#you are free to reblog this and add in anything I've forgotten fam
chosenrule · 4 years
Verse: It has Been a Beautiful Fight. Still is.
Eventually I shall put this in the verses page, but for now, a hopefully more in-depth description than what I will write later. In any case, this verse is plotted and single shipped with @thronelessprince.
The year is 1986; rising tensions between Wutai and ShinRa spark growing desperation in the former. If it comes to it, this will be a war they know well they cannot win no matter what they throw into it, for the might of ShinRa is far stronger than the depth of their pride. Whispers of a young boy in Nibelheim with strength like no other are carried back to the inner workings of the country, and a plan is hatched: if they can steal away this prize of ShinRa, they may yet rear the dawn of their salvation. And it is with a great deal of espionage, careful planning, and no small measure of luck that they manage to not only abscond with the young Sephiroth, but keep him hidden away from searching eyes.
For years, Sephiroth is raised in the shadows, trained from the time he could hold a blade to use it. Still, he is allowed very little childhood; those who care for him know it is a luxury they cannot afford. However, he is brought up with the beliefs that he is the last of the Cetra, and he who will someday deliver Wutai from ShinRa’s wrath.
And eventually, that day comes. War breaks out while he is still a child, and to preserve themselves, Sephiroth is brought to the front-lines, where he quickly wreaks havoc on the ShinRa troops; though he is but small, none but two SOLDIERs can withstand the force of his blows. And though Genesis and or Angeal are consistently deployed to counteract Sephiroth, he never kills them. He knows he could burn brighter, fight stronger. Perhaps overwhelm them, and remove them, too, as a threat. But he never does; fascination with two enemies stays whatever anger boils inside him.
Thus, the war drags on for another five years. The people are weary, and any and all attempts to take back Project S are met with bald faced failure. But ShinRa knows the dangers of letting their pet run rampant, and so... A deal is struck between the two sides: Wutai’s guardian will marry ShinRa’s prince, so that there may be peace brokered between them -- and the crown jewel of the Science Department returned to his proper place.
Sephiroth is still SOLDIER’s general and a First Class by the start of Crisis Core a year after his wedding. He has already manifested his wing, and displays it proudly at all times, as he considers it to be a gift from Leviathan -- he is thus still referred to as the One Winged Angel. He is, however, legally Sephiroth ShinRa ( which to me, personally, is v v cursed )
To the surprise of many, Sephiroth and Rufus actually get along exceedingly well, and there’s not really any hurdles barring their individual awkwardness and that that comes from them both being late teenagers. Rufus still, however, remains under house arrest and only leaves when smuggled out by Sephiroth.
Angeal and Genesis both eventually become Sephiroth’s best friends; CC follows largely the same timeline. But because of their kindred distaste for ShinRa as it presently was, Sephiroth chooses to help Rufus take over the company, and, after Banora is burned, murders the president. However, as a SOLDIER First Class and SOLDIER’s general, he’s still sent on the mission to Nibelheim, and has the same encounter with Genesis, leading to his week of neurotic consumption of any and all information on the Jenova Project that he can get his hands on, and the following razing of the village of Nibelheim. Instead of instigating a fight with Cloud or Zack, Sephiroth stands near catatonic, staring at the body of his ‘mother’ until Rufus arrives and convinces him to leave with him. Seph doesn’t remember much of burning down the village, nor does he remember texting his husband for help -- but doesn’t deny the former, and eventually finds the text to prove the latter.
Spending an extended period of time trying to piece his mind back together on leave, Sephiroth doesn’t resurface til he’s relatively stable again. ( During this time, Rufus allows limited medical staff to see him, and barely anyone else. Discussions of his husband are quickly shut down with the understanding they not resurface again. ) Despite claims of thinking of retiring early, he returns after Lazard’s death to pick up the pieces left of the office. Instead of Heidegger claiming the position, Sephiroth himself takes it and begins gutting the program. In his wake, it becomes far more humane, though all the more rigorous for the lack of enhancements on its members; he has high standards, and it’s suggested you meet them.
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