#yes she looks weird. it's because of a tattoo/makeup mod
tskva-happens · 1 year
Why are people wasting time hating on BG3 companions when we can hate on... (spoilers for the area near the Githyanki creche)
...Lady Eugenicist over here???
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nostalgiaispeace · 6 years
1. You’re seeing someone (but not dating them officially yet). You’re about to meet each other for another date, and they walk up to you with a GIANT hickey on their neck. How do you react?: i’d be weirded out tbh 2. Your best friend is having a party to celebrate a big achievement they made. However, your significant other invites you out on a date and they say it’ll be very special. Who do you chose, and why?: my best friends don’t live near me so i’d probably go with my husband. 3. You’re in a grocery store, and you spot a $50 bill on the ground. No one else is around, and no one would know if you took it for yourself. What do you do?: take it. 4. Your best friend is in a relationship. They constantly cheat on their partner, which makes you upset. One day, their partner comes to you and says they suspect your best friend of cheating. They want to know if you have any information about that. What do you tell them?: probably would tell them to talk to their partner and then tell my best friend she needs to tell them.
5. You want to give yourself a make-over before you see your friends at school/work again. You decide to dye your hair, get a body mod (either a tattoo and/or piercing, can be moderate like an ear piercing or more wild like a medusa piercing), and try some new make-up. What color do you dye your hair, what mod do you get, and what does your make-up experiment look like?: red; tattoo; cat eyes 6. You overhear one of your co-workers talking about how they constantly steal from the company, but no one knows it. You really dislike this co-worker because they’re constantly slacking off, and they don’t treat you very well. What do you do with this bit of information you just heard?: tell the manager. 7. One of your friends goes out of their way to change their appearance. They decide to try an entirely new look. They come to you and ask you what you think afterwards. Unfortunately, you think they look terrible and that this new look is completely unflattering. However, they LOVE it. What do you say to them?: I wouldn’t care if it made them happy. 8. You’re picking out a ring at the jewelry store to be engraved. Once you pick it out, the jeweler takes it from the case and heads to the back room to engrave it. You notice she left the case unlocked and open, making it extremely easy to take anything from inside it. There’s no cameras, and no one is around. What do you do?: nothing. 9. Your significant other leaves the room to go to the bathroom. You notice they left their cellphone on the nightstand, unguarded. A text arrives from one of their exes. Do you look at the phone?: if it was his ex, yeah lol 10. Someone offers you a million dollars to get a name tattooed on you. It can be any name, even your own. Whose name do you get tattooed on you, and why?: Marilyn Monroe. because she’s everything. 11. You’re walking past a middle school and notice a boy no older than twelve being teased and bullied by a group of older kids. You’re an adult, but you’re alone. Do you try to stop the older kids? Why or why not?: yes; because that’s bullshit if i walked away. 12. At your job, an attractive new assistant manager was just hired. You’re single, and have been for a while. You notice the manager subtly hitting on you, and finally offers their number. Do you take the opportunity for a relationship, even though they’re your superior?: i’m not sure.......i’m married and he’s the only person i ever truly dated so i have no idea tbh 13. One of your best female friends finds out she’s pregnant. Her boyfriend has just left her, and she has no money to support a baby, let alone herself. She comes to you for advice on what to do with the pregnancy. What do you tell her is best?: tell her to do what’s best for her. 14. You catch your significant other in bed with another person who you don’t recognize. Who do you yell at first, and why? What do you say?: i’d be in shock and probably run and leave...probably wouldn’t yell until later...i don’t want to even think about this wtf 15. You’re on a first date with someone. They’re cute and all, but their personality drives you up a wall and you really want to leave. However, they seem REALLY into you. How do you end this date?: tell them i want to go home? 16. The person you dislike (maybe even hate) the most is across the street from you, texting on their phone and not paying attention to the world around them. They begin to cross a busy street. It looks clear, but when they look down to text again, a few cars start coming at quick speeds. This person still doesn’t look up or pay attention; they’re engrossed in their phones. Do you sit back and let them get hit, or do you do something? What do you do?: I’d yell for them to move 17. You’re at the mall and you notice your best friend’s significant other holding hands with their preferred sex. They seem pretty close to that person, and then you see them start kissing. What do you do?: tell my best friend. 18. You’re at a party and everyone is smoking and drinking. You really want to have a good time, but you’re having trouble opening up. Someone offers you a pill and says it’ll make you open up. Do you take it? What do you say?: no 19. You’ve been dating someone for a little over two months. You like them a lot, but you wouldn’t say it’s love just yet. They come to you one day and say they have a surprise you’ll love. They lift up their shirt and show you that they tattooed your name on their stomach with a heart around it. How do you react?: i’d tell them they’re dumb. 20. Your older sibling is a notorious d-bag. They lead people on just to get into their pants, then brag to their friends about it the next day. One of your friends expresses romantic interest in your sibling, and your sibling starts using their typical romantic BS talk on them to try and get into their pants. You try explaining to your friend how your sibling is an asshole d-bag, but they seem to think you’re lying. What do you do?: i don’t have an older sibling. 21. One of your very good friends expresses romantic interest in you. However, you are far from interested in them. They keep hinting at going out with you. They flirt with you, they buy you cutesy things, and start telling their friends that you and them are “practically a couple”. What do you do about this?: this has happened to me and i told them to back the fuck off. 22. You’re at the library. You notice a teenage girl in the corner crying. She’s dressed in all black, with black lipstick and a spiked collar. To you, she looks a wee bit threatening with her style. Do you approach her and ask what’s wrong anyway?: yes...and that look isn’t even threatening wtf 23. You’re a sophomore in high school. While in one of your elective classes, you see one of the seniors in the back of the room showing one of their friends a small handgun they have. Do you report it? Why or why not?: yes; because that’s fucked up. 24. You’re interested in someone new, and you tell your best friend about it. However, you notice your best friend starts flirting with this new person, even after you told them that you were going to talk to them. How do you react?: i’d be pissed probably? 25. Your younger sister, who is 10, comes up to you and asks for information about diet and exercise. When you ask why she wants to know, she tells you that she wants to go on a diet because she thinks she’s overweight. She also wants to start shaving and wearing makeup, because she thinks “boys will like her better” if she does. What advice do you give her?: I’d tell her that she’s too young to worry about such things.
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