#yea.. I should've reblog it first but-
aaslwooo · 2 years
When Gaara was still emotionally unstable
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Until he's being told to calm down..
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Oh right, don't forget this one
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Accidentally murdered someone because he's mad.
And he's more likely killed some assassins out of fear. It's more like spontaneous. Like the Yashamaru one.
When he's more stoic, he seems like he can control the sand as wanted. Which is what we see starting on chuunin exam arc* and later on.
*Yeah he was insane, but the way he kills those rain ninja? Holding their umbrella? Even Kank calls him "polite"?? He's more out of control when he's transforming to Shukaku. It's even a close-range attack. Barely uses his sand.
Same as Shinki
Remember when he's scared or confused or feel threatened
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Until he's being calmed down..
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The sand also "calmed down" too..
Let's recall some sand jutsu users.. like the third kazekage and the fourth
They’re both fall into the "stoic type"
Just like Shinki and his dad
I'm just thinking that emotions and sand controlling have correlation somehow. So basically, you have to suppress your emotions or take a deep breath to calm down, then you have more control over the sand.
But sometimes we see the character goes more emotive then the sand just like.. go along with it.
Maybe it's because the chakra??
When you mad the chakra goes OWOAOAAOAOAOAAOAAOWAOWAOWAOAAOAAWOKAWOK but when you calmed down the chakra goes ooommmm...oommmm..ooommm..oooo...
And ooom-ooomm chakra is more controllable than OWAKOWAOK chakra
That's it.
I might be wrong though
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Reader finds out their relationship was nothing but a lie
word count: 803
In hindsight, you should've seen this coming. Yelena arrived out of nowhere. She planted herself in your life, and seemingly changed it for the better. You two were extremely happy together; calling each other things like angel and my love., having movie nights, taking each other on stupid dates. Even her group of friends welcomed you with open arms and smiles on their faces... It was amazing while it lasted
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You and Yelena hadn't seen each other for a week. Your work was keeping you occupied, and her job was as well. You worked in the government, which meant constantly being around and handling sensitive information. You were used to it, though.
The week without her was bizarre. She was distant, and it felt like the world without her was quiet and lonely. It sucked, but atleast your vacation was coming up. No work, no stress, just you and Yelena.
As soon as friday came, you kicked off your shoes and threw off your jacket, flopping on your couch with an exhausted sigh. "I'm not leaving this spot for the next 4 days." you mumbled to yourself, typing in your girlfriend's number. Atleast you had her. she had been patient with you, she loved and cared for you.
No answer.
That was fine, you knew she was busy. Time passed and eventually, you slipped into a deep sleep with one hand held around your phone and the other peacefully resting on your stomach.
The next morning, you woke up to a text from Yelena. Your heart jumped, and you felt moonstruck as if she were your first love. You fumbled to grab your phone, aggressively combing the hair out of your tired face as if she could see you
Her text read:"Hello, my love. My apologies for being busy, I've had some things to attend to. Could you please come over to my house at 10 AM? I have something I'd like to share with you."
You eagerly stood up from your awkward sleeping position from the couch and began getting ready, making sure to wear something you knew looked good on you.
You arrived at Yelena's house carrying a basket of her favorite things, knives, muffins, etc. As you walk up the stairs, you notice her door is open.
 "Huh, weird. She's usually very adamant about security."
You keep walking up the stairs as you hear your girlfriends strained and frustrated voice, worry pricking the back of your mind.
"Look, Barton. She's on her way now."
"Yea, she fucking better be, our asses are on the line here." You heard his deep voice reply back, sounding equally as frustrated.
"It hasn't even taken me that long. Earning someones trust takes time, you know this."
You recognized "Barton" as your mutual friend who you met through Yelena. You two had gotten close over the past few months, and you had never been happier with so many new friends. They were honestly better than your own family
Their voices became more clear as you got closer, practically standing a few feet the doorway now.
"Look.." He released a heavy, exhausted, sigh
"You just need to get the codes from [reader]. That's it.. then you can do whatever. Never talk to them again, act like this never happened, whatever. You just have to do this one thing.”
Your heart dropped as a million questions danced in your mind. Your breathing picked up and you felt dizzy as their conversation continued. What were Yelena and Clint talking about? 
Their voices began to sound muddled as you got lost in your own head, at this point you could barely hear their conversation as you stood in a daze, still close to the doorway.
Was your girlfriend just using you this entire time? All those nights you two spent together were just a damn lie?? all for what.. just some codes? Why does she even need them? What the hell?
Finally, you snapped out of it and realized there was sudden silence in the room you weren't even really in. You looked up and saw your girlfriend's familiar green eyes looking at you. Not with love, but with.. a blank expression you hadn't seen on her before. It was.. determination? fear? realization? Either way, she knew her cover had been blown. You had heard everything.
You stared at her, tears filling your eyes as you backed away. 
“Yelena? You there?” Clint’s voice rang through her phone, easier to hear with how suddenly quiet the world felt. 
He was in on this too. They were all in on it, it was all a fucking lie. Every single friend you made through her, every single connection was just built on dishonesty made to deceive you.
She stepped towards you as you backed away a few steps.  
“I can explain.” She said. Typical.
“No.. you can’t. If you ever call me again - No, if you ever come within 50 fucking feet of me again. I’ll.. What can you even do to someone like her? What even was her real job? Her real name? call the police.. Pathetic.
You turned on your heels, the tears finally spilling from your eyes, walking away from Yelena, who was a stranger you once knew. 
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They got what they wished for
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I was wrote this all at once so yea... Reblogs and Comments welcome and appreciated
A sort of Bryce origin story
Warnings: might be triggering for some as it does mention car crash drugs and drinking mentioned Just angst and a tiny bit of fluff. Some spoilers. It mentions injury boarding school that is very strict surgery and hospital
18+ just incase do not repost or publish anywhere
It was truely an an accident
Sure he was drinking they both had been but he had drugs in his system he shouldn't have been driving. But he was. He was and he was the cause of it all. He had opened his eyes and the first thing he did was claw and paw around for her. His first thought truely was of her. There was blood. But it was warm she was warm and then he finally breathed. He had looked and she was pale he was following her body down until- until it was just metal and plastic and then he stopped breathing again.
He was hurt too but....he had tried so hard to get out that night to get out and walk to her to closer but he couldn't. He almost didn't take her hand of of fear of hurting her but he wanted to. More than that- he needed to. Phones were smashed and the antique car as he called it didnt have an onstar. He stopped screaming for help when he realized that no on heard him and it settled on his mind that no one would ever save for her. And he didn't wa to her to hear that. He held her hand close to his face. Its going to be ok baby. You're ok you'll see. Just hang in there. It's ok. I'm right here. I'm right here. I love you im right here." He had tried not cry to but….
"Wake up will you please wake up" his soft voice had now been replaced by a pleading one.
He had gotten tired and had tried to stay awake for her but he couldn't.
It wasn't until he was being strapped to a backboard he woke up. He wasnt sure what was going on or where he was. But then it all hit him. It hit him as fast as he had hit well he wasn't even sure. He aw the light and reduce vehicles even spectators.
"No .no no! Her get her." He was ripping and pulling at the velcro trying to get it off he was pleading for her first. Eventually they had tied his hands down harder as his cried had fallen on deaf ears.
"Is she ok please?"
The EMTs had only glanced at eachother as they were loading him into an ambulance.
He had hard a fireman just before the doors were closed say "her legs got crushed should've been the rich kid."
"No no please take her first. Why why are you taking me
"Because we couldn't get to her you were in our way. Always in the way" One of them finally lashed out.
He had begged even more to just then let him wait he'd wait to leave him on the side of the road and go back.
The EMTs had called the hospital and gotten approval to give him Haldol to stop him from talking. He was never the same after that. Maybe it was a side of effect of the medication or he had hit his head in such a way that something broke and cause him to snap or maybe maybe he was truly a monster all along and he never realized it. He of course didn't notice the cba he right away.
By some miracles her legs weren't as smashed as they could have been...as they should have been.
He had only spent a few days in the hospital. He was transferred to a better hospital with better care and he recovered faster. But she she stayed in a smaller one. His family had only moved her to a better one to shut him up.
All anyone had ever told him was that she was paralyzed. Was she in a coma for a week and the moment he was released from his hospital he went to her. He had sat with her every day and had sneaked in at night or rather thats what people let him believe.
Her parents overall weren't happy that thier daughter was with him. But he had money and that was a promising life style. After all all parents could do is hope that thier children will be taken care of. And he did love her. Everyone knew it. And to his parents it was a nuisance. Only his grandfather saw the love he had for her. And idiotic moment that's he'd once rid himself of once he realized that her station was to serve him not sit with him. This accident didn't change this. She had surgery for one leg at a time and each time he sat there with them waiting even more nervous than they were. His eyes were red and watery the whole time. Each time the surgon came out he had held his breath his hand holding or rather gripping his shirt. And when the surgon had said everything was fine he let out
The biggest breath of air and cried in happiness.
He didn't want her to focus on her legs or the long road to whatever recovery there was so they had never spoken about them even if it was good news. She would say I'm getting better. And that was all. They talked about other thing they played gin rummy bargain watched movies talked about any and everything else. A few times even marriage
" did you Know my motherr and father own nothing no house but I would want nothing more than to have Mr.. and Mrs on the deed. Next to our signature.What do you say?"
"Id say it sounds good not that our parents-"
"screw parents mine can go to hell for I care but yours are warming up to me."
Shed give him a small smile
"I think k they appreciate they thingsyou've done. Well almost everything."
Then another time
"How would you feel about a while fence. No giant gates but a simple white fence with a large ranch house houses for our kids."
"Of course and we can't forget osrtraches."
"Or lamas"
"Can it have a large porch and a sunroof ive always wanted that."
"Then thats what you'll get " he had sealed the promise with a kiss.
"But no ostriches."
And then the lawsuit came and he truely had to sneak around. She had been somewhat shielded against it while he was grilled relentlessly. Lawyers had only asked her a few questions but he. Well he didn't think about it when he was with her. And he had only tried to be with her. But it didn't always work.
It had became harder and harder for him to see her. Once details had been "leaked" about certain things in news and gossip the nurses which once saw him as a loving ad caring boyfriend now just saw an evil rich kid on a dalliance stringing her along to make it look good for the lawyers a d the court. Only a few, on the night shift who had seen him sleepily some in and out when no one was around to know could trust the love in his eyes
One night he had said
"I love you I promise that I'll be back." He had kissed her tender and hugged her.
"Stay until I fall asleep. Please?"
"Of course my love."
He held her hand.
"There is one thing you forgot about your parents money- you can do whatever makes you happy, anything you want."
"I just want you."
"You have me."
"you have me, too." He wispered close to her lips and kissed her.
She smiled as she fell asleep. He really did love her so much at that moment. He had given her one last kiss after he turned the TV off. Right before he left.
The promise was never kept.
She never saw him walk out of her life. And he decided it was a good thing. Perhaps it was a good thing.
The next day his parents had sent him away to some boarding school in Colorado.. he had gotten home too late and was too tired to notice his bags had been picked. But then again he had also been taken rather roughly. He didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. And he had begged but once again his pleas fell on deaf ears.
His emails had bounced back. Calls were strictly monitored but he hadn't memorized her number. But He had written her letters but he got nothing back. He'd never know she never got any. But he had to know something happened. He never spoke with himself about what.
When he had found out about the settlement he was told one stipulation was he was never to have any sort of contact with her again. He was told by his parents they take away everything from her if he did. And he'd go to jail. Jail he didn't care about or about himself. But her well being? Was everything to him. And that never stopped not once.
On her birthday he had always sent flowers anonymously. She never knew who sent them. And she would never.
Bryce never did find out she wasn't actually paralyzed once the swelling went down and perhaps which his parents did keep up thier end of the bargain none of which hinged on Bryce staying away. If only he had known.
So he had changed. He wasn't the Bryce she had loved. But she would never find that out. The Bryce he was, was pretended to be the same ol but charming still he fooled everyone but himself not that he ever admitted anything to himself . The Bryce he was was the one everyone else hated but supposedly tolerated more than the one he had been with her... they apprently oppposed his in-love-do-anything-for-her-because-he-was - i e happy- and-in-love-Bryce to this one the one he hated not that hed ever admit any of that that to himself.. he only did what he did.. when he had returned home he never went looking.. once he asked if she was happy. If she was safe. He used her name. Not her or she.. but the name he had loved the name he had planned to say forever when he would come home when he'd call when he held it seemed to be erased the hopes were erased as he was told by his father that she was not to be a concern for him any longer. She was his past and he had a future to look to a future without or lest he forget the arrangement- did he want her to not have the care and money to help her withdrawn forever? No. "Then her name was not to heard this house or from his mouth again" and he better not hear anyone tell him or his family diffrent. She was simply a she Bryce needed to forget that he would forget. Every she and her was spit out full of venom and hate. He never forgot that tone on his father's voice. A tone and side only Bryce saw not his sister. Just Bryce.
So Bryce changed to study bones and dust feeling that thats what his life had become no one could judge him if they didnt know his name. If they couldn't Google him. Drugs dampened pain so did the numerous women who he imagined and he really did imagine and it worked that it was her so it allowed him some semblance of happiness and joy and carefree. Short-lived but then there was another he had imagined all the same. The women never cared. Only 1 person ever did and he couldn't ever be the cause of her pain again.
He had folled almost everyone. But he never had... but it didn't matter.
He never remembered what truely happened the day his father was shot. But his father did call him a monster for what had happened that night with the car. The car was destroyed and it was a beautiful car. A girl injured causing trouble. Nothing was said of the girl herself minus what he had no business being with her in the first place that, "she has no place with our people she isn't fierce enough. She'd be eaten alive." And so she had been.
His grandfather had believed thats why he had shot his father. His father had rampaged about it again and he just lost his cool in a moment. But it was still an act. One he swore to himself he didn't do. Thats what his Grandfather had believed- that Bryce was good at heart. If he had been he wasn't anymore not since he lost her. But not even his grandfather saw the change in him. No one did. But she would have.
No matter what act of kindness he did to right any wrongs Bryce could never fix it. Never fix him. And he knew but he tried Maybe he was truely evil.
And maybe everything the kind and caring moments and love he felt was truely imagined. Maybe it was all imagination. All he knew was they wanted- they saw a monster and now they got a monster.
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@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @sparklybarbarianninja @patzammit @hawkeyes-queen
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winter-spark · 3 months
This is a formal apology to the Zafran Princes and their moms, namely Citron's mom.
So like idk if you saw my post about their moms but there were already sorta cracks in my foundation for Citron's mom as I hopped over to the chapter where the moms and half-sibling talk was explained by Guy and read exactly one line from it: "As he was born to king's fourth wife, a commoner, his right to inherit was disputed at first"
I only read that line because it fact-checked me enough(? proved me wrong already?), I was like "oh I was wrong about them not being married", and I mean I was but that's all I looked at, now stuck on the "fourth wife" because "wait plus the Queen or not plus the Queen." because that changes things if not plus the Queen. In the reblog tags of the post I'm referencing @/nilikhangdiwa was kind enough to share thoughts on my little inquiry, that it probably includes the Queen meaning that two of the princes are full-blooded brothers and that the game is probably implying that Orange and Navel are full brothers but if one was crazy that could do any pair. To which I say I am crazy but we'll discuss that more in a minute.
So I went back to the scene to get the rest of the explanation becuase I figure if I'm gonna go in with this I'm gotta actually refresh my the info I had, I missed one detail so chances are I missed another. And besides him literally referring to the queen as the first wife, I did miss something else.
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And I'm so sorry to Citron's mom, I missed that she's now a concubine too. Like Guy legitmately (althought somewhat indirectly) refers to her as one of the concubines, I thought she was separate from them, that's what happens when your reading comprhension is subpar, and you rely primarily on memory for something you read while binging a lot of the series. Even if you did read it more that once. But yea, she was born a commoner and is now a concubine, I am so sorry ma'am I think it changes 0 about her dynamic with Citron but I guess learning to be in higher class society gives her a bit to be busy with in the earliest of days maybe, she has less excuses when he got older, but this is an apology none the less. I am sorry for leaving out a core detail about you outside of your son.
And to the Zafran Princes, sans Citron, I am very sorry for depriving two of you from sharing a mom. Citron I'm sorry for excluding you because I really would love to look at the potential of you sharing a mom with one of the other three, canon suggests that you are your mother's only son because why else would people prefer Orange and/or Navel to the son of a commoner if they to were born form her. (also Guy refers to them as Citron's half siblings so that closes that window). Either pair would go hard though. Like legitmately I love both the idea of Citron and Orange & Citron and Navel being fullblooded brothers because
1) uh big rivalry and attempted murder kidnapping plot, growing up at odds, Orange's whole inferiority-superiority complex thing, then both bonding better with one of the younger two showing they have the potential to be good/chill brothers to each other, or or or
2) Navel being much closer to Orange and then being on Orange's side while Orange and Citron are literally competing for the same spot, and like Navel's competing too but he's supporting Orange, while being bitter towards Citron.
But also it's okay for a couple of reasons, one fullblooded or not they're all still brothers, two, in my head Orange and Navel aren't fullblooded so Citron Orange and Navel's relationships with each other all should've started on equal footing and Citron still end up on the opposite end, while the other two practically became in separable besties.
So you can probably see where I'm heading and you're might just be thinking one of two things: 1) "why not make Orange and Navel fullblooded brothers", or 2) "are you not interested in idea of Citron and Tangerine being fullbrothers, you didn't even mention it."
Or something completely different I guess. And there's multiple reasons for that.
As for Tangerine and Citron, I do think it's neat and it'd make sense and at first, I couldn't decide which I liked better but I do think I'm drawn to the idea of the two who share both parents, thus being expected to get along by association actually having a stronger bond with not them. Which is not what I was thinking when I decided "not Orange and Navel" but can be added to that list I suppose. But here's my reasons for not Orange and Navel:
I've already got a very specific image of their moms in my head, to combine these women into one woman feels wrong. (Meanwhile, I'm still working out info on Tangerine's mom) (Also it just makes sense for the three concubine wives to have each had a kid before another one of them had another kid.)
I'd have to consider the idea that they are twins. Which is fine and valid but it throws off my number so I'm not claiming that. (But you can totally do that, you are not bound but what I do. It is 100% possible that they are intended to be twins, Orange born first)
How I've written Orange, Navel and Tangerine's interactions.
And somewhat what it would mean in canon for one of the two to be Tangerine's fullblooded brother.
So Orange & Tangerine or Navel & Tangerine? Which am I going to claim are fullblooded brothers? I haven't entirely decided yet. But let's discuss!
Orange & Tangerine:
They say to put the weak point in the middle, to finish strong. I'm dumb a rebel, and will be potentially starting with the strongest option. But I flesh things out as I type them so we'll see when this is finished.
See, see, in canon, Tangerine is close to Citron, literally the closest person to him and like only close person to him for a long time was Citron. Citron is his super cool super caring older brother. His favorite person. His comfort, and peace. Citron brought him joy. While for Orange, for the longest time, Citron was a rival, borderline enemy, he was the biggest obstacle in his path to get what he thought would might bring him happiness. Citron didn't make sense, but was oh-so-lucky and just his presence rubbed that in Orange's face. With Citron as the heir, Orange wouldn't know peace. Then! Then, Orange nearly gets Citron killed and it's because of Tangerine that he and the theater were saved. (Tangerine is the one who warned Mika, Izumi & Spring Troupe which changed their paths leading to Chikage and Itaru looking for and being able to find Citron.)
Additionally Orange spent nearly his whole life fighting for the throne, but with his last-ditch desperate effort to get it, he lost it entirely and Tangerine gained it, something he spent nearly his whole life unconcerned with. The same event changed both their lives in a way neither would have ever expected.
Orange and Tangerine's lives are opposite each other. They're like foils of sorts. (Navel & Tangerine are too, some of this stuff somewhat slightly applies to them but let's put a pin in that.) Then there's who they are (in my head, yup my headcanons.)
They both have sweet tooths and remember how Tangerine didn't know how to do anything, I get that vibe from Orange, not like completely has never done things/doesn't know how they work, I think he has approximate knowledge and is very awkward about it all. (In my head I've envisioned/displayed/understood this as shopping but that's a story for another day.) I think they've both got a sorta certainty of how they present themselves to others (there's very minimal change at big events, to in plain public, to in private). And Tangerine being a frog kid and Orange being an Owl kid, ground and flight, brings back their opposite-ness.
Additionally, with who Orange's mother is, and what she's like, it's not hard to believe she didn't spend much time talking to Tangerine she barely spent time talking to Orange. So yea that checks.
And in my writing, it's funny that Orange doesn't know how to interact with Tangerine while on the other hand, Tangerine doesn't even think that hard about it it seems, he just does. (When they do interact) That lends to both me wanting to pick them and not. Because Orange overthinking how to interact with Tangerine because if anyone, he should have a good relationship with him but what does that mean? vs Orange overthinking because how what do they even talk about, they have almost nothing in common but he wants to get along with him like why shouldn't they get along but how? Both are very appealing to me. Especially when adding Navel's dynamic with Tangerine to the mix. But I'll get to that in a moment.
So yea, I am very into this idea of Orange and Tangerine being fullblooded brothers. Very appealing. But now let's take a look at
Navel and Tangerine:
Sure I could be like yea what applies to Orange applies to Navel but it's not that simple. See, sure Navel was a part of all that but Navel isn't all the way on the far end of Orange on the scale from Orange to Tangerine, he's in the middle, well past the middle, towards Orange, but not all the way there. So then what was the deal with me saying Navel is also a foil of sorts with Tangerine and that stuff there somewhat applies here?
Well, basically if Orange & Tangerine are Red & Blue, Navel & Tangerine are Yellow & Blue, (Citron's Green obvi) if that makes sense. Navel is similar to Orange, for the sake of the analogy, a warm color, but different from him, so of course he's gonna have similar differences between him and Tangerine that Orange did but they're not the same, like Red and Yellow both warm colors but not one to one, so when paired with Blue, a cool color, it's a warm cool combo but it's different because Red and Yellow are not the same.
See, Navel was there for all that big kidnap Citron event but even with the change in his life his stakes in it were always different from Orange's, so yes like Orange the thing he'd been fighting for nearly his whole life and Tangerine earned it sure that's similar but it's different for them.
Navel and Tangerine both never really expected to get the throne. Being in trouble and punished for a plot you passively agreed with is something Navel didn't want but for him, it's not a surprise that he's not getting the throne maybe being stripped of all chances of it is a surprise but I've discussed this before, he's fighting for it but he's supporting Orange because he knows he doesn't have a chance. But for Tangerine, it was a surprise, he was never in the fight for it so it's all new. Additionally in the results of the event they see their older brother, the one they're supporting in the best way they can, the one they're closest to, lose what they've dedicated their whole life to.
And what actually makes this more interesting to me, is they're on opposing sides, if you count Citron and Orange as two separate sides, but that has nothing to do with them and more to do with the fact that they both latched onto an older brother. Navel stuck by Orange's side, despite the fact that if he was really fighting for the throne Orange was his competition too. But instead, he was team Orange, a part of the fight but almost relenting his spot. Tangerine never joined the competition but he did latch onto Citron, Citron was his person so much so that as we see in HQ, when he's stressed out it's Citron he turns to. Funnily enough, while he's never fought Citron for the throne he is the one who won it in the end. Which is somewhat parallel to Navel because he was fighting but essentially gave it up to Orange, while Tangerine wasn't but I don't want to say took but you know... Took it from Citron. (I couldn't think of another word but you get what I'm saying right?)
Anyway, what I really wanted to bring up in regards to this topic is, and I've said this before but, they're both so My Grand Plan coded, they're lonely but hard-working. Sure you can say all the princes are lonely and hard-working but these two were nearly invisible. Obviously, they're princes everyone knows they exist but they're not likely to be the heir to the point that Tangerine wasn't in the competition and Navel became "or Navel" (Orange or Navel). They're so similar in that regard. Which makes it a little sadder if they are the fullblooded brothers because gosh why are both that concubine's kids sideline?
Anyway! on to the part about headcanons foil-ing! I think they both tend to have sweeter(? friendlier?) dispositions but like I think Navel tries not to. Not to not be friendly per say but more that he worries about being to childish and thus tries to be more serious where as I said before Tangerine seems more sure of himself in the way that he is as he is as stated above in the Orange section. Also where Tangerine has a sweet tooth, Navel is more a fan of the spicy flavors.
And I actually can see their mom's being the same woman because she actually is very concerned with the throne race and I think it would return to my initial knee-jerk consideration that maybe Tangerine's mom doesn't pay as much attention to him as he has no chance of getting the crown anyway. It'd be sorta interesting at least because in my head she's on Navel a lot about presenting properly and so I wonder if Tangerine does "better" at that than when Navel was younger. Something to think more on I suppose.
Then there's my writing. And this wasn't intentional but Navel sorta just treats Tangerine like a little brother, they don't interact much but when they do he's just chill and like there's no problem. And that's part of the thing that I think is funny in comparison to how Orange interacts with Tangerine because he's like "how's he doing that" when he sees them interacting all chill-like I think it's funny either way (Orange being Tangerine's fullblooded brother, or Navel being Tangerine's fullblooded brother)
Also where Tangerine is like "my cool helpful big brother Citronia" Navel is like "tch, Citronia's looking down on me. *is rude**feels bad about it but won't say it*"
And I realize this got way less organized as I went on but thinking is getting harder and I did try to fix it but I know the points also got weaker. While I should probably draft this and edit it later, I don't want to so here's my verdict:
I'm still really fond of Navel and Tangerine being the full-brothers, they were my first choice between the two before I decided to think about it. But I do think Orange and Tangerine are really cool too and works really well. And so, I'm gonna play around with both ideas for a while until I decide which I like better. And I'll just play it by ear per AU/fic I create. Whichever feels like it is the case with what's been present, like, I'm not gonna pre-plan, just gonna let the story tell me itself. For example in my Tangled HS AU, I'm pretty sure it's Tangerine and Navel, but in my Pirates AU I'm thinking it might be Tangerine and Orange. But like I'm down for anyone else's picks/reasonings.
(And if you find a way to loophole Citron into being a pick, let me know.)
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lucivinyl · 2 years
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golden hour
pairing : kaeya x gn!reader
summary : domestic fluff featuring: hair-in-two-ponytails kaeya, eyepatch-off kaeya, subtle talk of marriage
note : reblogs appreciated :)
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Nothing beats a day off in the middle of the week. Summer has just passed, and autumn is quick to fill the gap with warm-colored leaves and fleeting days. Breeze after breeze whistles in through open windows and wraps around you as you sprawl on the couch, catching up on a book you've been putting aside for weeks. All is well in this moment of tranquility.
That is until Kaeya shatters it with a yell from the kitchen. "Ouch-"
A pause later. "Darling? I need some help here."
You exhale through your nose as you roll off the cozy seat. When Kaeya proposed that he cook dinner today, you already had your doubts. At least there isn't any smoke coming out of the kitchen.
"What's wrong– pfft," 
Kaeya has his back to you when you enter, and you come face to face with the two symmetrical ponytails sticking out of his head. A chuckle leaves you involuntarily, as if you aren’t the sole reason his hair ended up looking like this.
He whips his head around at the sound and points down at his apron. Kiss the chef , it says. 
"Did you call me just for this?" You dead-pan.
"Do it first, it's the rule," he leans in, eyes closed in eagerness, the upcurl of his lips barely concealed. You go for a quick smooch, evanescent yet tender all the same, and he chases toward you even as you pull back, like a cat drawn to the sun. It gives your heart a little jolt, and you indulge him by giving him another peck.
"So what is it?" You gaze over at the counter, where cut ingredients are laid out as if on display. Skewers then, his specialty.
"Just a little cut on my finger." He raises his hand, not even half as bothered as he should be. From the looks of it, it must've been a shallow cut, but due to the few moments of neglect, the red has begun streaking down his ring finger. A frown finds its way to your face, "You really should've started with this. Clean the wound first."
The first aid kit is stored in the bedroom. By the time you've grabbed it, the blood has already been washed off, leaving only a gaping memory on his flesh. You pull him out into the living room and sit him down on the couch, eyes focused and mouth thinned as you tend to the wound. First, cotton to dab away the blood that's threatening to spill again, then the cool jelly-like ointment to prevent infection. At last, you peel off the backing of the bandage and fold it around his finger. It may as well be the best-looking bandage ever, its edges lined up perfectly. 
"Mm," he hums as he examines your work. "Do you have more?"
You pause in the middle of tidying up the items, "Yea, why?"
"Watch this," he takes a spare one and your hand too, and you watch as he mimics your concentration, albeit with more clumsiness. The band-aid adheres to your unblemished skin, and a proud smile graces his face. "Doesn't it look an awful lot like matching rings?"
Your chest swells as you look back and forth at your fingers. "If this is your way of proposing, just know that there's no way I'm accepting it."
"Aw, come on!" He swings his arm around your shoulder, pulling you flush against him. "It may not be made out of diamonds–"
"It's just plastic ,"
"-- but it's still a symbol of my love!"
Below your mask of playful irritation, you study his expression. It's a skill you've acquired after all these years– to look for signs when others only see the surface. Underneath the thick mischief is careful curiosity. You can tell by the way your hand is held like fragile glass in his hold, the restrained dart of his eyes, one icy, another the color of spilled gold. He's testing the water, you muse.  
Kaeya is not an open book, but you're always willing to learn the tricky language in which he's written.
"At least look the part if you're going to propose," you toy with his dangling ponytails before leaving the couch. He follows suit, caging you with his arms around your middle so you have to walk like an inconvenient crab. 
"Is that a green light?" 
"Not so fast." You tuck the kit away and head back to the kitchen. "It'll depend on your culinary skills, and so far it's not looking promising."
"Then rest assured, my love, I will whip up something that puts even the chefs at Wanmin to shame." He tightens his hair before getting to work, and all through the evening your house is filled with this impenetrable warmth that keeps the late, chilly wind at bay.
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