#yeah im. hm. the fucking. i think we're alone now put me into shock
mistyechoes · 1 month
I am not exaggerating when I say that I was staring at my screen completely speechless at this finale
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kinda yandere homicidal liu x reader
Type: kinda obsessed
Triggers: murder, pills(if people asks but i do have this but it only sometimes it effects me), kinda rape kinda not, cursing maybe i dont know but i will but this here just incase i do and i didnt relized i did
Pov. you
I was walking home from a long day at the hospital. The only reason why I am walking back home is because my car for some odd reason broke down. And another bad thing about this is that it is pouring really hard. I was glad that I was at least wearing a sweatshirt. I kinda wished i wore a coat but it is summer and even in the rain it would be too hot to wear one.
I had around 5 more mins till I got home and then I could get out of my wet clothes and take a hot bath. We had a long day at the hospital because we have one patient who is around 80 years old and he would not stop getting someone to come to his room. He really wanted to take his pills. Most of the time he is never like this, but every once in a while he will get like this. I didn't get to deal with him but I had to get his pills, food, ect.
I was working with kids for most of the day. It was really fun working with them. We did group things, coloring, I had to give them their pills and get their food. I played games with some of them, the others wanted nothing to do with me today. So with the kids who wanted nothing to do with me I tried and tried to do things with them. Just trying to make it better there. But only a few of them would hang out with me today and do things. It was kinda sad that some wanted to do nothing but be alone and do things by themselves. But I let them because I didn't want them to be mad at me.
The rest of the day i had to deal with some guy who got shot so i helped them and stuff but it wasn't the funnest thing to do. The man wasn't the nicest either. But he was able to leave today the only reason i think he was aloud was because no one wanted to deal with this crap. But the man would not stop yelling and screaming at him to let him go. So we did to make him feel better.
As I was walking down the street I felt someone grab me and push me against a wall in an alleyway. I tried to get out of the person’s grip but it was too tight.“What's a cute lady walking alone at night?” I felt him say really close to my ear. I could smell alcohol coming from his breath. I shaked my head and kept trying to get him off of me but he would not budge. I then went to step on his foot but he grabbed my hair really hard and made my head hit the wall really hard to the point I felt like I was going to pass out.
Everything went dizzy and then that's when I felt him let me go. I couldn't really see that well. I felt like I was going to fall but then I felt someone catch me. I couldn't see what he looked like but I did hear him. “It's ok. I promise i won't hurt you.” he said before i passed out.
Next thing I know I woke up. I sat up where I was and then I felt a sharp pain in my head. I laid right back down and held my head. ‘To be honest everything kinda hurts.’ i thought to myself. I then looked around where I was while holding my head.
The place wasn't really big; it looked like it was a small wood cabin. I didn't see anyone. I was in a small bedroom there was a dresser, a bed, a rug, and two other doors. ‘I guess one door leads out of the room and the other leads to the bathroom’ i thought, while i stood up and walked to one of the doors.
I slowly opened the door and looked around. It looked like a normal cabinish. The living room, kitchen, and dining room were all connected together and then were three different doors. ‘One must be the outside door, closest, and then another bathroom’ I thought to myself. I then saw a window so I walked over it and moved the curtains out of the way of it.
I saw that there were a lot of trees. ‘I guess we're in a forest now.’ i thought to myself. I didn't even realize someone came in. I was in the kitchen looking out the window trying to find a path back to the road or at least away from the cabin and to a city, town, village, anything to be honest.
While I was thinking i didnt really hear what the guy was saying “blah blah, hello?” was all i heard from the guy. Before he tapped me on the shoulder and I jumped really high and turned around. I then looked at the guy. He was wearing a black and grey striped scarf, a black t-shirt, sweatpants, he also had brown hair, green eyes, and he had stitches on his face. ‘It looks like he was in a fight or something’ i thought to myself. I then shocked my head. “Where am i?” I asked softly.
“In a forest duh” the voice didn't sound as nice but more mean. I node. “Anyways, what are you doing?” he asked, his voice turning nicer. “I-i was looking for a way back” i said stepping back to have a good distance from him.
He nodes. “Sorry for scaring you” he says walking to the window. I walked a little bit away from him. “How about I take you home tomorrow? We can do it really early in the morning if you really want.” he says looking out the window and then looking at me.
I node. “The morning is fine,” I said looking at him. I was kinda shaking but i tried to hide it from him but it wasn't really working i guess. “I promise I won't hurt you,” he says. I node. “But i cant promise about him” he says looking back out the window and then closing the curtains but did not make eye contact with me or even looked at me. I looked confused. “What do you mean him?” I asked. He looked at me and sighed. “Im liu, and im sully” he says. ‘So that's why his voice changed’ I thought to myself while I nodded. “I'm y/n(your name)” I said looking at him. He nodded. “How do i tell which one you guys are?” I asked. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. “Are fucking voices idiot. Mine is a lot deeper than his” sully says smirking. I node. “But i mean like other than your voices” i said trying not to get him mad. He shrugged. “No clue to be honest” he said calmer. ‘I don't know where Sully gets the idea his voice is deeper then liu’s but they both sound the same in how deep it is but sully’s sounds more mean and liu’s sounds more soft and calming.’ i thought to myself.
“Well get you some clothes for tonight ok?” liu says. I node. He started walking back to the bedroom, I followed him. He went to the dresser. “Is a big t-shirt ok?” he asked looking at him. “Yeah, it's ok. I don't really mind what I wear, ``I said, smiling a little.
He nodes and then grabs a large black t-shirt and holds it and then looks at me. I look at him confused. “Hm?” I asked. “So you're fine with wearing whatever?” sully asked. I nodded. He chuckled. It was a really deep chuckle so I knew it was still sully. “Ok then you can wear your undergarments.” Sully says, smirking. I blushed and looked away and shaked my head. Sully chuckled again. “Sorry about him. He is normally like that, ``Liu says, frowning. I look at him. “It's ok,” I said , smiling softly. Liu looks at me and nodes and then hands me the shirt and then leaves the room.
Once he leaves I quickly take off my shirt that I had on and put the other shirt on and then take off my pants. I then walked out the room and looked for liu/sully. They were sitting on the couch. I walked over and sat on the couch beside them. They were watching TV. So I looked at the TV and watched it too. We watched whatever was on even if one of us didn't like it but if we both didn't like it then we switched it. But after thirty minutes of that. I finally fell asleep.
Pov. 3rd(real quick)
Liu went to ask if you liked the show that was on but when he saw you asleep he smiled a little to himself. He then turned off the TV and put the remote on the coffee table. He then got up and went in front of you and picked you up. He then took you to the bedroom. He opens the bedroom door and then goes inside the bedroom and then puts you down on the bed.
He then sighed. He didn't really want to take you home. You kinda made him feel happiness. Even got sully to feel it too, even if he won't admit it. But it was kinda nice to have you here with them even if they scared you.
Pov. you
***next day***
I woke up in the bedroom. I then got up and went out of the bedroom to look for liu/sully. I found them in the kitchen. I walked over to them and looked at what they were doing. They were making eggs.
Liu then looks at you and smiles. “Good morning. Would you like some eggs?” he asks. I node. I was too tired to talk. He nodes. “Dippy?” I nodded my head when he asked me that. He smiles and starts making them. I watched him make them because I had nothing else to do while I waited.
After 3 mins of making the eggs he finally put them on a plate and handed them to me. I smiled. “Thanks,” I said and went over to the table and sat down. He nodes.
***after breakfast and getting ready for the day***
I came out after I was done getting ready. I saw you at the door waiting for me. I went over to him and he opened the door. I walked out the door and looked behind me and he came out too. He locked the door after he came out and then went beside me and we both walked.
After maybe, around 20 mins we finally made it to the town. He walked me home. Once we were there I gave him a hug. “Be safe going home Liu or Sully,” I said before letting him go. He nodes. I then went inside my house and went to my room and laid on my bed.
Welp that's it. But if you want a part two of it tell me and i will get you a part two.
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sainadazai · 3 years
When your crush is angry all the time
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I wanna be an intern too, you ragedy ann looking ass hoe 😠
Y/n pov
All goes well when you are ignorant is what my dear best friend would say to me now, as I sit in the very back of the class unfocused on how our teacher is introducing an activity I have no chance of participating in. All I knew was that when Mr. Aizawa walked up to the board and wrote names of people getting offers, I wasn't one of them. Not that I expected to be, considering I wasn't in the sports festival, let alone the school at all back then. 
However, I did notice a small inconsistency in the order of the most offers. I was pretty sure that boom boom had gotten first place in the festival, him being there is what convinced me to transfer, but his name was actually second on the board. 
Todoroki had taken the place of first as far as offers were concerned. Todoroki the nice boy who I used to meet when I snuck away from my fucking prison cell. Call me privileged for complaining about living in a mansion All my life, but I much prefer being here. With common folk. They ground me. 
I peeked up from my phone at the red and white head of hair in front of me, he didn't seem all that fazed. Although maybe it was just the lack of seeing his face that made me believe he couldn't care less about all but one of those offers. Still, his business is his, and my business is the new Ao3 update on my favorite chrollo lucilfer fanfiction. What a babe. 
I decided that the class as of right now would be of no importance to me, considering I will have no offers, and bakugou-the reason I came here- hates me like I'm a piece of gum stuck under his shoe.  Through that conclusion I allowed myself to dissolve into the world of hxh and forget about how boring this world is. 
Could my power beat Killua or go in a fight? I mean, it doesn't enhance my strength like they did trying to get into Killua's house so physically they must be stronger. 
"Y/n! Is there something you would like to share with the class?"
Mr.Aizawas voice seemed almost shot at me as my gaze rose from my phone in my lap to meet him at the front of the room. He looked displeased to say the least. Well good for him, im displeased too, I might not be able to beat a fucking twelve year old in combat. 
"You were grumbling, what's so important you had to tell us, hm?"
I thought it through for a second- just kidding, I never think anything through. 
"Oh, well I wasn't sure if I could beat Gon in a fight, but I'm not coming to the realization that if Chrollo is my boyfriend, I shouldn't have to fight anyone at all. I can just be a pretty face in the backgrounds and then after he wins for me i'll suck his-"
"Enough, y/n." Mr.Aizawa no longer held a tired looking face, his eyes were wide and an uncomfortable cringed was set on his face. As I peered at the rest of the class many also had shocked eyes, but unlike our teacher, held faint blushes. 
Minus midoriya, his face was completely red and his eyes void of life. I must've killed him, huh. 
In an attempt to regain some dignity, I tried to correct myself.
"I would....not suck his-?"
"Don't even say it, shitty princess !"
"Woah bakugou, you spoke to me on purpose!?"
"Shut up!"
"Hey, how come you call me princess, you like me or something?"
He growled at that, neither of us paying mind to the fact that everyone in the class was either dead from nosebleeds or extremely uncomfortable and staring at us.  
"Its cuz you act fucking entitled like a princess"
"I'll be your pillow princes-"
"Enough!" A robotic-like hand sliced the air in front of me. The voice sounded firm, almost more teacher-like than our teacher's voice. I followed my gaze up the hand, not failing to notice how as I drew up the guy's arm his muscles only seemed to get bigger and bigger and- iida? 
"Oh class rep-"
"Y/n this vulgar language and border-line harassment needs to cease immediately. I will not tolerante overtly sexual language and acts in this class-"
As he was speaking I noticed something ironic about the situation. If everyone here didn't like sexual jokes or banter, how were they so flustered at comments that objectively should be unknown to them. 
"How did you know what I meant, iida?" I rasped in a low sultry voice, allowing my fingers to dance up his arm starting at the wrist in front of my face. 
I heard a few chuckles from, who I would say are the only two people enjoying this situation: kaminari and...stinky mineta. Iida's face grew more red than previously and the arms in front of me began shaking. 
"Mr.Aizawa it seems I've disarmed the robot. Is there a restart button or something?" I question with a serious face using the search as an excuse to wonder my eyes all over his body. Perverted? Yes. Rightfully attracted to this giant hunk of a nerd. Yes ×10. 
"No, there is not." Todoroki, who was in front of me, finally turned around to address me. I guess he was unfazed by my words. Looks like someone here can be cool. Whether he is okay because he is more comfortable with sexual jokes, or because he has yet to pick up on them, its nice that somebody in here can still function. Otherwise, I'd feel like a nuisance. 
"Y/n I'm not really sure how to- let's just say to have detention with your m- midnight. Detention. Yeah." Aizawa publicly convinced himself of my punishment? 
"Now, back to this, even if you didn't get any offers ALL of you will have an internship" 
And so went on the class, kids chose their hero names, not me though. I wasn't even sure I wanted to be a hero at all, this was just a little less boring and sad than the way I lived before. This school had people who laughed in joy, not just to mask the pain. That was the real benefit, not being a hero, or being strong. Likely no one here realized that there were many places where none of this joy was possible. 
Some of the kids in class gave me suggestions for a hero name, but I didn't like them anyway. They lacked personality, and while I have many adjectives to describe my personality, my life, none of them are all that heroic. 
"Dark element"
"Girl who will die if her quirk doesnt like its environment" 
See, I'm not the best at this. Even bakugan names had some sense to it...well no. I'd say we're about the same, but still. Ugh. 
Bakugou pov 😠
She came up with no hero names. Fucking entitled brat. Everyone at this lunch table seems to have no problem with the fact that she is here, just happy to have another pair of tits to stare at like perverts. Their gross. I bet she doesn't even want to be a hero, she sure as hell doesn't act like it. We don't even know what her whole quirk is. Ive seen her do that plant shit a couple times, fucking with flowers or whatever. Still, there's more to it. Something we don't know, at least. Cuz in the middle of class she gets up and whispers to Aizawa and he just lets her go. Where the fuck does she go? 
Interrupts class, got into the school because her moms a teacher, won't use her quirk. What a nuisance, I can't believe she is not expelled yet. Plus those bullshit sex jokes are so shitty. She is obviously faking something when she does them. Not like midnight, who always at least seems like she means that gross shit. 
"Hey, who did you guys choose for your internship? I haven't chosen yet."
"The number three hero guy," I spoke, knowing I'm the only person here who already chose. 
"Really? Best jeanist! That's so cool, but are you sure that for you bakugou?" Shitty hair raised a shitty brow at me. 
"What the hell is that supposed to mean!?"
"Just that he seems pretty...uptight..for you?" Dunceface added, but he spoke like it was a question. Of course he is the hero for me, he is the highest ranting hero on my list. If I wanna be number one, I gotta train with the best. 
If I go to his agency I'm sure there will be a lot more action, since he is so high ranking. Then i'll get some real experience kicking villain ass, well, other than the USJ. 
"Of course he is the right option!"
Shit. It's her voice. I honestly should applaud her for using it less often around me but, how can one small girl be so goddamn annoying. I don't even know what she has to say and I already wish she would just put a sock in it. How can someone so entitled like her, probably never had to lift a finger, walk  over here and talk like she has something to say. 
"You're working with the best jeanist! So cool, one time he saved me from a group of rapist guys, it was awesome with all these strings everywhere and I could only see half of his face. Oh and he had goofy hair too!"
Oh. I didn't really know how to respond to the girl who looked so excited about almost being violated. Another thing wrong with her? I looked back at the other people at the table to see if they knew how to respond to something like that. 
Dunceface was frozen, tape arms were frozen, shitty hair was frozen, and alíen eyes were looking like a lost puppy and trying not to cry. 
It didnt seem like the shutty princess was exactly understanding how what she just yelled was making things weird. She just stood there expectantly. She kinda looked like she thought being raped was something that must happen to everyone. Did she think that? Wouldn't put it past her weird ass. 
"Uhm...anyways, i'm sure you'll do awesome, he likes to put boys in tight jeans. Wish I could intern too, I'd love to see that boom boom~" she winked. 
A perverted joke...and then she had the audacity to wink at me. 
"You wish you could see me in tight jeans, shitty extra!"
"I know...thats what a I just said." She dead panned, blinking a couple times at me. 
"Tch, screw you!"
"I would-" 
"Can it, i don't wanna hear your shitty voice anymore"
The girl stopped herself after my words, pushing all her hair behind her head, except for the two blond stands in the front. 
(You don't have to acknowledge these if you don't want, but I made it so that they change color depending on what element your using and I thought it was hot*if you have short hair, then you just got a lil nishinoya type thing 🥰)
Lifted her obnoxious hands that moved around while she talked and made a zipper-like motion over her lips. Then she just stood there looking at me. I really wanted to just let her stand there and go back to eating. Ignore her completely and let her hope fizzle out and die or something like that. 
Yet here I am, still looking at her. Silently. Wishing she made a stupid joke so that I could stop flickering between those images I'd seen of her dancing. How even though ballet is a princess fucking dance, the pictures felt nice. Like if I was watching it live I would probably be unable to criticize it. That pissed me off, because I want to hate everything about her, but I can't hate those photos. Where she looks like she is flying, without any need for a quirk.
I see her in that weird gown, and now, in the UA uniform. I see her looking respectable, formal, and serious. Then I see her stupid little smirk as she takes pride in being able to shut up for more than a minute. 
"Why are you still standing there?"
Instead of answering, she took her hand up again, made a pinch with her fingers and unzipped her mouth. 
"I was enjoying the look in your eyes."she smiled. 
The look in my eyes? Could she tell I was seeing two different people? What the hell does that even mean? Even said it without that shitty flirt voice. Like she meant it. 
"You tryna make fun of me?"I stood up from the table to get in her face.
"Not right now, maybe later, I gotta do something." She smiled sincerely at me, for a second as she walked away, I forgot about how this conversation started. What a wierd fucking girl. I'll never respect her as a hero. Tch. (Yes, its canon he tchs even in his thoughts) 
3rd person POV 
Y/n briskly walked out of the cafeteria with a new goal in mind. She would come to remember how maybe being oblivious was a benefit in some ways, but for now, she had a clear plan .
"Mr.Aizawa, let me do an internship."
"You weren't in the festival, I can't just hand you to a hero who has no idea what you can do, y/n."
"Well, you know what I can do, right?"
"No. I'm not doing internships. Stop asking."
"That's not what I meant! You can just tell them, or I could, it's not that hard to explain. Just say i'm all- powerful or some play on words like 'she's got all the right elements' hehe, see how i mimicked your voice there?" Y/n grinned like a child. She was proud of herself. 
"No. Still not happening."
"I wanna be an intern too, you raggedy ann looking ass hoe" 
"Y/n, it doesn't make sense, insulting me to get what you want?"
"Maybe it doesn't, but I bet you feel real insecure about your hair right now."
"You already have detention, what more do you want!"
"An internship, I wanna do one with kamui Woods, I have a good reason, too. As far as my quirk control, i'm the weakest with earth, the aspect that allows me to grow and manipulate plants and stuff. That's why I've only been using that part of it all month. Im trying to get her up to speed so I can start using all four at once. He is like a tres guy, right? He manipulates earth all day long. He could teach me a lot, and that aspect of my quirk would suit his well. Please!?!?!?"
If the girl had just asked again in a normal way, his answer would have been the same. However Aizawa was taken aback to hear how much thought she put into this. From the stories of the teachers lounge, he came to understand her big life goal, was to rely fully on a rich man or woman, and do nothing at all forever. Just to try and forget about the terrible life she was destined to have because of that quirk.
This side of her was something he could not even her mother had seen, and it prompted him to speak those words she wanted to hear so badly.
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