#yllis knows this. she's knowingly like :) when she first hears him cooing and calling one of them 'darling' or 'sweet thing' or something
bogglesgate · 2 months
Was thinking about the post-canon flock of stray cats again and you mentioned some of them have names, do you know any of the names? And how long did it take for Astarion to bite the bullet and name one?
I have admittedly not put a lot of thought into their specific names except for one in particular, which is a long-haired grey/blue cat named Chesha. She's Yllis's favourite and though she does generally stay outside with the rest of the colony, she's the closest thing they have to a traditional pet.
I flip-flop on whether Astarion ever outright names one but there does come a point where he does start sweet-talking them and using endearments, and remembering the names that Yllis gives them. It probably takes like a good year or two before he drops the stubbornness and just embraces his life as De Facto Cat Dad.
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