#yes that i need a hero part is just a silly idea... but damn u gotta admit it's weirdly badass
If Keiko and Seiko visit the temple at the same time when Jesse and the Black Vipers visit, that means we finally have enough girls to have an episode about all the boys getting kidnapped or something and the all-girl team having to lead the charge to rescue them, lead by Kimiko!
O-ho ho! Hell yeah, girls rescuing boys!!!
I appreciate your enthusiasm, anon but unfortunately, the black vipers would have no interest to leave their beloved Texas. Jesse is a different case, tho because she has a brother there! And I get the impression that Jesse herself would order them to stay for two reasons. The former being - to sustain their infamous reputation at home and the latter being Jesse's own excuses. 'No don't go it's gonna be laaaaaaaame. I'm gonna rub it into my bro's face it's so laame. I only wanna see him in monk pajamas and mess with him so stay and take care of our errands, gals'
Well, the truth is, Jesse is a softie at heart and she doesn't want her friends to see that part of her. Sometimes you have such a phase you love doing certain things with your siblings but you won't do them in front of your group of friends due to the fact these 'sibling rituals' might be sort of embarrassing, right?
However, I think the cowgirls would drop by if their leader was in danger or if she needed backup. So, Black Vipers + Japanese trio episode could still happen!
And if you let me joke around, when I've read this ask my mind immediately put on the 'I need a hero' song on repeat. All I'm saying is, Kimiko and the girl gang are on a rescue mission but it's that scene from Shrek 2'. Instead of a giant cookie monster, the girls would stand on Sweet Baby Among Us's shoulders haha.
Idk why but Jack is trapped with Omi, Clay, Rai, and Jermaine too. I want Jesse to say sth mean to/about him. And then Jesse refuses to carry him around, so Seiko and Keiko take one for the team and are assigned as Jack's babysitters for the time being lol
Jack: So, you must be Keiko, right?
Keiko: yeah! Nice to meet you!
Jack, taking a glance at Seiko: And your name is-?
Seiko, presenting her hidden katana: THE EXECUTIONER.
Jack, gulping nervously: Wow, edgy. Respect.
Seiko, giving Jack an approving nod: Thank you.
Keiko, kinda irritated with Seiko: Giiirl why must you scare people all the time?
Seiko: I want everybody to know their place.
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teklarn · 3 years
𝓫𝓻𝓾𝓽𝓪𝓵 - 𝓴. 𝓫𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓰𝓸𝓾 𝓹𝓽. 2
character(s): katsuki bakugou x fem!reader
a/n: k the first one kinda blew up and i've been on tumblr for like a week and it made me rly happy receiving the requests ty <33 thank u for all the reblogs too !! this is a bit later than i hoped it would come out b/c half of the original fic was deleted by accident, but i’m on summer break until sept 5 so hopefully i’ll still update frequently. 
𝕣𝕖𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕝𝕪 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕!
summary: bakugou finds he’s rejecting his feelings for you in fear of becoming weak, however he just can’t seem to ignore you. 
genre: lil angsty, fluffy at the end
warnings: cursing, one-sided pining, gave reader a quirk, the fighting scene is bs i cannot write action scenes at all im so sorry lol,  second hand embarrassment for our dearest dynamight :(
word count: 2507
pls don't mind any typos! i try to edit to the best of my ability but i tend to type fast and i might miss a few or a lot of things. 
- - -
read part one here my loves !!
you found yourself bored, cheeks puffing out as you swirled around the drink in your glass cup, sitting across from midoriya. he was muttering again, which you’d always found cute, however you weren’t listening this time at all. 
part of the reason you’d rejected bakugou was due to the fact midoriya had requested your attention first, and not as friends. if you’d told bakugou that, it would just wound his delicate ego on top of the fact that you truly had no interest in him whatsoever. 
at the moment, though, he was the only thing on your mind. there was no sudden spark of attraction you’d felt when he’d confessed. of course, anyone would find it flattering that the katsuki bakugou found you attractive. his standards were higher than the clouds. 
at the moment, it felt like something was blocking your chest from feeling something for him, however you couldn’t pinpoint what it was. 
“—it was amazing, right, y/n? y/n?” 
your eyes flickered up to meet the emerald, wide-eyed eyes of your friend. you contemplated lying, but it was no use. shaking your head softly and pursing your lips, you set your drink down. “i’m sorry, midoriya. i’m just kind of...out of it, i guess you could say?” 
he cocked his head to the side. “’out of it’?” he repeated. 
“yeah,” you sighed, head pounding. 
“is everything alright? maybe today isn’t the best time for this.” 
“yeah,” you agreed. “maybe.” 
“do you want to go back to the dorms?” 
you nodded, massaging your temples. “yeah, yeah let’s go home.” 
midoriya let out a soft chuckle through his nose, smiling. “alright.” he offered his hand, and you gladly let him heave you up. 
“i’m sorry about this. honestly, midoriya, i enjoy your company, i really do. but i never assumed you’d catch feelings for me too—” 
“too?” he blinked. the two of you continued on your way back to Heights Alliance. 
you gulped. “yeah, there’s—” 
“are you saying you caught feelings for me, as well?”
your eyes fell blank, lips parting in question. “no, uh. you know what? never mind.” you giggled gently in hopes the two of you would laugh it off without another thought. perhaps you should keep you and bakugou’s quiet interaction to yourself. midoriya and bakugou were already rivals enough. 
the following week was agonizing in many ways. sitting beside bakugou guaranteed that you would get strange, judgmental looks. it never guaranteed his stolen glances. when you’d catch him staring, his cheeks would flare up, and you swore he had smoke puffing out his ears. 
each time, he looked as if he would explode. what can you expect from a guy like him? 
it was easy to assume you’d just pissed him off, though. you weren’t the type of person to tell everyone you’d been asked out, but you needed to speak to someone about it. the thought had been nagging you, stuck at the back of your mind but just on the tip of your tongue. 
you even found that you were distancing yourself from midoriya, who, after asking you out, had insisted you begin calling him izuku. over everyone else, you’d choose him to speak to about the matter, but ever since you’d discovered he had feelings all along, it was strange being around him. 
you viewed him differently. he shot you glimmering smiles and blushed softly when you said his first name. 
you twisted around to see mina rocking on her heels behind you. “yes?” 
“are you okay? you seem...how do i put this.” she tapped a pink finger against her lips. “off. you seem off. is everything alright?” 
your brows raised. “oh, yeah. i’m good. thanks for checking in.” 
“is there anything you want to talk about?” she adjusted her hero costume. you and the rest of the girls were currently changing for another training exercise. 
yaoyorozu fixed her hero costume. “i don’t mean to impose on anything, but i have to agree with mina, y/n. of course, there’s no pressure to tell us anything. you’re under no obligation to unless you need and want to talk to someone, but we’re here if you need us, okay?” 
you nodded, smiling softly. “thanks you guys.” 
it was the same training as before, however you were able to select a partner of your own. being that there were 21 students in the class, there was always ought to be a group of three, or one person left out. you’d come into yuuei out of pure luck, as some like to put it. 
you’d found it offensive they’d assumed it was that and not your own pure skill. it’d taken a while to re-convince yourself that you were worthy of being in the class, even if you were usually the odd one out. 
most students had already bonded by the time you arrived here, so finding a partner wasn’t always easy. once you and midoriya had gotten close, you two did most things together, however at the moment, you weren’t quite feeling it. 
surprisingly, your eyes caught bakugou standing alone, eyes scanning the room for a partner. kirishima must have partnered up with another friend, then. it was always them together. 
unfortunately, you weren’t quick enough to avoid either of them. bakugou was already trotting up to you, eyes locked on your figure just as midoriya began jogging to your side. 
in perfect unison, they asked, “be my partner?” (in two very different tones, of course.) 
you blinked between them, about to answer when aizawa came up behind you three. 
“are you guys in the group of three?” your teacher deadpanned. 
your shoulders slumped. “yeah, i guess so.” 
“get to work. you’ve already wasted five minutes standing around.” 
you nodded politely. “yes, sensei.” 
you swallowed. bakugou’s crimson gaze was pinning you in your spot, and midoriya’s lips thinned with a lack of enthusiasm when bakugou looked back at him. 
“get to work, you three,” aizawa repeated, walking away. 
“i can take on both of you.” bakugou cracked his knuckles. 
you clenched your fists. “we already know you’re at the top of the class, bakugou. there’s no need to rub it in our faces.” 
he averted his eyes, cheeks flushing red. it was like a sad, silly way of letting you know you won this fight. 
“i’ll go against you two,” you said, adjusting your hero costume. 
midoriya’s eyes widened. “what? y/n, but—” 
“but i’m not strong enough?” you finished for him. you knew where they ranked in strength, and while yours was just as powerful, if you let one thing slip, your arrows would disappear and you’d be dust. “that’s exactly my point, you two are practically at the top of the class with your quirks.” 
“tch, don’t hold back,” bakugou said, readying himself. 
“don’t go easy on me,” you mocked. 
“y/n, do you really think this is a good idea—” before izuku could finish, you and bakugou launched yourselves at one another. 
you charged forwards. an arrow flew from your hand, twisting its way right through the smoke of an explosion. when it cleared, bakugou was nowhere to be seen. 
a gasp fell from your lips as you turned around just a little too late. your ears rang terribly as your back collided with the ground. 
izuku cried out. green lightning flashed, and he was at your side in a moment. “kacchan!”
you groaned, sitting up. bakugou cut through the smoke with an arm. “fight me, damned nerd. there aren’t any pauses in a real fight.” 
you wriggled yourself away from midoriya. “midoriya, you’re my enemy in this.” 
“no buts. fight me. and don’t hold back.” 
midoriya noted the determination in your eyes and stood, giving you a sure nod. you were back on your feet in a second. bakugou flew in the air and came crashing down just as fast as he conjured a blast in his right hand. 
attacking wasn’t your best option right now. you were smart enough to know that. an arrow appeared flat at your back and pulled you from where bakugou was targeting. 
cement flew into the air. 
that blast could have wounded you badly. possibly killed you, if he’d hit the right spots. 
in the air, you examined their zealous features. midoriya’s brows were furrowed in that determined smolder. 
bakugou, as always, looked angry. as expected, he charged first, shooting himself into the air. his foot nearly collided with your face, missing my barely an inch. you took your shot, revealing the arrow you’d hidden behind your back. the tip collided with his chest. 
you left the arrow to complete its command and stick your blonde opponent to the wall and trap him there while you went after midoriya. 
while he bested you in strength, you did the same to him when it came to speed. you dodged his punches like they were weak attempts at hitting a ball in a park. 
you grinned. in a battle of strength and speed, whoever landed the first hit would win. there was no question. 
twisting in the air, you allowed the ball of your foot to shove midoriya to the ground. he cried out as his face was crushed into the cement. 
it was perfect timing, as bakugou ripped free of your hold, the arrow keeping him in one spot dissolving into air as soon as its purpose was lost. 
your head whipped around to see him charging for you. 
your fingers curled. the headache pounding at your temples was beginning to get hard to ignore. 
bakugou launched himself at you, spinning in the air like a missile. he really wasn’t going to howitzer you...right? 
when he didn’t slow down, you threw your body to the right, the attack just barely missing your leg. it scorched a bit of your thigh. a groan fell from your lips as you cupped the area around the burn, shuddering with pain. 
bakugou’s chest was puffed proudly as he marched up to you, hands cracking with excited explosions. 
he pulled back his right arm, ready to spark up another fight as midoriya recollected himself. you bit your lip to hide the fact you were quivering. 
it was sudden, but bakugou paused when he saw your hand fly up. 
“give me a minute...” you gasped out, skin still sizzling. 
“y/n! are you alright?” 
you didn’t respond. midoriya smacked his friend’s arm. “kacchan! what’re you thinking?”
“midoriya, i’m fine. don’t stress over it.” you limped to your feet, rejecting the extended hand from your green-haired friend. “i’ll just go see recovery girl.” 
“do you need—” 
you smacked midoriya’s hand away, a little bit more rude than you intended it to be. “i’ll be...fine.” you offered a weak smile to hopefully make up for your tiny outburst. 
although you could see in his eyes he wanted to help, midoriya nodded and stood by, hand falling back to his side. you clutched around the patch of burned skin. the sting had faded a bit, however there was a soreness to the wound that felt like a constant stabbing to your leg. 
you swallowed the pain down, marching towards the exit with determination and a bit of a limp.
you looked back to see midoriya had gone off to tell mr. aizawa what was going on. your teacher nodded, understandingly. 
there were a few worried glances and offers for help in the hall, but you’d neglected them all and found yourself relieved to see recovery girl in her office, typing away. 
she turned as the door opened. “please knock beforehand next time—oh, dear. y/n? are you alright?” 
you gave a tense nod. “mhm. just got a bit banged up in training today.” 
the old woman pursed her lips, smile lines becoming evident. “i see.” she led you to the small cot reserved for patients such as yourself and directed you to sit down. 
she examined the bruise. “it’s fairly bad. what happened?” 
you made a gesture to the door. “i was brawling with bakugou and things got...intense.” 
“that boy has quite an extreme side to him, as i’ve come to notice.” 
“mhm,” you agreed. 
“unfortunately, y/n, i have no ointments to be able to treat this properly.” 
you nodded sheepishly before the old woman smooched your cheek. a soft green glow radiated around you. 
when she pulled back, she said, “now, your body will be trying to catch up on the healing process. that’s what my quirk does. speed up recoveries. since it’s sped up, you’ll require some rest, preferably sleep. i’ll make sure your teachers know you’re excused for the rest of the day, sound good?” 
“yes, thank you recovery girl.” 
she pushed herself out of her rolling chair and left the room, smiling at you.
your eyes fluttered shut not long after that. 
the sun was gone when you woke up, the hallway light flickering off. 
“good, you’re awake.” 
you looked to the left. you cried out, gathering the white sheets around yourself despite being completely clothed. “bakugou! what the hell? you stalker! you creep!” 
bakugou took the slap you gave him on his arm. it was light, and didn’t do much damage. 
“what...what do you want?” 
even in the dark, you could tell bakugou’s cheeks were burning red. “about...about the other day. i wanted to talk to you about it.” 
your chest fluttered in unwanted hope. “there’s nothing to talk about.” 
“dammit, y/n, i wish there wasn’t anything to talk about. you’re insufferable and annoying and i can’t stand being around you because no matter what’s going on, you make my chest feel all funny. it’s stupid, and i can’t take my eyes off of you.” 
heat rushed to your cheeks. “i’m flattered, really. but i-” 
“i’m not asking you to reciprocate my shitty feelings. if anything, it’s better if you don’t.” 
“bakugou, i wasn’t...” you paused. 
“you what?” he snapped, voice soft despite his tone. 
“i was going to say that ever since you...ever since you asked me out, i’ve been conflicted about my own feelings.” 
“the hell is that supposed to mean?” 
“i’m not sure if i like you back or not, bakugou. but hearing you say all this...makes me want to give it a shot. sort of. also, why the hell are you watching me sleep?” 
bakugou swept hair from his eyes. “don’t go and try to change the subject on me, dumbass.” 
you gulped. 
“so what’re you saying?” 
“i’m saying,” you started, “i’m saying that maybe i want to go out on that date with you.” 
“say it again.” 
“what?” you looked up, his eyes boring into yours. 
“i said i want you to say it again. tell me you want to go out on a date with me.” 
it startled you how sure he was when he knew what you wanted, too. this was unlike the last attempt to ask you out. 
“katsuki bakugou, i want to go on a date with you.” 
he grinned. “where to?”
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keilemlucent · 4 years
lavender latte: ii
(T (for now!))
hawks | takami keigo x reader
chapter 1   ||   chapter 3   ||   chapter 4
word count: ~3k
You and Hawks’s second meeting.
warnings: mutual pining, shy reader-ish, ooc hawks, the fun stuff, fluff ; ) 
You didn’t hear anything from Hawks for the next few days. 
It was a fleeting disappointment, but you took his lack of contact as truth and reality. Some big shot, pro-hero wasn’t going to waste time texting a no-name, nobody barista, no matter how mutually flirty of an interaction was shared. 
Prior to actually meeting Hawks, you had seen the tabloids that his name spilled over. Shady stories of midnight rendezvous with models and celebrities, sultry pictures of his own on magazines at grocery store checkouts were a lot of your knowledge of him. He was a very eligible and active bachelor, everyone knew it. 
You reminded yourself that you didn’t mean shit to him, and moved on.
Until about a week from your first meeting, late into the evening, your phone buzzed.
You thought it was one of the team from the teashop, asking another question about a new blend you had made. 
Your eyes widened at the text that you did see:
 [unknown number]: hey angel ;) do you work tomorrow? it’s supposed to be a cold one and i’d love to try another one of your drinks
 You stared at your phone screen for a moment, mouth going dry before typing out a reply. 
 [you]: is this hawks?
 The next reply came only seconds later.
 [unknown number]: the one and only ;))))
  He... actually texted me?
Holy shit.
Another message came in. 
 [unknown number]: don’t tell me you go handing out your number to folks at work all the time :^( you’re gonna hurt my :^((( feelings :^((((
 You deadpanned at Hawks’s texts. 
You couldn’t believe the number two, pro hero texted like a normal twenty-some year old.
It was endearing, if not at the very least comforting.
 [you]: nah, just you tailfeathers 😉
[you]: i work tomorrow morning, opening shift. 6 am. think you can handle it???
 You giggled at your own texts, unable to hold back when you saw Hawks continuing to type. You quickly typed in a contact name.
 [tailfeathers]: E
[tailfeathers]: Z
[tailfeathers]: i’ll be there bright and early ;)
 Part of you, the rational, realistic part, doubted that. Sure, Hawks had texted you, but he wouldn’t actually show, right? He was a busy, busy man. He’d probably get sidetracked.
Don’t get your hopes up. 
 You tried to remain practical.
But, you also liked pushing your luck.
 [you]: see u then!!
[you]: btw your contact name is ‘tailfeathers’ 
[you]: ;)
 [tailfeathers]: what if i told you yours is ‘barista angel’
 [you]: i’d ask if you saw my name on that conveniently small piece of paper i gave you
 [tailfeathers]: i would say yes
[tailfeathers]: but idk angel seems like a more proper title for u 
You felt your still and heat rush to your face. 
He can’t be flirting with you over text. What the FUCK.
 [tailfeathers]: only angels can make coffee as well as u 😇
 “What a bastard,” You shook your head, sighing. Part of you was glad he made it more clear your identity was tied to coffee and not affections. 
 [you]: u flatter me
 [tailfeathers]: i only speak the truth ;)
 You bit your lip as you typed out the next reply, well aware that the evening sky had darkened and you needed an adequate amount of sleep to actually make it to that morning shift. 
 [you]: i’m about to knock out so i can actually be alive for my shift, but i’ll see you tomorrow bird boy
 Hawks’s replied quickly as seemed to be a trend with him. 
 [tailfeathers]: bird boy!!!!! 
[tailfeathers]: i’m moving up in the world
[tailfeathers]: see u then angel 
 As you got ready for bed, going about your mundane routine and preparing the coming day, you had no idea that Keigo was across the city, cradling his phone to his chest with a wobbling smile on his face, a foreign sensation filling his chest. 
He was very excited to see you again, even if it took a few days to get that far.
 The next day was indeed, terribly cold. Despite bundling up in a thick, woolen coat and a knit scarf, you nearly froze on the way to work. Despite the chill, the rest of the morning crew made it in just a few minutes after you.
“I’ll be in back until there’s a rush, alright?” You called to the three openers, all silly college students from the local university. They were all sort of dense, but they were loveable.
“Okay!” One smiled as they flitted to the front counter and seating area.
The back of the teashop was a smaller commercial kitchen, all steel tables and cooking implements. Lots of tools to actually do your job. Though you were the maker of the tea blends for the shop, a lot of your work consisted of packaging and fulfilling orders as well as design work for the teashop’s online presence. Truthfully, you were more of a jack-of-all-trades type of worker, but nearly all of it confined you to the safety of the back kitchen. The lack of stimuli made it easier to work effectively, quirk activated or otherwise.
You tied your apron tight around your waist, adjusting a few of your buttons and smoothing yourself down. The back remained frigid in the mornings, and you could only be glad you were layered up for the day. You pulled out your company-issued tablet and began tapping away with the stylus as the shop prepped to open.
You were too absorbed in your work to hear the bell at the entrance, just minutes after unlocking the door. 
 Keigo? Elated. His last week of hero work had been all long hours and late nights. His wings had grown sparse with overuse, barely carrying him properly through the skies. When he saw that his office day at his agency was due to be particularly cold, he knew it was the perfect excuse to give you a visit.
You hadn’t been constantly on his mind. Rather, you perked up in his thoughts semi-reliably, but briefly a few times a day. Most affections were forgettable, he didn’t have time for anything other than whorish trysts with other heroes and those of higher society who knew how to keep their mouths (somewhat) shut. 
Part of him, the part that the Commission’s ruthless training created, hated the way how you were sticking with him.
Another part of him, the kinder, softer, very repressed one, recognized his feelings and hid them safely. Vulnerable things required heavy protection.
 When Keigo reached the teashop, early as dawn crept over the urbanscape, he pushed the door open and was greeted by the rolling smell of roasted coffee beans and black tea.
Only a few other patrons were there, eyes wide as the top ten hero gave them a trademark wave, waltzing to the counter with his signature swagger.
The workers (none of them being you) gawked at him, jaws half to the floor.
“Hawks?!” One of them exclaimed. “Oh my god, can I get an autograph?!”
 (Keigo carried a few pens on him for occasions like this.)
 The worker, a young thing with a shock of short blue hair, wrestled under the counter for a notebook. Another of the workers also attempted to wrangle a bit of receipt paper from the fussy machine, flashing him a nervous smile.
“Of course, autographs are a given,” He winked at the two of them, sauntering up to the counter. “On one condition, though. Could you tell me if (Y/N) is working?”
The morning shifts workers proceeded to gawk more. 
 You sat deep in concentration, thoroughly organizing yourself for the day with lists and plans. You were only startled from your work when one of the other baristas popped her head back, eyes wide. 
“Uh, (Y/N), I know you’re busy, but Hawks is here for you?” She stammered, saying his name incredulously and pointing a shaking finger out at the counter.
You could hear his silky laugh just beyond the precipice. 
Your mouth quirked up in surprise. 
I didn’t expect him to actually come.
It was a pleasant surprise though, one that made your heart stutter in your chest.
You put down the tablet, making your way to the front of the shop.
Hawks leaned down on the front counter, signing various papers and items that the staff and patrons of the tea shop had given him. His smooth voice echoed beautifully around the shop, mixing with the din of the soft music that provided ambient sound. 
Thoroughly absorbed in his fan interaction, you leaned against the door frame, watching him as he had yet to notice you.
(You tried to look nonchalant, but it was probably a bit of ogling.)
Hawks’s scarlet wings appeared sparse, but still twitched and fluffed every few moments. He was dressed in his hero uniform, visor pushed up into the feathery, front bits of his hair. With all of his typical regalia on, he seemed out of place in the slow din of the coffee shop. He seemed to shine so brightly, making himself a focal point without even trying. 
Without the protection of his visor, Hawks’ honeyed eyes seemed brighter, luminous from the inside out. Even from your distance, you could watch their topazine shine dance in the soft lighting. 
His gaze drifted to you and positively lit up. 
(You didn’t think that was possible.)  
Your stomach fluttered.
“Well, if it isn’t (Y/N)!” Hawks beamed you a smile that could’ve put the sun to shame. It made something deep in your chest thrum. “For a minute there, I thought you’d pulled my leg about working today.”
“Oh, never, ” You grinned, moving directly in front of him at the counter, your shocked coworkers parting for you. “I tend to work in the back if the rest of our lovely staff is present.
You gestured to your very starstruck coworkers who all gave various gawking looks before falling away, shyness obviously overtaking them. 
It wasn’t like you weren’t feeling similarly, but your nervousness was better hidden. Facades were, in fact, a trained skill in maintaining and god, if you weren’t a master.
But, Keigo had his own mastery in spotting cracks in people’s veneers. And, easily, he saw your tension and nervousness. For anyone with less trained interpersonal skills, they wouldn’t have noticed a damn thing. But to Keigo? Your anxiety was as clear as the light you added to a room. A few of his feathers twitched, picking up on the rapid beating of your heart across from him. 
“What can I get you?” You asked, speaking through any of your fears, cracking him a genuine smile.
Keigo returned it without thought, chest warming.
“Mmm... Surprise me. Something to help me get my day started.” Keigo loved the way your eyes lit up when he talked, a little bit of knowingness between the two of you sparking. 
“Same specifications as before? Hot and sweet?” You asked, already grabbing a cup, flashing him a cheeky grin. 
Hawks raised an eyebrow, batting his eyelashes at you in a way that you couldn’t not laugh. He rested his elbows on the counter and leaned over the top of it, regarding you with half-lidded eyes, “You remember my preferences? I feel honored.”
“You should,” You winked. If he was going to shamelessly flirt, you would right back. 
 Truthfully, your personal attention made Keigo swoon like a goddamn schoolgirl. He could feel sweat growing on his palms, making the leather of his gloves stick. Normally, the sensation would’ve ticked his more anxiety-ridden tendencies into overdrive, but he could hardly focus on them. He was too busy watching you flit around behind the counter.
 “So,” You began, activating your quirk and beginning your process. “Why so few feathers? Get roughed up?”
Keigo chuckled, flexing what feathers he did have left for emphasis, “Basically. I have to give them a few days to regrow. A couple nasty days in a row means a couple days recovery.”
You hummed, turning to the espresso machine. Before pouring the shot, you gave him a little smile with the cutest quirk in your lips, “I’m sure you more than deserve the rest.”
 Oh, that made his proverbial dick swell.
Someone, a very nice, stranger barista, angel, telling him he deserved something kind? And, there wasn’t an edge of dishonesty in you. If anything, there was an earnestness in your quirk-blackened eyes that made Keigo nearly scared of the amount of vulnerability you gave him so freely.
He wondered if you showed that to all of your patrons. 
(You didn’t.) 
 You turned behind the counter, quirk activated and swirling. The familiar blending of your senses made your teeth ache and head burn with the overabundance of stimuli, but you worked through it. You reached through the external sensations to manifest your idea and feeling into a conceivable reality. 
You dumped any number of syrups and shots into the cup, placing it (and a lid) on the counter in front of Hawks. Warm smells of cardamom and cinnamon tickled both of your noses as you nodded down, “Let that cool for a sec, then give it a taste. I need a comprehensive review.”
Hawks plucked off one of his gloves, taking the steaming cup in his hand, looking down at the foam. His gaze flickered around the two of you, noting that the few civilians and coworkers once surrounding him had left you two with a small bit of privacy.
“What’s the inspiration for this one?” Hawks gave you a downright sweet, knowing look.
“Take a sip and guess,” You nodded down to the cup again, idly going to wipe down the counters with a rag slung in your apron.
Hawks blew on steaming liquid, throwing back his head to take a decently sized sip. You had to tear your gaze from the bob of his throat. 
  Keep it in your pants. 
 While you were suppressing being horny for the number two hero, Keigo was suppressing being horny for a fucking beverage. 
The flavor hit his tongue and throat and danced. It was warm, like the last one, spilling hearth-like heat into his chest and extremities. But, this drink tasted literally spiced, like it had some sort of pepper in it (according to Keigo’s untrained, pitiful palette). His wings ruffled, feathers rustling and twitching with the taste of the drink. Despite the heat flooding his body, the hairs on his arms and the back of his neck rose as waves of subtle pleasure rolled through Keigo’s body. 
He placed the cup back on the counter, staring you down with incredulity.
You, cutely cheeky as ever, just smiled and crossed your arms over your chest, “Are you a fan?”
“It’s... spicy. How. Why. Is this even coffee?” Hawks asked. Despite his questioning, he took another sip, shuddering at the comforting heat it gave him. 
“There’s coffee in it, or, espresso,” You couldn’t help feeling a bit smitten with the way Hawks looked at you. Disbelief wasn’t an expression you saw many heroes wear, especially not one with a reputation like Hawks’s. Yet, there he was, in front of you, staring at his cup like you just served him battery acid and grass. 
“If that’s the case, gimme the rundown, angel,” Hawks peeled off his other glove, setting the pair on the counter. He surprised you as he shrugged off his lined jacket, plopping down in a nearby stool.
You hadn’t ever really seen this much of Hawks, not in his hero uniform anyways. Plenty of him was available for viewing due to his various modeling ventures, but seeing him in the flesh was far better. The black shirt of his hero costume stretched over the lean, sculpted muscles of his arms. He certainly wasn’t built in the same way other top heroes were, but from what you could see (read: drool over), Hawks certainly wasn’t lacking—
“See something you like?” Hawks raised an eyebrow while taking another sip,  devilish curl to his lips.
You really wished you had the bodily control to stop the red flush that grew on your face.
“SO —!” You laughed, diverting back to the drink at hand. “The drink.”
“Wonderful deflection,” Hawks set the cup down, still smirking. “So, the drink .”
Your fingers tapped at the countertop, living your blush down with a lack of eye contact. 
  He gets stared at all the time, chill out. 
Dude probably likes it, (Y/N).
 “The drink is a dirty chai, with some editions, of course.” You jerked your head back to the wall of tea blends, the familiar ebbing away from of your embarrassment. “We have a couple of different chai blends that I make in house. Several different chai concentrates too.”
“Forgive me, but a dirty chai?” Hawks teased.
“Wow, weak jab there, Hawks, ” You rolled your eyes. Hawks just continued to beam at you, swinging his legs behind the counter. “I gave you an oatmilk,  ginger chai with three shots of espresso and a few other secret touches. I wanted to make it warm again for you.”
 Keigo paused at your admission, (not-so) secretly reveling in your poorly contained embarrassment. Perhaps it was a bit cruel, but his job did carry some wonderful perks and he’d be damned to not enjoy them. 
“It feels like a different kind of warm, compared to last time,” Keigo took another taste to confirm. The spiced liquid flooded his palette again, skin pleasantly prickling at the taste. 
 You hummed, refusing to fully make eye contact with Hawks. 
Truthfully, you spent an embarrassing amount of time since the night prior thinking about potential sensations to emulate for Hawks. You were never sure of what type of vibe he would request, but having an arsenal of ideas made you feel more prepared to impress your new clientele. 
“I made it feel like dawn,” You replied, nodding to out of the fully-windowed front of the tea shop. The district you were located in was lit up by the golds and pinks of the early morning, stretching and awakening with the new day. “I wanted it to feel like how morning sun feels on your bare skin. All like... tingly, you know? Like... seeing someone you haven't seen in a long time. ”
 Keigo immediately noticed your bashfulness after you gave your description. In the same way as last time, the vulnerability of your manifested feelings left you warm and shy for him. 
You picked at a loose string on your apron, gaze directed down and away.  With his obscured view of your face, he could see the way you softly bit your lip, eyes occasionally raking him up and down and that retreating. Keigo could feel your pounding heart and slow, deep breaths. 
Keigo was whipped and he hardly knew you. He was so fucked.
You were too fucking cute. It was fucking illegal. It had to be. 
Keigo had been with sexy. He’d been with unattainable. He’d been with women and men who looked like they were crafted by gods as tempters and devils. It was all pleasure and Keigo knew it like the back of his hand. He got hedonistic bliss when he wanted it and he did so very, very well.
What Keigo was entirely unfamiliar with was the gooey, fluttery feeling in his chest as you finally looked up at him to smile and nod to the drink, “So, what do you think?”
Keigo’s brain fizzled, rendered into goo. If he didn’t have years of interpersonal training, he was sure he wouldn’t have been able to speak with his own revelations. Luckily, he was able to laugh off his internal stickiness, taking another greedy sip.
“Absolutely flawless, wonderful craftsmanship, (Y/N),” Keigo bowed his head dramatically. 
 You giggled at Keigo’s drama, missing the way how his cheeks lit up for you. 
Hawks dug in his pocket, pulling out a huge wad of bills and started to slide it across the counter, “This is a tip. All for you.”
You stared, horrified at the amount of money Hawks passed to you like it was nothing. Without thinking, you placed your hand on top of his, stopping his motion. Both of you stiffened pleasantly at the sudden, small contact. 
“That’s too much, Hawks, no,” You shook your head, but Hawks was a stubborn, insistent bastard. 
His wings fluffed up behind him, a feather moving quickly between your hands and pushing your up and away.
“What the fuck.” You half-groaned. Hawks fully passed the money across the counter, hiding his hands and feathers in his lap with a Panish smirk stretched across his face.
“Take it, or I tattle on you, easy trade,” Hawks shrugged, leaning his elbows on the counter and drinking deeply. He pulled away from his beverage with a relaxed-looking smile as you remained fluster.
(Holy fuck, you touched Hawks’s bare hand and it was so NICE—)
You could feel the eyes of your coworkers, staring at the money like some Olympic medal. You were well-aware that there was no way Hawks was taking back his money and you knew your coworkers would be too scared to ask for a cut. 
You gulped, taking the cash and tucking it into your apron pocket.
“You don’t need to bribe me to make you nice drinks, Hawks, it’s literally my job,” You told him gently.
Hawks raised an eyebrow, shrugging, “Accept it as a little treat on the side. A gift of my appreciation.”
You couldn’t argue with that, so you relented with a smile, shaking your head. 
And the two of your dissolved into easy conversation. Hawks told you about the most recent gigs he had been a part of. A modeling contract for a new skincare company and a sponsorship with a few other local heroes for a sports beverage were the most interesting. You were sure he was just humoring you, unable to tell you the nitty-gritty details of his life. Yet, he seemed happy to speak and listen besides. He chattered away, in the way birds do, sing-song, and free-flowing. 
Hawks was hardly a bird of prey, you realized. He was much more of a cockatoo type. 
You told him more about the tea shop, about your role and job. As you explained about the basics of different types of tea, you could literally see the far off way Hawks looked at you. It wasn’t of distraction, like spacing out, no. It was a look that hadn’t been directed at you in some time. You silently and quickly studied it and came to the nerve-wracking conclusion that the cute blush on his cheeks and half-lidded eyes and relaxed shoulders was fucking captivation, borderline adoration.
How the fuck were you supposed to deal with that?
(Keigo wasn’t sure either.)
 Luckily, neither of you planned on doing anything to stop your mutually budding feelings.  
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emeraldwaves · 6 years
Title: In Which We Burn Together Angst Week Day 1 Pairing:  Todomomo Rating: M Word Count:  1,662 Read on Ao3 Summary:  
Todoroki Shouto has never believed in soulmates. Why should he? It didn't work for his parents, so he doesn't expect it to work for him, especially when he can't even remember what his now burned off mark looks like.
Full fic under the cut! For @bnha-angst-week !! Day 1 Betrayal // Apologies! Thank you to @its-love-u-asshole for betaing! <3
It burned; like an explosive, supernova star, expanding over his eye and forehead. It seared his skin and Shouto was certain he screamed. No sound hit his ears however, momentarily deaf as the scalding water poured over him.
For a moment right before, he locked eyes with his mother. Her gray irises trembled with fear, with true loathing for him, for her son. Deep down there was a part of him that knew why.
He didn't blame her.
She fell to her knees directly in front of him, his body trembling. "Shouto..." she whimpered. "My son, my boy..." she gasped, the spell finally broken if only for a moment.
His body heaved, sobs slipping from his lips, his hand pressed to his burned eye. He reached for her then, as any child would reach for their mother. Though she was the one who inflicted this pain, he wanted her comfort. The small boy loved his mother, more than anyone else in his life.
Todoroki Rei gasped then, her fingers gently wrapping around the boy's tiny wrist. Her fingers brushed over his smooth skin where the tiny roses lined the inside curve of his wrist. It was where everyone's soulmarks resided, but his mother trembled, looking at the small flowers.
"I won't... allow you to suffer this pain I have felt," she whispered and grabbed the kettle. Steam rose from it, the water inside boiling as she began to pour it over his skin once more.
He yelped, attempting to pull his hand back, but the liquid burned his wrist, and he stared with his one good eye, tears flowing down his cheek.
It was the last time he could make out what his soulmark was. The roses disappeared into his burned flesh; forever scarred and washed away.
"Todoroki-san! What's your soulmark?!"
It was rude to ask, but it didn't stop people from doing so. Most people wore tiny bracelets, covering up the spot, but bratty teens needed to know, and oftentimes they shared with one another.
"Don't have one," he said bluntly. It was a question he heard plenty of times, one he always gave the same answer to. All the conversations were the same. They were always just like this.
"What?! But everyone has a soulmark!"
"I don't."
Todoroki Shouto did not believe in soulmates. He knew they existed, he wasn't a fool, but he didn't necessarily believe in their legitimacy.
Admittedly, the idea baffled him somewhat. One person the universe decided they were supposed to be with? How did the universe know? Ridiculous. And more often than not, it was most likely wrong.
After all, it hadn't worked for his parents.
The rest of the world however, was absolutely obsessed with the concept. The first day of elementary school kids ran around flashing their wrists. In middle school, everyone traded soulmarks, excited their potential person could exist in their class.
Shouto brushed his finger over the scar on his wrist. The skin was taut, scarred and burned forever. By now, he couldn't even remember what his soulmark looked like. It was impossible to see under the scarring of his skin. He recalled it was some sort of flower, not very unique. So he let it go, never participating in conversations.
"So are you quirkless?" There were rumors that those who were quirkless didn't have soulmarks, but there was no known truth to it.
"So you must-"
And with that, Shouto would eventually flash them his wrist to get them to shut up, but not before apologies poured from their lips.
All the conversations were the same. He just wanted people to leave him alone.
He truly hoped U.A. would be different. They were going to be pro heroes and that should be their focus. He didn't care about romance or soulmarks.
Shouto took a seat at his assigned desk in the back of the room. This was perfect; unassuming. Hopefully he could avoid being called on and maybe everyone else would leave him alone too. He could actually focus on his goal of becoming a pro hero.
A girl sat down next to him, and he glanced towards the side. He recognized her from the recommendation exam; Yaoyorozu Momo.
She was tall, black hair fanning out behind the back of her head. Her skin was pale, smooth, and her dark eyes were focused as she pulled out a notebook, setting a variety of pens and pencils next to it. She was quite beautiful, and the thought alone made Shouto fight off a blush.
She nodded once and turned to the side, catching his eye. "Ah! Todoroki-san! I remember you from the recommendation exam. Ah-... I mean who couldn't!" she smiled, nervously tucking her hair behind her ear. "Your quirk is incredible! Oh goodness," she gasped softly and bowed her head. "I'm Yaoyorozu Momo."
"I know," he said flatly.
"Oh! You do? Wow! I-I apologize for implying you might forget!" she stammered, completely thrown off he remembered who she was. Her finger slipped under her soulmark bracelet, gently moving the digit back and forth under the small band. A nervous habit, most likely.
"You don't have to apologize for that," he stated. She knew nothing about him, as far as she knew, he could possibly be a very forgetful person.
"Right! Sorry! Ah... I mean... never mind..." she said.
He glanced towards her notebook and pens, impressed by how organized she was. He did recall her being incredibly talented with her quirk, something with creation?
"I'm sorry for bothering you," she said, bowing her head again to turn away from him.
He thought to stop her from apologizing, but decided it would be much better if people would leave him alone.
At first, it seemed like the topic of soulmarks wasn't going to rear its ugly head, but then one day, about a month or so into their schooling, Ashido Mina, one of the louder girls in the class, couldn't keep her big mouth shut.
"WHAT!?" she gasped, cupping her cheeks. "Tooru-chan!" she said, grabbing the invisible girl's hands. "How will you know your soulmate if you're always invisible!?!"
So it was beginning.
"Oh don't worry," she giggled, "I have plenty of pictures at home from when I was a baby. Or maybe..." she paused, as if for dramatic effect, "my soulmate will have an invisible soulmark!" Both girls giggled.
"How silly, Tooru-chan! That would be pretty amazing!" Ashido immediately jumped towards Yaoyorozu beside him, reaching around to slide up her sleeve.
"Yaomomo! What about you? You've never talked about your soulmark with us!"
Shouto was honestly thankful he was never around when they talked about this before.
Jolting, Yaoyorozu immediately tugged her sleeve back down. "It's rude to ask people about their soulmarks, Mina-chan," she said softly. Her finger slipped back under the band, gently rubbing it back and forth once more. Her nail gently stroked at her own skin. Shouto saw Yaoyorozu do it a few times, so perhaps it really was a nervous habit.
"We all have them! And how are we supposed to know who our soulmates are if we don't ask! Eiji-kun and I knew ours matched at the beginning of middle school!" she said, looking rather proud. "Everyone here is so boring! I bet you won't tell me your soulmark either, Todoroki-san!" she teased, leaning over Yaoyorozu's desk.
He froze. Instead of answering, he kept his gaze forward, hoping if he ignored her long enough she would go away.
"To-do-ro-ki-san~" she hummed, calling his name once more. "Show me your soulmark!"
Was this girl simply bored? If she knew she and Kirishima were soulmates, why did she care about other people's soulmarks? Why couldn't people just mind their own damn business?
He opened his mouth to tell her off, tired of his classmates antics, when Yaoyorozu spoke up before he could.
"Mina-chan! Don't bother our classmates! School should be about school!" Yaoyorozu said, adjusting her sleeves and smoothing her hand over her notebook. "We are going to be pro heroes. There is no reason to worry about soulmarks right now."
Finally, an intelligent person. There was a reason he voted for her to be class president.
"What if he wants to show me?!" she argued.
"I don't," Shouto said, his tone blunt, his multi-colored eyes dark as he stared at her. "I don't want to show it to anyone."
"S-See Mina-chan," Yaoyorozu stammered, her dark eyes meeting Shouto's.
"Why not?!" she whined. "Did you already sleep with them and get the full mark? Maybe you’re just embarrassed!"
He froze. No one had ever accused him of that, especially not in middle school. When a person found their soulmate, if they chose to have sex, the act would create a bond. Their soulmark would appear on the other side of their wrist, conjoining the two marks to create a bracelet of sorts. It often was a way to mark who had and hadn’t found their soulmates.
"No. I don't believe in soulmates," he stated flatly, wanting to rid them of any horrible rumors they could potentially spread. Something flashed across Yaoyorozu's dark eyes, but he couldn't place the emotion. Disappointment? Understanding? ...Pity?
"What?! Who doesn't believe in soulmates?!" she exclaimed loudly. "There's evidence right here on our wrists!" she yelled, tapping at her skin directly below her bracelet.
"Mina-chan! I get the feeling Todoroki-san doesn't want to talk about this," Yaoyorozu said, gently pushing the girl back away from her desk. Her striking, dark eyes shimmered apologetically. "We really must focus on our studies."
"Ugh," Ashido groaned. "I guess this is why you're ranked so high..." she said, plodding back to her seat.
Shouto couldn't help but curve the corner of his lip up into the tiniest of smiles. As far as people in the class went, he thought Yaoyorozu was probably one of the more tolerable ones there.
Yes, Yaoyorozu Momo was alright.
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cynthiajayusa · 7 years
Kelly Clarkson Talks Artistic Liberation, Confronting Anti-LGBT Parents
During her 15-year career as your friendly pop spirit-lifter, Kelly Clarkson has prescribed a cheap alternative to therapy: anthemic pick-me-ups like “Since U Been Gone” and “People Like Us,” songs that impel a transcendental, fist-raised state.
Late-night Facebook Live sessions are also her thing, and recently, the American Idol alum geeked out like she’d just won “Idol” all over again about her soulful rebirth, Meaning of Life, released on her new label, Atlantic Records. It was just Clarkson chillin’ on the couch with a glass of red wine that was much deserved, considering the artistic sacrifices she had to make post-“Idol,” when she felt creatively stagnate as a Top 40 machine for RCA Records. But aside from a fat glass of red, Clarkson has other strong urges too.
Due, in part, to her simply being so damn cool, Clarkson – who drowned the world in their own tears right along with her own as she was crowned the inaugural “Idol” winner in 2002 – tells me she feels so compelled to stick up for her LGBT besties she literally wants to go door-to-door and talk some sense into her friends’ homophobic parents.
Because her friends ask her not to, she doesn’t. But here, with the ever-outspoken and now-artistically-liberated Clarkson leaving almost no opinion unturned, the Texas native makes that point loud and clear. Before getting back to being a mom to River Rose, 3, and Remington Alexander, 1, as well as husband Brandon Blackstock’s kids Seth and Savannah from a previous relationship, Clarkson spoke like one. Even her simple “diva” request – a “pretty dress to sing in” – is enough to make you wish you were on that couch with her and a bottle of Pinot.
Mariah, P!NK, Kesha – so many female artists have gone through the creative struggles you have.
Oh, every artist. It’s so not unique in any way.
How good does it feel to finally be yourself artistically?
It just feels freeing to make an entire project and, in its entirety, I’m 100 percent excited about it. There wasn’t any compromise. It’s how I feel the creative industry should feel. There’s nothing like working on something you’re so proud of.
Please tell me you at least got a little sloppy at a gay club to celebrate the end of your contract with RCA.
(Laughs) Brother, I got four kids and a career, I ain’t got time to go to clubs! I’m rockin’ a 1-, 3-, 10- and 16 year-old, man. You know what club I go to? The club of playing board games with my family��which, actually, I love.
Plus, you have your farm just outside Nashville. You’ve got chickens to raise!
We’ve got our chickens, our honeybees, and our orchard. We love our farm.
Have you sent RCA Records head Clive Davis a copy of the album?
(Laughs) Be like, “This is what I was wanting to do this whole time!” Yeah, no. (Laughs) You know what’s so sad: I was so excited to work with him. You have no idea. He worked with so many of my favorites: Janis (Joplin), and he worked with Bruce Springsteen way back in the day. All these artists who were very innovative in their time, and I was so excited. That’s been one of the saddest points for me in this industry – just figuring out that someone I really look up to just was not what they seemed. That was a pretty big blow. I was pretty sad about that. Like, we don’t always need to meet our heroes.
In some ways, your story of artistic suppression is relatable to the LGBT community. As an ally, do you recognize that affinity?
Talking with my gay or lesbian friends over the years, I can’t imagine. I’ve always said I can’t imagine not being able to be myself in and out. And, yes, while I can relate a bit musically to feeling like you’re going over massive hurdles to try and get to a compromise that you’re happy with, that’s nothing in comparison to hearing my friends talk about (being gay), especially in the South where I grew up, and then the faith thing comes into play.
I had one friend wait, and this is the saddest thing ever: I don’t think she ever felt comfortable in her skin because her parents were older. So, they passed away and then she finally felt free. I thought, “What a horrible feeling to have to wait until people aren’t around to be yourself.” I could never ever relate to that. I feel horrible that anybody has to go through that. It’s almost like when people ask me about other artists who have all these shticks about them and I’m like, “Oh God that would weigh on me if I had to keep that up, if I had to keep doing shit to make everyone happy.”
Walking onto the stage in, like, a pretty dress to sing, that’s really the extent of my diva, or just my experience on the stage. I’ve always just been very simple. Even in situations, musically, where I really had to fight or jump through hoops, I still was able to be myself, which I think people didn’t like because I was very open. But I have to do that. I have to express myself. Literally, I would go in such a downward spiral of depression if I weren’t able to, and that’s why, honestly, a lot of friends, especially who are gay and lesbian, felt that way. I pray to God my children never have to feel that, that people around me don’t have to feel that. I always hope that I’m always the one person going, “If they’re upset about it, screw it. It’s your life. You can’t “not” be you. You can’t suffer just because you’re trying to make somebody else happy. That’s not a life.”
That sounds exactly like something Kelly Clarkson would say. And I wonder, as someone who has this large, far-reaching platform, what does it mean to you to be an LGBT ally, and when did you know you had the power to be one?
I always laugh at the concept that people are like, “We just love what you say; that’s why we love you,” and I’m like, “Why is everyone not like that?” That’s what boggles my mind. Why would you not say what you want to say?
(In our last interview you) asked me if my daughter or son, or any of the four, ended up being gay, how would I take that, and I’d be like, “Awesome!” Honestly, in a world that is so hateful sometimes, I don’t care where my kids find love. Hopefully with a loving and respectful and kind person, but I don’t care if they’re a boy or a girl. It just doesn’t make a damn bit of difference to me.
I do want my children to fall in love with people who are loving, but I feel like our priorities are silly-ass backwards. Like, I want to go to my friends’ parents who just don’t want to talk about it. They know, but are like, “We just can’t talk about it,” which is so demeaning to their (children’s) existence. And I want to knock on their door – I don’t, because (my friends) ask me not to (laughs) – and be like, “Do you know you’re missing out on an exceptional human because you can’t get past your own ignorance? It’s just silly to me that you want to miss out.” I want to tell them, “I didn’t have a dad and it had nothing to do with me being gay – it had to do with, he was a shitty guy. And you have the opportunity now to not be that parent and embrace your child. That’s your DNA. You love your children. What’s wrong with you?” It just makes me so mad, more so than anything.
This past June, you helped two gay fans get engaged during one of your meet-and-greets.
Oh my gosh, it was exciting. But I was nervous! Like, what if he was gonna say no?! (Laughs)
How would you live that down?
Literally, before I was like, “Wait. I do not want to be put in this situation where this guy might say no. Are you sure he’s gonna say yes?” And he goes, “Well, I hope so!” He was nervous. I probably didn’t help any. (Laughs)
Do you hope gay couples just start routinely getting engaged in front of you?
I was like, “I need to get ordained!”
For the sake of gay couples everywhere, why are you not?
I don��t know if that would be authenticated! I don’t know if people would question that! One of our friends – my husband also manages Blake Shelton – was like, “I wanna marry y’all” and I was like, “I want it to be, like, credible. You don’t actually have a following, or a church!
I have a feeling people would go to the Church of KC. 
Oh, Lord, that would be a funny church.
So, as much as I love talking about music, it’s hard not to acknowledge the screwy state of the world during interviews these days.
Yeah, everything is obviously impacted by it.
How are you? I know you’ve always stood up for what you believe in, but in this politically divisive climate, do you feel an even greater responsibility to stand up for the things that are important to you?
The hard thing for me, specifically: I always hate when people bring up, “Oh, you’re a celebrity, you shouldn’t have an opinion.” The hard thing in that for me is, I’m not just that. I’m a mother, I’m a daughter, I’m a woman. And it took a long time and a lot of women to pioneer that way for me, to even have a voice. So, for me to not use that is so disrespectful to those before me who worked so hard for it. For me to not take advantage of that seems like a cruel irony.
Why would I not voice my opinion as a mother? Why can’t I say this is a really hard time to have a 10- and 16-year-old, guys? Because I don’t know what to tell them when they hear certain things on TV.  They’re smart enough to know what’s going on. I can’t hide them from that. So, it’s a very hard time to explain things away. It’s a very hard time to have the discussion about any kind of bigotry or racism or elitism. It’s a very hard time because a lot of things are happening that are making crazy, insane, irrational moments normal, and it’s a very hard time to raise kids in that environment. Forget me even being a celebrity. As a mother – just as a mother – it’s a very hard time.
I’m glad, at least, that everything is all coming to the forefront because it’s now pointing out – like, I had no idea we had white supremacists. I have never come across people like that. Not even as a child in a small town in the South, and even then, that town has blossomed and they’re more progressive now.
It’s 2017 – why are we still having these conversations? But we’re having them because they do exist, and it’s insane. It’s insane that somebody just doesn’t go, “Oh, I’m sorry, but yeah, we don’t want that here. You should go somewhere else. This is a country of many cultures, many faiths, and open-mindedness. That is why people came here.” It’s amazing to me that we just don’t have grown-ass men and women in the public eye of politics going, “Absolutely not. I’m not even having this conversation because that’s not even OK. There’s no way to validate what just happened.”
Reflecting on all your work for RCA: Which album are you most and least proud of?
The album I’m most proud of in that whole section is the Christmas album (2013’s Wrapped in Red), and that’s just because it was 100 percent me. It was Christmas and it was OK for me to make decisions (laughs). They let (producer) Greg (Kurstin) and I do whatever we wanted, so it was a lot easier to accomplish my goal with that album.
My least favorite? Man, I mean, maybe my least favorite was my first one (2003’s Thankful). I just say that because of the experience. I was very young and very excited about making a record. It was my first time doing all of that, and it was also my first time realizing, “This is gonna be really hard because there are so many cooks in the kitchen and they don’t care that you’re not allowed to be one.” It was my first experience in the industry going, “Oh, wait, this isn’t what I thought it was gonna be like.” So my ignorance led to that and me being young and excited, I guess. Not that I don’t love the album – it’s just that I didn’t love finding that out.
Do you ever get tired of singing your first single, 2002’s “A Moment Like This”?
I never sing it! Because the song wasn’t meant for me – it was meant for the winner. I never would’ve been like, “This is a great record” (laughs). I get the moment it was for. That was the perfect song for that moment. I totally address that, but that song doesn’t fit in my tour setlist.
It still takes me back every time I hear it.
Totally. The nostalgia. For me too. It was a beautiful moment. I’m very thankful and blessed for it. But it wasn’t a song that was meant for me. They just wrote it for whomever was gonna win, so that doesn’t make me feel special. (Laughs)
With Meaning of Life, your hair on the album cover is giving me some serious Mariah vibes.
That Drew Barrymore-to-the-side-’90s vibe, yeah – it’s completely calculated. (Laughs) I literally was like, “I want the hair for this album to be talking to God.” It fits with the record. It’s so sassy and confident and diva in the best sense, and so I really wanted that ’90s hair. All my inspiration photos were of ’90s hair. Whether it’s the artwork or the music, everything on this album is influenced by the ’90s, which was my favorite time in music.
From “Since U Been Gone” on through “People Like Us” and “I Have a Dream,” your anthems have been empowering to LGBT people. What song on this album do you hope becomes the next big gay anthem?
It’s always my gay boys who come up and go, “Oh my god, I love ‘Whole Lotta Woman.’” And it’s so funny, because I’m like, that is so ironic and amazing! (Laughs)
Based solely on the track’s name, not even the fact that it’s a celebratory anthem, you can’t possibly be that surprised.
(Laughs) Honestly, I didn’t think about it! But then we performed it impromptu at the “Today” show just for the audience there in New York – not for the televised show, just for the audience – and it was so funny because all the gay boys were dancing more than anyone, even more than the women! It was so fun. It’s such a fun audience that just loves sass and confidence, and I just love being surrounded by an audience with that kind of energy.
That song definitely shut downs, once and for all, your social-media shamers. What advice do you have for LGBT people who experience the bullying that you’ve experienced?
We have a 16-year-old girl and a grown-ass woman was being horrible to her. She was just being hateful and passive-aggressive online and I had to be real with (my daughter). I said, “This is gonna happen so often, so this would be a good time to learn to take the high road. Block them or whatever you want to do to not see it, if you don’t want to see it.”
Bullying is gonna happen, so we tell our kids, “That’s gonna happen. I can’t protect you from that. There’s nothing we can do about that. There are no bullying cops.” It’s an epidemic that’s horrible and it needs to be addressed, but at the same time, when you have kids coming to you, I just have to teach her to rise above it.
It’s one of those things I always describe to fans, too, in meet-and-greets because they always ask, “How are you so confident?” It’s because, at the end of the day, I really don’t care about anyone’s opinion but mine and the people I know who love me and really do want the best for me. You can’t base your entire existence and every decision off how people are gonna feel about it. That’s a giant check list; there’s a lot of us. (Laughs) So, just be happy with your decisions, and sometimes know you’re gonna be successful and sometimes you’re gonna fail. And whatever. At least you were steering your ship.
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/11/30/kelly-clarkson-talks-artistic-liberation-confronting-anti-lgbt-parents/ from Hot Spots Magazine http://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2017/11/kelly-clarkson-talks-artistic.html
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