#yes I’ve been binge watching and reading Solo Leveling
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It’s wonderful how you love reading people’s words about almost anything and attend to their words, being able to sense their feelings behind it. And I agree, it’s so lovely when you can sense a person’s joy through their words, as you said! Here I am once again, feeling special, thanks to you 💛 You’re a darling! And I’ll try my best to send long asks whenever possible!! (1/11)
Ahh, it’s going to be a while before I actually feel comfortable doing chart readings! But you know what? I would be happy to read your astrology chart for free, if you want! It would be great practice for me and it would give me a chance to grow my confidence. Though only if you want, let me know! ☺️ I’m so happy to know you’re learning and grasping everything perfectly! The way you believe in me astrology-wise makes my heart all warm 💓 (2/11)
I’m sorry your summer courses got cancelled btw, especially since you were on track to graduate. Hopefully, this gives you time for yourself though. I wish I can say I enjoy being active too, but it’s not something I do often tbh. Though I do love walking, as well as dancing (but it’s been a while). I need to find more activities that can get me moving 😔 Ah I see, what solo activities do you like doing to stay active? (I fall on the introverted side, I tend to favor being alone too) (3/11)
I’m on the same boat as you + your family. I haven’t been outside since mid-March and being at home until now has made me a bit antsy. It probably added to the weird headspace I was in too. Though that’s gone now, I’m feeling much better + less stressed thankfully. The semester is still in session for me, I’ve got about until mid-May until it’s over. Though I’m glad that school will be over before my birthday, so that’s a blessing I’m super thankful for! I can enjoy my day in peace, aha. (4/11)
Manipulation can be associated with a few other signs too actually, but Scorpio is definitely up there in the top three! And it is definitely true that that as you get older, you can either grow more into your sign’s archetype or some traits lessen over time. Rather than it being some traits disappearing, it’s more likely due to other planetary energies in certain signs coming into play and becoming more prominent. (5/11)
There’s also this point in everyone’s chart, the midheaven. It’s been said that whatever sign a person’s midheaven is in, that person shows more of that energy as they get older. Which brings me to how you got the impression that I’m a Libra! My midheaven is in Libra, which is probably why you felt that more than Taurus. It’s fascinating, especially since we’re just interacting through messages. Didn’t know my Libra energy was showing that strongly but it’s nice being aware of that now! (6/11)
I will definitely let you know if any of my guesses change when I do a rewatch of the whole series! (P.S. did you hear the announcement that A:TLA will be on Netflix on May 15th?!) And to make it more fun, I’ll assess the other characters as well and share what signs I believe they could possibly be! I’ll consider it my mini summer project 😋 But oh my gosh, soft Zuko in the comics? 🤧 Maybe I should read the comics too then, since it might give me more material to work with. (7/11)
Your questions made sense, it’s all good! I think the best thing to refer to and see how Yue’s Venus energy influences Zuko’s Cancer side is that conversation in chapter 22 of Limerence, where Zuko told Yue that if having a family meant having a family with her, then that’s all he could ever want. Of course, he loves her, so there’s no doubt about them having a family together eventually. (8/11)
Though this is highlighted more with Yue’s Venus + Zuko’s Cancer energy because those energies meshing creates a soft/tender vibe, which makes coming together and creating a family highly ideal. Because Venus carries this loving energy which reinforces Cancer’s love for being domestic. As for the dynamic of Yue’s Libra and Zuko’s Aries, I feel that it’s one of the things that sets the overall tone for their relationship. (9/11)
With Aries/Libra, it’s kind of a classic case of Venus & Mars, so Yue being the affectionate/gentle one while Zuko being the intense/bold one, that paints the picture of their Aries/Libra dynamic. All that Libra/Scorpio energy in your sister’s family though, wow!! There are some common patterns in astrology that can occur with family, and one of those patterns can manifest as a certain sign or two being strong in the family. I guess that’s completely true for your sister! (10/11)
I’ll wrap all of this up by saying that chapter 33 of Limerence is completely enthralling! With every single chapter, I’m just in love with your storytelling. You’re such a fantastic writer! And also, it’s very enjoyable talking to you every time! Thank you for showing such warm energy always, it’s refreshing 💜 - 🌻 (11/11)
AHHHH – my lovely 🌻-anon~! 🥰🥰🥰
How long have you been studying astrology, and how long does it usually take for one to gain the confidence and skills to provide a service? I’m just so curious – but I never had anyone to ask these questions and learn. I’m sorry if these queries sound silly 😅
I would love a reading – but I’ll have to give you something. I refuse to not pay or give something back (even if small!). Plus, I need to say thank you for indulging me and letting me bother you non-stop with my questions 😂 But, seriously – you should be confident. You have literally not only captured my interest but a lot of others too!
Honestly, as sucky as it is to not graduate, I’m doing exactly that – taking the time for myself. I’ve been going for walks as of late while listening to some tunes! I live near conservation, so I’m lucky that I have a huge forest with lakes and a beach to unwind. But before I got hurt, I used to do cross-country, high-jump, and shotput (I miss those days 😭).
But, if you enjoy dancing – I encourage Zumba💃
I know it seems random, but it’s something super fun to do by yourself (or with someone else, I usually do it with my mom) and it just gets you moving. I’ve been doing Zumba almost every day because sitting on the couch is starting to get to me. It’s totally random – but it’s a fun way to get active in the comforts of your home, and you got some fun music to listen to. I’m glad to hear you’ve gotten out of that weird headspace though – I relate a lot to you in that aspect. It can take a while to get out of it, but the important part is that you did it! And I wish you the best with school, you’re almost done.
Also, happy Taurus season, babe~! ����😘
Ouu, so what other signs associate with manipulation? I always hear Scorpio, so you’ve piqued my interest. And, I’m going to be honest, I’m still in shock that you’re a Taurus LOOL. I don’t know why, but the way you write reminds me of some of my friends/family who are Libras. You just have this diplomacy when you write? Do I sound crazy – probably 😂😂. I’ve never heard about the midheaven, but now that you told me that, it does make a lot of sense. Like you know how Zuko screams Mars? You scream Libra for me😋
YES I DID HEAR. Okay, so I’m from Canada, so ATLA is already here for us to watch – but my best friend (he lives in the States) literally called me screaming in excitement. We’re planning binge-watching dates for us to video chat and watch together. So I think I can safely assume you shall be binge-watching ATLA starting May 15 😉😉
Soft Zuko.
I swear, I fangirled soooooooo damn hard.
My heart – gone.
Soul – snatched.
Zuko is just such a cutie, like a teddy bear – with that smile of his and I just ajsdksadjksjdkasdksd My body can’t handle this level of cuteness. Like he has his kick-ass moments, but getting to see that other side of him was beautiful. My favourite moment was he gives Kiyi a piggy-back ride and tucks her into bed. If you end up reading the comics – you gotta let me know. I’m dying to know what you think of it!
It was also neat seeing Katara’s and Aang’s relationship develop in the comics (and Toph). Like the comics captured the essence of an awkward teenage romance (Katara and Aang) blooming into a long-lasting relationship. Like my friends said they cringed so hard during some ‘romantic’ moments between them, and they’re like it made us cringe not because it was bad, but because that was us when we were teenagers with our partners.
Oh wow – thank you for the examples! Honestly, it makes sense now about the domestic aspects with Zuko’s Cancer and Yue’s Venus. I just needed to make sure I was understanding it, I need to know these facts👏👏 But I swear – I feel like their whole relationship is the definition of chaotic neutral 😂😂
Is there a reason why certain signs have a strong presence in certain families (like you mentioned how you have a lot of ‘me’s’ in yours lol). Or is just random?
But I’m glad you enjoyed chapter 33, love! It feels so nice to get back into a writing routine – I was going nuts, not able to write consistently. I need to channel my chaotic energy into my stories LOOL
But I hope you’re taking care of yourself (family and friends included) in these times! It’s nice engaging in these long chats, it makes so happy (can you tell 😂).
I can’t wait till I hear from you again🌻~! 💜💜💜
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I got tagged by @weirdnproudofit. Guess you all get to learn a little bit more about me than my obsession with Dragon Age, Reylo, Realm of the Elderlings and writing.
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better and answer the questions. I’ll probably won’t tag as many though cause I don’t wanna spam half my followers.
Relationship status: Single.
Favorite Color: Purple usually, though I can be swayed by pretty shade of just about anything.
Top 3 ships: Oh, now this is going to be hard. Like, super, super hard. So I’m gonna cheat again.
I guess I’ll start with one of the easiest: Ereri/Riren, Eren/Levi from Attack on Titan. I know canonically it’ll never be thing and I’m totally fine with that. Romance of any kind isn’t really much of a thing in the anime and manga, besides the sort of hinted at relationship between Ymir and Christa which I also ship, but the fanfic, fan art, and just fandom related content around this ship has just been incredible. I came to it during the early days of the anime’s airing in 2013 and never left. I am so blown away and moved by it to this day. So much laughter and smiles and delicious angst and swoon worthy content. Seriously, some of the fanfics for this pairing were so addictive and impressive and also just warm and comforting. And from some of them, I even learned about myself like in the way the best of books do. I’m not as immersed in the community as I used to, but I still follow it and was only reading a fanfic for this pairing a month ago and it was like coming home.
Pre Eren/Levi the last big ship of mine was Dramione aka Draco/Hermione from Harry Potter. I never expected them to get together canonically. I actually came to the series after it was finished, and it wasn’t until after I was finished when I browsing the internet that I came across my first Dramione fic. Intrigued I gave it a go and was hooked. It was like an innocent, PG rated one where Draco and Hermione have a spell go wrong and must stick close together until the spell wears off, and in the meantime, learn to first tolerate each other and then eventually like each other. I was done for and consume such an incredible amount of fanfic it was unreal.
One of the things that actually made 2016 bearable was my discovering the Dragon Age series and then mass playing them 2x through (still slowly working on my third). By the end of my first playthrough, I just wasn’t ready to leave the world. I couldn’t let go. So I Googled the top fanfics for it and read Zute’s “A Californian in King Cailan’s Court” and sequel “Post Blight Management for Dummies,” which is hysterical by the way. And I binge read so much DA fanfic after that. Seriously, some of my fellow DA fanfic writers are amazing. And as I was looking through one fic where Zevran tries to broker a truce between Fenris and Anders, I became curious about Fenders. And so I looked to see what was out there and got hooked. Now this is another ship that isn’t canon, but these fics showed something I longed for in the game: for these two to realize that despite all their arguments and differences that they both long for the same thing: freedom and justice for those like them that are oppressed. Both have had their freedom denied, both traumatized by their past, Anders by the Chantry and the Templars and the Circle and Fenris by the slavers and magisters of Tevinter. What so many of the fics handled so gracefully was having these two broken people find healing and understanding through one another to a beautiful effect. I recommend giving @nikki-66 fics a go for great examples of this.
And I said I was gonna cheat, right? Okay, so here are two other ships I’m fully sailing on that I didn’t put in my top three. The first being Reylo because anyone who follows my blog will have probably noticed that I totally ship this. I shipped it from The Force Awakens and was ecstatic when The Last Jedi came out. I went on such a fanfic reading binge for this in late 2017/early to mid 2018. It was the only thing that toned down DA fanfic reading to reasonable levels. All I can is if Ben Solo dies in the next movie and/or if Reylo doesn’t happen in some way I’m going to be so pissed lol
Finally, to one of the most complicated and moving and hard to define relationships I’ve ever read in fantasy fiction: Fitz and the Fool from Robin Hobb’s the Realm of the Elderlings. Fitz is the bastard of the crown prince of the Six Duchies turned assassin for the king and the Fool is the court jester and also someone he refers to as the White Prophet. Their relationship in the books spans a lifetime, and it grows and evolves. Are they friends? Or are they more? But they’re not lovers, not in the way most of us would think of them but also something more. All I knew was that in some way the two of them needed to end up together in some way, and I just couldn’t bear the thought that they wouldn’t be. I put off reading the last trilogy for months because of it. And when I did... I won’t say because you really need to read these books. All sixteen of them and in order. Please.
lipstick or chapstick: I always have a chapstick in my pocket. Always. I can’t stand having dry lips. And while I do love lipstick for all the pretty colors and also the way it brightens my face, I hate when a lipstick can just settle on your lips and look super bad. But in recent years there’s been more lip butters and other hydrating formulas that I can regularly use, so that’s nice.
Last song: Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen. I’ve been on a Queen kick after watching Bohemian Rhapsody.
Last movie: I was hanging out with my mom post her knee surgery and got her to finally watch Mulan. Before that it was Outlaw King on Netflix (with a friend) and then Bohemian Rhapsody (with a sister). I don’t watch a whole lot of movies. And if we’re talking TV shows then Outlander (with a friend). I’m more likely to be found reading, writing or gaming than I am to be watching something.
currently reading: Ummmmm where do I begin? Ha. Like I just read a Reylo oneshot this morning. The other day I just finished Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas (which was so good!) and because I was in such a Maas kick I decided to make my 100th book read of the year her Catwoman Soulstealer one (good so far!). Also, I just started reading the novella Neutral by Jane Washington and Jaymin Eve which is part of the Curse of the Gods series (the protagonist Willa is the funniest main character I’ve read in years; the most recent one being the Warden in Zute’s Dragon Age fanfic).
And yes, I did say 100 books. I am counting novel lengths fanfics, books of poetry and plays along with any novels and books of nonfiction. In 2017, I wanted to see how much I was actually reading and challenged myself to get to at 50 (I ended up somewhere in the 80s) and write them all down in a notebook. I gave myself the 50 challenge again this year at the bare minimum with the ultimate goal of 100 books read. So unless I lose all access to the written word for the rest of the year, I’ll be meeting my goal in the next day or so, which is super exciting.
So here I’m going to tag four of my followers! If you’ve already done this or find the whole thing annoying feel free to ignore it. @orkindofamazing @amervalk @latebuthere @nekoamamori
#dragon age#star wars#fenders#reylo#attack on titan#ereri#riren#eren x levi#harry potter#dramione#fitz and the fool#realm of the elderlings#robin hobb#sarah j maas#kingdom of ash#catwoman soulstealer#curse of the gods#jane washington#jaymin eve#reading challenge#queen#outlander#bohemian rapsody movie#mulan#outlaw king#why am i tagging everything
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20 questions tag!
tagged by @cheonsavage and @gonefortuan !! i’m not gonna tag anyone (◍•ᴗ•◍)
nicknames: jeenie, jeenie the weenie, some ppl call me jen on here and i’m like wOAH bc that never happens in real life zodiac sign: aquarius height: 5′6 orientation: heterosexual nationality: chinese favorite fruit: I LOVE APPLES favorite season: winter favorite book(s): shhh i made it plural but...before i fall, the samurai’s garden, and i rlly loved reading the great gatsby favorite flower: i think water lilies are really pretty favorite scent: my aunt’s apartment in china smelled rlly nice, like a mixture of aircon and nature republic’s aloe vera gel favorite animal: cat favorite colors: blue, yellow, coral, millennial pink, pastel versions of many colors coffee, tea, or hot coco: coffee and tea are both fine they just cannot be bitter bc i am WEAK. like i’ll add like 10 pumps of coffee creamer to coffee (yes wow TEN PUMPS IT’S RIDICULOUS) but i’ve had like 5 cups of coffee my entire life. the tea at chinese restaurants is ok, milk tea is great, sweetened stuff like bing hong cha is great too, TEA ☕ IS GREAT TOO average hours of sleep: during school around 5-6 hours….rn during the summer it’s still around 6 bc i stay up til 2 am sometimes and my mom wakes me up at 8 cat or dog: cat favorite fictional character: takahashi nanami from bokura ga ita just bc i love that manga to death but i don’t really have a fave fictional character number of blankets: one rn bc i hate feeling hot, but usually two dream trip: A SENIOR TRIP W FRIENDS TO JAPAN, KOREA, AND MAYBE CHINA BETTER BE HAPPENING RIGHT NOW NEXT YEAR blog created: recreated some time in early january bc i’m an idiot and accidentally deleted, or else it would’ve been like september 2015 favorite song(s) at the moment: nu’est’s overcome and i’m bad, marmello’s puppet (it’s a FUCKING B O P), mandy harvey’s try, produce 101′s it’s me and always number of followers: i don’t find the need to reveal follower count unless i’m provoked *cough* in real life but according to that levels of tumblr post i’m now the unholy offspring of lightning and death !! favorite bands: drug restaurant, nell, one ok rock, spyair if we’re talking about idols then seventeen, nu’est, highlight, aoa, wjsn, the list goes on and on favorite solo artists: jung joon young, can’t think of anyone else rn oops but i like ieiri leo’s sabrina and sejeong’s flower way uM ADD TO THIS LIST KIM JAEHWAN IN THE FUTURE song stuck in my head: that bgm they play sometimes when seonho does stuff....piya...piya....byeongari last movie i watched: your name last TV show i watched: produce 101 season 2 was a shitfest that i sadly enjoyed for the most part and got way too emotional over what stuff do i post: mostly seventeen, sometimes produce 101/wanna posts that i find i still want to reblog to a seventeen blog LOL, will sometimes reblog wjsn/monsta x/random groups and ofc text posts when did your blog reach its peak: that BABY U R MY ANGELLLL post that somehow blew up bc it transcended the seventeen fandom and it has like 11k notes literally wha t the fuck but ppl started tagging their friends in it and i was like aWWWW do you have any other blogs: i made @jooshua to post gifs but honestly i’ve lost interest oops...maybe i’ll be active again when i mentally don’t feel like crap (ha) and i have a wanna one blog @seonnho which i’m really active on, maybe even more than this blog do you get asks regularly: not really, occasionally smth pops up like someone gushing about seungkwan snfkdjknds let me talk to y’all!! why did you choose your url: i got bored of @blondkwan and i love the holy trinity boosoonseok and somehow was lucky enough to get this url idk why no one took it? i changed it almost 2 years into their debut and it’s almost canon ?? anyways LUCK. following: 242 some ppl r inactive but i’ve been following them since i got into svt and it breaks my heart to unfollow. also have not followed new ppl in a while :/ i will do that someday! posts: 14,530 A SHITTON hogwarts house: hufflepuff pokemon team: i would choose instinct if i played pokemon go idk why but weren’t ppl shitting on that team LOL i feel attached for some reason lucky numbers: 2, 7 what are you wearing right now: white t-shirt and some ratty ass sweatpants i cut kinda short dream job: honestly i don’t want to do shit but still live in opulence hAAA idk what i want to do but in preschool i wanted to be an artist!! and in 6th grade i wanted to be a kpop idol!! why can’t dreams come true without me doing shit
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Here’s my thoughts on each track from Divide.
Eraser: The produced version is fucking amazing and I actually like it better than the live version he posted a few days ago. And that’s weird cause I usually like is raps better live. But fucking hell the produced album track is BRILLIANT
Castle on the Hill: This one has been out for a while and I just enjoy it all around. I love the story behind it and I love the music arrangement for it. And his acoustic performances have been amazing. This is gonna be a popular one at concerts. And let’s not get me started on the falsetto in his voice.
Dive: Holy fucking hell. This is like the sexier more mature version of Thinking Out Loud. Jesus Christ. It has a very Slow Dancing In a Burning Room vibe. And his voice... fuck me up his voice. I started laughing/crying in the chorus because what the fuck?! Oh and HOLY FUCK THE GUITAR SOLO IN THE MIDDLE OF IT. IT’S TOTALLY JOHN MAYER SHREDDING AND I’M FUCKING DEAD. Also... this song is going to sound incredible on vinyl.
Shape of You: This one has also been out for a while. But none the less, I love, love, LOVE this one. Such a tune. Great beat. Love how he’s talking about a beautiful woman is without being degrading and using vulgar language. I really don’t know how else I can describe this song other than I love everything about it.
Perfect: Welp... Ed was right. He said this was better than Thinking Out Loud and I have to agree. Don’t get me wrong, TOL is one of my favorite songs of his. But this one... this one is just... it’s literally Perfect - pun intended. It’s so sweet and heartfelt. And you can feel the love in every word and in his voice. I’m crying.
Galway Girl: I love everything about this. This is such a feel good song. I love the Irish feel and influences. I’m cheesin so hard right now. Talking about meeting on Grafton street makes me miss walking down Grafton Street and watching all the street performers and talking to complete strangers about anything and everything. This is gonna sound bad ass live.
Happier: I’m sorry... did he growl in the beginning of this? Because I’m asdl;kfjasd;lfj. Also his falsetto in this is unreal. And the emotion. I’m crying again. Jesus Christ this album has me all up in my feels right now.
New Man: I feel like this is classic Ed Sheeran in terms of style. I don’t really know how to describe it. It’s just to me... classic Ed. Kinda reminds me of a slower version of You Need Me in a way.
Hearts Don’t Break Around Here: “She is the lighthouse in the night that will safely guide me home” Fuck me up with that line. Bye. I can’t even. This has shades of Tenerife Sea in it in terms of the guitar and I love it. This is such a sweet, loving, and tender song. If this makes the tour set list, I’m very likely to cry hearing it live. Just like I did when I heard Tenerife Sea
What Do I Know?: If he’s actually harmonizing with himself in this track and I’m gonna launch myself into the sun. Jesus Christ. I mean... I know he can I’ve seen him do it live with his loop station, but this is just on a whole new level. Love the guitar in this track too.
How Would You Feel (Paean): Okay well... this one basically punched me in the feels the first time I heard it/saw the video he released. And that hasn’t changed. This is just a sweet, caring, loving song and it makes me happy. It also makes me cry. Maybe one day I’ll find this kind of love. Oh, and I love how simplistic this is musically. Just the guitar and the piano. Supermarket Flowers: Oh my god. I’m ugly sobbing. This is so beautifully written and composed. And brilliantly performed. This song hits so close to home right now that I can’t say anything more right now. If he performs this on tour we’re all gonna be drowning in an ocean of our own tears. This track on vinyl is going to fucking slay me. Barcelona: This track makes me want to choreograph some kind of ballroom dance to it. Damn shame I don’t know how to do any style of ballroom dance much less choreograph it. But damn if this track doesn’t make you want to get up and dance. Although I’d much rather be dancing to this track down the streets of Spain. His voice is unreal in this track as well. Wow.
Bibia Be Ye Ye: I feel like I should be on vacation in some tropical island paradise. Or like I should be going on a road trip with my best friend or the boyfriend I don’t have and we’re documenting everything on film and camera. This just sounds like an adventure song and now I want to travel dammit.
Nancy Mulligan: I love this song so fucking much. It’s so cute and it’s gonna be awesome live. I love the how the Irish influences have come back for this track. But it also has a Spanish flare to it and I love it. It just meshes so well all around. How can you not get up and dance to this song? If this song doesn’t make you smile then I don’t know what to tell you. Save Myself: First of all... this track deserves to be more than a bonus track. Second of all, this song is the equivalent of the tear jerker ballad in the second act of a musical. You know.. the ballad where the main character(s) have some big revelation about themselves and/or their relationship. It actually reminds me of two moments in Once. The first is where it’s just Guy and Girl and they’re out on a hill that’s overlooking the city, and Guy sings Sleeping. And the second is after they’ve finished recording When Your Mind’s Made Up and Girl sings The Hill. I can’t really explain it, but that’s what this track reminds me of. And yeah... DEFINITELY deserves to be more than a bonus track.
***** If you read through all my rambling non-sense about Divide, kudos to you. You deserve a cookie, or three or four. I told you it would be a rambling, bumbling, incoherent mess. As Ed has said, this album is special and it’s definitely some of his best work. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go eat my feelings by binge eating a box of frozen thin mints.
#Divide#Ed Sheeran#Teddy Sheeran#My thoughts#This is one of the best albums I've heard#It's definitely his best and the most special just as he said it would be#fuck me up i'm all up in my feels right now
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Salaam! I’ve started to think that I should just stop apologizing for disappearing for weeks on end because I feel guilty, and then I end up making promises I can never keep, and it becomes a vicious cycle. So, no more apologies. Just that school started, and it’s already kicking my ass. Also, my laptop broke down- I have no clue what happened. One day, it just up and decided to become stupid, and I couldn’t use it for about a week and a half. That happened. But I got it back this afternoon, so I thought I’d start off by doing a much-needed January wrap-up.
Even though I wasn’t blogging much, January was a pretty decent reading month for me. I read a total of 8 books, which is good since I wasn’t reading anything at all the past couple of months. Quality-wise, you probably know how I am by now… it goes up and down. For the most part, the books I read ranged from good to pretty good, and that’s honestly all I can ask, ha. I did read something awful though, but more on that later.
So… guess who I met? If you don’t follow me on Twitter, you might be unaware of this but I met Zayn a week or so ago. I love him to death- I think he’s both an incredible artist and an incredible human being. I was never a One Direction fan, but I distinctly remember thinking that Zayn was super attractive and had a unique voice; when he went solo, I really began to pay attention to him. Almost a year after his album release, I still listen to his songs almost every single day. I’ve binge-watched interviews and videos and stalked his social media, and he’s such a humble, grounded, adorable person.
Meeting him was incredible. He was so gracious and lovely; when I was taking a photo with him, my hand was shaking out of nerves so he reached out and steadied my phone. He was so kind to all his fans… and just in case you’re wondering, yes, he’s just as attractive in real life. :)
I also saw one of my favorite bands live! I’ve seen Kings of Leon live once before back in 2014, and they’re so incredible that I couldn’t possibly miss their 2017 tour. Protip: there are two things you need to do in your life:
See a rock concert in Madison Square Garden
See Kings of Leon on tour
I won’t pretend like I’ve seen a ton of concerts, but I’ve been to a few big rock ones, and there’s something that sets Kings of Leon apart from the rest. They make sure their fans get their money’s worth of performances. They performed 28 songs. One after the other with minimal pauses in between- so energizing, so rapid-fire but so, so good. If you like even just a couple of their songs, I’d highly recommend seeing them live. Despite not being my favorite band of all-time (that crown goes to Linkin Park) I still prefer their concerts over anybody else’s.
On Choosing a Different Path for Myself
Some of you might know this already, but I’m studying Applied Psychology at NYU. I just started the second semester of my junior year, which means I’ll be graduating in just over a year- which is insane just to think about. But I’ve decided that I want to switch…
Well, not really “switch” per se, but do something more advanced. Which is medicine! Surprise, surprise. When I went to Los Angeles over the winter break, I had a talk with a couple of my relatives, both of whom are psychiatrists. By talking to them and their constant affirmations that I was born to go into medicine, I started thinking. What do I want from my life? What do I want out of my career? And you might judge me for this, and I know this is probably why I’ve been sorted into Slytherin my entire life- I want to be successful. I want to be rich, lol, and I want to work for the money I earn. I want to travel. I want a good house, and a nice car. I want to be able to give my parents the chance to retire and sit back and relax while I am able to fulfill their needs. I want to buy stuff without looking at the price-tag, and I want to be able to give to causes that I support without compromising my day-to-day actions for lack of finances.
But that’s not just it. I wanted to become a psychologist so I could help South Asian youth who suffer from mental illnesses and are stigmatized and dehumanized. And I can do that. I can do that if I become a psychiatrist. I can do something good all while making a decent life for myself and my family. It’s going to take many extra years, particularly because I’ll have to take an extra year after my undergraduate to fulfill my pre-med requirements. But that’s a cost I’m willing to pay, you know? It was a scary decision to make. I wasn’t sure I could do it. I’m still not sure I have the brains to get into med school, but you know. I’ll go down with everything I’ve got. It’s honestly a little terrifying, but I’ve enrolled for the first class that’ll help me get there, and I’m ready.
But that’s all I’m going to ramble about. You came here for a reading wrap-up, so here it is!
Reading Wrap-Up
Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon | 1.5 stars | Review
This rating may come as a surprise to many, but I really disliked this book – not because the technical aspects were bad, but because the themes were so offensive that it didn’t sit well with me. I was enjoying it at first; the fun additions of notes and charts and illustrations added character, and I was interested in the character’s experience with her disability. But then the love interest was introduced, which made the book extremely insta-lovey, and that was also when the ableist themes came into play. This book was one big message of: you can’t be happy and you can’t have a normal love-life if you have a disability. Which is wrong on so many levels and completely downplays the experiences of so many. I explain it better in my review, so if you’re interested in learning more, check that out!
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If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo | 3.5 stars | Review
I had high hopes for this book, and for the most part, it did not disappoint. The main character was immediately likable, and you fully empathized with her desire to move on from a traumatic event and to fit in with a new group of people. My favorite aspect of the book was definitely her topsy-turvy relationship with her father; the nuance and complexity of their dynamic definitely added an extra layer to the otherwise happy book. I also thought that the romance was incredibly cute, even though I thought it was a little insta-lovey. Also, let’s talk about how little attention is given to great female friendships in YA- if you’re looking for a good female-friendship dynamic, check this book out. Trigger warning for transphobia, depression, suicide attempt and outing.
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Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire | 2.5 stars
I had very mixed feelings about this book; on one hand, I thought the world-building was incredible. Or rather, the potential for the world-building was incredible. Conceptually, the book was so strong, but I felt that a lot of the potential was wasted in execution. A ton of the world-building happens through dialogue rather than actual action. Which really bummed me out and kept me from enjoying the book. The characters fell flat for me too. I did, however, really enjoy the balance between whimsy and dark; I thought the plot was brilliant, and had it been carried out better, it would’ve definitely gotten a higher rating from me. Look out for my full review!
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Not If I See You First by Eric Lindstrom | 4 stars
This was perhaps my favorite book of the month, which was a surprise because I didn’t know what to expect when I went into it. I’ve only ever read one other book with a blind protagonist, and this one was completely different in tone from that one. I was wary at first because the protagonist is so bitter and mean and sarcastic, and I approached it with caution because it seemed to give off the vibe that she was that way because she lost her sight. But as the story progressed, as the main character developed and grew through relationships and interactions with the people around her, as she learned more about her past and her life and came to terms with her vulnerabilities, the beauty of the book came to light. It was truly a beautiful book, and another one with really amazing female friendships. Definitely a must-read! And look out for my review!
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The Young Elites & The Rose Society by Marie Lu | 3.5 stars each
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So, I know I’m late to the game, and I know everyone and their mother loves this series- and I understand why. Even though I didn’t give either book a great rating, I really enjoyed them both and am definitely looking forward to the finale. I think what makes this series stand out so starkly amongst its peers is the fact that it’s basically a villain’s coming-to-power story and then I’m guessing her subsequent downfall. I love the complexity of Adelina’s character; I enjoy how you empathize with her but also constantly criticize her choices because she’s going too far. I love the world-building, and the writing’s solid. I sometimes feel that the secondary characters feel flat, and also that Adelina’s still too likable to be called a villain. I want to see her pushed further so I can fully give her the label of villain, because I don’t think she’s there yet. Which was my main gripe with the second book. I won’t be doing an individual review for each book, but I’ll do a joint review for the trilogy!
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The Princess Saves Herself in This One by Amanda Lovelace (ARC) | 3.5 stars
I don’t read a ton of poetry, but I picked this one up because I’m mutuals with the author on Twitter, and it won an award, and it’s been getting a ton of hype. It’s basically word porn. I think a lot of the poems in this are incredibly relatable; it covers topics like mental health, body image, family dynamics, loss and death, abusive relationships, moving on, self-love, feminism and strength. A lot of the values I hold myself were reflected in this, and Lovelace definitely has a way with weaving words together so that they say a lot in very few characters. I enjoyed the first two parts of the book much, much more than the last one- which I felt was a little dragged and didn’t fit in with the tone of the other parts. But if you’re looking to get into poetry and aren’t sure where to start, check this out.
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Life in a Fishbowl (ARC) by Len Vlahos | 3 stars
Okay, so let me preface this by saying that the premise of this book is very misleading. The reality television aspect of it doesn’t come into play until well past the 30 or 40% mark- and believe it or not, I was really, really enjoying the book before the TV part was introduced. Definitely the strongest feature of the book is the writing. Vlahos is incredibly gifted; he’s clearly honed and polished his voice to perfection. It’s snarky, it’s intelligent, it’s satirical and hilarious and also surprisingly simple. Just reading his words made the experience delightful. His decision to tell the story from approximately eight perspectives was a gutsy move, but he pulled it off. The relationships, the themes were all spot on. It’s just that the storyline began to drag after the 60% mark, and the characters didn’t undergo any development, which I would have really liked to see. Even so, this was such a fun, fast-paced book, and I’d recommend it to anyone. Full review to come!
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So, I’ve talked a little already about how I basically failed at blogging this month- I’ve never been so far behind my reviews. Because blogging sucked so much, I’m not going to do a post-to-post wrap-up like I usually do. But I’ll just leave a link to the Diversity Bingo 2017 event that I, and a few other friends are hosting. It’s basically a year-long reading event where you need to read 36 books that fit into a bingo sheet, each fulfilling a facet of diversity. You can find more information (and my TBR) here.
I also compiled a list of the diverse books releasing between January and June of this year. I know that I could have really used a masterlist, and in compiling it, I introduced myself to so many awesome-sounding books. If you’d like to check it out (and share, if you can please!), you can do so right over here.
The last post I’ll feature is my top 10 books of 2016. If you’re interested in seeing what the standouts of last year were, you can check them out here.
Also, I’m making a massive change to the blog- something that I think is important for my sanity, ha. I’m getting a co-blogger! I’ve already spoken to someone about it; she’s a friend that I got to know over Twitter. She’s incredible- kind, open-minded, thoughtful and just super wonderful in general. I’m not going to announce who exactly it is just yet- we’ll do that together when she writes her introduction post and she can officially be integrated into the website. Which also means that a URL change is in order. I can’t have a co-blogger and keep it my name. I’ll purchase the bookshelvesandpaperbacks.com domain soon, so just a heads up!
What I’ve Been Watching and Listening To
So, y’all probably know by now that A Series of Unfortunate Events was released on Netflix, which I binge-watched and freaked out over. The books were such an integral part of my childhood, and it felt so wonderful to revisit the characters and the story. The show stays so true to the books- from the narration to the sets to the whimsical, weird, magical-realism-type tone, everything feels like home. The casting is spot-on. I love Neil Patrick Harris as Count Olaf, and it took me some time to warm up to the children, but I love them all dearly now. Go check the trailer out:
As for music, I’m going to be fully basic and just talk about Zayn a lot more, ha. I barely listened to anything except for his new track with Taylor Swift. I really don’t like her, guys. The fact that the song is the soundtrack for Fifty Shades Darker really doesn’t help, but come on, it’s Zayn. I had to give it a try- and I haven’t stopped listening to it since. I’ve often wanted a version where it was just him singing, and guess what- yesterday, he dropped an acoustic version where it’s just him and a guitar. It’s honestly heaven-sent, and even though it was released in February, I couldn’t go without including it here. Check it out- it almost seems like a completely different song, and I haven’t listened to the original since!
So that’s it for last month’s wrap-up. I know, I had a lot to talk about- it was a busy month and a lot was happening in life. Kudos to you if you made it this far into the post. Let me know in the comments below what your month was like? As always, thanks for stopping by and happy reading!
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Wrap Up | January ’17 Salaam! I've started to think that I should just stop apologizing for disappearing for weeks on end because I feel guilty, and then I end up making promises I can never keep, and it becomes a vicious cycle.
#book blog#books#january wrap up#Monthly Recap#monthly wrap up#music#reading#reading wrap up#wrap up#Zayn
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15 Self Care Activities You Can Do in 15 Minutes or Less
New blog post! I get it: when life gets busy, setting aside time for self care can seem impossible. However, self care activities are perhaps the most important when your to-do list seems like a mile long.
As I start my third month of grad school, I can definitely relate. In fact, this past weekend felt like nothing but food prep, grading papers, lesson planning, squeezing in a few hours of socializing, blogging work and sleep. Hence, this list of 15 self care ideas that take 15 minutes or less!
Whether you're a college student, a first-year teacher, a badass full-time worker or the parent of three hyper kids, here are 15 fun ways to add 15 minutes of self care to your life this week!
1. Write - and send - a letter.
There's something endearing about handwritten letters. It takes more thought and effort than shooting off a text or Facebook message (though I'll never turn down a funny meme or random "thinking of you" text from my besties). If the person you're writing to values letters like I do, your reminder to smile might even end up pinned to a bulletin board in their room.
Plus, the act of writing a letter can be rewarding in itself. Research has linked expressive writing - including writing letters - to improved mood, reduced stress levels and an overall boost in wellbeing.
So why not pick up a pen, a piece of paper and give a loved one an old-fashioned surprise?
2. Unleash your inner yogi and stretch it out.
First of all: it doesn't matter if you've never done yoga or have no idea what kind of stretches you "should" be doing. The goal of "self care" activities like this is to, well, care for yourself. So let what feels good guide your stretching!
If you have fibromyalgia (or another muscle-related chronic illness) like me, taking mini stretch breaks is vital. Sometimes, I get so "into" my work that I don't realize several hours have past and my shoulders are hiked up to my ears. Being more aware of how my body is feeling can prevent a migraine or extreme body aches from sidelining me hours later.
If you want to follow a "proper" yoga routine for your 15 minutes of stretching, I highly recommend Fightmaster Yoga on YouTube. Otherwise, you do you!
3. Watch a cute cat (or goat...or any adorable animal) video.
Admit it: there's something insanely relaxing about watching baby goats in onesies practice jumping or seeing a kitten play peekaboo. You're also not the only one whose stress level drops after watching a cute animal video. Scientists have actually discovered that cute videos trigger a release of dopamine - AKA, one of our "happy hormones" - in viewers' brains.
Apparently, people's love of cute things has ties to evolution; basically, our brains are trying to ensure we properly care for our adorable infants. All that really matters, though, is that you now have a science-backed reason to crank up the cat videos during your Monday lunch hour!
Like this post? Then tweet me some love by clicking here: "Too busy for #selfcare? Then check out these 15 self care activities you can do in 15 mins or less! #health #selflove http://bit.ly/2y6j2vm"
4. Throw a (solo or friend-filled) dance party.
Do I really need to explain this one? Dancing is fun. Dancing to your favorite pick-me-up songs is even more fun. And dancing without worrying what anyone thinks of your super groovy dance moves is a blast!
The hit of adrenaline from your mini-burst of exercise doesn't hurt either!
5. Go for a walk in nature.
Can’t stop thinking about the mistake you made during your big presentation or the annoying co-worker who works at the desk across from yours? Then taking a walk outside is exactly the self-care tip you need.
Everyone has moments of brooding, or nonstop thinking on negative parts of your day or life. Research has found, though, that spending time walking outside in nature can decrease brooding and improve mental health. And even if you aren’t brooding, spending some quality time with your local park can’t hurt. So find a nature trail and get walkin’!
6. Prep a delicious dinner.
If you're a foodie like me, a delicious meal is a great way to show people that you care. Sometimes, though, we forget to show ourselves the same edible self love!
Even if you're short on time, you can lay the groundwork for a delicious meal later on. Cut up some veggies that you can roast while you work; put your choice of protein in a marinade to soak up flavor while you're away; throw a bunch of ingredients in the slow cooker (following recipes like these!); or even Google and bookmark a recipe that looks yummy and easy to make.
Remind yourself that you need fuel to kick life's booty...and that you're worthy of making fuel that actually tastes finger-lickin' good!
7. Look at your calendar and schedule at least one "just for fun" activity that week.
Once you get in the mindset of "work, work, work," it can be hard to remember to give yourself the social breaks you need. Prevent yourself from putting on "productivity blinders" by spending a few minutes adding at least one fun event into your weekly schedule.
Of course, we all have different definitions of "fun" - and as long as you're enjoying yourself and taking a break from work, anything is fair game! Have a spa; go for a walk with a friend; curl up with a good book in your favorite coffee shop; binge watch Netflix for a few hours in your PJ's. The choice of how to have fun is up to you!
And if an even more amazing social opportunity comes your way - like a girls' night out - you already have some time set aside in your schedule to join in.
Like this post? Then tweet me some love by clicking here: "Too busy for #selfcare? Then check out these 15 self care activities you can do in 15 mins or less! #health #selflove http://bit.ly/2y6j2vm"
9. Start and finish one (tiny) chore.
Raise your hand if you've ever felt like you have so much to do, you don't know where to start. Between blogging, teaching, taking classes and doing everything needed to stay alive, I can 100% relate. One self care tip I've started following regularly, though, is doing little chores any spare chance I get...and patting my back for a job well done.
For instance, let's say you need to finish a 10-page paper, write and publish a blog post and reply to five important emails. Which should you start with first? While it may feel the most rewarding to finish your paper or blog post, it'll probably take less time to shoot off a couple emails - and then you'll already have succeeded crossing one "to do" off your list!
8. Work it out (literally)!
You may already know that exercise is an easy way to boost overall health, with studies finding that exercise increases endorphins (aka, the “happy hormones”) and norepinephrine, a chemical that can improve your brain’s reaction to stress. Not to mention all the physical benefits exercise offers.
However, you may not realize that even 15 minutes of exercise can make a difference. Research shows that short (as little as ten minute!) bursts of intense exercise are just as effective as 45-minute workouts in improving heart health and other indicators of fitness. And trust me. If you do a 15 minute HIIT workout or even just a moderate weight lifting session, you still get that endorphin rush!
Some of my favorite short workouts are quick targeted workouts (like abs or cardio) on the free Nike+ Training App; a random combination of jumping jacks, jogging, push-ups or whatever other exercises pop in my head; or even a short 15-minute sprint on the treadmill or elliptical. Find what works for you and for your body, and stick with it.
10. Get lost in a book.
When you’re feeling stressed out, what’s a better escape than visiting another “world” through a good book? It turns out that there are way more benefits of reading than you might expect. Studies have found that reading for as little as 30 minutes a day is associated with a longer lifespan and a more extensive vocabulary. Reading even a chapter of a fiction novel has also been linked to increased empathy. Talk about self care that doubles as self development!
If you love reading but never have the time (trust me - as a grad student earning an MFA in writing, I can relate!), start scheduling 15 minute reading breaks into your week. You’ll be amazed at how much you look forward to putting down your laptop and picking up a book instead.
11. Eat something delicious.
“Comfort eating” has a slightly negative connotation nowadays, with it often associated with unhealthy binges on junk food or mindless snacking. While it’s unlikely that either of those two habits are healthy, I do think there are times when you just need a big, juicy burger or creamy bowl of ice cream.
Food is fuel - but it is also memories and quality time with friends and family and, yes, sometimes exactly the kind of comfort you need. So if your brutal week calls for a visit to a local bakery for a cookie the size of your head, eat and enjoy the dang cookie - and then keep kicking life’s booty!
Like this post? Then tweet me some love by clicking here: "Too busy for #selfcare? Then check out these 15 self care activities you can do in 15 mins or less! #health #selflove http://bit.ly/2y6j2vm"
12. Explore somewhere new.
You don't need hours - or even days - away from home to go on adventure somewhere new. Oftentimes, there are plenty of hidden gems to explore near your own front yard. Instead of swinging by Starbucks like usual, check out the cute local coffee shop a few blocks away. Take a different path around your favorite park. If you're a foodie like me, you might even want to spend your 15 minutes walking around a new-to-you grocery store. (Does anyone else love finding new grocery stores, or am I just weird?)
Who knows - you may find your new favorite local hangout!
13. Give yourself permission to do absolutely nothing.
I'll admit it: I’m slightly addicted to productivity. Even when I’m taking a break from work, I’m usually working out or working on a side project like baking or blogging. If you can relate, why not give yourself the gift of 15 minutes spent doing absolutely nothing?
Lie in bed, waste time scrolling through Instagram, watch the sunset, do some people watching. Those fifteen minutes of “nothing-ness” are yours to do with what you wish. Just don’t do anything productive!
14. Call home or a good friend - and be honest about how you're feeling.
When you're jumping from one obligation to the next, it's easy to forget to check in with the people you love most. So why not make calling home an official part of your weekly schedule? Researchers have reported that hearing a loved one's voice can actually trigger jumps in particular hormones and nerves. In fact, one study found that hearing a mother's (or father's) voice caused a jump in pleasure areas of children's brains.
Don't just talk about the weather either; really talk. Advice from an old friend about a problem you're struggling with or some reassuring words from mom may be exactly what you need.
15. Look back on your week and make a list of everything you’ve done, no matter how small.
It never hurts to remind yourself what a true badass you really are! Sometimes we can get so focused on the things we still need to get done or the mistakes we’ve made that we forget about everything we majorly #slayed that week. So take 15 minutes to review everything you’ve kicked booty at during the week - and don't forget to mention the small stuff, too. Research has found that, when people acknowledge their small successes, they not only boost their self confidence, but also have more motivation to work. This isn't bragging - it's setting yourself up for another killer week!
Like this post? Then tweet me some love by clicking here: "Too busy for #selfcare? Then check out these 15 self care activities you can do in 15 mins or less! #health #selflove http://bit.ly/2y6j2vm"
Regardless of which of these self care ideas you want to add to your weekly routine, one thing is certain: no matter how limited your free time, there's always time for a little self love.
And as I prepare for another crazy week of grad school, you can bet that several of these self care activities are landing on my to-do list! What's your favorite self care activity? Which of these would you want to try first? Tell me in the comments!
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