#yes you're all emotionally scarred and probably have ptsd now go and hang out with your equally traumatised little friends
youling-the-ghost · 11 days
So I came up with an AU where Peter Steven and Johnny & Janae go to the same boarding school, and an idea that has been swirling around in my head is Janae telling Peter how they found out that their mum was cheating on their dad with the neighbour and how they subsequently burned down the neighbour's house.
Just imagine how Peter would feel when he goes back home and finds out that he's actually a product of infidelity and that his biological dad is the milkman. This could go one of two ways: either Peter feels very betrayed by his mum because Janae's story made him understand just how wrong infidelity is, or he takes the literal route and decides to burn down his own house. Both options would probably leave an emotionally scarred child, and I'd like to imagine that Johnny and Janae would try their best to offer their support when Peter tells them about what happened.
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