#yes we're clowns but this man runs the circus
kindahoping4forever · 2 years
Crystal, have you SEEN this?! https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFbyr9Fv/ I have no idea what the hell this man is on, but I'm starting to suspect your daddy tags are uhm accurate? 🙈. Good luck dealing with this, from your daddy blog anon.
Absolutely going to adopt "Good luck dealing with this" as my new sign off when posting damaging content 😂😂
I don't know if we'll ever top "You wanna fuckin scream for me" as the holy grail of unhinged Ash talk breaks tbh but this... the escalation of intensity and aggression? 😌🤌🏻
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rainahs-real-wife2 · 1 year
𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝘼 𝙛𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙤𝙛 𝙎𝙖𝙝𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙏𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙮 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙖!
𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙤𝙮.
the Circus had just made their way out Aspett, Everyone was in the dining room, Still Dressed in Their pj's. Julia & Kamille were hanging out with Dotty and Bob Till Dotty looked around, A Look of Concern was plastered on her face. “ what is it, Dotty? ” Kamille asked, Noticing the change with her expression “ Oh it's nothin' Sweetie, Just that I haven't seen Dear Tonny since Yesterday morning.. “ She answered, A Tone of worry following her words. “ Oh, How about after Breakfast We go check on Him? ”
Dotty planted a kiss on her husband's cheek. “ You have the most wonderful ideas, Darlin'! Now where was I?.. oh right! how was your date with Rainah, Kamille? and Julia, How's the outfit goin'? ”
time skip ~
Dotty knocked on Tonny's Door, “ Tonny, Sweetheart.. can we come in? ” The four waited patiently, Before a weak reply was heard from the other side. “ Yeah.. come in-.. “ A Cough following behind, Dotty opened the door to see the ringleader, He was a Mess. His hair was Messy, He was sweating a lot, and His trash can was filled with tissues from Sneezing.
“ Oh my! tonny, Are you alright? ” She came running, Hugging the poor man as He looked up before saying anything. “ Of course I'm fine, why wouldn't i- ACHOO! ” All four of them were surprised by the sudden sneeze, As Bob Came over lifting tonny. “ We should get you to the medical tent, Tonny.. ” Quickly tonny protested. “ No- I'm fine, Really! ”
“ No matter what you say, We're still taking you, Wimpy clown! ” Julia commented, Crossing her arms while following behind the group as tonny tried to escape from Bob's arms.
soon after sending Tonny to the medical tent, Dotty and Bob go back to see all the Performers Practicing their acts for the next stop. “ Listen up, Everyone! “ All eyes were turned to Dotty. “ Our Poor ringleader has gotten Sick! and Someone needs to take care of him while we unpack for the night! ” Everyone started stating that they had SOOO much work to do.. “ that's a bummer.. ” Dotty sighed and was About to head back before Sahed walked in. “ Tonny got sick huh?.. It's been long enough. ”
“ Ah! yes, Sahed. are you free? ” Dotty asked, Stepping in front of him. “ Yes... I am? ” Sahed replied as he was turned around by the said woman and pushed towards the medical tent. “ Great! Can u take care of tonny? ”
Sahed wanted to refuse at first but Ended up Agreeing...
That's how they got to..
“ sahed, I said I'm fine.. “ Tonny Weakly said while refusing to eat The soup sahed made. “ As if, Your fever is like 38 Degrees, Do you know bad that is, Tonny? ” He asked, Taking medicine out of the cabinet. “ Yeah yeah.. whatever.. “ Tonny reluctantly finished his soup before leaning back as Sahed bought a warm bowl of water and cloth, not to forget medicine too, While dipping The cloth into the warm water and drenching it. “ You know.. It may not seem like it, but I do get worried about you, You know? ” Tonny was surprise at the sudden statement as He turned to sahed. “ Not really.. I don't know that much. I always thought you hated me. ”
“ Dear, We've dated each other for like 6 years.. ” Sahed commented as he placed the folded Wet cloth onto His head. “ Plus, I think it's best not to try and escape... you fainted the last time you did that. ” Sahed spoke while running his hand through the blonde's short yet fluffy hair. “ I know but I have lots of work to do.. And more people keep joining the circus.. ” He Looked around sahed's room.
“ Will you stop worrying about work for once, Tonny? ” He leaned forward, Planting a gentle kiss onto Tonny's cheek. “ Alright fine.. Only because I'm sick! ” sahed laughed at Tonny's response. " Yeah right.. Not because you want to spend time with your lovely future husband? ” Sahed joked, Making himself look proud to add to it. “ Hah! as if.. ” Tonny Crossed his arms as He looked outside the window. “ You do get a nice view, I'm jealous. ”
“ Well.. you wouldn't be if you came to sleep with me more! But you're focusing on stupid paper work. ” Sahed's comment made tonny sit up straight and turn to him. " Hey! It's not stupid- It's to keep the circus balanced and al- ” Tonny was cut off by closing the gap between them, Giving him a gentle kiss.
once he pulled away, Tonny straight up went beet red. “ What were you thinking-? you might get sick just because.. ” Tonny had stopped mid sentence when he heard a slight chuckle that slowly turned into laughter from the other party. “ I- Sahed! ” He leaned forward, Placing his hands on the bed to balance himself. “ I'm sorry, Love! it's just so funny when I see your reaction to simple things! ” Sahed blurted out between his Laughter.
“ I hate you so much.. ” He turned his back to sahed as Sahed slowly stopped laughing. “ But two days ago , You told me You loved me soooo muchhh... ” He shifted his position from the stool to the bed as Tonny turned his head to him. “ I was drunk! It's dotty's fault okay-! ” He His his flustered face behind his injured hands. “ Careful on your hands, Darling.. ” He held tonny's wrists, bringing his hands down. “ They're fine.. ”
“ They used to be, Until you started your frenzy by writing So much! ” He commented before noticing the moon going up. “ I feel like you should rest.. “ He Held his laughter as He heard a Long Yawn from the ringleader as he plopped down onto the bed, Instantly falling asleep as Sahed picked the cloth up from the bed and Putting it back on his forehead, Before planting another kiss on his cheek as He Positioned the Stool to the wall and put the pillow near the wall as He sat there and fell asleep too.
In the morning rainah walked into their room. “ Ain't surprising.. ” she mumbled, turning back to kamille. “ Cmon on, Let's go. I don't need my jacket. ”
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lostfirefly · 9 months
You’ve Got The Same Dream as Me (Ch. 3)
Hello, kiddos! The idea for this fanfic came to me from a dream (again) I had about a month ago. Тhe main characters were Tom Cruise and Henry Cavill (don't ask me why), but with a light hand they have been replaced (sorry, guys). The main action of the dream took place somewhere in the sands. Аlthough this fanfic will feature Sir Crocodile and our beloved Buggy, the action shifts to the desert. No marines, ships etc. Sorry, not sorry :) The devil fruit's abilities are preserved. Catch the Mummy and Indiana Jones vibes :) I have no idea how many chapters there will be. Different titles and names from the original source material will be used to emphasise the general OP's vibe.
Since English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :) 
And thank you to my dear @yujo-nishimura and @laurasoretta for believing in me :)
Description: Catherine, a librarian who is searching for the trail of her sister who went missing on an expedition. Notes in books and diaries lead her to Cairo. There she finds a retailer from an artifact shop who, in exchange for selling her a map and equipment, insists that Catherine take her along. They get into a little (or maybe a big) adventure.. 
Warnings: 12+, I think. As always, no smut, angst, violence. Adventures and fun only. Buggy x OC, Sir Crocodile x OC.
Words: 1430 (sorry, not sorry)
The title is taken from «You've Got the Same Dream as Me» (Sonya Belousova & Giona Ostinelli) (One Piece, Netflix)
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Rika and Catherine held their way to a small bar. 
"Is this man of yours reliable? Can he be trusted?" Catherine could hardly contain her excitement.
"I wouldn't trust a clown like him one hundred per cent, but yes, I can vouch for him", Rika said, scratching her left arm.
"I don't trust you much either, but you probably know the local best, so I don't have a choice".
"I'm sure I do", Rika laughed. "God, you say the strangest things sometimes.
"Okay, well, you have to explain one thing to me. Why we're going to a bar when it's not even noon?".
"Other days we would go to his circus tent. But at eleven o'clock on Wednesday morning this man can be only here", Rika pointed to the bar sign. 
“Don't be like Tangerine and Drink at Arlong's”? Catherine squinted, putting a hand to her forehead, shielding herself from the sun, she read the bar’s title. "What idiotic names these places have". 
The girls entered the bar. Inside, there were massive wooden tables and chairs, the floor was scuffed. Yes, it had clearly seen better days. The air smelled of alcohol and tobacco.
"Why are there pictures of people who look like fish on the walls?" Catherine whispered, nudging Rika lightly in the shoulder.
"Because this bar is run by Arlong, damn it. Once upon a time it belonged to someone else, I honestly don't know who. But the last owner owed Arlong money, so-- The owner was never seen again, and the bar had new owners". 
"But why are they fish?" Catherine whispered again. 
"You've never heard of fish people?" Rika asked in surprise.
"Fish people? No, there aren't any in my country", Catherine shook her head negatively. 
"God, you live a boring life there. Wait a second..."
Rika suddenly stopped a man passing by with a tray. Honestly, he looked more like a squid or an octopus with the human body. 
"Hey, Ernie. Have you seen our mutual friend? He should be here by now", Rika asked, taking two whiskey glasses from the fishmonger's tray.
"He's over there by the bar top. How did you not notice him right away", the squid replied with a grin. 
"Thank you, sweetie, you can go now", Rika nudged Ernie lightly in the back and turned to Catherine. "He's here, just as I thought. Please, Catherine, honey, do me a favour. Just don't stare at his nose, or he'll freak out and we won't get anything out of him".
Catherine shrugged, not fully understanding the last comment. 
"Buggy, mate! You don't change! It's good to see you in good health", Rika said cheerfully as she approached the blue-haired man.
"And hello to you, my cookie", the man turned round in his chair towards the girls. 
Catherine could barely contain her surprise. He was a tall man with blue hair that was covered by a striped bandana. His face was covered with makeup. Lipstick smeared around his mouth, drawn crossed white bones and blue lines near his green eyes adorned the man's face. But the first thing that caught her eye was his red nose. 
"Now I understood why she asked about the circus. Damn, he looks like a clown", the thought flashed through Catherine's mind.
"Please tell me that glass is for me. You owe me one after your loss in our drunken roulette game last month", said Buggy, pointing to the drink.
"Don't remind me of that night, please", Rika rolled her eyes and placed one glass in the clown's hands. 
"Come on, it wasn't that bad. You even went home with a cute cook", he replied with a laugh.
"You're a jerk", Rika replied with a chuckle, sipping her whiskey. 
"I think we figured that out a long time ago. So.. Wait...", Buggy glanced at Catherine, "who's that with you? Is that for me, too? Well, look, Rika, my biscuit, you certainly lost last time, but this is too generous".
"Gross", Catherine cursed out loud.
"What did you just say, cotton candy?" Catherine could hear the irritation in Buggy's voice.
"I said tha….", she didn't finish the sentence. 
"Okay, okay, guys, calm down. We got off on the wrong foot", Rika took Catherine by the shoulder and sat her down at the bar to Buggy’s right. "Buggy, this is Catherine. Catherine, this is Buggy. And I'm not going to ask you to make up on pinky toes. Now let's have a drink to lighten the mood". 
When the waiter brought everyone a glass of whiskey, Rika sat down on Buggy's left. They began to whisper about something. Catherine leaned slightly over the counter to get a better look at his big red nose. 
After a couple of seconds, noticing her interested look in his side-eye, Buggy stood up abruptly and walked away. 
"Could you please not stare? I told you!", said Rika with irritation in her voice. 
"I di…, I didn't... I've never seen anything like it. Is it real?"
"What? His nose? Yes, so what? Do you have a problem with that?" Rika sipped her whiskey, giving Catherine an angry look.
"What? No, I don't. He’s… He's cute. Even with that nose", Catherine blushed a little. 
The girls sat alone for a few minutes, until finally Buggy came back and plumped down on a chair. 
"Hey, fishy, let's have some more whisky! A bottle!" he said, making a characteristic gesture with his hand.
"Look, Buggy", Catherine mumbled, "I'm sorry if I offended you… by staring.. staring at your nose". 
"Baby, I'm Buggy the Genius Jester, you can't offend me", he said with a laugh, "So, Rika, my dear pie, what brings you to me? I'm sure it wasn't just a drink".
Rika cleared her throat.
"Listen, we need to get to the Sabaody Desert. You've been there a few times before, you know the way". 
"Why do you need to go there?" asked Buggy, opening a bottle of whiskey. 
"I'm looking for my sister", Catherine said loudly, she was very surprised at how loud she sounded. 
"And? What do you want from me? Find some young boys or grandfathers, I don't care who will take you there", he sipped the whiskey from the neck of the bottle. 
"But you know those places better than anyone in this town", Rika replied, putting her hand on his shoulder. 
Irritation came over Catherine. She seemed to be wasting her time with meaningless conversations.
"Look, I was told you're the coolest guy in this town", she made air quotes, "And you can be trusted. But the way I see it, you're just a drunken piece of shit". 
She jumped up from her chair. 
"Catherine, calm down and sit", Rika hissed.
"No, let's leave and find someone else. I don't want to waste my time talking to a grown man who painted himself to look like a clown".
"She's so boring, why did you bring her? She's ruining my buzz!", Buggy looked at Rika with surprise, pointing the neck of the bottle at Catherine.
"Don't you dare point that slobber bottle at me, you jerk!" she slapped his arm. 
"Sorry, your highness", he bowed royally. 
Rika threw an angry look at Catherine.
"I said sit down!" she drilled her with her eyes.
"Shit.. Are you sure that jackass is the best and can help us?" Catherine asked with surprise in her voice, pointing at Buggy.
"Baby, I'm the best at everything", he said, running his hand down Catherine's neck.
"Alright, lovebirds, that’s enough", Rika slapped her hands on the table, "Cathie, show him what you showed me". 
Catherine growled and quickly pulled diaries, maps, notes out of her bag and placed them on the table.
"See?" Rika smiled. 
"Fuck me! What's that? You think this is... Coordinates?" Buggy grabbed the diary and started flipping through it. "I wonder... Very interesting. You're not so simple, pumpkin", he reached out and started running his hand through Сatherine's hair. She yanked back.
"There's what you love so much, my dear clown. Treasure! Don't tell me looking at those cards didn't make you think of it", Rika whispered in his ear. 
"I can pay you to take us there. And if there's really something in there. I don't know.. gold or diamonds or women or whatever you want to find, you can have it. Please!" Catherine looked at him with pleading in her eyes.
"Of course, you'll pay, my cotton candy, I wouldn't get out of my chair for free", Buggy glanced at Catherine. She suddenly felt goosebumps run down her spine. "Well, when do we start?"
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joz-yyh · 7 months
Acta Est Fabula - Ch. 3
SUMMARY: Crimson Court AU. The boys launch their attack on the Baron, but no celebration is complete without a kiss. No Beta. Read at your own risk.
PAIRING: Bounty Hunter x Flagellant
RATING: M (just to be safe because it will get spicy later)
WORD COUNT: 2,405  
READ ON Ao3: -> HERE!!
A/N: Check out the art I drew for this chapter -> Here 🎉 😚 🎉 (Man, is it hard for me to go in chronological order, but we're trying. Nevermind that I already outlined the smut and just want to dive straight into that. OTL)
Engorged ruby eggs mark this territory, as do the perpetual swarms of flies, their presence humming about dirty meal trays and empty bottles of vintage crates.
As the flagellant steps past the threshold of overgrown brush, he can hear the clink of glasses, the lull of small talk and laughter, a festive atmosphere made whole by the scores of renaissance melodies.
The whimsical musical stylings end on a jarring score, the cadence of one waterlogged loafer touching down on the tiled floor, the other guests keeping their distance, repelled by his scraggy appearance. Painted heads turn, the liveliness now a flatline of silence, gasping in contempt of their unwelcome guest.
“Oh my,” one of the courtesans exclaims, “Look at what the croc dragged in!”
“Where have you been hiding these days, darling,” the baron's mistress chimes in, waving a fan against her powdered nose.
Another of her debutante floozies quickly finishes the thought, “In the dirt by the look of it!”
A reel of laughter erupts from around the room, the crowd all too eager to partake in his humiliation.
“Thought you knew better than to come here again,” the baron snubs, much more vitriolic in his participation, “must you punish us with your miserable existence?”
The branded vagabond was used to being patronized and despite their fervent attempts to oust him, the flagellant's confidence does not waver, nor does his smirk.
"I am not here for favor or for mercy,” Damian speaks, putting an end to their humor, if only momentarily. “I come bearing a gift, an opportunity to repent. Pledge yourself to the Light, let it save what remains of your souls."
The aristocrats can do nothing but laugh at his outrageous request, the wandering zealot a broken record, this religious stunt of his not an uncommon sight.
"Baron,” his finely dressed mistress remarks, a polished hand tucking behind his collar, “did you order a fool and forget to tell us?"
“Ha! Yes, a traveling clown indeed,” the shifty man concurs, a laugh slipping past his tall incisors, “run along now lad, take your traveling circus elsewhere.”
“I pray you've made peace with death,” Damian portends, a grim finality, “you will meet her today.”
An encore of boisterous laughter is made, paid at his expense.
“Ha! What a riot!”
“Can you believe it? The resident lunatic is trying to pick a fight!”
“How many times can one man lose their mind!”
Wine swirls about the baron’s glass, incited by the guffaws. “Little old you, taking on all of us? We’d suck you dry before you could even come close.”
“Maybe you'd be right,” the flagellant says, fangs framing his smile, “if I was alone.”
“Oh? Pray tell, where is this mystery date of yours,” hucks the smarmy liege, seeing none beside him, awaiting their grand entrance, “Are they invisible or just imaginary?”
“My dear Baron,” Damian bows, perfectly serene in his manners, “I believe you've already met.”
“What are you–,”
The esteemed aristocrat is still ignorant, hardly aware of what’s happened to him, a fine line of red stretching across his face, bisected blood swimming in his vision before it slides off, a clean cut of gore, his eyes looking upon his own decapitated corpse.
The man's dismembered head rolls about the regal bows and buckles of pointed shoes, the rest of his bulbous body twitching before joining its missing piece, a limp mass of wet squelch.
There would be no egg sacks for the wealthy lord to cower in, no third act, just the cold curtain of his final death.
The female courtesans scream for the tragic passing of their lord, their gentleman counterparts offering them comfort, passing around their own audible intakes of shock.
The esquires waste no time shedding their prim and proper visage, looking for the unseen threat, clamoring together in a pack with pompadours and pistols abound.
“Where are you?!”
“Show yourself, pathetic quim!
“Unsavory cur!”
“I am right here, you degenerate suckheads,” Tardif taunts, standing up from his crouch, liquid crimson dripping from his kusarigama.
“Hunter,” the insects hiss in unison, “That traitorous bastard brought a hunter!”
“Templar scum!”
“Dog of the order!”
“Ye spineless toads gunna keep tellin’ me how pretty I am,” Tardif spits, annoyed more than anything, “or ye gunna shut up and fight?”
The insects step up to the challenge, firing their shots, but the hunter merely deflects each one, making no effort to retaliate, standing there in goading proposition.
“The hunter is as mad as he is!”
“Yes, a perfect pair, crazy and crazier.”
“Kill them both!”
Too busy hurling insults, the three bloodsuckers fail to notice the maw of teeth stampeding across the floor, Sebastian scooping each insect into its mouth, one piled into the other before champing down, a spike trap of impalement.
“Oh, too bad,” Tardif whinges, listening to their posh screams, a kabob of entitled brats severed with gushes of carnage, “anyone else?”
He surveys what remains of the guests, a flurry of hoop skirts and tailcoats running for dear life while the croc picks them off, tossing them into the swamp, a buffet for his other reptilian brethren to partake.
“Can't let you have all the fun, Sebastian,” Tardif cries, diving right in with the crowd, hacking through whoever comes close, guarding the croc’s back.
The creature growls, polishing off what fleeing bloodsuckers it can, the two a dynamic duo of havoc and despair.
“Shouldn't you be running, mademoiselle,” Damian taunts, hands behind his back as confronts the baron's mistress, one of the few guests that remain alive.
“Little worm,” the woman hisses, betwixt grief and hatred as she huddles around her dearly departed, “do you know what you've done?! The court will hear of this, mark my words. You're as good as dead.”
“Yes, your ladyship, but in the meantime I hope to bring an unfortunate demise unto you.”
She snarls at the estranged vampire's uncouth behavior, his insufferably cavalier expression, rising up to meet him, “Always knew you were a bit off. The Baroness was too kind letting you live.”
“I never did like you either, lady Beatrice,” the flagellant snips, the two staring each other down, “your pies always tasted as rancid as your heart.”
Her rouge-round cheeks fume, growling in offense, sending a slew of half-pint servants after him in swift riposte. “Kill him! Avenge the baron!”
The blonde vampire barely lifts a hand, his claws slashing the castellans to pieces as if they were delicate lace petticoats, the floor filled with dregs of hairy legs and chops of sirloin.
Beatrice reels in alarm, her entourage of minions hacked to mince so easily, “There’s something different about you! What is it?! Tell me!”
“I simply did what you all do so well,” Damian says, eyes swimming in a sea of black, “I drank my fill of blood.”
A sanguine transformation consumes him, an evolution of four long wings that burst from his back, claws growing lengthy, sharp, nose and mandibles to match their lethal intent.
With a speed Beatrice doesn't expect, he flies forward, tearing into her neck, ripping cursed viscera from stringy tethers of flesh.
He can barely stand the taste, spits the foul tasting thing out, tossing her severed head in the direction of the baron's corpse, the two lovers reunited in a fitting grave.
Tardif catches the tail end of the battle between the two antagonistic vampires, watches on as the flagellant tears through the competition with such violent fury that it awakens something within him. He’s never known his side of Damian, but he wants to, his brutality so different than his usual carefree demeanor, awe causing him to marvel at the scene a bit too long.
“Ye still alive over there,” the hunter asks from the other side of the floor, humor in his voice as he regards the croc.
Sebastian growls, his jaws dripping with his most recent kill, the emerald beast’s stomach much too full.
“Think we got 'em all. How 'bout it Pierre? We miss anyone?”
The creature scans around the venue, the flickering blue of dying heat signatures conveying no more signs of unlife.
“Good,” Tardif says, sheathing his weapon, “Sebastian, keep an eye out. Yer on guard duty.”
Coast clear, he stalks toward Damian, stepping over a macabre path of littered corpses until he reaches his partner's side.
The vampire seems to be stuck in trance, caught in disbelief of what they’ve done, a potent cocktail of adrenaline and bloodlust eating away at his dwindling humanity.
Tardif wouldn’t describe himself as the soft, tender type, but he finds he wants to be now, for him.
“Hey,” the brute calls, gripping the grotesque angles of Damian’s face, “ye can relax. It's over now.”
The vampire finally moves, clings to the arms that clings to him, squeezing at it tightly, unable to decide if he wants to keep the human near or drive him away.
“You musn’t be so close to me,” Damian warns, his carnal urges unpredictable, “not now, not like this.”
“Teh, ye look pretty harmless to me,” the brash barbarian smirks, falling under his own trance.
Gloves smear away the flecks of red left upon a pale visage, pushing back stray blonde curls from the shining abyss of his eyes.
Maybe they were both crazy for doing this, the heap of dead bloodsuckers had accused them as much, but who knew what fate would come for them next, if they would still be standing together by the end.
Only one thing is certain in Tardif’s mind and regardless of the blood, the fangs, the danger, he is overcome, having never seen something so morbidly beautiful in all his life.
It comes as a shock, especially after the rush of battle to feel the press of something soft against his cheek, just above the protrusion of his mandibles. It’s a strange sort of feeling, remembering affection like this, having suffered so long without it, but once he realizes what the huntsman is doing, what it means, Damian fends him off.
The flagellant's voice is warbled by his metamorphosis, more taken aback by the clash of their opposing species than the action itself. “How … how could you do something that … that stupid?”
Tardif seems equally at a loss, having no answer to give, only sensation, fire burning from within.
"I am not even a man anymore,” the vampire continues, trying to make sense of the other’s recklessness, “Do you not despise me?"
"I uh … sorry," Tardif mumbles, unable to supply anything else, caught in a loop, reliving their first kiss.
"You could have been turned," the flagellant chastises, anger unable to convey properly upon his compound eyes, "Then what would you have done?"
"Not every bite can inflict the curse," Tardif replies, the ingrained knowledge cutting through the haze, "and we stick to the plan. We slay them all. Same as before."
"You're not afraid of inheriting the curse," Damian asks, probing and confounded by this stubborn enigma of a man.
"I fear nothing," Tardif says, the potent note of overconfidence obvious even to his own ears.
"You'll be hunted just like me," the flagellant continues, mourning the thought, "Ostracized. Persecuted. You won't be able to return home again. Doesn’t that bother you?"
"I like a challenge,” Tardif smirks, shrugging as he contemplates the rest, “Not much of a life. Was picked up by the order when I was a kid, but I never trusted them or anything they said. Always wanted to go off on my own. What better time than now?”
"The thing I want to retrieve most, you are so willing to give it up," the vampire gasps, grabbing at his companion’s cowl.
It’s impulsive, risky, Damian hardly having any lips left to kiss, but it doesn’t stop him from trying.
Despite their physical differences, it's heated, heavy, passionate, the vampire’s long tongue coming to lick against sweet decadence, connecting corrupted canines with frail human lips.
The hybrid can feel himself slipping, unsure of how long he can subdue the thirst, tempted by the urge to bite down, drink into him.
"How do ye feel," Tardif asks, panting, flushed with the sticky heat of dried blood upon his brow.
"Vile," Damian spits, though his words beseech his actions, leaning back in for more, "wretched."
The hunter surrenders to his mouth, but the vampire cannot risk it, must end this before he does something he regrets.
"No more,” he commands, shoving the brainless idiot away, heaving with the strain it took, “You must leave. I will find you again before the next party."
"That may not be for some time,” the huntsman reasons, completely logical in his response despite what boundaries they've crossed, “We're stronger together. It'll be easier for them to pick us off if we split up."
"And what happens if I decide to pick you off," Damian presses.
"Let's say that ye do,” Tardif muses, “Ye forget, I am trained to kill yer kind. If ye do somethin’ I don't want ye to do, ye'll know it."
"Please, do not stay here,” the vampire begs, feeling his body shudder, transforming into something more grossly inhuman, “I do not know if I can resist it any longer.”
"Ye can. I know ye.”
Damian laughs cynically, "Your sudden faith in me is misplaced."
The vampire makes an injured noise, staggered and garbling as his insides begin to change, insect legs sprouting from his abdomen, a long rudder of a thorax pushing out from his backside.
“Wot can we do to stop it? Slow it down?”
"You can run," Damian says, his morbid humor shining through these dire circumstances.
"Never been very good at that,” Tardif remarks, cocky and unbudging.
"Enough” the nobleman shouts, the most desperate he’s ever been, “Go! Please … ”
Tardif pulls a silver band out from under his tunic, placing the whistle inside the semblance of a human hand, "Take this. Use it to call me. I will come."
"Fool,” Damian laughs, the sound cryptic, supernatural, barely distinguishable, “I will always have need of your blood."
"Just make sure I recognize ye when I do.”
With his parting gift, the hunter finally departs, Sebastian returning to his master's side, swaddling him within its large bulk. Damian is all too grateful for his friend and the leathery tail that consoles him, suffering through the excruciating pain of molting, an experience he hasn’t endured in years.
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moonlightsweatheart · 2 years
Twenty-Three - Cotton Candy Dream
Finally, you heard a knock on the door. You opened it with a smile and Kaeya immediatly smiles back. You can smell his parfume without difficulties and notice that he looks as stressed as you.
"Hi" he says nervously.
"Hey Kaeya, i'm ready to go !" you answer, going out of the appartment and locking the door behind you.
"Ayaka isn't home, so i wont take the risk to let the door unlocked."
He smiles and nods at your words, but the truth is that he didn't even listen what you said. He can't help but be amazed by how you look. You have really pretty clothes and your smile is even brighter than the day you meet.
"Should we get going ?"
"Uh, yes, sorry. I was distracted for a second."
"Is everything alright ?" you ask, placing a hand on his arm.
"Yes, yes of course ! Come on, or we're going to miss the train."
He suddently changes his attitude and takes your hand in his, starting to walk to the train station.
The walk is not long, and you two arrive pretty quickly. You both realise how easily the discussion flows between you and you can't help but feel happy about it.
There is something strange hanging out with only Kaeya, a feeling that is not unpleasant but still unusual.
It's not the first time you two are alone together, but still, your heart flutters, your cheeks are warming up and you are head over heels for him.
Everything he says is good, and you don't even realise how bad you're falling for him anymore.
After thirty minutes of train, you can finally get out and breathe some fresh air.
Kaeya is still holding your hand, and its becoming an habbits but neither of you are complaining.
"The circus is right here. I already bought the tickets online so we just have to give them to the man in front of the entrance."
You let him guide you and wait in line like everyone else.
"Do you want to buy some popcorn or chips ? Or something to drink maybe ?" he asks you, seeing a stand with food and drinks.
"Yes, that would be great. I want some cotton candy !"
He laughs at your enthusiasm.
"I will buy cotton candy too. It looks so good, i want to try it."
You look at him with widen eyes.
"You never ate cotton candy ?"
"No, never. Diluc hated it when we were kids and i had the bad habbit of never trying anything that he didn't like. Now that i grow up, i realise how stupid it was and i'm trying to at least try before saying i dont like something"
"It's a good idea. Plus, cotton candy is my favorite type of candy."
"Well then, i hope i'll like it."
After giving your tickets, you run to the candy stand and buy two cotton candy and two drinks to enjoy the show.
You find your seats without problem and continue to talk until a man stands in the center of the circus track and starts to talk.
"Hello everybody ! Welcome to our new show, specially created for the start of this new school year ! I know all lot of you probably just went back to school and i hope this show will be a way to enjoy yourselves before the classes start to get serious again !"
Everyone applause and finally, the show starts.
There are clowns, acrobats, trapeze artists, and even a tiger tamer.
"Look Yn, this is my favorite moment. They going to make this girl dissapeare in front of us and nobody will ever understand how."
You smile at the way his eyes are shining. You feel your heartbeats getting faster and suddently, you realise.
Damn, your friends were right. You are totally in love with this man. He's eating his cotton candy with joy, looking at the magician and his assistant with excitement and you couldn't be happier than right now, by his side.
"Yn, did you see ? I told you, nobody could understand how they did that !"
"Yeah...I totally didn't get it either."
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Masterlist | Chapter Twenty-Two | Chapter Twenty-Four
Taglist : @orionicchaos @mayasshitposts @roguebox
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terrablaze514 · 5 years
Musings... Episode 2
So… can't you believe I'm heading back home? My scouts graduate today, and it's beautiful out here. Beautiful enough to wear my hair in a blowout, but…
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This shuttle scenario will leave me in a horrific position of sorts. I know people wanna see me, and I wanna see them, but…
Heero: So instead of taking your chances, and instead of communicating with those who need to know what's happening, you turn back. Why?
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Because, what's the use?
Heero: Those kids would've loved to see you at their graduation. Even their parents! You know how much people like having you there.
I chose the wrong career, Heero. Unlike you.
Heero: No you didn't. Nothing you chose was the wrong thing.
Quatre: In other words, we get it. The market sucks due to an impending recession and major cuts, depending on how Canada votes in a few months. But you don't give up due to a random mishap.
Heero: "Pfffffft" will not help you.
Shut up!
Trowa: He has a point, you know.
Quatre: Okay, I have a better idea. Since you're not attending graduation anymore, though I strongly prefer you did, get in the house, change clothes and take a stroll in the park.
A stroll in the park? How will that help?
Quatre: It will calm your nerves and mind.
Well, okay. I can always do that. As long as I don't get caught.
Quatre: ???🤔
Trowa: ????🧐
Heero: Who's watching you?
The world. Duh.
Heero: Then go and conquer it! Who cares if you need a breather, or something along those lines? Everyone has their own lives to worry about. You should stay focused on yours.
Nah, I'll hit the bed.
Quatre: You don't need anymore sleep.
I kinda do. That's the only place I can redeem myself.
Quatre: (to the others) We need to do something.
Trowa: Did she just lose her inspiration to live a little?
Quatre: I'm afraid so.
Heero: Let's give her nightmares.
Quatre: But that won't-
Heero: It will work. At least it'll force her to find better ways to spend her day.
Trowa: The past few days have been horrible.
Heero: And today is even better, possibly the best day of the week. No dramatic weather in sight.
Quatre: So how do we get her out of there?
Heero: Nightmares.
Quatre: Really? That's all you can come up with?
Heero: I strongly prefer she enjoys the sunshine, and every other beautiful thing nature has to offer.
Duo: Life sucks, man. Everything sucks.
Wufei: Agreed. Who runs this country anyway?
Zechs: Your parents. Now go outside and play.
*The others glare at Zechs, yet he doesn't flinch.*
Zechs: You know I'm right. Stop worrying about crap and enjoy yourselves.
Duo: ☹️
Wufei: 😣
Trowa: They're not happy either. What's wrong with them?
Heero: They've been TB's leading muses for the past three weeks. Three excruciating weeks, because life changed and all they do *gestures Duo and Wufei* is fight, cry, then revert back to what you're witnessing right now when she's not working on any scenes.
Trowa: Okay so, what should we do?
Heero: You follow my lead.
Zechs: I'll make some lemonade. It's hot enough for one.
Quatre: Wait, that was my job.
Zechs: Not anymore. You go keep the others in check. *Leaves the scene*
Quatre: It's hard enough dealing with unhappy people as it is.
Duo: But, you do realize the world sucks, right? Have you missed the News? I don't know if being called an American is something to be proud of anymore, due to-
Quatre: Yes, the world is going through a lot but there's not much we can do about it. Except start small. We can use the computer inside that room and research charities and organisations that are helping those parts every way possible.
Duo: Okay, so what do you think about those abortion laws? Most women don't know they're pregnant until six weeks. And guess who voted for that bull? Mostly men. Men who don't have a uterus. Though I'd hope they swap one day and live the reality for nine months straight…
Quatre: I get it. Being American is nothing to be ashamed of. It's just, people wanted what they wanted so they voted for whomever represents their views.
Duo: Right… Then what will become of babies and kids who are forced to grow up in the streets, with no access to warmth, like I did?
Wufei: *groans and rolls eyes*
Quatre: What's wrong?
Wufei: I hate this place. Hate the fact that healthcare, education and the job market are falling off-course. If we didn't send our Gundams to the Sun, I would've sent those stupid higher-ups a warning.
Duo: That's not even, Wufei. Not a fair battle if you ask me.
Wufei: There's no fair or unfair in battle! Teach those idiots a lesson! Then the world wouldn't be as messed up as it is right now.
Quatre: I suspect your problem stems from a variety of factors… the political, civil unrest in China. Injustice of all kinds against marginalized groups. And you feel powerless without your Gundam.
Wufei: Pfft.
Quatre: I understand your anger, but the Gundams weren't sent to the sun. We decimated them, remember? Anyways, I don't think it's wise for us to take on too much burden with things we can't control.
Duo: We've saved the world twice before, so what do you suggest?
Heero: Open all windows.
Trowa: Let in some air.
Heero: Make fun of clowns.
Trowa: Like you just don't care.
Heero: Except Trowa and the circus he works at.
Trowa: Thank-you.
*Quatre smiles while the others share a look*
Heero: We're getting you guys out of here, okay?
Duo: But-
Trowa: No buts. We're going to the park.
Wufei: It's a boring park. No place to meditate.
Heero: Never make assumptions.
Duo and Wufei: 😡
Quatre: I have everything packed already. Let's go!
*Duo and Wufei won't budge*
Heero: *tosses car keys to Quatre* We'll catch up. *Picks up Wufei and carries him out the door*
Trowa: *Does the same with Duo*
Zechs: Lemon-
Zechs: Hmph. Looks like they're gone for now. *Calls the ladies*
~A few hours later~
Noin: I love this!
Sally: We should have an encore.
Une: Same here.
Zechs: What good dream should we give her next?
Sally: No more. We're running the show now. Let's make her write.
Une: My thoughts exactly.
Noin: I agree. Clear her mind so she can function at the Business Extravaganza tomorrow.
Sally: Let's make a toast to better days ahead.
Relena: Better days.
Dorothy: Better days for all the ladies.
Hilde: Better days!
Zechs: Wait, Dorothy-
Dorothy: *to Zechs* No uterus. No opinion.
Noin: More lemonade, anyone?
Relena: Over here!
Sally: I brought ice cream as well.
*Door bell rings*
Cathy: Chocolates and pineapples coming through!
Zechs: Okay, so can I-
Sally: No uterus, no opinion.
Sylvia: I never knew this place would get lit.
Hilde: Told you so! *Winks*
Relena: We should store them somewhere safe.
Zechs: I'll handle-
Une & Cathy: No uterus, no opinion.
Zechs: 'What did I get myself into?'
Sylvia: I've brought some card games if anyone wants to play.
Hilde: I'm in!
Relena: I'm in!
Dorothy: I'm in!
Cathy: Chick flicks after this!
Zechs: I need the boys to come back so-
Noin: Zechs-y baby... No uterus, no opinion. It's ladies time out here!
Zechs: 🤐
Noin: 🤭
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