#yeah dumbledore is cuddling snape's head to make him feel better :“3
snowyblondie215 · 9 months
No, I didn't forgot about snape's birthday, it's just that I'm a stupid lazy bitch and I didn't finished birthday gift drawings yet. Anyways, happy birthday sevy!! <3
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I love this man so fucking much, I have +30 screenshots of him in my gallery.. :)
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deadlydollies13 · 7 years
The Potion Master’s Grace ch. 18
Grace’s heart pounded loudly against her chest, sure that everyone in the room could hear it.    “Grace? What’s wrong?” Severus took a cautious step towards her.    She couldn’t hear him. She couldn’t hear anything but herself hyperventilating and her heart about to beat out of her chest, which now had a sharp-shooting pain through it. Her brain was screaming at her; not words, just really loud static and a long “Aaaahhhhh!” She shut her eyes tight and put her hands over her ears, but it didn’t stop. She also must’ve been saying, “no” over and over, but couldn’t hear herself say it, only feel her mouth moving.    “She’s having an anxiety attack,” Luna said, and instantly Severus was at her side.    He tried to pry her hands from her ears, tried to calm her down, but she kept shaking her head.    “Grace! Gracie, it’s me, please!”  he pleaded. Her legs started to give and he was the only support keeping her from crashing to the ground.    She couldn’t feel her body. It was like she was there, but wasn’t there at the same time. She was numb. All at once, her hyperventilating stopped, her brain was silent, and everything went black.
   Grace woke up on the couch. She was hooked up to her oxygen again and there was a cool washcloth on her forehead. It had to have been Phoebe, Severus often panicked and froze on parental instincts in these moments.    She wanted to sit up, see where everyone had gone, but her body felt so heavy. But she could hear their voices from down the hall.
   Inside Severus’ study, he, Phoebe, and Luna all stared at the envelope before them.    “Who’s Adina?” Phoebe asked.    “Her mother, of course,” Luna said reaching for the envelope and tearing it open.    “Luna!”    “Grace will never open it!” She read over the letter, distaste written all over her face. “Her mother is at a rehabilitation center and she’s finally allowed visitors so she wants Grace to come.” She folded the letter back up and tossed it back on the table like it burned her to touch it.    “It’s entirely up to Grace if she goes,” Severus said.    “And if she does, you’ll go with her,” Luna’s voice was stern, a tone rarely voiced by the girl.    “Shouldn’t Grace confront her alone?” Phoebe asked.    “No! After what that woman did to her? Grace will either have a mental breakdown and do something stupid, or murder Adina right there! Grace is strong, but she’s not mentally stable enough to do this alone! She needs Severus there! For once in her life, she has a damn support system and she’s put all of her reliance on him! And that’s final!”    Both adults gaped at the teenager. They’d never seen her so serious, so furious about something, it was scary. Luna was the closest one out of all three to Grace, she knew Grace’s thoughts and secrets, and the extent of what Adina had done to Grace. So they knew best not to argue, and just nodded their heads. Luna grabbed the letter and left the room. Severus looked at Phoebe, she shrugged, “Don’t look at me! She gets that from her father, her mother was chill about everything. She’s right though. You should go with Grace if she chooses to go.”    “You’d really think I’d let Gracie go all the way to Ireland alone?”    “No,” she smirked. “But, it was pretty funny seeing you cower at Luna’s yelling.”    “I did not cower.”    “You so did!! It was cute though,” she kissed him on his cheek. “Just like your face when I do that,” and she winked and walked away.    “I really wish I hated you.”    “Funny how our emotions have a way of betraying us!”
   Grace’s head was in Luna’s lap as she braided her hair into dozens of sections. They sat watching Netflix, only talking ever so often, but the conversations weren’t very long. It was just easier not to talk.    Of course, Luna had texted Draco what happened, who then called Grace freaking out, already having one foot out the door before Grace calmed him down and told him that she was fine and she’d see him soon. She didn't want Draco to constantly worry about her, that wasn’t fair to him.    “I’m gonna go,” Grace murmured as an episode of Doctor Who ended.    “Grace, you don’t have to.”    “No, I do. Now that she knows where I am, she won’t quit pestering me until I do. So I’ll go in person and tell her to fuck off.”    “She is a crazy bitch.”    Grace snorted, “You don’t even know the half of it. I’ll go the day after tomorrow.”    “Yeah, tomorrow we’ll do a little retail therapy.”    “I gotta get dad a phone.”    “Oh, Merlin. That should be interesting.”
   And it was.    “Grace, I don’t need a phone,” Severus said as he watched his daughter set it up.    “Yes, you do. What if there’s an emergency? Or… something.”    “I don’t even know how to use it!”    “Well, aren’t you glad that you have me around to get you caught up on technology? Honestly, dad, it’s the 21st century. Get with it.”    He turned to Phoebe, “Did… Was I just called old?” He turned back to Grace, “Did you just call me old? Seriously? Grace Audrey McClivert-Snape, I was twenty when you were born, okay? Dumbledore is, old. I am not.”    “Mhm,” she smirked. “Want me to make the text larger so you can read it better?”    “What happened to the sweet little Ravenclaw that barely said a word, and when she did, she was always so polite? Huh? Now you’re as snarky as- as-“    “You?” all three women said at once.    “Yes! … Oh, fuck.”    “Dad cursed! Put a Knot in the swear jar.”    “We don’t have a swear jar.”    “Really? Then, shit!”    “Okay, now we’re going to have a swear jar!”    “Here’s your phone. Have fun playing around with it!”    “Brat.”    “Okay, but your lock screen is the best thing ever.”    Somehow, Grace and Luna had managed to take a picture— or as Severus learned— “selfie,” with Cas and set it as his lock screen. Actually, there were about a hundred of these “selfies” already on his phone, how, he wasn’t sure. He smiled, “I like the cat the most.”    “Stupid cat.”    Cas meowed.
   Severus didn’t know of any apparition points in Northern Ireland, at least ones that were secretive enough that should he mess up, he would be safe from being noticed. But he did know of a few in England and Scotland. Originally, taking a ferry from Liverpool to Belfast sounded the easiest, and it would have been exciting because both he and Grace loved the Beatles, and they could have possibly made something fun out of the day she was dreading. But, the ferry ride was eight hours, and Grace was not having any of it. It’s not that she got sea-sick or anything, she just didn’t like the idea of being on a really big boat with lots of strangers and their cars for eight hours straight. Plus, that would mean they’d have to get up at the crack of dawn so they could be on the ferry by 5 am and arrive in Belfast a little afternoon. So, she did some research and found a much shorter ferry route from Cairnryan to Larne, which was only two hours. What was great was that they could sleep in a little longer and get on the ferry by 10:30 am and be in Larne by 12:30 pm, and then take an hour bus ride to Ballycastle and be there around the same time they would if they left from Liverpool.    Grace didn’t sleep the night before, so she spent the majority of the night staring at her walls, the ceiling, the starry night sky out her windows. Luna and Phoebe slept over, Luna staying in Grace’s room as usual, and Phoebe sleeping in one of the guest bedrooms which was actually supposed to be Luna’s room, but Luna always insisted on sharing a room with Grace, since, “That’s what teenage girls always do in the movies,” not that Grace really minded; sometimes it got rather lonely in her room, no matter how many photographs she hung up. Plus, Luna was a sleep-cuddler. Don’t judge. It’s human nature to want to cuddle.    Anyway, Grace only got about two hours of sleep. So when it was finally time to get out of bed, Luna had to practically drag her out.    Grace sat on her bed staring at her closet, shoulders hunched and arms crossed over her stomach, “I don’t know what to wear.”    Luna, stepping out of the bathroom, took her wet hair out of its towel turban and stared at her almost full walk-in closet with shopping bags full of clothes Grace still had yet to put away or hang up, “Seriously?” Grace nodded. “I hate you.”    It was chilly that day, well, chilly for the summer. It was really about 19ºC, but still. And it was bleak; it must’ve rained overnight and the sky was full of gray clouds and no sun.    “Why can’t I just wear sweats and a baggy t-shirt?” Grace groaned as she watched Luna, her fashion consultant, rummage through her wardrobe.    “Because if you dress like shit, that’s how you’ll feel. I know you don’t want to, but throw on some bright clothes, brush your hair, and put on a little makeup, and it might just help. Here, this shirt,” it was a pink and white striped tank top, “this skirt,” it was an A-line baby blue skirt that had a matching belt that tied together in the front in a bow, “your boots,” brown knee-high riding boots, “and your trench coat.”    Grace got dressed, put on some makeup, and while she may have looked cute, she still felt anxious. She checked her phone, two messages from Draco:
   Draco: I know today is going to be hard, but you’re strong. If you need anything, if you just wanna talk, I’ll be here. Just call. <3    Draco: Also, fuck her, fuck her for fucking with you like this. Punch her in the throat, baby!
   Grace smiled, Dray really was great. It was nice to feel cared for by someone that wasn’t unconditional, like Severus, or friendly, like Luna. Rather, mutual voluntary passion for someone that translated into the L-word that neither of them dared to speak yet.
   Grace: Thanks, babe. <3 Though, I want to do a lot more than just throat punch her. Hope you have bail money!    Draco: Just don’t leave any fingerprints! Can’t get arrested if no one knows.    Grace: We are terrible people.    Draco: That’s why we’re perfect for each other.
   It was all sappy, but she didn’t care. She was allowed the sappiness, she was allowed the gross romantic cliches. Dammit, she should be allowed to have a normal teenage life.
   Apparition sucked (no pun intended) when you were tired. It took everything out of you for a second and made functioning normally for a few moments afterward very hard. Grace just couldn’t wait until she could learn how to apparate on her own, maybe it’d be easier.    The good thing was that the ferry wasn’t too crowded. Besides, who would be taking a ferry from Cairnryan to Larne anyway? Most people just sucked it up and took the eight-hour ride to Belfast or flew. Grace mostly slept the way there, head resting on Severus’ arm.    Severus had no idea how Grace was going to react when she saw her mother. Would she panic and refuse to do so? Or would she finally snap and try to kill her? He really should’ve checked to make sure she wasn’t armed before they left. Did she bring her wand? He hoped she just wouldn’t do anything stupid.    Honestly, how would Severus act though? Severus had a certain degree of hatred for Grace’s birth parents, though his hatred for her mother wasn’t as strong as it was for her father. He was lucky he was locked up in prison because Severus would surely do something so drastic that he would find himself locked up in Azkaban. But her mother? He almost pitied her. She was in a rehabilitation center, she’d lost everything she’s ever had; she had ruined her own life.    After two hours, they finally arrived in Northern Ireland. Stepping off, Grace stopped in her tracks and just took a moment to look around. It was like a wave of nostalgia and familiarity washed over her, and she smiled. Of course, this wasn’t her home of Ballycastle. But it was close.    Fortunately, Severus and Grace had the bus to themselves, save for two other people who would eventually get off at different stops along the way. They were on the A2 Causeway Coastal route, going past steep cliffs that overlooked the ocean, uphill, downhill, so close to the edge sometimes Severus thought that the bus would tip over on a sharp turn, but Grace didn’t mind. She just gazed out the window and tapped her fingers to whatever music was playing on the radio.    “What’s your favorite Beatles song?” Grace asked.    “‘Hey Jude.’”    “Really?”    He nodded, “My mother used to sing it to me when I was little.”    “What was she like?”    “She was kind and very smart. She always tried her best to be the peacemaker and be there for me. Unfortunately, she made one mistake when she was young and that led to her demise. And I couldn’t save her,” he looked at his daughter and smiled. “She would’ve loved you though. I think she always wanted a daughter, so she would’ve spoiled you.”    “If she was anything like you, I would’ve loved her too.”    They passed the time along just like that: asking questions that would lead to stories that would lead to more questions.    “Ballycastle,” the bus driver finally called out. It was as if Grace was excited to finally see her hometown after eight years, but was paralyzed by fear in her seat.    “Grace? Are you alright?” Severus asked.    “Hm? Uh, yeah, yeah I think. Just got… lost in thought or something,” she quickly made her way off the bus; just had to get it over with it like a band-aid.    She looked around at the bright coastal town before her. Not much had changed in the eight years since she’s been gone. It still looked the same, maybe a few new coats of paint, and it still smelled like the sea. The bus pulled away and there was no turning back now.    “So this is Ballycastle,” Severus said taking it all in.    “Aye, this is Ballycastle. C’mon I’ll give you a tour,” she took Severus’ hand and started walking. They weren’t in any hurry, and they could use some walking around after being cooped up for over three hours.    Severus was sure they were getting lost, having walked around aimlessly, but Grace knew exactly where they were going. She had the whole town mapped out in her head.    “So this was my Primary school, Ballycastle Integrated Primary School, and Nursery Unit. We wore awful uniforms, baby blue collared shirts with burgundy jumpers and the girls had to wear gray skirts and knee socks in the warmer months, but when it got cold we were ‘allowed’ to wear slacks.”    “But you wear a uniform now, so what’s the difference?”    Grace smirked, “I almost never wear my uniform under my robes. Especially in the winter, I’m usually in joggers and my Uggs.”    “Grace!”    “Oi, get over it, no one wears the damn uniform unless it’s something special. Okay! Next stop!”    They continued walking, Grace occasionally pointing to random buildings:    “That’s where I fell off my bike.”    “That’s where I twisted my ankle.”    “That’s the pub he would always get drunk at after work,” referring to Mr. McClivert.    “That’s where Artie McCleod tried to kiss me in P7 so I punched him in the face and broke his nose.”    “And here’s the Diamond, known as the Heart of Ballycastle. I personally don’t think it’s shaped like a diamond, it looks more like a triangle, but apparently, it’s a diamond.”    They stood in the center of the Diamond, next to a monument that's plaque read was in memory of Dr. George Matthew O’Connor. They watched the locals pass by, going into pubs and shops. A few of them waved, and they waved back; Grace was thankful no one recognized her.    There was a group of men outside a pub playing music. No singing, just some guitars, a fiddle, a banjo, and a small drum set. Grace watched them with a smile on her face, recognizing the songs they were playing from growing up here in Northern Ireland. She tapped her foot to the music, and she caught the eye of the man playing the fiddle.    “Oi, wee lass!” he called to her.    Grace looked around for someone else he could have been talking to.    He pointed his bow at her, “Yes you!” he laughed. “With the pretty red hair!”    She blushed, “Yes sir?”    “Do ye dance?”    “Aye!”    “Well c’mere!”    She ran across the road to the band, Severus following her. He was ready to reach for his wand, but it was all under false caution.    “What’s your name, miss?”    “Grace,” she shook the man’s hand.    “Nice to meet ye, Grace. You Riverdance?”    “When I was little, but I probably still can.”    “To any music?” a man with a guitar asked.    “Probably.”    “How’s bout a challenge?”    “Aye,” she took off her coat and handed it to Severus.    “Grace-“ he started.    “It’s fine, dad. I won’t get hurt. Promise!” she flexed her ankles; this was going to be really hard in boots.    Severus sighed, leaning against the wall of the pub, watching carefully. Leave it to Grace to live completely on the edge of life when Severus just wanted to keep her in a bubble.    Grace stood in front of the band, trying to avoid the looks of passerby's, just keeping her gaze on the O’Connor monument.    The man with the fiddle started, and Grace laughed, noticing the song as Dropkick Murphy’s ‘I’m Shipping Up To Boston.”    She danced along to the music, realizing it was very, very hard to Riverdance in boots. And the tempo was fast, so it was even harder to tap and scuff along. But she was doing it, smiling and laughing along, adding a graceful flare to the otherwise hoarse song. People from the street and out of shops and the pub started to gather around the band to watch the scene. They clapped along to the music and cheered the redhead before them on.    There was a little girl in the growing crowd that tugged on her mother’s pant leg, “Look, mummy. Look at her dance. I wanna dance just like her, mummy!”    She heard a couple of high school boys whistle, “How come the hot girls never are the ones that are in our class?”    “I know, right?” the other boy said.    The music ended and Grace took a deep breath and bowed and the small crowd cheered.    A few people came up to her, as she responded in her natural nervous giggles, and complimented her. The boys tried asking for her number, but she politely declined and told them she had a boyfriend, but that she was very flattered.    “Ah, well, he’s a lucky lad then,” one of the boys said.    “Anyways, you made our day far more interesting than it was. Have a nice day, miss,” said the other, and they both waved and went on their way. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how to respond to someone rejecting to give you their number!    With Grace’s little show brought more attention to the small band. They thanked Grace profusely as they were at the same time bombarded with a few requests.    “Do you live here in Ballycastle, miss?” asked the man with the fiddle.    Severus walked over and handed Grace her coat. She put it back on, the sea breeze picking up, “I used to. A long time ago.”    The two started walking towards Anne Street, when he asked, “What’s your last name?”    “Snape!” she called over her shoulder and turned the corner onto Anne. She looked up at her dad, who looked both proud and amused.    “What’s that look for?”
    “I’m just really proud of you of you, you know that right, Grace?”    She nodded as they stopped in front of Solas Moyle.    “You don’t have to do this. We can turn around and go home right now. It’s your choice,” he put a hand on her shoulder.    She shook her head, “No. It needs to be done. I need to tell her face-to-face that she doesn’t have any control over me or any emotions. Just, please stay close, okay?”    “Don’t worry, Gracie. I’m not going anywhere. Now, hand it over,” he held his hand out.    “Ugh. You’re no fun,” she pulled her wand out of her boot and handed it to him.    “And I’m not having my daughter being expelled for using magic underage out of Hogwarts,” he put her wand in the inside pocket of his coat.
   Solas Moyle was painted with bright colors and filled with a “cheery” staff, but its patients’ eyes were filled with misery. Grace had been in their shoes before; being in an institution where you basically had no freedom. Every part of your day was monitored and planned. You couldn’t wear certain things, have certain things in your room, or even go to the bathroom without someone standing outside the door. Each day you had to sit in a circle and talk about your feelings and how you’re doing, and then have a one-on-one and talk about the same thing, and then do group activities that you could care less about doing.    “May I help you, miss?” the woman behind the desk asked after they had been buzzed in.    “Uh, yeah. We uh… We… Adina McClivert?” Grace stumbled out; her chest felt tight.    “Oh, she’s been waiting. You must be her daughter,” the woman handed Grace and Severus visitor’s passes.    “No,” Grace said as if she had just been asked to drink poison. She put on the stupid pass and opened the stupid door into the stupid rec room. Did she mention that she thought all of this was fucking stupid?    “Relax,” Severus said noting Grace’s clenched fists. He was glad he took her wand.    “Whatever,” she shoved her hands into her pockets. She made her way over to the woman with dark red hair, just like herself.    Adina McClivert was a short, thin woman with curly, long, deep red hair. Her skin was a ghastly white, even whiter than Grace’s, and she had no freckles, unlike Grace as well. Other than that, and Adina’s brown eyes, they looked strikingly similar. That, and the obvious wear and tear years of drug abuse had on Adina’s body.    “Well I’ll be damned,” Adina said standing from her spot on the old, frumpy rec room couch. “I didn’t think you’d show.”    “Just as surprised,” Grace responded, flinching away from Adina’s arms as she tried to hug her former daughter.    “And who’s this?” she asked looking at Severus.    Before he could speak up, Grace cut in, “This is Severus Snape. He’s one of my professors at school and he’s great and he adopted me. So he’s my true family now.” Her scowl towards Adina transitioned to admiration when she shot a glance towards her dad.    “Pleasure to meet you, Severus.”    “Likewise,” his voice was laced with venom as she shook her hand as he had nothing but resentment for the woman.    Grace smirked at Adina’s slight reaction to Severus’ overwhelming aura of absolute hatred.    “Well, please, sit,” Adina gestured at another couch, exactly like the one adjacent. The two of them sat, Grace, letting out a huff as she took her hands out of her pockets and crossed her arms. She looked at the woman sitting across from her; she looked sickly, her body was covered in track marks that had barely faded against her pale skin, and those teeth were probably fake as well. It was nice to see Karma had done her part on Grace’s mother, no matter in what form it was. Grace hoped her father was doing just as bad rotting in prison.    “So, tell me about this special Wizarding school you go to, Grace. I always knew you were special. Always making strange things happen when you were little.”    Grace narrowed her eyes, “Are you stalking me now?”    She shook her head, “No. Well, maybe a wee bit. I called up your last foster family, The Nobles. They filled me in and told me where I could find you.”    “Remind me to hex them,” Grace mumbled loud enough for Severus to hear.    “Is it really wise to be speaking openly about magic in public?” he asked.    “With what everyone here talks about on a daily basis and the shite they see?”    Severus shrugged, Fair enough.    Adina turned back to Grace, “And of course I’ve been keeping up on all of your achievements here in our world. Figure skating competitions, dance recitals, violin and piano recitals; that’s all stuff anyone can look up on Google, dear.”    Grace rolled her eyes, “Well I had to give all of that stuff up on behalf of attending Hogwarts because I simply don’t have the time, but I still enjoy it. But I’ve found other stuff to do at my new school.”    “Such as?”    “I play Quidditch. It’s… It’s quite hard to explain, but my position is pretty important.”    “And are you doing well in your classes?”    “A bit too well. I think I annoy the teachers sometimes,” she smirked at Severus.    “Nobody likes a know-it-all, Grace Audrey.”    “Audrey? Whatever happened to Grace Adina?” the older woman raised a brow.    “I changed that shit as soon as I entered the foster system. Like I’d want to have anything that reminded me of you,” Grace glared at the woman in front of her. Severus bit his tongue to correct Grace on her language and attitude but then he realized, This woman deserves everything that’s gonna be handed to her.    “Now, now, Gracie. Watch your tongue.”    “Who are you to tell me what to do? Who are you to think you have any control over me? You were the one who was too high to protect me from him when I was seven-years-old! If you had any love for me, you wouldn’t have shot up! You were supposed to be there to stop him, to do something! And you could’ve cared less about me! You cared more about your fucking drugs!”    Severus looked around the rec room and noticed that not just one light was flickering, but they all were starting to erratically flicker. They flickered faster as Grace’s voice got louder. Uh-oh.    Adina narrowed her eyes, “That’s no way to talk to your moth-“    “You are not my mother!” Grace stood up, fists clenched so tightly her knuckles were white, and in an instant, the lights in the room got extremely bright and with a pop, the room went dark. Grace flinched and covered her ears at the loud pop, unaware she was the one who caused it.    Before the patients could start a commotion, one of the staff flipped the breaker, turning the lights back on.    “Okay, I think we’re done here,” Severus stood, taking Grace by the arm and pulling her away from a terrified Adina.    Before they left, Grace called over her shoulder her final words to her former mother, “And leave me the hell alone, or I swear to god I’ll-“ she didn’t get finish before Severus pulled her out the door.
   Once outside, Grace’s emotions finally washed over her; her eyes were full of tears and she was bloody pissed. She went over to a narrow alley across the street and punched a wall. “Fuck!” she yelled clutching her hand.    Severus ran over to her, “Now why would you think that’d be a good idea?”    “I don’t know! I just needed to punch something and- ugh! That bloody hurt!”    “Well, yeah, you punched a brick wall, She-Hulk!”    Grace took a few deep breaths and wiped her tears, “I’m sorry.”    “For? The wall doesn’t have feelings, Gracie,” he was trying his best to get her to laugh.    “No, for- for in there.”    “Grace, don’t you dare apologize.”    “But-“    “Grace,” he pulled her into a hug. “You didn’t do anything wrong. Although, you’ll have to learn how to control your emotions better. Surprised you didn’t blow up the whole building.”    “Huh?” she looked up at her dad, confused.    “You blew the circuit in there.”    “Wait, that was me?”    “Yes, you honestly didn't know that?”    “No! That’s so cool! I’m like, a superhero or something. Miss… Electric! No… Electric Shock? Nah, I think that one is taken.”    Severus rolled his eyes, at least she was smiling again.    “Ooh! Before we leave, I wanna show you something!” she grabbed Severus’ hand and started leading the way.
   When Severus thought “something,” he thought maybe a park or a monument. Not a bloody path that led to a treacherous rope bridge to a tiny island! First of all, he was pretty sure they were trespassing.    “It's closed. Weather isn’t good enough today. I used to come here all the time when I was little,” she said as she jumped the fence.    “Grace, no.”    “Grace, yes. Now c’mon! Hop it!”    “If we get arrested, I’m not paying for your bail,” he said as he reluctantly hopped the fence.    And then the rope bridge. He was going to kill Grace. She went first, and about halfway over, because she thinks she’s bloody funny, started shifting her weight, making the bridge sway.    “Grace Audrey McClivert-Snape!”    And she just kept laughing her ass off. Yup, he was going to kill her.    Finally, they got across, “Welcome to Carrick-A-Rede Island!”    Severus looked around, there was only a single building on the small island and it was surrounded by the sea and Ireland’s Cliffs. “It is pretty amazing.”    “Right?” she walked over to the edge, breathing in the sea breeze. She sat down, legs hanging off of the edge. She looked over her shoulder to her dad and patted the grass next to her, “I promise the edge isn’t gonna break off.”    “I swear, Grace…” but he sat next to her anyway.    “Thank you for coming today.”    “You don’t have to face everything on your own, Grace,” he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “You shouldn’t have to, at least.”    “Thank you. It really does mean a lot… Hey, speaking of not being alone, when are you going to tell Phoebe how you feel?”    “What?” Severus asked, trying to sound oblivious.    “Dad, it’s obvious you like Phoebe. Perhaps even love her. You need to tell her before she goes back to New York. The Universe is giving you a second chance and if you don’t take it now, then she’s never going to come back!”    He knew she was right, he just didn’t want to admit it, and he didn’t want to admit that he was indeed in love with Phoebe. “Shut up, Grace.” But she just smirked, knowing she was right all along.
   Severus was able to find an apparition point to return home to Snape Manor. Grace was emotionally exhausted, and all she could do was say goodnight to everyone before heading upstairs to her room. But something was blocking her door. When she finally got the door open enough to squeeze through, she gasped; her room was full of dozens of sunflowers.    On her bed was a note, next to Cas who was rather enjoying himself playing with the flowers. The note read: “Sorry today was awful, but I thought you could use something to brighten your gray day. I’ll pick you up tomorrow around seven. Love, Draco.”    She smiled wide, holding the note to her chest, her heart swelled. She loved that boy.
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