#yeee didn't think i'd finish in time
the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Seventeen P5-8
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Media The Maze Runner AU
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
Seventeen Series
I had basically been in this lovey composed state for the rest of the day utterly smitten, once classes were over I walked along with Zart and Fry to the nearby seven eleven store, where Zart and I worked part-time he sat on the counter leaning his head on his arm waiting for potential customers, and I did some stocking. I kept an eye on Fry as he stood by the wall of slushie machines watching them rotate the icy drinks, I know He and Zart went out before my shift and they both now had a signature smell about them so I knew they'd pretty much be like this all night but I kept an eye on them both just in case... I heard the bell on the door but didn't think much of it continuing to stock the shelves but I stopped short as I noticed the familiar blue and white uniform of the cheer team They were all here clearly on their way home from practice today, they came in grabbing some snacks, some bags of chips, some chocolate, gummy worms and other such stuff I looked but I couldn't see y/n so I just focused on working 
"Uhhh excuse me" Teresa Snapped to Zart as she and the girls wanted to get some of the hot snacks from behind the counter but he was just kinda out of it 
"Did you not hear me?"
"I heard you... Perhaps if you said please I'd wiggle a little faster" he says 
"Excuse me! Who the hell do you think you are talking to me like that!" she snapped 
he glanced down at his name badge a moment "I think...I'm Zart. Or I'm reading his clothes. Fry! who am I?"
"This ladies asking who I think I am"
"I think you're a wizard man..."
"Ohhh so zart, or wizard you can choose madam," He told her
"I'm telling my father about this!"
 "You want a hot dog or not?"
I did my best not to laugh as he actually served them and they paid, I focused on my stocking
"Hi" I heard behind me making me turn and there she stood
Y/n, in her cheer uniform with her bag over her shoulder holding the strap, her pompom's leaking from the bag a little 
"Oh uhhhh -" I jumped doing my best not to panic or blush but where I jumped I knocked the display and knocked everything I just stocked onto the floor "Hi, how can I help you?"
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to spook you," she says coming and helping me pick everything up
"It's okay, Thank you"
"It's alright it was my fault."
"No no it's okay, How can I help?"
"I wanted a cherry slushie but it doesn't seem to work"
"Ohh Cherry?"
"Yeah the cherry handle is always a little funny" I explained so I headed over with her "What size?"
"Just a medium" 
"Okay" I smiled grabbing the medium cup and having a small argument with the handle for the machine with the cherry flavour but eventually I got it to actually come down and fill up the cup, once it was nice and full I added the lid and a straw "Here you go"
"Thank you very much" she smiled "You uhh you're in my physiology class right?"
"Yeah, I am,"
"I thought so, well I best go pay" she smiled
"No no uhh don't worry about it, it's on me"
"Awww that's so sweet, thank you" she smiled sipping her slushie "We'll I'll see you around"
"Yeah see you... be uhh be careful. Not to freeze your brain" I told her and she giggled 
"I'll try, thank you" she smiled giving me a little wave before she headed off out with the other girls 
I smiled so widely so so happy! I talked to her! 
"You gonna pay for it then?" Zart asks 
"Alright, I'm coming" I sighed 
I headed home through the darkness kicking the front door shut behind me and I saw my dad sat much as I saw him this morning reading at the table but the paper had now been replaced with a book dinner on the table already
"Hi" I smiled
"Hey kiddo, you're late tonight"
"yeah, we had a delivery at work and Zart was zonked so" I shrug unpacking my lunch bag into the kitchen and such like 
"When isn't he" he laughs "But you know my rules"
"No partaking" I laughed "Until I'm twenty-five"
"When you're brain is finished developing do what you want. not until"
"I know," I laughed "I'm pretty convinced Fry and Zart may have erased some brain cells" I laughed "Where's mum?"
"PTA meeting"
"Ohh okay" I shrug gathering a drink and my dinner to take upstairs "I'll be in my room"
"Hey! Not so fast. Physics" he says snapping his fingers at me 
I sighed getting it from my bag and handing it over he checked it often glaring at me 
"Not too bad, go on you're clean"
"Yes! Thanks, Dad" I smiled grabbed my stuff and bolted upstairs to my room I had dinner at my desk as I did my homework and any reading and such I needed to do all with my headphones in listening to the Heathers soundtrack thinking of my sweet little y/n, as soon as I was done with my work and dinner I climbed into bed and hugged my pillow "Ummmmm y/n" I smiled squeezing the pillow tightly giving it some little kisses 
I woke up fairly quickly which was unusual, but the reason was I was being beaten up! 
"Ahh what the hell!" I yelled kicking Sonya off me "The fuck are you doing in my room!" 
"Don't ever do that again!" she says before going to leave
"I don't even know what I did!"
"Don't talk to y/n"
"How do you know about that?"
"The rest of the cheer squad told me."
"You're a flag girl. You're not on the cheer squad"
"No! but I will be when either Lisa transfers or Teresa kicks Alexandra out. But even still you can't talk to the cheerleaders so don't!"
"I'll talk to whoever I bloody want to!"
"No, you can't! because now the track team is coming for your ass and the whole school knows what you did, you can't just talk to the cheerleaders and expect to be fine" she says 
"She spoke to me, we weren't at school what am I supposed to do?"
"you nod and be silently respectful," she says "I'm serious do not. do that again" she says heading off for her shower 
I sighed and turned over hugging my pillow. 
I sighed and eventually forced myself out of bed and got dressed grabbing my stuff and already putting a headphone in before I even went downstairs, 
"Hey somebodies grumpy this morning," My mother laughs as she served my dad his eggs 
"You alright kiddo, something up?" my dad asks as he immediately notices I was in a bad mood
"Ask Sonya" I snapped "Bye," I told them before heading out shoving my other headphone in and going to wait by the road and soon enough Sonya joined me 
"I'm-" she began
"You're not sorry. you're only saying it because Mum made you. if you don't mean it don't say it"
"Fine" she snapped as the bus arrived so we got on and I just ignored her leaning my head against the window and trying just to get myself through the day, Once we got to school I was again the last one off and I just headed through to my locker and grabbed my stuff for the day I noticed Thomas wasn't here but I didn't question it I just headed to my first class and immediately I sighed as I saw the chairs in a circle I found my seat and collapsed in it watching as everyone else headed in and found their seats too and soon enough the lesson began even if I wasn't at all listening and after a while, I saw a small bit of paper fall onto my desk, I picked it up before the teacher saw and unfolded It 
'You R Dead Newton' 
I glanced around and saw who wrote it as he was glaring at me 
Ben Smith, he's the smartest guy on the track team which is sort of like being the tallest drawf, while also being class clown the humour of the team as it were and no that's not a compliment, he and y/n used to date given that most of the track team dated the cheerleaders but they broke up last Christmas.
He sat in his seat four or five around from my own glaring at me in his track pants and blue and white letterman jacket with his name on the back. 
I just stuffed the note in my pocket zipped up my hoodie, putting up my hood and pulling the strings hard so I could basically hide myself inside. 
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ahopefuldoubt · 5 years
Parashat Beha’alotecha and The Prince of Egypt
This week’s parasha (Torah portion) is Beha’alotecha, at the end of which Miriam and Aaron speak out against Moses, Gd strikes Miriam with leprosy, and Aaron pleads with Moses to intercede.  Since finally opening up about it here, I’ve been itching to organize notes surrounding the connections I see between this episode in the Torah (including some of the commentary/midrash on it) and the well scene in The Prince of Egypt.  I'm not sure if I want to say there are one-to-one correlations; rather, I feel as though PoE drew inspiration from it, giving it a nod but tweaking it to a small/great degree (kind of like how Miriam’s well makes an appearance, in not-quite the same fashion as it does in the midrash...  though she is also shown giving Tzipporah life-sustaining water for her journey back to Midian, a gesture which echoes the magical well’s role in the desert).
Anyway, Parashat Beha’alotecha and well scene connections:
I believe this is the first time in the Torah that all three siblings are physically together and interacting.  Previously it’s only been [mentions of] Miriam and Moses, or Aaron and Moses, or Miriam and Aaron.  The well scene in The Prince of Egypt marks the siblings’ first reunion—and in the film of course we also have the prologue in which the three of them are together.
According to the rabbis, the reason that Miriam and Aaron speak against Moses is because Tzipporah told Miriam that Moses has taken it upon himself to stop being intimate with her; he’s too absorbed in his role as a prophet.  Expressing concern for and solidarity with Tzipporah (and their people’s future), Miriam takes her case to Aaron and the two go to confront Moses, maintaining that, despite being prophets too, they haven’t been neglecting their partners [Sifrei Bamidbar, 99].  I don’t write about Miriam and Tzipporah’s relationship in The Prince of Egypt very often, but I do love their on-screen bond; in addition to being a great example of love and friendship between women, I feel like it’s a nod to their relationship in the midrash.  Also, Tzipporah is in the beginning of the well scene, interacting with Miriam (and Aaron).  And perhaps it’s possible to argue a kind of inversion here: In the film Moses is pursuing her, whereas in the midrash for this Torah portion he’s said to have withdrawn from her.  What further connection this seems to hold is that, in both the parasha/exegesis and in the film, Miriam, Aaron, Moses, and Tzipporah are present, with Tzipporah being a catalyst.
Torah commentaries will point out that Miriam and Aaron are challenging Moses’ authority and leadership; they’ll note issues such as sibling rivalry, lashon hara (“evil tongue,” gossip).  The well scene can’t cite sibling rivalry, lashon hara, etc.; still, there’s a challenge to Moses’ authority/royal status.  In the Torah, Miriam and Aaron understandably—particularly in light of the above context/midrash concerning Tzipporah—check Moses’ power, and in the film, Miriam—who’s more clearly the chief “conspirator”—understandably and story-necessarily undermines Moses’ status.
Miriam is undeservedly threatened with physical punishment for speaking out.  She is actually stricken by Gd in the Torah.  In the well scene, she is threatened by Moses.  (Also in both, it is only she who is physically endangered.)
Her punishment prompts Aaron to plead with Moses to heal Miriam: “Please, my lord, do not hold a grudge against us for acting foolishly and sinning.  Let Miriam not be like a stillborn child, who comes from the womb with half its flesh rotted away” [source, italics added].  Some of the elements seem similar to Aaron’s dialogue in the well scene: begging his younger brother (addressing Moses’ higher/honored status: “Please. Uh, Your Highness...”) to spare Miriam, the use of we/first-person plural.  The reference to Miriam’s being “ill” in PoE Aaron’s dialogue could be an allusion to Miriam’s leprosy in the biblical text; I feel that both of his speeches are pleas not only to Moses’ compassion/mercy but also his ability/power to counteract the damage to Miriam (in the Torah: compassion for their sister whom Moses already knows and also loves; and in the film: compassion/mercy for Aaron’s beloved sister who is merely a slave to Moses).
I’ve seen it posited that Aaron’s punishment, while not physical or direct, is seeing his sister in pain and suffering alone for their action.  His crying out for her is a natural, automatic response to seeing a loved one in distress, an admission of his own part in speaking out (do not punish her alone!), and an appeal to move Moses.  (The well scene plays out differently, but in the Torah, Moses does speak at this moment, and his prayer to Gd to heal Miriam is poignant in its bareness.)
I’ve often wondered if and how this episode’s characterizations of Aaron and of Miriam guided/strengthened the film’s characterizations of them, and even Moses: Aaron’s protectiveness and perhaps his (actual and/or sense of) helplessness or guilt, his not wanting to see his sister suffer; Miriam’s staunchness, her advocacy and standing with her people, who wait for her while she’s healing, and her brothers’ regard for her.  I think I just might argue that Miriam, with the River Lullaby, becomes the healer in the well scene, the one who utters a prayer (the movie amplifies her voice).
Three years this has been on my mind and I can finally write about it!  I tried to include some relevant commentary and midrash without being too wordy and/or inaccessible, but I’m worried that I interpreted something wrong, am forgetting something,....
Last edited: 7/5/19
2020 note: I should have made this clarification much sooner, but I want to clarify that Miriam is stricken with a skin affliction called tzara’at.  Leprosy is the most common translation or interpretation, but they are not the same.
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linguenuvolose · 3 years
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I'm happy I've been texting a bit in Italian again! If I get over my persistent habit of not responding quickly I'll no doubt get more practice in but sometimes I'm just like </3 you can't teach old dogs to sit </3. I'm happy I finally decided to watch a few episodes of Zero again (Italian Netflix series)! The eps are very short so I could probably finish it quite quickly if I only got myself into it properly, idk why I haven't. On Thursday I got an email in Italian (my no. 1 enemy </3) about a project I'm involved in that has been kinda on hold but that we're trying to pick up again so I did some work for that. I'm a bit nervous about that sucking all of my energy but it's also something I really want to do so... I realized while working a bit on it again that I feel a bit insecure about my academic Italian writing but, again, I'm here to learn, it doesn't have to be perfect and I wouldn't be here if I didn't do this well enough!
For French I've been keeping on strong with Duolingo (I now have a month+ long streak!). I'm trying to remember to add the words I don't know to my Quizlet set (and study them) but sometimes they just hang out as screenshots in my camera roll hehe.
I also did some Dutch on Duolingo because there have been a lot of Dutch speakers at work and <///3 why is it such a lovely language and why am I not fluent in it <//3
I'm working 6 days this week (yeee...) but my plans are to answer the email I got, keep my Duo streak going and I'd love to read a bit! Didn't read a single page from my books in July so I think it's time!
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thirstofgames · 4 years
kitty and the jailbird
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A blank chat popped open and Damien stared at it for a second. He had honestly not expected it. The girl actually swiped him right. He looked at the clock impatiently; he did not have much time left in the library. There was a loud shout from the hallway, his muscles tensing, ready to hide the phone and bolt at any second.
He regretted that last question right as he pushed send. It sounded so bitter in his head now. It was a dating app after all and she was a good looking young woman.
you there?
busy flirting with your other matches, huh?
And there it was all about to end, the hot topic of his whereabouts. And the swift and cruel rejection that followed. It had already happened one too many times! Could he go through his again? Was it worth it? His palms were sweaty, but he never felt so cold. If the ground could just open up and swallow him whole before she finished asking... 
No, sorry
Just a little surprised we matched
you can unmatch if you want
Well, what I want is to talk with you 😊
Your profile caught my eye
what part?
Your profile pic at first.
Most guys can't pull off the broken, deep and scowling thing
But... looks good on you.
you don't look so bad yourself-
but then I read your description...
and I have to know something
shoot 🙄
It was a simple Yes/No question, but it took Kate way to long to answer. She bit her lip, thinking hard on the possibilities. It was such an unfair question though. She was not going to leave, but was not going to pursue anything with him until she knew what he was in for and how long he was going to be locked up. She'd wasted enough years waiting up on others... 
I'm just a little confused 🤔
Are you really in jail?
you gonna leave if I say yes?
It really depends...
A bittersweet smile spread on his lips. What was he expecting from a girl like her? She probably had a nice job, a supporting family and tons of friends and... an actual future. Why would she even consider wasting her time with him? The little time he had left... Better to just pull off the band aid!
She felt to bad! She hadn't meant to disregard his feelings, but wasn't it fair to let her know what she was getting into? She didn't even know what he was expecting from the conversation they were having... She was curious, but she didn’t want to lead him on.
okay, let's just say...
the orange pants and barbed wire are real
I have so mane questions 😱
here we go...
What did you do?
Wait, where do you even hide your phone?
enough with the interrogation, alright?
I'm just curious...
sure, but i'm more than just a prisoner
a little respect goes a long way
Kate’s heart sank. He was hot, but the prison was a serious issue... She supposed people were not lining up to get to know him. He seemed pretty well rounded and mannered, but he was very defensive about his crime. Did that mean it was something really bad? But he was on a dating app... so maybe he was getting out soon? 
You're right!
I'm so sorry 😓
Let's change the subject
Why don't you tell me what you're looking for
i'm thinking...
nobody's really asked me that before
most people stop talking to me when they find out i'm locked up
i don't really blame them. i'm rough around the edges.
She didn't say anything for a while and Damien started wondering if he should just close the damn phone and leave. He should also probably take a break from Lovelink after this... it clearly wasn't doing him any good. Dark thoughts swarmed his mind and he had to close his eyes and head his head back against the bookshelf to get rid of the harrowing feeling. Like he was falling in an endless pit...  
The screen showed him typing and deleting several responses. Kate pursed her lips, impatient. Had she said anything wrong? She’d never spoken to someone who’d been locked up, she was still unsure what could trigger painful memories, or just remind him that he was... not free. But he said he just wanted to chat and his profile mentioned 'deep conversations'... 
Okay, I'm not running away, for now
But I can't really make up my mind
If I don't know anything about you
honestly I'm just looking to talk to someone from the outside
it can get pretty boring in here, just waiting around the clock
Let's be friends then 😊
I'll be your window to the outside world
If that's alright with you...?
Damien sighed on the other end. Beggars can’t be choosers. It was a step in the right direction though. Maybe he was not going to find the love of his life at the very fucking end of said life. He was not living in some fairytale! He was still going to die, alone and forgotten.
But maybe... just a little less alone at the very end of his road. One friend meant more than none and maybe, just maybe... he could tell her his side of the story. Eventually. She seemed patient and understanding enough. Let at least one person out there know he did not murder his own father. 
that's more than most
Of course a pretty thing like her got a lot on attention... She was only chatting up with him because the others were offline- 
but it must have been pretty bad to be such a long sentence
you still can't tell me what the crime was?
look, i've been making my own rules my whole life
you better ask what crimes I DIDN'T do
i'm no bragging or anything, just letting you know where I'm at
anyways, I'm more interested in what you're all about
what are you doing on an app like this?
I was about to uninstall it right before we matched 😅
you already found the one?
or no luck at all?
Well, I went on a few nice dates...
i see
Suddenly his experience on the app seemed less awful. Maybe it was not the right place. Or perhaps it was just the place for a misfit like him, here with all the weirdoes and con artists. 
And then they ditched me for their exes
Just my luck 😂
Oh and I swear to god if I see one more vampire 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄
You wouldn't believe some of the things I saw...
OMG, one dude was actually dresses up as a centaur
don't even want to ask
There's also the 'prince' scam going around
Dudes claiming to be the heirs of some  
Made up countries and asking you for money
It wasn't quite a rejection, but it still hurt a little. She already mentioned twice she was only interested in him as friends. She didn't need to spell it out every few minutes! But she was the only one... 
Met some nice people too ☺️
Actually became good friends with some
Which is nice since I just moved here
were did you come from?
Pallay 💜
you're a long way from home
I know 😢
I suppose it was getting kinda lonely
My friends and family come visit when they can
But that's not a lot...
what brought you here?
Got a really good job opportunity
But I didn't quite realize how far away I'd be
So yeah, to answer your question from before...
I'm kinda just chatting with new people
Made more friends than anything else lol
Hope that's aright with you 🤗
A smile crept on his lips. An actual, genuine smile. How long had it been since he had any reason to? God, it felt good to talk to someone! Someone who didn't know him, who didn't shout 'walking corpse' after him, didn't judge him. He almost felt like his old self. Almost. 
i'm cool with that
Looking forward to getting to know you, Damien 😄
so let's get to it
tell me about yourself
hobbies, favorite food, anything
my hobbies are always changing 🤔
I start something new every month or so
Oh, and I started volunteering at a vet lately
With a friend I made on this app
it suits you
Hmmmmm how would you know?
We've only just met
just a hunch
I could secretly be evil 😈
you couldn't hurt a fly
besides, I've seen evil and believe me
you're not it
I'm guessing you're not going to elaborate on that
Are you?
see, you know me so well already
Smartass 😝
 At lest until she finds out.
And I love food 🤤
Who doesn't? lol
But picking a favorite is like... impossible
I do have one hell of a sweet tooth  🍫🍬🍦
I'm soooo jealous
I miss making my own meals
That's right! You probably just have a cafeteria.
I'm so sorry 😓
it's cool
i'm glad we have something in common
Is there any food you miss?
Wait... was there even steak in that picture? Kate felt her ears burning, the fluffy pajamas studently itching at her skin.
just makin my own in general, being in charge in the kitchen
Damien scrolled quickly through his phone, the memories leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. He nearly didn’t send the photo. It felt like so long ago, a different time...a different person. But it felt so good to remember! To be reminded of the more happier moments when he had all his life ahead of him! And showing her a piece of his past may make her curious enough to stick around for a while longer.
He hit Send.
-Tap to download photo-
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Looks... delicious
you like steak? 
Oh yeah, the food 😳
Wish I could have a bite of that hahaha
So not so shy and innocent as she claimed. Good to know. Even if it didn’t lead anywhere, which he had to be realistic about - he was on death row after all - it was still fun. The most fun he’d had in a long while. It felt...nice.
i wish you could too 😏
The door of the library swung open hitting the opposite wall. The guard in charge could be heard arguing with someone. At least four voices. He had to move fast.
I'm really hungry now 😅
Kate stared at the screen, the little green light besides his profile picture going grey. She scrolled through the conversation as if to make sure she hadn’t just imagined it. She tapped the picture he’d sent, a small smile creeping on her lips. He looked so... normal. Well, more like smoking hot, but she expected some kind of dump, or some greasy repair shop, not Greek sculpture level abs. The boy should come with a warning! She was a sucker for bad boys, but had she gotten so bad that she was now considering a fucking convict? What if he was a murderer or something??
someone's coming
gotta hide my phone
talk soon
Be careful! 🙏🏻
Her ice cream, forgotten on the coffee table, had turned to soup.
What had she gotten herself into?
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iamknicole · 4 years
Just the Two of Us (5)
The hair salon Lainey worked at was visited by women from all different walks of life. It wasn't out of the ordinary to see prominent women there or women from her neighborhood. No matter where they were from all the stylists treated them with the same respect and made them feel relaxed and welcomed.
When she heard her boss call her name, Lainey looked up from the frontal she was installing with a smile on her face.
"Yes, Blair?"
Blair approached her smiling wider than usual. "I'm gonna finish this for you, there's someone in my office to see you."
Lainey didn't have time to ask any questions before Blair pushed her out of the way and shooed her to the office. Getting to the office, Lainey carefully pushed the door open and went in. Her heart was in her throat when she saw the woman looking back at her.
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"Alaina, right? You look so much more beautiful in person, dear."
Lainey played with her hands nervously. "I...thank you, First Lady. Everybody calls me Lainey though."
"I'll call you Lainey if you agree to call me Victoria," she smiled patting the chair beside her, "Come sit. I want to discuss something with you."
Quickly, Lainey sat not wanting to disrespect or offend her.
"Alright so, my sister is having an event in a couple days and we need someone for hair and makeup."
"I can recommend some stlyists for you if you'd like "
"Unless you're recommending yourself that's not necessary. I want you to do it. I've seen your work and I was blown away. Please say that you'll do it."
Lainey nodded excitedly. "Oh yes ma'am, I would love to."
Victoria grabbed her hands and smiled. "Great! I already have your number, Blair gave it to me, so expect a call or text from me. You'll be doing me, my sister, my daughter and her son's girlfriend's hair and make up. Is that okay?"
"Yes ma'am," she nodded, "Just send me some ideas of what you all want and I'll make it happen for you."
"Then its settled," Victoria sighed getting up, "Your hard work won't go unnoticed either, you'll be paid your worth. You my dear are worth a lot."
Lainey thanked her as she was leaving the office. She sat there for a moment trying to take everything in. Never did she think she would be approached by the first lady to do hair and makeup.
Knowing her brother had spent all day packing up the rest of their house, Lainey got a ride home from a co-worker. She rushed inside and almost knocked her brother over.
"Whoa, whoa, road runner. You gon take me out," Benny laughed setting the box he was holding down.
"Guess what, B!"
"You finally realized you got chicken legs?" He joked earning a hit to his chest
"No! The First Lady came into the salon today and she asked me to do hair and makeup for her sister's event! She said that she admired my work, B!"
Benny's face lit up at his sister's excitement, he pulled her into a hug and lifted her up off the ground. He knew his sister's talent was major and it would take her places. He sat her down after a few minutes.
"When? What's the details?"
"In two days. She said she's gonna call or text me and give me more information. And I'm getting paid my worth, she said. Finally!"
"I'm so happy for you, baby sis. You deserve this plus so much more."
Lainey hugged him tight again. "Thank you, B. I'm gonna use the money to pay up some of the mortgage on the house."
"No, you not. You know we already got that all the way covered." He said quickly and firmly. "You gon take that money and work on opening your shop and whatever more you need, I'll put down. I'm sure if Marcie found that house for us she can find a shop for you."
"Really, B?" Lainey said excitedly.
"Yeah, really. Gone in there and tell Mama. Ima run these boxes over to the new house."
Hanna was extremely proud and happy. Seeing her kids thriving and so many things going in their favor had her forgetting about her sickness. She hugged her daughter tightly, praying over her.
"I'm proud of you, little girl. You and your brother have grown so much."
"Thank you, Mama. After you beat this, me and Benny are gonna take you to the place you've always dreamed of going."
Hanna smiled, "And where is that?"
"Aruba, Mama. You used to tell us about it when we was little. You said you were gonna go and bring us back sand," she laughed. "Remember?"
"Of course, I do. Yall got so offended when I said that," she laughed, "Tellin me I couldn't go nowhere without yall."
"And can't," Lainey agreed kissing her cheek, "I'm gonna run next door to Ms. Tilda's house. She cooked dinner for us to celebrate the move, ima help her bring it over."
Benny dropped his sister off at the Harrington residence. He helped her get her rolling bag out and walked her to the porch. As always, he let her know to call if she needed anything. He didn't want to leave her but he didn't have a choice, he was moving the rest of their stuff into their new house while she was gone.
One of the Harrington's housekeepers let her in then left her in the foyer. She stood idly waiting for someone to help her, after a few minutes she realized that no one was coming. She heard voices and decided to follow them leaving her bag by the front door.
The voices led her to an office. She saw four men standing with drinks and talking. Taking a chance she knocked on the door frame and cleared her throat making all four men turn to look at her. She recognized them immediately--the president, David Harrington, Jim Cryer and Governor Charles Frederickson.
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"I'm sorry to interrupt but I'm here for hair and makeup and I have no idea where I'm supposed to be."
Hunter whistled, "I'd say you came to the right place, sweetheart."
"No," Lainey shook her head, "I don't think I did, President. I'm looking for your wife."
David smiled and stepped forward.
"They are upstairs. Follow me and I'll take you there, Miss."
"Just call me Lainey, the miss isn't necessary." She assured him.
Charles smiled, he knew she was slightly intimidated when she first walked in but she was tough she didn't show it.
"Miss is just a sign of respect, I don't mean to offend, Lainey."
Lainey nodded, "Miss is manners, calling me by my name is respect, Mr. Harrington."
David gave an amused smiled and nodded, "Well okay then, Lainey. Would you allow me to show you where you should be?"
"Please," Lainey waved politely at the other men, "Enjoy your drinks."
David led her upstairs to the women, leaving his friends to.talk amongst themselves. Between Jim and Hunter they discussed Lainey in an unflattering manner while Charles stayed quiet thinking about how he could see her again.
"You're here! Did you get lost?" Victoria asked hugging Lainey.
"No, um the housekeeper let me in and just left me there. I had to ask for help."
"You need new maids, Ronnie. Come this way, I'll show you where to set up."
Lainey followed closely behind the First Lady with her bag to what looked like a vanity room. She got set up then started to work.
"Hey, you're Lainey, right?"
Lainey turned and smiled, "Yeah, that's me. You must be Melissa."
Melissa nodded closing the door to the room before walking over to the station Lainey had set up. "Yeah. Verinica wants my hair straight mostly."
Lainey nodded getting her flat iron ready. "What do you want? I think loose curls would look better on you."
"I do too but thats what she wants."
Lainey nodded not wanting to overstep her boundaries. She'd already done Veronica's hair and didn't get a good vibe. The twonof them talked and laughed while she did Melissa's hair and make up.
"Damn, girl! You look good! Jeffery is gonna love you!" Lainey hyped fixing a few pieces of hair. "Yeees! I did that!"
"You did a bomb ass job," Melissa complemented looking in the mirror, "But Jeffery won't notice and I don't care. I look good for me."
Deciding not to get into their business, Lainey started to clean up her area and put her things away. Halfway through, Lainey sent Benny a text letting him know he could come get her and she noticed Melissa was still standing there.
"Oh I'm sorry. Did you need something?"
Melissa nodded a small smile on her face, "Yeah, your number."
"Um, huh?"
"No, not like that," Melissa laughed, "You're pretty cool and I don't really have anyone outside of this family to talk to."
"Oh, oh," Lainey laughed, "Let me see your phone."
Melissa handed her the phone and wagched Lainey put her number in. When she get her phone back she sent her a quick text.
"And now you have my number. I gotta go get dressed but expect me to text you tonight."
Victoria thanked her profusely when she went to say her goodbyes. She assured her that by the time she got home, the payment would be in her account and that she would be in contact to do it again. Even though Victoria told her she could wait in the living room, Lainey decided to wait out on the front porch for Benny.
The door opened behind her and she slid over thinking someone wanted to get by.
"You're not in my way."
Lainey turned just as Charles stepped beside her. She didn't k ow what to say so she just nodded.
"You're very talented. The ladies look nice," he complimented.
"Thank you, Governor."
"Charles," he corrected, "Call me Charles, Lainey."
She nodded looking out at the large driveway. "Okay, Charles. You need something from me?"
Charles laughed loudly making her jump a little.
"I'm sorry, i just definitely expected you to be less forward. You seem sweet."
"I am sweet, Charles. I just dont have much patience and I'm not a pushover."
Charles nodded, "Noted. Well since you're impatient let me ask, are you seeing anybody?"
Lainey shook her head checking her text from her brother. He was turning in.
"In that case, would it be okay if changed that?"
Seeing he brother pull up, Lainey looked at Charles and shrugged her shoulders staring at him. She heard Benny's door open and his footsteps getting closer.
"Lemme get that," Benny said grabbing her bag ig oring the man, "You ready?" Lainey nodded looking away from Charles. "Aight, come get in the car."
Lainey smiled and started to walk off the porch only for Charles to grab her hand gently that didn't go unnoticed by her big brother.
"Ayo, my man," he spat with a huff, "Dont touch my sister."
"I didn't mean any harm," he said cooly. "Her and I were just talking. I was waiting on an answer. Well, Lainey?"
Lainey thought for a moment then nodded. "That would be okay. But I'm. Not giving you my number."
Charles smiled wide, "I'll find it. Don't worry."
Benny pulled his sister gently along with him, glaring at Charles giving a flash of his fronts. He got a good enough vibe from the guy but being at the Harrington house was a little iffy for him. He helped his sister in the suv, put her bag in the back then got in and drove off.
"B," Lainey called out fifteen minutes down the road.
"You think he likes me or he wants to sleep with me?"
Benny glanced over at her and sighed. "I think he likes you. But that don't mean you let your guard down, aight?"
"Alright, B. I won't."
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