#yep torchlight should've also been comics or an animated series
violet-dragongirl · 2 years
Whats the piece of media that you think could be most improved by changing its medium (ie a show that you be a game, or a book that should actually be a movie)
Torchlight would be such an awesome animated movie or cartoon series (I'm not counting three or Torchlight Infinite because well...1 I haven't finished torchlight 3, and infinite i'm not touching cos...hmm...I have reasons)
But for Torchlight 1 and 2 tho? Oh my GOODNESS would those make great animated movies/series
If not then they have to be comics, kinda lengthy but like, it DOES get to the end of torchlight 2, but also like, add in slice of life episodes/scenes, or have a side quest be an episode.
The combat has to be both flashy/spectacle AND comedic.
There has to be the funny/tragedy aspect so bad cos like...I feel like torchlight already artistically does that so well, I think dialogue and story would be neat to see too!
I'm thinking 4 characters (if it were up to me, 4 trans gal leads), that like...all come from various backgrounds BUT NONE OF THEM ARE LIKE CHOSEN OR HEROES, they're just some gals with combat training and adventure experience and also at first don't really get along but like in that comedic way of not getting along (they absolutely love each other on first sight but they just can't click teamwork wise and what not and they learn and stuff and all that great character development jazz).
Now of course there's other games I'd like to see as movies or comics that would probably do WAY better but Torchlight is what came to mind the fastest so take this as like...there's probably a few other game titles would LOVE to see in different mediums that would probably be better in different mediums but also I play the games I play cos they're games and I really wouldn't want to see them be any other form of medium cos I fear the whole Hollywooding/Marveling the shit out of it and it would make me sad.
With all of that being said, also seeing Gungrave go beyond the "prologue" of the story anime wise. Like yeah we now have 3 games, but what if like...we got those games into an anime series...maybe...it could work...maybe.
Fallout wouldn't work cos Todd Howard ruined the possibility of a great movie series of the post-post apoc world that is Fallout. I mean I guess you COULD still do it but like....eh...it'd be like...just no it wouldn't work in our current era of humanity. Let that cook for about...oh...3 centuries or so.
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