#yes the dimensions of the front and back covers don't match and it's bothering me
parisswift · 1 year
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1989 (snoopy's version)
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hanaridulsetcheese · 4 years
Loving the Enemy~ Bang Chan
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It was a tough battle indeed. You were barely holding on but you had to pull through somehow. Your troops were down, your lab was under attack, there was no safe place to hide.
"We have to get out of here. The roof's about to collapse. " his voice was rough, fear and worry evident.
You had never once thought that in your lifetime you would be working side by side with Bang Chan himself.
It was the dawn or yet a brand new day, you were just finishing up the last bits of your new project, what was it? Nothing much, just a new device that would destroy the human race, that's it.
You called it Typhoon. Inspired by the Greek myth of the best that reigned terror and havoc in ancient times. Designed to destroy anything in its path,  this was your life's work all complete and you were itching to test it out.
Let's do a quick introduction before we start anything else.
You were known as the Red Warrior, Mistress of Invisibility. You possessed the power to make yourself and others invisible. A useful power indeed, it completely wiped you off the face of the Earth, you were untraceable.
The name Red Warrior came from your style of fighting, you would sneak up on your victim and attack, the only thing they would see was blood, spilt on the floor.
You liked your name and reputation, people shivered at the mere mention of your name. It gave you power, you liked power.
Everything was perfect, people feared you, they work to your bidding, things stayed that way until he arrived.
You hated the thought of him, he made you so angry, you might have taken out a few cities because of him but it was his fault.
Bang Chan was the bane of your existence. Coming into your life one day, out of nowhere and ruining everything you worked for. He was the only one that wasn't afraid of you, he did not fear you, and you hated that.
Bang Chan was your typical heartthrob, every girl loves him, every guy wants to be him and every parent wants him as their child. Everyone thought he was perfect, or but he was far from it.
Bang Chan went undercover as the world's superhero. He was simply called The Saviour, why? Because every time to went out to do your daily terrorising of people, he was there and he stopped you.
He even went as far as to stop one of your big projects from commencing, he possessed a great control of his mind, he was able to do things that ordinary people couldn't do, you envied that. For years, you tried to train your mind to work a specific way, to tried to change it to see through the realm of reality but it never worked, you had an extraordinary mind, yes, but it was not like Chan's.
He was the only one who could see through your invisibility because he could see through the other realm. This pissed you off. Chan could sense when you would attack and how just through that mind of his.
It became known afterwards, that the only person that could defeat you was The Saviour, who only you knew was Chan.
The two of you had been at war for years, trying to stop one another. You had given up trying to terrorise people and tried finding ways to weaken Chan and his mind. You were practically in hiding trying to create the master plan that would finally take down Bang Chan once and for all.
You had become obsessed with him, occasionally you would stalk him to see what he was up to, of course, he would sense you but wouldn't do anything. You found it strange but continued that for a while.
That's when you finally created it, Typhoon. It took your three years you finally build the monster, but you did it. You stood in your lab, admiring your hard work.
The monster stood a whopping thirty feet tall, you were lucky that you had space to build him, his gleaming red eye looked down on you, you saw your reflection on his armour, you were pale and skinny, obsessing over building him for the past three years had taken a toll on you but you didn't care. A few years of sacrifice will result in your long reign of terror.
"Mistress, we have a report on Chan. " a young man came entering the room, he was Kim Namjoon, (Y/N)'s right-hand man. The pair had met when (Y/N) had found him sitting in a dark alleyway two years back after gathering materials for Typhoon. He was furious, throwing balls of fire from his hand onto the nearby trashcan. Immediately, the Mistress of Invisibility took an interest in the young lad.
She brought him back to the lab, explaining to him who she was and why she brought him with her. He was curious and scared, she liked that.
She trained Namjoon and allowed him to work on Typhoon with her, soon becoming her right-hand man. While working on Typhoon, they recruited others to join them, forming a small army.
"What has the loser been up to know? " (Y/N) asked, still admiring her monster as if it were her child that just won a prize for being the most terrifying.
"Jungkook said that he saw Bang Chan sitting in a graveyard staring at a tomb for the past two hours," he reported.
Moving her attention to Namjoon, she looked at him with a confused face, trying to figure out why Bang Chan was there.
"Two hours? " she pondered, an evil thought forming in her evil mind. "Let me go give him some company. "
Heading to the graveyard, she saw Jungkook's figure crouched down behind a tombstone a few yards behind Bang Chan, making her way to him, he immediately bowed to her in respect.
"Mistress, he's been here for a long time. I don't know what he is doing. If I move more forward, he would catch me. " (Y/N) nodded, telling Jungkook to head back to the lab.
She watched Chan for a while, seeing his figure shake from the cold, was it the cold? Or was he...crying?
She took the risk of moving closer to him, close enough to hear if he was saying something. She wondered how he had not sensed her yet, or even Jungkook before.
Something must be wrong with him.
"Why did have to leave when I needed you the most? " (Y/N) was shocked to hear her enemy cry.
His sobs filled the dense graveyard, (Y/N) stayed as quiet as possible, hoping not to get caught.
"I don't want to do this anymore. I can't live like this. " he continued, "She's exactly like you. "
His words sparked something inside you, you wanted to know more.
"I can't live loving my enemy," he spoke, those words caught you off guard. The hand you were using keep yourself in a steady crouch position slipped a little, causing the gravel beneath you to make a noise.
"Shit. " you muttered, turning your self invisible running away before Chan could sense you.
Racing back to your lab, you couldn't get the words Chan spoke out of your head. This completely took you by surprise.
Your men were worried when the saw you racing back to the lab in such a panic, you didn't bother to explain anything and ran straight to your room and locked yourself up.
"Mistress? Is everything okay? " Namjoon said from the other side of the door.
Trying to control yourself, you gathered your words and spoke, "I'm fine. Just leave me be. Make sure everything is prepared for tomorrow. "
You couldn't let one small thing like that throw you off guard, you couldn't let it blind you from your goal.
The next day when you awoke, the words of Chan were still fresh in your mind but you managed to push it back and focus. Today was the day you were planning to attack, earn back your reputation back once and for all.
Typhoon was ready, you all were.
Namjoon stationed himself in the monster, ready to control and attack at your command. You already had your troops out there wreaking havoc just to start everything up.
Soon, you march out into the city, the sound of people screaming and running away in fear of the monster made you smile.
"Are you scared of me now?! " you called out to the people of the city. They all looked around for you, fearing that you may strike them.
"Bow down to me! Your saviour is no match for me. "
Namjoom, with the help of Yoongi, another member of your troop, had managed to hack every piece of technology allowing you to broadcast your message even wider.
"You can't hide from me. Just join my troop and you shall be safe. Fail to join and well, it's the ned for you. "
Typhoon trampled building, crushing it to the ground. You sat on top of the monster and laughed each time someone ran away in fear.
Your fun was cut short when the person that had been stuck in your mind appeared.
"Looky here, The Saviour, about time you showed up. Ready to lose? " you tormented.
"DON'T DO THIS! " he yelled out. His mask covered his face but his eyes still shone brightly, you could see that he was trying to formulate a plan.
"What you're gonna do? Open a portal and take my monster to another dimension? " you tormented.
"You think I can't? " he opened up a portal to another realm, trying to force your monster into it with his mind.
"Namjoon, show him what this baby can do. " you hopped off the monster, sliding down it arm before dramatically landing on the ground perfectly, you might've practised that a few times.
Typhoon conjured up a thunderstorm, aiming it a Chan. He barely had time to react. Lighting bolts fired its way to Chan, hitting him in his chest and sending him flying backwards, hitting the rubble that was formerly an office building.
Laughing at his misfortune, you made your way towards him, kicking his weekend from before crouching down.
"Give it up Channie. You're no matched for Typhoon," you smirked.
Grabbing your hand before you could get up, Chan pulled you towards him and took you through a wormhole.
Even though your distorted figure travelling through the wormhole, you could still feel Chan holding you.
Where was he taking you?
Soon, you felt yourself land on a soft surface. You opened your eyes to see Chan staring at you. You pushed yourself off him.
"What did you do? " you pulled out your dagger, not bothered about your surrounding but more about the man in front of you.
"(Y/N), " he said softly, trying to approach you. On instinct, you slash your dagger, cutting him on his face. A long scar formed, the blood seeping through and drilling down his face.
You continued your attack, he was forced to defend himself, pulling out his own dagger, similar to yours. You were caught off guard when he pulled it out, this allowed him enough time to disarm you, using his mind to bring your dagger to him.
You got angry, running towards him, you were going to fight with your bare hands. You weren't going to go down without a fight.
Throwing both daggers to the side, Chan blocked all your attacks.
"(Y/N) let me explain! "
"You stole that dagger! Where did you get it from?! " you kicked him hard as he held onto your hands.
"It's not what you think! " 
He got tired of trying to contain your attacks, he took control of your body using your mind. You couldn't move a limb.
"What are you doing? " you fought hard in your mind for control of your body. Chan was overpowering you but you managed to break free.
You tackled him to the ground, pinning both his hands above his head as you straddled him.
"How did you get that dagger?! " you growled, your nails digging into his skin.
"Its mine- "
"Lies. You stole it! "
Chan got tired, he used all of his strength to escape your grasp, getting hold of you and pinning you to the ground. His eyes changed colour, what was once brown was now a murky grey.
You made the mistake of looking into his eyes. Immediately something flashed in your mind.
You were walking across a battlefield. The remains of the battle still sprawled across, in the process of being cleaned. Your planet had been in a battle with people from Earth.
Yes, you were from another planet.
In order to save you, your master had sent you and the boy you trained with to Earth before your planet could be destroyed.
Before sending you, he left the boy if you with daggers to protect yourself and remember each other.
"I don't want to be separated. " the boy said to you, holding your hand.
"We'll find each other again. " you told him. You kissed his cheeks and boarded the ship that would take you on Earth.  "Don't forget to find me, Chan. "
You were brought back to reality. With heavy breathing, you looked at Chan.
"You- You found me. "
"I did. " he smiled at you, letting you go.
You couldn't believe it, all your life on Earth, you waited for Chan to come, but he never did. The bitter thought of him forgetting you turned you into what you were now.
"You didn't forget about me. " a tear slipped out of your eye.
"I could never forget about you," he said. "I felt your presence and immediately came to get you, but I had to make sure it was you first. It took me a while because my powers were kind if faulty. " he rubbed the back of his neck.
Soon realisation struck me, "Chan! We have to stop Typhoon! "
That brings us to the present. After Chan opened up the portal back to reality, you were shocked. Half the city was already torn apart.
"Namjoon! Stop the attack! " you tried calling out to him but he didn't listen. "Namjoon! "
"M-mistress? " you heard a voice call out to you.
"Jungkook? " you rushed over to the boy, his lower half was trapped underneath a wall of a fallen building.
"He's gone crazy. Tool out half the troops as well. " he coughed blood.
"What do you mean? " there was a crash above you, a bolder was hurtling your way, Chan managed to send it through a portal before it hit you.
"Well well well, the Red Warrior. " Namjoon called out. You turned your attention to him.
"Namjoon stop this now," you said firmly but he just laughed.
"Why stop now, isn't this what you wanted? "
"Namjoon I order you to stop! "
He ignored your command.
"I knew you'd go soft, after what you heard in the graveyard. " he shook his head. "I couldn't let your emotions get in the way of our work. We started it, now we have to end it. "
"Why are you doing this?! "
"You really don't know? " he scoffed, "Why do think I so angry the day you found me? Have you ever stopped to ask me? "
I stopped to think, I didn't know.
"Why were you angry? " I asked him.
"You killed my parent that day. I came home from school and they were dead! We came to Earth just like you, to live a peaceful life! Why'd you have to do that?! " he blasted Typhoon's lasers at us. We barely managed to dodge the lasers.
It ended up hitting another building.
"We have to shut down Typhoon! " I said to Chan while dodging another round of lasers.
"Youll never get in! " Jungkook yelled, still trying to get out from under the wall. Chan levitated the wall, allowing him to slip out. His leg seemed to be broken.
"He's got the entrance wired. There's no getting in it out. "
"I could open a portal. " Chan said.
"You can't, this was designed to take you out. I made sure that it couldn't be bent out of reality. "
"What do we do then? "
I racked my brain to find other ways of shutting down Typhoon. The only known power switch was in, "The lab! We have to get to the lab! "
Chan opened a portal to the lab, we all walked inside the portal but Namjoon noticed.
"No! " Jungkook screamed as Typhoon's hand grabbed him just before the portal could close. It was too late for me to reach out to him.
"Jungkook no! " I yelled as the portal closed.
"(Y/N) we have to move on! " there was a loud crash on the lab's roof. Namjoon was here, we had to fast.
Namjoon constantly attacked the ceiling, making it hard to move around. I had to get to the power source but the falling roof made it difficult.
A giant piece of the roof fell on my arm as I was crawling underneath a piece of rubble to get to the power source.
I yelled in pain, "(Y/N) are you okay?! " Chan said, trying to clear a path to get to me. I clutched my arm and sucked back the tears. I had to stop this. The power source was in sight, "If I could just get to it. "
I pushed past the pain and managed to enter the code. The attack stopped, I was relieved, "(Y/N) you did it! "
The rumbling started again, the roof was unstable.
"We have to get out of here, the roof's gonna collapse. " Chan said, helping me get up.
"Not so fast! " we turned around and saw Namjoon being held at gunpoint by a man with a mask on.
"Help me, please! It's all his doing! He was controlling me on the inside! " Namjoon pleaded.
"Shut your mouth! " the man jabbed his gun into Namjoon's ribs.
"Who are you? " Chan stepped forward, shielding me.
"Oh you don't know? " he pulled off his mask. Chan and I gasped.
"Master? " I was stunned.
"I thought you were dead. " Chan said, "Your grave-"
"All fake," he said. "I did that so I could come down to Earth and finish what these humans started. " he shoved Namjoon forward a bit, "This little puppet here helped me, angry at someone for killing his parents, it was easy to poison his mind. "
"You killed them? " I scrowled.
"Duh," he said. "Now it's your turn. " he aimed the gun at Namjoon. He was about to pull the trigger when Chan leapt through a portal and knocked the gun out of his hand.
The impact of Chan landing caused the roof to start crumbling.
"It's going to come down- "
It was too late, the roof came down crushing everything in its path. Unfortunately, we were the ones in its path.
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