#yes i'm listening to mitski's your best american girl .......
swiftllama · 1 year
Omg im soo happy to be the first person to introduce you to Mitski!! Such a good artist— few other songs by her makes me think of Ian and Anthony, the lyrics is really heart achingly beautiful 😞..
- Francis forever: pov Ian ? Could be Anthony too
- Your best American girl: pov ANTHONY OOOH MY GOD when I first heard him describe Ian as the sun?? This what comes to mind instantly ( just one specific verse tho hehe)
Anyway thank you for the response!! Im so happy i can hyperfixate and share the fixation lol
Hey! Sorry only getting to this now!
Had a listen to both of the songs and oh yeah, very fitting!
Lyric analysis :-
Forever Francis
I know you said Ian’s pov for this, but it’s all Anthony to me. Some of it’s fitting for both but I just see Anthony.
“I don't know what to do without you / I don't know where to put my hands / I've been trying to lay my head down / But I'm writing this at three AM.”
- ‘But I’m writing this at three AM.’ Anthony’s letter! All can think about!
“I don't need the world to see / That I've been the best I can be, but / I don't think I could stand to be / Where you don't see me.”
- I see this from when he’d let go of the resentment towards Smosh/Ian and was wanting to reconnect. He was doing better than he ever had been before, but he doesn’t need the world to see that, only Ian.
“On sunny days I go out walking / I end up on a tree-lined street / I look up at the gaps of sunlight / I miss you more than anything.”
“And autumn comes when you're not yet done / With the summer passing by, but / I don't think I could stand to be / Where you don't see me.”
- So ☀️🔍 coded! Anthony looking up at the sun and thinking of and missing Ian! LITERALLY STOP!
Your Best American Girl
“You're the sun, you've never seen the night / But you hear its song from the morning birds / Well, I'm not the moon, I'm not even a star / But awake at night I'll be singing to the birds.”
- THIS ONE VERSE! YES! Definitely from Anthony’s pov. Also the parallels to the last song with being awake at night thinking about Ian.
“I've been trying to lay my head down / But I'm writing this at three AM.” // “But awake at night I'll be singing to the birds.”
Thank you so much for the recs!
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chaosincurate · 10 months
My month in music - August 2023
Black Country, New Road - Ants From Up There (relisten)
Young Fathers - Heavy Heavy (relisten)
Mitski - Puberty 2
Mitski - Be the Cowboy
Japanese Breakfast - Soft Sounds from Another Planet (relisten)
Japanese Breakfast - Jubilee (relisten)
Kate Bush - The Dreaming
SZA - Ctrl
Squid - Bright Green Field (relisten)
Squid - O Monolith (relisten)
Black Country, New Road - For the First Time (not for the first time)
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
Genesis Owusu - Struggler (new)
shame - Food For Worms (new)
IDLES - Joy as an Act of Resistance
IDLES - Brutalism
Blur - The Ballad of Darren (new)
Write-ups below
I'm gonna be honest, I'm way later to this than I'd like to be so I'm gonna try to just absolutely blitz through these so I can get onto a project that might end up taking a lot of work'
Black Country, New Road - Ants From Up There
Note to self: make a post dedicated to this album. It's musically meticulous and thematically compelling, and some of the lyrical work is truly crushing, like you are watching a man crumble slowly over the course of the album's hour-long runtime. It's an absolutely incredible work of art and would be one of my go-tos to demonstrate the unique potential of albums as a format.
With that last note in mind, I would of course recommend a back-to-back listen above all else, but if you must try a song first, I'd suggest the first proper song Chaos Space Marine
Young Fathers - Heavy Heavy
This is one of those warm albums that feel really communal and welcoming. It's got more angry moments - I Saw, for example has a war drum rhythm to it as the vocals on the verse are practically spat out - but for the most part, this is a very laid-back listen that captures an improvisational magic without the drawbacks that usually brings.
The previously mentioned I Saw is definitely my favourite from the album, but as I said, it doesn't exactly embody the album's best features. If you want a song that does that, try Geronimo. The song's lyrics tend to speak on the negative sides of life and the inevitability of it's end, but the music, along with some important glimmers within the lyrics, tell you that there is a beauty to even that.
Mitski - Puberty 2
I hear we're all gay here, so I imagine you all know that Mitski is good by now, but just to confirm, Mitski is good. I had heard Bury Me at Makeout Creek a while ago, and intended to listen to more after that, but the first song I heard outside that album was My Body's Made of Crushed Little Stars, which is a great song, but gave me the total wrong idea of this album. Yes, there is a little more experimentation than I remember being on BMAMC, but I was under the impression that it would be way more abrasive from that first impression, and that's great for 2 minutes, but over a whole album, that'd be a lot, at least for me.
I am glad that I eventually got around to this though, because it was a great album. I would have been particularly worse off never having heard Your Best American Girl. It's an excruciating story of a protagonist who is in love with someone who is of an untenably different culture to themselves, which leads to tension, embodied by parental disapproval. It's a great song delivered with buckets of emotion, particularly when the chorus hits.
Mitski - Be the Cowboy
Honestly, this one didn't hit as much for me, which given everything I heard surprised me. I found that most of these songs ended too quickly to make an impact, and I didn't see anything on the album scale to write home about either. She's still clearly demonstrating her talent, and it's still made up of good songs, but they just lacked the impact of her other two albums for me.
That being said, I did particularly enjoy Nobody. The contrast of the disco-leaning instrumental, along with the pretty bouncy vocal melody against the loneliness the lyrics speak about somehow enhance that feeling of it being out of reach. As if Mitski is being taunted by it. It's very effective.
Japanese Breakfast - Soft Sounds From Another Planet
I am just now noticing the colour theme of the albums I was listening to around this time. Something about orange and yellow spoke to me this month.
This album is incredible. It's the first true demonstration of what makes Japanese Breakfast such a great project for me. The album is broadly indie pop, but it's the form of indie pop that's special: Michelle Zauner carved a niche sound from materials of the more music nerd side of pop music with the tools of lo-fi and soundtracks. The pop music materials come simply from the quality of the production and somewhat normal song structure which come along with some slight experimentation here and there in regards to the sound of the album, that latter point bringing us to lo-fi, which also gives us that unique comfortable, cozy vibe that you hear with Japanese Breakfast, and then the soundtracks portion comes from her excellent ear for creating the ideal atmosphere for a given song's themes.
All the songs on this album, especially the first half, are amazing and pretty representative of the album's sound, but I really wanna focus on Machinist, a relatively experimental cut. It's a song about a lover not being as vulnerable with you as you'd like and that's great, as is the fact that it's conveyed through a story of a woman falling in love with a literal robot, but the instrumental really sells this. There is a constant battle between mechanical coldness and human warmth in the song best conveyed at the end where a sax solo is accompanied by a robotic synth and very faint, distant, robotic vocals. This woman is a genius.
If you'd like something a little more normal, Boyish is also very good. It's a pretty straightforward song about romantic insecurity. If the narrator and protagonist is reliable, their boyfriend is staring at a waitress instead of their date, who isn't buying his attempts at reassurance, and is desperate to feel equally as seen as the stranger he's enamored with. There's a little unreliability to the narration though, because the sentiment switches from spite to yearning often, from "if you go to her, don't expect to come home to me" to "I can't get you off my mind" (followed by the currently irrelevant, but very witty "I can't get you off in general", love that, 10/10, sad tho). That introduces a layer of personal interpretation though: is it a song about anxiety told through a wholly unreliable narrator or is it actually about your significant other not being especially sexually attracted to you? Both are very interesting, and both seem like valid interpretations to me.
Japanese Breakfast - Jubilee
I love this album so much I made a post about it earlier this month, and I'm pretty proud of it, so please check that out if you're interested in reading more than just "it good. It very good"
Kate Bush - The Dreaming
Don't ask me why this is my first Kate Bush album. I could've sworn I saw this on some list ahead of Hounds of Love or having a higher aggregated rating somewhere or something like that but I can't find it anywhere now that I'm looking for it. But anyway, this is a great album. It provided everything I expected from a Kate Bush album, the weirdness, the stylistically all-over-the-place vocals, the general theatricality... But it also took that style in different directions than I expected, such as with the menacing title track about colonialism.
The song I'd recommend would probably be the fairly expectation-aligned Sat In Your Lap though. Honestly, if you've heard a Kate Bush song before, you won't need a taster for the album at all, it's more of that, but if you need to be reassured of that, the opener is a great example of it.
SZA - Ctrl
I didn't get SOS, unfortunately, felt it was a little bloated, but maybe it's worth a revisit, because over an hour of this seems pretty great. SZA's writing is all incredibly authentic and personal, and her vocals drip sweetly over any instrumental tried here. You don't need another stranger on the internet to tell you that this is a must-listen R&B album, but here I am, yet another stranger on the internet calling this a must-listen album.
My favourite from the album is probably Drew Barrymore, a reverb-drenched song about a relationship that is ruined by jealousy and self-hatred on the part of the protagonist. This is my favourite example of vocal honey on this album, too. This, for me, encompasses all the album's strengths brilliantly.
Squid - Bright Green Field
Bright Green Field is arguably the clearest demonstration of Squid's unique sound. It balances the ideals of punk and funk excellently while adding in some kraut-rock and Radiohead-esque ideas too. I think I might prefer O Monolith personally, but this album is both very close in quality and absolutely crucial for the band.
I think if I were to recommend a song from this album, as much as I love Narrator, I imagine it'd be G.S.K. that best positions the album for enjoyment, at least for most people. It sets up a lot of the themes surrounding urbanization and the contrasting of modern life with the natural to demonstrate modernity's absurdity, and does so expertly, while also providing on the instrumental front with that funk-infused post-punk that makes the album so unique.
Squid - O Monolith
As I said in the previous write-up, this is my preferred Squid album. It leans on that Radiohead influence a little more, I think, which is why I'm glad they established their own sound with their debut first, but I think the sound here is just more to my tastes, and better suits their focus on this record, which is hard to pin down, but it feels more broadly mechanical than the previous outing, more rigid.
I think there are a few really good recommendations for songs from this album, but I'll stick with the critique on policing and generally violent power over others afforded to the otherwise powerless: The Blades. This is one of my favourite songs, period, let alone from Squid or off this album. The way it gets in the head of someone whose only access to power is through the violence of law enforcement, and demonstrates the urge to use that power in that environment is just superb. And it demonstrates it all while also criticizing the amount of power they are afforded and how that makes matters even worse. I love it.
Black Country, New Road - For the First Time
Welcome to the best new six-part post-punk debut album! I hear the Slint influence is a little heavy here, but for one, that doesn't really bother me, and two, I haven't heard Slint yet, so I wouldn't know. Regardless, this album is incredible at getting you into a sort of dark groove, and eventually, when the time is right, uprooting that groove and leaving you completely at a loss for what to expect. Even when you've heard the album many times over like I have, there's a part of you that can't keep up with the erratic shifts in the music within individual songs.
That incredible aspect of the album is best portrayed in the album's best track for me, Sunglasses. It touches on so many themes, which makes it hard to pin down exactly what the song is about, but it seems clearly about wealth and delusion in some way. For me, I think it's about the protagonist being seduced by the toxic comfort of wealth and delusion that wealth is earned and not happened upon randomly. It's a complex song though, and I'm sure there are plenty of valid interpretations. It is 9 minutes, but it's so good and dynamic that you are unlikely to feel all that time pass. Give it a listen if you like the sound of everything I've written here!
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
I never really had a resonant experience with instrumental tracks, which really made me skeptical going into this album. I have had plenty of positive experiences with instrumentals, but they're always pretty analytical, I rarely actually feel anything all that strong when listening. Add on top of that the length of the songs, with each of the four tracks being around 20 minutes, and it was a bit of a long shot. That being said though, this did resonate with me. After a stressful day, I just laid back, put this album on and relaxed for an hour and a half and I felt the album eat the stress from inside of me like a growing black hole, sucking up negative emotion. It was so thoroughly uplifting that I couldn't possibly hope to analyze it. It's difficult to recommend the way I usually would, but if you love music, especially stuff in the alternative and indie orbit, I'd suggest giving this a listen when you have some time to kill, especially if you're stressed or otherwise burdened.
Genesis Owusu - STRUGGLER
From an album that is very happy within a small niche, to an album that could be engaged with on some level by anyone, STRUGGLER is a dance-informed neo-soul album (I guess) that really makes use of the medium by using and reusing metaphors from within it's borders to reinforce themes, and explore new elements of that metaphor that consider the already established subtext. It's all very clever concept album stuff, and I always respect when an artist commits to a concept like this, especially ones who can still make songs stand on their own outside of the context of the album. It's very impressive.
I'd probably say Tied Up! is the best shout for a song to try, it's exceptionally groovy and is probably the point in the album where I'd say it really finds it's groove, which is on the late side, so hearing that in advance could reassure you that the album does actually find it's feet eventually.
shame - Food For Worms
This album is a weird one just because it doesn't really stick to a sound all that much. It bounces very quickly between punky songs like Alibis to a softer alternative style in tracks like Adderall a lot and it makes it hard to settle in a way that I think makes the album listening experience worse than if it were, for example, two EPs of comparable style. Of course, stylistic diversity is often a plus, but it has to be done better than this.
The songs are all pretty great in isolation though, especially when it does get a little punkier, such as with the previously mention Alibis (my personal favourite), or the song I'd recommend, lead single Six-Pack. First things first, that guitar sound is absolutely phenomenal. It gives off an erratic feel, and one of a shifting, untrustworthy nature. And then there's that hyped up vocal performance that embodies frustration at the comfortable delusion characterized in the lyrics.
IDLES - Joy As an Act of Resistance
This was incredible. The name pretty much sums it up. It's a post-hardcore album that is very aggressive on the surface level, but will often have a heart of gold, such as with Danny Nedelko, a song that stands in defiant support of immigrants and immigration, named after the writer's friend originally from Ukraine.
The song I'd recommend is largely just aggressive, but still with a pretty warm thesis in the end, and that would be Never Fight a Man with a Perm, a song about pub violence and the silliness of the extreme macho personas on display in those environments.
IDLES - Brutalism
I didn't like this one as much as Joy, but there were still some definite highlights. For one, it is a lot more punk. This album is absolutely punk to the core, and doesn't share the optimism of my preferred album, which does provide a more cathartic experience.
My favourite is probably Stendhal Syndrome, an album about artistic philistines; the type of person to look at an artwork and judge it based solely on the technical ability on display and not the vision of the artist or the art's emotional impact. Plenty is already made of punk's political leanings, but very little is the subculture's love and passion for art at the forefront, and it's good to see that being focused on here.
Blur - The Ballad of Darren
Unfortunately I don't have much to say about this one. I was hopeful going into it because I did quite like St. Charles Square, but almost all of the album just bounced off me leaving no real impression. Maybe it's worth a revisit one day, because I did mostly respect it on an analytical album, but it didn't make me feel much at all. If you like indie rock, maybe it's worth a listen, I hope you like it more than I do.
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newlyy · 1 year
music ask - Bruce Springsteen, Mitski, BTS
Bruce Springsteen:
Do I know them already?: yes | no 
Favourite Song: I'm on Fire
Least Favourite Song: of the songs ive heard, Glory Days
Favourite Album/Least Favourite Album: I'm really not familiar enough with his music to have either :/
Song that got me into them: Born to Run
Seen Live?: naur
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 
Do I know them already?: yes | no 
Favourite Song: Your Best American Girl
Least Favourite Song: don't know enough to have one :/
Favourite Album/Least Favourite Album: don't know enough to have either :/
Song that got me into them: Pink in the Night
Seen Live?: naur
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 
Do I know them already?: yes | no 
Favourite Song: I haven't listened to them since like. 2015? idk, like right when they first came out, whenever that was, so We Are Bulletproof pt.2
Least Favourite Song: Boy in Luv, I think? I remember hating that song. War of Hormone? so many to choose from
Favourite Album/Least Favourite Album: ???????
Song that got me into them: No More Dream
Seen Live?: can you imagine
Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 
0 notes
awnterslder · 2 years
besties,  is  your  muse  the  big  spoon  or  the  little  spoon  or  are  they  fine  with  both  ??
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tell me about the colonization of mitski’s music please
thank you so much
so i have ranted about this on multiple occasions to my friends but like. basically. mitski’s a biracial asian woman right. her identity will always have some kind of influence on her music and i think a lot of her white listeners don’t realize this? let’s take her song strawberry blond, which is one of her most popular songs, and also the one that makes me the most mad.
lets start off: strawberry blond is a hair colour that usually, only white people have. in the context of the song, strawberry blonde is a euphemism for whiteness.
this song is not about yearning, in the way that most people know. it’s about being the second choice, as a person of colour, to a white person. it’s also about how a lot of poc seek out white attention despite knowing that we will never be “good enough”.
the lyrics:
you tell me you love her, i give you a grin.
this is the feeling, of being the second choice. having to listen to a white person talk about another white person when you knew you were never an option in the first place. beauty standards in our society are made for white women. women of colour especially can never compete with the white woman when it comes to navigating our society that is so based around standards set for white women.
look at you, strawberry blond, i love it when you call my name, watching your arm, i love it when you look my way.
this is the feeling of seeking out the validation of a white person (male probably, hence the use of blond and not blonde). even though you know you can’t compete you hope, just this once, that you will be enough. i’m guilty of this myself. in the past i have looked for the validation of mostly white men/women when i know that white people hold some “superiority” over me.
i hate how tumblr, tiktok, all social media platforms have dumbed the meaning of this song down to ohh yearning!!!! cottagecore song!!!! strawberry cow!!!!! (what the fuck was that btw).
yes the song sounds very cute. if i wasn’t aware of the meaning i might have added it to a cottagecore playlist myself. (not to mention how a lot of people EVEN SPOTIFY THEMSELVES have) but the song is pretty depressing, if you’re a person of colour. with the exposure of the song in white lgbt spaces, it’s regarded now as a song for cottagecore wlw and not women of colour.
you could argue that art is meant to be interpreted, and i’d agree with you. but to completely strip the actual meaning of a song when in regard is about the experiences of marginalized people, is disrespectful. especially when it’s a majority white people making this argument.
another one of her songs, your best american girl, is more obvious about it’s actual meaning, except in the end, mitski chooses her own culture over the white person. (i recommend watching the mv, it’s great) in the beginning of the video, mitski actually has the attention of the white man, but as soon as a white woman comes into frame, the man is completely distracted by her and basically has disregarded mitski’s existence. this is how it is in real life for us.
lyrics like:
well i'm not the moon, i'm not even a star
your mother wouldn’t approve of how my mother raised me, but i do, i think i do, but you’re an all-american boy, i guess i couldn’t help trying to be your best american girl
are so obviously about wanting to be white, to fit into that social norm, to finally get the boy you want. and yet, i’ve seen people add this song to love song playlists (??!??!?!?)
here’s my general opinion:
i think that white people have effectively erased colonized the true meaning of mitski’s songs in order for them to fit their own meanings. and i hate it.
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sarahscribbles · 5 years
YES I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE TAKING REQUESTS I'VE HAD THIS IDEA IN HEAD FOR FOREVER AND YOU'RE MY FAVE ALEXEI WRITER I would kill for an alexei x reader based off the song Your Best American Girl by Mitski with an insecure reader who is worried she's not smart enough for him that ends with fluffy fluff. If you don't do song fics it's totally fine though!!
Omg thank you soooo much!! You’re so sweet! 💕 ok I like, I like! I’ve never done a song fic before but I’ll have a listen to the song and hopefully see what I can do! I’ll definitely give it a try! x
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