, in my career as a writer, I’d always written the entire book before I opted for sale. That’s unusual. Most writers do chapters and an outline. They write a few chapters, they outline the rest of the book, give that to the publisher and the publisher says ‘oh okay, I’ll take that’.
“As some of you may have noticed, those who have been paying very, very carefully attention, I’m not good with deadlines. And, uh, and I’m not good with outlines, either. I always hated outlines. So with Fevre Dream and with Armageddon Rag and with Dying of the Light and all my novels, I wrote the entire book. I didn’t do chapters and outline. I sat down, I wrote a whole book, and I sent it to my agent and said ‘Look, here’s a whole book, and it’s finished’. That way I ran into no deadline, it was finished before it even went on the market. And it worked well for me. And my initial thought was to do this the same way, but what happened, you know, was in 1994, uhm, when I returned to it and I’m working on it and I’m very enthused about it and I say ‘I really wanna write these Game of Thrones books as the next part’. But I was still in Hollywood and I’d just lost all this groundwork on ‘Doorways’, I was still in… The studios and networks still wanna work with me, so I’m getting other offers, like ‘We want you to write this movie’, ‘we want you to do another tv pilot’. And, you know, I took a couple of them and was ‘Oh god, I gotta have to put the book away again’. Cause I have no deadline [for the book]. You know, when you think Hollywood, they will give you a deadline, you know, they say ‘here, son, write this movie, we want it in three months’.
“So, I said ‘look, if I wanna get back to being a novelist, I’m gonna have to sell this even though it’s not finished’. So I had my 200 pages of Game of Thrones at that point, but they wanted outline. I said ‘I don’t do outlines. I don’t know what’s gonna happen, I figure it out as I go. And that’s how I always did it.’ No, we had to have an outline. So I wrote two pages, a two-page thing about what I thought would happen. It’ll be a trilogy, it’ll be three books, Game of Thrones, the Dance with Dragons, and Winds of Winter. Those were the three window titles. And, uh, it’ll be three books and this’ll happen, and this’ll happen, and this’ll happen. And I was making up shit.
“And I had thought that those two pages were long forgotten, because, of course, the books did sell. They sold in the United States and in Great Britain, both. They sold for enough money that I didn’t have to take any more Hollywood games. So I was able to say ‘no’ around. I had a few less [?] to wind up in in 94 and 95. Once I had, I said ‘no, I don’t want any more movies or tv shows, I’m going to write these books now’. And I started writing the books. And in the process, I pretty much disregarded the outline. The characters took me off in entirely different directions. So, for 20 years I had forgotten that that two-page thing even existed. And then someone in my British publisher, HarperCollins, they got a new office building, uh, brand new offices, and new conference rooms, big conference rooms that they decorated with books and stuff like that. And they named the conference rooms after the writers, so one of the conference rooms [?], and they put up these plastic display cases, including the outline. The two-page outline, yes. [?], they didn’t ask my permission, they just put it up. And in that two-page outline, Jon and Arya become a romantic item.”
“You know, I don’t think it’s a reference for that [for romance]. It’s a reference to a certain physical type, and  a certain indication of what Jon finds admirable. It’s like someone who reminds you of, you know… Other people might be put off by this, you know, hair that looks like small rodents have been living in there. It doesn’t put him off because he is used to that.””
[someone says they have 5 minutes left]
“You know, I was pretty pissed that that outline got out there. It should not have happened. Outlines and letters like that are meant only for the eyes of the editor. They shouldn’t go on public display. And, uh, they also [?] my papers on [?], all my papers and correspondence. You know, I’ve been sending that stuff there for years, and it’d be, you know, available for future scholars or whatever, just like the papers of many other writers. Somehow, in the back of my head I was like ‘yeah, 20 years after I’m dead some scholar will go in and find them’. They’re going in right now!”   ”
[question if he is still going with the 1991 ending]
“Yes, I mean, I did partly joke when I said I don’t know where I was going. I know the broad strokes, and I’ve known the broad strokes since 1991. I know who’s going to be on the Iron Throne. I know who’s gonna win some of the battles, I know the major characters, who’s gonna die and how they’re gonna die, and who’s gonna get married and all that. The major characters. Of course along the way I made up a lot of minor characters, you know, I, uhm…Did I know in 1991 how Bronn, what was gonna happen to Bronn? No, I didn’t even know there’d be a guy named Bronn. I was inventing him along the way when I was writing, ‘Okay, he gets kidnapped. Let’s see, there are a couple sellswords there, their names are Fred and Bronn’.
“It was actually Bronn and Chiggen, and then one of them dies, I flipped a coin ‘okay, who dies? Chiggen dies, cause his name is stupid. Bronn is a better name, so I’ll keep Bronn’. And then Bronn became quite an interesting character and plenty of these characters take on minds of their own. They push to the front till you [?] speech and you think of a cool line and you give it to Bronn because he’s trying to talk, and now Bronn is somebody who says something cool. [?]. That’s how characters grow on you. “So a lot of the minor characters I’m still discovering along the way. But the mains-”
[question if he knows Arya’s and Jon’s fates]
“Tyrion, Arya, Jon, Sansa, you know, all of the Stark kids, and the major Lannisters, yeah.”
This report appears in the following sources:
fattest leech of ice and fire blog [Source 1]
asoiaf.westeros.org [Source 2]  
westeros.org [Source 3]
The “Unreliable narrator - Part 4” Alternative: “I think I had enough...”
My question is regarding Sansa Stark. Her sexuality has evolved through every book and yet the memory that seems to stick the more with her in this regard is the night of the Blackwater. So I was wondering if you can expand on your view on what this is, since as before that night her interactions with Sandor Clegane weren't really physical.
The night of the Blackwater, yes. Ahhh... Well, I'm not going to give you a straight answer on that hahaha... Uhmmm, but I would say that ahhh... you know a television show and a book each has its own strengths and weaknesses; there a re tools that are available to me as a novelist, that are not available to people doing a television show. And of course there are tools available to them, that are not available to a novelist, I mean they can lay in a soundtrack, they can do special effects, they can do amazing things that I can't do, I just have words on paper. What can I do, well I can use things like the internal narrative, I can take you inside of territories... thoughts, which you can't do in a TV show... Ahhh... You just have the words they speak, you see them from outside because the camera is external, while prose is internal, and I have the device known as "unreliable narrator"... Ahhh... Which again, they don't have. So, think about those two aspects when you consider that night of the Blackwater. 
Most of these questions make me think of Nabokov having to clarified, regarding Lolita, that he didn’t write a romance..........
So there’s that, everyone can draw their own conclusions.  God knows that in this fandom: “We look up at the same stars, and see such different things.”  
Thanks for your message.
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