#yeah it was funny -- Alice had a moodlet about how great her and Victor's relationship was while I was trying to get her to rampage
victorluvsalice ยท 1 year
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So, while Victor took Shadow out for an early walk and Smiler sorted the garbage and made more chatterbots for the store, I had Alice howl, scavenge, and "mark her territory" into a RAMPAGE! And then, as is usual with her rampages these days, I then just had her scavenge the ground a few times and then regain control. XD Look, she's pretty damn good at this werewolf thing now, okay? Not to mention, she found it pretty hard to stay Furious when she kept thinking about how great her and Victor's relationship has been. . . <3
Anyway -- with the Fury cleared from her system, Alice turned back into her human form and went to work on her latest novel! ...Using Smiler's computer, because I guess she figured it would be better than using her own. XD I mean, I doubt Smiler minds, but it might have been nice to ask first, Alice. :p She finished it up after another few hours of typing -- though I don't think she's submitted it to a publisher yet. Hmmm. Have to remember to check and do that later -- the book royalties are an important source of income for this trio right now!
Meanwhile, Victor came back from his walk with Shadow to find that weird yellow specter with the glasses hanging around the obstacle course. Victor promptly presented it with the bunny statue he'd made in the Celebration Center the other day -- the ghost awkwardly said it would "cherish it forever" and then vamoosed. It didn't even have the decency to drop its parting gift on the ground in front of Victor properly -- I had to find it (wraith wax, if you're curious) in the household inventory later. Rude. >( Victor brushed it off, though, and went to check on his greenhouse, where some creepy hands had sprouted...
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