#yes Minilla and Junior are Godzilla's sons in this
mothnem · 10 months
Gijinka Godzilla Vampire AU because I can.
Godzilla is a Vampire hunting down his sire, Ichi Ghidorah, one of the Triplet Vampire Lords, for turning him against his will. He is joined by his "cousins" Rodan, turned by Ni, and Angurius, turned by San.
Mothra is a Vampire Hunter blessed by a goddess like all of her lineage is. At first she doesn't realize Godzilla is a Vampire. Because he hasn't been one for long. They are even falling in love when Mothra finds out. She assumes Godzilla was trying to seduce her to her death. All that talk about his two sons he can't see again is probably just a lie!
Godzilla is very hurt by Mothra's actions. He should never have opened what was left of his heart to her. She probably was just luring him into a sense of false security to kill him and his cousins.
They keep having confrontations while Godzilla and his cousins are tracking down the Ghidorah brothers until finally, Mothra corners Godzilla.
Mothra: You should have thought of that before you chose to become one!
Godzilla: Do you really think I chose this?
@paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 @weirdgirl92
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nekkyousagi · 5 years
If Godzilla had all three boys at the same time...
*Minilla raiding the fridge*
Godzilla: "BOY! What did I say about snacking before dinner?!"
*Baby runs by with shoes on his head* Godzilla: "Son, put that down!"
Junior: "Father, may I go visit Miss Miki?"
Godzilla: "No! Boy, what'd I tell you about hangin' out with humans too much?! It'll make ya soft!"
Junior: "But-"
Godzilla: "No butts! Now get back to your fight trainin'!"
Junior: "But...Father, I-."
*Minilla runs off with a fudge bar in his mouth*
Baby: *holds up his arms* "DA-?!!"
Godzilla: *sighs*..."Where's Mothra when I really need her?"
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kaiju-krew · 3 years
What do you think of Godzilla having a son? I really like it since it's one of the only times in the movies we consistently see the Big G's softer side (often accompanied by his horrific wrath side)
I like it! I agree that it's a good way to show his softer and more thoughtful side. plus the junior designs are super cuteee (minus Minilla lol)
Godzilla Junior's spot is taken by Goji's younger sister in my personal au, basically he's just never been interested in reproducing (hc that all Gojirans have a dominant set of sexual organs, but are biologically hermaphroditic, and can reproduce asexually, but could also pair up and reproduce ye olde fashion way.) He watched his momma die defending him and wouldn't want his own offspring to experience that. Despite that, when Baby Sis (pretty sure her name will be Irujira) hatches, Goji becomes super protective and makes sure she's always fed and grows well.... good big bro -u-
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pleistocene-polina · 4 years
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Soooo… Let‘s talk about my Kaijustars AU
Godzilla‘s family! To be more specific his dad and siblings.
Gojira (old man Goji) – the dad. He was in the original movie, but refused to take part in the sequels. He’s a cranky old man and not a very good father (or grandfather for that matter). Also he’s really bad at names – literally all of his sons have the name “Godzilla”. His daughters did get their own names however.
Godzilla (Goji) – I mean… it’s Godzilla. He was the star of the showa series, heisei series and even the millennium movies (yeah, I know that millennium Godzillas canonically look very different, but I didn’t wanna make this au more complicated than it needs to be, so it’s just him – canons don’t matter). He is a friendly and likable (just a little narcissistic) middle-aged dude. He’s a proud father of two (Minilla and Junior) and a loving grandpa (Shin aka Kamata-kun). Btw Minilla is now all grown up and Shin is his baby.
SpaceGodzilla (Space) – he is basically Goji’s twin brother. To be exact, they are not twins – they have different moms and Space hatched about a week earlier. That being said, they grew up together and consider each other the closest siblings (so yeah, basically twins). Space is kind of a mess. He’s still nice and quite likable, but definitely less sociable. He is still a great uncle tho.
Mechagodzilla I – two moods: dad jokes 24/7 or tired to death. He’s a single father of a little baby boy (Machagodzilla IV aka City). Poor MG1 barely gets any sleep or free time. But it’s okay – he loves his kid too much to be mad.
Mechagodzilla II – oh boy. This is a guy who knows his own worth for sure. Always keeps himself in a good shape, always surrounded by women, very popular and loved by everyone. He might seem like an asshole to you, but actually he’s a pretty charismatic and lovable dude. Is his lifestyle hedonistic? Yes, kinda. But it’s not as bad as you think. He still thinks of others and tries to help whenever he can. In other words, MG2 is an ok guy after you get to know him.
Mechagodzilla III (Kiryu) – Gojira’s youngest kid. He’s just sweet and likable. A little shy. Has a pretty normal lifestyle. Kinda wants to start a family, but not sure if he’s ready yet. Too scared to start a relationship with a fangirl, due to previous bad experiences.
Jirahs – she’s an ultra kaiju. You know, Godzilla couldn’t really appear on the Ultraman show, so they asked his younger sister. They look pretty similar, so why not? As a result most of her friends are other ultra kaijus and you rarely see her spending time with the Toho guys. That being said… she hangs out with Zedus a lot - people suspect they might be a couple (or you know, just frill friends).
Biollante (Bio) – what an absolute Goddess! Look at her! She is big, strong, and stoic. She’s the oldest child in the family. As a kid she had to take care of all those bullies who were picking on her little brothers. Now she is a beautiful plant lady. She’s loving, caring and supportive, has a good sense of humor. Bio is a person you would wanna hang out with (but don’t you dare talk shit about her family or friends). She is also old man’s favorite kid – yes Gojira is that type of parent who would play favorites.
So, from oldest to youngest: Biollante, SpaceGodzilla, Godzilla, Jirahs, Mechagodzilla I, Mechagodzilla II, Mechagodzilla III. All from different moms. I guess that says a lot about old man Goji.
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kaijuzilla · 5 years
MOD REVIEW: Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019)
*This contain spoilers so if you want to avoid it then please do no continue reading this post.*
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“Which of these Titans are here to threaten us, and which of these Titans are here to protect us...”
Where can I start.... The moment when I saw the trailer in college in spring time 2019, I was excited and hype for this film. And when me and my friend went to see it and got out:
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I really don’t get it whats with critics on this movie but as a fan and going all honest this movie is a good Godzilla movie! The director or the person behind this movie Mike Dougherty, took all the problems from the 2014 film, fixing it, added some awesome stuff, and this movie was born! Along with that we got Mothra who looks more insect appearance but still majestic beauty, Ghidorah who is freaking terrifying and making this the scariest and coolest Ghidorah, and Rodan who is on fire and is hot! Also he gives me a starscream vibe as well which everyone said same thing.
The plot tells that things are happening and citizens are blaming the Godzilla and Monarch for this disasters which they go on a riot to say that all of the monsters must be destroy. But Monarch refuses and wanted theses creatures to live because “they deserve the right to live” since they live here before us. Basically which one is here to live with us in harmony and which one is here to kill us. The people still think they should kill them but Serizawa still believes theses creatures are good on the inside and not monsters and wanted humans and monsters in a symbiotic relationship. Suddenly one of the scientist broke the Monarch code by releasing Ghidorah and is up to Monarch and Godzilla to stop the Monsters from creating disaster.
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I also think the humans are actually alright in this movie than the 2014. But the 2014 film has one great actor who delivers it well but die later which kind of lost the character knowing them well because he’s like the most recognizable character and so does Serizawa. But this movie we learn about (some) of the characters more! Yes there are alot of characters in this movie and I think they’re all alright. 
There’s also this Eco-terrorist group who wanted to free all these monsters from their cages and take their DNA for black market like those people from Pacific Rim. Also their goal got to success t release them all when Ghidorah calls all of them when crowned himself king. TBH do they even think that when these monsters are destroying every humanity they are gonna be kill too? Like really Ghidorah is the one that causes the planet Venus lifeless and you’re it’s next target.
One thing that got me like shock is that Serizawa assistants just die early int he film which just shock me alot. I kind of wanted to know about her character and why and how she became Serizawa assistant.
I’m also glad Mark Russell who is played by Kyle Chandler, who is a zoologist gets a character development in the film because from the beginning he hated Godzilla because he lost his son in the disaster of 2014 if San Francisco from the MUTOs (I’m not only one who notice those red military light guys falling from the sky from the beginning of the movie right?). Which close to end of the movie he learned that Godzilla is good and began to accept him. (Also makes me learn how alpha or hunting packs work)
Dr Emma Russel who played by Vera Farmiga, where her character is she is good (1) but she thinks she’s doing a good  which made her the villian (2) thing but turns out bad so go back to being good (3). (1) she made this ORCA where it help control the titan by doing an alpha frequency thing which works on Mothra and Rodan and Ghidorah, (2) when she was caught by the Eco terrorist and see that releasing titans and radioactivity in San Francisco making plant life grow back which see human are infection decided to release and try release all titans to help restore balance to humanity and think this is what her son wanted (Ghidorah was second), (3) Ghidorah turns out to release all titans and controlling them all to destroy everything and learn that this isn’t good and Madison (her daughter) straight her out that this isn’t what will bring harmony or give what her dead son want to the world.
Did I mention there’s a prequel of this movie before it was released and it’s a comic? This is a same thing like Godzilla Awakening which we learn that Godzilla is an ancient apex predator that loves for many years that went to the center of the earth for radiation because the radiation on the surface of Earth is low. BUT THIS MOVIE TELLS US THERE ARE 17 TITANS/KAIJUS AROUND THE WORLD!!! They also involved in histories like mythology creatures  (because they’re named after them or some) where it’s goes to saying that people sees them as gods. And this is reveled when Godzilla is laying to rest in this underwater city which is probably Atlantis? Where it show that people back then sees them as gods which is really cool and i want to know more about this. TBH if this happens in real life this could possibly happen in the past if these monsters exist.
One thing it’s very strange we see a bigger hunch spiky back Femuto again. It’s because we thought those babies and the two MUTOS are last of their kind from the 2014 film, and the Prime was killed in the comics as well. And this one isn’t pregnant which also bow down to Godzilla too. But I will say out of all Kaiju the Behemoth is the strange but one of my favorite kaiju design. Maybe because it’s a mammal and it’s so rare to see a mammal kaiju since it’s mostly Insects, Aliens, Amphibians, Birds, Fish, and Reptiles. We do see some on screen but in the novel tells us what the other titans are doing around the world. Surprising fact the Leviathan outpost in in Loch Ness meaning that Nessie is a kaiju or something!?
One thing that make the monsters amazing by their designs but also their facial expression which gives them more life and not Disney Lion King live action movie lifeless expression. We understand their emotion by their facial expression and not their voice.
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We see Godzilla just showing intimidation to people and King Ghidorah who they both showing high level of intimidation! Also Ghidorah head that represent their personality are good and there’s reason why Kevin is the dumb one. Because the heart is on the right side of the body the right and middle get more blood to their brains while the left side aka Kevin get less blood in his brain (My friend explain this after the movie). And when Rodan got stab by Mothra stinger (which my friend also explain that Moths do have stingers IRL but never uses them because they don’t harm any creature and are like butterflies and bee hybrid like insects) he was showing that “anime pain gasp shock eye facial expression” because DAM right into the shoulder!!! Which then when he tries to challenge Godzilla for the throne he was like “aw hell sorry my king please forgive me I Starscream knee before you Megaton!!!”
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Before I close to finish it off I want to say again Ghidorah in this film is the most scariest and terrifying monster of all time! The moment he survive the oxygen destroyer was so suprise he survive and Godzilla has a heart attack. The moment when Kevin head grows back after ripped off was just horrifying and just HOLY SHIT moment. Even seeing him as he crown himself the king now as he roar so lod showing the church is like we’re seeing the Devil begin the end life on Earth! Even when his history was meant to be erase and forgotten in the past is a surprising. Just glad they stick to alien and not bio genetic creature from the future that makes him look like a vampire furby baby face (I will admit the Dorats look cute).
Also one question....how dafug did the government military manage to make the Oxygen Destroyer. Yes it’s a prototype but if this is a prototype does this mean the perfect Oxygen Destroyer become Destroyah later on. Also you think the monster causes problem, that bomb kill alot of fish population right there! But during the film Serizawa sacrifice himself to save Godzilla by bringing the atomic nuclear bomb to blow up to help recharge his nuclear energy aka giving him some juice to make him stronger. 
What make this movie fun is jsut there’s so many easter eggs in this movie! I spotted some but i bet there’s more somewhere that youtube explained see: Roidan is making nest at MT Fuji (Rodan movie), Twins and Infant Island (Mothra), Kong is poted and mention alot in the film which also leading to Kong vs Godzilla, Monster Zero, (again) The Leviathan is Nessie from Loch Ness, Mecha Kevin, 2014 sky falling scene, Mothra wing represent Godzilla eyes, Mothra egg after she die but chances maybe minilla or junior, A mysterious skeleton at Godzilla lair. That’s all i got so far. but idk if the sphinx would count because that is actually like a cancel 1998 Godzilla aka Zilla movie sequel.
What also surprising is that Godzilla and Mothra are actually a thing together! And tbh for the longest time I ship theses two (haven’t ship for a long LONG time)! it explain it’s a “symbiotic” relationship but still it’s cute.
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Ok now the probably the best part of the movie is the monster fight scene. It’ss just so amazing what theses things can actually do on screens. Just when Godzilla and Ghidorah fight the third time they just charged to each other causing this huge shockwave boom that shook the sky! Rodan just peck the HELL out at Ghidorah when they first met! Mothra (again) Stab Rodan giving him the worst pain of his life on his shoulder! Kevin head ripped off! (Kevin nooooo), and the final part of the movie. Mothra Die from Ghidorah when protecting her Lamp Husband!
He fought something that could out class him and dominates it, No matter how must of a pain he’s in he still stands tall, he continues fighting and not retreat and rematch again (Gamera)!
That is the coolest death kill ever and turns out the spark from the mouth was actually a burp which is funny. Don’t believe me? go to Mike Dougherty twitter he tells everything about the movie.
Now the one part that makes me want to react with the other titans too which i feel like all Godzilla fans did too in the theaters because i got the same feeling to just wanting to bow down to Godzilla for some reason? Just when Madison (Mark and Emma daughter who is Millie Brown from Stranger Thing as Eleven) uses the ORCA to bring all titans to Boston. They all arrive seeing their king to be dead by Godzilla which looks liek they’re all about to challenge him, even Rodan look piss off for he want to fight for his fallen king death. He tells them to back the fuck down which Rodan being the Starscream dude he is bows down before his true king and so does (mostly) everyone, even the Femuto who is the natural enemies to his species bows before him! This turned all the titans good and help bring amazing impact around the world: Amazon Rainforests that was wiped out are growing back, endanger animals are off the endanger list, stabilized world sea levels from Antarctica, fish population rises too, etc...
Then there is the after credit where the leader of the Eco terrorist finds Kevin and is going to take his head. And also show many hits saying seismic activity at Skull Island and show cave painting of Kong and Godzilla fighting each other!
This is what “which titans is here to threaten us, and which titans are here to protect us.” from the beginning. There are two kings and one of the is a false king who call himself king and wants to bring destruction to everything it sees. Godzilla job as an apex predator is to bring balance to nature and humanity as a True King to the throne. If any one of them go out of Godzilla rules then they will be slap to their head.
So then that is King of the Monsters and it still a great film! I still can’t believe critics say “too much monster fight scene” and blah blah blah they don’t know what a Godzilla film actually is tbh! This movie did amazing and even thought there’s some problems it still make a good movie. I will give it an:
8 or 7 out of 10
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If you want to watch this I would recommend watching old godzilla films which also count kong, mothra, and rodan before you see this film but for a quickie i would recommend Godzilla Awakening, Godzilla (2014), Skull Island: Birth of Kong, Kong Skull Island, and Godzilla Aftershock to get to know the movie and the Monsterverse. There’s also the novel too which holds more information that didn’t get on screen and it’s low price and it’s good. I really wanted to get off my chest and it just so good! i think next review I might do Endgame maybe?
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