#yes im tracing references and ill probably never stop
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Wanted to draw a lot of pictures but I can't keep stuff in secret so have it before I give up its 1am I gotta shower
#yes my ibis background is pink i dont know why i did it but im too lazy to change it#ssoblr#star stable online#star stable tumblr#starstable#sso#sso oc#sso art#star stable art#starshine legacy#odette nobledew#is the name vermilion too badass for this horse or does it instantly lead you to think of slipknot because i like the song#bbut everyone i know thinks slipknot is for posers#whay am i saying to only hoodie i wear has a slipknot logo#i am physically unable to name horses#yes im tracing references and ill probably never stop#im sorey but im srupid and its easy#i cant spell#thats a quote from some tiktok video probably#its not easy tho i still remain stupid#i hate the side profile her jaw is too square ish it makes her look like the gigachad meme#idk if ill finish this i really want ro but i really hate drawing and only thing i hate more is nor drawing#does anyone even read these#i cant draw curly hair but you gotta believe me odettes hair is curly#and her tattoos should have porcelaim like flower motives im just lazy and unskilled
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I want you to love me now
read on ao3!
Word Count: 3,489
Pairing: Seonghwa/Hongjoong
Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Feelings Realization, Past Relationship(s), Getting Back Together, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Chatting & Messaging, seonghwa jus wants to be held..., and thats exactly what hongjoong will do!!, Kissing, Angst with a Happy Ending, Happy Ending, Not Beta Read
Seonghwa didn't know who he had expected to be there at Yunho's movie night marathon. All he was told by Yeosang was that he had invited a couple friends over. He had never thought he'd find himself reunited with the very person that taught him what love really was, and to have a chance at it again.
Seonghwa knew what love was. He knew about it before he was even in preschool.
His mother and father, holding hands as they stared into each other's eyes, whispering confessions before giving a peck on the lips to eachother, waving goodbye as one of them left.
His mother and fathers thumbs caressing eachothers hands, sitting on the couch as his fathers arms enveloped his mothers frame, both content, both warm.
His mother and father, in love.
He saw it every day. He knew what love was.
He was told in class once that being in love would be when hes most happiest. He was told in class once that being in love was what everyone wanted. He was told in class once that being in love felt like you were a firework, about to be ignited, and when you saw the person you loved, you would light up, and felt like as if your body was on fire.
He was told about it every day. He knew what love was.
It wasn't until Seonghwa reached his senior years in high school that he contemplated love. Looking back, he had never really felt what people told him love felt like. He had had his fair shares of relationships, and by the way he felt absolutely downtrodden after his breakup with a guy in his class two years ago, he really had thought he had been in love. But maybe... it was just infatuation? Maybe an oblivious case of puppy love.
He remembered the day clearly.
It was stormy, the rain pouring down as Seonghwa looked out the window of the library. He had came here to study, as his last exam was coming up and he couldnt afford to fail. His scholarship depended on it.
He sat alone at a table, the librarian allowing him to keep his hot chocolate as his books and papers laid in front of him, his small makeshift study desk unorganised and messy.
He watched as the rain droplets danced around each other, how they stepped close before stepping back before colliding together, catching eachother and finishing their dance at the bottom of the window pane.
What a weird metaphor, he thought. Rain droplets, two lovers dancing around each other and away, too scared to cross paths before giving their all to their other.
He had never felt such a way.
A hand slammed on his desk, tearing him away from his thoughts. He looked up at the culprit, his wide eyes furrowing as he took in who had scared him.
"Hongjoong," He stopped twirling his pen between his fingers, holding it steady as its tip nearly touched paper. "What do you need?"
"I just wanted to check on you!" Hongjoong smiled, and Seonghwa felt warmth blossom in his chest at the confession. Hongjoong grabbed a chair from the table infront of Seonghwa, turning it to sit at Seonghwas desk. "You've been hauling yourself up here a lot lately, I was worried if you were doing good," Seonghwa fought a smile as the shorter boy sat down, leaning onto Seonghwas table.
"I have been doing fine, just studying," Hongjoong furrowed his eyebrows at the statement.
"But exams have finished?"
"Not this last one, its an exam to confirm whether or not I will be going to my desired University,"
"Oh? But i thought the scholarship covered that?"
"No, it was like a golden ticket. All expenses paid and a course set for me as long as I ace this exam,"
"What happens if you dont pass?"
"They take my scholarship and give it to someone else. They also refer me to other universities and colleges that would suit me if I so ask them too," Hongjoong looked down at the desk, eyes examining the strewn papers as he pouted. Seonghwa could fight the smile that ordained his face.
"Whens the exam?" Seonghwa grabbed one of his textbooks and his writing book, copying a few things down.
"On Friday," Hongjoongs eyes widened, his mouth agape.
"Thats only two days away! You better be studying!"
"You said you came up here because of how ive been," Seonghwa put down his pen, raising his hands to make air quotes. "'Hauling myself up here'"
Hongjoong banged the table, causing a semi loud bang to exho through the library. The librarian looked aorund the corner, pinpointing Hongjoong with her glare and shushing him. Hongjoongs cherks turned red as embarrassment took over him.
"I-I know i said that! I just— didn't you just have your last school exam yesterday, then? Have you been studying for this exam while stuudying for the schools ones, or just started now?" Seonghwa wtched as Hongjoong leaned back in his chair, a pout making its way back onto his face.
"I had been studying for this since Saturday, ap you do not need to worry. In fact, i think this may be my last long study session for a while. I'm pretty confident of where i stand right now," Hongjoong looked up at Seonghwa, a small smile forming.
"Thats nice to hear. Does that mean you could probably hang out with us tomorrow? We all miss you..." Hongjoong trailed off, having grabbed Seonghwas pen and spinning it on the table. Seonghwa felt more warmth course through his body at the statement. He missed them too.
"I will, do not fret. I've just been—"
"—We know you've been busy! You don't need to say it, we all have been busy!," Seonghwa stared at Hongjoong, the sudden outburst unexpected. "But... That was a yes?" Hongjoong sat up straighter, his eyes wide and sparkling. How cute.
"Yes, I will be there Joongie, don't worry," Hongjoong jumped up, startling Seonghwa. He grabbed Seonghwas hands and held the tight, smiling brightly.
"After school, meet up at the front gates, do not be a single minute late!" And as quickly as Hongjoong had showed up, he ran off, barreling through the library doors with a bang, the librarian looking at Seonghwa with a frown while the boy stared at his hands, caught off guard by what Hongjoong had done.
He traced his left hand with his right, and his right with his left, eyes wide as he felt the tingles in his hands slowly dissipate. He felt somewhat... giddy. A rush from when Hongjoong had touched him. Seonghwa felt heat rise on his cheeks.
And while his body was still riding the high of the moment, from when Hongjoong held his hands, to his bright smiles directed at him, he couldn't help but think 'Oh no'.
It was a stormy day, and Seonghwa was stuck in his dorm. His roommate had left earlier, telling Seonghwa that he was visiting his parents for the week. So here Seonghwa was, alone in his dorm, a storm playing out right in front of him, and his hands curled around a cup full of hot chocolate as he lived carelessly for the week off. What more could he ask for?
He sipped his hot beverage, humming in content as he swirled the hot chocolate in his mouth, savouring the taste.
As he reminisced in the moment, his phone chimed. Seonghwa turned his head towards his phone, glancing at the notification on the lock screen. He leant over, grabbing the phone and unlocking it. He clicked on the notification, which was a message, and read it.
would u be free rn?
Seonghwa stared at the message eyebrows furrowed before sighing and putting his hot chocolate down.
yes I would, why?
also, why pluto
cuz u aint real 😍😍😌
pluto is real sangie
its just not a planet
omfg stop bullying me
hehet changed pluto's name to bully!
youre insufferable
u love it
ok anyway what i actually came here for
so ur actually free to do anythin today??
yes sangie, im free today
why, did something happen? do you need me to come over and hang out?
no no, dw
just needed to make sure so everything goes according to plan
ok so anyway
come meet us at yunhos dorm, were havin a mini movie party n meeting some of his friends!!
what kind of movies? and what kind of friends?
idk but not horror thats all i know!! i remember yunho sayin he wanted to watch some disney or nostalgic films so theres that
also !! do not worry abt the friends!!
they r super kind n funny, youll love em :]
youve already met them? thats kind rude :/
it was by accident :[[
i went over to yunhos to give him back a hoodie he left at our last study sess @ my dorm n i met em!!
it was only for a minute, i was rushin since i was late to class
hmm... ok, ill accept it
what time will it be then?
at 4 and if yunhos roomate does end up coming home early from his mini trip, itll end at 10, but if not, we can stay the night
not to be rude, but i really hope his roommate does not come back to the dorms until later tomorrow
knowing us, we'd just pass out on the couch anywaybully
ok u guys will, im responsible
sounds pretty fake ngl :///
ok then, i shall go back to what i was doing before you messaged me
wait seonghwa i wanna keep talkin im bored :[[
: [
It was an hour before Seonghwa had to leave. He had just gotten out of the shower, mostly wiped down, but his hair was still dripping.
He shook his head, feeling his hair stick to his face and water droplets fly everywhere. He brought up the towel to his head and vigorously dried his hair.
After drying himself down, he got dressed. Nothing extravagant or formal, but something comfortabe and simple. It was practically a sleep over he was invited to, after all.
It was now 15 minutes till Seonghwa would have to be at Yunho's. He know walking to Yunho's dorm would take at least 10 minutes, since it was not on the other side of campus, but a far bit away.
Seonghwa went through his mental checklist. Phone, check. Charger, check. Earphones, check. Small over the shoulder bag full of snacks, a pair of spare clothes, and an apparent rose flavoured lip balm, check.
At the thought of the lip balm, he licked his lips. His lips had been dry during the week from the cold weather, so he took up Yeosangs advice on picking up one or two lip balms. Of course, he bought the only ones that were supposedly to be what a flower would taste like. He picked up the lip balm, applying it to his lips and smacking them together before putting it back.
He checked the time.
12 minutes left.
He grabbed all his things, his keys jingling in his hands and a dmall umbrella in his pockets. He opened his dorm door, exiting and locking the door before finally leaving the dorm building. He grabbed his umbrella, opening it up once he stepped foot outside, wlaking along the footpath, frowning when he noticed the mud making its way across the path.
He sighed as the rain started to pour harder, his grip tightening on his umbrella.
He did not want to walk back to his dorm through this weather.
He made it to Yunho's dorm a bit later than he had expected. His shoes were caked in mud, and no, he did not slip in mud, he just wanted to be like Peppa Pig for a fleeting moment.
He knocked on Yunho's door, wiping his shoes off at the mat and taking them off. He shook his umbrella, the water flying everywhere. Maybe he should ahve done that outside, but it was too late now.
The door opened, revealing Yeosang who just pouted.
"You're late," Seonghwa pushed past Yeosang, dropping his umbrella near the door and placing his shoes near the rest. There's definitely a few new pairs there, either Yunho got more shoes, or his friends are already here.
"You try walking here in this weather," A few laughs were heard in the distance. Yep, definitely here.
Yeosang shook his head, closing and locking the door. He turned to Seonghwa, grabbing his hand and dragging him towards lounge.
"So, what's happened so far?"
"Nothing much! Just been playing some switch waiting for you," Yeosang stopped as they made it to the lounge. "Look who's here!" Seonghwa looked at the three men that were on the couch, all three watching the TV as they battled in MarioKart.
"Is it Seonghwa?" Yunho asked before he crossed the finish line, jumping up and laughing.
"I win!" The man sat on the right of Yunho crossed the line next, pointing to the man that sat on the left of Yunho, laughing.
"And you're last!" The man on the left sighed, corssing the line.
"Wow, that was so fun," Yunho laughed, the man that came second now standing up and turning around. Huh, almost as tall as Yunho.
"Let me introduce them to you, Hwa?" The man on the left, stood up, but still didnt turn around. Quite short, thats cute.
"This," Yunho gestured towards the taller man out of the two newcomers. "Is Mingi," The man now identified as Mingi waved his hand, a smile plastered on his face.
"And this," Yunho reached over to the smaller man, grabbibg his shoulder and forcefully turning him around. "Is—"
For a moment, the world stopped.
For a moment, their eyes met.
For a moment, they were seeing eachother again.
"—Hongjoong?" Seonghwa blurted out, cutting off Yunho. The shorter man, now known as Hongjoong, shared a similar expression to Seonghwa, yes wide and mouth agape.
Holding hands, watching as the sun set over the horizon, the light painting his face, his eyes sparkling.
"Seonghwa?" Yunho looked between the two, confusion plastered all over his face.
Bright smiles, warm laughs. Soft lips, peppered kisses.
"You two knew eachother?" Seonghwa nodded, at a loss for words as he stared at the boy infront of him.
"Thats so cool! It's like it's fate for you two to meet again," Yunho exclaimed. "But come on, we gotta get ready for our movie marathon, its half hour past the time we were supise to start!"
It was around midnight that Seonghwa finally couldnt take the awkwardness around him and Hongjoong. He got up from his spot on the floor, making his way to the kitchen and flicked on the light, going to grab a drink and a snack from his bag.
As he trifled through his bag, finding the pack of chips he craved for, he turned around and almost felt his soul leave his body.
There was Hongjoong, standing right in front of him.
He had to hold back a scream.
"Woah! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Hongjoong threw his hands up, taking a step back.
Seonghwa gained back his thoughts, the adrenaline dissipating.
"Do you need something?" He asked. He watched as Hongjoong suddenly became nervous, looking down at his feet. He has red hair... it looks... fluffy.
"I-I just... I kinda wanted to talk to you?" Seonghwa felt heat rise to his cheeks as he ran through the possibilities of just what Hongjoong would possibly say.
"About what?"
Silence overtook the two for a moment. Then Hongjoong spoke up.
"About... why you left," Seonghwa shifted his body, suddenly feeling so small. "Why you never contacted us," He felt shame slowly seep through his body. "Why you... never contacted... me," He looked down at his feet.
No one spoke for a minute, both thinking, both waiting.
"I never did get my scholarship..." Hongjoong looked up at Seonghwa, eyes wide.
"I passed the exam for it, but by the time the people giving out the scholarship had marked it, all the scholarships had been given away,"
Seonghwa felt tears begin to pool in his eyes.
"I was so disappointed in myself, I didnt want you all to see me," He inhaled shaky breath, emotions coming back as he relived the moment in his mind. "So I just told you all that I got in and... left,"
He felt Hongjoong take his hands, caressing them softly. Like he used too.
"Why did you never talk to me after? You didnt even tell me you wanted to break up," Hongjoongs voice broke near the end. "You just went... radio silent," Seonghwa couldn't help the tear that ran down his face.
"I never wanted to break up," Seonghwa squeezed Hongjoongs hands. "I just— I wanted time, time to fix things, so i could say I was attending college, that I wasn't a fuck up..." He felt Hongjoong squeeze his hands back, he heard how the other boy sniffled. He must be crying too.
"Seonghwa, listen to me," Suddenly, Hongjoong was cupping his face, his hands so soft, and his eyes looking straight into Seonghwas soul. "You are not a fuck up, you hear me?"
"I'm sorry," His voice broke, tears now streaming down his face, one after the other. Hongjoong had tears slipping down his face himself. He lifted his thumb, wiping some tears off Seonghwas face.
"It's okay, I forgive you, HwaHwa," Seonghwa couldn't help but let a whine escape him at the nickname.
"HwaHwa! You're so cute!"
Hongjoong laughed wetly at the reaction.
"You'd think i forget what that nickname did to you," He stroked Seonghwas cheek lovingly, smiling fondly at Seonghwa, and Seonghwa couldnt help but feel his previous worries disappear just looking at him.
Seonghwa buried his face into Hongjoongs neck and threw his arms around Hongjoongs shoulders, letting another embarrassed whine escape him.
Hongjoong laughed at the action, snaking his arms around Seonghwas waist. They both stayed in that position for a few minutes, iust enjoying the company, the warmth. Enjoying eachother.
Hongjoong threw his arms over Seonghwas neck, pulling him down to give him a strong hug.
"Your hugs are the best, Joongie,"
Seonghwa felt Hongjoong shift, his hold on Seonghwa loosening. He felt a hand coursing through his hair, the action sending shivers down his spine, and a blush on his cheeks.
"I've missed this," Hongjoong whispered. Seonghwa picked his head back up, looking at Hongjoong.
"I did too," Hongjoong smiled.
Hongjoong raised his hand, putting it under Seonghwas chin and slowly pulling him down back towards him. Soon enough, their noses were touching, and they could feel eachothers breaths fan eachothers faces.
It took just a moment for Seonghwa to understand what Hongjoong wanted to do.
He looked to Hongjoongs eyes, noticing how they flickered back up to his then fown to his lips. Seonghwa did the same, his gaze lowering down to Hongjoongs own plush lips.
Seonghwa unconsciously licked his own.
"Can I..." Hongjoong trailed off, but Seonghwa knew what he was asking. He nodded his head, feeling Hongjoong pull him closer.
Then he felt Hongjoongs lips on his.
And suddenly, he felt like he was back in high school. When Hongjoong would sneak up on him in the bathrooms to give him a few wuick pecks on the lips before running away. When Hongjoonga arms would wrap around his his waist, pulling him into his lap, and even if Seonghwa was the taller one out of them, Hongjoong would always find a way to make Seonghwa feel small and safe in his arms.
He felt light again, like all his problems had been thrown away. He felt like the weight he carried had been lifted.
Seonghwa broke the kiss first, gasping for air, breathless. His lips a shade of bright pink
Hongjoong just stared at the boy, breath taken at the sight before him.
Hongjoong pulled Seonghwa back down again, both diving in for a kiss, each one more heated than the last.
Soon enough, both broke away, catching their breathe as they were pushed against eachother.
"I've wanted to do that for so long since then. I've missed it sso much," Hongjoong panted out.
"Me too," Seonghwa took a hold of Hongjoongs hands, looping his fingers between his own.
"This means that, you know," Hongjoong was anxious again, eyes flicking from Seonghwa to the floor. "That we'll do this again... right? That—"
"That we'll be back together?" Seonghwa cut in, heart beating fast at what Hongjoong was asking.
"Yes," Hongjoong looked up at Seonghwa, still nervous on what the answer would be.
And Seonghwa couldn't have answered more perfectly.
"Of course," Seonghwa dived back in for another kiss, this one not heated, but filled with something more deeper. He broke the kiss, burying his face in Hongjoongs neck. "Of course,"
"I love you," Seonghwa felt his heart stutter.
"I love you too," Hongjoong smiled, pulling Seonghwa towards him.
"Forever," Hongjoong whispered.
"Always," Seonghwa whispered back.
#park seonghwa#kim hongjoong#ateez#kang yeosang#jung yunho#song mingi#ateez fic#idk how to tag to get this to spread around on tumblr skdkdjs#uuh grammar mistakes will be visible#ok thats all#follow me on twit @xuteline#i want moots#or jus talkin here is good :]
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homestuck fic recs
So I’ve been meaning to do a homestuck fanfic recommendation post for literal years, and as hiveswap is coming out (finally) I figured now is the time. Here are my personal favorite fics from the homestuck fandom, those I would select and place in an anthology to hand down to future generations. Read all of them, they are all beautiful and wonderful and perfect.
Like One Sundered Star by @sunderedstar - 1.5M words (so far) (yes thats a million) - lots of ships, starts with a focus on pale johnkat - superhero au - This fic, is amazing. The characterization is on point for every single character, and it features p much the entire homestuck cast. The plot is so so well developed, the humour is beautiful, its just a monster of beautiful words.
(note: this fic has recently been completed (but not fully posted yet) and im just. This is the end of an era, holy fuck, and sunderedstar has done so so well to finish this BEAST and i will probs cry when i read the end and just. Congratulations to sunderedstar, youve done so well and this fic is so beautiful and how did you keep track of everything and ill stop here but just wow.)
Spellbound by @toastyhat - 64k words - beta gen - magic au (?) - toasty always does such good worldbuilding, and this is no exception. The fleshing out of the cultures, the integration of aspects from canon, all wonderful. Also, again, great characterisation.
The Serendipity Gospels by urbanAnchorite - 130k words - terezi and gamzee focus, most beta trolls make an appearance - No Sburb, exploration of alternatian society - I couldn’t have a rec list without putting this one on. This is a candidate for best fic in the fandom, even though its abandoned. Such good worldbuilding, all the little details that make it into here are so wonderful. Emotional, and you really get to see these characters stretched to breaking point, pushed and pushed and held until they reform. Its abandoned, as it was simply too great for this world.
The Great Escape by elanor_pam - 67k words - karkat-centric - pre-Sburb karkles gets kidnapped by pirates - A grand exploration of child characters under pressure, and how trauma affects trust. This one makes my heart ache, as, like any good story, it’s a rollercoaster. Now I have to go reread it, excuse me.
Sea Salt by @khemi - 25k words - dirkjake, x2 multiplier - Merstuck - I loved the perspectives in this, the voice was so interesting. Also very well presented characters and romances, amazing descriptions, and generally a good fic. (also check out all the rest of khemi’s work, its awesome)
a thousand years by venusianeye - 22k words - dirkjake - close to canonverse - Amazing. I love love love all the symbolism in this, the use of god tier powers and abilities, as well as all the references to other stories and interweaving of worlds and repetition of motifs, this is just amazing. Venusianeye works have this dreamy, etheral quality to them, and its frankly beautiful. Strange, and poetic, and beautiful.
Sing A Rainbow by @khemi (again) - 48k words - Dave-centric - soulmate au - This one is a special bunny. Yes, the writing is beautiful. Yes, the characters are great. But this one is on this list because of the world. This fic takes that soulmate au idea (when you see your soulmate, you can see in colour!) to a whole new level. Ever wondered about ace people in a soulmated world, or about how the soulmate system would affect society? Wonder no more! Khemi deals with the problems of a simplistic ‘true love!’ world amazingly. This one will make you cry.
Sinking Fear In Quiet Steps by roachpatrol - 2.9k words - focuses on dirk and dave as siblings - post-canon (back on beta earth) - I love this fic. Its short, but the character focus and the relationship development that it shows are just awe-inspiring. The small character details are amazing, and this fic really delves deep into what makes these silly boys tick, and how they’ll fit together, and the similarities and differences between the versions of them in different universes.
Dave Strider’s Stupid Fucking Jawline by @cumulativechaos - 11k words - davekat - high school au - This is, in my opinion, the best davekat fic out there, if not the best fic full stop. It is so so fudging funny, and ive reread it so many times i could probably quote sections verbatim. The characterization of every single party in this fic is beautiful, and the way it sets up punchlines and fluffy moments and- it’s just amazing. Check this one out.
Who’s Asking by sunflowerwonder - 2k words - dirk-centric - canon-verse pesterfic - sunflowerwonder does the BEST pesterlog fics, and this is one of the best of the best. The dialogue feels like it’s been ripped straight from canon, and when reading it you can just picture the expressions they are making.
Honourable mentions (wouldn’t quite make it into the anthology but still amazing and worth a read):
Family Never Ends by a heartless saDIST (This fic has been orphaned, and so I sadly cannot trace the author) - 227k words - BroDave - moviedirector!Dave AU plus a bunch of other changes - I cannot with good conscience recommend this fic. This will rip your heart out, stomp on it a few times, and then nuke it. Do not read this fic. But at the same time, I can’t make a rec list without mentioning this fic. It’s characterizations are great, the plot is breathtaking, but this fic stays with you. And the ending is downright cruel. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Hopeless and Heartless by @lateniteslacker - 234k words - dirkjake - modern fantasy/demon hunters au - Good world, very very good plot, a solid au. Twists and turns and twists and turns.
Independence Week by @toastyhat - 9.5k words - dave-centric - no-sburb yes-powers au - This one requires a bit of thought, which makes it even more enjoyable. It’s a bunch of time travel shenanigans told in chronological order. It’s also a fun time to read, with some great moments and plot twists that keep you interested.
Crash Standing by askerian - 128k words - davespritekat - post-sburb au - This fic is awesome. The pesterlogs are great, the characterisation is just awesome, and I love the way Byrd develops into his own person, not just another Dave. A wonderful read.
#homestuck#fic rec#fics#dave strider#dirk strider#karkat vantas#read all of these#all. of. them.#also if anyone has the tumblrs of the authors i havent linked to hmu
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