#yknow. the lizard. the one you'd think i would pick first.
obscure-entity · 4 months
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yay screenshot from tonight. im the juvenile one
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montydrawsstuff · 1 year
if you're still doing one shots perhaps a silly little 'first family grocery shop' with vector and the kids?
I'll try a little one!
On mobile so sorry if formatting sucks
"Ahh crud... We really are outa' food!"
Vector let the fridge door slap closed as he turned to his audience
"You'd think opening it for the third time would get us somewhere but... waddya gonna do eh?"
The crowd had little to add to the conversation, minus a few buzzy babbles from a squirming Charmy and some mutterings of "outa food outa food" from Espio.
".. I agree, boys! Looks like we're goin to.. the Grocery Store!" He announced in a sort of dramatic tone. And the crowd went mild.
"Ugh, let's just go"
He wasn't entirely sure how successful this trip would be- while Charmy was easy enough to carry in his old leather jacket (permitting he didn't worm out of it like when he left sugar from his coffee spilt on the desk) Espio was another beast entirely.
"Okay. Listen real good kid. I need you to TRY to understand." He spoke to the little lizard as clearly as his new York accent could manage as he wrapped a squirmy Charmy in a bathtowel "Please do NOT run off, hide or look for the high ground. It's a STORE. Its gonna be BRIGHT and LOUD, but I'll be there the WHOLE time, okay?"
It took a few seconds of wide eyed staring back with big confused eyes for the lizard child to simply respond with a "Hai".
Vector begged to himself that he got through to him somehow.
The walk to their destination was somewhat painless. Tho wrangling a 10 year old was easier when Vector wasn't keeping a grip on a gooey larve, who was determined to glob his way to a sudden meeting with pavement. There was a foreboding dread that came upon him entering the store, however.
"Remember boys, we're upstanding gentlemen, out for our eggs and frozen pizza. Like we agreed on."
"Pip pio!" Charmy gurgled.
"Hahaha yea, pizza! That's right!" Vector smiled back, before his eyes met others. On top of the shelf.
"WH- Espio!! How'd ya even get up there?!?"
A store employee approached to assess the situation, but wisely bailed at the sight of a croc yelling at the canned fish.
"Cmon bro, we talked about this! We're upstanding gentlemen! Get down!"
Espio merely gestured his head to straight ahead, where a somewhat rugged looking man paced the aisle beside them. He drew his kunai ready before Vector finally reached enough to snatch him off.
Espio hissed through the tins of herrings, feeling he made his point to the threat clear.
"Ugh. Enough. Now where do ya find the 50 ring mac'n'cheese round here?" Vector continued along the aisle, but the lizard did not follow. Vector was starting to wear thin at this point.
"C'mon, bud. Stick by my side."
Espio stayed put.
"C'mon kiddo. That's enough messing around."
Espio crawled under the aisle.
Vector was on the edge of his temper.
"C'mon, Espio. Don't be a little bastard."
Espio glared over his shoulder and went in further.
"... you know what? FINE! ENJOY YA NEW HOME I GUESS! I'M LEAVIN YA HERE THEN. BYE!" He shouted and stormed off to the freezer section
Vector was caught between two pizzas before realizing.. He was holding two pizzas.
He barreled up the store, almost knocking over a stack of soup cans and narrowly avoiding several employees. They knew better than to get in the way of a rampaging crocodile.
"Charmy right here"
Vector froze in his tracks.
"Under fish"
Vector cast his line of sight down to see Espio holding a very dusty looking grub, who was clinging on to him rather firmly.
"You... you were just getting Charmy?" Vector felt guilt settle in his stomach "I'm sorry bud. You're a good kid.."
Espio merely cocked his head to the side and raised the sleeping bug to him.
Vector chuckled. "He wants you, bud. Got yourself a little bro of your own there, huh? Yknow what, you get pick of pizza this time!"
Espio stared at Charmy a moment.
"Hehehe, your English is getting better..."
Maybe next time... they could just get delivery...
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